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Policy Name : Exit Policy Version 3.

Effective Date : 1st Apr,2019

Modification Change History

Sr No. Description of Change Date of Release Version No
1.0 New Document Release July 1,2006 1.0
1.1 Document Modification June 6,2014 2.0
1.2 Document Modification July 31,2014 2.1
1.3 Document Modification June 24,2015 2.2
1.4 Document Modification Apr 03,2017 2.2
1.5 Document Modification May 02,2018 3.0
1.6 Resignation during onsite travel Apr 01,2019 3.1

Table of Content

1. Objective
2. Applicability
3. Types of Exit
a. Voluntary Exit
b. Involuntary Exit
i. Disciplinary
ii. Performance related
4. The Exit Process for Voluntary Separations.
a. Submission of Resignation Letter
b. Acceptance of Resignation
c. Initiation of Exit Process
d. Responsibility of member
e. Knowledge Transfer
f. Exit Interview

This document is the exclusive property of Icreon. Copying, distribution, electronic mail is strictly
5. The Exit Process for Involuntary separations.
a. Disciplinary
b. Performance Related
6. Notice Period
7. Notice Period Facts
8. Full and Final Settlement Guidelines
9. Country , Domain and Client Specific Guidelines
10. Notifications
11. Asset Management Process Workflow

This document is the exclusive property of Icreon. Copying, distribution, electronic mail is strictly
1.0 Objective:

Icreon as an organisation values its human resources and ensures that their aspirations are
taken care of. However, in case of resignations of any kind or outplacements, Icreon ensures
that the exit of the team member from the company is carried out smoothly. The purpose of this
policy is to regulate the exit process and safeguard interests of company as well as associates
under such circumstances. This document also explains steps to be followed during exit of
member due to any reason.

2.0 Applicability:

This policy is applicable to all permanent members.

3.0 Types of Exits:

The policy recognizes exit of three types: -

a. Voluntary Exit

Voluntary Exit is a state wherein associate voluntarily decides to leave the company due to any
reasons whatsoever. During this process the associate has to follow a proper exit process as
defined in this policy.

b. Involuntary Exit

Icreon invests substantial efforts to create an exciting workplace. It is indeed a rare occurrence
that the company asks a person to leave. However, keeping in mind that there is a possibility of
such an event, company has divided the reasons for Involuntary Exit into the following two types.
I. Disciplinary

The company reserves the right to terminate any permanent associate from active service
by way of disciplinary action on grounds of:

o Violation of the Acceptable Use policy in any manner.

o Continuous absence from work without intimation/approval of leave for
more than three working days
o Wilful destruction or damage to company property
o Misappropriate action, which has resulted in maligning of the reputation of
the company
o Theft or misuse of property, assets, data or belongings of customers,
visitors, or members
o Negative reports in background verification

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o Conviction by a Court of Law on criminal grounds.

In all the above conditions, the company may conduct an internal/external inquiry or act
based on the proof submitted by or obtained from various sources. In such an event, there
is no salary payable in lieu of notice period. In case of involuntary exit due to a criminal
offence the company also reserves the right to take such action as deemed fit to defend
itself owing to the individual’s action and claim damages from him / her towards such
liability including loss of reputation of company, apart from immediate termination of the
member and withdrawal of all benefits given by virtue of being an member.

ii. Performance-related

When an individual is not performing as per the requirement of the organization, it

triggers off the separation on ground of non-performance. The identification of the
individuals is done by the immediate supervisor, verified and approved by the
Department Head. The Reporting Manager identifies poor performers of their
Department/Project through an evaluation/appraisal process. The member so identified
will be given sufficient time to improve under PIP (Performance Improvement Plan) and
will be closely monitored during that period. Member will be communicated by the
Manager and HR Representative if no desired performance is observed in said duration.
o It is the joint responsibility of the Manager and/or the HR to identify and
communicate to the member in a one to one manner.
o The company shall respect the notice period clause as mentioned in the letter of
o Exit interview shall not be conducted.
o The company shall ensure that the dignity of the resource is maintained at all times
during the process.

4. The Exit process for Voluntary separations:

a. Submission of Resignation Letter

Any member who decides to end his/her association with Icreon on any ground shall submit
a resignation Letter in a hard copy form or through E - mail to his/her immediate manager.
The resignation letter should contain the desired date of relieving.

o Resignation notification sent by an associate after the end of normal working hours
(i.e 7.00 pm) shall only be considered effective from the next following working day.

o Resignation during onsite visit - In case an associate initiate’s resignation during the
onsite travel, the date of resignation will be considered only after the travel is over
i.e from the date the associate joins back India office.

b. Acceptance of Resignation

In case after meeting with reporting manager and/or HR the member does not change his/her
decision, the immediate manger will accept the resignation and forward the same to the HR.
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The immediate manager will also mention the last working day of the member as mutually
accepted. In normal circumstances the last working day will be completion of notice period
as mentioned in the terms of appointment or company policy.

In case of disagreement between associate and the manager on the last working day,
especially in cases where the required notice period is not served by the member, the decision
taken by the CDO/VP will be final and binding.

c. Initiation of Exit Process

Once the resignation is accepted, the member will collect the Clearance form and fill up the
required details, take clearances from concerned departments and then submit the same to
HR Representative before close of business on the last working day.

Following clearances are required to be obtained.

o Clearance from Concerned Department / Projects:

The member should get clearance from the Immediate Manager. In case of member being
associated with more than one project, member might have to take sign off from more
than one person.

o InfoSec and IT:

InfoSec and IT Department of the company gives clearance after return of all
hardware/software/CD or any other material issued by or come under the purview of
Infosec and IT Department.

o Administration:

Administration department gives clearance after verification and return of all

property/assets issued by the company.

o Human Resource:

HR department gives clearance after verifying that leave card is duly completed by
member and timesheet till the last working day is filled in.
Member has to make sure that he/ she has filled cover page of Clearance form ,have it
verified from the HR department and then get clearance from each of the above
mentioned departments. A copy of accepted resignation shall be submitted along with
Clearance List.

o Finance:

Administration department gives clearance after verification of payments and deductions

of the past.
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d. Responsibility of Associate

o Associate should ensure the complete Knowledge Transfer.

o Should not be deleting or removing any official document, emails etc without prior
permission from the immediate supervisor.
o Submit all the official belongings on the last working day to the people concerned,
like Laptop, Data card ,ID card , NSEZ card etc. and get the no dues form signed and
submitted to HR Dept.
o PF Withdrawal/ Transfer have to be initiated by the member themselves and so is
collection of previous payslips and submission of HRA receipts and investment proofs.

e. Knowledge Transfer

Associate is expected to complete the knowledge Transfer as may be planned with the
reporting manager. Associates are expected to be proactive in sharing their job knowledge
with their designated individual, including completing any documentation that may be
defined and demanded by the Reporting Manager.
In addition to sharing the knowledge one is expected to proactively handover: -

o Any official documents, reference manuals, office diaries, visiting cards, workbooks,
notepads, any information collected and developed during the employment.
o Data, applications in electronic, mechanical or print form.
o Any formats, templates developed by him/her.
o All file passwords (for open & modify rights) or any application password.
o Any servers used.
o Any web resource used etc.
o All official keys.
o Information about pending tasks.

f. Return of Materials

Upon separation, member will not leave with, and will promptly return to Company, any
confidential Information of, or other information relating to, Company or any of its Affiliates.

g. Exit Interview

After getting clearance from all departments mentioned, HR representative will facilitate
associate’s exit interview. Exit interview can be taken by individual preferred by leaving
member among a group.

This group is consisting of leadership team, head of departments, and HR team. In case of
non-availability of preferred interviewer second preference will be taken into consideration.
The observations of the Exit Interview shall be recorded in the Exit Interview Form which shall
This document is the exclusive property of Icreon. Copying, distribution, electronic mail is strictly
form a part of member’s personnel file. The feedback of the associate shall be maintained as
confidential. It will be taken only in case of Voluntary separation.

5.0 The Exit process for In-voluntary separations:

a. Disciplinary

After issuance of written warnings in cases where breach of appointment clauses are reported
or non-adherence to any guideline of Exit Policy is observed, organization reserves the right
to terminate the services of member and dues are settled as per 3.b.i point of this exit policy.

b. Performance Related

After issuance of written warnings in cases where breach of appointment clauses are reported
or non-adherence to any guideline of Exit Policy is observed, organization reserves the right
to terminate the services of associate and dues are settled as per 3.b.ii point of this exit policy.

6.0 Notice Period:

The notice period for every associate is governed by the terms and conditions as mentioned in
the appointment letter or policy of the organization which are in force from time to time.

Applicability of notice period under different categories of exit is given below:

a. Notice period in case of normal resignations:

Every associate is expected to serve the complete notice period. However early release
request can be entertained based on manager’s recommendation on the ground of
satisfactory knowledge transfer and transition of work . In that case, short fall of notice period
will be recovered from the gross CTC during final settlement of accounts. Waiver of recovery
of shortfall of notice period can only be granted by the CDO / VP. Notice period stands 2
months under normal circumstances (unless specified otherwise in the appointment letter/
appraisal letter). This duration is of 15 days for associates under probation, which is of 6
months under normal circumstances.

b. Notice period in case of involuntary exits on performance ground:

In case of separations due to involuntary resignations, the organization will respect the notice
period as mentioned in the appointment letter and give notice or salary in lieu thereof to the
associate. Reporting Manager can recommend waiver of notice period, if necessary, approve
payment of salary in lieu of notice period. Additionally, reporting manager can extend the
notice period. This extension is subject to associate’s willingness to continue.

c. Notice period in case of involuntary exits on disciplinary grounds (mentioned above):

This document is the exclusive property of Icreon. Copying, distribution, electronic mail is strictly
In case of Terminations as mentioned on disciplinary ground, the organization will not be
liable to give or pay for notice period. However, depending upon the severity of offence,
senior management may approve notice period or payment in lieu thereof, on a case to case

d. Situations wherein associate is willing to serve complete notice period and Reporting
Manager recommends early relieving, deduction for shortfall of notice period will not be

7.0 Notice Period Facts:

Associates serving notice period are NOT entitled to the following benefits/ provisions

o Salary Payment for last working month shall be held back and adjusted with F&F Settlement.

o Issue of new hardware/ gadgets/ phones etc.

o Salary Review and Promotions.

Any exception will be granted by CDO or VP.

Further, maximum 5 leaves (of all types) can be availed during notice period if services are
confirmed. In case of probation, no leaves can be taken during notice period. This is subject to
manager’s approval and availability of leaves in account. At the same time, manager reserves the
right to extend the notice period by equal number of leaves availed during notice period.

8.0 Full and Final settlement

Full & final Settlement is the last comprehensive financial statement for any separating member
issued by the organization. Such a statement summarizes important employment details (like
Date of Joining, Designation, Last day on Payroll, PBI to be released etc.) along with all
components of his/her Salary.

o Deductions in Full & Final: The generic heads under which deductions may be effected in Full &
Final settlement include Income Tax, recovery against Joining Bonus or relocation expenses if
separation is voluntary, Gift Coupons and meal coupons on prorate basis and any un-served
notice period (deducted on the Gross Salary per day at the time of exit).

o Pay-out: Full & Final pay-outs shall be cumulative of Gross Salary, Leave encashment in case
association is more than 3 years and notice period served, PBP/Retention Pay out etc.

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o In case of recovery from the separating associate, the subject member has to issue the payment
through cheque/demand draft issued in the name of company in order to receive experience

o Pay-out: Organisation will take approximately 30 days for F and F .Member will be intimated
once cheque is ready and member need to visit office in order to collect F and F statement and
payment (subject to submission of complete clearance form on last working day).

o Leave Encashment: Leaves are encashable on basic component of the salary for members who
have completed three years with the organisation and served complete notice period.

 Cases where shortfall of notice is initiated by member and waived by immediate

supervisor ,leaves will not be encashed
 Cases where shortfall of notice is not initiated by member and waived by immediate
supervisor leaves will be encashed
 Cases where shortfall of notice is initiated by member, approved by supervisor and
compensated with gross salary for shortfall days, leaves will be encashed

9.0 Country, Domain and Client Specific Guidelines

In addition to above, Icreon gives significant importance to client requirements. Laws and
domain specific guidelines are covered in various sessions, online and classroom both. Breach
on any of the clauses mentioned in User acceptance policy will attract action.
Certain healthcare domain projects requires adherence of Private Information policy and
protocols as they are intended to help safeguard the information relating to and individual
obtained by or on the behalf of any clients. Breach of those will attract disciplinary actions
including termination from the services.

To be noted that members are made aware of these specific guidelines by awareness sessions
and online videos.

As per undertakings given by individual working on those projects, they own the responsibility
of maintaining the sanctity of undertaking. Security violation in such cases includes transferring,
removing, disposing and re-using electronic media and electronic protected health information

10.0 Notifications

Parties that may affect with exit due to any reason are notified. This includes clients, third party
partners, team members and support function. Objective is to have minimal impact of work,
need assessment of replacement and to ensure proper handover of work and knowledge

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11.0 Process Workflow

Handover and Knowledge transfer

clearance from immediate
supervisor(s) is sought

Clearance form is filled by associate

and further acknowledged by IT
administrator for all IT assets been
issued at the time of joining or during
the tenure.

Clearance form is filled by associate

and further acknowledged by HR for
biometric attendence ,timesheet.

Acknowledgement by administration
for handover of company property
and travel /cafeteria expenses.

Vacant workstation no. is mentioned in

the clearance form & recorded in the

After necessary back ups; the

system/laptop is made available to
next member.

Relieving letter is issued by HR. Full and

Final settlement is done taking various
inputs into consideration and the final
payment is released.

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