Challenges in Implementing IFRS in India: An Analytical Overview

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International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

ISSN: 2455-4030
Impact Factor: RJIF 5.24
Volume 3; Issue 1; January 2018; Page No. 796-798

Challenges in implementing IFRS in India: An analytical overview

S Subashree, 2 Shankar R, 3 Dr. E Nixon Amirtharaj
Assistant Professor in Commerce and Business Administration, SRM University, Vadapalani Campus, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Assistant Professor in Commerce, Dr. SNS Rajalakshmi College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Assistant Professor in Commerce and Business Administration, SRM University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Accounting standards (AS) are authoritative standards for financial reporting and are the primary source of generally accepted
accounting principles (GAAP). Accounting standards specify how transactions and other events are to be renowned, calculated,
presented and revealed in financial statements. The aim of such standards is to endow with financial information to investors,
lenders, creditors, contributors and others that is useful in making decisions about providing resources to the entity. However,
Convergence would be a challenge in view of the conflicting legal and regulatory requirements related to financial statements, the
technical preparedness of industry and accounting professionals and economic environment prevailing in the country. A sample of
75 respondents comprising Chartered Accountants (CAs) and CA students in Coimbatore city, was taken into consideration using
convenience sampling. The measures taken by the ICAI and the other regulatory bodies to facilitate the smooth convergence to
IFRS are commendable and give the positive idea that the country is ready for convergence.

Keywords: ICAI, IFRS, GAAP, challenges and accounting standards

Introduction However, Convergence would be a challenge in view of the

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) being a conflicting legal and regulatory requirements related to
member body of the International Accounting Standards financial statements, the technical preparedness of industry
Committee (IASC) constituted the Accounting Standards and accounting professionals and economic environment
Board (ASB) on 21st April, 1977, with a view to synchronize prevailing in the country. Based on this, the researcher has
the diverse accounting policies and practices the use in India. structured the following research questions:
After the acknowledged implementation of liberalization and  What are the major barriers faced by the companies while
globalization as the corner stone’s of Indian economic policies implementing IFRS?
in the early 1990s, and the growing concern about the need of
effective corporate governance of late the accounting Methodology
standards have increasingly tacit importance. While preparing To assess the difficulties in implementing IFRS, a sample of
the accounting standards, the ASB takes into contemplation of 75 respondents comprising Chartered Accountants (CAs) and
the applicable bylaws, custom practice and business CA students in Coimbatore city, was taken into consideration
environment prevailing in the country. The ASB also gives using convenience sampling.
due concern to IFRSs/ IASs issued by the IASB and tries to
incorporate them, to the extent possible in the light of Review of Literature
circumstances and practices prevailing in India. Bartov et al. (2005) [1] in “Comparative value relevance
There is a growing international consensus on the among German, U.S. and International Accounting Standards:
International Financial Reporting Standards as acceptable a German stock market perspective,” assessed the value
standards for assessment of the financial health of a company relevance of earnings produced under USA and German
across the globe. For entities, that are globally active, the GAAP relative to that under IFRS, and finds that USGAAP-
differences in financial reporting requirements create extra based and IFRS-based earnings are of higher value relevance
complications in terms of preparing, consolidating, auditing than German GAAP-based earnings.
and interpreting financial statements. Thomas P Conaghan et al. (2009) [2], in their study, “SEC
Proposes Roadmap for US Issuers to Switch to IFRS” showed
Statement of the Problem that the SEC has published its "roadmap" for potentially
The convergence of Indian Accounting Standards with those requiring that US companies comply with International
of the IFRS is a part of a kind of globalization of accounting Financial Reporting standards rather than US Generally
pronouncements. Gradually, the world will see one set of Accepted Accounting Standards. Companies need to begin to
accounting rules, which are seamlessly adopted by majority of prepare for this significant change and its collateral
the countries if not all. consequences.

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

Analysis and Interpretation In Table 2, it was found that among the respondents 36 per
In India, with very less knowledge in IFRS very few business cent each were both ACA and FCA and 28 per cent were CA
organizations are using it to maintain their accounting records. students, 56 per cent respondents had the experience between
To know the perceptions of the users about the challenges in 6 and 10 years, all the respondents were from SIRC and 40 per
implementing IFRS, 75 respondents were chosen namely, cent respondents have cleared CA Final.
Chartered Accountants and CA students in Coimbatore city
and their opinion were collected Knowledge of IFRS
Pilot study was conducted for 25 respondents and the test of As IFRS is not yet fully applied India so the survey was
reliability was also tested using Cronbach’s Alpha, which is initiated by asking whether the respondents are aware about
shown in Table 1. IFRS. The results are shown in Table 3
Table 1: Test for Reliability
Table 3: Knowledge of IFRS
Cronbach's Alpha No of Respondents
Questions Respondents (in per cent)
0.670 50
One Accounting in World 93
Source: Computed Data
Never received any training in IFRS 80
The Test for Reliability was conducted to test the reliability of Ready to receive IFRS training in near
the opinion towards the challenges in implementing IFRS. The future
result of the revealed the alpha score of 0.670 No availability of sufficient qualified
professionals to adopt IFRS in India
Source: Computed Data
Personal Profile of the Respondents
To understand the challenges in IFRS implementation the In Table 3, it was found that among the respondents 93 per
opinion was collected from CA Professional and CA students cent were aware of the term One Accounting in world is IFRS,
in Coimbatore city and their Personal Profile is shown Table 2 where 80 per cent respondents never received any training in
Table 2: Personal Profile of Respondents IFRS, 87 per cent respondents are ready to receive IFRS
training in near future and 81 per cent respondents opined that
No. of Respondents
Profile there is no availability of sufficient qualified professionals to
Respondents in %
CA Students 14 28 adopt IFRS in India.
Designation ACA 18 36
FCA 18 36 Challenges of IFRS implementation
3-5 years 16 32 To know the major challenges faced by the companies while
Years of
6-10 years 28 56 implementing IFRS in India, closed- ended form questions
More than 10 years 06 12 were asked using 5-point scale and the weights have been
Region SIRC 50 100 assigned as 5 for major difficulty and 1 for the least difficulty
UG 09 18 while implementing IFRS. Based on the scores, the ranks are
PG 13 26 assigned which are shown in Table 4.
Cleared CPT (Direct CA) 08 16
CA Final 20 40
Source: Computed Data

Table 4: Challenges in implementing IFRS in India

1. Challenges SA A N DA SDA WAS Ranking
2. IFRS requires Internal process 28 34 11 2 0 4.17 2
3. IFRS better than IGAA 20 36 16 3 0 .96 6
4. IFRS requires Additional resources 25 36 12 2 0 3.81 9
5. Steering committee is required in IFRS implementation 25 36 6 8 0 3.76 11
6. Complexity of financial reporting 33 33 8 1 0 4.09 4
7. Need training program for employees 30 33 9 3 0 4.16 3
8. Incurs huge financial expense 35 32 5 3 0 4.65 1
9. Regulatory authorities make significant changes in laws 28 35 10 2 0 3.97 8
10. Fair-value method for valuation 29 32 10 4 0 3.80 10
11. Helps in Internal management reporting 20 36 16 3 0 3.98 7
12. Unbinding concept result significant changes 32 35 6 2 0 4.02 5
Source: Computed Data
Note: SA- Strongly Agree; A- Agree; N- Neutral; DA- Disagree and SDA- Strongly Disagree

As per the weighted average ranking it was found that “IFRS “Need training program for employees” was ranked third,
incurs huge financial expenses” was ranked first, then “IFRS pointing out that these are major implementation challenges in
requires internal process control” was ranked second and IFRS implementation.

International Journal of Advanced Research and Development

Findings of the Study

Challenges in implementing IFRS
 As per the Weighted average ranking it was found that
“IFRS incurs huge financial expenses” was ranked first,
then “IFRS requires internal process control” was ranked
second and “Need training program for employees” was
ranked the third, pointing out that these are major
challenges in IFRS implementation.

Suggestions of the Study

 The challenges in IFRS adoption is “Need training
program for their employees”, which can be solved by the
initiating conversion of AS to IFRS, the companies have to
assess the level of in-house experience/ expertise and the
types of training that are needed. Thus, the implementation
of IFRS would require trained accountants, auditors,
valuers, etc., Therefore, seminars and workshops may be
conducted for them by the Government and ICAI. Thus,
India will emerge as an accounting services hub in the near
 Government should release more fund to educate all
stakeholders with special reference to the academic staff
and accounting students who will uphold the IFRS in the
country in the forth coming years.

The measures taken by the ICAI and the other regulatory
bodies to facilitate the smooth convergence to IFRS are
commendable and give the positive idea that the country is
ready for convergence. The need is to have systematic
approach to make the organization and investors ready for the
change and the standards ready for renovation. Indian
corporate are likely to reap significant benefits from adopting
IFRS. Since the cost compliance would be very high for the
medium-sized industry. However, several important matters
need to be addressed urgently if India hopes to achieve the
planned convergence.

1. Bart1ov E, Goldberg SR, Kim M. Comparative value
relevance among German, US and International
Accounting Standards: A German stock market
perspective. Journal of Accounting Auditing & Finance.
2005; 20(2):95-119.
2. Thomas P Conaghan, Barbara A Jones, Eugene IGoldman,
Marc E Rivera. SEC Proposes Roadmap for US Issuers to
Switch to IFRS. Insights; the Corporate & Securities Law
Advisor. 2009; 23(1):2-8.


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