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FREQUENCIES VARIABLES=pengetahuan pendidikan informasi

/TABLES=pendidikan informasi BY pengetahuan


pengetahuan pendidikan informasi

N Valid 84 84 84

Missing 0 0 0

Frequency Table

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid Rendah 43 51.2 51.2 51.2

Tinggi 41 48.8 48.8 100.0

Total 84 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid dasar 23 27.4 27.4 27.4

menengah 44 52.4 52.4 79.8

tinggi 17 20.2 20.2 100.0

Total 84 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent

Valid orangtua 17 20.2 20.2 20.2

teman 29 34.5 34.5 54.8

media massa 38 45.2 45.2 100.0

Total 84 100.0 100.0



Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

pendidikan * pengetahuan 84 100.0% 0 .0% 84 100.0%

informasi * pengetahuan 84 100.0% 0 .0% 84 100.0%

informasi * pengetahuan


rendah tinggi Total

informasi orangtua Count 6 11 17

Expected Count 8.7 8.3 17.0

% within informasi 35.3% 64.7% 100.0%

% within pengetahuan 14.0% 26.8% 20.2%

% of Total 7.1% 13.1% 20.2%

teman Count 12 17 29

Expected Count 14.8 14.2 29.0

% within informasi 41.4% 58.6% 100.0%

% within pengetahuan 27.9% 41.5% 34.5%

% of Total 14.3% 20.2% 34.5%

media massa Count 25 13 38

Expected Count 19.5 18.5 38.0

% within informasi 65.8% 34.2% 100.0%

% within pengetahuan 58.1% 31.7% 45.2%

% of Total 29.8% 15.5% 45.2%

Total Count 43 41 84

Expected Count 43.0 41.0 84.0

% within informasi 51.2% 48.8% 100.0%

% within pengetahuan 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

% of Total 51.2% 48.8% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2-

Value df sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 6.078a 2 .048

Likelihood Ratio 6.166 2 .046

Linear-by-Linear Association 5.410 1 .020

N of Valid Cases 84

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected
count is 8,30.

pendidikan * pengetahuan


rendah tinggi Total

Pendidikan dasar Count 11 12 23

Expected Count 11.8 11.2 23.0

% within pendidikan 47.8% 52.2% 100.0%

% within pengetahuan 25.6% 29.3% 27.4%

% of Total 13.1% 14.3% 27.4%

menengah Count 28 16 44

Expected Count 22.5 21.5 44.0

% within pendidikan 63.6% 36.4% 100.0%

% within pengetahuan 65.1% 39.0% 52.4%

% of Total 33.3% 19.0% 52.4%

tinggi Count 4 13 17

Expected Count 8.7 8.3 17.0

% within pendidikan 23.5% 76.5% 100.0%

% within pengetahuan 9.3% 31.7% 20.2%

% of Total 4.8% 15.5% 20.2%

Total Count 43 41 84

Expected Count 43.0 41.0 84.0

% within pendidikan 51.2% 48.8% 100.0%

% within pengetahuan 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

% of Total 51.2% 48.8% 100.0%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2-

Value df sided)

Pearson Chi-Square 8.038a 2 .018

Likelihood Ratio 8.327 2 .016

Linear-by-Linear Association 1.542 1 .214

N of Valid Cases 84

a. 0 cells (,0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected
count is 8,30.

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