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Desktop study on new markets

New Markets for Digestate from

Anaerobic Digestion

Expanding the market for liquid digestate beyond agricultural application is

vital to generate increased opportunity for reuse of biodegradable waste and
production of bioenergy

Project code: ISS001-001 ISBN: n/a

Research date: Nov 2010-Mar 2011 Date: Aug 2011
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where resources are used sustainably.

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Written by: Dr Hannah Rigby and Professor Stephen R Smith, Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering, Imperial College London

Front cover photography: Home garden products

Imperial College, believe the content of this report to be correct as at the date of writing. However, factors such as prices, levels of recycled content and regulatory
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Executive summary
Currently, the major outlet for liquid digestate is agricultural application and research is required to investigate
the suitability of liquid digestate products for other purposes such as use as a soil conditioner or fertiliser in
domestic gardens, growing media preparation and turf or roadside grass establishment. Technologies to further
process digestate and utilise the by-products, such as extraction of nutrients to produce a high-quality fertiliser,
also require investigation. Expanding the market for liquid digestates beyond agricultural application is important
to generate increased opportunity for reuse of biodegradable waste and production of bioenergy. This is
necessary to achieve government targets for reduction of biodegradable waste sent to landfill (CEC, 1999) and
promote anaerobic digestion (AD) as a method to increase the proportion of energy generated from renewable
sources (CEC, 2009).

Objectives and Approach:

This report presents the findings of a three month project to investigate new markets for digestate. The
objectives of the project were: i) to identify uses for digestate (as a raw material and in a processed form); ii)
identify competition in terms of currently available products, the physico-chemical requirements for the product
and how well digestate properties match currently available products; iv) investigate processing technologies for
novel uses of digestate and by-products (eg. P recovery) v) investigate technologies to process the digestate
liquid into a suitable form for the potential uses identified in i; vi) to investigate market size and structure for
each potential new use.

Data supplied by Waste Resources Action Programme (WRAP) from a separate project and additional information
sourced suggested that the physico-chemical and microbiological properties of the digestate were generally within
the specified levels stipulated in PAS 110. The exception to this was the microbiological properties of digestate
derived from livestock slurry (DLS), which had presumably not undergone a pasteurisation step. Other differences
between digestate from food waste feedstock (DFW) and DLS included a higher N and K concentration in DLS by
approximately 1%.

The physico-chemical and microbiological properties of digestate were generally below upper limit values defined
in PAS 110, with the exception of the microbiological properties of digestate from DLS, which had presumably not
undergone a pasteurisation step. Other differences between digestate from food waste feedstock and animal
slurry feedstock included a higher N and K concentration in DLS by approximately 1%.

With the analysis of digestate available, the potential outlets for digestate considered in this report were: i) home
garden fertiliser and soil amendment products; ii) landscaping; iii) commercial fruit and vegetable production; iv)
compost tea production; v) mushroom growing media; vi) commercial nurseries; vii) forestry; viii) publically
owned flower beds/green spaces; viii) fertiliser for organic crops and farms; x) nutrient extraction from digestate;
xi) algal culture; xii) construction materials eg. Wood Plastic Composites (WPC) and Medium Density Fibreboards
(MDF); xiii) fuel production and xiv) biopesticides production.

Digestate could not be used as a replacement to home garden fertiliser products without supplementing with
additional nutrients, furthermore as a precautionary measure it is advisable not to use it for purposes where there
is potential for ingestion such as fruit and vegetable fertilisers for home gardens. Digestate has potential for use
in mushroom growing media, however, research to date has indicated that it may not be as suitable as other
organic feedstocks.

The applications with the most potential for commercialisation were:

Underway (Technology developed and commercialised but further work is required to establish technology on a
wider scale):
 extraction of nutrients and production of solid fuel using (for example) the ‘GG Eco Solutions’ process.

Promising (technology not yet developed for management of digestate on a commercial, economically viable
 use of composted fibre as a bedding material for home gardens/landscaping/publically owned flower beds and
urban forestry;

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 1

 use of separated liquor for turf fertiliser in home gardens/turf on publically owned sports grounds;
 algal growth for use as animal feed/fertiliser or feedstock for biofuels production;
 use as a construction material;
 cellulosic ethanol production.

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 2

1.0 Background ....................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1. Objectives:.................................................................................................................................. 5
2.0 Approach ........................................................................................................................................... 6
3.0 Digestate Properties ........................................................................................................................... 6
3.1 General physicochemical properties ........................................................................................ 6
3.2 Nutrient and heavy metal content ........................................................................................... 7
3.3 Microbiological characteristics ................................................................................................. 7
3.4 Organic contaminants ............................................................................................................ 7
4.0 New markets: requirements and potential barriers to use ..................................................................... 8
4.1 Home garden products .......................................................................................................... 8
4.1.1 Physico-chemical requirements .................................................................................. 8
4.1.2 Potential risks to health and environment ................................................................. 11
4.1.3 Further processing technologies ............................................................................... 24
4.1.4 Market information.................................................................................................. 24
4.2 Horticulture: Landscaping .................................................................................................... 25
4.2.1 Physico-chemical requirements ................................................................................ 25
4.2.2 Barriers to use ........................................................................................................ 25
4.2.3 Market ................................................................................................................... 25
4.3 Horticulture: Commercial fruit and vegetable production ........................................................ 26
4.3.1 Physico-chemical requirements ................................................................................ 26
4.3.2 Barriers to use ........................................................................................................ 26
4.4 Horticulture: Compost teas................................................................................................... 26
4.4.1 Physico-chemical requirements ................................................................................ 26
4.4.2 Barriers to use ........................................................................................................ 26
4.5 Horticulture: mushroom growing media ................................................................................ 26
4.5.1 Physico-chemical requirements ................................................................................ 26
4.5.2 Barriers to use ........................................................................................................ 26
4.5.3 Market ................................................................................................................... 26
4.6 Horticulture: Commercial nurseries/herbaceous shrubs .......................................................... 26
4.6.1 Physico-chemical requirements ................................................................................ 26
4.6.2 Barriers to use ........................................................................................................ 26
4.7 Forestry .............................................................................................................................. 27
4.7.1 Physico-chemical requirements ................................................................................ 27
4.7.2 Barriers to use ........................................................................................................ 27
4.8 Use on publically owned flower beds/green spaces ................................................................ 27
4.8.1 Physico-chemical requirements and Market information ............................................. 27
4.8.2 Barriers to use ........................................................................................................ 27
4.9 Use as fertiliser for organic crops and farms .......................................................................... 28
4.10 Nutrient extraction............................................................................................................... 28
4.10.1 Struvite Recovery .................................................................................................... 28
4.10.2 Nutrient extraction and fuel production .................................................................... 28
4.10.3 Algal growth for nutrient removal............................................................................. 28
4.11 Construction material ........................................................................................................... 29
4.12 Fuel .................................................................................................................................... 30
4.12.1 Cellulosic Ethanol Production ................................................................................... 30
4.12.2 Biodiesel production ................................................................................................ 30
4.12.3 Digestate as solid fuel ............................................................................................. 30
4.12.4 Market Information ................................................................................................. 31
4.13 Biopesticides production ...................................................................................................... 32
5.0 Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 32
6.0 Appendices ...................................................................................................................................... 36
6.1 Physicochemical and microbiological properties of digestate ................................................... 36
6.2 Organic and mineral fertiliser use on parks and green spaces by London Boroughs and
contractors ...................................................................................................................................... 47

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 3

Table 1 Commercially available home garden composts .................................................................................... 9
Table 2 Digestate nutrient and metal content compared to commercial multi-purpose home garden fertilisers
(solid) .......................................................................................................................................................... 15
Table 3 Digestate nutrient and metal content compared to commercial home garden ‘vegetable’ fertilisers (solid)
................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Table 4 Digestate nutrient and metal contents compared to commercial Ericaceous plant food .......................... 17
Table 5 Digestate nutrient and metal contents compared to commercial home garden ‘root booster’ fertiliser .... 18
Table 6 Digestate nutrient and metal contents compared to commercially available rose and shrub feed (solid) . 19
Table 7 Digestate nutrient and metal contents compared to commercially available tomato feed (liquid) ............ 20
Table 8 Digestate nutrient and metal content compared to commercially available home garden liquid plant feed
................................................................................................................................................................... 21
Table 9 Digestate nutrient and metal contents compared to commercially available turf fertiliser (solid)............. 22
Table 10 Digestate nutrient and metal content compared to commercially available turf fertiliser (liquid) ........... 23
Table 11 Key players in the garden chemicals and growing media sector, August 2007 (Mintel, 2007) ............... 25
Table 12 Summary of UK biofuels production (reproduced from AEA, 2010) ..................................................... 31
Table A1 Physicochemical properties of digestate produced from food waste feedstock (DFW) .......................... 36
Table A2 Physicochemical properties of digestate produced livestock slurry feedstock (DLS) ............................. 37
Table A3 Nitrogen content and C:N ratio of digestate produced from food waste feedstock (DFW) .................... 38
Table A4 Nitrogen content of digestate produced from mainly livestock waste feedstock (DLS).......................... 38
Table A5 Nutrient content (other than nitrogen) of digestate produced from food waste (DFW) ........................ 39
Table A6 Nutrient content (other than nitrogen) of digestate produced from mainly livestock waste (DLS) ......... 39
Table A7 Dry solids and NPK content of separated digested fibre and liquor estimated using separator efficiency
values given by Lukehurst et al. (2010) .......................................................................................................... 40
Table A8 Heavy metal content of digestate produced from food waste (DFW) .................................................. 40
Table A9 Heavy metal content of digestate produced from mainly livestock slurry (DLS) ................................... 41
Table A10 Microbiological characteristics of digestate produced from food waste .............................................. 41
Table A11 Microbiological characteristics of digestate produced from mainly livestock manure........................... 42
Table A12 Organic contaminants present in digestate produced from food waste ............................................. 43
Table A13 Organic contaminants present in digestate produced from mainly livestock slurry ............................. 45
Table A14 Organic and inorganic fertiliser usage in London Boroughs .............................................................. 47

The authors would like to thank WRAP for funding the project, especially Nina Sweet and David Tompkins for
providing information and guidance. We would like to thank Chris Haley (Imperial Innovations) for advice on
market research methods. Thanks to the Anaerobic Digestion plants which supplied the consultants with
additional data for the study. Thanks to Andrew Chambers (Greenwich Council), Stefan Czeladzinski
(Hammersmith & Fulham Council), Mrs K Ashani (Ealing Council), Alexander Piddington-Bishop (City of London)
and Leslie Williams (Brent Council). Thanks to Jake Prior and Edgar Blanco (AnDigestion Ltd.) and Alexander
Maddern (Agrivert Ltd.), who kindly provided advice. Goran Nylin (GG Eco Solutions) and Carl Aitken (Bidwells)
for providing information on the GG Eco process. Laurant Mantuana (Michegan State University) kindly provided
information on use of digestate fibres in construction materials. Ralph Noble (HRI Wellesbourne) for information
on mushroom compost. Thanks to Stuart Booker (CHA) and John Adlam (HTA) for advice on fertiliser usage in
the horticulture industry. Thanks to Andrew Moffat (Forestry Commission) for providing advice on fertiliser usage
in forestry.

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 4

1.0 Background
The Coalition Government is committed to increasing energy from waste through AD (Defra, 2010), which will
contribute towards the EU target of generating 20% of total energy use from renewable sources by 2020 (CEC,
2009). Anaerobic digestion decomposes biodegradable material using microorganisms in the absence of oxygen
producing methane enriched biogas, which can be used to generate renewable energy, and a nutrient rich
digestate which is a valuable fertiliser and source of organic matter. The UK produces over 100 million tonnes of
organic material each year that could be used to produce biogas; 12-20 million tonnes of food waste
(approximately half of which is municipal waste; collected by local authorities, the rest being hotel or food
manufacturing waste); 90 million tonnes of agricultural material such as manure and slurry; and 1.73 million
tonnes of sewage sludge (Defra, 2010). As more anaerobic digestion facilities become available there will be
greater quantities of digestate produced and so there is a real need to develop markets for this digestate to
ensure that this resource is used optimally.

If digestate meets the standards defined in the Quality Protocol PAS110 (BSI, 2010) then it is not considered a
waste and can be marketed for beneficial use. Otherwise, it must comply with the Environmental Permitting
Regulations (SI, 2010) and requires a waste management license or exemption from licensing. Agriculture is
currently the major outlet for digestate, and is currently a major route for sewage sludge management in the UK
as digestate is a stabilised and reliable fertiliser product, with a reduced odour and pathogen content (USEPA,
1993; Smith, 1996; Defra, 2007a; Smith, 2009). However, under the PAS110 standards, other uses such as
forestry, commercial horticulture, land reclamation and restoration are permitted although currently digestate
cannot be used for amateur gardening. Digestate may be used directly or separated into liquor (dry solids <6%)
and fibre fractions which have differing nutrient compositions; the fibre can be used directly on soil or after
composting (NNFCC, 2010). Research is required to review the potential for developing alternative markets to
the agricultural outlet for liquid digestate. Further treatment may be required to reduce bulk, improve ease of
handling and create digestate products which are fit-for-purpose for alternative and new market applications.

1.1. Objectives:
1. To identify potential new markets for digestate (as a raw material and as products that can use the nutrients in
a purified form from the digestate) - this will include:

 use in the home and garden;

 use by local council contractors for fertilising publically owned flower beds/green spaces;
 land restoration;
 fertiliser for organic crops and farms;
 horticultural uses;
 turf establishment;
 additional uses.

2. For each potential use the following issues will be investigated:

 competition in terms of currently available products;

 the requirements for the product including nutrient levels, form (solid or liquid), concentration;
 how well the nutrient concentrations of digestate match currently available products and the requirements for
 the new markets identified;
 how well the physical properties of digestate match currently available products and the requirements for the
new markets identified;
 any issues with the sale of this form of fertiliser such as odour and risks to health;

3. Processing technologies will be investigated:

 to process the digestate liquid into an acceptable form for the uses identified in 1 (eg. concentration,
 for novel uses of digestate and by-products (eg. nutrient recovery, enzyme production, cellulosic ethanol)

For each of the uses identified which has potential for commercialisation the size of the market, and how the
supply chain works (eg. distribution outlets, the main companies selling products) will be investigated.

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 5

2.0 Approach
Physico-chemical and microbiological analyses of digestate from the WRAP project “AD & compost agricultural
markets in Wales” reflected data from three AD plants, two of which digested mainly food waste feedstock and
the main component of the feedstock for the third was animal slurry. The consultant requested additional
analyses from two further plants to build on this, and the data was then converted to comparable units and the
mean, maximum, minimum, range, percentiles and inter-quartile range was calculated for each parameter.

The nutrient content in separated liquor and fibre was estimated using separation efficiency values for three
different dewatering methods (Belt press, Screw press, Centrifuge) (Lukehurst et al., 2010).

Potential new uses for digestate included those listed under objective 1. Further uses were identified through
internet searches and searches of online databases of scientific literature and trade journals.

For each potential use the following investigations were conducted:

1 Currently available products (this applied mainly to horticultural products) were identified through searches of
available databases and online catalogues and direct contact with manufacturers/distributors.
2 The nutritional composition of a range of commercially available liquid fertilisers and mulches for home
gardens and the nutrient requirements of other identified markets were assessed through: i) online searches
for fertiliser specifications of commercially available products ii) direct contact with trade associations,
manufacturers, retailers, researchers (telephone/visits/email).
3 The suitability of the nutritional composition of liquid digestate was assessed. This included consideration of
the use of digestate from different feedstocks and digestate separated into liquor and fibre fractions. The
nutrient concentrations of digestate (data supplied by WRAP) was compared with the nutrient requirements
of each of the potential uses identified in Section 1, and the nutrient concentrations of currently available
products. The data was presented in tables to enable clear comparisons to be made between digestate
products and currently available products/product requirements. Where available, the mean and range of
the data was calculated.
4 The suitability of the physical composition of liquid digestate was also assessed. This included consideration
of the use of digestate separated into liquor and fibre fractions. The physical properties of the digestate (eg.
dry solids content, suspended solids) were compared with the requirements of the potential use and the
physical properties of currently available products.
5 Any issues with the sale of this form of fertiliser, or other end-use, of digestate were identified by
examination of data supplied by WRAP. Contaminant concentrations, pH, electrical conductivity, pathogens
and stability/odour were examined and parameters which may cause a concern in each of the potential new
markets were identified.
6 Technologies required to further process digestate for new applications were investigated when digestate
was not fit-for-purpose.

Processing technologies for novel uses of digestate and by-products (eg. P recovery, enzyme production, novel
microbial groups) were investigated through an internet search including a review of the scientific literature and
trade journals.

3.0 Digestate Properties

The physicochemical properties of digestate are presented in Appendix 1 and briefly discussed here in relation to
the test parameters and upper limit values defined in PAS 110 Quality Protocol for digestate (BSI, 2010). The
properties of digestate are discussed in further detail in relation to their suitability for various new markets in
Section 4. Data from digestate produced mainly from food waste feedstock (DFW) and from livestock slurry
feedstock (DLS) are presented separately. However, there were fewer examples of digestate produced from
DFW, therefore direct comparisons of the data should be approached with caution.

3.1 General physicochemical properties

The dry solids (DS) content was between 2.7-9.3% of the fresh weight (Tables A1 and A2). The pH was similar,
between pH 7.6-8.8, regardless of the feedstock source. The volatile solids (VS) content of digestate is
equivalent to the organic matter content and was between 68.3-73.2%, indicating that digestate is a source of
organic matter with potential for use to improve soil structural properties. The stability of digestate, as measured
by the Residual Biogas Potential (RBP) test developed by (WRAP) (Walker et al., 2010), was between 72-212 l kg-
, and was below the upper limit value of 250 l kg-1 defined in PAS 110, thus demonstrating that digestate will not
cause significant vector attraction problems.

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 6

3.2 Nutrient and heavy metal content
The nitrogen (N) contents of DFW and DLS are presented in Tables A3 and A4 respectively. The total N content
was slightly lower for DFW, at 15%, compared to 16% in DLS. The majority of N was in mineral forms (62-65%)
indicating that a large proportion of N is immediately bioavailable. The C:N ratio was greater for digestate
produced from DLS compared to digestate produced from food waste only (4:1 compared to 1.5:1). The nutrient
content (other than N) of digestate is presented in Tables A5 and A6. The total phosphorus (P) content was low
and similar for digestate produced from DFW (0.7%) and DLS (0.9%); only a small proportion of this P was water
soluble (0.1-0.3%). Total potassium (K) content was higher in DFW (4.7%) compared to DLS (3.2%). However
the water soluble K was greater in DLS (3.3%) compared to DFW (1.9%). DLS was also a greater source of
sulphur (S), 0.9% compared to 0.3%, and calcium (Ca), 2.6%, compared to 0.3% in DFW. Magnesium (Mg)
concentrations were similar at 0.2-0.3%. The majority of heavy metal contents were below upper limit values
specified in PAS110. However, for DLS in 3 of 40 samples the upper limit value of 400 mg kg-1 for Zn was
exceeded by <231 mg kg-1; in addition, for Cd the upper limit value of 1.5 mg kg-1 was exceeded by <0.8 mg kg-
in 5/18 samples.

Estimated NPK content of separated liquor and fibre are presented in Table A13, nutrient separation is dependent
on the dewatering method used and varies for separated liquor and fibre. However, no data is available on the
bioavailability of nutrients in separated liquor and fibre, it is expected that the more soluble forms of nutrients are
partitioned into the liquor and the recalcitrant forms are retained in the fibre. Further work is required to
measure the nutritional composition of separated liquor and fibre.

3.3 Microbiological characteristics

Microbiological characteristics of DFW and DLS are presented in Table A9. Digestate from food waste passed the
criteria specified in PAS 110. However, DLS did not pass the microbiological criteria: Enterbacteriaceae and
Salmonella spp. were detected and E.coli exceeded the upper limit value of 1000 cfu g-1. Under the PAS110
Specification (BSI, 2010) a pasteurisation step is not required if feedstocks are only manure, unprocessed crops,
and/or used animal bedding that arise and are used entirely within the producer’s premises or holding. This may
explain the greater incidence of Enterbacteriaceae, Salmonella spp. and E.coli. However, these data were
collected from one anaerobic digestion plant on one sampling date only. Plant pathogens are potentially a
problem, if present; however there was no data available.

3.4 Organic contaminants

Organic contaminants in digestate are presented in Tables A11 and A12. No upper limits for organic
contaminants are specified in PAS 110, as controls are placed on the feedstock materials in order to protect the
quality of the digestate. However, for reference, organic contaminant concentrations are well below the
European proposed limits for polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sewage sludge (6 mg kg-1), polychlorinated
biphenyls (PCBs) (0.8 mg kg-1) and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzo-p-furans PCDD/Fs (100 ng
toxic equivalents (TEQ) kg-1 DS) (EC 2000; EC 2003).

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 7

4.0 New markets: requirements and potential barriers to use
4.1 Home garden products
4.1.1 Physico-chemical requirements
The nutritional content and descriptions of commercially available home garden fertilisers in comparison to
nutritional properties of digestate are presented in Tables 1-8. The products are separated according to the
purpose for which they are intended (eg. liquid tomato feed or granular general purpose fertiliser). The
nutritional properties and physical requirements of the various home garden products are discussed here.

Multi-purpose garden compost:

A number of multi-purpose garden composts are available (Table 1). These are intended to be used in, for
example, bedding, turfing or hanging baskets; composts are worked into the top soil to improve the soil structural
properties such as bulk density, water holding capacity and cation exchange capacity (CEC). Currently available
multi-purpose growing media are produced from materials such as peat and shredded straw. Peat is a finite
resource and so composts produced from alternative sources are desirable. Nutritional characteristics of garden
composts are not provided in product specifications as the products are sold mainly for their soil improving
characteristics. The composting process tends to reduce the concentration of readily available nutrients;
however, the compost must provide sufficient nutrition to sustain seeding growth before fertilisation. Composted
biosolids from wastewater treatment have previously been successfully produced by TERRA ECOSYSTEMS at
Thames Water Utilities and performed as well as the brand-leading peat-based media (Evans, 2009); plant tissue
analysis showed that nutrient reserves in the biosolids/straw compost were adequate for seedling growth and
comparable to peat-based media. Composts produced from separated digestate fibre would provide a similar
source of stabilised organic matter suitable for improving soil properties. However, the reproducibility of the
digestate compost properties may present a problem if feedstock sources were variable.

The relatively high N content of digestate would be useful in the composting process. However, if the N content
is too high, it may be necessary to add bulking agents to increase the C:N ratio, such as woodchips, sawdust or
straw. This is also required to increase air permeability during the composting process (Evans, 2009). Therefore,
for the process to be viable there would need to a source of this type of biowaste in close proximity to the AD
plant. Thames Water Utilities used straw as a bulking agent for their composted biosolids (Evans, 2009).

The composts are currently sold in bags of 50-100 l or bulk bags of 1m3, co-composted stabilised separated
digestate fibre could also be packaged in the same manner.

Granular multi-purpose organic fertilisers:

Several granular multi-purpose garden fertilisers are commercially available; some of these are made from
organic constituents such as “Miracle Gro Organic Choice” and “New Horizon organic poultry manure” (Table 2).
General purpose granular fertilisers have a mean NPK content of 5.5 : 3.3 (1.5 soluble) : 4.4, compared to 15
(10.5 readily available) : 0.7 (0.1 soluble) : 4.7 in digestate from food waste feedstocks and 16 (10.9 readily
available): 0.9 (0.3 soluble) : 3.2 in digestate containing livestock slurry. Estimated NPK values for dewatered
slurry (mean for belt press and screw press) are 9.8 : 0.3 : 1.5. Therefore, the N content in digestate is greater
than is generally found in granular multi-purpose fertilisers by 2-3 times and the P content is less than 3 times
the amount in granular multi-purpose fertilisers. The K content of digestate is similar to granular multi-purpose
fertilisers (although it may be lower in separated fibre).

Granular domestic fertilisers are currently available in boxes or bags of between 1-2 kg. To be marketed for use
in home gardens to fulfil the same role as currently available granular multi-purpose fertilisers, digestate would
need to be thermally dried to produce pellets or granules. This would also improve stability, reduce odour and
make a more suitable product for packaging.

Granular slow release and organic vegetable fertilisers:

Manufacturers such as ‘Vitax’, ‘Miracle Gro’ and ‘Burgon and Ball’ produce granular slow-release and organic
fertilisers designed as a slow release nutrient source for fruit and vegetables (Table 3). These products have a
mean NPK content of 5.5 : 3.1 (0.5 soluble) : 7.5 compared to 15 (10.5 readily available) : 0.7 (0.1 soluble) : 4.7
in DFW and 16 (10.9 readily available): 0.9 (0.3 soluble) : 3.2 in DLS. Therefore, N is supplied in concentrations
less than those typically found in digestate and P and K supplied in greater concentrations. Pelleted Vitax Q4
fertiliser for fruit, vegetables, flowers and roses also supplies Mg (0.012%), Mn (0.012%), Cu (0.017%) and Fe
(0.2%). Magnesium and Mn were not amongst the parameters measured in digestate, but Cu and Fe were
measured and were within the same range.

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 8

Table 1 Commercially available home garden composts

Company Product name Purpose Constituents Packaging

Multi-Purpose Multi-purpose compost (pot, seed sowing, topping up beds

Murphy Not specified 70 l bag
Compost and sowing)

Levington GRO-BAG Gro-bag for vegetable crops L950mm x W330mm x H50mm bag

J Arthur Peat compost for houseplants, seed-sowing, potting,
Compost with Sinero Peat compost 100l bag
Bower hanging baskets (feeds for 4-6 weeks)

Many different types of flowers, shrubs, fruit and vegetables

Peat free general
Pro Grow (not suitable for acid loving plants e.g. rhododendrons or Composted garden waste 1m3 bulk bag
purpose compost
camellias), on own or raised beds & borders

Multi-purpose compost (enriched with 40% more nutrients Compost enriched with
All purpose growing
Miracle Gro to feed plants for <3 months) beds, borders, pots, hanging Miracle Gro plant food & 50l bag
baskets water retaining agent

Peat free soil

Pro Grow Tree, shrub, fruit, vegetables, turf ‘completely natural' 60l bag

Shredded straw compost,

Rolawn Soil Improver General use (improves soil structure, WHC etc) 1 m3 bulk bag
iron minerals

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 9

To be marketed for use in home gardens to fulfil the same role as currently available granular vegetable
fertilisers, digestate would need to be thermally dried to produce pellets or granules.

Ericaceous plant foods:

‘Miracle Gro’ are amongst the manufacturers which produce ericaceous plant foods, they produce both an
organic-based and a slow release product. The mean NPK content is 7.8: 5.8 (3.5 soluble) : 3.5 (Table 4).
Again, the N content of digestate is higher and the P is lower than the commercially available ericaceous plant
foods, although the K content is similar (3.2-4.7%) The plant foods also state that they supply Mg (1.5%), which
is higher than the Mg content of digestate (0.1-0.3%) and Fe (1%), within a similar range as the Fe content of
digestate (1.4%). Furthermore, without adjusting the pH, digestate would be unsuitable for Ericaceous plants,
which require a pH <7, whereas digestate has a pH of 7.5-8.5 (Tables A1 and A2). To be marketed for use in
home gardens to fulfil the same role as currently available granular ericaceous plant food, digestate would need
to be thermally dried to produce pellets or granules.

‘Root booster’ fertiliser:

‘Miracle Gro’ and ‘Vitax’ produce “root booster” fertilisers from sterilised ground bone, which are marketed as slow
release sources of nutrients to encourage root development (Table 5). The organic nature of the nutrients in
digestate would suggest there may be potential for use as “root booster” fertiliser, however, the balance of
nutrients is not a good match; the mean NPK content is 3.8: 7.8 (0.9 soluble): 0. Therefore, the N content is over
four times lower than in digestate, the P content is higher, although the soluble P content is similar, and the K
content is lower. To be marketed for use in home gardens so that the physical characteristics are suitable for use
as root-booster, digestate would need to be thermally dried to produce pellets or granules, or ground into a fine

Rose and shrub feed:

These commercially available feeds, some of which are organic (‘Miracle Gro Organic Choice Bloom Booster’) have
a mean NPK content of 2.5 : 2.4: 17.5 (Table 6). The N content of digestate is higher and the P and K contents
are lower.

To be marketed for use in home gardens so that the physical characteristics are suitable for use as a rose and
shrub feed, digestate would need to be thermally dried to produce pellets or granules, or ground into a fine

Liquid tomato feed and other liquid plant feeds:

Of the available liquid tomato feeds, ‘Miracle Gro’ and ‘New Horizon’ produce organic plant feeds with NPK
contents of 2 : 0.9 (0.65 soluble) : 5 and 3 : 0.9 (0.4 soluble) : 5 respectively. The mean NPK content for liquid
tomato feeds is 3.8: 1.6 (1.5 soluble) : 4.6. The NPK contents of other liquid plant feeds are similar at 6 : 1.9
(1.9 soluble) : 5.4. The total N content of digestate relative to the PK content (15-16% DS) is three times
greater than commercially available liquid feeds. However, the estimated N content of separated liquor is 7.3%,
which is closer to the range of commercially available liquid plant feeds. The P content of digestate is similar to
liquid tomato feeds at 0.7-0.9%, and 1.0% for separated liquor. The K content of whole digestate is similar at
3.2-4.7%; however the estimated K content of digestate liquor is 1.5%, lower than for liquid tomato feeds.

To be processed for use in home gardens so that the physical characteristics are suitable for use as a liquid plant
feed, digestate would need to be separated into liquor to reduce the DS content from approximately 5% (Table
A1) to 2-3% (Table A7). This would allow greater infiltration of the fertiliser into the soil and reduce residues on
the soil surface, therefore more efficient use of nutrients. However, the nutrients in digestate are in a much
more dilute form (<1% fresh weight) than the concentrated nutrients in liquid feed. Therefore, it would be
necessary to apply the digestate liquor at 10-20 times the rate of commercially available liquid feeds (see further
calculations below for turf fertiliser application). This would result in waterlogging and it is not practicable in
terms of transport and packaging of the digestate liquor; it is therefore necessary to investigate methods of
concentrating the nutrients before digestate liquor can be used as liquid tomato feed.

Turf fertilisers:
Commercially available solid turf fertilisers have a mean N content of 12% (range 6-20%); a mean P content of
5% (range 2-8%) with 1% soluble (range 0-5%) and a mean K content of 6 (range 0-12%) (Table 9). The
available liquid turf fertilisers have a mean N content of 13% (range 3-25%); a mean P content of 1% (range 0-
1.7%) and a mean K content of 4.4% (range 0-8.3%). The NPK contents of liquid digestate on a dry solids basis
are therefore within the same range as turf fertiliser (Tables A3 and A4), and have similar NPK ratios. The high N

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 10

content of digestate (in relation to P and K), means digestate has a similar nutrient ratio to turf fertilisers
designed for spring growth.

The majority of commercially available turf fertilisers are fine solids, although liquid turf fertilisers are also
available, therefore whole digestate would not have suitable physical properties as it is and would require further
processing. Separated liquor may be most suitable as a replacement for currently available turf fertilisers as it
would infiltrate into the soil more easily due to the lower dry solids content. However, the comparatively low
concentration of nutrients in liquid digestate (i.e. <1% fresh weight) means that transportation and packaging of
separated liquor is unlikely to be viable without further concentration of the nutrient content.

Commercially available solid turf fertilisers are currently sold in 25 kg packs. The recommended application rate
is generally 30-35 g m-2; depending on the specific NPK content of the product, this is equivalent to N
applications between 12-42 kg ha-1, P applications between 0-17.5 kg ha-1 and K applications between 0-42 kg
ha-1. To apply approximately equivalent nutrient concentrations from separated liquor (with a DS content of 3%
and NPK of 16:1:4) it would be necessary to apply 250-875 ml m-2. A 25 kg pack of solid turf fertiliser is
sufficient for approximately 800 m2. It might be feasible, although bulky, to sell digestate in 25 l drums, which
would be sufficient for a 28-100 m2 area, however, it is likely that it would not be economically viable.

The available liquid fertilisers are sold in 10 and 200 l containers; the recommended application rate is between
40-120 l ha-1. For a liquid turf fertiliser with an NPK content of 13:1:4, this would be equivalent to rates of N
between 6.1-18.4 kg ha-1; rates of P between 0.5-1.4 kg ha-1 and rates of K between 2.2-20.1 kg ha-1. For
equivalent applications of N from digestate liquor with a DS content of 3% (N:P:K, 16:1:4), the application rate
would be 1076 l – 3249 l ha-1, nearly thirty times the application rate of commercial fertiliser. A 10 l bottle of the
commercial liquid turf fertiliser with NPK content of 833-2500 m2, whereas to cover the same area separated 270
l of digestate liquor would be required.

The consistency of the nutrient concentration of separated liquor may also be problematic if it is to be marketed
for use in domestic horticulture. However, the interquartile ranges for the major plant nutrients are relatively low
(Table A3-A6). The variability may be further reduced if the digestate is sourced from plants receiving only
certain feedstocks. Physico-chemical analyses of separated liquor are required to demonstrate the consistency of
the nutritional composition.

The separated digestate liquor would need to be spread using a pedestrian sprayer or knapsack sprayer; as most
of the commercially available products are fine solids it is likely that liquid digestate will not be appealing to the
consumer. It is likely that transport costs for such a large volume of liquid would outweigh the value of the
product; therefore, it is necessary to investigate methods of concentrating the nutrient content before use of
digestate as turf fertiliser on home gardens is viable.

A comparison of the physico-chemical properties of whole digestate, separated liquor and fibre and various
commercially available home garden fertilisers has indicated that:

i) digestate fibre may be suitable for co-composting with other organic residuals and use in home gardens,
however, consistency of the product may present a problem;
ii) separated liquor may be suitable for use as turf fertiliser in home gardens, but technologies for
concentrating the nutrients are required;
iii) separated liquor may be suitable for use as liquid plant feed in home gardens but technologies for
concentrating the nutrients are required;
iv) use of digestate for any other purpose in home gardens may require supplementing with P and K.

4.1.2 Potential risks to health and environment

The potential hazards of digestate are physical (glass, stones, plastic, metals), microbiological (risk to human
health or plant health), organic contaminants (risk to human health or ecosystem damage), nutrients
(contamination of water supplies), heavy metals (risk to human heath or soil health) and offensive odours. These
risks are discussed here in relation to the data on heavy metals (Table A8 and A9), microbiological properties
(Table A10 and A11), and organic contaminants (Table A12 and A13) presented in Appendix 1, and the three
most promising end-uses in home gardens identified in Section 4.2.1. (composted fibre for bedding and potting
and separated liquor for turf fertiliser or liquid fruit and vegetable feed).

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 11

The exposure assessment of anaerobic digestion products in various end uses conducted for WRAP by Cranfield
University (Pollard et al. 2008) indicated that there was a relatively high likelihood of exposure to a range of
potentially significant hazards from digestate residues when used in home gardens. The potential hazard was
estimated by consideration for potential contaminants that would be introduced by each feedstock material, and
the possible pathways to exposure to the hazard. According to the Cranfield exposure assessment, the pathways
which presented the greatest risk were direct ingestion of digestate residues and ingestion of soil contaminated
with digestate residues. Hence, use in domestic gardens is not currently permitted by the Anaerobic Digestate
Quality Protocol (QP) (WRAP, 2010). Other highly available pathways were contamination of private water
supplies by surface and subsurface routes and ingestion of contaminated crops. The end uses that presented the
highest number of available exposure pathways were ready to eat crops, grazing and animal feed and non ready
to eat crops as these are most closely linked to the human food chain. It is impossible to implement control
methods to reduce exposure, such as code of practice, for domestic use of digestate, which is why this use
presents a potentially significant risk and is currently excluded from the QP.

Physical contaminants:
Source segregation of organic wastes and control over input materials as specified in PAS110 means physical
contaminants will pose minimal risk for use in domestic gardens. Further processing of digestate, such as
separation of liquor and fibre, will further reduce the presence of physical contaminants.

The three uses identified as most suitable for digestate in home gardens are use of composted fibre as a bedding
material, use of separated liquor as turf fertiliser and use of separated liquor as a liquid vegetable feed.

Composting reduces the availability of nutrients, due to losses of ammonia through volatilisation and the
conversion of soluble nutrients, such as P, to more recalcitrant forms during the composting process. Hence,
there is a low risk of volatilisation of ammonia or leaching of nutrients from stable composted separated fibre.

Leaching or runoff of N and P, and subsequent contamination of water sources, or gaseous emissions of N are
potential hazards from the use of separated liquor as a turf fertiliser. Nitrogen in digestate is present in both
organic and mineral forms, the available N will be equivalent to the mineral N plus a fraction of organic N which
will be mineralised over time; therefore, it is important to calculate availability of N accurately to calculate the
correct application rate. In addition to ensuring there are adequate nutrients for plant growth, this will prevent
over-application and potential losses to the environment. Leaching of N should not pose a greater risk than
currently commercially available turf fertilisers or liquid vegetable feed if applied according to instructions. In
addition, the slow release nature of the nitrogen will result in a lower risk of N loss during leaching events.

The slightly alkaline pH of digestate (Table A1) means that there may be a risk of ammonia losses by
volatilisation. However, assuming that the separated liquor infiltrates into the soil rapidly leaving little residue
there should be minimal risk of runoff of N or ammonia volatilisation. This is an area (soil infiltration) which may
require investigation before separated liquor is used for this purpose.

Microbiological characteristics:
The data indicates that there is minimal microbiological risk from DFW (Table A10), although DLS (Table A11)
may present a risk. However, if a pasteurisation step is included, which is required if digestate is to be used
outside the holdings of the digestate producer, the microbiological risk will be minimal.

Furthermore, the two most suitable applications for digestate identified in Section 4.2.1 would introduce a further
barrier to exposure. The composting process used to treat separated fibre for use in bedding and potting would
further eliminate pathogens. The nature of the end-use of digestate on a non-edible crop, means that the use of
separated liquor as turf fertiliser would not lead to potential exposure to hazardous organisms through ingestion
in contaminated soil or crops.

Heavy metals:
Heavy metals measured in digestate (Tables A8 and A9) were below upper limits set in PAS110, with the
exception of Cd and Zn in a limited number of cases. Further investigation may be required to identify sources of
Cd and Zn in digestate. Concentrations of trace metals such as Cu, Mo, Fe and Zn were present in similar
quantities to those in plant food such as “Miracle Gro Azelia, Camelia and Rhodedendron liquid plant food”,
indicating that these metals present a benefit rather than a barrier to use.

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 12

Two of the most suitable applications for digestate identified in Section 4.2.1 would introduce a further barrier to
exposure. The composting process would further reduce the bioavailability of heavy metals. Use of separated
liquor as turf fertiliser would prevent the risk of ingestion of PTEs in contaminated soil or crops. However, use of
separated liquor as liquid vegetable feed presents the risk of ingestion of contaminants on soil or contaminated

Organic contaminants:
Analysis of digestate indicated that concentrations of organic contaminants in digestate were low. As a reference
point, they were below limits suggested by the EC for the use of biosolids in agriculture.

Digestate must be digested to an extent to which it is stable and therefore does not digest further during storage
and management and cause an offensive odour under the PAS 110 Specifications. Composting separated fibre
for use as a bedding and potting product will further stabilise the material reducing odour. Separated liquor may
have some odour and investigation may be required to determine whether this is considered unpleasant or
offensive before it could be used as a domestic garden product.

The salinity of digestate is approximately 5500-7500 µS cm-1 (20oC). This is similar to animal slurries and
biosolids which have been demonstrated to cause an increase in soil salinity when used as a soil amendment.
Composting fibre to use as bedding and potting material will prevent the risk of increased soil salinity, due to the
reduction of salts in soluble forms. However, there is a risk from increasing soil salinity through use of separated
liquor as a turf fertiliser or liquid vegetable feed. Therefore, the product instructions may need to recommend
the use of fertiliser only 2-3 times during a growing season. There is no data available on the salinity of
separated liquor; this would be useful to assess its suitability for use as a home garden turf fertiliser or liquid
vegetable feed. Trials with garden plants would be required.

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 13

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 14
Table 2 Digestate nutrient and metal content compared to commercial multi-purpose home garden fertilisers (solid)
Whole fibre Miracle Gro New Horizon
digestate Vitax Supagro Mean general
digestate (Belt Organic choice Organic Vitax
Product (contains with added purpose
(food waste press/ all purpose plant poultry Growmore
livestock lime fertiliser
only:DFW) Screw food manure
slurry: DLS)
granules made
General purpose
from 'energy
100% organic Poultry manure, (ideal before
efficient process'
Description granules, general general purpose laying turf &
from food
purpose plant food plant food sowing plant
processing for
general purpose
Total N (%dm) 15.0 (11.9-20.5) 16.1 (6.7-24.9) 9.8 7.0 4.0 7.0 4.0 5.5 (4-7)
NO3-N (%dm) Trace Trace n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
NH4-N (%dm) 10.5 (5.5-16.0) 10.9 (5.3-19.3) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Total P (%dm) 0.7 (0.3-2.0) 0.9 (0.2-5.0) 0.34 6 2.5 3.0 1.72 3.3 (2.5-6)
Soluble P (%dm) 0.1 (0-0.2) 0.3 n.d. 2.6 n.d. n.d. 0.34 1.47 (0.34-2.6)
K (%dm) 4.7 (1.4-9.3) 3.2 (1.5-5.9) 1.5 5.8 2.5 5.8 3.3 4.36 (2.5-5.81)
Mg (%dm) 0.1 (0-0.48) 0.3 (0.0-3.7) n.d 1.2 n.d. n.d. n.d. 1.2
Mn (%dm) n.d. n.d n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
B (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.0032 (0.0019- 0.008 (0.002-
Cu (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.0043) 0.018)
0.0029 (0.0027-
Mo (%dm) 0.001 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Fe (%dm) n.d. 1.4 (0.16-3.8) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.011 (0.007- 0.024 (0.0004-
Zn (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.014) 0.063)
†Estimated using separator efficiency values presented in Lukehurst et al. (2010) 

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 15

Table 3 Digestate nutrient and metal content compared to commercial home garden ‘vegetable’ fertilisers (solid)
Pelleted Vitax
Q4 The premier Burgon &
e fibre Miracle Gro
Whole fertiliser for Vitax Blood, Ball 100% Mean
Whole digestate (Belt fruit and
Product digestate fruit, fish and Organic Burgon & Ball vegetable
(DFW) press/ vegetable
(DLS) vegetables, bone potato fertiliser
Screw plant food
flowers and fertiliser
Blood meal,
Dried and
feather meal,
100% ground blood,
Slow release Blood meal, cocoa shells,
organic fishmeal and
nutrients for fruit feather meal, dried organic
Description granules for bone with
vegetables cocoa shells seaweed and
tomatoes added potash
flowers and roses and vinasse vinasse: organic
fruit and veg for fruit and
vegetable and
salad fertiliser
Total N (%dm) 15.0 (11.9-20.5) 16.1 (6.7-24.9) 9.8 5.3 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 5.46 (5-6)
NO3-N (%dm) Trace Trace n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
NH4-N (%dm) 10.5 (5.5-16.0) 10.9 (5.3-19.3) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Total P (%dm) 0.7 (0.3-2.0) 0.9 (0.2-5.0) 0.34 3.3 2.6 2.2 5.0 2.2
Soluble P 0.45
0.1 (0-0.2) 0.3 n.d. 0.9 0 n.d. n.d. n.d.
(%dm) (0-0.9)
K (%dm) 4.7 (1.4-9.3) 3.2 (1.5-5.9) 1.5 8.3 8.3 5.0 10.0 5.8
Mg (%dm) 0.1 (0-0.48) 0.3 (0.0-3.7) n.d 1.8 1.8 n.d. 4.0 2.4
Mn (%dm) n.d. n.d n.d. 0.0 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.012
B (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.0 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.012
0.0032 (0.0019- 0.008 (0.002-
Cu (%dm) n.d. 0.0 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.017
0.0043) 0.018)
0.0029 (0.0027-
Mo (%dm) 0.001 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Fe (%dm) n.d. 1.4 (0.16-3.8) n.d. 0.2 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.2
0.011 (0.007- 0.024 (0.0004-
Zn (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.014) 0.063)
†Estimated using separator efficiency values presented in Lukehurst et al. (2010)

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 16

Table 4 Digestate nutrient and metal contents compared to commercial Ericaceous plant food
Miracle Gro Organic Miracle Gro Slow
Whole digestate Whole digestate Digestate fibre choice azelia, release azelia,
Mean Ericaceous
Product (food waste only: (contains livestock (Belt press/ camelia and camelia and
plant food
DFW) slurry: DLS) Screw press)† rhodedendron plant rhodedendron plant
food food

100% organic
Slow release nutrients
granules for all
Description for Ericaceous plants
ericaceous plants (pH

Total N (%dm) 15.0 (11.9-20.5) 16.1 (6.7-24.9) 9.8 6.5 9 7.8 (6.5-9)
NO3-N (%dm) Trace Trace n.d. 3 3.0
NH4-N (%dm) 10.5 (5.5-16.0) 10.9 (5.3-19.3) n.d. 6 6.0
Total P (%dm) 0.7 (0.3-2.0) 0.9 (0.2-5.0) 0.34 5.5 6.1 5.8 (5.5-6.1)
Soluble P (%dm) 0.1 (0-0.2) 0.3 n.d. 2.4 4.6 3.5 (2.4-4.6)
K (%dm) 4.7 (1.4-9.3) 3.2 (1.5-5.9) 1.5 7.0 15.8 11.5 (7-15.8)
Mg (%dm) 0.1 (0-0.48) 0.3 (0.0-3.7) n.d 1.2 1.8 1.5 (1.2-1.8)
Mn (%dm) n.d. n.d n.d.
B (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.0032 (0.0019-
Cu (%dm) 0.008 (0.002-0.018) n.d.
Mo (%dm) 0.0029 (0.0027-0.003) 0.001 n.d.
Fe (%dm) n.d. 1.4 (0.16-3.8) n.d. 0.5 1.0
Zn (%dm) 0.011 (0.007-0.014) 0.024 (0.0004-0.063) n.d.
†Estimated using separator efficiency values presented in Lukehurst et al. (2010)

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 17

Table 5 Digestate nutrient and metal contents compared to commercial home garden ‘root booster’ fertiliser

Whole digestate Whole digestate Digestate fibre Miracle Gro

Vitax Sterilised Mean 'Root
Product (food waste only: (contains animal (Belt press/ organic choice
Bonemeal Booster'
DFW) slurry: DLS) Screw press)† Root booster

Bonemeal granules
Sterilised ground bone,
slow release to encourage
Description establishment for
root development (roses,
trees, shrubs, fruit &
shrubs, border plants)

Total N (%dm) 15.0 (11.9-20.5) 16.1 (6.7-24.9) 9.8 5.0 3.5 3.8 (3.5-5.0)
NO3-N (%dm) Trace Trace n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
NH4-N (%dm) 10.5 (5.5-16.0) 10.9 (5.3-19.3) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Total P (%dm) 0.7 (0.3-2.0) 0.9 (0.2-5.0) 0.34 7 8.6 7.8 (7-8.6)
Soluble P (%dm) 0.1 (0-0.2) 0.3 n.d. 0.9 0.9
K (%dm) 4.7 (1.4-9.3) 3.2 (1.5-5.9) 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0
Mg (%dm) 0.1 (0-0.48) 0.3 (0.0-3.7) n.d 0.0 0.0 0.0
Mn (%dm) n.d. n.d n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
B (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.0032 (0.0019-
Cu (%dm) 0.008 (0.002-0.018) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.0029 (0.0027-
Mo (%dm) 0.001 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Fe (%dm) n.d. 1.4 (0.16-3.8) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Zn (%dm) 0.011 (0.007-0.014) 0.024 (0.0004-0.063) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
†Estimated using separator efficiency values presented in Lukehurst et al. (2010)

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 18

Table 6 Digestate nutrient and metal contents compared to commercially available rose and shrub feed (solid)

Whole digestate Miracle Gro

Whole digestate Digestate fibre Miracle Gro Organic Mean (range)
(contains Bayer Garden slow release
Product (food waste (Belt press/ choice bloom rose and shrub
livestock slurry: Toprose rose and
only: DFW) Screw press)† booster feed
DLS) shrub feed

100% Organic
granules for flower
Slow release
beds & borders, roses Rose and shrub
Description rose and shrub
& bushes, trees, feed
including fruit trees &

Total N (%dm) 15.0 (11.9-20.5) 16.1 (6.7-24.9) 9.8 0.0 5.0 15 2.5 (0-5)
NO3-N (%dm) Trace Trace n.d. n.d. n.d. 6.4 6.4
NH4-N (%dm) 10.5 (5.5-16.0) 10.9 (5.3-19.3) n.d. n.d. n.d. 8.6 8.6
Total P (%dm) 0.7 (0.3-2.0) 0.9 (0.2-5.0) 0.34 0.0 2.6 4.6 2.4 (0-4.6)
Soluble P (%dm) 0.1 (0-0.2) 0.3 n.d. n.d. 0.9 3.6 2.9 (0.9-3.6)
K (%dm) 4.7 (1.4-9.3) 3.2 (1.5-5.9) 1.5 30.0 10.0 12.4 17.5 (10-30)
Mg (%dm) 0.1 (0-0.48) 0.3 (0.0-3.7) n.d 10.0 1.5 1.2 4.2 (1.2-10)
Mn (%dm) n.d. n.d n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
B (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.0032 (0.0019- 0.008 (0.002-
Cu (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.0043) 0.018)
0.0029 (0.0027-
Mo (%dm) 0.001 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Fe (%dm) n.d. 1.4 (0.16-3.8) n.d. n.d. 0.6 n.d. 0.6
0.011 (0.007- 0.024 (0.0004-
Zn (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.014) 0.063)
†Estimated using separator efficiency values presented in Lukehurst et al. (2010) 

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 19

Table 7 Digestate nutrient and metal contents compared to commercially available tomato feed (liquid)
Whole Digestate Miracle-Gro Maxicrop Maxicrop
Whole Horizon
digestate liquor fruit and Extract of extract of Mean
digestate organic Levington
Product (contains (Belt press/ vegetable seaweed plus seaweed plus tomato
(food waste range Tomorite
livestock Screw concentrated complete tomato feed
only: DFW) Tomato
slurry: DLS) press)† plant food garden feed fertiliser
100% organic Tomato feed Fertiliser
Tomato feed (also
liquid for Fruit (also sweet +seaweed extract
Description Tomato feed sweet peppers &
and Veg (ideal peppers & for flowers, plants
for tomatoes) aubergines) and veg
Total N 15.0 (11.9- 16.1
7.3 2.0 3.0 4 5.1 5.0 3.8(2-5.1)
(%dm) 20.5) (6.7-24.9)
Trace Trace n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
NH4-N 10.9
10.5 (5.5-16.0) n.d. n.d. n.d. 2.8 n.d. n.d 2.8
(%dm) (5.3-19.3)
Total P 0.9
0.7 (0.3-2.0) 1.0 0.86 0.86 2 2.2 2.2 1.6(0.86-2.2)
(%dm) (0.2-5.0)
Soluble P
0.1 (0-0.2) 0.3 n.d. 0.65 0.43 2 2.2 2.2 1.5(0.43-2.2)
K (%dm) 4.7 (1.4-9.3) 1.5 5.0 4.2 6.6 5.6 4.2 4.6(4.2-6.6)
Mg 0.3
0.1 (0-0.48) n.d n.d n.d 6.6 5.6 4.2 5.5(4.2-6.6)
(%dm) (0.0-3.7)
n.d. n.d n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
B (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.008 (0.002-
Cu (%dm) (0.0019- n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Mo 0.0029
0.001 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
(%dm) (0.0027-0.003)
Fe (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.011 (0.007- 0.024 (0.0004-
Zn (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.014) 0.063)
†Estimated using separator efficiency values presented in Lukehurst et al. (2010)

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 20

Table 8 Digestate nutrient and metal content compared to commercially available home garden liquid plant feed
Miracle Gro Azelia,
Whole digestate Whole digestate Digestate liquor Maxicrop Extract of
camelia and
Product (food waste only: (contains livestock (Belt press/ seaweed plus flower
rhodedendron liquid
DFW) slurry: DLS) Screw press)† fertiliser
plant food

All ericaceous plants Fertiliser+seaweed extract for

(pH <7) flowers

Total N (%dm) 15.0 (11.9-20.5) 7.3 6 5.9
NO3-N (%dm) Trace Trace n.d. 3.5 n.d
NH4-N (%dm) 10.5 (5.5-16.0) n.d. 2.5 n.d.
Total P (%dm) 0.7 (0.3-2.0) 1.0 1.72 2.1
Soluble P (%dm) 0.1 (0-0.2) 0.3 n.d. 1.72 2.1
K (%dm) 4.7 (1.4-9.3) 1.5 5.0 5.7
Mg (%dm) 0.1 (0-0.48) n.d 4.98 n.d.
0.001 (soluble in water,
Mn (%dm) n.d. n.d n.d. n.d.
chelated by EDTA)
B (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.002 (soluble in water,
Cu (%dm) 0.0032 (0.0019-0.0043) 0.008 (0.002-0.018) n.d. n.d.
chelated by EDTA)
Mo (%dm) 0.0029 (0.0027-0.003) 0.001 n.d. 0.001 (soluble in water) n.d.
1.4 0.06 (soluble in water,
Fe (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d.
(0.16-3.8) chelated by DTPA)
0.002 (soluble in water,
Zn (%dm) 0.011 (0.007-0.014) 0.024 (0.0004-0.063) n.d. n.d.
chelated by EDTA)
†Estimated using separator efficiency values presented in Lukehurst et al. (2010)

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 21

Table 9 Digestate nutrient and metal contents compared to commercially available turf fertiliser (solid)
Digestat Scotts Scotts Mean
Whole Scotts
Whole e fibre Scotts Scotts Greenmas Scotts Greenma (range)
digestate Scotts Greenma
digestate (Belt Greenmast Greenmaster ter Pro- Greenma ster Pro- fine
Product (contains Fairwaym ster Pro-
(food waste press/ er Pro-Lite Pro-Lite Lite ster Pro- Lite solid
livestock aster Lite
only: DFW) Screw Extra Mosskiller Autumn Lite NK Spring & turf
slurry: DLS) Double K
press)† Mg Summer fertiliser
Fine NPK & Fine NPK & Fine NPK & Fine NK & Fine NK & Fine NPK
Zeolite & Zeolite & Mg Zeolite + Zeolite + Zeolite + & Zeolite
Granular weed killer +Fe & herbicide Mg: (fine Fe (fine Fe + Mg +Mg: (fine
NPK (solid) (fine solid) (fine solid) solid) solid) (fine solid) solid)
15.0 (11.9- 16.1 (6.7- 12 (6-
Total N (%dm) 9.8
20.5) 24.9) 20 14 14 6 7 12 14 20)
Urea (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. 8 4.2 4 4.3 8.9 6 (4-9)
NO3-N (%dm) Trace Trace n.d. 8 8
10.5 (5.5- 10.9 (5.3-
NH4-N (%dm) n.d.
16.0) 19.3) 6 6 1.8 3 7.7 5.1 5 (2-8)
Total P (%dm) 0.7 (0.3-2.0) 0.9 (0.2-5.0) 0.34 5 0.9 0 2.2 0 0 2.2 1 (0-5)
Soluble P
0.1 (0-0.2) 0.3 n.d.
(%dm) 1.7 1.9 2
K (%dm) 4.7 (1.4-9.3) 3.2 (1.5-5.9) 1.5 8 3.3 0 0.091 11.6 10 8.3 6 (0-12)
Soluble K 10 (8-
1.9 (0-5.7) 3.3 n.d. n.d.
(%dm) 11.6 8.3 12)
Mg (%dm) 0.1 (0-0.48) 0.3 (0.0-3.7) n.d n.d 8.9 0.5 4 2 0 3 (0-9)
Mn (%dm) n.d. n.d n.d. n.d. 1.8 0 1.8 1.8 1 (0-2)
12 (5-
B (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
11.2 15.9 5.4 12.8 13 13 16)
0.008 (0.002-
Cu (%dm) (0.0019- n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Mo (%dm) (0.0027- 0.001 n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
Fe (%dm) n.d. 1.4 (0.16-3.8) n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
0.011 (0.007-
Zn (%dm) (0.0004- n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d. n.d.
†Estimated using separator efficiency values presented in Lukehurst et al. (2010)

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 22

Table 10 Digestate nutrient and metal content compared to commercially available turf fertiliser (liquid)

Scotts Scotts Mean
Whole digestate Whole digestate Digestate liquor Greenmaster
Greenmaster Greenmaster (range)
Product (food waste only: (contains livestock (Belt press/ liquid
liquid liquid liquid turf
DFW) slurry: DLS) Screw press)† Spring and
High N High K fertiliser

Description Liquid Liquid Liquid Liquid

Total N (%dm) 15.0 (11.9-20.5) 7.3 25 12 3.0 13.3
NO3-N (%dm) Trace Trace n.d. 7.3 0.8 0.3 2.8
NH4-N (%dm) 10.5 (5.5-16.0) n.d. 5.9 11.2 0.3 5.8
Total P (%dm) 0.7 (0.3-2.0) 1.0 0 1.7 1.3 1
Soluble P
0.1 (0-0.2) 0.3 n.d. 0 1.7 1.3 1
K (%dm) 4.7 (1.4-9.3) 1.5 0 5.0 8.3 4.4
Mg (%dm) 0.1 (0-0.48) n.d 1.2 0 0 0.4

Mn (%dm) n.d. n.d n.d. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

B (%dm) n.d. n.d. n.d. 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

Cu (%dm) 0.0032 (0.0019-0.0043) 0.008 (0.002-0.018) n.d. 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004

Mo (%dm) 0.0029 (0.0027-0.003) 0.001 n.d. 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001

Fe (%dm) n.d. n.d. 0 0.0 0 0

Zn (%dm) 0.011 (0.007-0.014) 0.024 (0.0004-0.063) n.d. 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004

†Estimated using separator efficiency values presented in Lukehurst et al. (2010)

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 23

4.1.3 Further processing technologies
The major potential applications for digestate in home gardens were: i) use of co-composted digestate fibre as a
multi-purpose growing media and ii) use of separated digestate liquor as a turf fertiliser.

However, the dilute concentration of nutrients in digestate liquor means it would be unsuitable for direct use as a
home garden product due to the expense and difficulty in handling the product. To improve the product, it would
be necessary to concentrate the nutrients; this would improve the economics of transporting digestate liquor.
Various membrane filtration technologies, such as reverse osmosis (RO), can potentially be used to concentrate
nutrients (Zhang et al., 2004, Kumar et al. 2007, Masse et al., 2007).

The state of research on the membrane treatment of manure, and concentration of nutrients was reviewed by
Masse et al. (2007) at “Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada”. Microfiltration (MF) and Ultrafiltration (UF)
membranes act as efficient solid-liquid separators that can isolate nutrients such as P associated with particles.
Technologies such as nanofiltration and RO are required for concentration of ammonia and potassium.

A laboratory-scale system to treat swine wastewater (15 000 mg l-1 volatile solids) with biological conversion,
filtration and RO to produce reclaimed water and a concentrated liquid fertiliser was investigated by Zhang et al.
(2004). The system consisted of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor (ASBR), one or two aerobic sequencing
batch reactors, a sludge settling tank, sand filter and RO unit. The oxidised N was increased to 53% of the total
N content after it passed through both aerobic sequencing batch reactors. The sand filter further reduced the
chemical oxygen demand (COD) and solids prior to RO treatment. The researchers found that RO was very
effective in separating nutrient and salt elements from water; over 70% of NH3-N, NO2-N and NO3-N and over
90% of other elements, such as P, K, Cl, Ca, Mg, Na, Zn, Fe and Cu were concentrated in a liquid effluent with
10% of the original volume. Preliminary analyses by the authors suggested that the biogas energy produced
from swine manure was sufficient to meet the energy requirement for operating the wastewater treatment
system; however, it was suggested that the system needs to be scaled up and evaluated at pilot and farm scale
and costs and benefits analysed.

Masse et al. (2007) presented a summary of various commercial systems that have been established for manure
i) A pilot system in France (the Ecoliz system) that can treat 2 m3 of swine manure day-1 which combines a
flocculation step to remove large solids and membrane filtration to concentrate nutrients. The process
concentrated manure in 10% of the initial volume; the cost of the system was evaluated at 12 Euros m-3 of
manure in 2002 (Gérard, 2002 cited in Masse et al., 2007).
ii) New Logic Research ( have developed the vibratory shear enhanced process (VSEP) for
manure purification. The system has been demonstrated using pig manure (Johnson et al., 2004); the effluent
(1.9% TS) from an anaerobic digester treating pig manure was concentrated in about 20% of the initial volume.
The Zn, Na, Mn, Mg, Fe and Cu were removed, whilst retention of potassium, phosphorus, Cl and Ca ranged
between 98-99%. Ammonia and sulphate were retained at 94.5% and 93.4% respectively. The technology uses
vibration to minimise membrane fouling, thereby minimising flux reduction. The technology has been installed on
two commercial farms in Korea and the Netherlands (Johnson et al., 2004).
iii) The company ‘Purin Pur’ installed a pilot membrane system was installed on a pig farm in Canada (Charlebois,
2000 cited in Masse et al., 2007). The system used a screen for coarse SS and P retention and tubular RO
membranes for final treatment. The cost of the system was evaluated at 5.97 Can$ m-3 manure. However the
pilot plant was not extensively used as the membranes became rapidly fouled.
iv) The company Bioscan have designed and tested the Biorek® hybrid membrane bioreactor process for
treatment of manure (Norddahl and Rohold, 2000, cited in Masse et al., 2007; du Preez et al., 2005). The system
consistes of a mesophilic anaerobic digester coupled to ultrafiltration for biomass retention, ammonia and
carbonate stripping and reverse osmosis (3.2 MPa, 35-40oC) of the product from the stripper for concentration of
P and K. Removal of ammonia and carbonate increase the permeate quality and prevent scaling on the

A further barrier to the use of digestate liquor as a turf fertiliser in public spaces is potential odour which may
cause offence. A potential method for reducing odour may be stabilisation with iron or aluminium salts (eg.
Al2(SO4)3 or FeCl3) (Novak et al., 2007, Novak et al., 2009). This is an area which may require further
investigation if digestate liquor is judged to have an offensive odour.

4.1.4 Market information

The competing products for home garden use are both chemical fertilisers and products which are organic in
origin such as sterilised bonemeal, fishmeal or bloodmeal (see Tables 2-10). Key players in the garden

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 24

chemicals and growing media sector and their brand names are presented in Table 11. The total revenue of the
garden products market in 2009 was £5.38m this increased to £5.48m in 2010, an increase of 5.8% (Mintel,
2010). Fertilisers and growing media represent 30% of the market, equivalent to £1.74m (Mintel, 2010).

Table 11 Key players in the garden chemicals and growing media sector, August 2007 (Mintel, 2007)

Companies Brand names

Monro Group (Growing Success Organics Ltd) Growing Success

The Scotts Miracle-Gro Company Miracle-Gro, Levington, Evergreen, Roundup, Weedol,
Pathclear, Clear, Nature’s Answer, Scotts
Westland Horticulture Garden Health
William Sinclair Horticulture Ltd J Arthur Bowers, New Horizon
Bayer CropScience Ltd Baby Bio, Bayer Garden, Phostrogen
Doff Portland Ltd Doff, Green Fingers Organics
Joseph Metcalf Group Gem, Cambark, Debco

Garden products are stocked by DIY multiples (33%), garden centres (30%), non-DIY multiples (15%), mail
order/direct response (14%) and other sources (8%) (Mintel, 2010).

The leading product to the amateur market is multi-purpose compost (Evans, 2009) of which peat is frequently a
major constituent. The UK government is committed to reducing peat use under the Biodiversity Action
Programme (Defra, 2007b). In 2007, the total volume of peat and alternatives used in soil improvers and
growing media was 6.61 million m3 (~15.2 million tonnes). The overall proportion of peat in the products fell
from 53% to 46% and the proportion of alternatives rose to 54%. The greatest consumption of peat was by
amateur gardeners (69%) (Defra, 2007b), who use the greatest amount of growing media and soil improvers
(60%), compared to landscape contractors and professional growers.

(TERRA ECO-SYSTEMS at Thames Water successfully produced a growing media from composted biosolids that
sold at the same price as the brand-leading peat-based media (Evans, 2009). The product was sold nationwide
and sales doubled year on year (Evans, 2009). Market research by TERRA ECO-SYSTEMS in 1995 revealed that
gardeners looked favourable upon green products, but were concerned that they must perform as well as peat-
based products, be good value for money and easy to use. However, Evans (2009) did not recommend
composting biosolids for domestic use as a route forwards for wastewater treatment plant operators, one of the
reasons being that any change in feedstock to the process may require re-formulation and further testing, which
may take considerable time. Therefore, if digestate fibre was to be co-composted as a garden fertiliser it would
be essential to have a consistent feedstock to ensure low variability in compost properties.

4.2 Horticulture: Landscaping

4.2.1 Physico-chemical requirements
Digestate has potential for use in commercial horticulture for landscaping purposes as the organic matter content
may improve soil structure, water holding capacity and cation exchange capacity (CEC). Products are tailored to
the clients’ requirements and contain varying amounts of organic matter, frequently a 50/50 mix. Currently the
organic materials used include composted green cuttings, spent mushroom compost or composted farmyard
manure. Co-composted separated fibre would provide an excellent source of organic matter to use in
manufactured soils for landscaping. The consistency of the co-composted fibre properties would be of less
importance than compost used for the domestic garden market.

4.2.2 Barriers to use

Composted separated fibre presents minimal microbiological, chemical and physical risks and is likely to have an
inoffensive odour as discussed in Section 4.2.2.

4.2.3 Market
Horticultural companies such as ‘Monro Horticulture Ltd.’ and ‘CH Binder and Sons’ produce engineered soils from
loam combined with organic compost. There is potential for the market to expand; for example, extensive
projects such as preparation of the site for the London Olympics require artificial soil for landscaping (John
Adlam, HTA, pers. comm.).

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 25

4.3 Horticulture: Commercial fruit and vegetable production
4.3.1 Physico-chemical requirements
As discussed in Section 4.2.1 the nutritional composition of digestate may not be suitable for fruit and vegetable
production without supplementing with additional nutrients. John Adlam, technical advisor to the horticultural
trade association (HTA), advised that PAS100 green compost is currently be used for mulching of apple trees.
Therefore, composted separated fibre from digestate could be used for a similar purpose.

4.3.2 Barriers to use

Composted separated fibre presents minimal microbiological, chemical and physical risks and is likely to have an
inoffensive odour as discussed in Section 4.2.2.

4.4 Horticulture: Compost teas

4.4.1 Physico-chemical requirements
The use of compost teas in the production of a wide range crops has become popular in the UK (John Adlam,
HTA, pers. comm.). This involves use of a ‘broth’ of microorganisms such as fungi, nematodes, bacteria and
protozoa to improve soil ecology and hence soil health, productivity and plant health. Companies producing
compost teas include the Dutch company ‘Van Irsal’, ‘Martin Lischman Ltd.’ and ‘XL horticulture’ who produce a
product called “Revitealise”. Digestate separated fibre could potentially be used as a feedstock for the
composting process from which compost teas are produced.

4.4.2 Barriers to use

Composted separated fibre presents minimal microbiological, chemical and physical risks and is likely to have an
inoffensive odour as discussed in Section 4.2.2.

4.5 Horticulture: mushroom growing media

4.5.1 Physico-chemical requirements
The use of waste materials in horticultural growing media has been investigated extensively at the Applied Crop
Research Centre, Wellesbourne, Warwick. An investigation of straw types and N sources on compost productivity
(Noble et al., 2002) demonstrated that digestate did not compete with animal manures as the N and C were less
available. However, the digestate used had a total N content of only 2.8% of which only 36% was present as
ammonia-N. In comparison the data presented in Tables A3 and A4 demonstrate that digestate generally has a
much greater total N content (15-16%) and an available N content >50%. Further research may be required to
investigate composting digestate; reproducibility of the properties of the product may pose a problem as a
consequence of feedstock variability.

4.5.2 Barriers to use

Composted separated fibre presents minimal microbiological, chemical and physical risks and is likely to have an
inoffensive odour as discussed in Section 4.2.2.

4.5.3 Market
The mushroom industry may be the largest user of composted organics in the UK (John Adlam, HTA, pers

4.6 Horticulture: Commercial nurseries/herbaceous shrubs

4.6.1 Physico-chemical requirements
As discussed in Section 4.2.1 the nutritional composition of digestate may not be suitable for tree and shrub
production without supplementing with additional nutrients. However, composted separated fibre from digestate
could be used to improve soil structure, water holding capacity and CEC. Whole digestate or separated liquor
could be used to irrigate the trees and shrubs with N. Separated liquor would be more suitable due to greater
ease of infiltration into the soil and, therefore, more efficient use of nutrients. However, supplemental P and K
would be required so digestate liquor is not ideally suited to this purpose.

4.6.2 Barriers to use

Composted separated fibre presents minimal microbiological, chemical and physical risks and is likely to have an
inoffensive odour as discussed in Section 4.2.2. Leaching or runoff of N and P, and subsequent contamination of
water sources, or gaseous emissions of N are potential hazards from the use of whole digestate or separated
liquor. Leaching of N should not pose a greater risk than currently commercially available fertilisers. Nitrogen in
digestate is present in both organic and mineral forms; hence, the slow release nature of the N will result in a
lower risk of nitrate loss during leaching events. Use of separated liquor as opposed to whole digestate will

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 26

improve infiltration into the soil and should reduce runoff or erosion of nutrients and gaseous emissions of

The use of digestate on trees and shrubs eliminates the risk of ingestion of contaminants on crops or soil and
thus provides a further barrier to exposure to contaminants.

4.7 Forestry
4.7.1 Physico-chemical requirements
Discussion with a Forestry Commission contact (Andrew Moffat, Forestry Commission, pers. comm.) suggested
that there was little requirement for organic fertiliser materials in management of broadleaved woodland,
although there may be some fertiliser use for commercial conifer woodland. Therefore, irrigation of woodland
with separated liquor is a possibility, although supplementation with P and K may be required, so digestate liquor
is not ideally suited to this purpose.

It was suggested that the majority of fertiliser use was in ‘urban forestry’; therefore the amenity/landscape
category has the greatest potential for use of digestate. There is likely to be use of fertilisers, compost and some
mulch in ‘urban forestry’ or tree planting for landscape and amenity purposes, notably on brownfield land. The
Forestry Commission guidance on use of biosolids and composts is found at$FILE/fcin079.pdf and recommends PAS100 compost use.
Therefore, composted, PAS 110 compliant, separated fibre has potential for use in ‘urban forestry’.

4.7.2 Barriers to use

See 4.6.2.

4.8 Use on publically owned flower beds/green spaces

4.8.1 Physico-chemical requirements and Market information
A survey of 34 parks and gardens departments of London local authorities and their contractors was conducted;
thus far 10 London Boroughs have provided information and the findings are presented in Appendix 2, Table A14.
Currently, and without exception, local authorities aim to recycle green waste generated within the parks and
gardens and from trees in the borough and the waste is composted or mulched and used as a bedding material.
Hence, there is potential for composted separated digestate fibre to be used as a bedding material in publically
owned parks and gardens and for mulching trees. The findings suggest that there is not currently a requirement
for additional organic material for this purpose in London Boroughs as they have sufficient of their own material.
However, there may be a requirement for this sort of material by other local governments.

Generally, within the London Borough Parks and Gardens the only areas on which mineral fertilisers are used are
sports pitches and recreation grounds. The turf fertilisers used have a range of NPK contents, but generally have
a high N:P or N:K ratio (See response from London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham in Table A14, detailing
nutrient specification of turf fertilisers). The NPK ratio of digestate is therefore within the range currently used as
turf fertiliser and may act as a suitable replacement for mineral fertilisers as discussed in Section 4.1.1. in relation
to fertiliser use in domestic gardens. Separated liquor would have the most appropriate physical properties as it
would infiltrate the soil more readily due to the lower DS content. The nutrients are present in low concentrations
as discussed in Section 4.1.1. This may not pose a problem as the dilute digestate liquor would represent a
source of water for irrigation plus nutrients for fertilisation. Presumably the fine solid chemical fertilisers currently
used on sports pitches are currently dissolved in water prior to application. However, economics of supplying
digestate liquor for public green spaces mean that this practice may not be viable unless transport costs were

Replacement of the inorganic fertilisers currently used with separated liquor would allow London Boroughs to
further achieve their aim of increasing the use of recycled materials.

4.8.2 Barriers to use

Use of composted fibre as a bedding material in parks and gardens presents a low risk. Composted separated
fibre presents minimal microbiological, chemical and physical risks and is likely to have an inoffensive odour as
discussed in Section 4.2.2.

Use of separated liquor as turf fertiliser would prevent the risk of ingestion of hazardous organisms in
contaminated soil or crops. Appropriate codes of practice could be instigated for contractors if necessary.

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 27

Concentrations of organic contaminants and PTEs in digestate were low, and use of separated liquor as turf
fertiliser would not present the risk of any potential ingestion of PTEs in contaminated soil or crops.

Separated liquor may have some odour and investigation may be required to determine whether this is
considered unpleasant or offensive before it could be used in publically owned green spaces.

There is a risk from increasing soil salinity through use of separated liquor as a turf fertiliser. Therefore, the
product instructions may need to recommend the use of fertiliser only 2-3 times during a growing season. There
is no data available on the salinity of separated liquor; this would be useful to assess its suitability for use as a
turf fertiliser.

4.9 Use as fertiliser for organic crops and farms

Certified inputs are products suitable for use in organic farming and growing systems, such as fertilisers or soil
conditioners and must comply with the ‘Soil Association organic standards for producers’ and produced to the ‘Soil
Association organic standards for processors’. The producer and processor standards are available for download
at standards.aspx. However, it is unlikely that fertilisers containing digestate
could be certified as organic due to the requirement for non-GM ingredients. When digestates are produced from
a mixture of food wastes it is would not be possible to exclude any wastes with GM ingredients.

4.10 Nutrient extraction

4.10.1 Struvite Recovery
A number of technologies exist to extract nutrients from digestate (eg. Struvite Recovery) which can be used
directly as a high-value fertiliser. This recovers vital nutrients, such as P which is a limited resource, and provides
added economic value to the digestion process. These processes are at various stages of development. For
example, a struvite recovery system is in operation at Thames Water wastewater treatment plant in Slough (UK -
Latest News -

4.10.2 Nutrient extraction and fuel production

‘GG Eco Solutions’ is a Swedish technology developed to treat horse manure. It is a dewatering and nutrient
extraction process, which produces biomass fuel pellets and biofertiliser pellets. The technology can also be
applied to digestate of sewage sludge, food waste and energy crops and pilot plants have been established in
Sweden. There are no constraints on the physico-chemical requirements of the digestate, and DS contents
between 3-50% are suitable. The material should be free from contaminants (metal, plastic) and low in heavy
metal content (Carl Aitken, Bidwells, pers.comm). An example, provided by Bidwells, suggested that 20,000 t of
food waste with a dry solids content of 3.9%, produces an output of 913 tonnes of biomass fuel pellets and 645
tonnes of biofertiliser pellets. The NPK concentration of feedstock (17:1:6) given in GG Eco Solution’s example is
similar to the content measured in this study (15:1:5) and the DS content (3.9%) is also within the range
measured in this study.

The first commercial installation is being undertaken at Helsingborg in Sweden. It will be commissioned at the
end of December with full operation by mid January 2011. The plant will treat digestate of sewage sludge and
the capacity will be 15 000 m3 yr-1. The fertiliser output is intended for use in agriculture and forestry in Sweden
(Carl Aitken, Bidwells, pers.comm.).

The capital cost of the technology is dependent on the material to be treated. In the example provided by GG
Eco Solutions for an energy crop digestate the capital cost is ~£400,000. The value of the output may vary but
typical values for biomass fuel pellets are in the range £80-£120 t-1, and for biofertiliser £80-£150 t-1 (Carl Aitken,
Bidwells, pers.comm.).

4.10.3 Algal growth for nutrient removal

A potential method of nutrient extraction from organic wastes is the production of proteinaceous biomass by
cultivating algae in engineered ponds (Baumgarten et al. 1999; Mulbry and Wilkie, 2001; Wilkie and Mulbry,
2002; Kebede-Westhead et al., 2003). This increases the value and manageability of the nutrients. Harvested
algal biomass is a high-grade protein which can be used as an animal feed; dairy cows fed a diet supplemented
with algae may show an increase in omega-3-fatty acid content, which has the potential for improving consumer
health (Wilkie and Mulbry, 2002). The algal biomass can also be used as a slow release fertiliser with reduced
risk of losing nutrients to the environment by leaching or gaseous emissions of ammonia (Mulbry and Wilkie,
2001; Wilkie and Mulbry, 2002). The use of algal biomass as a feedstock for biofuel production also has major
potential; The Carbon Trust is conducting research to investigate increasing oil yield from selected algal species

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 28

and investigating methods to reduce costs for harvesting the oil (see
technologies/current-focus-areas/Algae-biofuels-challenge/pages/research-partners.aspx). The market for
biofuels is discussed further in Section 4.12.

Research conducted by the ‘Carbon Trust’ and partners indicated that the most commercially viable and
sustainable route to produce algae biofuels is to culture algae in mixed shallow salt/brackish water open ponds
(or ‘raceways’) (Carbon Trust, 2010). Algal turf scrubbers (ATFTM) were designed by Water Adey and colleagues
at the Smithsonian institute in the 1970s. They were developed as water quality control devices on coral reef,
rocky shore, estuary and stream and pond microcosms and mesocosms (Craggs et al., 1996; Adey and Loveland,
1998). They have also been used to remove nutrients from agricultural run-off (Craggs et al., 1996). The
wastewater treatment technology is a simple, low-cost system, which cultures attached or benthic bacteria,
microalgae and filamentous algae on an inclined flow-way (Craggs et al., 1996). The main components of the
ATS system are a solid support for the growth and harvest of benthic algae, wave surge and optimal light (Mulbry
and Wilkie, 2001). The advantages over planktonic algae ponds are that, if there is sufficient light, much higher
rates of photosynthesis are achieved and it is easier to separate and remove the algal biomass. To harvest the
algae, the flow of wastewater is stopped, the flow-way is drained for 1h and the biomass is vacuumed from the
surface. This technology is already established commercially for wastewater treatment and water purification and
is described in detail in “Dynamic Aquaria Building and Restoring Living Ecosystems. 3rd Edition” (Adey and
Loveland, 2007).

Researchers at the USDA and Florida University have adopted Algal Turf Scrubber technology to recover nutrients
from several types of dairy manure (Mulbry and Wilkie, 2001; Wilkie and Mulbry, 2002; Kebede-Westhead et al.,
2003). The technology is an effective solution for treating manure and recycling the nutrients on-farm; the
combination of conventional cropping systems with an ATS could achieve more efficient crop production and farm
nutrient management. Filamentous algae are capable of year-round growing in temperate climates and can be
harvested on adapted farm-scale equipment. Mulbry and Wilkie (2001) conducted a study to investigate the
adapted ATS system to remove N, P and other constituents from raw and anaerobically digested manure. Before
digestion, the manure undergoes solids separation followed by anaerobic digestion of the separated liquids. A
typical manure input contained 0.6-0.9 g total N day-1, the dried algal yield was approximately 5 g m-2 day-1. The
dried algae contained approximately 5-7% N and 1.5-2% P. Algal N and P accounted for 33-42% of total N and
58-100% total input P. The technology was effective when anaerobically digested manure was used as a
feedstock and the improved bioavailability of manure nutrients during anaerobic digestion was beneficial for algal
production. Further research demonstrated that mean algal production increased with increased loading rate
(0.8-3.7 g total N and 0.12 to 0.58 g total P m-2 day-1) and irradiance (from 270-390 µmol photons m-2 s-1) from
approximately 8-19 g dry weight. The N and P content of the algal biomass and the recovery of nutrients by the
algal biomass also increased with loading rate.

The N content of the manure used in these ATS studies was approximately three times less than the N content
measured in DFW or DLS (Tables A3 and A4), and the P content was approximately half the P content measured
in DFW or DLS (Tables A5 and A6). However, this should not pose a problem as ATS loading rates are based on
the N and P content. The N:P ratio of the digested manure used by Mulby and Wilkie (2001) was between 9-10,
whereas the N:P ratio of DFW and DLS is approximately 18-21. However, the N:P ratio of separated liquor,
calculated from the estimated values in Table A7, is close to the values from Mulby and Wilkie’s study at
approximately 9.

The cost of drying and harvesting algae may present a barrier to implementing the technology; however, the
researchers suggest that when the technology is used in conjunction with anaerobic digestion where energy is
recovered from manure, the cost of drying harvested algae could be minimal. The N:P ratio of separated
digestate liquor may need further investigation as it could impact the species composition of the algal turf. A
further potential barrier would be if heavy metals or other contaminants from digestate are taken up or become
more concentrated by the algae, this requires further investigation. An economic assessment of potential markets
for the algae is required to determine if this technology could be adopted for beneficial use of digestate.

4.11 Construction material

Researchers at Michegan State University are developing construction materials from dried manure fibres of
anaerobically digested animal manure (Jenner et al., 2008; Spelter et al., 2008; Winandy and Cai, 2008). They
are working to develop medium density fibreboards (MDF) and wood-plastic composites (WPC). This technology
has not been applied to anaerobically digestate food waste; however, it is likely that due to the similarity in
composition this would be possible. The fibres are dried and blended with a 15% liquid UF resin and then
pressed and formed into panels. This is the same as the process used to treat wood flour to produce panels; the

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 29

researchers have demonstrated that the manure fibre panels have comparable bending strength, stiffness and
internal strength (Caldwell, 2008). Further investigation is required to determine how well paint adheres to the
fibreboards and expand the process to a larger scale.

The economic potential of using anaerobically digested bovine biofibre for construction materials has been
investigated by the researchers (Spelter et al., 2008); this indicated that it is a less economically favourable
option than current uses for bovine biofibre (bedding). However, this could be overcome by larger scale and
longer-term contractual arrangements with a secure long-term outlet for the digestate fibre.

4.12 Fuel
4.12.1 Cellulosic Ethanol Production
Bioethanol is the primary fuel used as a petrol replacement for road transport vehicles and is produced by sugar
formation; the major source of sugar for bioethanol production is from energy crops. However, waste biomass is
a source of cellulose, lignocellulose, polysaccharides, proteins and other organic materials that can be used as a
low cost feedstock for enzymic hydrolysis to produce sugar for subsequent fermentation to bioethanol
(Champagne and Li, 2009; Yue et al., 2009).

The enzymic hydrolysis of cellulose is carried out by cellulase enzymes, such as the enzyme complex derived from
the filamenous fungus Trichoderma Reesei (Champagne and Li, 2009). The rate and extent of cellulose
hydrolysis by cellulase enzymes is influenced by substrate and enzyme factors and operational conditions. Pre-
treatment processes may be used to improve sugar yield, minimise the loss of carbohydrates and minimise the
formation of inhibitory by-products for hydrolysis and fermentation processes (Champagne and Li, 2009). These
pre-treatment processes may include: i) physical pre-treatment to subdivide lignocellulose material into fine
particles which are more susceptible to hydrolysis; ii) alkaline hydrolysis to increase internal surface area by
separation of structural linkages between the lignins and carbohydrates and iii) acids, which act as catalysts for
cellulose hydrolysis by increasing the rate of solubilisation resulting in higher conversion yields of cellulose to

The main components of digestate fibre are two carbohydrate polymers, cellulose and hemicellulose, which form
the main structure of the biomass, and lignin, which binds the fibres together (Champagne and Li, 2009; Yue et
al., 2009). Previously, it has been assumed that digestate fibre is unsuitable for further conversion to other useful
energy or chemical products because the more labile fractions of organic matter are degraded during digestate
leaving a higher proportion of more recalcitrant molecules (Tambone et al., 2009). However, recent research by
Yue et al. (2009) demonstrated that, in fact, AD changes the composition of manure fibre and improves its
suitability as a cellulosic feedstock for ethanol production. There was a lower concentration of hemicellulose in
anaerobically digested manure fibre (12%) compared to raw manure (17%), and a greater concentration of
cellulose (32% compared to 22%). Digestate was shown to have greater digestibility than switchgrass,
commonly used as a feedstock for cellulosic ethanol production. The optimal pre-treatment process was dilute
alkali (2% sodium hydroxide, 130oC for 2 hours). Enzymatic hydrolysis of 10% (dry basis) pretreated digestate
fibre produced 51 g l-1 glucose at a conversion rate of 90% (glucose conversion rate (%) = glucose content
[g]/(1.1xcellulose in sample [g]) x 100). The fermentation of the hydrolysate had a yield of 72% ethanol.

The digestate fibre samples used by Yue et al. (2009) for the enzymatic hydrolysis process and subsequent
ethanol fermentation were digested manure from a dairy farm with the following characteristics: dry matter
content of 28.1%; 32.3% cellulose; 11.6% hemicellulose; 25.1% lignin; 7.5% crude protein; 48.4% C; 1.2% N;
0.36% ammonia; C:N ratio of 40.3; pH of 9.2% and total alkalinity of 400 mg CaCO3 l-1. The authors calculated
that, for every dry tonne of cattle manure, 0.6 dry tonnes of digestate fibre could be produced, which could be
used to produce 6.3 m3 of ethanol.

4.12.2 Biodiesel production

Biodiesel is a fuel produced by transesterification of fats with methanol, and has the potential to replace fossil
diesel (Angerbauer et al., 2004). An alternative to anaerobic conversion of organic wastes to methane and CO2
is to convert the C to lipids by aerobic microorganisms, lipid accumulating yeasts. The lipids can then be used as
a raw material for the production of biodiesel. However, there is little potential to produce biodiesel from
digestate as a basic requirement is a high C:N ratio of ~100, which is not met by digestate (Table A3 and A4).
However, there may be potential for production of biodiesel from algae cultured from digestate.

4.12.3 Digestate as solid fuel

Researchers in Germany have investigated the potential of using dried, pelletised digestate as a solid fuel.
Kratzeisen et al. (2010) used two different digestates as test fuel. The feedstock composition of digestate 1 was:

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 30

50% maize silage; 40% grass and grass silage and 10% potatoes, and digestate 2 was: 81% maize silage; 9%
sugar sorghum/sudan grass silage; 7% poultry manure and 3% corn cob mix. The digestate was dewatered
using a decanter to a dry matter of 25%, the digestate was then dried in a drum dryer using waste heat from
biogas production to 80-85% dry matter. The calculated ratio between the total energy input for the production
of digestate pellets and the net calorific value was 0.74 for digestate 1 and 0.78 for digestate 2.

Kratseisen et al. (2010) showed that the net calorific value of digestate 1 was 15.8 MJ kg-1 at a water content of
9.2% and for digestate 2, the calorific value was 15.0 MJ kg-1 at a water content of 9.9%. This is similar to the
net calorific value of 16.3% from fuel pellets produced of pinewood with a water content of 12%. The N content
of the pellets produced by Kratzeisen et al. (2010) was high in comparison to the German standards for solid
fuels at 2.86% for digestate 1 and 1.54% for digestate 2. This is potentially a problem if the concentration of
nitrogen oxide during combustion is increased. There is also a risk of noxious emissions of sulphur (S) and
chlorine (Cl) if concentrations in the fuel are high. At concentrations of 0.3-0.9% S and 0.27-0.84% Cl, the
concentrations measured by Kratzeisen et al. (2010) exceeded the threshold values of 0.08 and 0.03 in the
German standards. Given the concentrations of 15-16.1% N, 0.33-0.9% S and 2.32-3.9% Cl measured in whole
liquid digestate (Tables A2-A3), then there may be a risk of noxious N, S and Cl emissions if used as solid fuel,
depending on partitioning of nutrients when digestate is dewatered and dried. In the study conducted by
Kratzeisen et al. (2010), several of the heavy metals in the fuel pellets also exceeded threshold values for solid
fuels given in German standards: As (threshold 0.8 mg kg-1); Cr (threshold 8 mg kg-1), Cu (threshold 5 mg kg-1),
Hg (threshold 0.05 mg kg-1) and Zn (threshold 100 mg kg-1), whereas Cd and Pb were below the thresholds of
0.5 mg kg-1 and 10 mg kg-1 respectively. By these standards, the heavy metal content of DFW and DLS presented
in Tables A8 and A9 would also be high. However, in the experiment conducted by Kratzeisen et al. (2010),
despite several elements in the solid fuel surpassing threshold values, the emissions of flue gas were within
defined limits for biofuels. Following combustion of digestate fuel pellets, nutrients remain in the ash, which can
be recycled as fertiliser. However, heavy metals such as cadmium, lead, zinc and mercury may also be found in
the filter ash.

The authors concluded that the digestates investigated in the study could be recommended as a fuel for
combustion due to their calorific value, ash properties and the emissions, which allow their use in the solid
biomass combustion unit used for the study. However, they recommend that, as chemical composition and
physical properties of digestate fuel pellets depend on the blend of feedstock used for biogas production, further
investigations are required to cover a broader range of digestates and combustion techniques.

4.12.4 Market Information

The main biofuels likely to be supplied into the UK market over the next 5 years are bioethanol and biodiesel
(AEA Technology Ltd, 2010). The government has initiated support mechanisms such as the Renewable
Transport Fuels Obligation (RTFO) to promote production and utilisation of biofuels as they are not commercially
competitive with fossil fuels.

A summary of UK biofuels production is presented in Table 12; the proportion of biodiesel and bioethanol from
UK sources is 32% and 24% respectively, indicating there is potential for UK production to increase. Capacity for
biodiesel production was reduced in 2010 due to adverse market conditions, uncertainty surrounding the value of
RTFCs and potential changes to sustainability requirements when the EC Renewable Energy Directive is
introduced (AEA, 2010). The production capacity for biodiesel in 2010 was estimated at 464 million litres. The
bioethanol production capacity was estimated at 494 million litres for 2010, rising to 1100 million litres in 2012
and possibly to 1700 million litres after 2010 (AEA, 2010). The majority of biofuels are used in the UK road
market, small quantities are exported and small quantities are going into the UK heat and power market (AEA,

Table 12 Summary of UK biofuels production (reproduced from AEA, 2010)

Biofuel Estimated UK Total biofuel % of biofuels % of biofuels

production 2009, supplied to UK from UK sources frojm UK sources
million litres road market in in UK fossil
2009, million equivalent supply
Biodiesel 223 1044 32 0.9
Bioethanol 76 317 24 0.4

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 31

Current forecasts predict that 70 billion litres per year of fossil fuels could be displaced by algae biofuels
worldwide in road transport and aviation, by 2030; this is equivalent to a market value of over £15 billion (Carbon
Trust, 2011).

4.13 Biopesticides production

Replacing chemical insecticides with biological agents for pest control is desirable to improve environmental
quality, food safety, human and animal health (Yezza et al., 2006). The most common bacteria used to produce
biological insecticides is Bacillus thuringiensis (Saksinchai et al., 2001; Yezza et al., 2006). These biological
pesticides consist of spore/crystal mixtures which are formed after vegetative growth (Saksinchai et al., 2001).
Biopesticides are produced commercially by batch fermentation on media such as soybean meal, fish mean of
corn steep liquor plus glucose or soluble starch (Saksinchai et al., 2001). However, the raw materials for
production of Bacillus thuringiensis based biopesticides may not be locally available (Saksinchai et al., 2001) and
may represent a substantial proportion of the overall production cost (Yezza et al., 2006). Therefore, several
investigations have been undertaken to investigate the use of high yielding, low-cost and year round available
raw materials for biopesticides production, such as spent brewer’s yeast (Saksinchai et al., 2001), starch industry
wastewater, slaughterhouse wastewater (Yezza et al., 2006), secondary sludges from wastewater treatment
plants (Brar et al., 2005, Verma et al., 2005, Yezza et al., 2006). It seems that there may, therefore, be potential
to produce biopesticides from anaerobically digested food and farm waste. However, the medium composition
has a significant impact on the insecticidal activity of biopesticides and different C and N sources and C:N ratios
change the shape, composition and δ-endotoxin content of the toxin crystal affecting the entomotoxic activity
(Yezza et al., 2006). Therefore, detailed investigation into the suitability of digestate as a growth medium is

5.0 Summary

Currently, the major outlet for liquid digestate is agricultural application and research is required to investigate
the suitability of liquid digestate products for other purposes such as use in home gardens, growing media
preparation, turf establishment or roadside grass establishment. Expanding the market for liquid digestates
beyond agricultural application is important to generate increased opportunity for reuse of biodegradable waste
and production of bioenergy. This is necessary to achieve government targets for reduction of biodegradable
waste sent to landfill (CEC, 1999) and increasing the proportion of energy generated from renewable sources
(CEC, 2009).

This report presents the findings of a three month project to investigate new markets for digestate. The
applications with the most potential for commercialisation were:

Underway (Technology developed and commercialised but further work is required to establish technology on a
wider scale):
 Extraction of nutrients and production of solid fuel using (for example) the ‘GG Eco Solutions’ process. The
extraction of nutrients in a concentrated form has the advantage of producing a reliable and marketable
biofertiliser product. A commercial plant has been established in Sweden treating anaerobically digested
sewage sludge, and a pilot plant is under development in the UK. Further work is required to demonstrate
the process for a variety of AD feedstocks produced in the UK and to investigate the economics of the
process/develop markets for the products.

Promising (technology not yet developed for management of digestate on a commercial, economically viable
 Landscaping and urban forestry: digestate fibre, co-composted with straw or woodchips, has potential for
use in landscaping, for example, production of artificial soils for the development of sites for major projects
such as the Olympics site or roadside verge construction. Alternatively, it could be used as a bedding
material for urban tree planting. These applications have the advantage that, unlike composts to be used as
a multi-purpose growing media in domestic horticulture, there would not be such a great requirement for
consistency in the compost properties. Instead, the co-composted fibre would be provided in large batches
for individual projects.
 Turf fertiliser: separated liquor could be used for turf on publically owned sports grounds and other green
spaces as the NPK ratio is equivalent to chemical fertilisers currently used for this purpose. In addition to
nutrients digestate liquor would also supply water for irrigation. However, this may not be an economically
viable solution if the transport costs for the large volumes of liquid outweigh the benefit from the nutrients.
Further research is required to investigate methods of concentrating the nutrients such as use of membrane

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 32

technology. Any odour from the digestate liquor would present a barrier to application in public spaces; this
is also an area requiring investigation.
 Algal culture: separated digestate liquor may represent a feedstock for culture of algal in engineered
raceways; this improves the manageability of the nutrients from the digestate and may also produce some
reclaimed water. The algae has potential for use as animal feed/fertiliser or a feedstock for biofuels
 Construction material: digestate fibre can be used to produce MDF or WPCs, however the economic potential
of this technology is unknown.
 Fuel: there is potential to use digestate liquor or algae cultured from digestate liquor as a feedstock for
biofuels production, cellulosic bioethanol in particular. Furthermore, depending on various legislative issues,
there is market potential for an increase in bioethanol production.

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New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 35

6.0 Appendices
6.1 Physicochemical and microbiological properties of digestate

Table A1 Physicochemical properties of digestate produced from food waste feedstock (DFW)

Specific neutralising Conductivity  
Volatile BOD COD Stability
pH DS (%) Gravity VFAs value (µS/cm  
solids (%) (mg l-1) (mg l-1) (L kg-1 VS)
(g ml-1) (%fw as 20oC)  
n 2 6 2 2 data 2 2 2 2 2  
Mean 8.4 4.5 0.95 69.0 26.1 7490 8769 43887 142  
Min 8.3 2.7 0.94 68.3 23.1 6940 6437 34067 72  
Max 8.4 6.8 0.96 69.6 29.1 8040 11100 53707 212  
SD 0.1 1.5 0.01 0.9 4.2 777.8 3297 13888 99
25 8.3 3.5 0.95 68.6 24.6 7215 7603 38977 107
50 8.4 4.7 0.95 69.0 26.1 7490 8769 43887 142
75 8.4 5.0 0.96 69.3 27.6 7765 9934 48797 177  
range 0.0 1.4 0.01 0.6 3.0 550 2332 9820 70.0
Data supplied by WRAP (each value from duplicate measurements) and anonymous AD plant

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 36

Table A2 Physicochemical properties of digestate produced livestock slurry feedstock (DLS) 

Specific neutralising
Volatile Conductivity Stability
pH DS (%) Gravity VFAs value BOD (mg l-1) COD (mg l-1)
solids (%) (µS/cm 20oC) (L kg-1 VS)
(g ml-1) (%fw as
n 116 116 1 1 26 1 1 34 114 1
Mean 8 4.9 0.93 73.2 15.0 26.7 5477 10331 59106 89
Min 7.6 3.5 0.93 73.2 1.8 26.7 5477 1880 109 89
Max 8.8 9.3 0.93 73.2 41.7 26.7 5477 23600 170000 89
SD 0.2 1.0 9.5 4378 22177
25 7.9 4.2 0.93 73.2 9.1 26.7 5477 7733 47789 89
50 8 4.8 0.93 73.2 13.8 26.7 5477 9145 56468 89
75 8.2 5.5 0.93 73.2 20.0 26.7 5477 12875 70125 89
range 0.3 1.3 0 0.0 10.9 0.0 0 5143 22336 0.0
Data supplied by WRAP (each value from duplicate measurements) and anonymous AD plant (approximately monthly data over 5 years), raw data presented in Appendix 1

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 37

Table A3 Nitrogen content and C:N ratio of digestate produced from food waste feedstock (DFW)

Readily available Readily available

Total N (%) Organic N (%) NH4-N (%) C:N ratio
N (%)† N (% total N)

n 6 6 4 6 6.0 2
Mean 15.0 5.7 10.5 9.3 61.9 1.5
Minimum 11.9 1.6 5.5 5.5 38.7 1.4
Maximum 20.5 10.0 16.0 16.0 86.8 1.6
3.19 3.14 4.33 3.87 3.87 0.10
Percentiles 25 12.7 3.6 9.0 6.6 45.0 1.5
50 14.3 5.7 10.2 8.7 61.7 1.5
75 16.0 7.7 11.8 10.3 77.5 1.5
3.3 4.1 2.8 3.7 10.3 0.1
Data supplied by WRAP (each value from duplicate measurements) and Anonymous AD plant

NH4-N+NO3-N by KCl extraction
Table A4 Nitrogen content of digestate produced from mainly livestock waste feedstock (DLS) 

Readily available Readily available

Total N (%) Organic N (%) NH4-N (%) C:N ratio
N (%) N (% total N)

n 116.0 116.0 115.0 116.0 115.0 4.0

Mean 16.1 5.4 10.9 10.8 65.4 4.1
Minimum 6.7 2.4 5.3 2.8 39.3 3.0
Maximum 24.9 8.7 19.3 19.3 85.6 5.0
4.2 1.1 4.0 4.1 9.1 1.1
Percentiles 25 13.0 4.7 7.8 7.6 59.0 3.2
50 15.2 5.3 9.7 9.7 66.0 4.2
75 19.3 5.9 13.5 13.5 71.7 5.0
6.3 1.2 5.7 5.8 12.7 1.8
Data supplied by WRAP (each value from duplicate measurements) and anonymous AD plant (approximately monthly data over 5 years)

NH4-N+NO3-N by KCl extraction

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 38

Table A5 Nutrient content (other than nitrogen) of digestate produced from food waste (DFW)

Water Water Water Water Water Water Water

Total P Total K Total Ca Total Mg Total S
Soluble P Soluble K Soluble Soluble Soluble S Soluble Soluble
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
(%) (%) Ca (%) Mg (%) (%) Na (%) Cl(%)
n 6 2 6 6 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00
Mean 0.7 0.1 4.7 1.9 0.34 0.10 0.19 0.01 0.33 0.07 3.09 2.32
Minimum 0.3 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Maximum 2.0 0.2 9.3 5.7 1.70 0.48 0.69 0.04 0.57 0.22 4.80 8.00
Standard Deviation 0.66 0.10 2.65 2.31 0.68 0.19 0.28 0.02 0.21 0.10 1.74 3.65
25 0.3 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.23 0.00 2.78 0.00
50 0.5 0.1 4.7 1.3 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.00 0.37 0.00 3.16 0.00
75 0.6 0.1 5.1 2.8 0.24 0.11 0.28 0.01 0.47 0.14 4.35 4.43
Inter-quartile range 0.3 0.1 1.6 2.8 0.24 0.11 0.26 0.01 0.24 0.14 1.57 4.43
Data supplied by WRAP (each value from duplicate measurements) and anonymous AD plant
Table A6 Nutrient content (other than nitrogen) of digestate produced from mainly livestock waste (DLS)
Water Water Water Water Water Water Water
Total P Total K Total Ca Total Mg Total S
Soluble P Soluble K Soluble Soluble Soluble S Soluble Soluble Cl
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
(%) (%) Ca (%) Mg (%) (%) Na (%) (%)
n 116 1 116 1 19 1 116 1 116 1 11 4
Mean 0.9 0.3 3.2 3.3 2.6 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.9 0.3 3.0 3.9
Minimum 0.2 0.3 1.5 3.3 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.5 1.9
Maximum 5.0 0.3 5.9 3.3 4.8 0.4 3.7 0.1 1.7 0.3 4.0 5.2
Standard Deviation 0.5 1.1 1.3 0.4 0.3 1.0 1.4
Percentiles 25 0.6 0.3 2.3 3.3 2.0 0.4 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.3 2.9 3.5
50 0.8 0.3 2.9 3.3 2.6 0.4 0.2 0.1 1.0 0.3 3.2 4.2
75 1.1 0.3 4.2 3.3 3.3 0.4 0.3 0.1 1.2 0.3 3.5 4.6
Inter-quartile range 0.5 0.0 1.8 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.6 1.1
Data supplied by WRAP (each value from duplicate measurements) and anonymous AD plant (approximately monthly data over 5 years)

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 39

Table A7 Dry solids and NPK content of separated digested fibre and liquor estimated using separator efficiency values given by Lukehurst et al. (2010)

DS in fibre Total N in Total P in Total K in DS in liquor Total N in Total P in Total K in

(%) fibre (%DS) fibre (%DS) fibre (%DS) (%) liquor (%DS) liquor (%DS) liquor (%DS)

Majority food waste

Belt press 8.7 9.6 0.31 2.1 2.8 8.3 0.97 2.7
Screw press (median values) 12.9 9.8 0.28 1.2 3.0 6.8 0.84 0.9
Decanter centrifuge (mean) 22.3 19.0 0.82 0.9 2.4 3.7 0.36 1.0

Contains animal slurry

Belt press 9.5 9.6 0.4 1.6 3.0 7.7 1.3 2.0
Screw press (median values) 14.0 9.9 0.4 0.9 3.3 6.3 1.1 0.7
Decanter centrifuge (mean) 24.3 19.1 1.1 0.7 2.6 3.4 0.5 0.7

Table A8 Heavy metal content of digestate produced from food waste (DFW) 

Total Cu Total Zn Total Pb Total Cd Total Hg Total Ni Total Cr Total Mo Total F (mg Total Se Total As
(mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1)
n 6 6 6 6 2 6 6 2 2 2 2
Mean 31.5 105.1 46.3 1.2 1.1 43.2 50.2 2.9 209.5 0.59 1.7
Min 18.6 71.0 3.6 0.2 1 5.5 7.8 2.7 200.0 0.28 1.3
Max 42.6 142.3 114.7 2.2 1.1 137.3 157.5 3.0 219.0 0.89 2.1
SD 8.5 24.7 42.7 0.8 0.06 54.2 60.9 0.26 13.4 0.43 0.6
25 27.7 92.8 11.8 0.5 1.1 7.9 10.0 2.8 204.8 0.43 1.5
50 31.2 104.5 43.7 1.2 1.1 14.5 19.0 2.9 209.5 0.59 1.7
75 36.7 115.6 64.2 1.7 1.1 64.7 73.1 2.9 214.3 0.74 1.9
range 9.0 22.9 52.4 1.2 0.1 56.8 63.1 0.19 9.50 0.31 0.42
Data supplied by WRAP (each value from duplicate measurements) and anonymous AD plant

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 40

Table A9 Heavy metal content of digestate produced from mainly livestock slurry (DLS)

Total Cu Total Zn Total Pb Total Cd Total Hg Total Ni Total Cr Total Mo Total F Total Se Total As Total Al Total Fe
(mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1) (mg kg-1)
n 40 40 40 18 14 42 40 1 1 1 1 45 51
Mean 82.1 240.0 1.0 1.5 0.1 8.6 12.4 10.4 118.0 1.1 2.2 4141 14059
Min 20.3 4.4 0.0 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.3 10.4 118.0 1.1 2.2 131 1551
Max 180.7 631.0 17.9 2.3 0.6 18.8 38.2 10.4 118.0 1.1 2.2 11812 37701
SD 47.8 115.7 3.4 0.5 0.2 4.5 7.0 2464 8377
25 34.8 171.9 0.0 1.2 0.0 6.4 8.9 10.4 118.0 1.1 2.2 1847 7580
50 96.6 220.6 0.0 1.5 0.0 8.3 11.4 10.4 118.0 1.1 2.2 3556 15014
75 120.1 294.2 0.0 1.9 0.0 10.0 14.4 10.4 118.0 1.1 2.2 5942 17316
ile range 85.3 122.4 0.0 0.7 0.0 3.6 5.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4094 9736
Data supplied by WRAP (each value from duplicate measurements) and anonymous AD plant (approximately monthly data over 5 years)

Table A10 Microbiological characteristics of digestate produced from food waste

Animal/human pathogens Plant pathogens

Entero- Salmonella spp Enterococci Plasmodiophora Phytophthora Microdochium

E. Coli (CFU g-1)
bacteriaceae (MPN in 25g) (CFU g-1) brassicae infestans nivale
n 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Mean pass n.d. 250 <10 a.d. a.d. a.d.
Min 70
Max 430
SD 254.6
25 160
50 250
75 340
Interquartile range 180
Data supplied by WRAP (each value from duplicate measurements)

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 41

Table A11 Microbiological characteristics of digestate produced from mainly livestock manure
Animal/human pathogens Plant pathogens
Entero- Salmonella spp Enterococci (CFU Plasmodiophora Phytophthora Microdochium
bacteriaceae (MPN in 25g) g-1) E. Coli (CFU g-1) brassicae infestans nivale
n 1 1 1 1
Mean fail detected 910000 5100
Min 910000 5100
Max 910000 5100
25 910000 5100
50 910000 5100
75 910000 5100
Interquartile range 0 0
Data supplied by WRAP (each value from duplicate measurements)

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 42

Table A12 Organic contaminants present in digestate produced from food waste

Polychlorinated biphenyls n Mean Min Max SD 25 50 75 Interquartile range

PCB - 18 (ng kg-1) 2 189.5 144 235 64.3 166.8 189.5 212.25 45.5
PCB - 28 (ng kg-1) 2 251.0 194 308 80.6 222.5 251 279.5 57
PCB – 31 (ng kg ) 2 285.0 219 351 93.3 252 285 318 66
PCB - 47 (ng kg-1) 2 222.5 196 249 37.5 209.3 222.5 235.75 26.5
PCB - 49 (ng kg-1) 2 315.5 251 380 91.2 283.3 315.5 347.75 64.5
PCB - 51 (ng kg-1) 2 19.9 11.8 27.9 11.4 15.8 19.85 23.875 8.05
PCB - 52 (ng kg-1) 2 556.0 555 557 1.4 555.5 556 556.5 1
PCB - 77 (ng kg-1) 2 40.4 34.5 46.3 8.3 37.5 40.4 43.35 5.9
PCB - 81 (ng kg-1) 2 2.9 2.86 2.9 0.0 2.9 2.88 2.89 0.02
PCB - 99 (ng kg-1) 2 401.5 270 533 186.0 335.8 401.5 467.25 131.5
PCB - 101 (ng kg-1) 2 478.0 432 524 65.1 455 478 501 46
PCB - 105 (ng kg ) 2 150.0 141 159 12.7 145.5 150 154.5 9
PCB - 114 (ng kg-1) 2 26.2 10.3 42.1 22.5 18.3 26.2 34.15 15.9
PCB - 118 (ng kg-1) 2 602.0 455 749 207.9 528.5 602 675.5 147
PCB - 123 (ng kg-1) 2 56.4 18.9 93.8 53.0 37.6 56.35 75.075 37.45
PCB - 126 (ng kg-1) 2 4.0 3.61 4.41 0.6 3.8 4.01 4.21 0.4
PCB - 128 (ng kg-1) 2 164.5 107 222 81.3 135.8 164.5 193.25 57.5
PCB - 138 (ng kg-1) 2 1036.5 710 1363 461.7 873.3 1036.5 1199.75 326.5
PCB - 153 (ng kg-1) 2 490.5 137 844 499.9 313.8 490.5 667.25 353.5
PCB - 156 (ng kg-1) 2 67.9 64.6 71.2 4.7 66.3 67.9 69.55 3.3
PCB - 157 (ng kg ) 2 22.4 19.3 25.4 4.3 20.8 22.35 23.875 3.05
PCB - 167 (ng kg-1) 2 41.4 28.8 54.0 17.8 35.1 41.4 47.7 12.6
PCB - 169 (ng kg-1) 2 2.8 2.51 3.1 0.4 2.7 2.81 2.96 0.3
PCB - 170 (ng kg-1) 2 242.0 173 311 97.6 207.5 242 276.5 69
PCB - 180 (ng kg-1) 2 579.5 444 715 191.6 511.8 579.5 647.25 135.5
PCB - 189 (ng kg-1) 2 12.0 5.34 18.6 9.4 8.7 11.97 15.285 6.63
Total PCBs (ng kg-1) 6260

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 43

7 primary PCBs+ (ng kg-1)
2 3993.5 3748 4239 347.2 3870.8 3993.5 4116.25 245.5
Dioxins and Furans (ng TEQ kg ) 2 2.7 2.48 2.8 0.3 2.57 2.7 2.8 0.18
Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Acenaphthene (µg kg-1) 2 38.4 35.8 41 3.7 37.1 38.4 39.7 2.6
Acenaphthylene (µg kg-1) 2 15.7 9.17 22.3 9.3 12.5 15.7 19.0 6.6
Anthracene (µg kg ) 2 66.7 50 83.3 23.5 58.3 66.7 75.0 16.7
Benzo(a)anthracene (µg kg ) 2 66.7 50 83.3 23.5 58.3 66.7 75.0 16.7
Benzo(a)pyrene (µg kg ) 2 66.7 50 83.3 23.5 58.3 66.7 75.0 16.7
Benzo(b)fluoranthene (µg kg-1) 2 66.7 50 83.3 23.5 58.3 66.7 75.0 16.7
Benzo(ghi)perylene (µg kg-1) 2 83.4 16.7 150 94.3 50.0 83.4 117.0 66.7
Benzo(k)fluoranthene (µg kg ) 2 66.7 50 83.3 23.5 58.3 66.7 75.0 16.7
Chrysene (µg kg ) 2 108.5 100 117 12.0 104.3 108.5 112.8 8.5
Coronene (µg kg-1) 2 34.2 26.7 41.7 10.6 30.5 34.2 38.0 7.5
Dibenzo(ah)anthracene (µg kg-1) 2 10.9 10 11.7 1.2 10.4 10.9 11.3 0.85
Fluoranthene (µg kg-1) 2 208.2 83.3 333 176.6 145.7 208.2 270.6 124.9
Fluorene (µg kg ) 2 57.5 41.7 73.3 22.3 49.6 57.5 65.4 15.8
Indeno(1,2,3cd)pyrene (µg kg-1) 2 108.5 100 117 12.0 104.3 108.5 112.8 8.5
Naphthalene (µg kg ) 2 34.2 26.7 41.7 10.6 30.5 34.2 38.0 7.5
Phenanthrene (µg kg-1) 2 283.5 167 400 164.8 225.3 283.5 341.8 116.5
Pyrene (µg kg-1) 2 150.0 100 200 70.7 125.0 150.0 175.0 50
Total PAHs 1466
Data supplied by WRAP (each value from duplicate measurements)

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 44

Table A13 Organic contaminants present in digestate produced from mainly livestock slurry

Polychlorinated biphenyls n Mean

PCB - 18 (ng kg ) 1 93.6
PCB - 28 (ng kg ) 1 166
PCB – 31 (ng kg-1) 1 178
PCB - 47 (ng kg ) 1 140
PCB - 49 (ng kg ) 1 128
PCB - 51 (ng kg-1) 1 10.4
PCB - 52 (ng kg-1) 1 226
PCB - 77 (ng kg ) 1 21.4
PCB - 81 (ng kg-1) 1 1.3
PCB - 99 (ng kg ) 1 65.2
PCB - 101 (ng kg ) 1 334
PCB - 105 (ng kg-1) 1 68.2
PCB - 114 (ng kg-1) 1 7.8
PCB - 118 (ng kg ) 1 183
PCB - 123 (ng kg-1) 1 1.37
PCB - 126 (ng kg-1) 1 8
PCB - 128 (ng kg ) 1 57.6
PCB - 138 (ng kg-1) 1 397
PCB - 153 (ng kg ) 1 102
PCB - 156 (ng kg ) 1 47.2
PCB - 157 (ng kg-1) 1 3.27
PCB - 167 (ng kg ) 1 17
PCB - 169 (ng kg ) 1 4.88
PCB - 170 (ng kg-1) 1 158
PCB - 180 (ng kg ) 1 387
PCB - 189 (ng kg ) 1 8.54
Total PCBs (ng kg-1) 2815
7 primary PCBs+ (ng kg-1) 1 1794

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 45

Dioxins and Furans (ng TEQ kg-1) 1 1.78
Polyaromatic hydrocarbons
Acenaphthene (µg kg-1) 1 83.3  
Acenaphthylene (µg kg ) 1 9  
Anthracene (µg kg-1) 1 66.7  
Benzo(a)anthracene (µg kg ) -1
1 66.7  
Benzo(a)pyrene (µg kg ) 1 66.7
Benzo(b)fluoranthene (µg kg-1) 1 66.7  
Benzo(ghi)perylene (µg kg-1) 1 20  
Benzo(k)fluoranthene (µg kg-1) 1 66.7  
Chrysene (µg kg-1) 1 117  
Coronene (µg kg-1) 1 33.3  
Dibenzo(ah)anthracene (µg kg-1) 1 11.7  
Fluoranthene (µg kg-1) 1 333
Fluorene (µg kg-1) 1 200  
Indeno(1,2,3cd)pyrene (µg kg-1) 1 117
Naphthalene (µg kg-1) 1 33.3  
Phenanthrene (µg kg ) 1 433
Pyrene (µg kg-1) 1 233  
Total PAHs 1957  

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 46

6.2 Organic and mineral fertiliser use on parks and green spaces by London Boroughs and contractors

Table A14 Organic and inorganic fertiliser usage in London Boroughs

Borough Contact Current organic waste usage: Fertilisers:

Brent Leslie Williams (020 8937 5619) Composting of materials (eg. London Plane Brent council have reduced use of artificial fertilisers on sports
leaves) in parks and use as a mulch to reduce pitches.
weeds in flower beds. Brent council's sports
pitch drainage and renovation project will
include in the specification the incorporation of
10% organic material by volume into the top
15cm of topsoil. The largest Park, Freyent
Country Park, has the Soil Association Organic
Standard. All green waste is used on site,
typically in situ. No artificial fertilisers are
used for any of the crops, which include hay,
timber and top fruit.
City of London Alex.piddington- Purchase well rotted FYM from a local supplier Elliot's: Granular inorganic summer Turf fertiliser 10-4-4
[email protected] to use for soil improvement on bedding (Turf); Mascot: Granular inorganic autumn turf fertiliser 5-5-10
displays and tend to undertake on a 3 year (Turf); Vitax: Granular inorganic Q4HN (Feeding Buxus) 10-
cycle due to the logistics inbolved. Use FYM 7.5-10.2 (Feeding box, hedging and reduces box wilt);
for new permanent plantings as a final mulch. Phosmag: Granular inroganic 5-19-10+7.5mg (Feeding trees
Proactive programme in mulching all and shrubs); Growmore: Granular inorganic 7-7-7 (Base
permanent plantings with green wastre- dressing before summer bedding); Elliot's: Granular organic 5-
leaves, prunings, grass cuttings, anything that 18 (Base dressing before spring bedding)
can decompose. Source green waste from
Royal Parks (very effective product to use)
Ealing [email protected] compost derived from recycling of green 11-5-5 fine turf micro granular spring and summer fertiliser, 5-
waste generated from shrub works and leaf 5-10 +4% Fe fine turf micro granular autumn and winter
clearance carried out in Ealing parks (26t) fertiliser, lawn sand 5.4% N + 1.5 % Fe and sulphate of potash
(bowling greens (5.5t)and cricket squares(2t)); 20-10-10
Spring and summer outfield fertiliser, 3-12-12 autumn and
winter outfield fertiliser (football and rugby pitches(2t)

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 47

Greenwich Steve Roedel All green waste processed to mulch on site 30x25kg bags of fine granular fertiliser used annually on
([email protected]) from routine horticultural maintenance bowling green; 10x35 kg bags used on cricket table. High N in
including tree pruning waste, used as mulch summer and high P in winter.
and bedding on beds.

Hammersmith [email protected] Information not supplied Fine turf fertilisers: SS2 mini-gran 14-2-7+1%Mg (35 g/m2);
and Fulham AW2 mini-gran 5-5-10+4% (35 g/m2); Mini-gran S/S 11-5-5
(35 - 70 g/per m2); Mini-gran A/W 3-10-5 (35 - 70 g/m2); Zero
Phosphate 14-0-7+1%Fe+1% (35 g/m2); Turf Starter 6-0-12
+2%mg+2%fe (35 g/m2); Weed & Feed 12-5-
3+MCPA+Dicamba (70 g/m2); Turf Hardener 3-0-
3+4%fe+2%mg (70 - 105 g/m2); SS6 mini gran 12-0-
9+1Mg+1Fe (35 g/m2); Lawn Sand 5.4%N+1.5%fe(powder)
(70 - 140 g/m2); Duragran 15-5-15 (30 g/m2); Delta 12-4-
8+0.5%fe (26% organic) (35-70 g/m2); Delta 8-6-6+0.5%fe
(35-70 g/m2); Delta 6-3-9+0.5%fe (35-70 g/m2); Apex 7-0-
14+2%fe (35 g/m2). Outfield Fertilizers: Granular 9-5-5 (35 -
70 g/m2); Granular 4-10-10 (35 - 70 g/m2); Granular 10-15-10
(35 g/m2); Granular 8-12-8 (35 - 70 g/m2); Granular 7-7-7 (35
- 70 g/m2); Granular 15-5-10 (35 - 70 g/m2); Granular 16-6-6
(35 - 70 g/m2); Granular 12-4-4 (35 - 70 g/m2). Amenity
Fertilizer: Planting Plus (5-18-10+Mg) 70 - 140 g/m2. Rose
Fertiliser: 4-3-13 + 1 Fe
Islington [email protected] The majority of material used to improve the We do not generally use organic fertilisers at our sites,
quality and health of our plants actually comes however, we may use a limited amount of fertiliser for use on
from our own green waste which is produced our fine turf areas. Our Tree Service does not use compost or
as a result of our maintenance operations.We fertilizers, however, they do re-use the wood chips from
have an arrangement with the North London Arboricultural operations as a mulch around tree bases in order
Waste Authority (NLWA) and our Grounds to suppress weed growth. We also use woodchips in some of
Maintenance Contractor (Enterprise) which our parks.
sees the majority of our green waste
transferred to the NLWA's recycling facility in
Edmonton for the necessary treatment, once
this process is completed we have access to
the recycled material for use in our parks. We
can use up to 14 tonnes of the material per

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 48

week and this is free of charge. This
arrangement is also taken up by several other
local authorities in London. You may wish to
contact the NLWA direct via their website to
secure more information about their

Kingston Robert Waite All mulches and composts used are natural No fertilisers used on flower beds. NPK fertilisers are used on
[email protected] sources. Horse manure from sources and sports surfaces.
woodchip from several sources are used.
Manure was dug into most of the seasonal
bedding in 2010. Seaweed extract is used to
promote growth and grass health. Leaves are
taken to Canbury Gardens and various
allotment sites where it's turned into mulch by
the various users. Some are taken to the
recycling centre when there is no requirement
atr other sites. Summer and winter bedding is
composted at the same sites although some is
given to organisations such as the Scouts.

Sutton [email protected] Sutton Parks Service currently uses recycled We do not use any other fertilisers on planted areas. We also
mulch and compost products only our parks use a seaweed based material on out bowling greens but no
borders both as a soil conditioner and mulch. other fertilisers.

Wandsworth Simon Cooper-Grundy (020 Green waste processed on site from green Winter sports piches-Autumn 3:12:12; Spring 9:7:7; Bowling
88718117) arisings from routine horticultural maintenance greens and cricket squares- Autumn 14:0:19:3-liquid seaweed
operations: a) used mainly as a mulch on extract feeds throughout the playing season as and when
shrub beds to a depth of 75mm, borough wide required all of which are slow release Nutralene and Poly PCU.
inclusive of cemeteries; b) incoporated into Details of quanities unavailable restricted to fine turf areas.
soil for new shrub planting schemes and
bedding once a year usually in spring; c)
screened the mulch down to 10mm and used

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 49

(as a trial) as top dressing on grass sports

Tower Hamlets Raph O'Keeffe (02089851957) Tower Hamlets Parks currently uses no No fertilisers used
Fertilisers on our beds or Planters. Well rotted
F.Y.M. or Spent Mushroom Compost is dug
into all our beds and planters prior to planting
out with spring bedding in the Autumn. The
leaves collected in Victoria Park are shredded
and composted and used as mulch for the
Shrub Borders in the park. Any surplus has
been used to top up Street Planters and
supplement the Autumn soil improvement in
the Park. The Borough has recently started to
produce recycled Green Waste in partnership
with Veolia, who shred and compost the waste
at a site in Essex. We have successfully used
some of the coarser grade product as a mulch
on Shrubberies in the south of the borough
and are looking to expand use, including the
use of a finer grade of recycled Green Waste
as a soil improver for our seasonal beds and
planters. I have spoken to our Arboriculture
Officer regarding use of fertilisers. He said
that they don't use any. They dig in some
organic matter at planting to improve the soil.
Most of the planting stock is rootballed, and
the medium around the roots is of high

New Markets for Digestate from Anaerobic Digestion 50

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