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Organizational Structure of Telenor

The organic structure of Telenor Pakistan promotes cultural values that resulting integration and
coordination. The organogram of Telenor Pakistan is given as below:

Type of structure:
Vertical differentiation hierarchical levels
There are seven hierarchical levels as the size of the organization approaches 2500 to 3000
employees. Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined at the time of joining the organization;
employees are selected against defined criteria. Roles can be added later but employees have a
fair idea about their job responsibilities from the beginning. Seven layers do not create
communication or motivation problems due to the open culture. There are no instances of
demotivation though in certain areas like Customers Relationship Department or Customer
Service Centre different customer queries and complaints can raise frustration levels. Managers
in these departments intervene to solve problems. Whenever an employee has a new idea, he/she
is encouraged to approach the management and share it with them. Idea drop boxes are also
placed at various locations where employees leave their suggestions. The Communication
Department works out if the ideas can be implemented and then discusses them with the
employees. There is also a formal platform at the group level known as SEED where innovation
is encouraged and new ideas about revenue concept and cost efficiency can be discussed.
Employees are welcome to participate and submit their ideas. If the ideas handed in are feasible
then they are implemented in the organization (at country level or global level, depending on the
nature of the proposal). Employees are rewarded financially for their helpful contributions.

Span of control
Span of Control is determined by the role and job responsibilities of managers. It varies from
department to department. On average, the span of control is 4-5 people under a manager.

Integrating mechanisms
3daystohavefun.Employeesgettoknowthosewithwhomtheyhave communicated before but
not met in person. Formal team evaluation does not exist. Employees on teams, for instance
finance teams, are rewarded individually.

Centralization and decentralization

Apart from STRATEGY, all other functions are decentralized. People at Telenor Pakistan
aremotivated to take their responsibilities especially in cross functional
projects. Managersin each department oversee that the employees take up their roles and duties
and theirperformance is monitored accordingly. If an employee is losing focus from his core job
bytaking added responsibilities, he/she is instructed to readjust his/her priorities.

Standardization and mutual adjustment

acrossfunctions.Generally strict obedience to rules is not required as long as results are not
affected. As long as individual responsibilities and deadlines are met, there are flexible hours of
work. Work is important instead of the number of hours worked. Employees can select their
work timings which can even be from afternoon to evening. Instead of being bound by office
hours, a sense of responsibility is inculcated in them to achieve self-
assigned goals. This brings a sense of comfort in working in such organizational structure. Rules
and procedures are present to control the behavior of employees and to facilitate smooth working
of the organization. A level of standardization is required to be maintained in certain vital
functions such as Budget Control. Sops are documented in the case of the financial control or HR
related policies. Genuine requests from external customers are taken into account by the CRO
(Customer Relationship Officer) at Service Centers. The CRO does all he/she can or is possible
within authority to process the request or complaint.Ifthe customer’s request is beyond the
authority of the CRO, thenmanagersaretheretoaidthecustomeror provide some sort of non-
monetary compensation to appease him.

IT and empowerment
The level of empowerment differs across departments and divisions, depending on the nature of
work. It varies according to the style of management of functions; more
empowerment in CRO and Sales and Marketing than in People Excellence. IT increases the level
of empowerment. Within the network service of the Telenor in Pakistan, there is a
(interandintra net) portal system used to communicate information efficiently. An online HRMS
System, H2H (Here to Help), is being used internally. This locally built system was launched last
year but is still not well integrated at present.
Conflict resolution
When different departments work together in an organization, their interests may differ due to
functional and structural differences. Due to these variations, conflicts among departments are
inevitable. The issues are not taken to the top management and there is
no coordination post in the organization which can facilitate the departments to increase
coordination with each other. Whenever a conflict arises among functions, the heads or managers
from those functions sit together and discuss the source of conflict. They try to resolve all their
differences amicably.

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