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Dust Sampling

and Methods
Jay Colinet
Office of Mine Safety and Health Research
Senior Scientist
National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH)

Silica Dust Control Workshop

Elko, Nevada
September 28, 2010
Presentation Outline

• Current respirable dust standards and sampling


• Dust sampling instruments available for use in


• Sampling methods to quantify dust sources

Dust Standards for Metal/Nonmetal Mining
(Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977)

10.0 mg/m3 total airborne dust

If silica > 1%:

respirable standard = 10 / (% silica + 2)
Gravimetric Dust Sampler
• Provides time-weighted-average respirable dust concentration

• Dorr-Oliver cyclone separates respirable and oversize dust

• Pump operated at 1.7 liters per minute in M/NM mines

Sampling with Gravimetric Samplers

• Filter is pre- and post-weighed to

determine mass gain and is used to
calculate an average dust
concentration over sampling period

• Filter processed using XRD analytical

technique for silica content (NIOSH
Method 7500)

• Sufficient mass must be collected to

have confidence in measurement

• NIOSH typically uses multiple

gravimetric samplers and averages
personalDataRAM (pDR)
• Model 1000 AN passive sampler

• Uses light scattering as

measurement technology

• Instantaneous readings
correlated with time and stored in
internal memory

• pDR concentrations impacted by:

– size distribution of dust
– composition of dust
– water mist in air

• OMSHR adjusts readings with

ratio obtained from adjacent
gravimetric samplers
pDR Field Calibration

• Divide average gravimetric

concentration by average pDR
concentration for same sampling
• Multiply all individual pDR readings
by ratio
• Example:
gravimetric average = 1.4 mg/m3
pDR average = 1.1 mg/m3
grav/pDR ratio = 1.4/1.1 = 1.27
pDR concentrations * 1.27 = adjusted pDR
pDR Provides Time Record of Dust Levels
Personal Dust Monitor
• Real-time measurement
of respirable dust
• Combines dust sampler
and cap lamp into one unit
• Sample inlet is mounted
on cap lamp
• Uses mass-based
measurement to quantify
dust concentration
• Dust measurements are
displayed on screen and
stored internally for later
Principle of Operation
• Exchangeable filter cartridge mounted on
the end of the tapered element collects
particles as sample stream flows through
hollow tube

• Tapered element oscillates at a known

frequency, like a tuning fork

• Frequency changes in direct relation Tapered

to the mass collected on the filter element

• Measurement principle does not respond to

other particle characteristics such as size
distribution or composition (heated circuit
removes moisture)
PDM Status
• Meets NIOSH sampling accuracy
requirements (NIOSH RI 9669)

• Equivalency to CMPDSU (gravimetric

sampler) published in peer-review journal

• MSHA intrinsic safety approval granted for

use in underground coal mines

• New CFR 30, Part 74 rule enacted in 2009

• Thermo Scientific began delivery of

commercial units in July 2009

• Two ongoing NIOSH research efforts

(software and silica)
PDM Analytical Software
• Compile output from PDM samplers
• Provide user-selected summaries for multiple samplers (foreman,
mine superintendent, etc.) or engineering evaluations
• Provide graphing capabilities
PDM Filter Capsule for Maintaining Sample Integrity
for Quartz Analysis

• Place capsule over PDM filter

when TEOM unit removed
from PDM

• Use capsule as filter removal

tool and to secure dust

• Send to lab, remove finger

tab, ash capsule

• Plan to conduct mine surveys

to complete side-by-side
testing with current silica
analysis method
Sampling to Isolate a Fixed Dust Source
Sampling a Mobile Position
Using Real-time Data to
Quantify Multiple Dust
• Evaluate dust levels during truck
haulage cycle at an underground
gold mine

• Use pDR samplers and time

study data to quantify dust
generation for different parts of
– loading
– hauling full
– dumping
– hauling empty

• Two researchers conducting time

Time-weighted-average Dust Contributions
Dump location had highest dust contribution despite having the
shortest duration… (14% time vs. 34% dust)

Tram 34%
(3.7 mins)
(6.7 mins)

Loading Empty
15% 29%
(4.2 mins) (11.4 mins)
Using Real-time Data to Quantify Dust Sources for
Mobile Workers
• Evaluate work tasks and associated dust levels for mobile workers
throughout their shift

• Merge active pDR 1500 sampling data and video (Helmet Cam) to
quantify highest sources of dust generation for different tasks

• Develop controls and/or improved work practices to reduce mobile

workers’ dust exposure
Sampling to Isolate an Unconfined Dust Source

Wind direction


A – Ambient sampling location

D – Drill sampling locations

The findings and conclusions in this

presentation are those of the authors and do
not necessarily represent the views of NIOSH.
Mention of any company or product does not
constitute endorsement by the National
Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
(NIOSH). In addition, citations to Web sites
external to NIOSH do not constitute NIOSH
endorsement of the sponsoring organizations
or their programs or products. Furthermore,
NIOSH is not responsible for the content of
these Web sites. All Web addresses
referenced in this presentation were
accessible as of the date the presentation was
originally delivered.
Thank you!

Jay Colinet
Office of Mine Safety and Health Research
P.O. Box 18070
Pittsburgh, PA 15236

[email protected]

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