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Physical Education School Based Assessment

Name: Joshua Wright

Subject: Physical Education

Teacher’s name: Mr. Reynalds

Title: Inter house dance competition

Territory: Jamaica

Year: 2018/19

Candidate Number:

Role: Competition Manager

Table of content

Title Page

Introduction 1

Acknowledgement 2

A Brief History Of Dancing 3

Competition Rules 4

Roles Of A Competition Manager 5

Before Event 6

During Event 7

After Event 8

Reflection 9

Recommendation 10

Reference 11

Apendex 1 12

Apendex 2 13

Apendex 3 14

Physical education is an educational course related to the physique of the human body. It is

taught during primary, secondary and even tertiary education. In this S.B.A, an inter house

dance competition was executed which helped me as a competition manager to manage the

competition successfully. Hence, this S.B.A will give you a firsthand look into exactly what

physical education entails.


I would like to thank god for giving me and my teammates health and strength to complete

this S.B.A. I would also like to thank my family and friends for giving me the encouragement and

assistance needed to complete this project. Also thanks to all my teachers, Mr. Coombs, Mr.

Reynalds and Miss Fargeson for the knowledge and guidance to complete this assignment.
A Brief History Of Dancing

Dancing is a common physical activity done by people across the world. It was done by

our ancestors and is still being done today. Dancing is a form of art, from the music to the

culture and history behind it. Dancing has been a way people could express themselves for

many decades. From the flapper era to having disco fever, dancing has evolved and changed

tremendously throughout the years. There were three dances performed by the contestants of

each house. These dances were: soca, traditional and dancehall.

Soca originated in Trinidad and Tobago ad its creation is credited to the musician Garfield

Blackman otherwise known as lord shorty. Soca stands for “soul of calypso” and it was pretty

much invented in the 1970s. Lord shorty, claimed that the soul of calypso was as multicultural

as his islands African and east Indian descendants.

Traditional dance is a folk dance which was developed by people that reflect the life of

the people of a certain country or region.

Competition Rules

Rule #1 - House leaders must ensure performers are properly attired

Rule #2 - All houses must register 2 weeks before the start of the competition

Rule #3 - 5 minutes will be alotted for each performance. Points will be deducted if time is


Rile #4 - Performance sould be confined to the designated area

Rule #5 - Entry fee $2000 per house and must be paid no less than 2 weeks before event

Rule #6 - No exotic performance

Roles Of A Competition Manager

 Prepare a list of tasks for successful staging f events

 Primarily responsible for the conduct of the games/event on the day of the competition

 Ensures the decisions of the organizing committee are executed

 Provides guidance and support to all officials involved in the event

 Lianses with equipment managers to ensure successful organization of facilities and

equipment n competition day

Before event

Before the event, the competition managers were presented at all sessions with the

equipment managers. They ensured that all equipment were ready for the event. The

competition managers provided the rules and regulations for the event and also provided

guidance and support to the organizing committee in executing their duties. They attended

meetings to discuss the event and things to be done to execute the event successfully.
During Event

The competition managers were responsible for the Rusea's Inter house dance

competition on November 14 2018. They worked alongside the equipment managers to ensure

that the organization of facilities were placed in the designated area. The competition

managers also ensured that the decision of the organizing committee was executed. They

reviewed the task list and made sure everything was going according to plan which they ticked

off on their checklists. At each break, the competition managers ensured that every performers

were at the designated area ready to perform.

After Event

After the event was executed, the competition managers helped the equipment managers to

put back return the equipment used to their respective area. Then they attended a meeting to

discuss the criteria's for the S.B.A.


The competition managers took the time out to visit practice sessions for every

participating house. They also organized and attended meetings to discuss tasks needed to

promote a successful competition. The competition managers also met with the equipment

managers to ensure that they had every equipment needed for the event. It was ensured that

every participants entry fee was paid on the deadlined date.

As the competition drew closer, the competition managers alongside the other executive

body came to terms and organized a fun raising concert. Tickets were sold in order to raise

funds for our physical education S.B.A. After the concert each physical education student

attmed a meeting prior to the event.

Apendex 1

The competition managers having a meeting to plan and organize the event.
Apendex 2

Competition managers attending practice sessions.

Apendex 3

Competition managers ensuring that houses get ready for performance.

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