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CNS DEPRESSANTS with other medications, given in deep IM

ex: secobarbital & pentobarbital

- state of unconsciousness from which a pt. 4. Ultra short-acting - used as general
can be aroused by appropriate stimulus. anesthesia / adjunct
- to maintain body function such as: ex: thiopental sodium
> equilibrium
> strengthening immune system
Reasons for insomnia: BARBITURATES - “barbi”
- anxiety, sleeping pattern, environment, - for short term use only (2 wks or less)
respiratory disorders - class II controlled substance in US
- diet: coffee, exercise, alcohol (causes - if with fluid deficit may potentiate hypotensive
sedation & disrupts sleep pattern) effects
- medications: corticosteroids , selective
serotonin re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI), - when used as hypnotics, it suppress REM,
antidepressants, theophylline, stage 3 & 4 sleep pattern → hangover
pseudoephedrine, ephedrine - long half-life →daytime residual sedation.
- ↓ therapeutic effect of phenytoin
CNS DEPRESSANTS (anticonvulsant)
- depress overall CNS functions: alertness,
orientation, ability to perform motor function Side Effects:
• Anxiolytics – prevent feelings of tension or 1. Hangover – residual drowsiness, with
fear distortion of mood & impaired coordination
• Sedatives – calms pt. & make them 2. REM rebound
unaware of their environment 3. Dependence – results from chronic use
• Hypnotics – can cause sleep and extreme withdrawal symptoms:
sedation muscular twitching, tremors, dizziness,
• Minor tranquilizers – can produce a state orthostatic hypotension, delusion,
of tranquility in anxious pt. hallucinations, delirium, & seizures
- It starts within 24 hours and last for
Goal for use: several days.
- to improve sleep patterns for temporary 4. Tolerance – results when there is a need
insomnia to increase the dosage over time to obtain
- to ↓ level of anxiety the desired effect.
- to ↑ relaxation before diagnostic procedure 5. Excessive Depression – results from long
or operation term use (lethargy, sleeplessness, lack of
concentration, confusion, psychologic
BARBITURATES 6. Respiratory depression
• absorbed well reaching peak levels in 20- 7. Hypersensitivity – rashes & urticaria
60 min.
• known to induce liver enzyme systems. BENZODIAZEPINES – “zepam” “zolam”
- a minor tranquilizer or anxiolytics
- wide safety margin between therapeutic &
Classification of Barbiturates: lethal;
1. Long-acting - used to control seizures in - overdose well tolerated & not fatal
epilepsy - Schedule IV
ex: phenobarbital & mephobarbital - lipid soluble ; readily absorbed from GI
- half-life is 25 – 50 hours
2. Intermediate-acting - useful as sleep - cumulative effects may result
sustainers, to maintain long periods of sleep, it - traces of its metabolites present in urine for
takes an hour for the onset of sleep (not weeks / months after the person has stopped
prescribed for those who have trouble getting taking the drug
to sleep) diazepam (Valium), alprazolam (Xanax),
ex: amobarbital, aprobarbital, & lorazepam (Ativan), flurazepam (Dalmane),
butabarbital (among naka apron & boots) triazolam (Halcion), estrazolam (Prosam)

3. Short-acting - used to induce sleep (with Indication:

difficulty falling asleep); it may cause the anxiety, alcohol withdrawal, hyper-excitability &
person to be awaken early in the morning., agitation; pre-op anxiety & tension; aids in
take effect within 15 – 30 min (do not mix balance anesthesia


Side effects: paraldehyde (Paral) - old drug ; bitter tasting
- long term use can cause tolerance within with foul smell breath (pt. unaware);
weeks – delirium tremens and extreme excitement
- REM rebound/ compensatory REM sleep – do not administer or dispense in plastic
- dizziness, drowsiness, N & V, unsteadiness containers
- if with slurred speech, vision changes – report
3-4 days. diphenhydramine (Benadryl)
- transient hypotension hydroxyzine HCl ( Atarax, Vistaril)
- used in pre-op & as post-op to ↓narcotic
Adverse effects: - for short term relief of anxiety
Nervous System: lethargy, depression, - can cause drowsiness & have sedative
blurred vision, headaches, apathy, & confusion effect
1st week of therapy: mild paradoxical excitatory - do not cause tolerance
reactions (nervousness & insomnia) - used temporarily when other anti-anxiety
GI conditions: dry mouth, constipation, N/V, have been abused
increased liver enzymes - monitor for thickened respiratory secretions
CV: ↑↓ BP, arrythmias, palpitation & respiratory
difficulties buspirone (BuSpar)
Hematologic conditions: blood dyscracias & - has lower sedative properties
anemia - no S/E like benzodiazepine
GU: urinary retention, ↓libido, changes in - no anticonvulsant or muscle relaxant
sexual functioning, hepatotoxicity – anorexia, property
N/V, jaundice, hepatomegaly, spleenomegaly, - no physical dependence
abnormal liver test (↑AST, ↑ALT, ↑prothrombin - effective only after 1 – 2 wks of continued
time) use

Drug Interactions: meprobamate (Equanil, Miltown)

cimetidine - ↓ metabolism of flurazepam - used to treat anxiety before
barbiturates - ↓ effectiveness of benzodiazepine was made
flurazepam by ↑metabolism of - for short-term relief of anxiety
benzodiazepam - used for its muscle relaxant properties in
Antidote: flumazenil (Romazicon)
Caution : • also known as narcotic agonists
– Psychosis , Acute narrow angle • for moderate to severe pain
glaucoma, coma, shock • not only suppress pain impulses but can
– Acute alcohol intoxication suppress respiration & cough centers in the
– Pregnancy – cleft lip and palate, medulla
inguinal hernia, pyloric stenosis,
cardiac defects, microcephaly Strong Agonist
– Theophyline and ranitidine - ↓ morphine (Morphine Sulfate)
effect of benzodiazepines - an extract form opium
- very potent

CHLORAL HYDATE CI: severe respiratory disorder

- used as sedative for diagnostic procedures ↑ ICP
- induce sleep & decrease nocturnal severe renal disease
- less occurrence of S/E - monitor VS esp. RR, UO, bowel
- effective for older adults & with mild liver sound, pupilary changes and reaction
dysfunction (pinpoint pupils – indicates overdose)
- does not depress respiration & cough reflex
- gastric irritation is common – take with full antidote : naloxone (Narcan)
glass of water
meperidine (Demerol)
- 1st synthetic narcotic
- all have effects of rebound REM sleep, - shorter duration than morphine
insomnia & tolerance - no antitussive property
- can be given during pregnancy


- major side effect : - narcotic antagonist (naloxone(Narcan)
hypotension is added to a narcotic agonist to↓narcotic
Side effects of narcotics
1. repiratory depression Ex: pentazocine (Talwin) – needs to be
2. orthostatic hypotension mixed
3. tachycardia butorphanol (Stadol)
4. drowsiness & mental confusion nalbuphine (Nubain
5. constipation
6. urinary retention Narcotic Antagonists
7. pupilary constriction (sign of toxicity) - antidotes for overdoses of narcotics
8. tolerance - higher affinity to the narcotic receptor
9. psychologic & physical dependence site than the narcotics
Withdrawal symptoms (Abstinence - blocks the receptor & displaces any
syndrome) narcotic that would be at the receptor
- occurs 24-48 hours after the site
last narcotic dose Ex: naloxone (Narcan)
- most unpleasant but not as naltrexone HCl (Trexan)
severe or life-threatening as – per orem
those that accompany nalmefene (Revex)
withdrawal from sedative –
hypnotics (a process that may Methadone treatment program
lead to convulsion) - It helps to withdraw narcotic addicted
person from heroin or similar narcotics
Sx: irritability, diaphoresis, without causing withdrawal symptoms
restlessness, muscle twitching, ↑PR & BP - It causes less dependency

CI of Narcotics: 2 Types of Methadone Program:

 Clients with head injuries (narcotics 1. Weaning program
↓resp., thus causing an accumulation of 2. Maintenance program
CO2. With ↑CO2 retention, blood
vessels dilate, esp. cerebral vessels →
 Respiratory disorders (in asthmatic,
narcotics ↓resp. drive while Overton Meyer Theory
simultaneously increasing airway  the greater solubility in fat the greater
resistance) the effect
 Shock with very low BP  medulla centers are depressed last

Adverse Effects and Nursing Care : ANESTHETIC AGENTS

respiratory depression with apnea &  interfere with nerve conduction
cardiac arrest  diminish pain and sensation
orthostatic hypotension, light  have affinity for nervous tissue
headedness, dizziness, psychoses  action is reversible upon elimination of
N/V, constipation , biliary spasm drug from cells
GU effects – spasms, retention and ↓
libido Stages of Anesthesia
1. Analgesia
Moderate Agonist – induction state, ends with loss of
consciousness, IV anesthetics
codeine 2. Excitement or delirium
- has about ½ the analgesic potency of – loss of consciousness, short,
morphine (used for milder pain) dangerous due to systemic stimulation
- very useful as cough suppressant 3. Surgical anesthesia
- produces less sedation or respiratory – operation is performed, inhalation or
depression and fewer GI effects gas anesthetics are given as maintenance
- addiction and withdrawal is less 4. Medullary paralysis
severe – toxic stage, very deep CNS
depression (death may occur)
Opiate Partial Agonists
Recovery – discontinuation of anesthetics until
consciousness regained


• monitored for signs of liver damage and
Balanced anesthesia have liver function tests done regularly
- Combination of drugs each with a specific
effect to achieve analgesia, muscle relaxation, Chloroform – no longer used due to liver
unconsciousness, amnesia. toxicity

Balanced Anesthesia General Anesthesia per inhalation

• Preoperative medications Nursing Considerations:
– Anti-cholinergics to decrease 1. Monitor temperature & BP
secretions and facilitate 2. Assess client for any pain
intubation 3. Avoid sudden change in position
• Sedative/hypnotics 4. Provide warmth
– Relax the patient, facilitate
amnesia General anesthesia
• Antiemetics 1. Inhalation anesthesia
– Decrease N/V associated with a. Anesthetic Gases
GI depression  Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas)
• Antihistamines (blue cylinder) – a potent
– Dry secretion and decrease analgesic
chance of allergic response - weakest of the gas
• Narcotics anesthetic & least toxic
– Aid analgesia and sedation - 1st anesthetic used
- used in dental surgery
Purpose of balanced anesthesia :  Cyclopropane (orange
1. Minimizes CV problems cylinder)phase
2. ↓ the amount of general anesthesia - rapid onset, rapid recovery
3. Reduces possible post-anesthetic N/V - not a good analgesic, may
4. ↑ recovery from anesthesia experience pain, headache,
5. Fewer S/E of general anesthesia N/V, delirium during
- Highly flammable (no
Classifications of Anesthesia longer being used)
A. General Anesthesia  Ethylene (red cylinder)
1. Inhalation anesthesia - less toxic
Intravenous anesthesia - can have headache
a. Anesthetic gases - with unpleasant taste
a. barbiturates
b. Volatile liquids b. Volatile liquids
b. non-barbiturates - unstable at room temperature
- releases gas (halogenated
B. Regional Anesthesia hydrocarbons)
1. topical 4. nerve  Halothane (Fluothane)
block - non-flammable anesthetic
2. infiltration 5. IV - has rapid induction time
regional anesthesia
3. field block - has rapid recovery
General Anesthesia - has a bronchodilator effect
- used to produce loss of pain sensation - metabolized in the liver to
& consciousness toxic hyrocarbons & bromide
- blocks body’s reflexes (heart, - halothane hepatitis – fever,
respiration, GI & immune status anorexia, N/V & hepatitis
- provide controllable anesthesia
- allegic reactions are uncommon  Desflurane (Suprane)
Malignant hyperthermia may - associated with resp.
occur --- muscle rigidity and reaction – cough, ↑
hyperthermia secretions & laryngospasm
- not for pediatric clients
Tx: dantrolene (Dantrium)
• Dantrolene is associated with  Enflurane (Ethrane) - renal
potentially fatal cellular damage. Any toxicity and cardiac arrhythmias
patient on dantrolene should  Isoflurane – can cause muscle


 Methoxyflurane (Penthrane) – 2. Infiltration – injecting anesthetic agent
rarely used except during labor & directly into the tissues to be treated.
delivery. 3. Field block – injecting anesthetic all
- around the area that will be affected by
doe the operation.
s 4. Nerve block – injecting anesthetic at
not some point along the nerve in which
rela loss of pain sensation or muscle
x paralysis is desired.
the - spinal anesthesia
ute - caudal block
rus - epidural anesthesia
2. Intravenous anesthesia - saddle block
- used for induction & maintenance of
general anesthesia per inhalation 5. IV Regional Anesthesia
- rapid onset & short duration of action  Blood is drained from leg or arm,
- it decrease the amount of inhalation tourniquet is applied & anesthetic is
anesthesia required injected into the vein of the arm or leg.

a. Barbiturates – IV drugs as adjunct Overall Assessment:

with inhaled anesthesia  Hypotension
 thiopental (Pentothal) –  Rapid PR
most widely used, but no  GI upset
analgesic property  Dysuria
 methohexital (Brevital) –  Injury to the nerves
cannot come in contact with  Pain, heat or redness over a vein
silicon.  Extreme anxiety or other behavioral
b. Non-barbiturates  Changes in skin temp. / color
midazolam (Versed). droperidol
(Inapsins), ethomidate (Amidate)

ketamine (Ketalar) – appears to

be awake but is unconscious & cannot feel the
- Avoid
premature awakening
Propofol (Diprivan) – can cause
local burning upon injection
• Cautions:
– Status Asthmaticus
– Absence of suitable veins for
intravenous administration
• Adverse Effects
– Depressive effects – CNS, CV
and Respiratory
– Malignant Hyperthermia –– Tx.
– Risk for skin breakdown
– Nephrotoxicity

Regional Anesthesia
- blocks pain at the site where the drug
is administered, allowing consciousness to be
- for dental procedures, suturing, minor
surgery, spinal anesthesia & diagnostic
- temporary conduction of the nerve
impulses are interrupted,preventing Na+ ions
from sia
1. Topical


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