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Stability Assessment of Microgrids with High

Penetration of Variable Renewables

Kevin M. Banjar-Nahor, Equipe SYREL and MADEA
G2Elab, 21 rue des martyrs, CS 90624, 38031 Grenoble CEDEX 1, FRANCE
E-mail : [email protected]

C. Microgrid Stability Classification
Abstract—This article presents the thesis backgrounds and the
summary of the work done in the first year, ongoing work, and Stability classification is the gate to a more effective and
future perspectives. The subject of the PhD deals with the stability efficient analysis of power system stability. Although power
of microgrids with high penetration of variable renewables. The system stability is essentially a single problem, the various forms
associated challenges, impacts, and flexibility are briefly discussed. of instability cannot be effectively dealt with by treating as such.
It is important to make appropriate simplifications and
Index Terms— microgrids, stability, machine, inverter,
classifications so that each type can be analyzed in the right
degree of details.
The widely used classification is based on the synchronous
Power systems evolved around large, conventional, and machine behavior. Considering the challenges and evolutions
centralized power plants. However, nowadays microgrid concept caused by microgrid concept, new stability classification and
has gained much interest. Due to the different characteristics assessment are compelling, especially in the development of
between conventional power systems and microgrids, the appropriate tools for stability assessment in the future.
stability problems need to be classified, defined, and investigated
This research aims to identify the main issues, to develop a
The ongoing research is focusing mainly on the dynamic
methodology for the stability assessment, and to deliver
stability of microgrids. Dynamic stability deals with the
recommendations for enhancing the stability in microgrids.
capability of a power system to return to a stable steady state
following a large disturbance.
A. Microgrids A. Simulations Performed
Microgrid concept is often regarded as an important part of Some simulations were done with Power Factory Software.
smart grid, since it offers enhancements to power systems, This program was chosen due to its complete functionalities and
notably in reliability, sustainability, and economic aspects. It is popularity in the research world and industry. The simulations
widely accepted that a microgrid is an integrated energy system were carried out to point out that the stability issues are evolving
consisting of energy resources and multiple electrical loads in microgrids.
operating as a single, autonomous grid either in parallel to an B. Future Perspective
external electric grid or islanded. The future perspectives include the development of a useful
The microgrid that this research focuses on is an isolated classification of microgrid stability. It will be validated with
power grid incorporating high penetration of variable computer simulations and laboratory testbeds in terms of
renewables, with a capacity of tens up to 200 MW. effectivity and interdependency. In addition, in order to explore
B. Challenges in Microgrids with Variable Renewables some solutions to the stability problems, an idea that a system
Considering the type of microgrid this thesis is dealing with, will remain stable as long as the energy balance is preserved will
flexibility resources such as quickly dispatchable power plants be elaborated.
and interconnections are mostly not available. The energy
storage, flexible control of power electronics, and demand REFERENCES
response are hence the heart of flexibility in microgrids. [1] P. Kundur et al., "Definition and classification of power
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installed, inverters will eventually replace synchronous terms and definitions," in IEEE Transactions on Power
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synchronous machines were previously responsible for. Several [2] Zhikang Shuai, Yingyun Sun, Z. John Shen, Wei Tian,
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and less stored energy in the power conversion process still leave Classification and a review,” Renewable and Sustainable
the stability problem of microgrids challenging. Energy Reviews, Volume 58, May 2016, Pages 167-179.

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