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TAHUN 2019

Read the text and then answer the questions!

To face the National Sport Day, our school will prepare the School Sport Team.
For this purpose, during this week we are going to have a class competition to
find out best athletes. Each class should prepare its team and attend the
program. The sports will be competed are basketball, volleyball, badminton
and table tennis. Registration will be with Mr.Ikhsan.

1. The text is written to….

A. inform about national Sport Day
B. describe about the School Sport Team
C. announce the class meeting competition to all students
D. tell how to participate in the class meeting competition
2. What should the students do to participate in the class meeting competition?
A. take part in every meeting
B. Be the member of committee
C. Register their team to Mr.Ikhsan
D. Meet the Principal of SMP Harapan Bangsa
3. “Each class should prepare its team and attend the program.”
The undelined word is closest in meaning to….
A. join
B. open
C. arrange
D. manage

All students Grade IX

Your are invited to :

Day / Date : Saturday, 3 June 2017

Time : 10.00 a.m
Venue : Ball Room, Graha Vidya – Jatiluhur, Purwakarta

Come and join us.

*Invitation cards are available at the OSIS room.
4. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To invite all the students of grade IX to the graduation party
B. To give some information about graduation party
C. To confirm an appointment in graduation
D. To invite the teachers in graduation party
5. Where will the graduation party be held?
A. In the school
B. In the OSIS room
C. In the teachers’ room
D. In Graha Vidya Jatiluhur

Dear Dania,

We’re very glad for your success, Dania.

Be happy and rock the world with your voice !
Well done & we’ll always support you.

Your cousins,
Mody & Elfa
6. Mody and Elfa send the card….
A. to support Dania to be a good singer
B. to encourage Dania to be successful
C. to appreciate Dania’s achievement
D. to ask Dania to be a good singer
7. What will Mody and Elfa do after Dania get success?
A. They will do anything for her voice
B. They will pray for her happiness
C. They will give happiness for her
D. They will always support her

Dear Mom,

I will come late because my classmates and I are going to clean our classroom.
To celebrate the Independence Day, the school holds “The Clean Classroom
Contest.” We will clean and decorate it. Wish me luck, Mom. Ask Dad to pick me
up at 4.30 p.m.

Love you,


8. The message is informing about….

A. going home late
B. Independence Day
C. the clean classroom contest
D. cleaning and decorating class

Congratulations, Ray !

Your graduation proves all of your hard work and determination.

Well done !
Keep up the good work !

Your beloved aunt,


9. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text ?

A. To congratulate Ray who has just graduated
B. To determine if Ray has graduated well
C. To prove Ray who has worked hard
D. To inform Ray’s graduation

Dear Sahir,

Your brother and I are stting off to your uncle’s home. We will be there for two
days. Your uncle will organize his son’s wedding, Ali. He asked us to come
there. So I hope you stay at home. Don’t go out at night. Keep in mind to have
lunch and dinner and wash your clothes. Take your money that I put in the
drawer in my bed room

Your mom

10. What is the writer ‘s intention to write the above text ?

A. To tell Sahir that he may take his money in the drawer in his bedroom
B. To inform Sahir that she will go to his uncle’s house for 2 days
C. To remind Sahir to buy food and wash his clothes by himself
D. To show Sahir how to set off to their uncle’s home correctly
11. What does Sahir’s mother ask him to do at home?
A. to go out at night
B. to keep his bed clean
C. to save all his money
D. to wash his own clothes
12. “He asked us to come there.”
The underlined word refers to….
A. Ali
B. Sahir
C. father
D. uncle

Dear Radit,

I’ve just got the news that our uncle passed away one hour ago.
We are going to leave for Malang soon to attend the funeral.
Please be here before 7 a.m. because we are going to catch the earliest train.
Send the photo of your family identity. I am going to book the tickets now.
Don’t forget to remind your wife and children to notice the train schedule.
Tell the newa to your wife’s family.


13. They must gather before 7 a.m. because….

A. they are going to catch the earliest train
B. they want to leave for Malang together
C. they must book the ticket first
D. the place is far
14. Why does the writer send the message?
A. To ask the reader to go soon
B. To ask the reader to visit their uncle
C. To make the reader understand about uncle
D. To tell the reader that their uncle passed away


To all teachers and staff of MERDEKA JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL

A one-day meeting will be held this week:

Time : March 7th, 2017 at 9 a.m – 3 p.m
Place : AVA Room
Topic : National Examination Preparation
Due to importance of the meeting, please be punctual.
Let’s share our ideas to improve our students achiement
in the National Examination.

Head of the National Examination Committee

15. Based on the text, the invitee….

A. mustn’t come late for the meeting
B. are able to solve the examination problem
C. should help the students in the examination
D. can’t discuss the suggestions and ideas in the meeting
16. What is the announcement about?
A. The teachers and staff meeting
B. The topic of the National Examination
C.The information of the National Examination
D. The meeting of National Examination preparation
17. The text is intended for….
A. the students of Merdeka Junior High School
B. the head of the National Examination Committee
C. the teachers and staff of Merdeka Junior High School
D. the distinguished guests of Merdeka Junior High School

Dear Jesica,

Have you read the announcement about the school bulletin? We can send our
experience story, poetry or any other creative works. The theme of this month
is “Let’s protect animals and keep the environment green.” We can submit it to
Brian or Gina class IX B before March 15. It is a good chance for us to practice
our writing skill. What do you think?

18. What is the message about ?
A. Creative works
B. Experince stories
C. The school bulletin
D. Writing skill practice
19. What should the students do to participate in the school bulletin?
A. Inform their experience to the committee
B. Hand in their writing to Brian or Gina
C. Read aloud their creative works
D. Practise their writing skill


To : All Participants of English Competition

We have finished our activities today. The judges have decided who the
winners are. The first winner goes to Dewi, grade 9A. The second winner goes
to Handoko, grade 8C and the last one is Kartika, grade 7F. each winner will
get a certificate, a trophy and some money as prizes.

Students Council of SMP Pesona

20. What is the announcement about ?
A. The winners of the competition
B. The prizes for the winners
C. The judge’s activity
D. Three winners
21. What should all participants do after getting the announcement?
A. Repeat the competition
B. Accept the judges’ decision
C. Confirm the winners of the competition
D. Ask the judges the rule of the competition


To all students of 7th grade. Please don’t forget to bring your dictionary in the
next English lesson because we will read a story and learn new vocabularies.
It will be used to help you learn English.
Penalty will be given to students who don’t bring the dictionary.

Thank you,

Miss Tita Novianti

22. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To tell all the students to bring a dictionary
B. To announce the activity in the English course
C. To tell grade 7 students to join student gathering
D. To remind the 7th grade student to bring their dictionaries

The Eiffel Tower is located on the Champ de Mars in Paris. Built in 1889, it has
become both a global icon of France and one of the most recognizable building in the
world. The tower is the highest building in Paris and the most-visited monument in the
world. Millions of people visit it every year. The engineer Gustave Eiffel came up with
his name for this tower. The tower was built as the entrance arch to the 1889 World’s
The tower is 324 metres (1,063ft ) tall, and is as high as an 81-story building. Upon
its completion, it is higher than the Washington Monument to assume the title of the
tallest man-made structure in the world, a title it held for 4 years, until the Chrysler
Building in New York City was built in 1930; but, due to the additional in 1957 of the
antenna, the tower is now higher than the Chrysler Building and it is the second-tallest
structure in France after the 2004 Millau Viaduct.

23. What is the topic of the text?

A. The builder of the Eiffel Tower
B. The location of the Eiffel Tower
C. The function of the Eiffel Tower
D. The description of the Eiffel Tower
Dear Syakira,

Let’s get together

One more time
To celebrate my birthday
Agenda : Music show, mmagic show, dance
Monday December 31st
At 7 p.m
At my sweet home
Jl. Dahlia 39


24. What program will be held in Fikry’s birthday?

A. Music show, magic show, dance
B. Music show, dance competition
C. Music show, magic trick
D. Magic and dance
25. What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To remind people the coming of the birthday party
B. To make someone happy in birthday party
C. To invite a friend to attend birthday party
D. To tell importance of the birthday party

On Thursday, 24 April, the eight year student, went to Botanic Garden. We went
there by bus.
Once arrived at the gardens, we walked down to the Education Centre to observe.
Our observation was started by going to the Orchid Farm with Mrs. Rita who read us
some information. Then we looked at all the lovely plants. After that, we went down to a
little spot in the Botanic Garden and had morning tea.
Next, we took some pictures and went back to the Education Centre to have lunch
before we went for a walk. A lady took us around and introduced herself, and explained
what we were going to do. Afterwards, she took us to the green house, the most
interesting place. Soon after we had finished looking at the house we went outside.
Finally, we got into the bus and returned to school. We were very tired but happy.

26. The text is written to….

A. inform the readers about Botanic Gaden
B. describe the facilities inside the Botanic Garden
C. tell the readers about writer’s Botanic Garden
D. persuade the readers to visit Botanic Garden
27. The writer and his friends went back to the Botanic Garden to….
A. look around the centre
B. have lunh together
C. observe the green house
D. observe the plants
28. When did they have lunch?
A.Before going to Orcjid Farm
B. After taking some pictures
C. Before taking some pictures
D. After gong to the green house
29. “Then we looked at the lovely plants.”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to…
A. fresh
B. healthy
C. beautiful
D. attractive
The Ant and the Dove

One hot day, an ant was seeking for some water. After walking around for a moment, she
came tp a spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb a blade of grass. While making her
way up, she slipped and fell unintentionally into the water.

She could have sunk if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing the ant was in
trouble, the dove quickly put off a leaf from a tree and dropped it immediately into the
water near the struggling ant. Then the ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there.
Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.

Not long after that, there was a hunter nearby who was throwing out his net towards the
dove, hoping to trap it. Guessing what he should do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel.
Feeling the pain, the hunter dropped his net and the dove flew away quickly from this net.

30. Why did the ant climb up a blade of grass?

A. The ant was hungry
B. She liked to play there
C. There were some foods
D. She wanted to seek some water
31. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To inform the readers about the lesson of the story
B. To describe the sequential events happened in the story above
C. To recite the story of how the dove and the ant rescue each other
D. To amuse the readers about the ant and the dove
32. What can you learn from the text above?
A. Don’t repay the kindness from someone
B. It’s easy to despise what you can not have
C. Little friend may prove to be a great friend
D. When you do a goodness, a good fortune will approach you

My sister and I went to see a film last night. It was an American movie called The
Lost Flight. It showed how people can quickly change when they have to lokk after
themselves in a jungle. The fils starts with the incident of a plane crashed on a small
empty island in the Pacific Ocean.
Although the passengers were safe, nobody knew where the plane had crashed. So,
the passengers had to learn how to hunt for food in the jungle and how to catch fish from
the sea. After a few weeks, the passengers were only eating raw fish and meat.
After they had been on the island for two months, three men made a boat and
sailed away to find help. But their boat sank and they were drowned. The film ended
without saying whether the passengers were rescued or not. However, my sister and I
enjoyed the film.

33. The text above mainly discuss….

A. film revies
B. the synopsis
C. the writer’s experience
D. the plane crshed incident

Volcanic eruptions have caused some of the worst disasters in the world. They can wipe
out entire cities and kill thousands of people. The name of the volcano comes from Roman
term. It derives from Vulcan which is the name of Roman Fire God. Romans believed that
the Vulcan lived on a volcanic Italian coast. Romans called the island volcano.

According to the scientists, volcanic eruptions are divided into four basic groups. They
are commonly known as Hawaiian, Strombolian, Vulcanian and Peleean. The term of
Hawaiian eruptions are named after the volcanoes in Hawaii. These volcanic eruptions
are the least violent type. They produce highly fluid lava which flows quietly. This
gradually builds up a shield volcano. Strombolian eruptions are named after Stromboli.
Vulcanian eruption happens and brings magma which is more viscous. Vulcanian
explosions are usually larger and noisier than the strombolian eruptions. A Peleean
eruption occurs when the magmatic gas build up tremendous pressure. This causes
violent explosions with glowing clouds of hot ash and dust.

34. What is the topic of the text?

A. Volcanic eruptions characteristics
B. The cause of volcanic eruptions
C. The issues of volcanic eruptions
35. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Scientists said that volcano is a disaster
B. Hawaiian eruption is the least violent type
C. There are four groups of volcanic eruption
D. Volcanic eruptions produce highly fluid lava
36. The Strombolian eruptions happened when….
A. the magmatic gas build up tremendous pressure
B. sticky magma plugs the central vent
C. sticky magma plugs besides vent
D. the magma is over the vent

Natural Bridge National Park

Natural Bridge National Park is luscious tropical rainforest.

It is located 110 kilometres from south of Brisbane and is reached by following the
Pacific Highway to Nerang and then by travelling through the Numinbah Valley. This
scenic roadway lies in the shadow of Lamington National Park.
The phenomenon of the rock formed into a natural ‘arch’ and the cave through
which a waterfall cascades is a short one-kilometre walk below a dense rainforest canopy
from the main picnic area. Swimming is permitted in the rock pools. Night-time visitors
to the cave will discover the unique feature of the glow worms. Picnic areas offers
barbeque, shelter sheds, water, toilets and fireplaces; however, overnight camping is not

37. What does the text tell us about?

A. Picnic areas offer some facilities
B. Natural Bridge National Park is luscious tropical rainforest
C. The phenomenon of the rock formed into a natural ‘arch’ and the cave
D. Night-time visitors to the cave will discover the unique featurenof the glow worms
38. Based on the text, Natural Bridge National Park is a spot for…. In tropical rainforest.
A. cross country
B. camping
C. recreation
D. rafting
39. What will the visitors see in the night at the cave?
A. The unique feature of the glow worms
B. A common glow worm
C. A great dark cave
D. The unique rocks
40. “It is located 110 kilometers from….
The word “It” refers to….
A. rainforest
B. Numinbah Valley
C. Lamington National Park
D. Natural Bridge National Park

Once upon a time there was a water-bearer in India who had two large pots, each hung on
each of a pole which he carried across his neck. One of the pots had a crack in it, and while
the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water at the end of the long
walk from the stream to the master’s house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.

After two years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, the poor cracked pot spoke to the
water-bearer one day by the stream. “I am ashamed of myself, and I want to apologize to
you.” “Why?” asked the bearer. “What are you ashamed of?” “I have been able to deliver
only half my load because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to
your master’s house. Because of my flaws, you have to do all of this work and you don”t get
full value from your efforts,” the pot said. The water-bearer felt sorry for the old cracked pot,
and in his compassion he said, “As we return to the master’s house, I want you to notice the
beautiful flowers along the path.”

The bearer said to the pot, “Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of your
path, but not on the other pot’s side? That’s because of your flaw. And I took advantage of it.
I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while walking back from the
stream, you’ve watered them. Foe two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers
to decorate my master’s table. Without your being just the way you are, he would not have
this beauty to grace his house.
41. What is the story about?
A. A water-bearer and his master
B. The cracked pot and the perfect pot
C. A water-bearer and the cracked pot
D. A water-bearer and the two large pots.
42. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. The cracked pot felt sorry for its failure to help the bearer
B. The bearer tried to entertain the cracked pot by giving it the flowers
C. The cracked pot had already helped the bearer by watering the flowers
D. The bearer gave support to the cracked pot by telling it what it had done for him
43. What did the bearer do knowing one of his pot had a crack?
A. He picked up the flowers to decorate his master;s table
B. He planted the flowers seeds along the way to his master’s house
C. He asked the cracked pot to notice the flowers on the side of the path
D. He utilized it for watering the flowers along the way to his master’s house
44. What is the message of the story?
A. We have to minimize our ability for other people
B. Each of us has our own skill that can be used for others
C. Each of us has a unique flaw that makes us to be inferior
D. We have to see someone for what they are and look good in them

Ants are social insects. They are like people, live in families and build their own
houses or nests. But a family of ants may consists of tens of thousands ants. Each
ants has its own works to do. There are hunters, workers and soldiers. The
hunters hunt for food for all the ants in the nests. The workers build the nest.
Most ants make their nests in the ground. The workers dig holes in the ground
and make rooms. The soldiers guard the nests against the strangers and enemies.
The workers and the soldiers get rheir food from the hunters. The queen is a
special ant. It gets special food from the hunters. It does not have to work. Her
only job is to lay egg.

The ants are very interesting. They have been running about everywhere. They
seem very busy. They have been looking for food. When an ant finds something,
it takes it to the nest. If one ant can not carry it, it calls its friends to help.

45. By reading the text, a reader knows that….

A. few of ants build nests in the ground
B. ants run here and there to find their nest
C. ants are individual insects similar to people
D. there are job classifications in the family of ants
46. What kind of insects are ants? They are ….insects.
A. lazy
B. social
C. tame
D. wild

Comedian Sule “Prikitiw”

His full name is Entis Sutisna. People call him Sule. He is a famous comedian
in Indonesia. Sule was born on 15 November 1976 in Bandung, West Java. He
speaks Sundanese fluently. He also learns Javanese.
Sule is very unique. His hair is long with brown and yellow colour. He has
an oval face, a flat nose and slanting eyes. People know Sule as a ridiculous man
and full of jokes. He is very funny. His joke makes everyone smiling even belly
Sule plays in several TV shows such as Opera Van Java (OVJ), Awas Ada
Sule, PAS Manratb, and Saung Sule. He can also sing very well. He has very
famous song entitled Susis (Suami Sieun Istri)

47. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To describe Sule as a comedian
B. To inform Sule’s personality
C. To describe Sule’s avtivities
D. To tell Sule’s life
48. Based on the text, what does Sule’s hair look like?
A. Short with brown and yellow colour
B. Long with brown and yelloe colour
C. Long with black blue colour
D. Short with gold colour
49. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Sule is a famous comedian
B. Sule is very unique and funny
C. People are entertained by Sule
D. Sule’s jokes make people laughing
50. “….Sule as a ridiculous man and full of jokes.”
What is the underlined word closest in meaning to?
A. Angry
B. Petulant
C. Serious
D. Funny

During the semester holiday, my family and I went to the garden centre to
buy some plants and seeds for our garden. It was a sunny day when we went
there. To avoid banging the other cars.
When we arrived, we had to find a place to park because the park was
packed full of cars. We managed to find a place to park eventually but it was a
tight squeeze and we had to be careful opening the car’s door to avoid banging
the other cars. After that, we went into yhe store looking for some sedds and
buying ome peas, carrot and lettuce packets. Finally, we paid for all our
purchases at the checkout counter, before finding our car.
I really enjoyed our trip, especially when dad said we could buy ice cream
from the van in the park. It was great!

51. What made the writer enjoy the trip?

A. The weather was bright
B. It was the semester holiday
C. The writer got an ice cream
D. The writer liked flower plants
52. “We went to look for some seeds first…..”
The underlined phrase is closest in meaning to….
A. find
B. hope
C. pick out
D. go through

Once upon a time, there was a prince who lived in a castle in France. Because
of his arrogance, he was cursed by a fairy became a very ugly one. Since then he
was called a Beast.
Meanwhile, on the other side of a mountain, there lived a beautiful girl. Her
name was Belle. She lived with her father, Maurice.
One day, Maurice travelled passing the castle. It was raining when he came
into the castle. Then the Beast saw him, he captured him.
Belle was so worried because her father didn’t come back. She looked for
him. She arrived in the castle and saw her father there. The beast would let the
father go if Belle stayed. Belle agreed to stay in the castle so that her father could
go home.
“I promise I will stay here but please let him go,” begged Belle.
“I believe in you but never think to escape from here, young lady, because I
will not be reluctant to hurt you!” threatened the beast cruelly.
Although she was treated badly, Belle was still serving the Beast patiently
and it made the prince fell in love with her. He was not mean anymore. Belle
began to like him and then she fell in love. She declared her love to the Beast.
Finally, the spell was broken. The Beast became human again. He was prove a
good looking man. They got married and lived happily ever after.

53. What is the story about?

A. A father and the Beast
B. Maurice and the Beast
C. A good girl and her father
D. The beast and the beautiful girl
54. What is the main idea of the fourth paragraph?
A. Belle helped her father by staying in the castle
B. The Beast asked Belle to live in the castle
C. The Beast let the father meet his daughter
D. Belle met her father in the castle
55. What will happen if Belle didn’t stay in the castle?
A. The beast would be angry
B. Belle would never come back
C. Belle’s father could not go home
D. The beast would let the father go home
56. What can we learn from the story above?
A. Patience will win true love
B. Bad person will stay bad forever
C. Love could make someone patient
D. Nobody can change his bad character

I smiled when I remembered the event last night. I went to a restaurant to

have dinner with my cousin, Nana. We sat at a table near the window. Nana told
me that she would treat me because she just received her first salary. Nana
worked as a teller at a private bank.
We ordered special menu. They were very delicious. We both felt very
satisfied. When Nana wanted to pay the bill, her face turned pale.
“What’s up, Nana?” I asked her.
“I left my wallet,” she said. Would you mind paying for us? I’ll pay you back
Thanks God I brought much money so I could pay the bill. If not, we had to
wash all the plates.

57. After Nana knew her money was left behind, what did she do?
A. She would wash all the plates in the restaurant
B. She would treat the writer on another day
C. She borrowed some money to the writer
D. She would not order special menu
58. Nana got a bad experience because of….
A. her carelessness
B. her foolishness
C. he impatience
D. her calmness

My mom has black hair, brown eyes, and a caring touch. My mom talks to me
about many things. One of the things she talks to me about is what will happen
when I grow up. She tells me what to do in case of an emergency.
My mom and I spend a lot of time together. We play games, bake cookies,
make necklaces, and draw doodle trick. But our favourite thing to do is reading.
Our favourite book now is Harry Potter.
My mom always laughs, and when she laughs she sounds like a hyena going
crazy! She doesn’t laugh every day, but when she does, it’s hilarious and I have to
laugh too!
My mom is the greatest. I love how she jokes around. She is always fun no
matter what, and she gives me great advice. My mom is more than a mom. She is
like my best friend!

59. The writer tells that her mother has….

A. black hair, brown eyes and a loving touch
B. brown hair, brown eyes and caring touch
C. wavy hair, brown eyes and a caring touch
D. black hair, around eyes and a considerate
60. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?
A. Harry Potter is the writer’s favourite book
B. The writer and her mom play some games together
C. The writer and her mom spend much time together
D. reading book is the writer and her mom’s best thing to do
To : All students

You are invited to attend “Book fair” to collect fund for Drum Band Club of SMP
Generasi Penerus.
Date/Time : Thursday, August 10th 2017, at 8-10a.m
Place : School Hall
All students are suggested to buy one item to support the program.


61. What is the writer’s purpose of writing the text?

A.To invite the students to attend the Book Fair
B. To describe the performance of Drum Band Club
C. To inform about how to participate in the Book Fair
D. To recommend the students to join the Drum Band Fair
62. When will the Book Fair be held?
A. in the morning
B. in the afternoon
C. in the evening
D. at night

Regent Oxford Language School

*4 classes per week, Monday to Thursday

*5.30p.m until 6.30p.m
*£10 per lesson

To book a course or for more information, please contact or visit us!

Regent oxford, 90 Banbury Road,

Oxford OX2 6JT
T : 01865 515566

[email protected]

63. ‘To book a course or for more information…”

The underlined word has the closest in meaning to…
A. keep
B. reserve
C. continue
D. maintain
64. The text is intended for….
A. foreign students
B. people who want to go abroad
C. Regent Oxford Language School students
D. those who want to improve their English
65. What serice can we get from the course?
A. Four classes per meeting
B. Evening English clsses
C. One hour in a week
D. English books

You’re invited to
Bounce and Play
As we celebrate
Hudson’s 3rd birthday!

Saturday, April 14th at 2p.m

123 Bounce and Play Party City

RSVP to Susie 1234567890

“Don’t forget your socket”
66. What is the interesting activity in the text?
A. A nice lunch
B. A live music
C. A celebration party
D. A bounce and play

Avalanche is a sudden flow of large mass of snow or ice down a slope or cliff. Such
flows can be destructive for life and property. Avalanches are most common on slopes
exceeding 30c. Pellet like snow (graupnel) is also more prone to avalanches than a fall
of ordinary snowflakes. Flow of wind-packed slabs of snow can be especially
Disastrous avalanche occur when massive slabs of snow break loose from a
mountainside and shatter like broken glass as they race downhill. These moving
masses can reach speeds of 80 miles (130kilometres) per hour within about five
Storminess, temperature, wind, slope steepness and orientation ( the direction it
faces), terrain, vegetation, and general snowpack conditions are all factors that
influence whether and how a slope avalanche. Different combinations of these factors
create low, moderate, considerable and high avalanche hazards.

67. Different combinations of the factor which influence the avalanche determine the…. Avalanche.
A. height
B. width
C. strength
D. degree
68. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
A. Some factors can influence avalanche
B. High avalanche can cause a dangerous thing
C. Avalanche is influenced by temperature only
D. Storminess and temperature are important factors

Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder serpents that can be
distinguished from legless lizards by their lack of eyelid and external ears. Like all
squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniotes vertebrates covered in overlapping
scales. Many species of snakes have skulls with several more joints than their lizard
ancestors, enabling them to swallow prey much larger than their heads with their
highly mobile jaws.
Living snakes are found on every continent except Antartica, and on most smaller land
masses; exceptions include some large islands, such as Ireland and New Zealand, and
many small islands of the Atlantic and central Pacific. Additionally, sea snakes are
widespread throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans, More than 20 families are
currently recognized, comprising about 500 genera and about 3.400 species. They
range in size from the tiny, 10cm long thread snake to the reticulated python of up to
6.95 metres (22.8ft) in length.

69. “ ….. sea snakes are widespread throughout the Indian ….” (par.3)
The underlined word is closest in meaning to….
A. all in
B. all over
C. as long as
D. by way of
70. After reading the text we get the information to….the snakes.
A. keep one of
B. describe species of
C. feed certain species of
D. recognize the characteristic of
71. What kind of animal is the snake?
A. Amphibian
B. Mammal
C. Reptile
D. Bird
Once upon a time, there was a nervous little Chipmunk. She was always afraid that
something bad would happen to her. One day, she heard a little noise of an apple
falling to the ground. But the little Chipmunk was afraid and said “The sky is falling
down.” Then she ran away as fast she could go. Soon she met an old brother
Chipmunk, who asked,” Where are you running, little Chipmunk?” And the little
Chipmunk answered,”The sky is falling down, and I am running away.” “The sky is
falling?” asked the old brother Chipmunk. And he told the story to his brother
Chipmunk, until at last there were a hundred brother Chipmunk shouting, “The sky is
falling down.”
Soon the larger animals heard what the Chipmunks were saying. The Deer, the
Sheep, the Pig, the Camel, the Tiger, and the Elephant began to say,” The sky is falling
down.” Then the wise Lion heard all the noise and to know what was happening. He
stopped all the animals and asked,”What are you saying?” The brother Chipmunk
said,”Oh we heard it from the little Chipmunk!” and the Lion said,”Little Chipmunk,
what made you say the sky was falling down?” and the little Chipmunk said, “I saw it
there near the tree.” “Well,” said the Lion. “Come with me and I will show you where
the sound you hear come from.” “Now get on my back.” The Lion took her on his back,
and asked the animals to saty where they were until they returned. Then he showed to
the little Chipmunk that the sound coming from the fallen apple to the little Chipmunk
said, “Oh, I see. “The Lion said. “Let’s go back and tell the other anumals.” So they
went back. At last the animals knew that the sky was not falling.

72. The text is written to….

A. report the Chipmunk’s rumour
B. tell about the story of fslling sky
C. describe the Chipmunk and her characters
D.amuse the reader with the story of how little Chipmunk creates rumour
73. Why did a little Chipmunk run away?
A. He looked for his friends
B. He was looking for an apple to eat
C. He was afraid of the sound of falling apple
D. He was afraid of other animals like lion and pig

To : All students

You are invited to attend”Book Fair” to collect fund for Drum Band Club of SMP
Generasi Penerus.

Date/Time : Thursday, August 10th 2017, at 8-10a.m

Place : School Hall

All students are suggested to buy one item to support the program.



74. What is the writer’s purpose of writing the text?

A. to invite the students to attend the Book Fair
B. to describe the performance of Drum Band Club
C. to inform about how to participate in the Book fair
D. to recommend the students to join the Drum Band Fair
75. When will the Book Fair be held?
A. in the morning
B. in the afternoon
C. in the evening
D. at night
English Learning Centre
One to one English Tuition
All ages All Levels
1 Hour Class
5 Days in a week
Mon to Fri
A trusted name in English language

The key to this course is the ability to adapt to the exact needs of the students.

Individual tuition allows superb flexibility and provides the most rapid and relevant
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This course is designed according to the precise linguistic requirement of the individual.

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76.The text is indeed for people who want to learn English ….

A. in private
B. in small group
C. in a very short time
D. with a native speaker
77. What is the best offer promoted in the advertisement?
A. Mastering English in a short time
B. Learning English every day in a campus
C. Learning linguistic from the language trainer
D. Learning English privately with various teachers
78. “A Trusted Name In English Language.”
The undelined word is closest in meaning to….
A. reliable
B. relevant
C. authentic
D. genuine

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