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DATE : JULY 30, 2018



(Brian Manley) Film, often called movie or motion picture, by

its general definition is a series of still images shown
simultaneously to simulate the illusion of movement. Its early
beginnings as said by Brian Manley “cannot be credited to one
individual as an oversimplification of any history tries to do.”
Defending the fact, claiming that its origins are combination of
the efforts of different inventions accumulated throughout the
years. Throughout the years, film has diversified into two major
classifications, the mainstream and the independent. Mainstream
films are such movies that are big budgeted, produced by major
production companies and widely released in cinemas such as the
Lucas‟ and the Spielberg films and the like. Such films are
released in cinemas for a short period of time and are tailored
to attract customers at a global scale. Whereas independent
films are the opposite, being produced outside a major studio
and often tackles topics that the mainstream people do not
usually take. It is known to be the “mirror to reality” as it
endeavors such plots about societal issues and culture, going
against the usual Hollywood-esque type of filming as it focuses
on a rather uncanny approach in its production. Today, despite
of several problems from the distinction of mainstream from
Independent cinema, it continues to grow.

An independent film, independent movie, indie film or indie

movie is a feature film that is produced outside the major film
studio system, in addition to being produced and distributed by
independent entertainment companies. Independent films are
sometimes distinguishable by their content and style and the way
in which the filmmakers' personal artistic vision is realized.
Usually, but not always, independent films are made with
considerably lower budgets than major studio films.

Generally, the marketing of independent films is characterized

by limited release, but can also have major marketing campaigns
and a wide release. Independent films are often screened at
local, national, or international film festivals before
distribution (theatrical or retail release). An independent film
production can rival a mainstream film production if it has the
necessary funding and distribution.

According to Mr. George Lucas Classically, an independent film

was one that was made outside of the conventional studio system,
be that Hollywood, Bollywood or Pinewood. But with the rise of
the “independent” labels of the major studios, such as Fox
Searchlight and Paramount Vantage, that distinction is pretty
much moot. Also, consider that the last three Star Wars epics
were made independently . Any movie with fast-food tie-ins
really shouldn’t qualify, in my opinion.

(Sulat, 2010)Filipinos started making movies in the year of

1919. The first Filipino to make a movie goes to Jose
Nepomuceno, also known as the ”Father of Philippine Movies”,
Since then the Philippine movies became hit. Lately after
Foreign films rise in the Philippine cinema. In the Year 2000’s,
it shows the dramatic decline of the Philippine movie industry.
The Hollywood films control the mainstream cinemas even more and
the movies produced in Philippines gradually decreases that is
why many producers and production companies stop producing
movies after losing a million of pesos.

Thereafter, the Independent Films began to emerge in the

Philippine cinema. Indie Films or Independent films as we all
know are films that are not made by mainstream movie film
productions and not made in the mainstream movie studios. Rather
as its name says, it is a film production that is independent of
the influences, powers and authority of the mainstream ones.
Independent Films that produced in the Philippines are mostly
controversial, showing the Philippines different faces in life,
making it unacceptable to the people who do not watch real-life
based films like Independent films.

While the term independent film may be defined only in the eye
of the beholder there is one certain characteristic that all
true independent filmmakers possess that the large studios will
never have, and that is the willingness to take risks when they
tell their stories.

The "big six" film studios are large corporations, and

corporations of that size do not allow risk-taking in their
business practices. They will only invest in actors and stories
that have already been proven to make a lot of money. This may
lead to to financial success, but it will also lead to creative
stagnation. It is this very reason that will always prevent them
from completely controlling the film festival circuit and
the independent film industry.

Independent films are ultimately about original and creative

story-telling by independent filmmakers who are not afraid to
try new techniques or put their creative and financial necks on
the line.

I. What is the demographic profile of the respondents terms of

a. Sex

b. Age

c. Daily allowance

II. How may the perception on indie films be described?

III. Is there any significant difference on the perception when

classified according to demographic profile?


This study tackles about the perception of students to Indie

films, since this study will focus on what the students' comment
and point of view, to be able to identify the weaknesses of
Indie films. The Subic National High School has a large number
of enrolled students, but this study will only focus in the
respondents of Grade 12 Senior High School. This study limits
its coverage on the students of Grade 12, its main purpose is to
identify the perception of these students to Indie Films.

The following respondents will benefit from this study about

the perception of Subic National High school Grade 12 senior
high school students about the Indie film.

I. Directors

- this study will benefits the indie film's directors on how to

deliver their product to their audiences. It will also help them
to identify the preferences of the viewers and other personas
whose involved in this kind of media.

II. Actors/Casts

- through this research paper, the casts will get involve and
aware about the views of their viewers or audiences , for them
to deliver their character well in independence mainstream. This
study will also inform them about the status of indie films in
our community.

III. Students

- Through this study ,the students will know the perception

and importance of indie films.

IV. Faculty/Teacher

- Through this study , the teacher will have an idea why

indie film is important and they will be able to educate
students about indie films.
V. Viewers

- Through this study the viewers will also know the perception
of indie film and they will be able to relate their lives
through watching.

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