Direct Burial Optic Fiber Cable Specification - KSD2019 PDF

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Stranded Loose Tube Non-metallic Strength Member Armored Cable


1. Introduction of fiber optical fibers

Cable possesses high tensile strength and flexibility in compact cable sizes. At the same time, it provides
excellent optical transmission and physical performance.

2. Cable Cross -Section

3.Fiber Optical
Fiber count 8 12 16 24 32 36 48 72 96 144
Max. No of loose tube / filler No. 1/4 2/3 2/3 4/1 4/1 3/2 4/1 6/0 8/0 12/0
Fiber No. per tube 8 6 8 6 8 12 12 12 12 12
Loose tube diameter 2.2±0.2mm
Central strength member diameter (FRP) 2.0±0.5mm
Outer sheath thickness 1.8±0.2mm
Cable OD mm 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12.5 14.5 14.5
Cable weight kg/km 155 155 155 155 155 155 210 210 235 255
Operation temperature range -40 ℃ to + 70 ℃
Installation temperature range -40 ℃ to + 70 ℃
Transport and storage temperature range -40 ℃ to + 70 ℃
Allowable Tensile Load(N) Short term:4000 Long term:3000
Crush resistance Short term 3000 N/100mm Long term :1000N/100MM
Minimal installation bending radius 20 x OD

Minimal operation bending radius 10 x OD

3.2 Fiber Optical

B1.3(G652D) single mode fiber naked
Optics Specifications
Attenuation(dB/km) @1310nm ≤0.34db/km
@1383nm (after hydrogen aging) ≤0.32db/km
@1550nm ≤0.22db/km
@1625nm ≤0.24db/km
Dispersion @1285nm~1340nm -3.0~3.0ps/(nm*km)
@1550nm ≤18ps/(nm*km)
@1625nm ≤22ps/(nm*km)
Zero-Dispersion wavelength 1300~1324nm
Zero-Dispersion slope ≤0.092ps/(nm2*km)
Mode field diameter @ 1310nm 9.2±0.4μm
Mode field diameter @ 1550nm 10.4±0.8μm
PMD Max. value for fiber on the reel 0.2ps/km 1/2
Max. Designed value for link 0.08ps/km 1/2
Cable cutoff wavelength,λ cc ≤1260nm
Effective group index(Neff)@1310nm 1.4675
Effective group index(Neff)@1550nm 1.4680
Macro-bend loss(Φ60mm,100 turns)@1550nm ≤0.05db
Back scatter characteristic(@1310nm&1550nm)
Point discontinuity ≤0.05db
Attenuation uniformity ≤0.05db/km
Attenuation coefficient difference for bi-directional measurement ≤0.05db/km
Geometrical characteristics
Cladding diameter 125±1μm
Cladding non-circularity ≤1%
Core/cladding concentricity error ≤0.4μm
Fiber diameter with coating(uncolored) 245±5μm
Cladding/coating concentricity error ≤12.0μm
Curl ≥4m
Mechanical characteristic
Proof test 0.69GPa
Coating strip force(typical value) 1.4N
Dynamic stress corrosion susceptibility parameter(typical value) ≥20
Environmental characteristics(@1310nm&1550nm)
Temperature induced attenuation(-60~+85℃) ≤0.5dB/km
Dry heat induced attenuation(85±2℃,30days) ≤0.5dB/km
Water immersion induced attenuation(23±2℃,30days) ≤0.5dB/km
Damp heat induced attenuation(85±2℃,RH85%,30days) ≤0.5dB/km
Hunan Guanglian Photoelectricity Technologies Co., Ltd

Approved by various professional optical and communication product institution, KSD also conduct various
in-house testing in its own Laboratory and Test Center. She also conduct test with special arrangement with
the Chinese Government Ministry of Quality Supervision & Inspection Center of Optical Communication
Products (QSICO). KSD possess the technology to keep its fiber attenuation loss within Industry Standards.

The cable is in accordance with applicable standard of cable and requirement of customer. The following test
items are carried out according to corresponding reference. Routine tests of optical fiber

Mode field diameter IEC 60793-1-45

Mode field Core/clad concentricity IEC 60793-1-20
Cladding diameter IEC 60793-1-20
Cladding non-circularity IEC 60793-1-20
Attenuation coefficient IEC 60793-1-40
Chromatic dispersion IEC 60793-1-42
Cable cut-off wavelength IEC 60793-1-44

Tension Loading Test

Test Standard IEC 60794-1

Sample length No less than 50 meters

Load Max. installation load

Duration time 1 hour

Test results Additional attenuation:≤0.05dB No damage to outer jacket

and inner elements

Crush/Compression Test

Test Standard IEC 60794-1

Load Crush load
Plate size 100mm length
Duration time 1 minute
Test number 1
Test results Additional attenuation:≤0.05dB No damage to outer jacket and
inner elements

Impact Resistance Test

Test Standard IEC 60794-1

Impact energy 6.5J

Radius 12.5mm

Impact points 3
Hunan Guanglian Photoelectricity Technologies Co., Ltd

Impact number 2

Test result Additional attenuation:≤0.05dB

Repeated Bending Test

Test Standard IEC 60794-1

Bending radius 20 X diameter of cable

Cycles 25 cycles

Test result Additional attenuation: ≤ 0.05dB No damage to outer jacket and

inner elements

Torsion/Twist Test

Test Standard IEC 60794-1

Sample length 2m

Angles ±180 degree

cycles 10

Test result Additional attenuation: ≤0.05dB No damage to outer jacket and

inner elements

Temperature cycling Test

Test Standard IIEC 60794-1

Temperature step +20℃ →-40℃ →+85℃→+20℃

Time per each step Transition from 0℃ to -40℃:2hours; duration at -40℃:8 hours;
Transition from -40 ℃ to +85 ℃ :4hours; duration at +85 ℃ :8
hours; Transition from +85℃ to 0℃:2hours
Cycles 5

Test result Attenuation variation for reference value (the attenuation to be

measured before test at +20±3℃) ≤ 0.05 dB/km
Water penetration Test
Test Standard IEC 60794-1

Height of water column 1m

Sample length 1m

Test time 1 hour

Test resul No water leakage from the opposite of the sample

Hunan Guanglian Photoelectricity Technologies Co., Ltd

5.1 Packing and Marking

Each single length of cable shall be reeled on Fumigated Wooden Drum
Covered by plastic buffer sheet
Sealed by strong wooden battens
At least 1 m of inside end of cable will be reserved for testing.
Drum length: Standard drum length is 3,000m±2%;

5.2 Drum Marking(can according to the requirement in the technical specification)

Manufacturer name;
Manufacturing year and month
Roll--‐direction arrow;
Drum length;
Gross/net weight;

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