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Best hr practices of Apple

Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and selection are the keys to the success of most organizations (Sparrow, Brewster

& Chung, 2016). Apple has invested a lot in recruitment process with the primary objective of

getting the right talents who can fit the organizational culture (Storey, 2014). The company

requires employees who are hardworking and committed to the activities of the enterprise. Apple

uses a different recruitment strategy which is different from other employers. Apple does not

promise its employees on career progression. The employees are required to own their career

(Rees & Smith, 2017). In this, case the company does not support career path. The workforce is

expected to seek information concerning their jobs. The company also relies on pirate raiding of

talented workers from other businesses. The recruitment process is designed in such a way that

only employees who fit the organizational culture are hired. The selection process is based on the

verbal interview. The recruitment and selection model enables the company to get right talents to

serve the organization.

Training and Development

Apple utilizes a unique training approach to ensure that the employees are equipped with right

skills for the job. The company allows the employees to do things on their own to encourage

them to develop strong self-reliance (Storey, 2014). In this case, the workers can learn from their

mistakes. This strategy has enhanced skills development. Employees are encouraged to develop

innovative skills since they are allowed to work in different units within the organization. Apple

uses a unique approach to assigning roles to different teams (Grant, 2016). In this case, several

groups are assigned to perform a particular task. After accomplishing the task, they are then
assigned an entirely different role. The teams are required to do something new at all times. This

is the reason why Apple has developed as one of the innovative companies in the world. The

teams always compete to provide something new that is entirely different from the previous

projects (Storey, 2014). After completing the tasks, the work of each team is reviewed, and the

best is selected or chosen.

To enhance the culture of free thinking and innovation, the teams meet twice in a week. During

the meetings, they can brainstorm to come up with something new full of innovation. Apple does

not prepare training programs, but employees are encouraged to learn on their own (Rees &

Smith, 2017). This type of learning allows the employees to receive incredible returns that

contribute to the development of the company. The challenges experienced during the projects

encourage employees to become proactive about what will be taking place the following day

(Grant, 2016). The employees of the Apple can learn on their own without training. This

strategy has enabled the company to nurture and develop talents that have made the company to

achieve international recognition. The strategic human resource management approach used by

Apple Inc. is aimed at attracting the best talents and retaining them at the same time (Grant,

2016). These strategic HR practices have enabled the firm to become the leading provider of

consumer personal computing products in the world.

Employment Benefits and Compensation
Apple provides competitive packages to attract talented staff. The benefits are provided based on

the employment status and the geographical location of the employer (Storey, 2014). Some of the

benefits provided by the company include insurance cover, employee stock purchase programs

and investment and savings plan. Employees are also entitled to products discounts. They are

also given bonuses for working with experienced talents in the industry (Grant, 2016). Apple

provides flex benefits where employees are required to choose the benefits that best suit their

lifestyles. The Economic reward has been used as the best retention strategy by Apple.

Employees are awarded periodical stock grants for their contribution to the company (Rees &

Smith, 2017). This is a great opportunity for employees to create wealth and realize individual

accomplishment at retirement. The company also embraces agility. This has been the major

contributing factor to its success and employee retention. Employees are encouraged to shift

from one manufacturing department to another (Storey, 2014). For instance, an employee can

shift from music industry to computer and then to the smartphone industry. The company

encourages employees to be a master of all activities as they prepare themselves for the next big

thing. This strategy has motivated employees to commit their effort to the organizational culture

since they are in a position to enhance their skills.

Diversity and Equal Employment Opportunities

Apple provides equal employment opportunities to all people regardless of their gender, race,

ethnicity or disability among others (Grant, 2016). The company also employees people from

diverse backgrounds. As such, it has been able to attract a talented workforce from different parts

of the world that have contributed to its continued success and growth.
Employee Appreciation and Recognition
The company has a program known Apple Fellows Program that was created in 1995 to

recognize employees who make an extraordinary contribution to the company (Rees & Smith,

2017). Employees who receive this award are appointed as leaders. They provide visionary

guidance to the organization in their field of expertise (Storey, 2014). This strategy motivates

employees to work hard since it also associated with economic benefits. Apple appreciates and

values employees who are committed to innovation. As such, the firm has attracted some of the

best and committed talents in the industry.

Career opportunity
The recruitment policy of Apple focuses on the suitability of the candidate to fit the

organizational culture as opposed to the level of skills and experience (Grant, 2016). Apple gives

the employees opportunity to advance their skills while working for the organization. It provides

an opportunity for training and development. Employees are encouraged to learn on the job.

Besides, the company provides on-the –job training to allow employees to advance their skills on

the job.

Apple also absorbs employees through an internship. Those who are on internship are provided

with actual learning experiences that allow them to develop in their prospective careers. The

internship opportunity attracts the most talented students. They are provided with the opportunity

to develop their skills to equip them for future employment opportunities (Rees & Smith, 2017).
At the end of the internship, the interns who display outstanding performance are employed.

Besides, those who are not fortunate to get employment from the company can get jobs

immediately. This is because Apple provides a real learning experience that other firms cannot

provide. The interns from Apple are promptly employed by other companies within the industry.

Apple has some of the best HR management

However, there are some changes that they need to implement to enhance their ability to attract

and retain the best talents. Some of the new HR approaches the organization should embrace

include the following:

Creating potential network

Apple needs to work in collaboration with reputable universities in the world. In this case, they

will be in a position to spot potential talents at the earliest. This can be enhanced through the

social media and physical networking. This strategy will enable Apple to attract some of the best

talents in the market which are fresh from college. It is an essential strategy that will contribute

to the growth of the company and retain its position in the market (Rees & Smith, 2017).

Developing a simple application process

The recruitment strategy depends on candidates who can suit the organizational culture as

opposed to the skills and experience of the employee (Rees & Smith, 2017). This strategy seems

complicated and may bar talented candidates from applying for open positions in the company.
In this case, Apple Inc. should adopt recruitment strategies which are simple and easily

accessible. The recruitment procedure should encourage employees to complete the application

at their convenience. The recruitment process should not be based on verbal interview only. It

should involve written interview to allow the recruiting managers to learn the other skills of the

potential candidates.

Developing Training and Development Schedule

The company should emulate a training and development program where employees are taken

through particular processes as opposed to on-the-job training. The company should embrace

apprenticeship as opposed to leaving the employees to learn on their own. This will allow

employees to gain specific skills quickly to enable them to adapt to the organizational culture

(Sparrow, Brewster & Chung, 2016). This strategy will enable the organization to retain some of

its best talents since they will not be scared of the job during the first days at work.

Conducting research about the market

Apple should carry out a comprehensive talent research in the industry. In this case, they can

identify where they can get the best talents. Conducting market research will enable the company

to determine where potential and talented candidates who are not on the job market hang out

(Rees & Smith, 2017). This strategy will enable the company to attract the best talents who are

willing to take up the roles as opposed to pirate raiding.

Knowing the competitors in the market

Apple needs to know what the competitors such as Samsung, HTC, and Nokia among others

provide to their employees as financial and nonfinancial benefits. This will enable it to extend its

value proposition to offer rewards which are slightly higher than the competitors. In this case,

Apple will be in a position to attract the best talents in the market.

Reward and Bonuses

The reward system of Apple is based on individual performance. In most cases, the employees

work as a team. Therefore, the organization should consider creating a reward and bonus system

that awards outstanding group performance. This strategy will enhance team commitment and

competition. As such, the teams will become innovative and creative (Sparrow, Brewster &

Chung, 2016). The quality of the products will improve, and Apple will continue to dominate the

industry. This strategy works best at retaining a talented workforce.

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