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Agriculture Machine codes

Green tech.
M02 M03 M05

Intercompany sales Distributors Very small customers D10

Other Brevini Companies Resellers Miscellaneous

Garbage trucks

F01 F03

Industrial & Stationary

Equipment Marine
Percolators and fer-
Archimedes screw menters

B00 D02 D14 G10 H01 H03 H05 C07 E00 E01 E02 E03 F04 F05

Cattle feeder mixers

Amusement rides and
Entertainment Radar Cooling Tower Baking machines
Conveyors / Feeders
(no mining. no waste) Dairy industry
Heavy duty Dredgers
Marine - other appli-
Anchor & mooring
winch / Windlass
Boat lift & boat
straddle carrier
Cable laying
equipment Biogas plants Incinerator plants

B01 B02 H06 H07 H08 H09 H10 H11 H12 A02 A16 A19 C00 C01 C02 E04 E05 E06 E07 E08 F06 F08

Cattle feeder mixers Fish and seafood pro- Tobacco processing Stationary Concrete Tunnel boring Heavy Duty - other Belt conveyor for mi- Empty / loaded Municipal Water Rotating filters &
vertical Logs splitter cessing industry Frozen food industry Meat industry Palm oil industry Pasta industry machines Wine industry mixers Stone crusher machines applications Apron feeder ning Capstans Deck cranes Deck machinery container handler Ferry ramps Treatment plants Biodiscs

B04 B05 H14 J03 J04 J06 J09 J10 J13 C04 C05 C06 C09 C10 C11 E09 E10 E11 E13 E14 F09 G00

Food processing ma- Industrial handling sy- Grinding & Crushing Mobile harbour Life boats winches / Pods / Azimut / Thru- Wood, Waste and Green Technologies -
Harvester machines Irrigation machines chinery stems Machining centres Print Industry Tannery machine Textile machinery Washing machine Brick extruder Bucket elevator machinery Marble industry Milling machinery Mineral processing cranes Hatch covers Davits Pipe handler ster Recycling Shredders other applications

B06 B07 J14 J15 J16 J17 J18 J19 J20 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 E15 E16 E17 E18 E19 G01 G06

Wool processing ma- Punching and Shea- Hose press / crimping Scissor lift / Lifts for Mobile mining Mobile crushing and Screw conveyors for Stacker and RMG - Rail mounted RTG - Rubber tyred Hydroelectric power Solar energy
Logs carrying system Logs cutting/processing chinery ring machine Saw Mill machine vehicles Tyre changer Garage parking lift equipment screening plants mining reclaimers Wagon tipplers Mine Winder Reachstackers gantry cranes gantry cranes Ship lifting system Ship loader/unloader plant applications

B08 B09 J21 J22 J23 J24 J25 J26 J27 C20 C21 C99 D04 D19 F02 F07 E21 E22 E23 E24 G08 G09

Car, gate and level Gate and door ope- Hydraulic Components & Service & Spare parts Mining & Peristaltic Ocean Energy (Wave,
Manure loaders Sprayers crossing barriers ners Dock Levelers Escalators / Autwalks Elevators / Home lifts Stairlifts Aggregates manufacturer Conveyor winches Roller Press - Heavy Duty Bascule Swing Bridges Ski lift - ropeways Belt filters for Mining pumps Straddle Carriers STS - Ship to shore Trawling winches Umbilical reel winch Wind generators Tidal & Stream)

B11 D18 J28 K01 K00 K02 K03 K04 K05 F11 G03 G07 H02 H04 H13 J01 J07 E25 E99 G02 G13 G99

Truck mounted and/

Wheeled and Tracked or trailed spreader for Hydraulic retractable Plastic and rubber Ben- Plastic & Rubber - Thickener / Clarifier / Nuclear power plants Thermoelectric power Other Sugar Ind. Ap- Cement plants other Pilot House / Steering Service & Spare parts Service & Spare parts
Tractors salt, manure etc. Bollard ding/rollers machine other applications Blow film machine Coumpounders Moulding machine Presses for P&R Decanter for Mining equipment plant equipment Cane mills Crystalizers plication application Pulp & paper Industry equipment - Marine Jack-up systems Waste Compactors - Green Technologies

J11 J12 K06 K07 K08 K09 K10 K99 M99 L01 L02 L04 L05 L06 L07 L08 L10 L12 G04 G05 J08 N01

Steel plate process /

Rubber and plastic Service & Spare parts Service&Spareparts-Indu- Steel and metal Ben- Draw bench and wire Steel and metal indu- Iron and Steel Work Ladle turret and Ladle Sheet metal / Coilers - Offshore platform cra- Waste conveyors and
Timber process equipment Trunk feeder Single screw extruder Twin screws extruder Winders shredders Rubber equipments - Plastics & Rubber strial&StationaryEquipment ding / rollers machine Casting equipment machines stry handling systems other application tilting/car Rolling mills Uncoilers Roller Way Offshore machinery nes Screw presses handling systems

A01 A03 A04 A05 A06 A07 A08 A09 A10 A11 A13 A14 A15 A17 A18 A20 A21 A22 B00 B99

Bulldozers and skid Drilling and Piling ma- Mast climbing Tower and luffing cra- Wheeled and tracked Mobile & Construction Service & Spare parts
steer loaders Concrete pumps Continuous Diggers chines Dumpers Excavators Graders equipment Mini-excavators Pavers Pipeline equipment Road planers Road rollers nes Truck concrete mixers Undercarriage loaders Road Header other applications - Hoisting

D01 D03 D05 D06 D07 D08 D09 D11 D12 D13 D15 D16 D17 D20 D21 D22 D23 D24 D25 G11

Overhead gantry cra- Rails laying mainte- Tractors for driving Self propelled Trailer / Truck mounted tail ga- Wind generators
Aerial Platforms Articulated cranes Crawler tractor Embarking gangways Embarking stairs Fire trucks Fork lift vehicles Mobile cranes Off-road vehicle nes nance Recovery trucks Road sweepers Snow groomers Special vehicles aeroplanes Underground trains Transporter tes service crane

Mobile & Infrastructure

Machine codes
Brevini Machine Brevini Machine
New Machine description Market Description Code (SAP) New Machine description Market Description
Main Sector Main Sector Code (SAP)
Agriculture Cattle feeder mixers horizontal Agriculture / Forestry B00 Moulding machine Plastic & Rubber K04
Cattle feeder mixers vertical Agriculture / Forestry B01 Palm oil industry Food / Beverage H09
Harvester machines Agriculture / Forestry B04 Pasta industry Food / Beverage H10
Irrigation machines Agriculture / Forestry B05 Plastic & Rubber - other applications Plastic & Rubber K00
Logs carrying system Agriculture / Forestry B06 Plastic and rubber Bending / rollers machine Plastic & Rubber K01
Logs cutting/processing Agriculture / Forestry B07 Presses for P&R Plastic & Rubber K05
Logs splitter Agriculture / Forestry B02 Print Industry Industrial Equipment J06
Manure loaders Agriculture / Forestry B08 Punching and Shearing machine Industrial Equipment J15
Service & Spare parts - Agriculture Distributors / Miscellaneous / Service B99 Radar Transport / Utilities / Handling D14
Sprayers Agriculture / Forestry B09 Rubber and plastic shredders Plastic & Rubber K09
Timber process equipment Agriculture / Forestry J11 Rubber equipments Plastic & Rubber K10
Truck mounted and/or trailed spreader for salt, Saw Mill Industrial Equipment J16
manure etc. Transport / Utilities / Handling D18 Scissor lift / Lifts for vehicles Industrial Equipment J18
Trunk feeder Agriculture / Forestry J12 Service & Spare parts - Industrial & Stationary
Wheeled and Tracked Tractors Agriculture / Forestry B11 Equipment Distributors / Miscellaneous / Service M99
Service & Spare parts - Plastics & Rubber Distributors / Miscellaneous / Service K99
Green Single screw extruder Plastic & Rubber K06
Technologies Archimedes screw Green Energy F01 Stairlifts Transport / Utilities / Handling J26
Biogas plants Green Energy F04 Tannery machine Industrial Equipment J09
Garbage trucks Transport / Utilities / Handling D10 Textile machinery Industrial Equipment J10
Hydroelectric power plant equipment Green Energy G01 Tobacco processing machines Industrial Equipment H11
Incinerator plants Water / Recycling / Waste F05 Twin screws extruder Plastic & Rubber K07
Municipal Water Treatment plants Water / Recycling / Waste F06 Tyre changer Industrial Equipment J19
Ocean Energy (Wave, Tidal & Stream) Green Energy G09 Washing machine Industrial Equipment J13
Percolators and fermenters Water / Recycling / Waste F03 Winders Plastic & Rubber K08
Rotating filters & Biodiscs Water / Recycling / Waste F08 Wine industry Food / Beverage H12
Screw presses Industrial Equipment J08 Wool processing machinery Industrial Equipment J14
Service & Spare parts - Green Technologies Distributors / Miscellaneous / Service G99
Solar Energy Application Green Energy G06 Marine Anchor & mooring winch / Windlass Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E01
Waste & Recycling - other applications Water / Recycling / Waste G00 Boat lift & boat straddle carrier Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E02
Waste Compactors Water / Recycling / Waste G13 Cable laying equipment Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E03
Waste conveyors and handling systems Water / Recycling / Waste N01 Capstans Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E04
Wind generators Green Energy G08 Deck cranes Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E05
Wood, Waste and Recycling Shredders Water / Recycling / Waste F09 Deck machinery Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E06
Dredgers Mining / Quarrying C07
Heavy Duty Apron feeder Mining / Quarrying C01 Empty / loaded container handler Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E07
Bascule Swing Bridges Transport / Utilities / Handling D04 Ferry ramps Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E08
Belt conveyor for mining Mining / Quarrying C02 Hatch covers Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E10
Belt filters for Mining Mining / Quarrying F02 Jack-up systems Marine / Port Installations / Offshore G02
Brick extruders Industrial Equipment C04 Life boats winches / Davits Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E11
Bucket elevator Mining / Quarrying C05 Marine - other applications Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E00
Cane mills Food / Beverage H02 Mobile harbour cranes Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E09
Casting equipment Steel and metal L02 Offshore machinery Marine / Port Installations / Offshore G04
Cement - other applications Industrial Equipment J01 Offshore platform cranes Marine / Port Installations / Offshore G05
Conveyor winches Mining / Quarrying C20 Pilot House / Steering equipment Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E25
Crystalizers Food / Beverage H04 Pipe handler Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E13
Draw bench and wire machines Steel and metal L04 Pods / Azimut / Thruster Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E14
Grinding & Crushing machinery Mining / Quarrying C06 Reachstackers Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E15
Iron and Steel Work - other applications Steel and metal L06 RMG - Rail mounted gantry cranes Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E16
Ladle turret and Ladle tilting/car Steel and metal L07 RTG - Rubber tyred gantry cranes Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E17
Marble industry Mining / Quarrying C09 Service & Spare parts - Marine Distributors / Miscellaneous / Service E99
Milling machinery Mining / Quarrying C10 Ship lifting system Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E18
Mine Winder Mining / Quarrying C17 Ship loader/unloader Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E19
Mineral processing Mining / Quarrying C11 Straddle Carriers Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E21
Mining & Peristaltic pumps Mining / Quarrying F07 STS - Ship to shore Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E22
Mining & Quarrying - other applications Mining / Quarrying C00 Trawling winches Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E23
Mobile crushing and screening plants Mining / Quarrying C13 Umbilical reel winch Marine / Port Installations / Offshore E24
Mobile mining equipment Mining / Quarrying C12
Nuclear power plants equipment Energy / Petrochemical G03 Miscellaneous Distributors / Resellers Distributors / Miscellaneous / Service M03
Pulp & paper Industry Industrial Equipment J07 Intercompany sales /
Roller Press Mining / Quarrying C21 Other Brevini Companies Distributors / Miscellaneous / Service M02
Roller Way Steel and metal L12 Very small customers / miscellaneous Distributors / Miscellaneous / Service M05
Rolling mills Steel and metal L08
Screw conveyors for mining Mining / Quarrying C14 Mobile &
Service & Spare parts - Heavy Duty Distributors / Miscellaneous / Service C99
Infrastructure Aerial Platforms Transport / Utilities / Handling D01
Ski lift - ropeways Transport / Utilities / Handling D19
Articulated cranes Transport / Utilities / Handling D03
Stacker and reclaimers Mining / Quarrying C15
Bulldozers and skid steer loaders Construction / Earthmoving A01
Stationary Concrete mixers Industrial Equipment A02
Concrete pumps Construction / Earthmoving A03
Steel and metal Bending / rollers machine Steel and metal L01
Continuous Diggers Construction / Earthmoving A04
Steel and metal industry handling systems Steel and metal L05
Crawler tractor Transport / Utilities / Handling D05
Steel plate process / Sheet metal / Coilers - Un- Drilling and Piling machines Construction / Earthmoving A05
coilers Steel and metal L10 Dumpers Construction / Earthmoving A06
Stone crusher Construction / Earthmoving A16 Embarking gangways Transport / Utilities / Handling D06
Sugar - other applications Food / Beverage H13 Embarking stairs Transport / Utilities / Handling D07
Thermoelectric power plant equipment Energy / Petrochemical G07 Excavators Construction / Earthmoving A07
Thickener / Clarifier / Decanter for Mining Mining / Quarrying F11 Fire trucks Transport / Utilities / Handling D08
Tunnel boring machines Construction / Earthmoving A19 Fork lift vehicles Transport / Utilities / Handling D09
Wagon tipplers Mining / Quarrying C16 Graders Construction / Earthmoving A08
Mast climbing equipment Construction / Earthmoving A09
Industrial & Statio- Mini-excavators Construction / Earthmoving A10
nary Equipment Amusement rides and Entertainment Transport / Utilities / Handling D02 Mobile & Construction - other applications Construction / Earthmoving A00
Baking machines Food / Beverage H01 Mobile cranes Transport / Utilities / Handling D11
Blow film machine Plastic & Rubber K02 Off-road vehicle Transport / Utilities / Handling D12
Car, gate and level crossing barriers Transport / Utilities / Handling J21 Overhead gantry cranes Transport / Utilities / Handling D13
Conveyors / Feeders (no mining. no waste) Food / Beverage H03 Pavers Construction / Earthmoving A11
Cooling Tower Energy / Petrochemical G10 Pipeline equipment Construction / Earthmoving A13
Coumpounders Plastic & Rubber K03 Rails laying maintenance Transport / Utilities / Handling D15
Dairy industry Food / Beverage H05 Recovery trucks Transport / Utilities / Handling D16
Dock Levelers Industrial Equipment J23 Road Header Construction / Earthmoving A22
Elevators / Home lifts Transport / Utilities / Handling J25 Road planers Construction / Earthmoving A14
Escalators / Autwalks Transport / Utilities / Handling J24 Road rollers Construction / Earthmoving A15
Fish and seafood processing industry Food / Beverage H06 Road sweepers Transport / Utilities / Handling D17
Food processing machinery Food / Beverage H14 Self propelled Trailer / Transporter Transport / Utilities / Handling D24
Frozen food industry Food / Beverage H07 Service & Spare parts - Mobile & Construction Distributors / Miscellaneous / Service A99
Garage parking lift Transport / Utilities / Handling J20 Snow groomers Transport / Utilities / Handling D20
Gate and door openers Transport / Utilities / Handling J22 Special vehicles Transport / Utilities / Handling D21
Hose press / crimping machine Industrial Equipment J17 Tower and luffing cranes Construction / Earthmoving A17
Hydraulic Components & Aggregates manufactu- Tractors for driving aeroplanes Transport / Utilities / Handling D22
rer Industrial Equipment J27 Truck concrete mixers Construction / Earthmoving A18
Hydraulic retractable Bollard Industrial Equipment J28 Truck mounted tail gates Transport / Utilities / Handling D25
Industrial Equipment - Other applications Industrial Equipment J00 Undercarriage Construction / Earthmoving A20
Industrial handling systems Industrial Equipment J03 Underground trains Transport / Utilities / Handling D23
Machining centres Industrial Equipment J04 Wheeled and tracked loaders Construction / Earthmoving A21
Meat industry Food / Beverage H08 Wind generators service crane Transport / Utilities / Handling G11

42124 Reggio Emilia, Via Luciano Brevini, 1

V1.1 - September 2016

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