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Reap the rewards of diversity
THE learning experience with School of intelligence she learnt at SASS served her different angles. I had to think outside the Sara Salah, an Egyptian national currently
Arts and Social Sciences (SASS) in Monash well in the workforce. box and open my mind to various opinions employed by Monkey Theory Sdn Bhd as a
University Malaysia boasts immense variety Tay, who completed an honours degree in and ideas,” says Rohini. partnership marketing associate and digital
in everything from subject matter to communications, finds that the sky is the Fellow SASS alumna Anthea Haryoko says lead, is grateful to have landed a dynamic
cultural identities. It is through this limit in terms of career prospects for SASS that at SASS, she could explore various job. Reflecting on her time with the school,
exposure to variety that arts students learn degree holders. Tay sees that the critical career options and determine which Sara shares that as a Monash graduate, she is
to value and embrace diversity. thinking skills SASS prioritises have trained industries would suit her better than others. prepared to always stay on top of her game
SASS Bachelor of Arts and Social Sciences her to be more inquisitive. Haryoko’s learning experience at SASS was and speak up if she has a differing opinion: a
(Honours) alumna Hannah Jambunathan Ann Lee, a 2008 graduate, says that the holistic, as she not only participated in skill honed in tutorials where students were
talks to six fellow SASS alumni about how various soft skills she honed during her academic classes but was also active in encouraged to share their unfiltered
diversity – a core feature of SASS degrees – studies at Monash were key to better job extracurricular activities. opinions in discussing controversial
has prepared them for jobs in various prospects as a fresh graduate. “Monash It was this wholesome experience at issues about race, religion, politics and
industries, including non-profit think tanks, made me an all-rounded person, building SASS that assured Haryoko she was gender in a productive manner.
financial and insurance services and my confidence to speak my mind and always well primed for a promising career
information, media and question everything. It prepared me to be in any sector. Haryoko currently n For more information on the
telecommunications corporations. confident, self-reliant and independent,” she leads the external relations programmes offered by Monash
Alvin Wong shares that the diversity in says. department of the Center for University Malaysia’s SASS, visit
identity and culture of SASS’ student body Upon graduating, Lee sought a job in the Indonesian Policy Studies.
granted him the exposure and experience marketing and public relations industry, a
he needed to lead the marketing efforts of choice that seemed incongruent with her
Pestech Energy Sdn Bhd. arts degree, as a business degree would
“Exposure and experience are key in traditionally be more valued. However, Lee
helping us cope with new knowledge and, succeeded in finding work at multinational
sometimes, problems. The clash of cultures corporations.
helped me understand the same matters Bank Negara Malaysia communication
from multiple perspectives. New executive Rohini Rajadorai graduated with a
perspectives mean new ideas,” he says. Master of Communication and Media
With multinational corporations placing Studies. The course structure of the master’s
increasing value on maintaining a sense of programme, which encourages examination
diversity in the workplace, British of various theories in relation to our current
American Tobacco Malaysia human climate, is what gives arts students an
resources business partner and SASS advantage in the working world.
alumna Tay Siao Lin echoes a similar “The breadth of subjects offered at SASS
sentiment, saying that the cultural meant exploring various issues from Hannah Jambunathan fully appreciates the value and versatility of her SASS degree.
2 Hospitality, Law, Teaching & Mass Communications THE STAR, TUESDAY 9 APRIL 2019

Giving students a solid head start

EVER pictured yourself working renowned chef, then you should management, front office and Diploma in Hotel Management. students gain exposure to
in a restaurant as a world-famous begin your tertiary education accommodation operations. The Diploma of Culinary Arts possible career options and
chef or managing staff in a with Nilai University’s Diploma university offers its students graduate Wong Wee Siong is ready discover the essentials they need
prestigious hotel? Nilai in Culinary Arts. Master the art industry-related facilities, including to face the world of hospitality to be fully prepared to enter the
University’s School of Hospitality of food preparation and immerse a hotel business simulation system, again as he enrols for Nilai industry.
could be exactly what you’re yourself in theory and practical mock-up restaurants and a front University’s bachelor’s degree Nilai University’s internship
looking for to launch your career classes that train you in office with a systematic hotel room programme. programme is unlike any other.
in hospitality. inventory control, personnel management system. “Although I had planned to Experience the best industrial
Life in the hospitality industry management, menu planning Get the best of both worlds as work to gain experience and some training in the field and you will
may not be as glamorous as you and other relevant subjects. you explore the industries of pocket money, I agreed with my find yourself adapting quickly
see on-screen, but it can be a Students practise in a mock hospitality and management with mother that a paper qualification through intensive and in-depth
wondrous life and Nilai University restaurant and commercial the B.A. (Hons) in Business and matters when applying for training in mock environments.
is ready to provide you with the kitchen packed with the latest Hospitality Management. In this supervisory and managerial As a result, the university
most enjoyable and worthwhile culinary tools that let them fully programme, you will gain a strong positions. Because I had a great constantly receives positive
experience in the field. experience life as a culinary foundation in business, especially time at Nilai University during my feedback from companies that
The School of Hospitality aims artist. Upon graduation, you will in managing people, dealing with diploma programme, I was quite hire its students as interns, as
to nurture students who are be able to work in any kitchen or profitability, and issues, events and happy to return to do my degree they are all able to cope with job
passionate about hospitality, progress in the chef profession marketing related to hospitality. here,” he says. expectations.
applying various teaching from cook to sous chef, chef de Students who have already The variety of General
methods and industry-related partie and, eventually, executive graduated from either one of the Education Subjects available
practical lessons that allow chef. diploma programmes are welcome The unique parts encourages students to
students to fully explore their The Diploma in Hotel to pursue their degree in this The school offers Industry Talk participate in societies and clubs
potential in culinary arts and Management produces students course and will be eligible for in order to maximise students’ that further expand their
hotel and hospitality who are capable of handling credit transfers – 26 credit hours tertiary education experience and understanding of cultures,
management. multiple sector-related subjects for the Diploma in Culinary Arts career opportunities in the
If your dream is to become a such as food and beverage and 33 credit hours for the hospitality industry. In this talk, > SEE NEXT PAGE

Extended intake
for school-leavers

School-leavers have till Apr 26 to enrol in foundation programmes at

Curtin Malaysia.

CURTIN University Malaysia Students at Curtin Malaysia

(Curtin Malaysia) is extending its study courses identical to those
current foundation programme at the other Curtin campuses
intake to Apr 26 to cater to and degrees earned at the
school-leavers who have just Malaysian campus are conferred
received their examination directly by the main campus in
results and are keen to enter Perth. They also enjoy an
foundation programmes in undifferentiated learning
engineering and science, experience and student support
commerce or arts. mechanisms, including online
The extension also applies to study resources and distributed
students with Sijil Pelajaran learning in real time between
Malaysia, Sijil Tinggi Pelajaran campuses.
Malaysia, O-Level, A-Levels or Curtin Malaysia is currently
Unified Education Certificate offering special scholarships in
qualifications who have yet to conjunction with its 20th
apply for either the current anniversary celebrations worth
intake or the next foundation RM2.5mil for outstanding
and degree intakes in July and students in Miri to undertake
August. foundation and selected
Though foundation classes undergraduate courses. In
start on Mar 25, those enrolling addition, students throughout
beyond that date will still be Malaysia with outstanding SPM,
able to catch up through special STPM, O-Level, A-Levels and
orientation sessions in place of UEC results can take advantage
the formal orientation and of the Curtin Malaysia Merit
replacement learning sessions Scholarships. Both scholarships
for missed classes. Foundation offer partial or full tuition fee
students are guaranteed places waivers based on examination
in Curtin Malaysia’s results.
undergraduate courses in the Full details of scholarships
engineering and science, and other financial aid available
business or humanities faculties can be found at scholarships.
upon successful completion of
their one-year programmes.
Curtin Malaysia is the largest n For further information on
international campus of Curtin the foundation programmes and
University, a global university scholarships, contact marketing
with campuses in Australia, officer Serena May Robinson at
Malaysia, Singapore, Dubai and 08-563 0100 (ext. 2601) or 019-
Mauritius, and is ranked in the 855 5610, or email serena.
top 1% of universities [email protected].
worldwide in the Academic Alternatively, potential students
Ranking of World Universities can visit futurestudents.curtin.
THE STAR, TUESDAY 9 APRIL 2019 Hospitality, Law, Teaching & Mass Communications 3

Pathway to a
successful career
> FROM PREVIOUS PAGE Enrol in Nilai University
environmental issues and By pursuing tertiary education
society. These include Public at Nilai University’s School of
Speaking, Critical Thinking, Hospitality, you are opening a
Professional Development and gateway to countless life-changing
even Theatre and Acting career opportunities for yourself
subjects for students to choose as well as contributing to the
from. country’s hospitality and tourism
Upon graduation, students of sector.
this programme enjoy a great Join us now at Nilai University
career pathway as most of them and embark on one of the best
are employed by companies that educational experiences in
have great reputation in the culinary arts, hotel and hospitality
hospitality and tourism management. Intakes are available
industry. Some of the companies on April and May. Impressive
that are known to employ scholarships await, so tell your
students from this programme friends about it and enquire today!
are Shangri-La Hotel Kuala
Lumpur, Renaissance Kuala n For more information, call Nilai
Lumpur Hotel, Starbucks University’s education counsellors
Malaysia and Tune Hotels, as at 06-850 2308 for an appointment
well as Fullerton Hotel and JW or visit the campus or www.nilai.
Marriott Hotel in Singapore. Enjoy industry exposure to culinary arts and hotel and hospitality management when you enrol in Nilai University.

Developing a
quality workforce
“EMPLOYERS want to hire The facility provides a
candidates who have the workspace for students to carry
education and skills to make an out photography, sound
immediate impact in an recording, video production, and
organisation. The job market musical performances.
will be filled with candidates QIU’s Bachelor of Medicine &
who all have similar Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS)
qualifications. What sets our programme is listed in the
students apart will be their World Directory of Medical
hands-on skills and adaptability. Schools. The university is an
Quest International University approved official centre for
Perak’s (QIU) programmes are United States Medical Licensing
designed to reflect industry Examination training. QIU
demands, and the goal is to medical graduates can enter
create graduates who are residency or fellowship
immediately job-ready,” says programmes in Canada and the
QIU chief operating officer US that are accredited by the
Nicholas Goh. Accreditation Council for
A prime example of this is the Graduate Medical Education.
university’s new fluid In addition, QIU’s MBBS
curriculum concept for two programme is accredited by the
engineering programmes – the Malaysian Medical Council,
Bachelor of Electronics Malaysian Qualifications Agency
Engineering (Communication) and several medical councils
with Honours and the Bachelor across South Asia, as well as the
of Mechatronics Engineering Health Ministry.
with Honours. Under this The university’s Faculty of
curriculum, students undergo Business and Management is a
annual industrial attachments at member of the Association to
prominent multinational Advance Collegiate Schools of
companies as opposed to the Business, and QIU is a member
usual one-semester industrial of the International Association
attachment that is common in of Universities and Association
bachelor’s-level engineering of Commonwealth Universities.
programmes. QIU’s interim campus is
The same principle of creating strategically located in Ipoh,
job-ready students extends to combining an environment
QIU’s culinary arts programme, conducive to learning with
under which students have affordable living costs.
access to a state-of-the-art
kitchen, in-house bakery and n To find out more about QIU
fine-dining restaurant. and the programmes it offers,
For those interested in call 05-249 0500, email
communications, QIU has an [email protected] or visit
in-house recording studio.

QIU is committed to nurturing well-rounded professionals.

4 Course Focus THE STAR, TUESDAY 9 APRIL 2019

in tourism
IN view of the local tourism industry’s huge
growth potential, Tunku Abdul Rahman
University College (TAR UC) offers relevant
tourism programmes aimed at developing Great emphasis is
the required human capital as a catalyst to
achieve the country’s goal for its tourism
placed on developing
industry. students’ interpersonal,
TAR UC provides tourism programmes at
bachelor’s and diploma levels, namely the
communication and critical-
three-year Bachelor of Tourism thinking skills, all of which
Management (Hons) and two-year Diploma are highly sought after in
in Hospitality Management (Tourism). TAR
UC’s tourism programmes are taught by the industry.
industry practitioners who have extensive
experience in the industry. Great emphasis
is placed on developing students’ operating business. It also helped me interact
interpersonal, communication and critical- with students in hospitality management – a
thinking skills, all of which are highly field closely related to tourism management.
sought after in the industry. I appreciated that we attended tutorial
On top of this, as programmes are sessions together as we were able to discuss
delivered via lectures, class discussions, and exchange information and knowledge,”
case studies, local and international field says Teoh, who is currently undergoing
trips and industrial attachments, TAR UC’s practical training at a private tour company.
tourism management students are able to Second-year Bachelor of Tourism
develop a deeper understanding of the Management (Hons) student Chai Jia Qi says,
industry. “Studying tourism management at TAR UC
Teoh Sui Yoke, Bachelor of Tourism has helped me appreciate the tourism
Management (Hons) final-year student, industry more. On top of the in-depth
shares her reason for choosing TAR UC and subjects, my learning is further enhanced by
experience studying there. the facilities provided for tourism
“What drew me to study tourism management students.
management at TAR UC was the affordable “For instance, learning using the Amadeus
tuition and the institution’s good reputation Ticketing System that TAR UC provides helps
in the industry. I researched my options me better understand my Airline
extensively, comparing the costs of tourism Reservation and Ticketing subject. It is a
management programmes at different privilege to get first-hand experience using
institutions, and none of them were as the Amadeus Ticketing System in my degree
competitive as TAR UC’s. programme because it is a popular computer
“The programme allowed me to learn reservation system that is widely used by
many relevant subjects such as Inbound tour operators around the world. Hence,
Tour Business and Tourism Product and having experience using this system gives
Destination Development. A highlight of me a competitive advantage in the tourism
studying Tourism Product and Destination industry when I begin my career,” she
Development was getting to join a study concludes.
tour to Langkawi. It let us enjoy a different
way of learning as we took part in various n Find out more about TAR UC’s tourism
tour activities, such as visiting Langkawi’s management programme at its Open Day,
Geopark, island hopping and joining a boat which is being held until this Sunday at all of
tour. its campuses nationwide. Alternatively, visit
“In the third year of my degree or a TAR UC booth at major
programme, I learnt quite a few business- education fairs. Attractive scholarships are
related subjects, which increased my available on the basis of academic merit and
understanding on how to run a tour- sibling discount for eligible students.

Teoh Sui Yoke (back row, second from left) with her course mates in Langkawi during their
study tour.

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