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Learning Computer is an Empowerment in Today’s World as

life without it misses on


Computers Speed up This little devise allows Computer usage is Fun

our lives by helping us us to communicate today. Playing games,
to book tickets , with people around the Watching movies,
Transfer cash , Buy world with the help of Gossiping with friends,
goods with just a click Internet are all waiting inside
of a button this magic box for you
to explore

For internal training & circulation only 2

Conventional model of classroom learning has it’s own limitations, specially in rural areas of India.
Lack of skilled faculty, boredom of classroom bound education, Rigid timing of learning sessions,
Monotonous learning tools such as, books and copies and a lot more… Difference are…


Happens in a convenient place i.e.

Happens in a classroom setup
home, office

Teaching through computer based

Teaching through human intervention

Learning pace set by the instructor Learning pace decided by the student

Knowledge percolation is not uniform Knowledge percolation is uniform as

as it depends on individual it is self-paced individual learning

Imparting knowledge depends of the Learning is same all the time as

environment and mood of the system is not depended on
instructor environment and mood.
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Quality Content Learning is fun with
animations, sound,

Freedom from classroom Flexible Timing

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Computer Literacy Courses Skill Development Courses

Computer Fundamentals Typo Tutor

MS Combo 2010 Job Trainer

Tally ERP9 Interview Etiquette

Hardware & Networking CCA- Certificate In

Computer Application
Photoshop Fundamentals +

CCA is a combinational course that includes two

PageMaker individual courses such as – Computer Fundamentals
and Typo Tutor. The duration and the fee of the course
Dreamweaver is 6 Months and 2000 Rs/- respectively

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Category Course/s
Beginners Computer Fundamentals/Job Trainer
Office Employees MS Combo 2010/Interview Etiquette
Accountants Tally ERP9/ Interview Etiquette
Computer Assemblers Hardware & Networking
DTP Photoshop/CorelDraw/PageMaker
Data entry operators Typo Tutor

For internal training & circulation only 6

Pagemaker Dreamwaver

Preparation of Web sites

Printing of various reports This course is based on
Printing of Newsletters Graphical User Interface (GUI)
Publishing various reports
Publishing Carrier in Web Designing
Build a strong carrier in DTP Interacting Video tutorial
Course studying with Audio Course in different
Course fees --> Rs. 1250/-
Duration --> 3 months Course fees --> Rs. 1500/-
Kits --> Not provided Duration --> 3 months
Kits --> Not provided
Coreldraw Photoshop

Graphic concepts
Getting started
Drawing in Coreldraw X5 Digital painting
Objects & Symbols Photo editing
Managing Objects Print designing
Layers & Pages in Coreldraw X5 Screen printing
Distortion effects Web page layout
Applying colors
Fill options Course fees --> Rs. 3100/- (without
Working with text installment) and Rs. 3600/- (with
Keyboard shortcuts installment)
Installment amount Rs. 600/- per
Course fees --> Rs. 3100/- (without month.
installment) and Rs. 3600/- (with Duration --> 6 months.
installment) Kits --> Provided only in English
Installment amount Rs. 600/- per Kits contents --> 1 book, 1 pad, 1 pen
month. in a bag
Duration --> 6 months.
Kits --> Provided only in English
Kits contents --> 1 book, 1 pad, 1 pen
in a bag
Hardware & Networking Certificate in Computer

Introduction of Computer This course contains 2

softwares individual courses, Computer
Introduction of Computer Fundamental & Typo Lesson.
Introduction of Networking One can individually opt these
Network connectivity courses, or jointly admitted in
Security of Networking these courses.

Course fees --> Rs. 1500/- Course fees --> Rs. 2100/-.
Duration --> 3 months Duration --> 6 months.
Kits --> Not provided Kits --> Not provided.
MS Office 2010

This course consists of 4 courses, Word 2010, Excel 2010, Powerpoint 2010 & Wndows 7. The contents of
these 4 courses are mentioned below.

Word 2010 Word 2010

Getting started Clip Art & Pictures

Basic features Formatting pictures
Text basics Smart Art graphics Course fees --> Rs.
Working with Tables Charts 1550/-
Formatting text Styles and Themes Duration --> 3 months
Modifying page layout Headers & Footers Kits --> Not provided
Formatting paragraphs Using a template
Bullets and Numbering Reviewing documents
Text boxes and Wordart Printing documents
Working with shapes Mail merge
MS Office 2010
Excel 2010

Basic concepts
Powerpoint 2010
Customize Excel
Manipulating data
Creating presentation
Modifying worksheet
Developing a workbook
Shapes, Pictures & ClipArt
More Objects
Formatting worksheet
Other useful features
Customize layout
Enhancing the slide design
Logical functions
Summarizing data
Animations & transitions
Sort & Filter
Audio & Video
Powerful features
Organize and deliver
Pivot Table & Pivot chart
Page properties & printing
Course fees --> Rs. 1550/-
Course fees --> Rs. 2050/-
Duration --> 3 months
Duration --> 3 months
Kits --> Not provided
Kits --> Not provided
MS Office 2010

Windows 7

Start working The student can opt the full course of MS Office 2010, apart from
Windows 7 desktop that, they can learn the courses individually. This course is also
Windows 7 interface jointly done with GTTI.
Start menu Fees --> MS Office 2010, Rs. 5600/-. With installment Rs. 6000/-
Desktop Gadgets
Desktop (EMI Rs. 500/- per month).
Personalizing the computer MS Office 2010 (with GTTI), also known as CMOA (Certificate in
Programs, files & folders MS Office Application)Rs. 6290/-.
Exploring the computer With installment Rs. 6300/- (EMI Rs. 800/- for 1st month and Rs.
Managing the computer 500/- from 2nd to 10th month)
Internet Duration --> 12 months for both of the above courses.
Windows security
Maintenance Kits --> Provided in Assamese, Oriya, Hindi, Tamil, Bengali &
Course fees --> Rs. 1050/- Kits contents --> 4 books in a bag.
Duration --> 3 months
Kits --> Not provided
Syllabus for MS Office 2010
This course contains 4 courses Word 2010, Excel 2010, Powerpoint 2010 & Windows 7.

Syllabus of Word 2010

Syllabus of Word 2010 Syllabus of Word 2010

Lesson 1 : Getting started

with MS Word 2010 Lesson 8 : Bullets & Lesson 15 : Styles &
 Numbering Themes
Lesson 2 : Basic features Lesson 9 : Text boxes and Lesson 16 : Working with
 Wordart Headers & Footers
Lesson 3 : Text basics in Lesson 10 : Working with Lesson 17 : Using a
Word 2010 shapes template
Lesson 4 : Working with Lesson 11 : Inserting Clip Lesson 18 : Reviewing
tables Art & Pictures documents
Lesson 5 : Formatting text Lesson 12 : Formatting Lesson 19 : Printing
Lesson 6 : Modifying page pictures documents
layout Lesson 13 : SmartArt Lesson 20 : Using Mail
Lesson 7 : Formatting graphics Merge
paragraphs Lesson 14 : Charts
Syllabus for MS Office 2010

Syllabus of Excel 2010 Syllabus of Excel 2010 Syllabus of Excel 2010

Lesson 1 : MS Excel 2010 Lesson 7 : Graphics Lesson 13 : Summarizing

basic concepts data
Lesson 8 : Performing
Lesson 2 : Customize Excel calculations Lesson 14 : Sort & Filter

Lesson 3 : Working with a Lesson 9 : Macros Lesson 15 : Charts

Lesson 10 : Formatting a Lesson 16 : Using powerful
Lesson 4 : Manipulating worksheet features
Lesson 11 : Customize the Lesson 17 : Pivot table &
Lesson 5 : Modifying a layout Pivot chart
Lesson 12 : Using logical Lesson 18 : Page
Lesson 6 : Developing a functions properties & printing
Syllabus for MS Office 2010

Syllabus of Window 7 Syllabus of Powerpoint 2010

Lesson 1 : Introduction Lesson 1 : Introduction to MS Powerpoint

Lesson 2 : Start working with Windows 7 2010
Lesson 3 : Windows 7 desktop Lesson 2 : Creating a presentation
Lesson 4 : Windows 7 interface Lesson 3 : Powerpoint 2010 views
Lesson 5 : The taskbar Lesson 4 : Texts in Powerpoint
Lesson 6 : Start menu Lesson 5 : Shapes, Pictures and ClipArt
Lesson 7 : Desktop gadgets Lesson 6 : Using Charts
Lesson 8 : Personalizing your computer Lesson 7 : More objects
Lesson 9 : Program, files & folders Lesson 8 : Other useful features
Lesson 10 : Exploring your computer Lesson 9 : Enhancing the slide design
Lesson 11 : Managing your computer Lesson 10 : Masters
Lesson 12 : Utilities Lesson 11 : Animations & Transitions
Lesson 13 : Internet Lesson 12 : Working with audio & video
Lesson 14 : Windows security Lesson 13 : Slideshow
Lesson 15 : Maintenance Lesson 14 : Organize and deliver
Advanced Tally

This course is divided in 3 modules

Module 1
Module 3
Accounting basics
Module 2
Statutory compliance
Creating accounting
Advanced accounting in Central Sales Tax (CST)
masters and voucher entry
Tally Tax Deducted at Source
Creating inventory masters
Advanced inventory in Tally (TDS)
Generating basic reports
Service Tax (ST)
Technological advantages

Course fees --> Rs. 2690/-

Duration --> 6 months
Kits --> Provided only in English language
Kits contents --> Only books
Syllabus for Advanced Tally Module

Module 1
Module 1 Module 1
Lesson 1 -->
Lesson 2 -->
 Basics of Accounting Lesson 3 -->
Introduction Fundamentals of Tally ERP 9
Accounting principles, concepts Introduction Creating Accounting masters
& conventions Sailent features of Tally ERP 9 and voucher entry
Revenue realisation Technological advantages Charts of Accounts
Maching concept Getting functional with Tally Groups
Accrual ERP 9 Ledgers
Accounting period Tally ERP 9 screen Creating chart of accounts
Accounting entity components Creating group
Money measurement Mouse / keyboard Accounting vouchers
Double entry system in Book conventions Recording accounting
keeping Switching between screen vouchers
Features of Double entry system areas
Types of Accounts Quitting Tally ERP 9
Rules of Accounting Setting up of Company in Tally
Modes of Accounting ERP 9
Posting Tally.Net features
Financial statements
Recording transactions
Syllabus of Advanced Tally Module

Module 1 Module 1 Module 1

Lesson 4 --> Lesson 5 --> Lesson 6 -->

Creating Inventory masters and  Generating basic reports Technological advantages

voucher entry Financial statements of Tally
Stock groups Accounting books & Configuring Tally ERP 9 for
Stock categories registers multilingual capabilities
Units of measure Inventory books & reports Tallyvault
Godowns Backup & Restore
Stock items ODBC connectivity
Voucher types Printing reports
Purchase order Tally.NET and remote
Sales order capabilities
Stock journal
Delivery note
Receipt note
Physical stock voucher
Trial balance
Syllabus for Advanced Tally Module

Module 1 Module 1 Module 1

Lesson 4 --> Lesson 5 --> Lesson 6 -->

Creating Inventory masters and  Generating basic reports Technological advantages

voucher entry Financial statements of Tally
Stock groups Accounting books & Configuring Tally ERP 9 for
Stock categories registers multilingual capabilities
Units of measure Inventory books & reports Tallyvault
Godowns Backup & Restore
Stock items ODBC connectivity
Voucher types Printing reports
Purchase order Tally.NET and remote
Sales order capabilities
Stock journal
Delivery note
Receipt note
Physical stock voucher
Trial balance
Syllabus for Advanced Tally Module

Module 2 Module 2 Module 2

Lesson 1 --> Lesson 1 --> Lesson 2 -->

Bill wise details Advanced Inventory in Tally

Methods of adjustments Applying cost centers to ERP 9
Creating the required masters Ledger accounts Order processing
Configuring the Purchase Cost center reports Reorder level
voucher Month wise cost center Tracking numbers
Sales invoice configuration statements Additional cost details
Tracking outstanding bills Cost center breakup Bill of materials
Ageing analysis report Voucher classes Price lists
Bill settlement Cost center class Stock valuation
Payment performance of Budgets and controls Zero valued entries
Debtors Banking - Cheque printing,
Bill wise details for non-trading Cheque register, Bank
accounts reconciliation, Deposit slip,
Cost centers and cost categories Payment advice
Syllabus for Advanced Tally Module

Module 3 Module 3

Lesson 1 --> Value Added Tax (VAT) Lesson 3 --> Tax deducted at source

Configuring VAT in Tally, VAT classifications, Basic concept

Creating masters, Entering transactions, Configuring TDS in Tally
Accounting for return of goods, Rate Creating masters
difference in Purchase & Sales, Accounting for Recording transactions
Interstate transactions, Exempted transactions TDS reports
under VAT, Purchases from unregistered
dealers, Claiming ITC (Input Tax Credit) on
Capital goods, Inter State branch transfers, VAT Lesson 4 --> Service Tax
reports, VAT for composite dealers.
Lesson 2 --> Central Sales Tax (CST) Configuring in Tally ERP
Creating masters
Basics Recording transactions
Enabling CST in Tally Accounting for advance receipts
Recording Inter State transactions in Tally Accounting for opening Service Tax credit
Payment of CST Adjustment of input Service Tax credit
CST reports Payment of Service Tax
Service Tax report
Computer Fundamental

History of computers
Generations of computers Searching information
Classification of computers using search engines Course fees --> Rs. 1750/-.
Major components of a Email basics Duration --> 3 months.
computer Introduction to Facebook Kits --> Provided in
Types & uses of computers Protecting your PC from Assamese, Oriya, Hindi,
Basic DOS commands Internet threats Tamil, Bengali & English.
Some computer Maintenance of computer Kits contents --> 1 book, 1
technologies Basic MS Word 2007 pad, & 1 pen in a small bag.
Basics of Windows XP
Basics Basic MS Excel 2007
Internet Basic MS Powerpoint 2003
Browsing web Basic MS Access 2003

Typo Lesson Job Trainer Interview Etiquette

Course fees --> Rs. 600/- Course fees --> Rs. 900/-. Course fees --> Rs. 1000/-.
Duration --> 3 months Duration --> 3 months. Duration --> 3 months.
Kits --> Not provided Kits --> Not provided. Kits --> Not provided.
Syllabus of Computer Fundamental

Lesson 10 : Browsing Web

Lesson 1 : History of Computers
Lesson 11 : Searching information using
Lesson 2 : Generations of Computer Search engines

Lesson 3 : Classification of Computers Lesson 12 : Email basics

Lesson 4 : Major components of a Lesson 13 : Introduction to Facebook

Lesson 14 : Protecting your PC from
Lesson 5 : Types of Computer & its uses internal threats

Lesson 6 : Basic DOS commands Lesson 15 : Maintenance of computers

Lesson 7 : Some computer terminologies Lesson 16 : Basic of MS Word 2007

Lesson 8 : Basics of Windows XP Lesson 17 : Basic of MS Excel 2007

Lesson 9 : Internet Lesson 18 : Basic of MS Powerpoint 2007

Lesson 19 : Basic of MS Access 2007

Dream Weaver 1500
Hardware and Networking 1500
Pagemaker 1250
Tally ERP 9 2000
WINDOWS_7 1050
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