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LatticeXP2™ Family Data Sheet

DS1009 Version 2.2, September 2014

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet
February 2012 Data Sheet DS1009

Features  Flexible I/O Buffer

• sysIO™ buffer supports:
 flexiFLASH™ Architecture – LVCMOS 33/25/18/15/12; LVTTL
• Instant-on – SSTL 33/25/18 class I, II
• Infinitely reconfigurable – HSTL15 class I; HSTL18 class I, II
• Single chip – PCI
• FlashBAK™ technology – LVDS, Bus-LVDS, MLVDS, LVPECL, RSDS
• Serial TAG memory  Pre-engineered Source Synchronous
• Design security Interfaces
 Live Update Technology • DDR / DDR2 interfaces up to 200 MHz
• TransFR™ technology • 7:1 LVDS interfaces support display applications
• Secure updates with 128 bit AES encryption • XGMII
• Dual-boot with external SPI  Density And Package Options
 sysDSP™ Block • 5k to 40k LUT4s, 86 to 540 I/Os
• Three to eight blocks for high performance  • csBGA, TQFP, PQFP, ftBGA and fpBGA packages
Multiply and Accumulate • Density migration supported
• 12 to 32 18x18 multipliers  Flexible Device Configuration
• Each block supports one 36x36 multiplier or four • SPI (master and slave) Boot Flash Interface
18x18 or eight 9x9 multipliers • Dual Boot Image supported
 Embedded and Distributed Memory • Soft Error Detect (SED) macro embedded
• Up to 885 Kbits sysMEM™ EBR  System Level Support
• Up to 83 Kbits Distributed RAM • IEEE 1149.1 and IEEE 1532 Compliant
 sysCLOCK™ PLLs • On-chip oscillator for initialization & general use
• Up to four analog PLLs per device • Devices operate with 1.2V power supply
• Clock multiply, divide and phase shifting

Table 1-1. LatticeXP2 Family Selection Guide

Device XP2-5 XP2-8 XP2-17 XP2-30 XP2-40
LUTs (K) 5 8 17 29 40
Distributed RAM (KBits) 10 18 35 56 83
EBR SRAM (KBits) 166 221 276 387 885
EBR SRAM Blocks 9 12 15 21 48
sysDSP Blocks 3 4 5 7 8
18 x 18 Multipliers 12 16 20 28 32
VCC Voltage 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2
GPLL 2 2 4 4 4
Max Available I/O 172 201 358 472 540
Packages and I/O Combinations
132-Ball csBGA (8 x 8 mm) 86 86
144-Pin TQFP (20 x 20 mm) 100 100
208-Pin PQFP (28 x 28 mm) 146 146 146
256-Ball ftBGA (17 x17 mm) 172 201 201 201
484-Ball fpBGA (23 x 23 mm) 358 363 363
672-Ball fpBGA (27 x 27 mm) 472 540

© 2012 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand
or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 1-1 DS1009 Introduction_01.4

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

LatticeXP2 devices combine a Look-up Table (LUT) based FPGA fabric with non-volatile Flash cells in an architec-
ture referred to as flexiFLASH.

The flexiFLASH approach provides benefits including instant-on, infinite reconfigurability, on chip storage with
FlashBAK embedded block memory and Serial TAG memory and design security. The parts also support Live
Update technology with TransFR, 128-bit AES Encryption and Dual-boot technologies.

The LatticeXP2 FPGA fabric was optimized for the new technology from the outset with high performance and low
cost in mind. LatticeXP2 devices include LUT-based logic, distributed and embedded memory, Phase Locked
Loops (PLLs), pre-engineered source synchronous I/O support and enhanced sysDSP blocks.

Lattice Diamond® design software allows large and complex designs to be efficiently implemented using the
LatticeXP2 family of FPGA devices. Synthesis library support for LatticeXP2 is available for popular logic synthesis
tools. The Diamond software uses the synthesis tool output along with the constraints from its floor planning tools
to place and route the design in the LatticeXP2 device. The Diamond tool extracts the timing from the routing and
back-annotates it into the design for timing verification.

Lattice provides many pre-designed Intellectual Property (IP) LatticeCORE™ modules for the LatticeXP2 family. By
using these IPs as standardized blocks, designers are free to concentrate on the unique aspects of their design,
increasing their productivity.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet
August 2014 Data Sheet DS1009

Architecture Overview
Each LatticeXP2 device contains an array of logic blocks surrounded by Programmable I/O Cells (PIC). Inter-
spersed between the rows of logic blocks are rows of sysMEM™ Embedded Block RAM (EBR) and a row of sys-
DSP™ Digital Signal Processing blocks as shown in Figure 2-1.

On the left and right sides of the Programmable Functional Unit (PFU) array, there are Non-volatile Memory Blocks.
In configuration mode the nonvolatile memory is programmed via the IEEE 1149.1 TAP port or the sysCONFIG™
peripheral port. On power up, the configuration data is transferred from the Non-volatile Memory Blocks to the con-
figuration SRAM. With this technology, expensive external configuration memory is not required, and designs are
secured from unauthorized read-back. This transfer of data from non-volatile memory to configuration SRAM via
wide busses happens in microseconds, providing an “instant-on” capability that allows easy interfacing in many
applications. LatticeXP2 devices can also transfer data from the sysMEM EBR blocks to the Non-volatile Memory
Blocks at user request.

There are two kinds of logic blocks, the PFU and the PFU without RAM (PFF). The PFU contains the building
blocks for logic, arithmetic, RAM and ROM functions. The PFF block contains building blocks for logic, arithmetic
and ROM functions. Both PFU and PFF blocks are optimized for flexibility allowing complex designs to be imple-
mented quickly and efficiently. Logic Blocks are arranged in a two-dimensional array. Only one type of block is used
per row.

LatticeXP2 devices contain one or more rows of sysMEM EBR blocks. sysMEM EBRs are large dedicated 18Kbit
memory blocks. Each sysMEM block can be configured in a variety of depths and widths of RAM or ROM. In addi-
tion, LatticeXP2 devices contain up to two rows of DSP Blocks. Each DSP block has multipliers and adder/accumu-
lators, which are the building blocks for complex signal processing capabilities.

Each PIC block encompasses two PIOs (PIO pairs) with their respective sysIO buffers. The sysIO buffers of the
LatticeXP2 devices are arranged into eight banks, allowing the implementation of a wide variety of I/O standards.
PIO pairs on the left and right edges of the device can be configured as LVDS transmit/receive pairs. The PIC logic
also includes pre-engineered support to aid in the implementation of high speed source synchronous standards
such as 7:1 LVDS interfaces, found in many display applications, and memory interfaces including DDR and DDR2.

The LatticeXP2 registers in PFU and sysI/O can be configured to be SET or RESET. After power up and device is
configured, the device enters into user mode with these registers SET/RESET according to the configuration set-
ting, allowing device entering to a known state for predictable system function.

Other blocks provided include PLLs and configuration functions. The LatticeXP2 architecture provides up to four
General Purpose PLLs (GPLL) per device. The GPLL blocks are located in the corners of the device.

The configuration block that supports features such as configuration bit-stream de-encryption, transparent updates
and dual boot support is located between banks two and three. Every device in the LatticeXP2 family supports a
sysCONFIG port, muxed with bank seven I/Os, which supports serial device configuration. A JTAG port is provided
between banks two and three.

This family also provides an on-chip oscillator. LatticeXP2 devices use 1.2V as their core voltage.

© 2014 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand
or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 2-1 DS1009 Architecture_01.8

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Figure 2-1. Simplified Block Diagram, LatticeXP2-17 Device (Top Level)

sysIO Buffers,
Pre-Engineered Source
Synchronous Support


Function Units

SPI Port

sysMEM Block JTAG Port


DSP Blocks


sysCLOCK PLLs Flexible Routing

PFU Blocks
The core of the LatticeXP2 device is made up of logic blocks in two forms, PFUs and PFFs. PFUs can be pro-
grammed to perform logic, arithmetic, distributed RAM and distributed ROM functions. PFF blocks can be pro-
grammed to perform logic, arithmetic and ROM functions. Except where necessary, the remainder of this data
sheet will use the term PFU to refer to both PFU and PFF blocks.

Each PFU block consists of four interconnected slices, numbered Slice 0 through Slice 3, as shown in Figure 2-2.
All the interconnections to and from PFU blocks are from routing. There are 50 inputs and 23 outputs associated
with each PFU block.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Figure 2-2. PFU Diagram


LUT4 & LUT4 & LUT4 & LUT4 & LUT4 & LUT4 &

Slice 0 Slice 1 Slice 2 Slice 3



Slice 0 through Slice 2 contain two 4-input combinatorial Look-Up Tables (LUT4), which feed two registers. Slice 3
contains two LUT4s and no registers. For PFUs, Slice 0 and Slice 2 can also be configured as distributed memory,
a capability not available in PFF blocks. Table 2-1 shows the capability of the slices in both PFF and PFU blocks
along with the operation modes they enable. In addition, each PFU contains logic that allows the LUTs to be com-
bined to perform functions such as LUT5, LUT6, LUT7 and LUT8. There is control logic to perform set/reset func-
tions (programmable as synchronous/asynchronous), clock select, chip-select and wider RAM/ROM functions.
Figure 2-3 shows an overview of the internal logic of the slice. The registers in the slice can be configured as posi-
tive/negative edge triggered or level sensitive clocks.

Table 2-1. Resources and Modes Available per Slice

PFU BLock PFF Block
Slice Resources Modes Resources Modes
Slice 0 2 LUT4s and 2 Registers Logic, Ripple, RAM, ROM 2 LUT4s and 2 Registers Logic, Ripple, ROM
Slice 1 2 LUT4s and 2 Registers Logic, Ripple, ROM 2 LUT4s and 2 Registers Logic, Ripple, ROM
Slice 2 2 LUT4s and 2 Registers Logic, Ripple, RAM, ROM 2 LUT4s and 2 Registers Logic, Ripple, ROM
Slice 3 2 LUT4s Logic, ROM 2 LUT4s Logic, ROM

Slice 0 through Slice 2 have 14 input signals: 13 signals from routing and one from the carry-chain (from the adja-
cent slice or PFU). There are seven outputs: six to routing and one to carry-chain (to the adjacent PFU). Slice 3 has
13 input signals from routing and four signals to routing. Table 2-2 lists the signals associated with Slice 0 to Slice

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Figure 2-3. Slice Diagram

FCO from Slice/PFU, FCI into Different Slice/PFU

A1 CO F1
D1 LUT4 & D Q1

From Mux
Routing OFX0
C0 F0
D0 LUT4 &


* Not in Slice 3 FCI into Slice/PFU, FCO from Different Slice/PFU

For Slices 0 and 2, memory control signals are generated from Slice 1 as follows:
WRE is from LSR
DI[3:2] for Slice 2 and DI[1:0] for Slice 0 data
WAD [A:D] is a 4bit address from slice 1 LUT input

Table 2-2. Slice Signal Descriptions

Function Type Signal Names Description
Input Data signal A0, B0, C0, D0 Inputs to LUT4
Input Data signal A1, B1, C1, D1 Inputs to LUT4
Input Multi-purpose M0 Multipurpose Input
Input Multi-purpose M1 Multipurpose Input
Input Control signal CE Clock Enable
Input Control signal LSR Local Set/Reset
Input Control signal CLK System Clock
Input Inter-PFU signal FCI Fast Carry-In1
Input Inter-slice signal FXA Intermediate signal to generate LUT6 and LUT7
Input Inter-slice signal FXB Intermediate signal to generate LUT6 and LUT7
Output Data signals F0, F1 LUT4 output register bypass signals
Output Data signals Q0, Q1 Register outputs
Output Data signals OFX0 Output of a LUT5 MUX
Output Data signals OFX1 Output of a LUT6, LUT7, LUT82 MUX depending on the slice
Output Inter-PFU signal FCO Slice 2 of each PFU is the fast carry chain output1
1. See Figure 2-3 for connection details.
2. Requires two PFUs.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Modes of Operation
Each slice has up to four potential modes of operation: Logic, Ripple, RAM and ROM.

Logic Mode
In this mode, the LUTs in each slice are configured as LUT4s. A LUT4 has 16 possible input combinations. Four-
input logic functions are generated by programming the LUT4. Since there are two LUT4s per slice, a LUT5 can be
constructed within one slice. Larger LUTs such as LUT6, LUT7 and LUT8, can be constructed by concatenating
two or more slices. Note that a LUT8 requires more than four slices.

Ripple Mode
Ripple mode allows efficient implementation of small arithmetic functions. In ripple mode, the following functions
can be implemented by each slice:

• Addition 2-bit
• Subtraction 2-bit
• Add/Subtract 2-bit using dynamic control
• Up counter 2-bit
• Down counter 2-bit
• Up/Down counter with async clear
• Up/Down counter with preload (sync)
• Ripple mode multiplier building block
• Multiplier support
• Comparator functions of A and B inputs
– A greater-than-or-equal-to B
– A not-equal-to B
– A less-than-or-equal-to B

Two carry signals, FCI and FCO, are generated per slice in this mode, allowing fast arithmetic functions to be con-
structed by concatenating slices.

RAM Mode
In this mode, a 16x4-bit distributed Single Port RAM (SPR) can be constructed using each LUT block in Slice 0 and
Slice 2 as a 16x1-bit memory. Slice 1 is used to provide memory address and control signals. A 16x2-bit Pseudo
Dual Port RAM (PDPR) memory is created by using one slice as the read-write port and the other companion slice
as the read-only port.

The Lattice design tools support the creation of a variety of different size memories. Where appropriate, the soft-
ware will construct these using distributed memory primitives that represent the capabilities of the PFU. Table 2-3
shows the number of slices required to implement different distributed RAM primitives. For more information on
using RAM in LatticeXP2 devices, please see TN1137, LatticeXP2 Memory Usage Guide.

Table 2-3. Number of Slices Required For Implementing Distributed RAM

SPR 16X4 PDPR 16X4
Number of slices 3 3
Note: SPR = Single Port RAM, PDPR = Pseudo Dual Port RAM

ROM Mode
ROM mode uses the LUT logic; hence, Slices 0 through 3 can be used in the ROM mode. Preloading is accom-
plished through the programming interface during PFU configuration.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

There are many resources provided in the LatticeXP2 devices to route signals individually or as busses with related
control signals. The routing resources consist of switching circuitry, buffers and metal interconnect (routing) seg-

The inter-PFU connections are made with x1 (spans two PFU), x2 (spans three PFU) or x6 (spans seven PFU)
connections. The x1 and x2 connections provide fast and efficient connections in horizontal and vertical directions.
The x2 and x6 resources are buffered to allow both short and long connections routing between PFUs.

The LatticeXP2 family has an enhanced routing architecture to produce a compact design. The Diamond design
tool takes the output of the synthesis tool and places and routes the design. Generally, the place and route tool is
completely automatic, although an interactive routing editor is available to optimize the design.

sysCLOCK Phase Locked Loops (PLL)

The sysCLOCK PLLs provide the ability to synthesize clock frequencies. The LatticeXP2 family supports between
two and four full featured General Purpose PLLs (GPLL). The architecture of the GPLL is shown in Figure 2-4.

CLKI, the PLL reference frequency, is provided either from the pin or from routing; it feeds into the Input Clock
Divider block. CLKFB, the feedback signal, is generated from CLKOP (the primary clock output) or from a user
clock pin/logic. CLKFB feeds into the Feedback Divider and is used to multiply the reference frequency.

Both the input path and feedback signals enter the Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) block. The phase and fre-
quency of the VCO are determined from the input path and feedback signals. A LOCK signal is generated by the
VCO to indicate that the VCO is locked with the input clock signal.

The output of the VCO feeds into the CLKOP Divider, a post-scalar divider. The duty cycle of the CLKOP Divider
output can be fine tuned using the Duty Trim block, which creates the CLKOP signal. By allowing the VCO to oper-
ate at higher frequencies than CLKOP, the frequency range of the GPLL is expanded. The output of the CLKOP
Divider is passed through the CLKOK Divider, a secondary clock divider, to generate lower frequencies for the
CLKOK output. For applications that require even lower frequencies, the CLKOP signal is passed through a divide-
by-three divider to produce the CLKOK2 output. The CLKOK2 output is provided for applications that use source
synchronous logic. The Phase/Duty Cycle/Duty Trim block is used to adjust the phase and duty cycle of the CLKOP
Divider output to generate the CLKOS signal. The phase/duty cycle setting can be pre-programmed or dynamically

The clock outputs from the GPLL; CLKOP, CLKOK, CLKOK2 and CLKOS, are fed to the clock distribution network.

For further information on the GPLL please see TN1126, LatticeXP2 sysCLOCK PLL Design and Usage Guide.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Figure 2-4. General Purpose PLL (GPLL) Diagram


Phase/ CLKOS
CLKI Duty Cycle/
Divider Duty Trim


CLKFB Duty Trim
Internal Feedback


RST Detect

Table 2-4 provides a description of the signals in the GPLL blocks.

Table 2-4. GPLL Block Signal Descriptions

Signal I/O Description
CLKI I Clock input from external pin or routing
PLL feedback input from CLKOP (PLL internal), from clock net (CLKOP) or from a user clock
(PIN or logic)
RST I “1” to reset PLL counters, VCO, charge pumps and M-dividers
RSTK I “1” to reset K-divider
DPHASE [3:0] I DPA Phase Adjust input
DDDUTY [3:0] I DPA Duty Cycle Select input
WRDEL I DPA Fine Delay Adjust input
CLKOS O PLL output clock to clock tree (phase shifted/duty cycle changed)
CLKOP O PLL output clock to clock tree (no phase shift)
CLKOK O PLL output to clock tree through secondary clock divider
CLKOK2 O PLL output to clock tree (CLKOP divided by 3)
LOCK O “1” indicates PLL LOCK to CLKI

Clock Dividers
LatticeXP2 devices have two clock dividers, one on the left side and one on the right side of the device. These are
intended to generate a slower-speed system clock from a high-speed edge clock. The block operates in a ÷2, ÷4 or
÷8 mode and maintains a known phase relationship between the divided down clock and the high-speed clock
based on the release of its reset signal. The clock dividers can be fed from the CLKOP output from the GPLLs or
from the Edge Clocks (ECLK). The clock divider outputs serve as primary clock sources and feed into the clock dis-
tribution network. The Reset (RST) control signal resets the input and forces all outputs to low. The RELEASE sig-
nal releases outputs to the input clock. For further information on clock dividers, please see TN1126, LatticeXP2
sysCLOCK PLL Design and Usage Guide. Figure 2-5 shows the clock divider connections.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Figure 2-5. Clock Divider Connections






Clock Distribution Network

LatticeXP2 devices have eight quadrant-based primary clocks and between six and eight flexible region-based sec-
ondary clocks/control signals. Two high performance edge clocks are available on each edge of the device to sup-
port high speed interfaces. The clock inputs are selected from external I/Os, the sysCLOCK PLLs, or routing. Clock
inputs are fed throughout the chip via the primary, secondary and edge clock networks.

Primary Clock Sources

LatticeXP2 devices derive primary clocks from four sources: PLL outputs, CLKDIV outputs, dedicated clock inputs
and routing. LatticeXP2 devices have two to four sysCLOCK PLLs, located in the four corners of the device. There
are eight dedicated clock inputs, two on each side of the device. Figure 2-6 shows the primary clock sources.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Figure 2-6. Primary Clock Sources for XP2-17

Clock Input Clock Input

From Routing



Clock Primary Clock Sources Clock

Input Input
to Eight Quadrant Clock Selection

Clock Clock
Input Input


From Routing

Clock Input Clock Input

Note: This diagram shows sources for the XP2-17 device. Smaller LatticeXP2 devices have two GPLLs.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Secondary Clock/Control Sources

LatticeXP2 devices derive secondary clocks (SC0 through SC7) from eight dedicated clock input pads and the rest
from routing. Figure 2-7 shows the secondary clock sources.

Figure 2-7. Secondary Clock Sources

Clock Clock
Input Input
From From From From
Routing Routing Routing Routing

From Routing From Routing

From Routing From Routing

Clock Input Clock Input

Secondary Clock Sources

Clock Input Clock Input

From Routing From Routing

From Routing From Routing

From From From From

Routing Routing Routing Routing
Clock Clock
Input Input

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Edge Clock Sources

Edge clock resources can be driven from a variety of sources at the same edge. Edge clock resources can be
driven from adjacent edge clock PIOs, primary clock PIOs, PLLs and clock dividers as shown in Figure 2-8.

Figure 2-8. Edge Clock Sources

Clock Input Clock Input

From From
Routing Routing

Sources for top

edge clocks


Input Input

From Routing From Routing

Clock Clock
Input Input
Eight Edge Clocks (ECLK)
Clock Two Clocks per Edge Clock
Input Input

From Routing From Routing

Input Input

Sources for left edge clocks Sources for right edge clocks

Sources for
bottom edge
From From
Routing Routing

Clock Input Clock Input

Note: This diagram shows sources for the XP2-17 device. Smaller LatticeXP2 devices have two GPLLs.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Primary Clock Routing

The clock routing structure in LatticeXP2 devices consists of a network of eight primary clock lines (CLK0 through
CLK7) per quadrant. The primary clocks of each quadrant are generated from muxes located in the center of the
device. All the clock sources are connected to these muxes. Figure 2-9 shows the clock routing for one quadrant.
Each quadrant mux is identical. If desired, any clock can be routed globally.

Figure 2-9. Per Quadrant Primary Clock Selection

Primary Clock Sources: PLLs + CLKDIVs + PIOs + Routing

30:1 30:1 30:1 30:1 30:1 30:1 29:1 29:1 29:1 29:1



8 Primary Clocks (CLK0 to CLK7) per Quadrant

Dynamic Clock Select (DCS)

The DCS is a smart multiplexer function available in the primary clock routing. It switches between two independent
input clock sources without any glitches or runt pulses. This is achieved irrespective of when the select signal is
toggled. There are two DCS blocks per quadrant; in total, eight DCS blocks per device. The inputs to the DCS block
come from the center muxes. The output of the DCS is connected to primary clocks CLK6 and CLK7 (see Figure 2-

Figure 2-10 shows the timing waveforms of the default DCS operating mode. The DCS block can be programmed
to other modes. For more information on the DCS, please see TN1126, LatticeXP2 sysCLOCK PLL Design and
Usage Guide.

Figure 2-10. DCS Waveforms





Secondary Clock/Control Routing

Secondary clocks in the LatticeXP2 devices are region-based resources. The benefit of region-based resources is
the relatively low injection delay and skew within the region, as compared to primary clocks. EBR rows, DSP rows
and a special vertical routing channel bound the secondary clock regions. This special vertical routing channel
aligns with either the left edge of the center DSP block in the DSP row or the center of the DSP row. Figure 2-11
shows this special vertical routing channel and the eight secondary clock regions for the LatticeXP2-40.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

LatticeXP2-30 and smaller devices have six secondary clock regions. All devices in the LatticeXP2 family have four
secondary clocks (SC0 to SC3) which are distributed to every region.

The secondary clock muxes are located in the center of the device. Figure 2-12 shows the mux structure of the
secondary clock routing. Secondary clocks SC0 to SC3 are used for clock and control and SC4 to SC7 are used for
high fan-out signals.

Figure 2-11. Secondary Clock Regions XP2-40

I/O Bank 0 I/O Bank 1

Vertical Routing
Channel Regional

Secondary Clock Secondary Clock

Region 5 EBR Row
I/O Bank 7

I/O Bank 2
Region 1

Secondary Clock Secondary Clock

Region 2 Region 6

Secondary Clock Secondary Clock

Region 3 Region 7
I/O Bank 6

I/O Bank 3 Boundary

Secondary Clock Secondary Clock

Region 4 Region 8 DSP Row

I/O Bank 5 I/O Bank 4

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Figure 2-12. Secondary Clock Selection

Secondary Clock Feedlines: 8 PIOs + 16 Routing

24:1 24:1 24:1 24:1 24:1 24:1 24:1 24:1


4 Secondary Clocks/CE/LSR (SC0 to SC3) per Region


4 High Fan-out Data Signals (SC4 to SC7) per Region

High Fan-out Data

Slice Clock Selection

Figure 2-13 shows the clock selections and Figure 2-14 shows the control selections for Slice0 through Slice2. All
the primary clocks and the four secondary clocks are routed to this clock selection mux. Other signals, via routing,
can be used as clock inputs to the slices. Slice controls are generated from the secondary clocks or other signals
connected via routing.

If none of the signals are selected for both clock and control, then the default value of the mux output is 1. Slice 3
does not have any registers; therefore it does not have the clock or control muxes.

Figure 2-13. Slice0 through Slice2 Clock Selection

Primary Clock

Secondary Clock
4 Clock to Slice


LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Figure 2-14. Slice0 through Slice2 Control Selection

Secondary Clock

Slice Control
Routing 16:1


Edge Clock Routing

LatticeXP2 devices have eight high-speed edge clocks that are intended for use with the PIOs in the implementa-
tion of high-speed interfaces. Each device has two edge clocks per edge. Figure 2-15 shows the selection muxes
for these clocks.

Figure 2-15. Edge Clock Mux Connections

Top and Bottom

Clock Input Pad Edge Clocks

(Both Muxes)

Left and Right

Input Pad
Edge Clocks
GPLL Input Pad ECLK1



Left and Right

Input Pad
Edge Clocks
GPLL Input Pad ECLK2



LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

sysMEM Memory
LatticeXP2 devices contains a number of sysMEM Embedded Block RAM (EBR). The EBR consists of 18 Kbit
RAM with dedicated input and output registers.

sysMEM Memory Block

The sysMEM block can implement single port, dual port or pseudo dual port memories. Each block can be used in
a variety of depths and widths as shown in Table 2-5. FIFOs can be implemented in sysMEM EBR blocks by using
support logic with PFUs. The EBR block supports an optional parity bit for each data byte to facilitate parity check-
ing. EBR blocks provide byte-enable support for configurations with18-bit and 36-bit data widths.

Table 2-5. sysMEM Block Configurations

Memory Mode Configurations
16,384 x 1
8,192 x 2
4,096 x 4
Single Port
2,048 x 9
1,024 x 18
512 x 36
16,384 x 1
8,192 x 2
True Dual Port 4,096 x 4
2,048 x 9
1,024 x 18
16,384 x 1
8,192 x 2
4,096 x 4
Pseudo Dual Port
2,048 x 9
1,024 x 18
512 x 36

Bus Size Matching

All of the multi-port memory modes support different widths on each of the ports. The RAM bits are mapped LSB
word 0 to MSB word 0, LSB word 1 to MSB word 1, and so on. Although the word size and number of words for
each port varies, this mapping scheme applies to each port.

FlashBAK EBR Content Storage

All the EBR memory in the LatticeXP2 is shadowed by Flash memory. Optionally, initialization values for the mem-
ory blocks can be defined using the Lattice Diamond design tools. The initialization values are loaded into the Flash
memory during device programming and into the SRAM at power up or whenever the device is reconfigured. This
feature is ideal for the storage of a variety of information such as look-up tables and microprocessor code. It is also
possible to write the current contents of the EBR memory back to Flash memory. This capability is useful for the
storage of data such as error codes and calibration information. For additional information on the FlashBAK capa-
bility see TN1137, LatticeXP2 Memory Usage Guide.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Figure 2-16. FlashBAK Technology

Write to Flash During
Make Infinite Reads and
Writes to EBR

Flash JTAG / SPI Port


Write From Flash to
EBR During Configuration /
Write From EBR to Flash
on User Command

Memory Cascading
Larger and deeper blocks of RAMs can be created using EBR sysMEM Blocks. Typically, the Lattice design tools
cascade memory transparently, based on specific design inputs.

Single, Dual and Pseudo-Dual Port Modes

In all the sysMEM RAM modes the input data and address for the ports are registered at the input of the memory
array. The output data of the memory is optionally registered at the output.

EBR memory supports two forms of write behavior for single port or dual port operation:

1. Normal – Data on the output appears only during a read cycle. During a write cycle, the data (at the current
address) does not appear on the output. This mode is supported for all data widths.

2. Write Through – A copy of the input data appears at the output of the same port during a write cycle. This
mode is supported for all data widths.

Memory Core Reset

The memory array in the EBR utilizes latches at the A and B output ports. These latches can be reset asynchro-
nously or synchronously. RSTA and RSTB are local signals, which reset the output latches associated with Port A
and Port B respectively. GSRN, the global reset signal, resets both ports. The output data latches and associated
resets for both ports are as shown in Figure 2-17.

Figure 2-17. Memory Core Reset

Memory Core D Q Port A[17:0]

Output Data
Q Port B[17:0]




Programmable Disable

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

For further information on the sysMEM EBR block, please see TN1137, LatticeXP2 Memory Usage Guide.

EBR Asynchronous Reset

EBR asynchronous reset or GSR (if used) can only be applied if all clock enables are low for a clock cycle before the
reset is applied and released a clock cycle after the low-to-high transition of the reset signal, as shown in Figure 2-18.
The GSR input to the EBR is always asynchronous.

Figure 2-18. EBR Asynchronous Reset (Including GSR) Timing Diagram




If all clock enables remain enabled, the EBR asynchronous reset or GSR may only be applied and released after
the EBR read and write clock inputs are in a steady state condition for a minimum of 1/fMAX (EBR clock). The reset
release must adhere to the EBR synchronous reset setup time before the next active read or write clock edge.

If an EBR is pre-loaded during configuration, the GSR input must be disabled or the release of the GSR during
device Wake Up must occur before the release of the device I/Os becoming active.

These instructions apply to all EBR RAM and ROM implementations.

Note that there are no reset restrictions if the EBR synchronous reset is used and the EBR GSR input is disabled.

sysDSP™ Block
The LatticeXP2 family provides a sysDSP block making it ideally suited for low cost, high performance Digital Sig-
nal Processing (DSP) applications. Typical functions used in these applications include Bit Correlators, Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT) functions, Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filter, Reed-Solomon Encoder/Decoder, Turbo Encoder/
Decoder and Convolutional Encoder/Decoder. These complex signal processing functions use similar building
blocks such as multiply-adders and multiply-accumulators.

sysDSP Block Approach Compare to General DSP

Conventional general-purpose DSP chips typically contain one to four (Multiply and Accumulate) MAC units with
fixed data-width multipliers; this leads to limited parallelism and limited throughput. Their throughput is increased by
higher clock speeds. The LatticeXP2 family, on the other hand, has many DSP blocks that support different data-
widths. This allows the designer to use highly parallel implementations of DSP functions. The designer can opti-
mize the DSP performance vs. area by choosing appropriate levels of parallelism. Figure 2-19 compares the fully
serial and the mixed parallel and serial implementations.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Figure 2-19. Comparison of General DSP and LatticeXP2 Approaches

Operand Operand Operand


Operand Operand Operand


Operand Operand

x Multiplier 0

Multiplier 1
x x m/k

x M loops Multiplier k


Function implemented in
(k adds)
General purpose DSP


Function implemented
in LatticeXP2

sysDSP Block Capabilities

The sysDSP block in the LatticeXP2 family supports four functional elements in three 9, 18 and 36 data path
widths. The user selects a function element for a DSP block and then selects the width and type (signed/unsigned)
of its operands. The operands in the LatticeXP2 family sysDSP Blocks can be either signed or unsigned but not
mixed within a function element. Similarly, the operand widths cannot be mixed within a block. DSP elements can
be concatenated.

The resources in each sysDSP block can be configured to support the following four elements:

• MULT (Multiply)
• MAC (Multiply, Accumulate)
• MULTADDSUB (Multiply, Addition/Subtraction)
• MULTADDSUBSUM (Multiply, Addition/Subtraction, Accumulate)

The number of elements available in each block depends on the width selected from the three available options: x9,
x18, and x36. A number of these elements are concatenated for highly parallel implementations of DSP functions.
Table 2-6 shows the capabilities of the block.

Table 2-6. Maximum Number of Elements in a Block

Width of Multiply x9 x18 x36
MULT 8 4 1
MAC 2 2 —

Some options are available in four elements. The input register in all the elements can be directly loaded or can be
loaded as shift register from previous operand registers. By selecting ‘dynamic operation’ the following operations
are possible:

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

• In the ‘Signed/Unsigned’ options the operands can be switched between signed and unsigned on every cycle.
• In the ‘Add/Sub’ option the Accumulator can be switched between addition and subtraction on every cycle.
• The loading of operands can switch between parallel and serial operations.
MULT sysDSP Element
This multiplier element implements a multiply with no addition or accumulator nodes. The two operands, A and B,
are multiplied and the result is available at the output. The user can enable the input/output and pipeline registers.
Figure 2-20 shows the MULT sysDSP element.

Figure 2-20. MULT sysDSP Element

Shift Register B In Shift Register A In

Multiplicand m m

Multiplier n m
Input Data m Multiplier

Register A

(default) m+n

Input Data n
x Output
Register B Pipeline
m Register

Signed A Input To
Register Multiplier
Signed B Input To CLK (CLK0,CLK1,CLK2,CLK3)
Register Multiplier
CE (CE0,CE1,CE2,CE3)


Shift Register B Out Shift Register A Out

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

MAC sysDSP Element

In this case, the two operands, A and B, are multiplied and the result is added with the previous accumulated value.
This accumulated value is available at the output. The user can enable the input and pipeline registers but the out-
put register is always enabled. The output register is used to store the accumulated value. The Accumulators in the
DSP blocks in LatticeXP2 family can be initialized dynamically. A registered overflow signal is also available. The
overflow conditions are provided later in this document. Figure 2-21 shows the MAC sysDSP element.

Figure 2-21. MAC sysDSP

Serial Register B in Serial Register A in Preload

Multiplicand m m

n m
Multiplier n m+n+16

Input Data m Multiplier (default)

Register A
n Output
m+n m+n+16
Input Data n (default) (default)
Register B Pipeline
n Register

Signed A Input Pipeline Overflow
To Accumulator
Register Register
Signed B Input Pipeline
Register Register To Accumulator

Input Pipeline
Addn To Accumulator
Register Register
Accumsload Input Pipeline
To Accumulator CE (CE0,CE1,CE2,CE3)
Register Register


LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet


In this case, the operands A0 and B0 are multiplied and the result is added/subtracted with the result of the multi-
plier operation of operands A1 and B1. The user can enable the input, output and pipeline registers. Figure 2-22
shows the MULTADDSUB sysDSP element.

Figure 2-22. MULTADDSUB

Shift Register B In Shift Register A In

Multiplicand A0 m m
CE (CE0,CE1,CE2,CE3)

Multiplier B0 n
Input Data m Multiplier
Register A

Input Data n
x m+n
Register B Pipeline
m Register Add/Sub

Multiplicand A1 m

m+n+1 m+n+1
m (default) (default)
Multiplier B1 n
Input Data m Multiplier m+n
Register A (default)

Input Data n
Register B Pipeline
m Register
Signed A Input Pipeline
Register Register
Reg To Add/Sub
Signed B Input Pipeline
Register Register
Reg To Add/Sub
Addn Input Pipeline
Register Register
To Add/Sub

Shift Register B Out Shift Register A Out

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet


In this case, the operands A0 and B0 are multiplied and the result is added/subtracted with the result of the multi-
plier operation of operands A1 and B1. Additionally the operands A2 and B2 are multiplied and the result is added/
subtracted with the result of the multiplier operation of operands A3 and B3. The result of both addition/subtraction
are added in a summation block. The user can enable the input, output and pipeline registers. Figure 2-23 shows
the MULTADDSUBSUM sysDSP element.


Shift Register B In Shift Register A In

Multiplicand A0 m m

n m CE (CE0,CE1,CE2,CE3)
Multiplier B0 n
Input Data m Multiplier RST(RST0,RST1,RST2,RST3)
Register A

Input Data n
x (default)

Register B Pipeline
m Register Add/Sub0
Multiplicand A1 m
Multiplier B1 n
Input Data n Multiplier
Register A m+n+1

Input Data n
Register B Pipeline SUM

Multiplicand A2 Output
m m
m+n+2 m+n+2
n m
Multiplier B2 n
Input Data m Multiplier
Register A

Input Data n
x (default)
Register B Pipeline
m Register Add/Sub1
Multiplicand A3 m
Multiplier B3 n
Input Data m Multiplier
Register A

Input Data n
Register B Pipeline
m Register
Signed A n
Input Pipeline
Register Register To Add/Sub0, Add/Sub1
Signed B
Input Pipeline
Register Register To Add/Sub0, Add/Sub1
Addn0 Input Pipeline
Register Register To Add/Sub0
Addn1 Input Pipeline
Register Register
To Add/Sub1

Shift Register B Out Shift Register A Out

Clock, Clock Enable and Reset Resources

Global Clock, Clock Enable (CE) and Reset (RST) signals from routing are available to every DSP block. From four
clock sources (CLK0, CLK1, CLK2, CLK3) one clock is selected for each input register, pipeline register and output

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

register. Similarly, CE and RST are selected from their four respective sources (CE0, CE1, CE2, CE3 and RST0,
RST1, RST2, RST3) at each input register, pipeline register and output register.

Signed and Unsigned with Different Widths

The DSP block supports other widths, in addition to x9, x18 and x36 widths, of signed and unsigned multipliers. For
unsigned operands, unused upper data bits should be filled to create a valid x9, x18 or x36 operand. For signed
two’s complement operands, sign extension of the most significant bit should be performed until x9, x18 or x36
width is reached. Table 2-7 provides an example of this.

Table 2-7. Sign Extension Example

Unsigned Unsigned Two’s Complement Two’s Complement
Number Unsigned 9-bit 18-bit Signed Signed 9 Bits Signed 18 Bits
+5 0101 000000101 000000000000000101 0101 000000101 000000000000000101
-6 N/A N/A N/A 1010 111111010 111111111111111010


The sysDSP block provides an overflow output to indicate that the accumulator has overflowed. “Roll-over” occurs
and an overflow signal is indicated when any of the following is true: two unsigned numbers are added and the
result is a smaller number than the accumulator, two positive numbers are added with a negative sum or two nega-
tive numbers are added with a positive sum. Note that when overflow occurs the overflow flag is present for only
one cycle. By counting these overflow pulses in FPGA logic, larger accumulators can be constructed. The condi-
tions for the overflow signal for signed and unsigned operands are listed in Figure 2-24.

Figure 2-24. Accumulator Overflow/Underflow

011111100 252 000000011 3

253 000000010 2
011111101 Carry signal is generated for
254 000000001 1
011111110 one cycle when this
255 000000000 0
011111111 boundary is crossed
100000000 256 111111111 511
100000001 257
111111110 510
100000010 258
111111101 509

Unsigned Operation

011111100 252 000000011 +3

011111101 000000010 +2
Overflow signal is generated 253
for one cycle when this 011111110 254
255 000000000 0
boundary is crossed 011111111 -1
100000000 -256 111111110 -2
100000001 -255 111111101 -3
100000010 -254

Signed Operation

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

The user can access the sysDSP block via the Lattice IPexpress tool, which provides the option to configure each
DSP module (or group of modules), or by direct HDL instantiation. In addition, Lattice has partnered with The Math-
Works® to support instantiation in the Simulink® tool, a graphical simulation environment. Simulink works with Dia-
mond to dramatically shorten the DSP design cycle in Lattice FPGAs.

Optimized DSP Functions

Lattice provides a library of optimized DSP IP functions. Some of the IP cores planned for the LatticeXP2 DSP
include the Bit Correlator, FFT functions, FIR Filter, Reed-Solomon Encoder/Decoder, Turbo Encoder/Decoder and
Convolutional Encoder/Decoder. Please contact Lattice to obtain the latest list of available DSP IP cores.

Resources Available in the LatticeXP2 Family

Table 2-8 shows the maximum number of multipliers for each member of the LatticeXP2 family. Table 2-9 shows the
maximum available EBR RAM Blocks and Serial TAG Memory bits in each LatticeXP2 device. EBR blocks,
together with Distributed RAM can be used to store variables locally for fast DSP operations.

Table 2-8. Maximum Number of DSP Blocks in the LatticeXP2 Family

Device DSP Block 9x9 Multiplier 18x18 Multiplier 36x36 Multiplier
XP2-5 3 24 12 3
XP2-8 4 32 16 4
XP2-17 5 40 20 5
XP2-30 7 56 28 7
XP2-40 8 64 32 8

Table 2-9. Embedded SRAM/TAG Memory in the LatticeXP2 Family

Total EBR SRAM TAG Memory
Device EBR SRAM Block (Kbits) (Bits)
XP2-5 9 166 632
XP2-8 12 221 768
XP2-17 15 276 2184
XP2-30 21 387 2640
XP2-40 48 885 3384

LatticeXP2 DSP Performance

Table 2-10 lists the maximum performance in Millions of MAC (MMAC) operations per second for each member of
the LatticeXP2 family.

Table 2-10. DSP Performance

DSP Performance
Device DSP Block MMAC
XP2-5 3 3,900
XP2-8 4 5,200
XP2-17 5 6,500
XP2-30 7 9,100
XP2-40 8 10,400

For further information on the sysDSP block, please see TN1140, LatticeXP2 sysDSP Usage Guide.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Programmable I/O Cells (PIC)

Each PIC contains two PIOs connected to their respective sysIO buffers as shown in Figure 2-25. The PIO Block
supplies the output data (DO) and the tri-state control signal (TO) to the sysIO buffer and receives input from the
buffer. Table 2-11 provides the PIO signal list.

Figure 2-25. PIC Diagram



OPOS21 “T”
Block sysIO

IPOS1 Input
Control Register
CLK Muxes Block


1. Signals are available on left/right/bottom edges only.

2. Selected blocks.

Two adjacent PIOs can be joined to provide a differential I/O pair (labeled as “T” and “C”) as shown in Figure 2-25.
The PAD Labels “T” and “C” distinguish the two PIOs. Approximately 50% of the PIO pairs on the left and right
edges of the device can be configured as true LVDS outputs. All I/O pairs can operate as inputs.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Table 2-11. PIO Signal List

Name Type Description
CE Control from the core Clock enables for input and output block flip-flops
CLK Control from the core System clocks for input and output blocks
ECLK1, ECLK2 Control from the core Fast edge clocks
LSR Control from the core Local Set/Reset
GSRN Control from routing Global Set/Reset (active low)
INCK2 Input to the core Input to Primary Clock Network or PLL reference inputs
DQS Input to PIO DQS signal from logic (routing) to PIO
INDD Input to the core Unregistered data input to core
INFF Input to the core Registered input on positive edge of the clock (CLK0)
IPOS0, IPOS1 Input to the core Double data rate registered inputs to the core
1 1
QPOS0 , QPOS1 Input to the core Gearbox pipelined inputs to the core
QNEG01, QNEG11 Input to the core Gearbox pipelined inputs to the core
Output data from the core Output signals from the core for SDR and DDR operation
OPOS1 ONEG1 Tristate control from the core Signals to Tristate Register block for DDR operation
DEL[3:0] Control from the core Dynamic input delay control bits
TD Tristate control from the core Tristate signal from the core used in SDR operation
DDRCLKPOL Control from clock polarity bus Controls the polarity of the clock (CLK0) that feed the DDR input block
DQSXFER Control from core Controls signal to the Output block
1. Signals available on left/right/bottom only.
2. Selected I/O.

The PIO contains four blocks: an input register block, output register block, tristate register block and a control logic
block. These blocks contain registers for operating in a variety of modes along with necessary clock and selection

Input Register Block

The input register blocks for PIOs contain delay elements and registers that can be used to condition high-speed
interface signals, such as DDR memory interfaces and source synchronous interfaces, before they are passed to
the device core. Figure 2-26 shows the diagram of the input register block.

Input signals are fed from the sysIO buffer to the input register block (as signal DI). If desired, the input signal can
bypass the register and delay elements and be used directly as a combinatorial signal (INDD), a clock (INCK) and,
in selected blocks, the input to the DQS delay block. If an input delay is desired, designers can select either a fixed
delay or a dynamic delay DEL[3:0]. The delay, if selected, reduces input register hold time requirements when
using a global clock.

The input block allows three modes of operation. In the Single Data Rate (SDR) mode, the data is registered, by
one of the registers in the SDR Sync register block, with the system clock. In DDR mode two registers are used to
sample the data on the positive and negative edges of the DQS signal which creates two data streams, D0 and D2.
D0 and D2 are synchronized with the system clock before entering the core. Further information on this topic can
be found in the DDR Memory Support section of this data sheet.

By combining input blocks of the complementary PIOs and sharing registers from output blocks, a gearbox function
can be implemented, that takes a double data rate signal applied to PIOA and converts it as four data streams,
IPOS0A, IPOS1A, IPOS0B and IPOS1B. Figure 2-26 shows the diagram using this gearbox function. For more
information on this topic, please see TN1138, LatticeXP2 High Speed I/O Interface.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

The signal DDRCLKPOL controls the polarity of the clock used in the synchronization registers. It ensures ade-
quate timing when data is transferred from the DQS to system clock domain. For further discussion on this topic,
see the DDR Memory section of this data sheet.

Figure 2-26. Input Register Block

DI To DQS Delay Block 2
(From sysIO INDD
Buffer) DDR Registers SDR & Sync Clock Transfer Registers
Registers IPOS0A
Fixed Delay 0
0 D0
Dynamic Delay 1 D Q D Q QPOS0A
Q 1 D-Type
/LATCH D-Type1
DEL [3:0] D-Type
Routing IPOS1A
D1 D2
Delayed D-Type D-Type D-Type

CLK0 (of PIO A)

True PIO (A) in LVDS I/O Pair
Comp PIO (B) in LVDS I/O Pair
DI DDRSRC To DQS Delay Block 2
(From sysIO INDD
Buffer) DDR Registers SDR & Sync
Fixed Delay 0 Clock Transfer Registers
Registers IPOS0B
Dynamic Delay 1 0
1 D-Type
DEL [3:0] D-Type /LATCH D-Type1

Routing D1 0
D2 1
D-Type D-Type D-Type D-Type1
Delayed 0 /LATCH
CLK0 (of PIO B)

DDRCLKPOL Gearbox Configuration Bit


1. Shared with output register Note: Simplified version does not

2. Selected PIO. show CE and SET/RESET details

Output Register Block

The output register block provides the ability to register signals from the core of the device before they are passed
to the sysIO buffers. The blocks on the PIOs on the left, right and bottom contain registers for SDR operation that
are combined with an additional latch for DDR operation. Figure 2-27 shows the diagram of the Output Register
Block for PIOs.

In SDR mode, ONEG0 feeds one of the flip-flops that then feeds the output. The flip-flop can be configured as a D-
type or latch. In DDR mode, ONEG0 and OPOS0 are fed into registers on the positive edge of the clock. At the next
clock cycle the registered OPOS0 is latched. A multiplexer running off the same clock cycle selects the correct reg-
ister to feed the output (D0).

By combining output blocks of the complementary PIOs and sharing some registers from input blocks, a gearbox
function can be implemented, to take four data streams ONEG0A, ONEG1A, ONEG1B and ONEG1B. Figure 2-27

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

shows the diagram using this gearbox function. For more information on this topic, see TN1138, LatticeXP2 High
Speed I/O Interface.

Figure 2-27. Output and Tristate Block

Tristate Logic
0 TO

D-Type Latch

To sysIO Buffer
From Routing

Q D Q DDR Output
1 D-Type Registers
D-Type* 1 /LATCH DO

Q 1
0 1
D-Type* Latch D-Type Latch

Clock Transfer
ECLK1 0 Programmable
ECLK2 0 Control
CLK1 1
DQSXFER Output Logic
True PIO (A) in LVDS I/O Pair
Comp PIO (B) in LVDS I/O Pair
Tristate Logic
0 TO

Q D Q 1
D-Type Latch
To sysIO Buffer
From Routing

D-Type DDR Output
D-Type* /LATCH Registers


D-Type* Latch D-Type Latch

Clock Transfer
ECLK1 Programmable
CLK1 1
0 Control
(CLKB) 1
Output Logic
* Shared with input register Note: Simplified version does not show CE and SET/RESET details

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Tristate Register Block

The tristate register block provides the ability to register tri-state control signals from the core of the device before
they are passed to the sysIO buffers. The block contains a register for SDR operation and an additional latch for
DDR operation. Figure 2-27 shows the Tristate Register Block with the Output Block

In SDR mode, ONEG1 feeds one of the flip-flops that then feeds the output. The flip-flop can be configured as D-
type or latch. In DDR mode, ONEG1 and OPOS1 are fed into registers on the positive edge of the clock. Then in
the next clock the registered OPOS1 is latched. A multiplexer running off the same clock cycle selects the correct
register for feeding to the output (D0).

Control Logic Block

The control logic block allows the selection and modification of control signals for use in the PIO block. A clock sig-
nal is selected from general purpose routing, ECLK1, ECLK2 or a DQS signal (from the programmable DQS pin)
and is provided to the input register block. The clock can optionally be inverted.

DDR Memory Support

PICs have additional circuitry to allow implementation of high speed source synchronous and DDR memory inter-

PICs have registered elements that support DDR memory interfaces. Interfaces on the left and right edges are
designed for DDR memories that support 16 bits of data, whereas interfaces on the top and bottom are designed
for memories that support 18 bits of data. One of every 16 PIOs on the left and right and one of every 18 PIOs on
the top and bottom contain delay elements to facilitate the generation of DQS signals. The DQS signals feed the
DQS buses which span the set of 16 or 18 PIOs. Figure 2-28 and Figure 2-29 show the DQS pin assignments in
each set of PIOs.

The exact DQS pins are shown in a dual function in the Logic Signal Connections table in this data sheet. Addi-
tional detail is provided in the Signal Descriptions table. The DQS signal from the bus is used to strobe the DDR
data from the memory into input register blocks. For additional information on using DDR memory support please
see TN1138, LatticeXP2 High Speed I/O Interface.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Figure 2-28. DQS Input Routing (Left and Right)








PIO A sysIO Assigned

Buffer DQS Pin
DQS Delay








Figure 2-29. DQS Input Routing (Top and Bottom)









PIO A sysIO Assigned

Buffer DQS Pin
DQS Delay









LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

DLL Calibrated DQS Delay Block

Source synchronous interfaces generally require the input clock to be adjusted in order to correctly capture data at
the input register. For most interfaces a PLL is used for this adjustment. However, in DDR memories the clock,
referred to as DQS, is not free-running, and this approach cannot be used. The DQS Delay block provides the
required clock alignment for DDR memory interfaces.

The DQS signal (selected PIOs only, as shown in Figure 2-30) feeds from the PAD through a DQS delay element to
a dedicated DQS routing resource. The DQS signal also feeds polarity control logic which controls the polarity of
the clock to the sync registers in the input register blocks. Figure 2-30 and Figure 2-31 show how the DQS transi-
tion signals are routed to the PIOs.

The temperature, voltage and process variations of the DQS delay block are compensated by a set of 6-bit bus cal-
ibration signals from two dedicated DLLs (DDR_DLL) on opposite sides of the device. Each DLL compensates
DQS delays in its half of the device as shown in Figure 2-30. The DLL loop is compensated for temperature, volt-
age and process variations by the system clock and feedback loop.

Figure 2-30. Edge Clock, DLL Calibration and DQS Local Bus Distribution

I/O Bank 0 I/O Bank 1

Spans 16 PIOs
Left & Right Sides



I/O Bank 2
I/O Bank 7

DQS Input
(Left) (Right)

Polarity Control
I/O Bank 3

I/O Bank 6

DQS Delay
Control Bus

Spans 18 PIOs
Top & Bottom

I/O Bank 5 I/O Bank 4

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Figure 2-31. DQS Local Bus


Polarity control

DQSXFER Register Block DDR
sysIO Datain
Input Buffer PAD
Register Block

GSR To Sync DI
CEI Reg.


sysIO Strobe
PIO Buffer PAD

Polarity Control
Calibration bus
from DLL




*DQSXFERDEL shifts ECLK1 by 90% and is not associated with a particular PIO.

Polarity Control Logic

In a typical DDR memory interface design, the phase relationship between the incoming delayed DQS strobe and
the internal system clock (during the READ cycle) is unknown. The LatticeXP2 family contains dedicated circuits to
transfer data between these domains. To prevent set-up and hold violations, at the domain transfer between DQS
(delayed) and the system clock, a clock polarity selector is used. This changes the edge on which the data is regis-
tered in the synchronizing registers in the input register block and requires evaluation at the start of each READ
cycle for the correct clock polarity.

Prior to the READ operation in DDR memories, DQS is in tristate (pulled by termination). The DDR memory device
drives DQS low at the start of the preamble state. A dedicated circuit detects this transition. This signal is used to
control the polarity of the clock to the synchronizing registers.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

LatticeXP2 devices provide a DQSXFER signal to the output buffer to assist it in data transfer to DDR memories
that require DQS strobe be shifted 90o. This shifted DQS strobe is generated by the DQSDEL block. The
DQSXFER signal runs the span of the data bus.

sysIO Buffer
Each I/O is associated with a flexible buffer referred to as a sysIO buffer. These buffers are arranged around the
periphery of the device in groups referred to as banks. The sysIO buffers allow users to implement the wide variety
of standards that are found in today’s systems including LVCMOS, SSTL, HSTL, LVDS and LVPECL.

sysIO Buffer Banks

LatticeXP2 devices have eight sysIO buffer banks for user I/Os arranged two per side. Each bank is capable of sup-
porting multiple I/O standards. Each sysIO bank has its own I/O supply voltage (VCCIO). In addition, each bank has
voltage references, VREF1 and VREF2, that allow it to be completely independent from the others. Figure 2-32
shows the eight banks and their associated supplies.

In LatticeXP2 devices, single-ended output buffers and ratioed input buffers (LVTTL, LVCMOS and PCI) are pow-
ered using VCCIO. LVTTL, LVCMOS33, LVCMOS25 and LVCMOS12 can also be set as fixed threshold inputs inde-
pendent of VCCIO.

Each bank can support up to two separate VREF voltages, VREF1 and VREF2, that set the threshold for the refer-
enced input buffers. Some dedicated I/O pins in a bank can be configured to be a reference voltage supply pin.
Each I/O is individually configurable based on the bank’s supply and reference voltages.

Figure 2-32. LatticeXP2 Banks









Bank 0 Bank 1

V REF1(7) V REF1(2)
Bank 7

Bank 2

V REF2(7) V REF2(2)


V REF1(6) V REF1(3)
Bank 6

Bank 3

V REF2(6) V REF2(3)


Bank 5 Bank 4








LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

LatticeXP2 devices contain two types of sysIO buffer pairs.

1. Top and Bottom (Banks 0, 1, 4 and 5) sysIO Buffer Pairs (Single-Ended Outputs Only)
The sysIO buffer pairs in the top banks of the device consist of two single-ended output drivers and two sets of
single-ended input buffers (both ratioed and referenced). One of the referenced input buffers can also be con-
figured as a differential input. 

The two pads in the pair are described as “true” and “comp”, where the true pad is associated with the positive
side of the differential input buffer and the comp (complementary) pad is associated with the negative side of
the differential input buffer. 

Only the I/Os on the top and bottom banks have programmable PCI clamps.

2. Left and Right (Banks 2, 3, 6 and 7) sysIO Buffer Pairs (50% Differential and 100% Single-Ended Outputs)
The sysIO buffer pairs in the left and right banks of the device consist of two single-ended output drivers, two
sets of single-ended input buffers (both ratioed and referenced) and one differential output driver. One of the ref-
erenced input buffers can also be configured as a differential input. 

The two pads in the pair are described as “true” and “comp”, where the true pad is associated with the positive
side of the differential I/O, and the comp pad is associated with the negative side of the differential I/O. 

LVDS differential output drivers are available on 50% of the buffer pairs on the left and right banks.

Typical sysIO I/O Behavior During Power-up

The internal power-on-reset (POR) signal is deactivated when VCC, VCCCONFIG (VCCIO7) and VCCAUX have reached
satisfactory levels. After the POR signal is deactivated, the FPGA core logic becomes active. It is the user’s respon-
sibility to ensure that all other VCCIO banks are active with valid input logic levels to properly control the output logic
states of all the I/O banks that are critical to the application. During power up and before the FPGA core logic
becomes active, all user I/Os will be high-impedance with weak pull-up. Please refer to TN1136, LatticeXP2 sysIO
Usage Guide for additional information.

The VCC and VCCAUX supply the power to the FPGA core fabric, whereas the VCCIO supplies power to the I/O buf-
fers. In order to simplify system design while providing consistent and predictable I/O behavior, it is recommended
that the I/O buffers be powered-up prior to the FPGA core fabric. VCCIO supplies should be powered-up before or
together with the VCC and VCCAUX supplies.

Supported sysIO Standards

The LatticeXP2 sysIO buffer supports both single-ended and differential standards. Single-ended standards can be
further subdivided into LVCMOS, LVTTL and other standards. The buffers support the LVTTL, LVCMOS 1.2V, 1.5V,
1.8V, 2.5V and 3.3V standards. In the LVCMOS and LVTTL modes, the buffer has individual configuration options
for drive strength, bus maintenance (weak pull-up, weak pull-down, or a bus-keeper latch) and open drain. Other
single-ended standards supported include SSTL and HSTL. Differential standards supported include LVDS,
MLVDS, BLVDS, LVPECL, RSDS, differential SSTL and differential HSTL. Tables 2-12 and 2-13 show the I/O stan-
dards (together with their supply and reference voltages) supported by LatticeXP2 devices. For further information
on utilizing the sysIO buffer to support a variety of standards please see TN1136, LatticeXP2 sysIO Usage Guide.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Table 2-12. Supported Input Standards

Input Standard VREF (Nom.) VCCIO1 (Nom.)
Single Ended Interfaces
LVCMOS33 — —
LVCMOS25 — —
LVCMOS18 — 1.8
LVCMOS15 — 1.5
LVCMOS12 — —
PCI33 — —
HSTL18 Class I, II 0.9 —
HSTL15 Class I 0.75 —
SSTL33 Class I, II 1.5 —
SSTL25 Class I, II 1.25 —
SSTL18 Class I, II 0.9 —
Differential Interfaces
Differential SSTL18 Class I, II — —
Differential SSTL25 Class I, II — —
Differential SSTL33 Class I, II — —
Differential HSTL15 Class I — —
Differential HSTL18 Class I, II — —
1. When not specified, VCCIO can be set anywhere in the valid operating range (page 3-1).

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Table 2-13. Supported Output Standards

Output Standard Drive VCCIO (Nom.)
Single-ended Interfaces
LVTTL 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA, 20mA 3.3
LVCMOS33 4mA, 8mA, 12mA 16mA, 20mA 3.3
LVCMOS25 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA, 20mA 2.5
LVCMOS18 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA 1.8
LVCMOS15 4mA, 8mA 1.5
LVCMOS12 2mA, 6mA 1.2
LVCMOS33, Open Drain 4mA, 8mA, 12mA 16mA, 20mA —
LVCMOS25, Open Drain 4mA, 8mA, 12mA 16mA, 20mA —
LVCMOS18, Open Drain 4mA, 8mA, 12mA 16mA —
LVCMOS15, Open Drain 4mA, 8mA —
LVCMOS12, Open Drain 2mA, 6mA —
PCI33 N/A 3.3
HSTL18 Class I, II N/A 1.8
HSTL15 Class I N/A 1.5
SSTL33 Class I, II N/A 3.3
SSTL25 Class I, II N/A 2.5
SSTL18 Class I, II N/A 1.8
Differential Interfaces
Differential SSTL33, Class I, II N/A 3.3
Differential SSTL25, Class I, II N/A 2.5
Differential SSTL18, Class I, II N/A 1.8
Differential HSTL18, Class I, II N/A 1.8
Differential HSTL15, Class I N/A 1.5
1, 2
LVDS N/A 2.5
MLVDS1 N/A 2.5
RSDS N/A 2.5
LVCMOS33D1 4mA, 8mA, 12mA, 16mA, 20mA 3.3
1. Emulated with external resistors.
2. On the left and right edges, LVDS outputs are supported with a dedicated differential output driver on 50% of the I/Os. This
solution does not require external resistors at the driver.

Hot Socketing
LatticeXP2 devices have been carefully designed to ensure predictable behavior during power-up and power-
down. Power supplies can be sequenced in any order. During power-up and power-down sequences, the I/Os
remain in tri-state until the power supply voltage is high enough to ensure reliable operation. In addition, leakage
into I/O pins is controlled to within specified limits. This allows for easy integration with the rest of the system.
These capabilities make the LatticeXP2 ideal for many multiple power supply and hot-swap applications.

IEEE 1149.1-Compliant Boundary Scan Testability

All LatticeXP2 devices have boundary scan cells that are accessed through an IEEE 1149.1 compliant Test Access
Port (TAP). This allows functional testing of the circuit board, on which the device is mounted, through a serial scan
path that can access all critical logic nodes. Internal registers are linked internally, allowing test data to be shifted in

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

and loaded directly onto test nodes, or test data to be captured and shifted out for verification. The test access port
consists of dedicated I/Os: TDI, TDO, TCK and TMS. The test access port has its own supply voltage VCCJ and can
operate with LVCMOS3.3, 2.5, 1.8, 1.5 and 1.2 standards. For more information, please see TN1141, LatticeXP2
sysCONFIG Usage Guide.

flexiFLASH Device Configuration

The LatticeXP2 devices combine Flash and SRAM on a single chip to provide users with flexibility in device pro-
gramming and configuration. Figure 2-33 provides an overview of the arrangement of Flash and SRAM configura-
tion cells within the device. The remainder of this section provides an overview of these capabilities. See TN1141,
LatticeXP2 sysCONFIG Usage Guide for a more detailed description.

Figure 2-33. Overview of Flash and SRAM Configuration Cells Within LatticeXP2 Devices

Massively Parallel
Data Transfer
EBR Blocks Instant-ON

Flash for

Flash Memory
SRAM Solution

for EBR
EBR Blocks

Device Lock
for Design
Decryption TAG Security
and Device Memory


At power-up, or on user command, data is transferred from the on-chip Flash memory to the SRAM configuration
cells that control the operation of the device. This is done with massively parallel buses enabling the parts to oper-
ate within microseconds of the power supplies reaching valid levels; this capability is referred to as Instant-On.

The on-chip Flash enables a single-chip solution eliminating the need for external boot memory. This Flash can be
programmed through either the JTAG or Slave SPI ports of the device. The SRAM configuration space can also be
infinitely reconfigured through the JTAG and Master SPI ports. The JTAG port is IEEE 1149.1 and IEEE 1532 com-

As described in the EBR section of the data sheet, the FlashBAK capability of the parts enables the contents of the
EBR blocks to be written back into the Flash storage area without erasing or reprogramming other aspects of the
device configuration. Serial TAG memory is also available to allow the storage of small amounts of data such as
calibration coefficients and error codes.

For applications where security is important, the lack of an external bitstream provides a solution that is inherently
more secure than SRAM only FPGAs. This is further enhanced by device locking. The device can be in one of
three modes:

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

1. Unlocked

2. Key Locked – Presenting the key through the programming interface allows the device to be unlocked.

3. Permanently Locked – The device is permanently locked.

To further complement the security of the device a One Time Programmable (OTP) mode is available. Once the
device is set in this mode it is not possible to erase or re-program the Flash portion of the device.

Serial TAG Memory

LatticeXP2 devices offer 0.6 to 3.3kbits of Flash memory in the form of Serial TAG memory. The TAG memory is an
area of the on-chip Flash that can be used for non-volatile storage including electronic ID codes, version codes,
date stamps, asset IDs and calibration settings. A block diagram of the TAG memory is shown in Figure 2-34. The
TAG memory is accessed in the same way as external SPI Flash and it can be read or programmed either through
JTAG, an external Slave SPI Port, or directly from FPGA logic. To read the TAG memory, a start address is speci-
fied and the entire TAG memory contents are read sequentially in a first-in-first-out manner. The TAG memory is
independent of the Flash used for device configuration and given its use for general-purpose storage functions is
always accessible regardless of the device security settings. For more information, see TN1137, LatticeXP2 Mem-
ory Usage Guide and TN1141, LatticeXP2 sysCONFIG Usage Guide.

Figure 2-34. Serial TAG Memory Diagram

External Slave External Slave
SPI Port SPI Port
Data Shift Register
FPGA Logic FPGA Logic

Address Flash Memory Array

Live Update Technology

Many applications require field updates of the FPGA. LatticeXP2 devices provide three features that enable this
configuration to be done in a secure and failsafe manner while minimizing impact on system operation.

1. Decryption Support
LatticeXP2 devices provide on-chip, non-volatile key storage to support decryption of a 128-bit AES encrypted
bitstream, securing designs and deterring design piracy.

2. TransFR (Transparent Field Reconfiguration)

TransFR I/O (TFR) is a unique Lattice technology that allows users to update their logic in the field without
interrupting system operation using a single ispVM command. TransFR I/O allows I/O states to be frozen dur-
ing device configuration. This allows the device to be field updated with a minimum of system disruption and
downtime. For more information please see TN1087, Minimizing System Interruption During Configuration
Using TransFR Technology.

3. Dual Boot Image Support

Dual boot images are supported for applications requiring reliable remote updates of configuration data for the
system FPGA. After the system is running with a basic configuration, a new boot image can be downloaded
remotely and stored in a separate location in the configuration storage device. Any time after the update the
LatticeXP2 can be re-booted from this new configuration file. If there is a problem such as corrupt data during
download or incorrect version number with this new boot image, the LatticeXP2 device can revert back to the

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

original backup configuration and try again. This all can be done without power cycling the system. For more
information please see TN1220, LatticeXP2 Dual Boot Feature.

For more information on device configuration, please see TN1141, LatticeXP2 sysCONFIG Usage Guide.

Soft Error Detect (SED) Support

LatticeXP2 devices have dedicated logic to perform Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) checks. During configuration,
the configuration data bitstream can be checked with the CRC logic block. In addition, LatticeXP2 devices can be
programmed for checking soft errors in SRAM. SED can be run on a programmed device when the user logic is not
active. In the event a soft error occurs, the device can be programmed to either reload from a known good boot
image (from internal Flash or external SPI memory) or generate an error signal.

For further information on SED support, please see TN1130, LatticeXP2 Soft Error Detection (SED) Usage Guide.

On-Chip Oscillator
Every LatticeXP2 device has an internal CMOS oscillator that is used to derive a Master Clock (CCLK) for configu-
ration. The oscillator and CCLK run continuously and are available to user logic after configuration is complete. The
available CCLK frequencies are listed in Table 2-14. When a different CCLK frequency is selected during the
design process, the following sequence takes place:

1. Device powers up with the default CCLK frequency.

2. During configuration, users select a different CCLK frequency.

3. CCLK frequency changes to the selected frequency after clock configuration bits are received.

This internal CMOS oscillator is available to the user by routing it as an input clock to the clock tree. For further
information on the use of this oscillator for configuration or user mode, please see TN1141, LatticeXP2 sysCON-
FIG Usage Guide.

Table 2-14. Selectable CCLKs and Oscillator Frequencies During Configuration and User Mode
CCLK/Oscillator (MHz)
1. Software default oscillator frequency.
2. Software default CCLK frequency.
3. Frequency not valid for CCLK.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Density Shifting
The LatticeXP2 family is designed to ensure that different density devices in the same family and in the same pack-
age have the same pinout. Furthermore, the architecture ensures a high success rate when performing design
migration from lower density devices to higher density devices. In many cases, it is also possible to shift a lower uti-
lization design targeted for a high-density device to a lower density device. However, the exact details of the final
resource utilization will impact the likely success in each case.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet
DC and Switching Characteristics
September 2014 Data Sheet DS1009

Absolute Maximum Ratings1, 2, 3

Supply Voltage VCC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 1.32V
Supply Voltage VCCAUX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V
Supply Voltage VCCJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V
Supply Voltage VCCPLL4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V
Output Supply Voltage VCCIO . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V
Input or I/O Tristate Voltage Applied5 . . . . . . -0.5 to 3.75V
Storage Temperature (Ambient) . . . . . . . . . -65 to 150°C
Junction Temperature Under Bias (Tj) . . . . . . . . . +125°C
1. Stress above those listed under the “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the
device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this specification is not implied.
2. Compliance with the Lattice Thermal Management document is required.
3. All voltages referenced to GND.
4. VCCPLL only available on csBGA, PQFP and TQFP packages.
5. Overshoot and undershoot of -2V to (VIHMAX + 2) volts is permitted for a duration of <20 ns.

Recommended Operating Conditions

Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units
VCC Core Supply Voltage 1.14 1.26 V
VCCAUX4, 5 Auxiliary Supply Voltage 3.135 3.465 V
VCCPLL1 PLL Supply Voltage 3.135 3.465 V
2, 3, 4
VCCIO I/O Driver Supply Voltage 1.14 3.465 V
VCCJ2 Supply Voltage for IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port 1.14 3.465 V
tJCOM Junction Temperature, Commercial Operation 0 85 °C
tJIND Junction Temperature, Industrial Operation -40 100 °C
1. VCCPLL only available on csBGA, PQFP and TQFP packages.
2. If VCCIO or VCCJ is set to 1.2 V, they must be connected to the same power supply as VCC. If VCCIO or VCCJ is set to 3.3V, they must be con-
nected to the same power supply as VCCAUX.
3. See recommended voltages by I/O standard in subsequent table.
4. To ensure proper I/O behavior, VCCIO must be turned off at the same time or earlier than VCCAUX.
5. In fpBGA and ftBGA packages, the PLLs are connected to, and powered from, the auxiliary power supply.

On-Chip Flash Memory Specifications

Symbol Parameter Max. Units
Flash Programming Cycles per tRETENTION 10,000
Flash Functional Programming Cycles 100,000
1. The minimum data retention, tRETENTION, is 20 years.

© 2014 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand
or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 3-1 DS1009 DC and Switching_02.0

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Hot Socketing Specifications1, 2, 3, 4

Symbol Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
IDK Input or I/O Leakage Current 0  VIN  VIH (MAX.) — — +/-1 mA
1. Insensitive to sequence of VCC, VCCAUX and VCCIO. However, assumes monotonic rise/fall rates for VCC, VCCAUX and VCCIO.
2. 0  VCC  VCC (MAX), 0  VCCIO  VCCIO (MAX) or 0  VCCAUX  VCCAUX (MAX).
3. IDK is additive to IPU, IPW or IBH.
4. LVCMOS and LVTTL only.

ESD Performance
Please refer to the LatticeXP2 Product Family Qualification Summary for complete qualification data, including
ESD performance.

DC Electrical Characteristics
Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Condition Min. Typ. Max. Units
0  VIN  VCCIO — — 10 µA
IIL, IIH1 Input or I/O Low Leakage
VCCIO  VIN  VIH (MAX) — — 150 µA
IPU I/O Active Pull-up Current 0  VIN  0.7 VCCIO -30 — -150 µA
IPD I/O Active Pull-down Current VIL (MAX)  VIN  VCCIO 30 — 210 µA
IBHLS Bus Hold Low Sustaining Current VIN = VIL (MAX) 30 — — µA
IBHHS Bus Hold High Sustaining Current VIN = 0.7 VCCIO -30 — — µA
IBHLO Bus Hold Low Overdrive Current 0  VIN  VCCIO — — 210 µA
IBHHO Bus Hold High Overdrive Current 0  VIN  VCCIO — — -150 µA
VBHT Bus Hold Trip Points VIL (MAX) — VIH (MIN) V
VCCIO = 3.3V, 2.5V, 1.8V, 1.5V, 1.2V,
C1 I/O Capacitance2 — 8 — pf
VCC = 1.2V, VIO = 0 to VIH (MAX)
VCCIO = 3.3V, 2.5V, 1.8V, 1.5V, 1.2V,
C2 Dedicated Input Capacitance — 6 — pf
VCC = 1.2V, VIO = 0 to VIH (MAX)
1. Input or I/O leakage current is measured with the pin configured as an input or as an I/O with the output driver tri-stated. It is not measured
with the output driver active. Bus maintenance circuits are disabled.
2. TA 25oC, f = 1.0 MHz.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Supply Current (Standby)1, 2, 3, 4

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Device Typical5 Units
XP2-5 14 mA
XP2-8 18 mA
ICC Core Power Supply Current XP2-17 24 mA
XP2-30 35 mA
XP2-40 45 mA
XP2-5 15 mA
XP2-8 15 mA
ICCAUX Auxiliary Power Supply Current XP2-17 15 mA
XP2-30 16 mA
XP2-40 16 mA
ICCPLL PLL Power Supply Current (per PLL) 0.1 mA
ICCIO Bank Power Supply Current (per bank) 2 mA
ICCJ VCCJ Power Supply Current 0.25 mA
1. For further information on supply current, please see TN1139, Power Estimation and Management for LatticeXP2 Devices.
2. Assumes all outputs are tristated, all inputs are configured as LVCMOS and held at the VCCIO or GND.
3. Frequency 0 MHz.
4. Pattern represents a “blank” configuration data file.
5. TJ = 25oC, power supplies at nominal voltage.
6. In fpBGA and ftBGA packages the PLLs are connected to and powered from the auxiliary power supply. For these packages,
the actual auxiliary supply current is the sum of ICCAUX and ICCPLL. For csBGA, PQFP and TQFP packages the PLLs are
powered independent of the auxiliary power supply.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Initialization Supply Current1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Device (25°C, Max. Supply)6 Units
XP2-5 20 mA
XP2-8 21 mA
ICC Core Power Supply Current XP2-17 44 mA
XP2-30 58 mA
XP2-40 62 mA
XP2-5 67 mA
XP2-8 74 mA
ICCAUX Auxiliary Power Supply Current7 XP2-17 112 mA
XP2-30 124 mA
XP2-40 130 mA
ICCPLL PLL Power Supply Current (per PLL) 1.8 mA
ICCIO Bank Power Supply Current (per Bank) 6.4 mA
ICCJ VCCJ Power Supply Current 1.2 mA
1. For further information on supply current, please see TN1139, Power Estimation and Management for LatticeXP2 Devices.
2. Assumes all outputs are tristated, all inputs are configured as LVCMOS and held at the VCCIO or GND.
3. Frequency 0 MHz.
4. Does not include additional current from bypass or decoupling capacitor across the supply.
5. A specific configuration pattern is used that scales with the size of the device; consists of 75% PFU utilization, 50% EBR, and 25% I/O con-
6. TJ = 25°C, power supplies at nominal voltage.
7. In fpBGA and ftBGA packages the PLLs are connected to and powered from the auxiliary power supply. For these packages, the actual
auxiliary supply current is the sum of ICCAUX and ICCPLL. For csBGA, PQFP and TQFP packages the PLLs are powered independent of the
auxiliary power supply.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Programming and Erase Flash Supply Current1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Device (25°C, Max. Supply)6 Units
XP2-5 17 mA
XP2-8 21 mA
ICC Core Power Supply Current XP2-17 28 mA
XP2-30 36 mA
XP2-40 50 mA
XP2-5 64 mA
XP2-8 66 mA
ICCAUX Auxiliary Power Supply Current7 XP2-17 83 mA
XP2-30 87 mA
XP2-40 88 mA
ICCPLL PLL Power Supply Current (per PLL) 0.1 mA
ICCIO Bank Power Supply Current (per Bank) 5 mA
ICCJ VCCJ Power Supply Current8 14 mA
1. For further information on supply current, please see TN1139, Power Estimation and Management for LatticeXP2 Devices.
2. Assumes all outputs are tristated, all inputs are configured as LVCMOS and held at the VCCIO or GND.
3. Frequency 0 MHz (excludes dynamic power from FPGA operation).
4. A specific configuration pattern is used that scales with the size of the device; consists of 75% PFU utilization, 50% EBR, and 25% I/O con-
5. Bypass or decoupling capacitor across the supply.
6. TJ = 25°C, power supplies at nominal voltage.
7. In fpBGA and ftBGA packages the PLLs are connected to and powered from the auxiliary power supply. For these packages, the actual
auxiliary supply current is the sum of ICCAUX and ICCPLL. For csBGA, PQFP and TQFP packages the PLLs are powered independent of the
auxiliary power supply.
8. When programming via JTAG.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

sysIO Recommended Operating Conditions

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Standard Min. Typ. Max. Min. Typ. Max.
LVCMOS33 3.135 3.3 3.465 — — —
LVCMOS252 2.375 2.5 2.625 — — —
LVCMOS18 1.71 1.8 1.89 — — —
LVCMOS15 1.425 1.5 1.575 — — —
LVCMOS122 1.14 1.2 1.26 — — —
LVTTL332 3.135 3.3 3.465 — — —
PCI33 3.135 3.3 3.465 — — —
1.71 1.8 1.89 0.833 0.9 0.969
2.375 2.5 2.625 1.15 1.25 1.35
3.135 3.3 3.465 1.3 1.5 1.7
HSTL15_I2 1.425 1.5 1.575 0.68 0.75 0.9
1.71 1.8 1.89 0.816 0.9 1.08
LVDS252 2.375 2.5 2.625 — — —
MLVDS25 2.375 2.5 2.625 — — —
LVPECL331, 2 3.135 3.3 3.465 — — —
BLVDS251, 2 2.375 2.5 2.625 — — —
1, 2
RSDS 2.375 2.5 2.625 — — —
1.71 1.8 1.89 — — —
SSTL25D_ I2,
2.375 2.5 2.625 — — —
SSTL33D_ I2,
3.135 3.3 3.465 — — —
HSTL15D_ I2 1.425 1.5 1.575 — — —
HSTL18D_ I ,
1.71 1.8 1.89 — — —
1. Inputs on chip. Outputs are implemented with the addition of external resistors.
2. Input on this standard does not depend on the value of VCCIO.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

sysIO Single-Ended DC Electrical Characteristics

Over Recommended Operating Conditions

Input/Output VIL VIH VOL VOH

Standard Min. (V) Max. (V) Min. (V) Max. (V) Max. (V) Min. (V) IOL1 (mA) IOH1 (mA)
20, 16, -20, -16,
0.4 VCCIO - 0.4
LVCMOS33 -0.3 0.8 2.0 3.6 12, 8, 4 -12, -8, -4
0.2 VCCIO - 0.2 0.1 -0.1
20, 16, -20, -16,
0.4 VCCIO - 0.4
LVTTL33 -0.3 0.8 2.0 3.6 12, 8, 4 -12, -8, -4
0.2 VCCIO - 0.2 0.1 -0.1
20, 16, -20, -16,
0.4 VCCIO - 0.4
LVCMOS25 -0.3 0.7 1.7 3.6 12, 8, 4 -12, -8, -4
0.2 VCCIO - 0.2 0.1 -0.1
16, 12, -16, -12,
0.4 VCCIO - 0.4
LVCMOS18 -0.3 0.35 VCCIO 0.65 VCCIO 3.6 8, 4 -8, -4
0.2 VCCIO - 0.2 0.1 -0.1
0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 8, 4 -8, -4
LVCMOS15 -0.3 0.35 VCCIO 0.65 VCCIO 3.6
0.2 VCCIO - 0.2 0.1 -0.1
0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 6, 2 -6, -2
LVCMOS12 -0.3 0.35 VCC 0.65 VCC 3.6
0.2 VCCIO - 0.2 0.1 -0.1
PCI33 -0.3 0.3 VCCIO 0.5 VCCIO 3.6 0.1 VCCIO 0.9 VCCIO 1.5 -0.5
SSTL33_I -0.3 VREF - 0.2 VREF + 0.2 3.6 0.7 VCCIO - 1.1 8 -8
SSTL33_II -0.3 VREF - 0.2 VREF + 0.2 3.6 0.5 VCCIO - 0.9 16 -16
7.6 -7.6
SSTL25_I -0.3 VREF - 0.18 VREF + 0.18 3.6 0.54 VCCIO - 0.62
12 -12
15.2 -15.2
SSTL25_II -0.3 VREF - 0.18 VREF + 0.18 3.6 0.35 VCCIO - 0.43
20 -20
SSTL18_I -0.3 VREF - 0.125 VREF + 0.125 3.6 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 6.7 -6.7
8 -8
SSTL18_II -0.3 VREF - 0.125 VREF + 0.125 3.6 0.28 VCCIO - 0.28
11 -11
4 -4
HSTL15_I -0.3 VREF - 0.1 VREF + 0.1 3.6 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4
8 -8
8 -8
HSTL18_I -0.3 VREF - 0.1 VREF + 0.1 3.6 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4
12 -12
HSTL18_II -0.3 VREF - 0.1 VREF + 0.1 3.6 0.4 VCCIO - 0.4 16 -16
1. The average DC current drawn by I/Os between GND connections, or between the last GND in an I/O bank and the end of an I/O bank, as
shown in the logic signal connections table shall not exceed n * 8mA, where n is the number of I/Os between bank GND connections or
between the last GND in a bank and the end of a bank.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

sysIO Differential Electrical Characteristics

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameter Description Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
VINP, VINM Input Voltage 0 — 2.4 V
VCM Input Common Mode Voltage Half the Sum of the Two Inputs 0.05 — 2.35 V
VTHD Differential Input Threshold Difference Between the Two Inputs +/-100 — — mV
IIN Input Current Power On or Power Off — — +/-10 µA
VOH Output High Voltage for VOP or VOM RT = 100 Ohm — 1.38 1.60 V
VOL Output Low Voltage for VOP or VOM RT = 100 Ohm 0.9V 1.03 — V
VOD Output Voltage Differential (VOP - VOM), RT = 100 Ohm 250 350 450 mV
Change in VOD Between High and
VOD — — 50 mV
VOS Output Voltage Offset (VOP + VOM)/2, RT = 100 Ohm 1.125 1.20 1.375 V
VOS Change in VOS Between H and L — — 50 mV
VOD = 0V Driver Outputs Shorted to
ISA Output Short Circuit Current — — 24 mA
VOD = 0V Driver Outputs Shorted to
ISAB Output Short Circuit Current — — 12 mA
Each Other

Differential HSTL and SSTL

Differential HSTL and SSTL outputs are implemented as a pair of complementary single-ended outputs. All allow-
able single-ended output classes (class I and class II) are supported in this mode.

For further information on LVPECL, RSDS, MLVDS, BLVDS and other differential interfaces please see details in
additional technical notes listed at the end of this data sheet.

The top and bottom sides of LatticeXP2 devices support LVDS outputs via emulated complementary LVCMOS out-
puts in conjunction with a parallel resistor across the driver outputs. The scheme shown in Figure 3-1 is one possi-
ble solution for point-to-point signals.

Figure 3-1. LVDS25E Output Termination Example

VCCIO = 2.5V (±5%)

RS=158 ohms
8 mA

RP = 140 ohms RT = 100 ohms +

VCCIO = 2.5V (±5%)
(±1%) (±1%) -
RS=158 ohms
8 mA

Transmission line, Zo = 100 ohm differential

ON-chip OFF-chip OFF-chip ON-chip

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Table 3-1. LVDS25E DC Conditions

Parameter Description Typical Units
VCCIO Output Driver Supply (+/-5%) 2.50 V
ZOUT Driver Impedance 20 
RS Driver Series Resistor (+/-1%) 158 
RP Driver Parallel Resistor (+/-1%) 140 
RT Receiver Termination (+/-1%) 100 
VOH Output High Voltage (after RP) 1.43 V
VOL Output Low Voltage (after RP) 1.07 V
VOD Output Differential Voltage (After RP) 0.35 V
VCM Output Common Mode Voltage 1.25 V
ZBACK Back Impedance 100.5 
IDC DC Output Current 6.03 mA

All I/O banks support emulated differential I/O using the LVCMOS33D I/O type. This option, along with the external
resistor network, provides the system designer the flexibility to place differential outputs on an I/O bank with 3.3V
VCCIO. The default drive current for LVCMOS33D output is 12mA with the option to change the device strength to
4mA, 8mA, 16mA or 20mA. Follow the LVCMOS33 specifications for the DC characteristics of the LVCMOS33D.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

The LatticeXP2 devices support the BLVDS standard. This standard is emulated using complementary LVCMOS
outputs in conjunction with a parallel external resistor across the driver outputs. BLVDS is intended for use when
multi-drop and bi-directional multi-point differential signaling is required. The scheme shown in Figure 3-2 is one
possible solution for bi-directional multi-point differential signals.

Figure 3-2. BLVDS Multi-point Output Example

Heavily loaded backplane, effective Zo ~ 45 to 90 ohms differential
2.5V RS = RS = 2.5V
90 ohms 90 ohms
16mA 16mA

45-90 45-90
ohms RTL ohms RTR
2.5V 2.5V

16mA 16mA
RS = 90 ohms RS = RS =
RS = RS = 90 ohms
RS = 90 ohms
90 ohms ... 90 ohms
90 ohms
+ +
- -

- -

2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V
16mA 16mA 16mA 16mA

Table 3-2. BLVDS DC Conditions1

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameter Description Zo = 45 Zo = 90 Units
VCCIO Output Driver Supply (+/- 5%) 2.50 2.50 V
ZOUT Driver Impedance 10.00 10.00 
RS Driver Series Resistor (+/- 1%) 90.00 90.00 
RTL Driver Parallel Resistor (+/- 1%) 45.00 90.00 
RTR Receiver Termination (+/- 1%) 45.00 90.00 
VOH Output High Voltage (After RTL) 1.38 1.48 V
VOL Output Low Voltage (After RTL) 1.12 1.02 V
VOD Output Differential Voltage (After RTL) 0.25 0.46 V
VCM Output Common Mode Voltage 1.25 1.25 V
IDC DC Output Current 11.24 10.20 mA
1. For input buffer, see LVDS table.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

The LatticeXP2 devices support the differential LVPECL standard. This standard is emulated using complementary
LVCMOS outputs in conjunction with a parallel resistor across the driver outputs. The LVPECL input standard is
supported by the LVDS differential input buffer. The scheme shown in Figure 3-3 is one possible solution for point-
to-point signals.

Figure 3-3. Differential LVPECL

VCCIO = 3.3V
RS = 93.1 ohms

VCCIO = 3.3V RP = 196 ohms RT = 100 ohms
(+/-5%) (+/-1%) (+/-1%) -
RS = 93.1 ohms
Transmission line,
Zo = 100 ohm differential
On-chip Off-chip Off-chip On-chip

Table 3-3. LVPECL DC Conditions1

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameter Description Typical Units
VCCIO Output Driver Supply (+/-5%) 3.30 V
ZOUT Driver Impedance 10 
RS Driver Series Resistor (+/-1%) 93 
RP Driver Parallel Resistor (+/-1%) 196 
RT Receiver Termination (+/-1%) 100 
VOH Output High Voltage (After RP) 2.05 V
VOL Output Low Voltage (After RP) 1.25 V
VOD Output Differential Voltage (After RP) 0.80 V
VCM Output Common Mode Voltage 1.65 V
ZBACK Back Impedance 100.5 
IDC DC Output Current 12.11 mA
1. For input buffer, see LVDS table.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

The LatticeXP2 devices support differential RSDS standard. This standard is emulated using complementary LVC-
MOS outputs in conjunction with a parallel resistor across the driver outputs. The RSDS input standard is sup-
ported by the LVDS differential input buffer. The scheme shown in Figure 3-4 is one possible solution for RSDS
standard implementation. Resistor values in Figure 3-4 are industry standard values for 1% resistors.

Figure 3-4. RSDS (Reduced Swing Differential Standard)

VCCIO = 2.5V
RS = 294 ohms

VCCIO = 2.5V +
RP = 121 ohms RT = 100 ohms
(+/-5%) (+/-1%) (+/-1%) -
RS = 294 ohms
Transmission line,
Zo = 100 ohm differential
On-chip Off-chip Off-chip On-chip

Table 3-4. RSDS DC Conditions1

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameter Description Typical Units
VCCIO Output Driver Supply (+/-5%) 2.50 V
ZOUT Driver Impedance 20 
RS Driver Series Resistor (+/-1%) 294 
RP Driver Parallel Resistor (+/-1%) 121 
RT Receiver Termination (+/-1%) 100 
VOH Output High Voltage (After RP) 1.35 V
VOL Output Low Voltage (After RP) 1.15 V
VOD Output Differential Voltage (After RP) 0.20 V
VCM Output Common Mode Voltage 1.25 V
ZBACK Back Impedance 101.5 
IDC DC Output Current 3.66 mA
1. For input buffer, see LVDS table.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

The LatticeXP2 devices support the differential MLVDS standard. This standard is emulated using complementary
LVCMOS outputs in conjunction with a parallel resistor across the driver outputs. The MLVDS input standard is
supported by the LVDS differential input buffer. The scheme shown in Figure 3-5 is one possible solution for
MLVDS standard implementation. Resistor values in Figure 3-5 are industry standard values for 1% resistors.

Figure 3-5. MLVDS (Reduced Swing Differential Standard)

Heavily loaded backplace, effective Zo~50 to 70 ohms differential
RS = RS = 2.5V
35ohms 35ohms
16mA 16mA

RTL 50 to 70 ohms +/-1% 50 to 70 ohms +/-1% RTR

2.5V 2.5V

16mA 16mA
RS = RS =
35ohms 35ohms
+ RS = RS = RS = RS = +
- 35ohms 35ohms 35ohms 35ohms



2.5V 2.5V 2.5V 2.5V

16mA 16mA 16mA 16mA

Table 3-5. MLVDS DC Conditions1

Parameter Description Zo=50 Zo=70 Units
VCCIO Output Driver Supply (+/-5%) 2.50 2.50 V
ZOUT Driver Impedance 10.00 10.00 
RS Driver Series Resistor (+/-1%) 35.00 35.00 
RTL Driver Parallel Resistor (+/-1%) 50.00 70.00 
RTR Receiver Termination (+/-1%) 50.00 70.00 
VOH Output High Voltage (After RTL) 1.52 1.60 V
VOL Output Low Voltage (After RTL) 0.98 0.90 V
VOD Output Differential Voltage (After RTL) 0.54 0.70 V
VCM Output Common Mode Voltage 1.25 1.25 V
IDC DC Output Current 21.74 20.00 mA
1. For input buffer, see LVDS table.

For further information on LVPECL, RSDS, MLVDS, BLVDS and other differential interfaces please see details of
additional technical information at the end of this data sheet.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Typical Building Block Function Performance1

Pin-to-Pin Performance (LVCMOS25 12mA Drive)
Function -7 Timing Units
Basic Functions
16-bit Decoder 4.4 ns
32-bit Decoder 5.2 ns
64-bit Decoder 5.6 ns
4:1 MUX 3.7 ns
8:1 MUX 3.9 ns
16:1 MUX 4.3 ns
32:1 MUX 4.5 ns

Register-to-Register Performance
Function -7 Timing Units
Basic Functions
16-bit Decoder 521 MHz
32-bit Decoder 537 MHz
64-bit Decoder 484 MHz
4:1 MUX 744 MHz
8:1 MUX 678 MHz
16:1 MUX 616 MHz
32:1 MUX 529 MHz
8-bit Adder 570 MHz
16-bit Adder 507 MHz
64-bit Adder 293 MHz
16-bit Counter 541 MHz
32-bit Counter 440 MHz
64-bit Counter 321 MHz
64-bit Accumulator 261 MHz
Embedded Memory Functions
512x36 Single Port RAM, EBR Output Registers 315 MHz
1024x18 True-Dual Port RAM (Write Through or Normal, EBR Output Registers) 315 MHz
1024x18 True-Dual Port RAM (Write Through or Normal, PLC Output Registers) 231 MHz
Distributed Memory Functions
16x4 Pseudo-Dual Port RAM (One PFU) 760 MHz
32x2 Pseudo-Dual Port RAM 455 MHz
64x1 Pseudo-Dual Port RAM 351 MHz
DSP Functions
18x18 Multiplier (All Registers) 342 MHz
9x9 Multiplier (All Registers) 342 MHz
36x36 Multiply (All Registers) 330 MHz
18x18 Multiply/Accumulate (Input and Output Registers) 218 MHz
18x18 Multiply-Add/Sub-Sum (All Registers) 292 MHz

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Register-to-Register Performance (Continued)

Function -7 Timing Units
DSP IP Functions
16-Tap Fully-Parallel FIR Filter 198 MHz
1024-pt FFT 221 MHz
8X8 Matrix Multiplication 196 MHz
1. These timing numbers were generated using the ispLEVER design tool. Exact performance may vary with device, design and tool version.
The tool uses internal parameters that have been characterized but are not tested on every device.

Derating Timing Tables

Logic timing provided in the following sections of this data sheet and the Diamond design tools are worst case num-
bers in the operating range. Actual delays at nominal temperature and voltage for best case process, can be much
better than the values given in the tables. The Diamond design tool can provide logic timing numbers at a particular
temperature and voltage.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

LatticeXP2 External Switching Characteristics

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
-7 -6 -5
Parameter Description Device Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Units
General I/O Pin Parameters (using Primary Clock without PLL)1
XP2-5 — 3.80 — 4.20 — 4.60 ns
XP2-8 — 3.80 — 4.20 — 4.60 ns
Clock to Output - PIO Output
tCO XP2-17 — 3.80 — 4.20 — 4.60 ns
XP2-30 — 4.00 — 4.40 — 4.90 ns
XP2-40 — 4.00 — 4.40 — 4.90 ns
XP2-5 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
XP2-8 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
Clock to Data Setup - PIO Input
tSU XP2-17 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
XP2-30 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
XP2-40 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
XP2-5 1.40 — 1.70 — 1.90 — ns
XP2-8 1.40 — 1.70 — 1.90 — ns
Clock to Data Hold - PIO Input
tH XP2-17 1.40 — 1.70 — 1.90 — ns
XP2-30 1.40 — 1.70 — 1.90 — ns
XP2-40 1.40 — 1.70 — 1.90 — ns
XP2-5 1.40 — 1.70 — 1.90 — ns
XP2-8 1.40 — 1.70 — 1.90 — ns
Clock to Data Setup - PIO Input
tSU_DEL XP2-17 1.40 — 1.70 — 1.90 — ns
Register with Data Input Delay
XP2-30 1.40 — 1.70 — 1.90 — ns
XP2-40 1.40 — 1.70 — 1.90 — ns
XP2-5 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
XP2-8 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
Clock to Data Hold - PIO Input
tH_DEL XP2-17 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
Register with Input Data Delay
XP2-30 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
XP2-40 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
Clock Frequency of I/O and PFU
fMAX_IO XP2 — 420 — 357 — 311 MHz
General I/O Pin Parameters (using Edge Clock without PLL)1
XP2-5 — 3.20 — 3.60 — 3.90 ns
XP2-8 — 3.20 — 3.60 — 3.90 ns
Clock to Output - PIO Output
tCOE XP2-17 — 3.20 — 3.60 — 3.90 ns
XP2-30 — 3.20 — 3.60 — 3.90 ns
XP2-40 — 3.20 — 3.60 — 3.90 ns
XP2-5 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
XP2-8 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
Clock to Data Setup - PIO Input
tSUE XP2-17 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
XP2-30 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
XP2-40 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

LatticeXP2 External Switching Characteristics (Continued)

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
-7 -6 -5
Parameter Description Device Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Units
XP2-5 1.00 — 1.30 — 1.60 — ns
XP2-8 1.00 — 1.30 — 1.60 — ns
Clock to Data Hold - PIO Input
tHE XP2-17 1.00 — 1.30 — 1.60 — ns
XP2-30 1.20 — 1.60 — 1.90 — ns
XP2-40 1.20 — 1.60 — 1.90 — ns
XP2-5 1.00 — 1.30 — 1.60 — ns
XP2-8 1.00 — 1.30 — 1.60 — ns
Clock to Data Setup - PIO Input
tSU_DELE XP2-17 1.00 — 1.30 — 1.60 — ns
Register with Data Input Delay
XP2-30 1.20 — 1.60 — 1.90 — ns
XP2-40 1.20 — 1.60 — 1.90 — ns
XP2-5 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
XP2-8 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
Clock to Data Hold - PIO Input
tH_DELE XP2-17 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
Register with Input Data Delay
XP2-30 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
XP2-40 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
Clock Frequency of I/O and PFU
fMAX_IOE XP2 — 420 — 357 — 311 MHz
General I/O Pin Parameters (using Primary Clock with PLL)1
XP2-5 — 3.00 — 3.30 — 3.70 ns
XP2-8 — 3.00 — 3.30 — 3.70 ns
Clock to Output - PIO Output
tCOPLL XP2-17 — 3.00 — 3.30 — 3.70 ns
XP2-30 — 3.00 — 3.30 — 3.70 ns
XP2-40 — 3.00 — 3.30 — 3.70 ns
XP2-5 1.00 — 1.20 — 1.40 — ns
XP2-8 1.00 — 1.20 — 1.40 — ns
Clock to Data Setup - PIO Input
tSUPLL XP2-17 1.00 — 1.20 — 1.40 — ns
XP2-30 1.00 — 1.20 — 1.40 — ns
XP2-40 1.00 — 1.20 — 1.40 — ns
XP2-5 0.90 — 1.10 — 1.30 — ns
XP2-8 0.90 — 1.10 — 1.30 — ns
Clock to Data Hold - PIO Input
tHPLL XP2-17 0.90 — 1.10 — 1.30 — ns
XP2-30 1.00 — 1.20 — 1.40 — ns
XP2-40 1.00 — 1.20 — 1.40 — ns
XP2-5 1.90 — 2.10 — 2.30 — ns
XP2-8 1.90 — 2.10 — 2.30 — ns
Clock to Data Setup - PIO Input
tSU_DELPLL XP2-17 1.90 — 2.10 — 2.30 — ns
Register with Data Input Delay
XP2-30 2.00 — 2.20 — 2.40 — ns
XP2-40 2.00 — 2.20 — 2.40 — ns

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

LatticeXP2 External Switching Characteristics (Continued)

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
-7 -6 -5
Parameter Description Device Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Units
XP2-5 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
XP2-8 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
Clock to Data Hold - PIO Input
tH_DELPLL XP2-17 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
Register with Input Data Delay
XP2-30 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
XP2-40 0.00 — 0.00 — 0.00 — ns
DDR2 and DDR23 I/O Pin Parameters
Data Valid After DQS 
tDVADQ XP2 — 0.29 — 0.29 — 0.29 UI
(DDR Read)
Data Hold After DQS 
tDVEDQ XP2 0.71 — 0.71 — 0.71 — UI
(DDR Read)
tDQVBS Data Valid Before DQS XP2 0.25 — 0.25 — 0.25 — UI
tDQVAS Data Valid After DQS XP2 0.25 — 0.25 — 0.25 — UI
fMAX_DDR DDR Clock Frequency XP2 95 200 95 166 95 133 MHz
fMAX_DDR2 DDR Clock Frequency XP2 133 200 133 200 133 166 MHz
Primary Clock
Frequency for Primary Clock
fMAX_PRI XP2 — 420 — 357 — 311 MHz
Clock Pulse Width for Primary
tW_PRI XP2 1 — 1 — 1 — ns
Primary Clock Skew Within a
tSKEW_PRI XP2 — 160 — 160 — 160 ps
Edge Clock (ECLK1 and ECLK2)
fMAX_ECLK Frequency for Edge Clock XP2 — 420 — 357 — 311 MHz
Clock Pulse Width for Edge
tW_ECLK XP2 1 — 1 — 1 — ns
Edge Clock Skew Within an
tSKEW_ECLK XP2 — 130 — 130 — 130 ps
Edge of the Device
1. General timing numbers based on LVCMOS 2.5, 12mA, 0pf load.
2. DDR timing numbers based on SSTL25.
3. DDR2 timing numbers based on SSTL18.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

LatticeXP2 Internal Switching Characteristics1

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
-7 -6 -5
Parameter Description Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Units
PFU/PFF Logic Mode Timing
LUT4 delay (A to D inputs to F
tLUT4_PFU — 0.216 — 0.238 — 0.260 ns
LUT6 delay (A to D inputs to OFX
tLUT6_PFU — 0.304 — 0.399 — 0.494 ns
Set/Reset to output of PFU (Asyn-
tLSR_PFU — 0.720 — 0.769 — 0.818 ns
Clock to Mux (M0,M1) Input
tSUM_PFU 0.154 — 0.151 — 0.148 — ns
Setup Time
Clock to Mux (M0,M1) Input Hold
tHM_PFU -0.061 — -0.057 — -0.053 — ns
tSUD_PFU Clock to D input setup time 0.061 — 0.077 — 0.093 — ns
tHD_PFU Clock to D input hold time 0.002 — 0.003 — 0.003 — ns
Clock to Q delay, (D-type Register
tCK2Q_PFU — 0.342 — 0.363 — 0.383 ns
Asynchronous reset recovery
tRSTREC_PFU — 0.520 — 0.634 — 0.748 ns
time for PFU Logic
Asynchronous reset time for PFU
tRST_PFU — 0.720 — 0.769 — 0.818 ns
PFU Dual Port Memory Mode Timing
tCORAM_PFU Clock to Output (F Port) — 1.082 — 1.267 — 1.452 ns
tSUDATA_PFU Data Setup Time -0.206 — -0.240 — -0.274 — ns
tHDATA_PFU Data Hold Time 0.239 — 0.275 — 0.312 — ns
tSUADDR_PFU Address Setup Time -0.294 — -0.333 — -0.371 — ns
tHADDR_PFU Address Hold Time 0.295 — 0.333 — 0.371 — ns
tSUWREN_PFU Write/Read Enable Setup Time -0.146 — -0.169 — -0.193 — ns
tHWREN_PFU Write/Read Enable Hold Time 0.158 — 0.182 — 0.207 — ns
PIO Input/Output Buffer Timing
tIN_PIO Input Buffer Delay (LVCMOS25) — 0.858 — 0.766 — 0.674 ns
tOUT_PIO Output Buffer Delay (LVCMOS25) — 1.561 — 1.403 — 1.246 ns
IOLOGIC Input/Output Timing
Input Register Setup Time (Data
tSUI_PIO 0.583 — 0.893 — 1.201 — ns
Before Clock)
Input Register Hold Time (Data
tHI_PIO 0.062 — 0.322 — 0.482 — ns
after Clock)
Output Register Clock to Output
tCOO_PIO — 0.608 — 0.661 — 0.715 ns
Input Register Clock Enable
tSUCE_PIO 0.032 — 0.037 — 0.041 — ns
Setup Time
Input Register Clock Enable Hold
tHCE_PIO -0.022 — -0.025 — -0.028 — ns
tSULSR_PIO Set/Reset Setup Time 0.184 — 0.201 — 0.217 — ns
tHLSR_PIO Set/Reset Hold Time -0.080 — -0.086 — -0.093 — ns
Asynchronous reset recovery
tRSTREC_PIO 0.228 — 0.247 — 0.266 — ns
time for IO Logic

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

LatticeXP2 Internal Switching Characteristics1 (Continued)

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
-7 -6 -5
Parameter Description Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Units
Asynchronous reset time for PFU
tRST_PIO — 0.386 — 0.419 — 0.452 ns
tDEL Dynamic Delay Step Size 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 0.035 ns
EBR Timing
Clock (Read) to Output from
tCO_EBR — 2.774 — 3.142 — 3.510 ns
Address or Data
Clock (Write) to Output from EBR
tCOO_EBR — 0.360 — 0.408 — 0.456 ns
Output Register
Setup Data to EBR Memory
tSUDATA_EBR -0.167 — -0.198 — -0.229 — ns
(Write Clk)
Hold Data to EBR Memory (Write
tHDATA_EBR 0.194 — 0.231 — 0.267 — ns
Setup Address to EBR Memory
tSUADDR_EBR -0.117 — -0.137 — -0.157 — ns
(Write Clk)
Hold Address to EBR Memory
tHADDR_EBR 0.157 — 0.182 — 0.207 — ns
(Write Clk)
Setup Write/Read Enable to EBR
tSUWREN_EBR -0.135 — -0.159 — -0.182 — ns
Memory (Write/Read Clk)
Hold Write/Read Enable to EBR
tHWREN_EBR 0.158 — 0.186 — 0.214 — ns
Memory (Write/Read Clk)
Clock Enable Setup Time to EBR
tSUCE_EBR 0.144 — 0.160 — 0.176 — ns
Output Register (Read Clk)
Clock Enable Hold Time to EBR
tHCE_EBR -0.097 — -0.113 — -0.129 — ns
Output Register (Read Clk)
Reset To Output Delay Time from
tRSTO_EBR EBR Output Register (Asynchro- — 1.156 — 1.341 — 1.526 ns
Byte Enable Set-Up Time to EBR
tSUBE_EBR -0.117 — -0.137 — -0.157 — ns
Output Register
Byte Enable Hold Time to EBR
tHBE_EBR Output Register Dynamic Delay 0.157 — 0.182 — 0.207 — ns
on Each PIO
Asynchronous reset recovery
tRSTREC_EBR 0.233 — 0.291 — 0.347 — ns
time for EBR
tRST_EBR Asynchronous reset time for EBR — 1.156 — 1.341 — 1.526 ns
PLL Parameters
After RSTK De-assert, Recovery
tRSTKREC_PLL Time Before Next Clock Edge 1.000 — 1.000 — 1.000 — ns
Can Toggle K-divider Counter
After RST De-assert, Recovery
Time Before Next Clock Edge
tRSTREC_PLL Can Toggle M-divider Counter 1.000 — 1.000 — 1.000 — ns
(Applies to M-Divider Portion of
RST Only2)
DSP Block Timing
tSUI_DSP Input Register Setup Time 0.135 — 0.151 — 0.166 — ns
tHI_DSP Input Register Hold Time 0.021 — -0.006 — -0.031 — ns
tSUP_DSP Pipeline Register Setup Time 2.505 — 2.784 — 3.064 — ns

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

LatticeXP2 Internal Switching Characteristics1 (Continued)

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
-7 -6 -5
Parameter Description Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Units
tHP_DSP Pipeline Register Hold Time -0.787 — -0.890 — -0.994 — ns
tSUO_DSP Output Register Setup Time 4.896 — 5.413 — 5.931 — ns
tHO_DSP Output Register Hold Time -1.439 — -1.604 — -1.770 — ns
3 Input Register Clock to Output
tCOI_DSP — 4.513 — 4.947 — 5.382 ns
Pipeline Register Clock to Output
tCOP_DSP3 — 2.153 — 2.272 — 2.391 ns
Output Register Clock to Output
tCOO_DSP3 — 0.569 — 0.600 — 0.631 ns
tSUADSUB AdSub Input Register Setup Time -0.270 — -0.298 — -0.327 — ns
tHADSUB AdSub Input Register Hold Time 0.306 — 0.338 — 0.371 — ns
1. Internal parameters are characterized, but not tested on every device.
2. RST resets VCO and all counters in PLL.
3. These parameters include the Adder Subtractor block in the path.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

EBR Timing Diagrams

Figure 3-6. Read/Write Mode (Normal)




ADA A0 A1 A0 A1 A0

tSU tH



DOA Invalid Data D0 D1 D0

Note: Input data and address are registered at the positive edge of the clock and output data appears after the positive edge of the clock.

Figure 3-7. Read/Write Mode with Input and Output Registers




ADA A0 A1 A0 A1 A0

tSU tH



DOA (Regs) Mem(n) data from previous read D0 D1

output is only updated during a read cycle

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Figure 3-8. Write Through (SP Read/Write on Port A, Input Registers Only)




Three consecutive writes to A0

ADA A0 A1 A0

tSU tH

DIA D0 D1 D2 D3 D4


Data from Prev Read D0 D1

DOA D2 D3 D4
or Write

Note: Input data and address are registered at the positive edge of the clock and output data appears after the positive edge of the clock.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

LatticeXP2 Family Timing Adders1, 2, 3, 4

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Buffer Type Description -7 -6 -5 Units
Input Adjusters
LVDS25 LVDS -0.26 -0.11 0.04 ns
BLVDS25 BLVDS -0.26 -0.11 0.04 ns
MLVDS LVDS -0.26 -0.11 0.04 ns
RSDS RSDS -0.26 -0.11 0.04 ns
LVPECL33 LVPECL -0.26 -0.11 0.04 ns
HSTL18_I HSTL_18 class I -0.23 -0.08 0.07 ns
HSTL18_II HSTL_18 class II -0.23 -0.08 0.07 ns
HSTL18D_I Differential HSTL 18 class I -0.28 -0.13 0.02 ns
HSTL18D_II Differential HSTL 18 class II -0.28 -0.13 0.02 ns
HSTL15_I HSTL_15 class I -0.23 -0.09 0.06 ns
HSTL15D_I Differential HSTL 15 class I -0.28 -0.13 0.01 ns
SSTL33_I SSTL_3 class I -0.20 -0.04 0.12 ns
SSTL33_II SSTL_3 class II -0.20 -0.04 0.12 ns
SSTL33D_I Differential SSTL_3 class I -0.27 -0.11 0.04 ns
SSTL33D_II Differential SSTL_3 class II -0.27 -0.11 0.04 ns
SSTL25_I SSTL_2 class I -0.21 -0.06 0.10 ns
SSTL25_II SSTL_2 class II -0.21 -0.06 0.10 ns
SSTL25D_I Differential SSTL_2 class I -0.27 -0.12 0.03 ns
SSTL25D_II Differential SSTL_2 class II -0.27 -0.12 0.03 ns
SSTL18_I SSTL_18 class I -0.23 -0.08 0.07 ns
SSTL18_II SSTL_18 class II -0.23 -0.08 0.07 ns
SSTL18D_I Differential SSTL_18 class I -0.28 -0.13 0.02 ns
SSTL18D_II Differential SSTL_18 class II -0.28 -0.13 0.02 ns
LVTTL33 LVTTL -0.09 0.05 0.18 ns
LVCMOS33 LVCMOS 3.3 -0.09 0.05 0.18 ns
LVCMOS25 LVCMOS 2.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 ns
LVCMOS18 LVCMOS 1.8 -0.23 -0.07 0.09 ns
LVCMOS15 LVCMOS 1.5 -0.20 -0.02 0.16 ns
LVCMOS12 LVCMOS 1.2 -0.35 -0.20 -0.04 ns
PCI33 3.3V PCI -0.09 0.05 0.18 ns
Output Adjusters
LVDS25E LVDS 2.5 E5 -0.25 0.02 0.30 ns
LVDS25 LVDS 2.5 -0.25 0.02 0.30 ns
BLVDS25 BLVDS 2.5 -0.28 0.00 0.28 ns
MLVDS MLVDS 2.55 -0.28 0.00 0.28 ns
RSDS RSDS 2.55 -0.25 0.02 0.30 ns
LVPECL33 LVPECL 3.3 -0.37 -0.10 0.18 ns
HSTL18_I HSTL_18 class I 8mA drive -0.17 0.13 0.43 ns
HSTL18_II HSTL_18 class II -0.29 0.00 0.29 ns
HSTL18D_I Differential HSTL 18 class I 8mA drive -0.17 0.13 0.43 ns
HSTL18D_II Differential HSTL 18 class II -0.29 0.00 0.29 ns

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

LatticeXP2 Family Timing Adders1, 2, 3, 4 (Continued)

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Buffer Type Description -7 -6 -5 Units
HSTL15_I HSTL_15 class I 4mA drive 0.32 0.69 1.06 ns
HSTL15D_I Differential HSTL 15 class I 4mA drive 0.32 0.69 1.06 ns
SSTL33_I SSTL_3 class I -0.25 0.05 0.35 ns
SSTL33_II SSTL_3 class II -0.31 -0.02 0.27 ns
SSTL33D_I Differential SSTL_3 class I -0.25 0.05 0.35 ns
SSTL33D_II Differential SSTL_3 class II -0.31 -0.02 0.27 ns
SSTL25_I SSTL_2 class I 8mA drive -0.25 0.02 0.30 ns
SSTL25_II SSTL_2 class II 16mA drive -0.28 0.00 0.28 ns
SSTL25D_I Differential SSTL_2 class I 8mA drive -0.25 0.02 0.30 ns
SSTL25D_II Differential SSTL_2 class II 16mA drive -0.28 0.00 0.28 ns
SSTL18_I SSTL_1.8 class I -0.17 0.13 0.43 ns
SSTL18_II SSTL_1.8 class II 8mA drive -0.18 0.12 0.42 ns
SSTL18D_I Differential SSTL_1.8 class I -0.17 0.13 0.43 ns
SSTL18D_II Differential SSTL_1.8 class II 8mA drive -0.18 0.12 0.42 ns
LVTTL33_4mA LVTTL 4mA drive -0.37 -0.05 0.26 ns
LVTTL33_8mA LVTTL 8mA drive -0.45 -0.18 0.10 ns
LVTTL33_12mA LVTTL 12mA drive -0.52 -0.24 0.04 ns
LVTTL33_16mA LVTTL 16mA drive -0.43 -0.14 0.14 ns
LVTTL33_20mA LVTTL 20mA drive -0.46 -0.18 0.09 ns
LVCMOS33_4mA LVCMOS 3.3 4mA drive, fast slew rate -0.37 -0.05 0.26 ns
LVCMOS33_8mA LVCMOS 3.3 8mA drive, fast slew rate -0.45 -0.18 0.10 ns
LVCMOS33_12mA LVCMOS 3.3 12mA drive, fast slew rate -0.52 -0.24 0.04 ns
LVCMOS33_16mA LVCMOS 3.3 16mA drive, fast slew rate -0.43 -0.14 0.14 ns
LVCMOS33_20mA LVCMOS 3.3 20mA drive, fast slew rate -0.46 -0.18 0.09 ns
LVCMOS25_4mA LVCMOS 2.5 4mA drive, fast slew rate -0.42 -0.15 0.13 ns
LVCMOS25_8mA LVCMOS 2.5 8mA drive, fast slew rate -0.48 -0.21 0.05 ns
LVCMOS25_12mA LVCMOS 2.5 12mA drive, fast slew rate 0.00 0.00 0.00 ns
LVCMOS25_16mA LVCMOS 2.5 16mA drive, fast slew rate -0.45 -0.18 0.08 ns
LVCMOS25_20mA LVCMOS 2.5 20mA drive, fast slew rate -0.49 -0.22 0.04 ns
LVCMOS18_4mA LVCMOS 1.8 4mA drive, fast slew rate -0.46 -0.18 0.10 ns
LVCMOS18_8mA LVCMOS 1.8 8mA drive, fast slew rate -0.52 -0.25 0.02 ns
LVCMOS18_12mA LVCMOS 1.8 12mA drive, fast slew rate -0.56 -0.30 -0.03 ns
LVCMOS18_16mA LVCMOS 1.8 16mA drive, fast slew rate -0.50 -0.24 0.03 ns
LVCMOS15_4mA LVCMOS 1.5 4mA drive, fast slew rate -0.45 -0.17 0.11 ns
LVCMOS15_8mA LVCMOS 1.5 8mA drive, fast slew rate -0.53 -0.26 0.00 ns
LVCMOS12_2mA LVCMOS 1.2 2mA drive, fast slew rate -0.46 -0.19 0.08 ns
LVCMOS12_6mA LVCMOS 1.2 6mA drive, fast slew rate -0.55 -0.29 -0.02 ns
LVCMOS33_4mA LVCMOS 3.3 4mA drive, slow slew rate 0.98 1.41 1.84 ns
LVCMOS33_8mA LVCMOS 3.3 8mA drive, slow slew rate 0.74 1.16 1.58 ns
LVCMOS33_12mA LVCMOS 3.3 12mA drive, slow slew rate 0.56 0.97 1.38 ns
LVCMOS33_16mA LVCMOS 3.3 16mA drive, slow slew rate 0.77 1.19 1.61 ns
LVCMOS33_20mA LVCMOS 3.3 20mA drive, slow slew rate 0.57 0.98 1.40 ns

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

LatticeXP2 Family Timing Adders1, 2, 3, 4 (Continued)

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Buffer Type Description -7 -6 -5 Units
LVCMOS25_4mA LVCMOS 2.5 4mA drive, slow slew rate 1.05 1.43 1.81 ns
LVCMOS25_8mA LVCMOS 2.5 8mA drive, slow slew rate 0.78 1.15 1.52 ns
LVCMOS25_12mA LVCMOS 2.5 12mA drive, slow slew rate 0.59 0.96 1.33 ns
LVCMOS25_16mA LVCMOS 2.5 16mA drive, slow slew rate 0.81 1.18 1.55 ns
LVCMOS25_20mA LVCMOS 2.5 20mA drive, slow slew rate 0.61 0.98 1.35 ns
LVCMOS18_4mA LVCMOS 1.8 4mA drive, slow slew rate 1.01 1.38 1.75 ns
LVCMOS18_8mA LVCMOS 1.8 8mA drive, slow slew rate 0.72 1.08 1.45 ns
LVCMOS18_12mA LVCMOS 1.8 12mA drive, slow slew rate 0.53 0.90 1.26 ns
LVCMOS18_16mA LVCMOS 1.8 16mA drive, slow slew rate 0.74 1.11 1.48 ns
LVCMOS15_4mA LVCMOS 1.5 4mA drive, slow slew rate 0.96 1.33 1.71 ns
LVCMOS15_8mA LVCMOS 1.5 8mA drive, slow slew rate -0.53 -0.26 0.00 ns
LVCMOS12_2mA LVCMOS 1.2 2mA drive, slow slew rate 0.90 1.27 1.65 ns
LVCMOS12_6mA LVCMOS 1.2 6mA drive, slow slew rate -0.55 -0.29 -0.02 ns
PCI33 3.3V PCI -0.29 -0.01 0.26 ns
1. Timing Adders are characterized but not tested on every device.
2. LVCMOS timing measured with the load specified in Switching Test Condition table.
3. All other standards tested according to the appropriate specifications.
4. The base parameters used with these timing adders to calculate timing are listed in the LatticeXP2 Internal Switching Characteristics table
under PIO Input/Output Timing.
5. These timing adders are measured with the recommended resistor values.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

sysCLOCK PLL Timing

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameter Description Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
fIN Input Clock Frequency (CLKI, CLKFB) 10 — 435 MHz
Output Clock Frequency (CLKOP,
fOUT 10 — 435 MHz
CLKOK 0.078 — 217.5 MHz
fOUT2 K-Divider Output Frequency
CLKOK2 3.3 — 145 MHz
fVCO PLL VCO Frequency 435 — 870 MHz
fPFD Phase Detector Input Frequency 10 — 435 MHz
AC Characteristics
tDT Output Clock Duty Cycle Default duty cycle selected 3 45 50 55 %
tCPA Coarse Phase Adjust -5 0 5 %
tPH4 Output Phase Accuracy -5 0 5 %
fOUT > 400 MHz — — ±50 ps
tOPJIT1 Output Clock Period Jitter 100 MHz < fOUT < 400 MHz — — ±125 ps
fOUT < 100 MHz — — 0.025 UIPP
tSK Input Clock to Output Clock Skew N/M = integer — — ±240 ps
tOPW Output Clock Pulse Width At 90% or 10% 1 — — ns
25 to 435 MHz — — 50 µs
tLOCK2 PLL Lock-in Time
10 to 25 MHz — — 100 µs
tIPJIT Input Clock Period Jitter — — ±200 ps
tFBKDLY External Feedback Delay — — 10 ns
tHI Input Clock High Time 90% to 90% 0.5 — — ns
tLO Input Clock Low Time 10% to 10% 0.5 — — ns
tRSTKW Reset Signal Pulse Width (RSTK) 10 — — ns
tRSTW Reset Signal Pulse Width (RST) 500 — — ns
1. Jitter sample is taken over 10,000 samples of the primary PLL output with clean reference clock.
2. Output clock is valid after tLOCK for PLL reset and dynamic delay adjustment.
3. Using LVDS output buffers.
4. Relative to CLKOP.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

LatticeXP2 sysCONFIG Port Timing Specifications

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameter Description Min Max Units
sysCONFIG POR, Initialization and Wake Up
tICFG Minimum Vcc to INITN High — 50 ms
tVMC Time from tICFG to valid Master CCLK — 2 µs
tPRGMRJ PROGRAMN Pin Pulse Rejection — 12 ns
tPRGM PROGRAMN Low Time to Start Configuration 50 — ns
tDINIT1 PROGRAMN High to INITN High Delay — 1 ms
tDPPINIT Delay Time from PROGRAMN Low to INITN Low — 50 ns
tDPPDONE Delay Time from PROGRAMN Low to DONE Low — 50 ns
tIODISS User I/O Disable from PROGRAMN Low — 35 ns
tIOENSS User I/O Enabled Time from CCLK Edge During Wake-up Sequence — 25 ns
tMWC Additional Wake Master Clock Signals after DONE Pin High 0 — Cycles
sysCONFIG SPI Port (Master)
tCFGX INITN High to CCLK Low — 1 µs
tCSSPI INITN High to CSSPIN Low — 2 µs
tCSCCLK CCLK Low before CSSPIN Low 0 — ns
tSOCDO CCLK Low to Output Valid — 15 ns
tCSPID CSSPIN[0:1] Low to First CCLK Edge Setup Time 2cyc 600+6cyc ns
fMAXSPI Max CCLK Frequency — 20 MHz
tSUSPI SOSPI Data Setup Time Before CCLK 7 — ns
tHSPI SOSPI Data Hold Time After CCLK 10 — ns
sysCONFIG SPI Port (Slave)
fMAXSPIS Slave CCLK Frequency — 25 MHz
tRF Rise and Fall Time 50 — mV/ns
tSTCO Falling Edge of CCLK to SOSPI Active — 20 ns
tSTOZ Falling Edge of CCLK to SOSPI Disable — 20 ns
tSTSU Data Setup Time (SISPI) 8 — ns
tSTH Data Hold Time (SISPI) 10 — ns
tSTCKH CCLK Clock Pulse Width, High 0.02 200 µs
tSTCKL CCLK Clock Pulse Width, Low 0.02 200 µs
tSTVO Falling Edge of CCLK to Valid SOSPI Output — 20 ns
tSCS CSSPISN High Time 25 — ns
tSCSS CSSPISN Setup Time 25 — ns
tSCSH CSSPISN Hold Time 25 — ns
1. Re-toggling the PROGRAMN pin is not permitted until the INITN pin is high. Avoid consecutive toggling of PROGRAMN.

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

On-Chip Oscillator and Configuration Master Clock Characteristics

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Parameter Min. Max. Units
Master Clock Frequency Selected value -30% Selected value +30% MHz
Duty Cycle 40 60 %

Figure 3-9. Master SPI Configuration Waveforms

Capture CR0 Capture CFGx






0 1 2 3 … 7 8 9 10 … 31 32 33 34 … 127 128

SISPI Opcode Address

SOSPI Ignore Valid Bitstream

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Flash Download Time (from On-Chip Flash to SRAM)

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Units
XP2-5 — 1.8 2.1 ms

PROGRAMN Low-to- XP2-8 — 1.9 2.3 ms

High. Transition to Done XP2-17 — 1.7 2.0 ms
High. XP2-30 — 2.0 2.1 ms
XP2-40 — 2.0 2.3 ms
XP2-5 — 1.8 2.1 ms
Power-up refresh when XP2-8 — 1.9 2.3 ms
PROGRAMN is pulled
XP2-17 — 1.7 2.0 ms
up to VCC 
(VCC=VCC Min) XP2-30 — 2.0 2.1 ms
XP2-40 — 2.0 2.3 ms

Flash Program Time

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Program Time
Device Flash Density Typ. Units
TAG 1.0 ms
XP2-5 1.2M
Main Array 1.1 s
TAG 1.0 ms
XP2-8 2.0M
Main Array 1.4 s
TAG 1.0 ms
XP2-17 3.6M
Main Array 1.8 s
TAG 2.0 ms
XP2-30 6.0M
Main Array 3.0 s
TAG 2.0 ms
XP2-40 8.0M
Main Array 4.0 s

Flash Erase Time

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Erase Time
Device Flash Density Typ. Units
TAG 1.0 s
XP2-5 1.2M
Main Array 3.0 s
TAG 1.0 s
XP2-8 2.0M
Main Array 4.0 s
TAG 1.0 s
XP2-17 3.6M
Main Array 5.0 s
TAG 2.0 s
XP2-30 6.0M
Main Array 7.0 s
TAG 2.0 s
XP2-40 8.0M
Main Array 9.0 s

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

FlashBAK Time (from EBR to Flash)

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Device EBR Density (Bits) Time (Typ.) Units
XP2-5 166K 1.5 s
XP2-8 221K 1.5 s
XP2-17 276K 1.5 s
XP2-30 387K 2.0 s
XP2-40 885K 3.0 s

JTAG Port Timing Specifications

Over Recommended Operating Conditions
Symbol Parameter Min. Max. Units
fMAX TCK Clock Frequency — 25 MHz
tBTCP TCK [BSCAN] clock pulse width 40 — ns
tBTCPH TCK [BSCAN] clock pulse width high 20 — ns
tBTCPL TCK [BSCAN] clock pulse width low 20 — ns
tBTS TCK [BSCAN] setup time 8 — ns
tBTH TCK [BSCAN] hold time 10 — ns
tBTRF TCK [BSCAN] rise/fall time 50 — mV/ns
tBTCO TAP controller falling edge of clock to valid output — 10 ns
tBTCODIS TAP controller falling edge of clock to valid disable — 10 ns
tBTCOEN TAP controller falling edge of clock to valid enable — 10 ns
tBTCRS BSCAN test capture register setup time 8 — ns
tBTCRH BSCAN test capture register hold time 25 — ns
tBUTCO BSCAN test update register, falling edge of clock to valid output — 25 ns
tBTUODIS BSCAN test update register, falling edge of clock to valid disable — 25 ns
tBTUPOEN BSCAN test update register, falling edge of clock to valid enable — 25 ns

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Figure 3-10. JTAG Port Timing Waveforms







TDO Valid Data Valid Data

Data to be
captured Data Captured
from I/O


Data to be
driven out Valid Data Valid Data
to I/O

DC and Switching Characteristics
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Switching Test Conditions

Figure 3-11 shows the output test load that is used for AC testing. The specific values for resistance, capacitance,
voltage, and other test conditions are shown in Table 3-6.

Figure 3-11. Output Test Load, LVTTL and LVCMOS Standards


DUT Test Poi nt

R2 CL*

*CL Includes Test Fixture and Probe Capacitance

Table 3-6. Test Fixture Required Components, Non-Terminated Interfaces

Test Condition R1 R2 CL Timing Ref. VT
LVCMOS 3.3 = 1.5V —
LVCMOS 2.5 = VCCIO/2 —
LVTTL and other LVCMOS settings (L -> H, H -> L)   0pF LVCMOS 1.8 = VCCIO/2 —
LVCMOS 1.5 = VCCIO/2 —
LVCMOS 1.2 = VCCIO/2 —
LVCMOS 2.5 I/O (Z -> H)  1M VCCIO/2 —
LVCMOS 2.5 I/O (Z -> L) 1M  VCCIO/2 VCCIO
LVCMOS 2.5 I/O (H -> Z)  100 VOH - 0.10 —
LVCMOS 2.5 I/O (L -> Z) 100  VOL + 0.10 VCCIO
Note: Output test conditions for all other interfaces are determined by the respective standards.

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet
Pinout Information
February 2012 Data Sheet DS1009

Signal Descriptions
Signal Name I/O Description
General Purpose
[Edge] indicates the edge of the device on which the pad is located. Valid
edge designations are L (Left), B (Bottom), R (Right), T (Top).

[Row/Column Number] indicates the PFU row or the column of the device on
which the PIC exists. When Edge is T (Top) or B (Bottom), only need to spec-
ify Row Number. When Edge is L (Left) or R (Right), only need to specify Col-
umn Number.
P[Edge] [Row/Column Number*]_[A/B] I/O
[A/B] indicates the PIO within the PIC to which the pad is connected. Some of
these user-programmable pins are shared with special function pins. These
pins, when not used as special purpose pins, can be programmed as I/Os for
user logic. During configuration the user-programmable I/Os are tri-stated
with an internal pull-up resistor enabled. If any pin is not used (or not bonded
to a package pin), it is also tri-stated with an internal pull-up resistor enabled
after configuration.
GSRN I Global RESET signal (active low). Any I/O pin can be GSRN.
NC — No connect.
GND — Ground. Dedicated pins.
VCC — Power supply pins for core logic. Dedicated pins.
Auxiliary power supply pin. This dedicated pin powers all the differential and
referenced input buffers.
VCCPLL — PLL supply pins. csBGA, PQFP and TQFP packages only.
VCCIOx — Dedicated power supply pins for I/O bank x.
Reference supply pins for I/O bank x. Pre-determined pins in each bank are
VREF1_x, VREF2_x —
assigned as VREF inputs. When not used, they may be used as I/O pins.
PLL and Clock Functions (Used as user programmable I/O pins when not in use for PLL or clock pins)
[LOC][num]_VCCPLL — Power supply pin for PLL: LLC, LRC, URC, ULC, num = row from center.
General Purpose PLL (GPLL) input pads: LLC, LRC, URC, ULC, num = row
[LOC][num]_GPLL[T, C]_IN_A I
from center, T = true and C = complement, index A,B, each side.
Optional feedback GPLL input pads: LLC, LRC, URC, ULC, num = row from
[LOC][num]_GPLL[T, C]_FB_A I
center, T = true and C = complement, index A,B, each side.
Primary Clock pads, T = true and C = complement, n per side, indexed by
PCLK[T, C]_[n:0]_[3:0] I
bank and 0,1,2,3 within bank.
DQS input pads: T (Top), R (Right), B (Bottom), L (Left), DQS, num = ball
[LOC]DQS[num] I
function number. Any pad can be configured to be output.
Test and Programming (Dedicated Pins)
Test Mode Select input, used to control the 1149.1 state machine. Pull-up is
enabled during configuration.
Test Clock input pin, used to clock the 1149.1 state machine. No pull-up
Test Data in pin. Used to load data into device using 1149.1 state machine.
After power-up, this TAP port can be activated for configuration by sending
TDI I appropriate command. (Note: once a configuration port is selected it is
locked. Another configuration port cannot be selected until the power-up
sequence). Pull-up is enabled during configuration.

© 2012 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand
or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 4-1 Pinout Information_01.7

Pinout Information
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Signal Descriptions (Cont.)

Signal Name I/O Description
TDO O Output pin. Test Data Out pin used to shift data out of a device using 1149.1.
VCCJ — Power supply pin for JTAG Test Access Port.
Configuration Pads (Used during sysCONFIG)
Mode pins used to specify configuration mode values latched on rising edge
CFG[1:0] I
of INITN. During configuration, an internal pull-up is enabled.
Open Drain pin. Indicates the FPGA is ready to be configured. During config-
uration, a pull-up is enabled.
Initiates configuration sequence when asserted low. This pin always has an
active pull-up.
Open Drain pin. Indicates that the configuration sequence is complete, and
the startup sequence is in progress.
CCLK I/O Configuration Clock for configuring an FPGA in sysCONFIG mode.
SISPI I/O Input data pin in slave SPI mode and Output data pin in Master SPI mode.
SOSPI2 I/O Output data pin in slave SPI mode and Input data pin in Master SPI mode.
2 Chip select for external SPI Flash memory in Master SPI mode. This pin has
a weak internal pull-up.
CSSPISN I Chip select in Slave SPI mode. This pin has a weak internal pull-up.
Test Output Enable tristates all I/O pins when driven low. This pin has a weak
TOE I internal pull-up, but when not used an external pull-up to VCC is recom-
1. If not actively driven, the internal pull-up may not be sufficient. An external pull-up resistor of 4.7k to 10k is recommended.
2. When using the device in Master SPI mode, it must be mutually exclusive from JTAG operations (i.e. TCK tied to GND) or the JTAG TCK
must be free-running when used in a system JTAG test environment. If Master SPI mode is used in conjunction with a JTAG download
cable, the device power cycle is required after the cable is unplugged.

Pinout Information
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

PICs and DDR Data (DQ) Pins Associated with the DDR Strobe (DQS) Pin
PICs Associated with DDR Strobe (DQS) and
DQS Strobe PIO Within PIC Data (DQ) Pins
For Left and Right Edges of the Device
P[Edge] [n-4]
P[Edge] [n-3]
P[Edge] [n-2]
P[Edge] [n-1]
A [Edge]DQSn
P[Edge] [n]
P[Edge] [n+1]
P[Edge] [n+2]
P[Edge] [n+3]
For Top and Bottom Edges of the Device
P[Edge] [n-4]
P[Edge] [n-3]
P[Edge] [n-2]
P[Edge] [n-1]
A [Edge]DQSn
P[Edge] [n]
P[Edge] [n+1]
P[Edge] [n+2]
P[Edge] [n+3]
P[Edge] [n+4]
1. “n” is a row PIC number.
2. The DDR interface is designed for memories that support one DQS strobe up to 16 bits
of data for the left and right edges and up to 18 bits of data for the top and bottom
edges. In some packages, all the potential DDR data (DQ) pins may not be available.
PIC numbering definitions are provided in the “Signal Names” column of the Signal
Descriptions table.

Pinout Information
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Pin Information Summary

XP2-5 XP2-8 XP2-17 XP2-30 XP2-40
132 144 208 256 132 144 208 256 208 256 484 256 484 672 484 672
Single Ended User I/O 86 100 146 172 86 100 146 201 146 201 358 201 363 472 363 540

Differential Pair Normal 35 39 57 66 35 39 57 77 57 77 135 77 137 180 137 204

User I/O Highspeed 8 11 16 20 8 11 16 23 16 23 44 23 44 56 44 66
TAP 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Configuration Muxed 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
Dedicated 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Non Configura- Muxed 5 5 7 7 7 7 9 9 11 11 21 7 11 13 11 13

tion Dedicated 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Vcc 6 4 9 6 6 4 9 6 9 6 16 6 16 20 16 20
Vccaux 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8 4 8 8 8 8
VCCPLL 2 2 2 - 2 2 2 - 4 - - - - - - -
Bank0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 4
Bank1 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 4
Bank2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 4
Bank3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 4
Bank4 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 4
Bank5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 4
Bank6 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 4
Bank7 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 4
GND, GND0-GND7 15 15 20 20 15 15 22 20 22 20 56 20 56 64 56 64
NC - - 4 31 - - 2 2 - 2 7 2 2 69 2 1
Bank0 18/9 20/10 20/10 26/13 18/9 20/10 20/10 28/14 20/10 28/14 52/26 28/14 52/26 70/35 52/26 70/35
Bank1 4/2 6/3 18/9 18/9 4/2 6/3 18/9 22/11 18/9 22/11 36/18 22/11 36/18 54/27 36/18 70/35
Bank2 16/8 18/9 18/9 22/11 16/8 18/9 18/9 26/13 18/9 26/13 46/23 26/13 46/23 56/28 46/23 64/32
Single Ended/ Bank3 4/2 4/2 16/8 20/10 4/2 4/2 16/8 24/12 16/8 24/12 44/22 24/12 46/23 56/28 46/23 66/33
Differential I/O
per Bank Bank4 8/4 8/4 18/9 18/9 8/4 8/4 18/9 26/13 18/9 26/13 36/18 26/13 38/19 54/27 38/19 70/35
Bank5 14/7 18/9 20/10 24/12 14/7 18/9 20/10 24/12 20/10 24/12 52/26 24/12 53/26 70/35 53/26 70/35
Bank6 6/3 8/4 18/9 22/11 6/3 8/4 18/9 27/13 18/9 27/13 46/23 27/13 46/23 56/28 46/23 66/33
Bank7 16/8 18/9 18/9 22/11 16/8 18/9 18/9 24/12 18/9 24/12 46/23 24/12 46/23 56/28 46/23 64/32
Bank0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bank1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bank2 3 4 4 5 3 4 4 6 4 6 11 6 11 14 11 16
True LVDS Pairs  Bank3 1 1 4 5 1 1 4 6 4 6 11 6 11 14 11 17
Bonding Out per
Bank Bank4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bank5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bank6 1 2 4 5 1 2 4 6 4 6 11 6 11 14 11 17
Bank7 3 4 4 5 3 4 4 5 4 5 11 5 11 14 11 16
Bank0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 4 2 4
Bank1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 4
Bank2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 4
DDR Banks Bank3 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 4
Bonding Out per
I/O Bank 1 Bank4 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 4
Bank5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 4 2 4
Bank6 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 4
Bank7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 4

Pinout Information
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Pin Information Summary (Cont.)

XP2-5 XP2-8 XP2-17 XP2-30 XP2-40
132 144 208 256 132 144 208 256 208 256 484 256 484 672 484 672
Bank0 18 20 20 26 18 20 20 28 20 28 52 28 52 70 52 70
Bank1 4 6 18 18 4 6 18 22 18 22 36 22 36 54 36 70
Bank2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PCI capable I/Os  Bank3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bonding Out per
Bank Bank4 8 8 18 18 8 8 18 26 18 26 36 26 38 54 38 70
Bank5 14 18 20 24 14 18 20 24 20 24 52 24 53 70 53 70
Bank6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bank7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1. Minimum requirement to implement a fully functional 8-bit wide DDR bus. Available DDR interface consists of at least 12 I/Os (1 DQS + 1 DQSB + 8 DQs + 1 DM
+ Bank VREF1).

Logic Signal Connections

Package pinout information can be found under “Data Sheets” on the LatticeXP2 product page of the Lattice web-
site a and in the Lattice Diamond design software.

Thermal Management
Thermal management is recommended as part of any sound FPGA design methodology. To assess the thermal
characteristics of a system, Lattice specifies a maximum allowable junction temperature in all device data sheets.
Designers must complete a thermal analysis of their specific design to ensure that the device and package do not
exceed the junction temperature limits. Refer to the Lattice Thermal Management document to find the device/
package specific thermal values.

For Further Information

• TN1139, Power Estimation and Management for LatticeXP2 Devices
• Power Calculator tool is included with the Lattice Diamond design tool or as a standalone download from 

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet
Ordering Information
February 2012 Data Sheet DS1009

Part Number Description

Device Family Grade
XP2 C = Commercial
I = Industrial
Logic Capacity
5 = 5K LUTs Package
8 = 8K LUTs M132 = 132-ball csBGA
17 = 17K LUTs FT256 = 256-ball ftBGA
30 = 30K LUTs F484 = 484-ball fpBGA
40 = 40K LUTs F672 = 672-ball fpBGA

Supply Voltage MN132 = 132-ball Lead-Free csBGA

E = 1.2V TN144 = 144-pin Lead-Free TQFP
QN208 = 208-pin Lead-Free PQFP
Speed FTN256 = 256-ball Lead-Free ftBGA
5 = Slowest FN484 = 484-ball Lead-Free fpBGA
6 FN672 = 672-ball Lead-Free fpBGA
7 = Fastest

Ordering Information
The LatticeXP2 devices are marked with a single temperature grade, either Commercial or Industrial, as shown

7FT256C 6FT256I
Datecode Datecode

© 2012 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand
or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 5-1 Order Info_01.3

Ordering Information
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Lead-Free Packaging
Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)
LFXP2-5E-5MN132C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free csBGA 132 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-6MN132C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free csBGA 132 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-7MN132C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free csBGA 132 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-5TN144C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free TQFP 144 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-6TN144C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free TQFP 144 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-7TN144C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free TQFP 144 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-5QN208C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free PQFP 208 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-6QN208C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free PQFP 208 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-7QN208C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free PQFP 208 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-5FTN256C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-6FTN256C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-7FTN256C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 COM 5

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-8E-5MN132C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free csBGA 132 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-6MN132C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free csBGA 132 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-7MN132C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free csBGA 132 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-5TN144C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free TQFP 144 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-6TN144C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free TQFP 144 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-7TN144C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free TQFP 144 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-5QN208C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free PQFP 208 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-6QN208C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free PQFP 208 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-7QN208C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free PQFP 208 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-5FTN256C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-6FTN256C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-7FTN256C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 COM 8

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-17E-5QN208C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free PQFP 208 COM 17
LFXP2-17E-6QN208C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free PQFP 208 COM 17
LFXP2-17E-7QN208C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free PQFP 208 COM 17
LFXP2-17E-5FTN256C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 COM 17
LFXP2-17E-6FTN256C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 COM 17
LFXP2-17E-7FTN256C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 COM 17
LFXP2-17E-5FN484C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free fpBGA 484 COM 17
LFXP2-17E-6FN484C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free fpBGA 484 COM 17
LFXP2-17E-7FN484C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free fpBGA 484 COM 17

Ordering Information
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-30E-5FTN256C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-6FTN256C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-7FTN256C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-5FN484C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free fpBGA 484 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-6FN484C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free fpBGA 484 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-7FN484C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free fpBGA 484 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-5FN672C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free fpBGA 672 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-6FN672C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free fpBGA 672 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-7FN672C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free fpBGA 672 COM 30

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-40E-5FN484C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free fpBGA 484 COM 40
LFXP2-40E-6FN484C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free fpBGA 484 COM 40
LFXP2-40E-7FN484C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free fpBGA 484 COM 40
LFXP2-40E-5FN672C 1.2V -5 Lead-Free fpBGA 672 COM 40
LFXP2-40E-6FN672C 1.2V -6 Lead-Free fpBGA 672 COM 40
LFXP2-40E-7FN672C 1.2V -7 Lead-Free fpBGA 672 COM 40

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)
LFXP2-5E-5MN132I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free csBGA 132 IND 5
LFXP2-5E-6MN132I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free csBGA 132 IND 5
LFXP2-5E-5TN144I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free TQFP 144 IND 5
LFXP2-5E-6TN144I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free TQFP 144 IND 5
LFXP2-5E-5QN208I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free PQFP 208 IND 5
LFXP2-5E-6QN208I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free PQFP 208 IND 5
LFXP2-5E-5FTN256I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 IND 5
LFXP2-5E-6FTN256I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 IND 5

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-8E-5MN132I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free csBGA 132 IND 8
LFXP2-8E-6MN132I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free csBGA 132 IND 8
LFXP2-8E-5TN144I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free TQFP 144 IND 8
LFXP2-8E-6TN144I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free TQFP 144 IND 8
LFXP2-8E-5QN208I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free PQFP 208 IND 8
LFXP2-8E-6QN208I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free PQFP 208 IND 8
LFXP2-8E-5FTN256I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 IND 8
LFXP2-8E-6FTN256I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 IND 8

Ordering Information
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-17E-5QN208I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free PQFP 208 IND 17
LFXP2-17E-6QN208I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free PQFP 208 IND 17
LFXP2-17E-5FTN256I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 IND 17
LFXP2-17E-6FTN256I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 IND 17
LFXP2-17E-5FN484I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free fpBGA 484 IND 17
LFXP2-17E-6FN484I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free fpBGA 484 IND 17

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-30E-5FTN256I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 IND 30
LFXP2-30E-6FTN256I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free ftBGA 256 IND 30
LFXP2-30E-5FN484I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free fpBGA 484 IND 30
LFXP2-30E-6FN484I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free fpBGA 484 IND 30
LFXP2-30E-5FN672I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free fpBGA 672 IND 30
LFXP2-30E-6FN672I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free fpBGA 672 IND 30

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-40E-5FN484I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free fpBGA 484 IND 40
LFXP2-40E-6FN484I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free fpBGA 484 IND 40
LFXP2-40E-5FN672I 1.2V -5 Lead-Free fpBGA 672 IND 40
LFXP2-40E-6FN672I 1.2V -6 Lead-Free fpBGA 672 IND 40

Ordering Information
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Conventional Packaging
Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)
LFXP2-5E-5M132C 1.2V -5 csBGA 132 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-6M132C 1.2V -6 csBGA 132 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-7M132C 1.2V -7 csBGA 132 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-5FT256C 1.2V -5 ftBGA 256 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-6FT256C 1.2V -6 ftBGA 256 COM 5
LFXP2-5E-7FT256C 1.2V -7 ftBGA 256 COM 5

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-8E-5M132C 1.2V -5 csBGA 132 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-6M132C 1.2V -6 csBGA 132 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-7M132C 1.2V -7 csBGA 132 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-5FT256C 1.2V -5 ftBGA 256 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-6FT256C 1.2V -6 ftBGA 256 COM 8
LFXP2-8E-7FT256C 1.2V -7 ftBGA 256 COM 8

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-17E-5FT256C 1.2V -5 ftBGA 256 COM 17
LFXP2-17E-6FT256C 1.2V -6 ftBGA 256 COM 17
LFXP2-17E-7FT256C 1.2V -7 ftBGA 256 COM 17
LFXP2-17E-5F484C 1.2V -5 fpBGA 484 COM 17
LFXP2-17E-6F484C 1.2V -6 fpBGA 484 COM 17
LFXP2-17E-7F484C 1.2V -7 fpBGA 484 COM 17

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-30E-5FT256C 1.2V -5 ftBGA 256 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-6FT256C 1.2V -6 ftBGA 256 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-7FT256C 1.2V -7 ftBGA 256 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-5F484C 1.2V -5 fpBGA 484 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-6F484C 1.2V -6 fpBGA 484 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-7F484C 1.2V -7 fpBGA 484 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-5F672C 1.2V -5 fpBGA 672 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-6F672C 1.2V -6 fpBGA 672 COM 30
LFXP2-30E-7F672C 1.2V -7 fpBGA 672 COM 30

Ordering Information
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-40E-5F484C 1.2V -5 fpBGA 484 COM 40
LFXP2-40E-6F484C 1.2V -6 fpBGA 484 COM 40
LFXP2-40E-7F484C 1.2V -7 fpBGA 484 COM 40
LFXP2-40E-5F672C 1.2V -5 fpBGA 672 COM 40
LFXP2-40E-6F672C 1.2V -6 fpBGA 672 COM 40
LFXP2-40E-7F672C 1.2V -7 fpBGA 672 COM 40

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)
LFXP2-5E-5M132I 1.2V -5 csBGA 132 IND 5
LFXP2-5E-6M132I 1.2V -6 csBGA 132 IND 5
LFXP2-5E-6FT256I 1.2V -6 ftBGA 256 IND 5

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-8E-5M132I 1.2V -5 csBGA 132 IND 8
LFXP2-8E-6M132I 1.2V -6 csBGA 132 IND 8
LFXP2-5E-5FT256I 1.2V -5 ftBGA 256 IND 5
LFXP2-8E-5FT256I 1.2V -5 ftBGA 256 IND 8
LFXP2-8E-6FT256I 1.2V -6 ftBGA 256 IND 8

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-17E-5FT256I 1.2V -5 ftBGA 256 IND 17
LFXP2-17E-6FT256I 1.2V -6 ftBGA 256 IND 17
LFXP2-17E-5F484I 1.2V -5 fpBGA 484 IND 17
LFXP2-17E-6F484I 1.2V -6 fpBGA 484 IND 17

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-30E-5FT256I 1.2V -5 ftBGA 256 IND 30
LFXP2-30E-6FT256I 1.2V -6 ftBGA 256 IND 30
LFXP2-30E-5F484I 1.2V -5 fpBGA 484 IND 30
LFXP2-30E-6F484I 1.2V -6 fpBGA 484 IND 30
LFXP2-30E-5F672I 1.2V -5 fpBGA 672 IND 30
LFXP2-30E-6F672I 1.2V -6 fpBGA 672 IND 30

Ordering Information
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Part Number Voltage Grade Package Pins Temp. LUTs (k)

LFXP2-40E-5F484I 1.2V -5 fpBGA 484 IND 40
LFXP2-40E-6F484I 1.2V -6 fpBGA 484 IND 40
LFXP2-40E-5F672I 1.2V -5 fpBGA 672 IND 40
LFXP2-40E-6F672I 1.2V -6 fpBGA 672 IND 40

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet
Supplemental Information
February 2012 Data Sheet DS1009

For Further Information

A variety of technical notes for the LatticeXP2 FPGA family are available on the Lattice Semiconductor web site at 

• TN1136, LatticeXP2 sysIO Usage Guide

• TN1137, LatticeXP2 Memory Usage Guide
• TN1138, LatticeXP2 High Speed I/O Interface
• TN1126, LatticeXP2 sysCLOCK PLL Design and Usage Guide
• TN1139, Power Estimation and Management for LatticeXP2 Devices
• TN1140, LatticeXP2 sysDSP Usage Guide
• TN1141, LatticeXP2 sysCONFIG Usage Guide
• TN1142, LatticeXP2 Configuration Encryption and Security Usage Guide
• TN1087, Minimizing System Interruption During Configuration Using TransFR Technology
• TN1220, LatticeXP2 Dual Boot Feature
• TN1130, LatticeXP2 Soft Error Detection (SED) Usage Guide
• TN1143, LatticeXP2 Hardware Checklist

For further information on interface standards refer to the following websites:

• PCI:

© 2012 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand
or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 6-1 Further Info_01.2

LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet
Revision History
September 2014 Data Sheet DS1009

Revision History
Date Version Section Change Summary
May 2007 01.1 — Initial release.
September 2007 01.2 DC and Switching Added JTAG Port Timing Waveforms diagram.
Updated sysCLOCK PLL Timing table.
Pinout Information Added Thermal Management text section.
February 2008 01.3 Architecture Added LVCMOS33D to Supported Output Standards table.
Clarified: “This Flash can be programmed through either the JTAG or
Slave SPI ports of the device. The SRAM configuration space can also
be infinitely reconfigured through the JTAG and Master SPI ports.”
Added External Slave SPI Port to Serial TAG Memory section. Updated
Serial TAG Memory diagram.
DC and Switching Updated Flash Programming Specifications table.
Added “8W” specification to Hot Socketing Specifications table.
Updated Timing Tables
Clarifications for IIH in DC Electrical Characteristics table.
Added LVCMOS33D section
Updated DOA and DOA (Regs) to EBR Timing diagrams.
Removed Master Clock Frequency and Duty Cycle sections from the
LatticeXP2 sysCONFIG Port Timing Specifications table. These are
listed on the On-chip Oscillator and Configuration Master Clock Charac-
teristics table.
Changed CSSPIN to CSSPISN in description of tSCS, tSCSS, and tSCSH
parameters. Removed tSOE parameter.
Clarified On-chip Oscillator documentation
Added Switching Test Conditions
Pinout Information Added “True LVDS Pairs Bonding Out per Bank,” “DDR Banks Bonding
Out per I/O Bank,” and “PCI capable I/Os Bonding Out per Bank” to Pin
Information Summary in place of previous blank table “PCI and DDR
Capabilities of the Device-Package Combinations”
Removed pinout listing. This information is available on the LatticeXP2
product web pages
Ordering Information Added XP2-17 “8W” and all other family OPNs.
April 2008 01.4 DC and Switching Updated Absolute Maximum Ratings footnotes.
Characteristics Updated Recommended Operating Conditions Table footnotes.
Updated Supply Current (Standby) Table
Updated Initialization Supply Current Table
Updated Programming and Erase Flash Supply Current Table
Updated Register to Register Performance Table
Updated LatticeXP2 External Switching Characteristics Table
Updated LatticeXP2 Internal Switching Characteristics Table
Updated sysCLOCK PLL Timing Table

© 2014 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at All other brand
or product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. The specifications and information herein are subject to change without notice. 7-1
Revision History
LatticeXP2 Family Data Sheet

Date Version Section Change Summary

April 2008 01.4 DC and Switching Updated Flash Download Time (From On-Chip Flash to SRAM) Table
(cont.) (cont.) Characteristics (cont.) Updated Flash Program Time Table
Updated Flash Erase Time Table
Updated FlashBAK (from EBR to Flash) Table
Updated Hot Socketing Specifications Table footnotes
Pinout Information Updated Signal Descriptions Table
June 2008 01.5 Architecture Removed Read-Before-Write sysMEM EBR mode.
Clarification of the operation of the secondary clock regions.
DC and Switching Removed Read-Before-Write sysMEM EBR mode.
Pinout Information Updated DDR Banks Bonding Out per I/O Bank section of Pin Informa-
tion Summary Table.
August 2008 01.6 — Data sheet status changed from preliminary to final.
Architecture Clarification of the operation of the secondary clock regions.
DC and Switching Removed “8W” specification from Hot Socketing Specifications table.
Removed "8W" footnote from DC Electrical Characteristics table.
Updated Register-to-Register Performance table.
Ordering Information Removed “8W” option from Part Number Description.
Removed XP2-17 “8W” OPNs.
April 2011 01.7 DC and Switching Recommended Operating Conditions table, added footnote 5.
On-Chip Flash Memory Specifications table, added footnote 1.
BLVDS DC Conditions, corrected column title to be Z0 = 90 ohms.
sysCONFIG Port Timing Specifications table, added footnote 1 for 
January 2012 01.8 Multiple Added support for Lattice Diamond design software.
Architecture Corrected information regarding SED support.
DC and Switching Added reference to ESD Performance Qualification Summary informa-
Characteristics tion.
May 2013 01.9 All Updated document with new corporate logo.
Architecture Architecture Overview – Added information on the state of the
register on power up and after configuration.
Added information regarding SED support.
DC and Switching Removed Input Clock Rise/Fall Time 1ns max from the sysCLOCK PLL
Characteristics Timing table.
Ordering Information Updated topside mark in Ordering Information diagram.
March 2014 02.0 Architecture Updated Typical sysIO I/O Behavior During Power-up section. Added
information on POR signal deactivation.
August 2014 02.1 Architecture Updated Typical sysIO I/O Behavior During Power-up section.
Described user I/Os during power up and before FPGA core logic is
September 2014 2.2 DC and Switching Updated Switching Test Conditions section. Re-linked missing figure.


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