Introduction For RRL

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Related Literature

Instructional materials are essential and significant

tools needed for teaching and learning of school subjects to

promote teachers’ efficiency and improve students’

performance. It can make learning more interesting, practical,

realistic and appealing. Instructional materials also enable

both the educators and learners to participate actively and

effectively in lesson sessions. It can give the learners a

room for acquisition of skills and knowledge and development

of self- confidence and self- actualization. Ibeneme (2000)

defined teaching aids as those materials used for practical

and demonstration in the class situation by students and

teachers. Ikerionwu (2000) saw instructional materials as

objects or devices that assist the educators to present a

lesson to the learners in a logical and manner.

In his own perspective, Fadeiye (2005) cited that

instructional materials as visual and audio-visual aids,

concrete or non-concrete, used by teachers to improve the

quality of teaching and learning activities in Social Studies.

Agina-Obu (2005) submitted that instructional materials of all

kinds appeal to the sense organs during teaching and learning.

Isola (2010) also described instructional materials as objects

or devices that assist the teachers to present their lessons

logically and sequentially to the learners.Oluwagbohunmi and

Abdu-Raheem (2014) acknowledged that instructional materials

are such used by teachers to aid explanations and make

learning of subject matter understandable to students during

teaching learning process.

According to Abdullahi (1982), instructional materials

are materials or tools locally made or imported that could

make tremendous enhancement of lesson impact if intelligently


Similar to what Agun (1988) refers to them as learning

materials, and usage help learners to learn faster and better.

Johnson (1989) also believes that instructional materials are

the collections and selection of resources from available

resources which are applied and integrated into a systematic

process of teaching and learning to make learning effective.

Moreover, Adekola (2008) states that instruction is a

deliberate arrangement of experience within the learning

space, classroom, and laboratory, workshop that aimed at

helping learners to achieve desirable changed in behaviour or

performance. Similar to Vilo (2008) says that Media is used

to think about television, satellite communication, computer

and other sophisticated modern technologies. Instructional

materials are any devices with instructional content or

function that is used for teaching purposes including books,

supplementary reading materials, audio visual and other

sensory materials, script for audio and television

instruction, programme for computer manage sets of materials

for construction and manipulation (Gbamanja, 2001).


Reading is one of the Basic Skills of English. It is

categorized as input skill. It means when people read

something they will get information from it. Nunan (2004: 68)

states, reading is a fluent process of reader combining

information from a text and their own background knowledge to

build meaning.

In the reading, readers combine the information from the

text and the information from their existing background

knowledge. As a skill, reading can be trained and developed.

People who want to be a good and effective reader, they must

master reading skill and its strategies and techniques. Each

reading passage has its own strategies and techniques to read

it. Soedarso (2004: 12) in his book Membaca Cepat (Speed

Reading), states that in the modern era people need to read

fast and effective because they have limited time. They need

to select the appropriate strategies and techniques in reading

according to their purpose.

Reading Comprehension

The main purpose of reading is to get comprehension. When the

students read a passage, they decode written information and

it is combined with the students’ background of knowledge in

their brains to produce comprehension. Anderson in McKay

(2006: 224) stated, reading is both process and product. The

product of reading is called reading comprehension, or an

internal construction of meaning; that is, there has been

understanding of what has been read. Smith and Robinson

(1980:5) defined reading comprehension as the understanding,

evaluating, and utilizing of information and ideas gained

through an interaction between the reader and the author.

Furthermore, Harris and Smith (1972:243) stated, reading is a

process intimately linked to think, and there three factors

influencing comprehension, i.e. background experience, ability

to use language, and intelligence.

To comprehend the written forms, there are so many skills

that can be used by the students. According to Johnson

(2008:110-111) reading comprehensian skills are strategies

readers use to retrieve information and construct meaning from

expository text. They are thinking process, broked down into

steps to comprehend. These comprehension skills can be easily

learned and flexibly sellected to a varieaty of reading

situations. Brown (2001: 308) stated, perhaps the most

valuable strategies for learners (as well as native speaker)

are skimming and scanning strategies. Several skills above can

be improved, trained and developed as the way the students

grow. Improving reading comprehension skills is valuable to

make them good reader and effective reader.

Day and Bamford, (2003) explains that reading as a simple

skill of decoding written marks on a page to a view of reading

as a complex process of information processing. Meaning is no

longer something to be extracted from a text, but it is the

result of each reader’s interaction with the text. In other

words, readers draw on their own knowledge of the subject and

knowledge on how information in texts tends to be structured

to construct meaning.

Grabe (1991) argues that reading instruction is not about

getting learners to behave as expert readers as quickly as

possible but rather a process in which learners need first to

go through a transitional phase where they are given a chance

to develop automaticity in letter recognition and word


Good or efficient reading requires that in order to

comprehend a text, a reader should connect new text with past

experiences in order to interpret, evaluate, synthesize and

consider alternative interpretations. While doing this task,

students need some strategies to help them make their reading

comprehension easy (Presley and Afflerbach, 1995).

Rayner, (2001), also believe that reading

comprehension is the culmination of all the reading skills and

the ultimate goal of learning to read. Reading comprehension

is defined as the level of understanding of a text.

It is where understanding comes from the interaction

between the words that are written and how they trigger

knowledge outside the text, hence, reading for comprehension

is observed to be a multifaceted process (Nduka, 2003;

Offorma, 2009).

Accordingly, Nist and Holschul (2000) added that

interpretation of meaning which comes after the reader must

have constructed meaning from the reading passage, includes

the ability of the reader to understand the meanings of words

and realize the effect of the context upon meaning, to make

inferences or predictors; to identify the tone of the passage,

and to determine the authors attitude towards the reader.

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