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ERNESTO SYKI, petitioner, vs. SALVADOR BEGASA, respondent. [G.R. No. 149149.

October 23, 2003] Facts: Respondent Salvador Begasa and his three companions
flagged down a passenger jeepney driven by Joaquin Espina and owned by Aurora
Pisuena. While respondent was boarding the passenger jeepney (his right foot
already inside while his left foot still on the boarding step of the passenger jeepney),
a truck driven by Elizalde Sablayan and owned by petitioner Ernesto Syki bumped the
rear end of the passenger jeepney. Respondent fell and fractured his left thigh bone.
Respondent filed a complaint for damages for breach of common carrier‘s
contractual obligations and quasi-delict against Aurora Pisuena, the owner of the
passenger jeepney;, herein petitioner Ernesto Syki, theowner of the truck;, and
Elizalde Sablayan, the driver of the truck. After hearing, the trial court dismissed the
complaint against Aurora Pisuena, the owner and operator of the passenger jeepney,
but ordered petitioner Ernesto Syki and his truck driver, Elizalde Sablayan, to pay
respondent Salvador Begasa, jointly and severally Issue: 1. Whether or not petitioner
is liable for the act of his employee. 2. Whether he exercised the diligence of a good
father of a family.


Ruling: In the present case, was respondent partly negligent and thus, should not
recover the full amount of the damages awarded by the trial court? We rule in the
negative. In sum, the sole and proximate cause of the accident was the negligence of
petitioners driver who, as found by the lower courts, did not slow down even when
he was already approaching a busy intersection within the city proper. The passenger
jeepney had long stopped to pick up respondent and his three companions and, in
fact, respondent was already partly inside the jeepney, when petitioners driver
bumped the rear end ofrear-ended it. The impact was so strong such that
respondent fell and fractured his left thigh bone (femur), and suffered severely
woundeds in his left knee and leg. No doubt that respondentpetitioners driver was
reckless speeding. Since the negligence of petitioners driver was the sole and
proximate cause of the accident, in the present case, petitioner is liable, under
Article 2180 of the Civil Code, to pay damages to respondent Begasa for the injuries
sustained by latterhim. Petition denied.

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