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Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 3

1.1.1 Piezoelectric Material and Active Vibration Control (AVC)............................................. 3

1.1.2 Numerical Simulation using ANSYS and MATLAB ........................................................ 4

1.2 Objectives .............................................................................................................................. 5

1.3 Problem Statements ............................................................................................................... 5

1.4 Research Objectives .............................................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................. 6

CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY ....................................................................................... 8

3.1 Description of Methodology ................................................................................................. 8

3.2 Overview of Research Flow Chart ........................................................................................ 9

3.3 Research Gantt Chart ............................................................................................................ 9

CHAPTER FOUR: EXPECTED FINDING ................................................................................... 9

4.1 Expected Finding................................................................................................................... 9

4.2 Contribution to the Country .................................................................................................. 9

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................. 10

APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 12

Appendix A: Overview of Research Flow Chart ...................................................................... 12

Appendix B: Gantt chart ........................................................................................................... 13


1.1 Research Background

1.1.1 Piezoelectric Material and Active Vibration Control (AVC)

Piezoelectric material is one of smart material that give significant impact in both

mechanical and electrical fields. When mechanical energy is applied on an area, electrical energy

generated. This generation is known as direct piezoelectric effect whereas indirect piezoelectric

effect is vice-versa of this occurrence. For direct piezoelectric effect, the input energy can be either

in form of stress or strain and surface output are surface charge density, electric field or electric

voltage. The indirect piezoelectric used electrical energy as input energy whereas mechanical

energy is output energy [1]. In application, this device has been effectively used as sensor in impact

detector or as actuator in synthetic jet actuator. Or both combination in AVC application.

Unfortunately, piezoelectric subjected to non-linear characteristics such as creep, vibration,

hysteresis and saturation effect which have not well considered in developing the piezoelectric

models. These characteristics occurred when the piezoelectric is operated at various level of

voltage and frequency. Creep is defined as change in displacement over time without

accompanying change in input voltage [3]. Whereas, hysteresis is a phenomenon in which the

value of physical property lags over the changes. For example, there are two output displacement

in a single excitation frequency. This phenomenon has bigger influence and effect to the

piezoelectric actuator performance compared to creep.

Vibration is an unpleasant and harmful phenomenon since its lead to catastrophic failures

of components and materials. This phenomenon limits the performance of the systems especially

the piezoelectric actuator. Another characteristic to be considered is saturation effects. It is a point

where there is no displacement output even though additional input voltage is added. This is due

to the limitation of the system in terms of displacement and stroke [4]. The saturation value of

piezoelectric are differ and depends on the type of actuator be used.

1.1.2 Numerical Simulation using ANSYS and MATLAB

ANSYS Workbench is a particle interaction based on Finite Volume Method (FVM). The

electrical analysis system is composed of various cells likes Geometry, Mesh and many more

which represents the workflow for performing the analysis. Moreover, it is composed of multiple

data integration and native applications in single, seamless project flow, where individual cells can

obtain data from other cells and provide data to another cell. Thus, of this constant flow of data

and cell state can be quickly change. Also, ANSYS Workbench provides a visual indication of a

cell state at given time which provide a better study.

Furthermore, the model will also be developed in MATLAB software. The piezoelectric

actuator in the AVC system will be illustrated as shown in Figure 1.1. This model consists of mass,

spring and damper in a single degree of freedom system. This can be modelled later by the block

diagram consists of many other components.

Figure 1.1: Modelling of piezoelectric actuator in AVC system.

The equation of motion for the model in Figure 1.1 can be formulated as follows:

𝑚ẍ + 𝑐ẋ + 𝑘𝑥 − 𝐹𝑎 = 𝐹


Where m, c and k are mass, damping and spring constants, respectively. The x, ẋ, ẍ and F are

representing the displacement, velocity, acceleration and external forces.

1.2 Objectives

This research attempt to model the piezoelectric in ANSYS. This model will useful as to

characterize as actuator, sensor or both. The modelling also helps to study non-linearity effect as

easily change the parameters.

1.3 Problem Statements

Non-linear hysteresis, creep, vibration and saturation are the inherent characteristics of the

piezoelectric actuator. These characteristics happened when the piezoelectric actuator is operated

in the large and low ranges of voltage with the various levels of frequency. Several hysteresis

models with the compensation methods for the piezoelectric actuator have been developed, but

these models did not consider the creep, vibration and saturation effects. These characteristics are

important in developing a precise model for the piezoelectric actuator. Therefore, in this study, all

four non-linear characteristics of the piezoelectric actuator are measured to develop a new model

of the piezoelectric actuator and the effects are observed in the AVC systems.

1.4 Research Objectives

In this study, three objectives are set to be achieved:

1. To characterize the piezoelectric actuator in terms of hysteresis, creep, vibration and

saturation non-linearity effects.

2. To develop a new piezoelectric model based on the measurement of the piezoelectric

actuator non-linearity characteristics.

3. To investigate the performance of the piezoelectric actuator model with the non-linearity

effects in the AVC system.


The application of piezoelectric material as sensor and actuator have been used in many of

fields. It has a unique and variety characteristics such as reliable, compact, wideband frequency

range and lightweight which make it attractable and preferable in many applications [5]. However,

its suffers from the inherent characteristic such as non-liner hysteresis, creep, vibration and

saturation effects. This hysteresis effect will resulting positioning error especially when operating

at large voltage range with variable speed motion [6]. To date, most of the studies focused on one

inherent characteristic only which is hysteresis characteristic. To develop a precise model of the

piezoelectric actuator, all four characteristics such as hysteresis, creep, vibration and saturation

should be considered.

One of the piezoelectric actuator application is in the AVC system. It is a system that react

actively to the incoming vibration instead passively decreasing the impact of the vibrations by their

mechanical structures. Basically, there are two methods in control the AVC system; open loop and

closed loop controls. Open loop is the system that has a switch (on and off) and closed loop has

specific controller to the system that will process the feedback signals to solve it [7]. Figure 2.1

shows the sensor used as feedback element to analysis the actual value. In this system, the actuator

will be supplied the counter signal from the controller which can reduce the vibration of the system.

Figure 2.1: Basic control system for closed loop.

There are several technique to control piezoelectric actuator in the AVC systems such as

the sliding mode [8], Proportional-integral-derivative (PID) [9] and Active Force Control (AFC)

methods. AFC operates by computing the estimated disturbance force and the general equation of

this AFC controller shown as following:

𝐹 ∗ = 𝐹𝑎 − 𝑀 ∗. 𝑎 (2.1)

Where, disturbance force, F* can be determine through the measurement of mass acceleration, an

actuator force, Fa with an appropriate tuning of estimated mass, M*. Figure 2.2 shows the overall

diagram of using AFC controller.

Figure 2.2: Block diagram of AFC controller [2].


3.1 Description of Methodology

I. Hardware and software setups for the experimental and simulation works

II. Geometry preparation by designing the 3D model in CAD software

III. Mesh generation of the 3D model using numerical method approach

IV. Parameter setting for 3D model using numerical method approach

V. Result analysis of the simulation performed

VI. Validation of the 3D model with the experimental setup

Instrumentation required for the study: ANSYS and MATLAB software, piezoelectric

patch material, piezo measurement system, sensors (accelerometer and load cell), LMS

systems such as LMS SCADAS, LMS Test Lab software

3.2 Overview of Research Flow Chart

 Refer Appendix A

3.3 Research Gantt Chart

 Refer Appendix B


4.1 Expected Finding

The study is expected to come out with a new piezoelectric actuator model with more

accurate characteristics in terms of non-linearity effects. From the results, the system performance

will be improved and provide strong fundamental platform to industries. Also, the findings are

expected to be able to reduce the volume of product defects and unrealistic performances of the

AVC system. Nevertheless, the new developing piezoelectric actuator model can be used as

knowledge extension of the piezoelectric actuator model application in various research fields.

4.2 Contribution to the Country

The piezoelectric with high performance is demanded to commercialize widely. The

energy harvesting from this device may promised the country with future eco-friendly energy. For

example, is the piezoelectric devices is installed on along the road, the pressure from the cars

passing by (as input) will generate electricity. This output energy may be used to light up

streetlights especially on the highway and traffic lights that can run on this semi-permanent source

of energy. Nevertheless, even for the slightest vibration (as input) can be stored as electricity. Thus,

it is obviously can maximize the electricity produced in country and will reduced cost and save the

country budget.

Apart from that, its reduce electricity consumerism from coil and oil. As we know, sooner

or later the mankind will anticipate to running out since they are finite and not renewable. However,

energy harvesting from the piezoelectric are infinite and renewable energy. As mention above, the

piezoelectric materials can convert any kind of mechanical energy to electrical energy. Thus, the

maximum energy output can be produced along minimum carbon emission. The usage in

generating electricity will promote the country with green energy as worldwide campaigned before.


[1] M. S. Vijaya, “Piezoelectric Materials and Devices: Applications in Engineering and

Medical Sciences,” vol. 186 pages, no. August, 2012.

[2] T. A. Z. Rahman and I. Z. M. Darus, “Active vibration control of a flexible plate via Active

Force Control strategy,” 2011 4th Int. Conf. Mechatronics, no. May, pp. 1–6, 2011.

[3] R. Changhai and S. Lining, “Hysteresis and creep compensation for piezoelectric actuator

in open-loop operation,” Sensors Actuators, A Phys., vol. 122, no. 1 SPEC. ISS., pp. 124–

130, 2005.

[4] A. Zhafran, A. Mazlan, Z. M. Ripin, W. Mohd, A. Wan, and M. Ali, “Active Vibration

Control using PID-AFC Control-LER of the Piezo Stack Actuator with Consideration to

Hysteresis and Saturation Effect,” pp. 1–8, 1981.

[5] A. Preumont, J.-P. Dufour, and C. Malekian, Active Damping by Local Force Feedback

with Piezoelectric Actuators, vol. 15. 1992.

[6] Y. Wu, S. Culter, G. Pannozzo, and K. Leang, “Modelling and Control of Smart Actuators,”


[7] W. Bolton, Mechatronics (Anna University) : A Multidisciplinary. Pearson Prentice Hall,


[8] V. Q. Nguyen, S. M. Choi, Y. M. Han, S. B. Choi, and S. J. Moon, “The design of a

piezostack-based active mount and application to a vibration control system,” Smart Mater.

Struct., vol. 17, no. 6, 2008.

[9] A. Z. Ahmad Mazlan and Z. Mohd Ripin, “The effective frequency range of an active

suspended handle based on the saturation effects of a piezo stack actuator,” JVC/Journal

Vib. Control, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 752–769, 2017.


Appendix A: Overview of Research Flow Chart

Appendix B: Gantt chart

TASK 2017 2018 2019

Month 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1. Literature review
2. Research
3. Model
 3-D model
 Mesh
 Parameter
4. Simulation
 Piezoelectric
 AVC system
5. Results analysis
6. Validation with
the experimental of
piezoelectric and
AVC system
7. Writing up for
thesis, journal and
conference papers
8. Presentation
9. Thesis editing
10. Thesis


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