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Artificial Intelligence

Good morning ladies and gentleman,

First of all I would like to thank God for His greatness so I could be standing here at this
moment. I would also like to thank all the participants for giving me chances to speak in front of
you all. Let me introduce myself, my name is Yosua Erland Novenio Siregar from class
Instrumentation 4B. At this moment I would like to discuss about Artificial Intelligence which
has been a major discussion in the past few years because of advancement in nowadays
technologies that mostly using machines as the “employee”, replacing human as the main source
of intelligence.
Ladies and gentleman,
What Artificial Intelligence really means? Why it could replace people from their basic
activities? According to H.A Simon in 1987, Artificial Intelligence is a field of research,
applications and instructions related to computer programming to do things in the way humans
consider it intelligent. It is a branch of computer science that aims to create intelligent machines.
This is a new innovation in science, an nowadays has become an essential part of industrial
technology. This new technology could store most of the information, processing it with
enormous speed, and this importance has become real for participating countries since 1970.
Artificial Intelligence includes programming in the aspects of knowledge, reasoning, problem
solving, perception, learning, planning and its ability to manipulate and move objects. One of its
core disciplines is machine learning, a discipline geared towards technological development of
human knowledge. It facilitates continuous advancement of computing through exposuring new
scenarios, testing and adaptation while employing pattern and trend detection for improved
decision making.
Ladies and gentlemen,
Why this Artificial Intelligence become so popular? The reason is because it is really simple in
operation and it is programmed in such way people can easily understand and operate, thus
simplifying human activities in real life. For example, Google search engine is AI application
which helps us to search millions of data in a matter of seconds, which take couple of years for
human to complete the operation. Another example is the use of special alogrithms for detecting
eye disease so doctors do not have to do surgery to determine the disease which really waste time
and efficiency. Cars have been programmed in such way so people do not have to drive anymore,
face recognition used in surveillance cameras and security locks, robots and home automation for
home appliances, even scientist and engineers have been trying to implement human brains to
machines in order to do and think like humans. This all implementations come from a single AI
field, and this field is still emerging to become powerful technology in the future.
Ladies and gentleman,
We could not avoid the development and improvement in AI field. It is now emerging and
emerging alongside human necessity for efficiency and eager to develop more powerful
technology. However, we could not say that this technology is flawless, and we must consider its
bad impacts to the society. More and more demands for efficiency make this intelligence a
choice to solve problems, eliminating human work and their working opportunities, thus creating
unemployment. Artificial Intelligence is also the reason why self-driving car is still not available
for use, since lots of driving test leading into car crash that produce casualties. Even more, if this
technology is mislead and misused, for example used in developing arms for mass extinction, it
will cause fear that huge war could happen and destroying human lives
Ladies and gentleman,
In spite of this pro and contra about the development, this technology is really promising since
lots of people and institutions are racing to develop it in real life, and I hope that this technology
will bring much benefits for humanity and for the good name of science.

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