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Homoeopathy Central Council

(Election) Rules
( As amended upto May, 2012 )

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

New Delhi.

New Delhi, the 16th January, 1974.

G.S.R. 611 In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 4 and sub-section(1) of Section
32 of the Homeopathy Central Council Act, 1973, (59 of 1973) the Central Government hereby makes the
following rules, namely:

1.Short title
(1) These rules may be called the Homoeopathy Central Council (Election)
Rules, 1975.
They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official
2 Definitions In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires –

(a) ‘Act’ means the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 (59 of 1973);

(b) ‘Form’ means a form annexed to these rules;

(c) ‘President’ means the President of Central Council of Homoeopathy;

(d) ‘Returning Officer’ means any officer of the State Government or the
Union territory as the case may be who is from the administrative services
of the State Government or the Union territory, not below the rank of a Joint
Secretary to the State Government or the Union territory concerned
appointed on the recommendations of the State Government or the Union
territory as such by the Central Government for the purposes of these rules:

Provided that Registrar of the concerned Board, by whatever name called

who maintains the register of practitioners in the State shall not be
appointed as the Returning Officers;

(e) ‘Section’ means a section of the Act,



3. Persons entitled to vote All persons whose names are enrolled on a State
Register of Homoeopathy, shall be entitled to vote at the election of members

under caluse (a) of sub-section(1) of Section 3.

4. Posting of copies of State Register of Homoeopathy;

(1) Copies of the State Register of Homoeopathy shall be posted at the office
of the Returning Officer and of the Board of the State concerned.
Substituted by S.O. 222 dated 18.05.2012

(2) The register shall be brought up-to-date before posting and for this
purpose, the Returning Officer shall give one month’s Notice to the Registrar
(by whatever name called) of the Board concerned, who maintains the
register in the State.

(3) After expiry of one month’s notice, as mentioned in sub-rule (2), the
elections shall be conducted as per the names enrolled in the register
available as on date:

Provided that the Central Government shall not entertain any dispute referred
to it, before or after the elections, with regard to any irregularities in the State
register as made available to the Returning Officer by the Registrar of the
concerned State Board who is responsible for maintaining the State Register
as defined in clause 2(i) of the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973.

5. Returning Officer to hold the elections The Returning Officer shall call upon
persons enrolled on the State Register of Homoeopathy to elect such number of
members, as is determined by the Central Government under clause (a) of sub-
section(1) of Section 3.

6.Questions relating to right to persons to stand for or to vote at elections If

any question arises as to whether a person is or is not entitled to vote in the
election or to stand for the election, the question shall be referred to the Returning
Officer who shall decide the same.

7. Fixation of dates of various stages of election – The Returning Officer shall

appoint and shall notify in the official Gazette and in such other manner as he
thinks fit, the date, time and place for –
• the receipt of the nomination papers and their scrutiny;
• the dispatch of voting papers to the electors;
• the poll; and
• the scrutiny and counting of votes.
8. Nomination of candidates Any person qualified to stand for the election
under section 5 may be nominated as a candidate for election and such
nomination shall be made by means of a nomination paper in Form I
which shall be supplied by the Returning Officer to any elector who may
apply for the same.
9. Nomination paper (1) Each nomination paper shall be subscribed by two
electors as proposer and seconder and shall contain a declaration signed by

the person proposed signifying his consent to stand for the election.

*(1A) No elector shall subscribe, whether as proposer or as seconder, more than

one nomination paper at the same election and, if he does, his signature shall be
inoperative on any paper other than the one first delivered.
Omitted, Ins. And substituted by S.O.725 dated 3.11.1977.
*(1B) Nothing in this rule shall prevent any candidate from being nominated by
more than one nomination paper for the same election:
Provided that not more than four nomination paper shall be presented by or on
behalf of any candidate or accepted by the Returning Officer.
(2) On receipt of each nomination paper, the Returning Officer shall forthwith
endorse thereupon the date and hour of receipt.
Rejection of nomination paper – A nomination paper which is not received
before the date and time appointed in that behalf shall be rejected.
11. Scrutiny of nomination papers

(1) On the date and at the time appointed by the Returning Officer for the
scrutiny of the nomination papers, the candidates and the proposer and the
seconder of each candidate may attend the office of the Returning Officer,
who shall allow them to examine the nomination papers of all the
candidates which have been received by him as aforesaid.
(2) The Returning Officer shall examine the nomination papers and shall
decide all objections which may be made to any nomination and may,
either on such objection or on his own motion, after such summary
enquiry, if any, as he thinks necessary, reject any nomination on any of the
following grounds:-
1. that on the date appointed for the scrutiny of nominations the
candidate does not posses a recognized medical qualification for
standing election as such a candidate;
2. that he is not enrolled on the State Register of Homoeopathy and
does not
3. reside in the State from which he stands for election;
4. – omitted-
5. that the nomination paper is not received by the Returning Officer
before the appointed time and date;
6. that the signature of the candidate or the proposer or the seconder
on the nomination paper is not genuine; and
7. that the proposer or the seconder is not entitled to vote at such an
election; and
* Omitted, Ins. and substituted by S.O. 725. dated 3.11.1977

**(g) that the signature of the proposer or the seconder is in violation to

the provisions of the sub-rule (1A) of rule 9.

12. Withdrawal of candidature -

(1) Any candidate may withdraw his candidature within seven days after the

scrutiny of nomination papers by notice in writing signed by him and

delivered to the Returning Officer.
(2) A candidate who has withdrawn his candidature shall not be allowed to
cancel the withdrawal.
*(3) The Returning Officer, shall, on receiving a notice of withdrawal and on
being satisfied as to the genuineness of the notice of withdrwal under
sub-rules (1), cause the notice to be affixed in some conspicuous place in
his office.

13. Poll
(1) Where the number of candidates duly nominated is equal to or less than
the number of members to be elected from the State concerned, the
Returning Officer shall forthwith declare such candidates to be duly
(2) Where the number of such candidates is less than the number of members
to be so elected the Returning Officer shall commence fresh proceedings
for the election of the remaining members to be elected under clause (a) of
sub-section (1) of Section 3.
(3) Where the number of such candidates exceeds the number of members to
be elected from the State concerned, the Returning Officer shall publish
their names and addresses in the official Gazette and shall further cause
their names to be entered in the voting papers in Form II.
(4) If a poll is found necessary, the Returning Officer shall, thirty days before
the date appointed therefor, send by (registered)* post to each elector a
letter of intimation in Form IV together with a numbered declaration paper
in Form III, a voting paper in Form II containing the names of the
candidates in alphabetical order and bearing the Returning Officer’s initial
or facsimile signature, a voting paper cover addressed to him (the
Returning Officer) and an outer envelop also addressed to him.

** Omitted, inserted & substituted by S.O. 725, dated 3.11.1977.

* Omitted & inserted by G.S.R. 576 (E) dated 29.9.1982.

Provided that the voting paper and other connected papers may also be
sent to any elector on his applying to the Returning Officer for the same
before the date appointed for the poll, if the Returning Officer is satisfied
that the papers have not been sent to him.
(5) An elector who has not received the voting and other connected papers
sent to him by post or who has lost them or in whose case the papers
before their return to the Returning Officer have been inadvertently spoilt,
may transmit a declaration to that effect signed by himself, and request the
Returning Officer not later than seven days before the date appointed for
the poll to send him fresh papers and if the papers have been spoilt, the
spoilt papers shall be returned to the Returning Officer who shall cancel
them on receipt.

(6) In every case in which fresh papers are issued, a mark shall be placed
against the number relating to the elector’s name in a copy of the State
Register of Homoeopathy to denote that fresh papers have been issued.
(7) Each elector shall have as many votes as there are members to be elected
from that State, but shall give only one vote to any one candidate.
(8) No election shall be invalid by reason of the non-receipt by an elector of
his voting paper.

14 Return of voting papers Every elector desirous of recording his vote shall,
after filling up the declaration paper and the voting paper according to the
directions given in the letter of intimation, enclose the voting paper in the voting
paper cover, stick up the cover, enclose the cover and the declaration paper in
the outer cover addressed to the Returning Officer and send the outer cover by
post at the elector’s own cost to the Returning officer or deliver it in person in
the office of the Returning Officer so as to reach him not later than 5.00 P.M. on
the date fixed for the poll and all envelopes received after that day and hour
shall be rejected.
15. Endorsement by Returning Officer - On receipt of the envelopes containing
the declaration paper and the closed cover containing the voting paper, the
Returning Officer shall endorse on the outer envelop the date and hour of
16. Presence of candidates at the time of opening of outer envelope
(1) The Returning Officer shall open the outer envelope immediately after
5.00 p.m. on the date fixed for the poll at the place to which the envelopes
are addressed to him.
(2) Any candidate may be present in person or may send a representative duly
authorized by him in writing to attend at the time the outer envelopes are

17. Rejection of voting papers

(1) voting paper cover shall be rejected by the Returning Officer, if:-
(a) the outer envelope contains no declaration paper outside the voting
paper cover; or.
(b) the declaration paper is not the one sent by the Returning Officer to
the voter; or
(c) the declaration paper is not signed by the elector; or
(d) the voting paper is placed outside the voting paper cover; or
(e) more than one declaration paper or voting paper cover have been
enclosed in one and the same outer envelope; or
(f) the State Registration number is not given by the elector in the
declaration paper.

(2) In case of rejection the word “Rejected” shall be endorsed on the voting

paper cover and also on the declaration paper, if any.

(3) After satisfying himself that the electors have affixed their signature to the
declaration papers, the Returning Officer shall keep all the declaration
papers in safe custody, pending disposal, under rule 20.

18. Scrutiny & counting of votes

(1) The Returning Officer shall attend, for the purpose of scrutiny and
counting of the votes on the date and at the time and place appointed by
him in this behalf.
Provided the date so appointed shall not be later than three days from the
date fixed for the poll.
(2) All the voting papers covers other than those rejected under rule 17 shall
be opened and the voting papers taken out and mixed together and voting
paper shall then be scrutinized and the valid votes counted.
(3) A voting paper shall be invalid if-
(a) it does not bear the Returning Officer’s initials or facsimile
signature; or
(b) the voter signs his name or writes any word or makes any mark on
it, by which it becomes recognizable as his voting paper; or
(c) no vote is recorded thereon; or
(d) the number of votes recorded thereon exceeds the number of seats to
be filled;or
(e) there is uncertainty of the vote exercised.

(4) Any candidate may be present in person or may send a representative duly
authorized by him in writing to watch the process of counting.
(5) The Returning Officer shall show the voting papers, if requested to do so,
to the candidate or their authorized representatives at the time of scrutiny
and counting of votes.
(6) If any objection is made to any voting paper on the ground that it does not
comply with the specified requirements or to any rejection by the
Returning Officer of a voting paper, it shall be decided at once by the
Returning Officer.
(7) The Returning officer shall nominate such number of scrutineers as he
thinks fit who shall be Gazetted Offiers of the Government.

19. Declaration of result

(1) When the counting of the votes has been completed, the Returning
Officer shall draw up a list of candidates in the order of highest votes
polled by each candidate and shall declare candidates successful in that
order according to the number of seats to be filled up and shall forth with
inform the successful candidates by post in such other manner as he
thinks fit, of being elected to the Central Council.

*(2) If, after the counting of the votes is completed, an equality of votes is
found to exist between any candidates, and the addition of one vote will
entitle any of those candidates to be declared elected, the Returning
officer shall forthwith decide between those candidates by lot and
proceed as if the candidate on whom the lot falls had received an
additional vote.

20. Sealing and custody of election papers- Upon the completion of counting and
after the result has been declared by him, the Returning Officer shall seal up the
voting papers and all other documents relating to the election and shall retain the
same for a period of six months and he shall not destroy or cause to be destroyed
the records even after six months without the previous concurrence of the
Central Government.
21 Result of election – the Returning Officer shall intimate the name of the persons
so elected to the Central Government who shall take steps to publish the names
of the elected persons in the official Gazette.
22. Representatives of Universities
(1) The President shall, not later than ninty days before the date of occurrence
of a vacancy by the expiry of the term of office of a member from a
University, send intimation thereof to the Central Government who shall
not later than sixty days before the date of occurrence of the vacancy,
forward a notice by registered post to the Registrar of the University
concerned requesting him to hold an election by a date not later than the
date specified in the notice:

* Omitted and substituted by S.O. 725, dated 3.11.1975.

Provided that for the purpose of the first election under clause (b) of the
sub-section (1) of Section 3, it shall be sufficient if the Central
Government forward a notice by registered post to the Registrar of each
University concerned requesting him to hold the election by a date not
later than the date specified in the notice.
(2) In the case of a vacancy occurring otherwise than as mentioned in sub-
rule(1), the President shall notify the Central Government as soon as
possible the occurrence of the vacancy and the Central Government shall
thereupon forward a notice by registered post to the Registrar of the
University concerned requesting him hold the election to fill the vacancy
by a date not later than the date specified in the notice.
(3) The issues relating to the eligibility of the member of the faculty or
Department (by whatever name called), of Homoeopathy of the
Universities shall be decided by the University concerned as per its by-
laws and Statutes. ;

**23. Election by Faculty or Department – The members of the Faculty or

Department (by whatever name called) of Homoeopathy of the University shall

elect one member from amongst themselves as a member of Central Council in
the following manner, namely:-
(a) the date, time and place of the election shall be intimated to each of the
members by the Registrar of the University at least thirty days before the
date of meeting in which the election is proposed to be held;
(b) any member at the meeting shall be entitled to propose a name of any
member present, and such proposal shall be required to be seconded by a
member other than the proposer or the one whose name is proposed;
Provided that one member shall be entitled to propose or second only one
(c) any candidate may withdraw his candidature before the actual election;
(d) if the name of only one candidate is duly proposed and seconded, the
Registrar of the University shall forthwith declare such candidate as duly

** Subs. By GSR 576 (E) dated 29.09.1982

+ Inserted by S.O.222 dated 18.05.2012
(e) if the number of candidates duly proposed and seconded exceeds one, an
election shall be held by secret ballot;
(f) before the commencement of the actual election, the Registrar of the
University shall invite the members to inspect the ballot box, in case they
may like to do so, and he shall then lock the box;
(g) on the date of actual election, the members present in the meeting shall,
one by one, sign against their names in the list which contains the names
of all the members in alphabetical order and is placed along the side of the
ballot box;
(h) after a member has signed his name in the said list, he shall be given a
ballot paper containing the names of all the candidates and signature of the
Register of the University, which he shall drop into the ballot box after
affixing thereon a cross (X) mark against the name of the candidate of his
(i) as soon as all the member present and wishing to exercise the right to vote
have done so, the Registrar of the University, shall, in the presence of the
candidate who may present in person, open the ballot box and take out
from it all the ballot papers, examine them and reject as invalid any ballot
if it does not bear the signature of the Registrar of the University;
if the member signs his name or writes any word or makes any
mark on it by which it becomes recognizable as his ballot paper; or
(C) if no vote is recorded thereon; or

(D) if there is uncertainty of the vote exercised; or

(E) if the vote has been given in favour of more than one candidates;

(i) the Registrar of the University shall then proceed to arrange the valid vote
according to the candidates in whose favour they have been cast and count
them separately for each candidates;
(k) after the counting is over, the Registrar of the University shall make an
announcement in the meeting about the votes secured by each of the
candidates and he shall also declare the candidate securing the largest
number of valid votes as duly elected to be a member of the Central
(l) in the event of two or more candidates securing the same number of votes
and that number being more than the number of votes secured by any
candidate other than the two or more securing the same number of votes,
the determination as between such candidates shall by draw of lots and the
candidate on whom the lot falls, shall be declared elected**.
** Subs. by GSR 576 (E) dated 29.09.1982

24 Intimation of name of elected persons to the Central Government – The

name of the person elected shall be intimated by the Registrar of the University
to the Central Government, who shall take steps to publish the name of the
elected person in the Official Gazette.
25. *. Power to declare any election void-

(1) The Central Government may, on any election dispute referred to it under
sub-section(2) of Section 4 of the Act, for an election, within a period of
thirty days from the date of election of the elected candidate, declare the
election to be void on account of bribery, undue influence or other corrupt
practice which, in the opinion of the Central Government, has interfered
with the free and fair conduct of the election and shall conduct a fresh
(2) the decision of the Central Government under this rule shall be final.

***26 Observer –

(1) The Central Government shall nominate an observer to monitor the

conduct of election and to perform such other functions as may be
entrusted to him by the Central Government.
(2) The Observer shall be present at the designated venue on the day fixed for
scrutiny of nomination papers and shall also be present at the designated
venue on the day fixed for scrutiny and counting of votes and shall submit
his report to the Central Government.

***27 Returning officer or Registrar of University to inquire into disputes raised

during election process –

Notwithstanding anything contained in the rules, the Returning officer or the

Registrar, as the case may be, shall decide into the disputes raised during the
election process i.e. from date of receipt of the nomination papers till the date of
declaration of result:

Provided that the Central Government shall decide all such issues if referred to it
within the time period specified in rule 25, irrespective of whether or not the
same disputes raised before the Returning Officer or the Registrar has been
decided or not.
**28 Procedure for dealing with election disputes
(1) The Central Government, after receipt of dispute under sub-section (2) of
section 4 of the Act regarding any election, shall appoint an Inquiry
officer not below the rank of Under Secretary to the Government of India
to inquire into that dispute.
(2) The Inquiry officer within one week of his appointment shall send notice
of hearing to the parties to the dispute asking them to submit statements in
writing, if any, on the dispute within reasonable time as may be specified
by him and shall also fix the date of hearing.

* Added by Gazette Notification No.GSR 279(E) dated 02.04.2012.

** Added by S.O.222 dated 18.05.2012.
(3) After the expiry of the time specified for submission of statements, the
Inquiry officer shall hear the dispute on such date and at such time and
place as has been specified irrespective of whether written statement have
been received or not and shall give reasonable opportunity to the parties to
(4) All parties to the dispute shall have the right to appear before the Inquiry
officer, only in person.
(5) Non-appearance of the parties to the dispute shall not be a ground for
postponement of hearing on the date already fixed and the hearing shall
proceed ex-parte until circumstances of non-appearance are beyond the
control of the parties.
(6) During any stage of inquiry, the Inquiry officer shall have the right to
examine such other documents and persons as deemed necessary by him
for conduct of inquiry.
(7) After hearing all the concerned parties, the Inquiry officer shall prepare an
inquiry report within a period of sixty days of his appointment and submit
it to the Central Government for its consideration and decision.
(8) The Central government shall endeavor to take a decision on the Inquiry
report as submitted by the Inquiry officer and communicate its decision on
a dispute within thirty days of receipt of the Inquiry report.

*29 Sealing and custody of election papers:-Upon the completion of the counting
and after the result has been declared by him, the Registrar shall seal up the
voting papers and all other documents relating to the election and shall retain the

same for a period of six months and he shall not destroy or cause to be destroyed
the records even after six months without the previous concurrence of the
Central Government;.
**Added by S.O.222 dated 18.05.2012.

Form 1
Nomination Paper (see Rule 8)
Election under clause (a) of sub-section(1) of Section 3 of the
Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973
1. Name of the candidate
2. Father s Name
3. Age ..................................................................................................................................................
4. Qualification in Homoeopthy
5. Registration number in the State
Register of Homoeopathy .............................................................................................
6. Address (Residential)
7. Signature of the Proposer
8. Registration number of Proposer in
9. the State Register of Homoeopathy ......................................
10. Signature of the
11. Registration number of seconder in the State Register of

Declaration by the candidate

I hereby declare that I agree to this nomination.

1. Signature of the candidate
2. This nomination paper was received by me
3. hour on the

Signature of the candidate ..

This nomination paper was received by me at .
Returning Officer
Returning Officer

1. Nomination papers which are not received by the Returning Officer before
......................................(hour)on the .............................(date)..............................shall be rejected
2. The names of the proposer and seconder, as they appear in the State Register
of Homoeopathy and their registered qualifications shall be clearly written below
their respective signature. .


[see rule 13(3)]
Serial No. Name and addresses of Candidates duly nominated. Vote

Returning Officer

1. Each elector has such number of votes as the number of members to be elected.
2. Each elector shall give only one vote to any one candidate.
3. He shall vote by placing the mark 'X' opposite the name of the candidate/candidates to whom he
wishes to vote.
4. The voting paper shall be invalid if-

(a) It does not bear the Returning Officer's initials or facsimile signature; or
the voter signs his name or writes any word or makes any mark on it, by which it
becomes recognizable as his voting paper; or
(c) no vote is recorded thereon; or
(d) the number of votes recorded thereon exceeds the number of seats to be filled; or
(e) there is uncertainty of the vote exercised.
*number in words.

Form III
[See Rule 13(4)]
Declaration Paper
Election to the Central Council of Homoeopathy under clause (a) of sub-section(1) of Section 3 of the
Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973..
Serial No ...........................................................
Elector s Name ...........................................................
Number on the State
Register of Homoeopathy ...........................................................

Elector s Declaration

I ............................................................ (Name in full and designation if any) declare that I am elector for the

election to Central Council of Homoeopathy by the electorate under clause (a) of sub-section(1) of Section 3

of the Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 and that I have signed no other voting paper at this election.
Station ............................................................
Signature ........................................................... .
Date ...........................................................

[See Rule 13(4) ]
Letter of Intimation

The persons whose names are printed on the voting paper sent herewith, have been duly nominated as

candidates for the election to the Central Council of Homoeopathy. Should you desire to vote at the election,

I request that you shall –

1. fill up and sign the declaration paper;

2. mark your vote/votes in the column provided for the purpose in the voting paper as directed on the
voting paper;

3. enclose the voting paper in the smaller cover (hereafter called the voting paper cover) and stick it
up; and

4. enclose the smaller cover and the declaration paper in the outer envelope addressed to me and
return the same to me by post or deliver it in person in my office so as to reach me not later than
5.00 p.m. on the ....................................... of 19 .

2. The voting paper cover shall be rejected, if –

the outer envelops enclosing the voting paper cover is not sent by post or delivered in person in my
office or is received later than the day and hour fixed for the closing of the poll; or
(b) the outer envelope contains no declaration paper outside the voting paper cover; or
(c ) the declaration paper is not the one sent by the Returning Officer to the voter; or
the declaration paper is not signed by the elector; or
more than one declaration paper or voting paper cover have been enclosed in one and the same outer
envelope; or
the State Registration number is not given by the elector in the declaration paper.
A voting paper shall be invalid, if ,
it does not bear the Returning Officer's initials or facsimile signature; or

the voter signs his name, or writes any word or makes any mark by which it becomes recognizable as
his voting paper; or
no vote is recorded thereon; or
the number of votes recorded thereon exceeds the number of seats to be filled; or
there is uncertainty of the vote exercised.
If a voter inadvertently spoils a voting paper, he can return it, not later than seven days before the date
appointed for the poll, to the Returning Officer who shall, if satisfied of such inadvertence, issue to him
another voting paper.
The scrutiny and continuing of votes shall begin on .....................................................
(date)at...................................... (hour)at ..................................................... (Place).
No person shall be present at the time of scrutiny and counting of votes except the Returning Officer,
such other persons as he may appoint to assist him and the candidate or their duly authenticated

(No.H 11013/2/74-Homoeo.)
Returning Officer

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