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Installation and Operation Manual for Vertical Pumps

1. Insufficient A. Speed too slow – Check to assure the turbine receives full steam pressure. Check if driver is
Pressure directly across the line and receiving full voltage.
Check the pump rev/mm is consistent with manufacturer's recommendations.
B. Improper impeller adjustment – Use an ammeter to check the accuracy of the impeller adjustment.
Follow the manufacturers recommended clearance.
C. Loose impeller (rarely occurs) – Refit impeller. Change material with the same expansion factor.
Overcome by adding keyway to collet mounting.
D. Plugged impeller – Pull the pump. Inspect impeller and bowl passages.
E. Wear rings worn – Inspect and replace.
F. Entrained air in pump – Clean screen and trash racks. Check return line size and location in sump
or tank. Increase suction bell diameter so the pumps required submergence is less than the actual
submergence available.
G. Leaking column joints or bowl castings – Pull pump and inspect.
H. Wrong rotation – Rotation must be as indicated by arrow on pump nameplate. Check engagement
of motor coupling.
2. Insufficient A. Speed too slow – See IA.
Capacity B. Improper impeller adjustment – See step 18.
C. Impeller loose (rarely occurs) – See step 1C.
D. Impeller or bowl partially plugged – Pull pump and inspect for obstruction.
E. Leaking joints – See 1G.
F. Strainer partially clogged – See 3D.
G. Suction valve throttled – Check and open valve.
H. Low Water Level (Deep welI) – Increase column length and add a stage or different bowl
I. Wrong rotation – See step IH.
3. No Liquid A. Pump suction broken (water level below bell inlet) – Check for adequate submergence.
Delivered B. Suction valve closed – Open valve.
C. Impeller plugged – Pull pump and inspect for obstruction.
D. Strainer clogged – Backflush. Install finer mesh strainer or larger strainer. Pull pump and remove
E. Wrong rotation – See step IH.
F. Shaft broken – Pull pump and replace shaft.
G. Impeller loose – See step IC.
4. Using Too A. Speed to high – Check voltage on motor.
Much Power B. Improper impeller adjustment – See step 1B.
C. Improper impeller trim – Pull pump and inspect. Modify existing impeller to provide actual system
D. Pump out of alignment or shaft bent – Check alignment of pump and driver, also foundations.
E. Lubricating oil too heavy – Check quantity and quality of lubricants. Refer to manufacturers
F. Pumping sand, silt, or foreign material – Test liquid for viscosity and specific gravity.
5. Vibration A. Motor imbalance – electrical – Carefully observe and analyze the operating history of the pump.
Determine cause utilizing vibration frequency analyzer and/or pump disassembly. Consult motor
and pump manufacturer.
B. Motor bearings not properly seated – See step 5A.
C. Motor drive coupling out of balance – See step 5A.
D. Misalignment of pump, castings, discharge head, column or bowls – See step 5A.
E. Discharge head misaligned by improper mounting or pipe strain – See 5A.
F. Bent shafting – See step 5A. Check, straighten or replace.
G. Worn pump bearings – See step 5A. Check and replace.
H. Clogged impeller or foreign material in pump – Backflush. Pull, check for damage and replace.
I. Improper impeller adjustment – See step 1B.
J. Vortex problems in sump – Increase pump submergence. Apply sump modification such as; install
vertical splitter; install suction umbrella; relocate pump in sump, lower the inlet velocity in sump.
K. Resonance – System frequency at or near pump speed – Loosen anchor bolts. Change pipe
Installation and Operation Manual for Vertical Pumps



6. Abnormal A. Motor noise – Check for bearing failure. Install RTD'S in bearing housing level. Monitor bearing oil
Noise level.
B. Broken column bearing retainers – Check and replace.
C. Broken shaft or shaft enclosing tube – Check and replace.
D. Impellers dragging on bowl case – Re-adjustment impellers per manufacturers recommendations.
E. Cavitation due to low submergence or operation beyond maximum capacity rating – Insufficient
NPSH available. Evaluate system head conditions and reduce pump capacity, if possible. Change
pump impeller to lower NPSH design. Replace bowl assembly with a different model capable of
operating with the system NPSH available.
F. Foreign material in pump – Backflush or pull and inspect.


7 Seal Leaks A. Faces not flat – Check for incorrect installation dimensions.
Steadily B. Blistered carbon graphite seal faces – Check for gland plate distortion due to over torquing of
gland bolts. Improve cooling flush line, if overheated. Check gland gasket for proper compression.
Clean out any foreign particles between seal faces and re-lap faces. Check for cracks and chips at
seal faces during installation. Replace primary and mating rings, if damaged.
C. Secondary seals nicked or scratched during installation – Replace secondary seals.
D. Worn out or damaged 0-ringsCheck for proper seal selection with seal manufacturer.
E. Compression set of secondary seal (hard and brittle) Check for proper lead-in on chamfers, burrs,
F. Chemical attack (soft and sticky) Review with seal manufacturer for alternate materials selection.
G. Spring failures – Replace parts.
H. Erosion damage of hardware and! or corrosion of drive mechanism – Review with seal
manufacturer for alternate materials selection.
8. Seal A. Inadequate amount of liquid to lubricate seal faces – Flush line maybe required. Enlarge flush line
Squeals and/or orifices in gland plate.
9. Carbon A. See step 8A.
Dust B. Liquid film evaporating between seal faces – Check for proper seal design with seal manufacturer
Accumulating if pressure in stuffing box is excessively high.
on Outside
of Gland
10. Seal A. See causes listed under "Seal leaks steadily. "See step 7 A through H. Check for squareness of
Leaks stuffing box to shaft. Align shaft, impeller and bearing to prevent shaft vibration and/or distortion of
Intermittently gland plate and/or mating ring.
11. Short A. Abrasive particles in fluid – Prevent abrasives from accumulating at seal faces Flush line maybe
Seal required. Use abrasive separator or filter.
Life B. Seal running too hot – Increase cooling of seal faces (for example, by increasing flush line flow).
Check for obstructed flow in cooling lines.
C. Equipment mechanical misaligned – Align properly. Check for rubbing of seal on shaft.

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