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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

International Open Access Journal |

ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | Volume - 3 | Issue – 1 | Nov – Dec 2018

A Review on
n Concept off Kupipakva Rasayana
Dr. Sahu Gajendra1, Dr. Parhate S. M.2, Dr. Karbhal K. S.3
PG Scholar, 2Professor and HOD, 3Reader PG Scholar
Rasshastra and
nd Bhaishajya kalpana, Govt. Ayurvedic College,
Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India

ABSTRACT History of Kupipakvarasayana

The formulations prepared by subjecting The knowledge of KupiPakvvaRasayana thus came to
suddhaparada, suddhagandhaka and any of the other India by various Siddhas In 8th century A.D
rasadravya to a specific heat in any selected glass  9th century A.D. - Gandhakjarana for the first
bottle following the unique method of preparation time mentioned in Rasa HridayaTantra, further
mentioned in the books is called as developed as Kupipakvarasayana. 1
kupipakwarasayana. Kupipakwarasayanakalpana
asayanakalpana have  13th century A.D. - Information of Rasa
always been known for their absolute potency and SindoorKalpana, a Kupipakvarasayana, is for the
smaller dosage. They are largely produced and first time available as Udayabhaskara Rasa2 in
marketed by pharmaceutical companies. These Rasa Prakash Sudhakar (R.P.S.
(R 3/10- 14) by Shri
formulations have very wider range of therapeutic Yashodara Bhatta. He used Kupi and SiktaYantra
utility. in the preparation. He also described the method
of preparation of Rasa karpura as the name of
KEY WORDS: Parada, Kupipakwa rasayana, Ghansara Rasa.3
Rasadravya  15th century A.D. - Shri AnantadevSoori
mentions the same as Rasaparthiva
Rasaparthi Rasa in Rasa
The preceptors of Indian rasa shastra were initially  16th and 17th century A.D. -
indulged very much in the achievement of a disease RasakaumudievamRasakalpayoga and Ayurveda
free and decay free body (deha veda) and the Prakash respectively mention Sindoornama Rasa
conversion of a lower metal to a higher metal i.e. a (Sindoor like Rasa).4 In RasendraChintamani5
metal having higher economic value (loha veda) there is clear cut specific heating pattern named as
simultaneously, but later their attempts in the field of Kramagni ( Mridu, Madhya and Tikshna Agni )
deva veda became dominant. has mentioned.
 19th century A.D. – Rasatarangini mentions
Acharyas found mercury and few other minerals are range of Kupipakvarasayana like Rasasindoor,
very useful. They observed that some toxic and Rasapushpa, Rasakarpoora, Makardhwaja and
harmful effects are likely to be produced in the body Swarnavanga, etc. along with modification like
if such metals minerals used in Ashodhita form, hence use of sulphuric acid in preparation
p of Rasa
to minimize or remove their toxic effects shodhana, karpoora.
marana, Amritikarana procedures should be done.  Swami Harisharanand Vaidya has described 258
Kupipakva method is developed mainly for kupipakwarasayana in his text Kupiakava Rasa
gandhakajarana in which Sulphur is added with NirmanaVigyana
mercury in different proportions and bburns it with
the help of fire in glass bottle (kupi). The aim was to Kupi - The term kupi indicates suitale glass bottle;
produce strong bond structure between the molecules pakwa means paka in agni; rasa terms stands for
of mercury and the Sulphur. sthana 6
parada and ayana means sthana.

Pakva - which mean ‘coocked in’ “cooked by”

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Rasayana - The one which destroys the smile D. Paka-pariksha
symptoms & signs also the senile diseases, other E. Precautions
diseases& rejuvenates the person. F. Mudrana (Sealing ) Procedure.

KupipakvaRasayana -The rasayana which is made 3. Paschatkarma: It includes -

by cooking over fire in a kupi is known as A. Breaking of bottle
kupipakvarasayana. B. Test of prepared medicine
C. Storage
Kupipakvakalpanas can be classified as follows
follows- Place for preparation of Kupipakva Rasayana:-
1. According to ingredients :  The room in which the furnace (Bhatti) is to be bu
A. Sagandha- Those which contain gandhaka as an ilt should be enough high & must have proper ven
ingredient.7 tilation i.e should have enough number of window
1. Parada + Gandhak → RasSindura s & gate. So that the smoke & heat of the furnace
2. Parada + Gandhaka + Dhatu → Naga sindura does not cause any trouble to the Worker/Maker o
3. Parada + Gandhaka + Adhatu → Mallasindura r Observer.
4. Parada + Gandhaka + Adhatu + Swarna →  Furnance is not to be built in open space,
Poornachandrodaya rasa otherwise rain in rainy season and scorching
B. Nirgandha- where gandhak is not used eg. eg.- sunlight in summer will cause trouble during the
Rasapuspa, Rasakarpura preparation & with winds flowing, the heat will
not be provided sufficiently.
2. According to manufacturing method :  The room should be sufficient roomy or should ha
A. Antardhuma – Cork is applied in the ve sufficient place to store fire material like wood,
beginning, the fumes are not allowed to escape eg. coal etc & extra bags of sand.
Sameerpanaga rasa, Sarvangasundar rasa.
B. Bahirdhoomavidhi- Cork is applied after burning Equipment’s -
Appropriate Materials &Equipment’s
of sulphur. e.g. Rasa sindoora. 1. Kupi
2. ValukaYantra
3. Dependingg upon the deposition site of finished 3. Bhrastri, Chulika
product- 4. KhalvaYantra(mortar
(mortar and pestle)
A. Galastha or Kantastha- Final produc product is 5. Shalaka(Shitashalaka&Ushanashalaka)
accumulated at the neck of bottle eg. Rasa 6. Copper coin or plate
sindoora 7. Cork or sealing material
The product is obtained at
B. Talastha or Adhastha -The
the base of bottle A. Kupi –
eg. SameerapannagaRasa, Rasa Sindoora The glass bottle which is most convenient and quite
C. Ubhayastha- Medicine accumulated both at neck regularly selected for this purpose is the beer bottle of
and the base of the bbottle. e.g. 650 ml. capacity. It will be lengthy round and firm
Poornachandrodaya, rasamanikya, et
etc. based with elongated neck and usually umber colour.
synonyms of kupi are Kupika, Siddha, girindika etc.8
Procedure ( Method of Preparation):
Kupipakva – rasayana procedure can divide into three History of kupi :
phases: Vaidya Harisharnanda stated in his text
1. Purva karma : It includes - Kupiakvarasayana that the use of kanchkupi began
A. Kajjali Preparation and Trituration from 10 th century A.D. when the science of
B. Coating of bottle (Kapadmitti) preparing glass began in India.. Kupis made up of
C. Filling of raw material in bottle. iron, silver, mud, gold were in use. Rasendramangala
has described shadguna (six time) Balijarana in
2. Pradhan karma: It includes - mercury by the help of Loha-crucible.
crucible. Harisharnanda
A. Heating procedure and temperature pattern. Vaidya had stated that a kanchkupi should have thin
B. Observations bottom and should not have a very long neck as the
C. Cleaning of mouth of bottle fumes of sulphur would block the neck and break the

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
kupi. Now a days green colour or Amber colour beer which is constricted a little is taken and covered 7
bottles are used in practice. layers of a cloth well soaked in homogenous paste of
Multanimitti on it.
Advantages of kanchkupi:
A. The most important advantage of glass bottle is Baluka–
the rasas which prepared in glass bottle the The Blukayantra should have capacity to
get very beautiful and smooth, slippery surface. accommodate 5 aadhaka of sand . Acharya Sadanand
This is not possible in any another material bottle. Sharma has mentioned that the sand should be fill up
B. It does not break suddenly during preparation. to the neck of the Kupi.11
C. During whole process Vapours do not escape out.
D. Breaking of glass bottle to collect the m
medicinr is History OfValukayantra
also very easy & convenient. The usage of this yantra seem to be started from 9th
Overlapping of kupi by the paste of Mritika (multani, Rasratnasamucchya:A A bhanda of 1 Vitasti filled with
khadiya or china clay) and cotton cloth are termed as 5 adhaka of sand is taken for valukayantra, in which a
Kapadmitti. Kachkupiwraped with 1 angula thick kapadmitti filled
with 3 parts of it with kajjali,Thebhanda is then
Aim:: To enhance the heat tolerance capacity of Kupi covered with another sharava&sandhibandhana is
and also to strengthen the glass bottle done.12
 Rasaratnasamucchaya describes the method of
coating of Kupi with clay and cloth in detail. RasendraChintamani13 2/7: The centre of the base of
(R.R.S. 9/33-35).9 bhanda should have the hole of Tarjinianguli, which is
 The bottle should be placed upside down in a rod closed with Abhrakapatra while filling it.It is then
stand keep a thin layer of clay at the bottom of subjected to Kramagni of 3,4,5 days.
Kupi and then a single piece of cot cotton strip,
smeared with clay, should be placed downward Rasendrachudamani14: Vessel contain 5 adhaka sand.
from its bottom.
 The cloth piece/the strip should be lengthy enough Rasa Tarangani 4/29-3030 : Depth of Handi is
to cover both sides upto bottles mouth. mentioned as 12 Angulas, along with the indication
 After proper drying of the first layer, should be of kapadmitti over handi too, before subjecting it to
put second layer. Another cotton strip sme smeared agni.
with clay should be placed in cross direction to
previous strip from the bottom to the mouth of the Acharya Yadavji : Acharya Yadav ji has mentioned
bottle. the depth of vessel as 1 Vasthi.
 After coating it should be Press by hand to made it
plane, smooth and so also to make sure that no Shalaka – The shalaka or Iron rod is usually used
free space or air bubble is present in betwe
between the which is preferred to have more length or height than
bottle and strips, then it should be dried in sun. of kupi. The material of Shalaka should be inert in
 Likewise, the texts of rasashastras describe nature.
total sevenlayers of coating of clay and cloth on
kachakapi to make it strong and heat resistant. ShitaShalaka: Particles of ingredients are seen on the
 Ayurveda Prakash10 describes saindhava and rod at the stage of melting of Kajjali.Some particles of
Ayaskriti andd coating Khadiya clay (Ayu. the drug will stick on the shalaka which shows
Pra.1/194) whereas in RasendraChintamani, completion of paka.
Khatika, Mud and Saindhava are described for TaptaShalaka:Material
Material present at the mouth of the
coating on glass bottle (R.C.2/18). Kupi burns with a blue flame on insertion.It is used
for removing extra Sulphur deposited at the neck
Balukayantra – region of kupi.
This is the main requisite of
kupipakvarasayana.Balukayantra consist of silica and Preparation of kajjali- The purified parada and
earthen pot. A strong elongated bottle the mouth of Gandhak are taken in clean khalvayantra and

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triturated continuously until appropriate kajjali is 5. The new compound formation is anticipated at
obtained. this stage.

Bhavana to kajjali- A powder of metal, minerals or Third stage – Tivragni (450-- 650)
any other substance is triturated with liquid substance This stage commences from the formation of Sindura
till all the liquid is absorbed is known as Bhavna. compound and lasts upto the completion of jarana of
Gandhaka. As heating persist, this newly formed
Filling of Kajjali into Kupi - compound sublimates and gets condensed at the neck
Only 1/4th to 1/3rd of the bottle is filled with kajjali and mouth of the kupi.
and the remaining part is left vacant to allow better 1. At the end of middle stage Sulphur fumes catches
compound formation. fire and it takes a form of flame. In this end stage
flame appears.
Pradhan Karma- 2. When extra sulphur burns out completely flame
Before going to start the Pradhan karma some disappears and this indicates the completion of
precautions should be taken, they are- GandhakaJarana.
 The mouth of the bottle should be covered 3. Redness starts appearing at the bottom of the
temporarily with the cork and placed firmly in Kupi, which gets more brightened (
valukayantra pouring the sand into Valukayantra. Sooryodayalaxana). Sindura test becomes
 Kupi should be placed at the centre and with two positive.
inch thick sand at the base and sand upto neck in
the surrounding. Shalakasanchalana
During the preparation sheet & Tata Salakas are being
Temperature measurement: in use.
It is very much mandatory to control heat in
kupipakva rasa preparation, to prepare proper Shitashalaka- It is used especially for noting the state
medicine. Every Rasa-vaidya must know the of Kajjali, whether it is in powder form, melted state,
temperature pattern and heat regulation. in boiling state, or in sublimating compound state.

Heating Pattern: Taptashalaka – It is used for burning the sulphur

Heating pattern should always follow Kramavriddgni accumulated
ted at the neck region of Kupi.
i.e. gradual increase in temperature.
Observations of Fumes &Flame:
First stage- Mrudu Agni (125 – 250) Fumes - All the features of fumes like colour, smell
Stage of liquefaction of ofKajjali.. This is the stage etc. should be observed. It differs according to the
where kajjali starts
tarts melting and Sulphur fumes are ingredients. Colour may be yellow, orange, quantity
emitted .This is tested with the help of ShitaShalaka. may be less, moderate, profuse, smell like sulphur
The temperature of this stage ranges uto 2500C. This odour, other odour may be some of
o the observations.
heat is maintained for the prescribed time as to allow
chemical reactions to begin Flames – It is also an important factor while
preparing kupiPakwaRasayanas. Its colour and its
Middle stage – Madhyamagni (250 -450) 450) duration are the important features. These features
Stage of profusee fuming and boiling of kajjali also depend on the ingredients used.
1. The kajjali starts to boil as a result of which fumes
emerge gradually followed by flames. Copper coin or copper foils -
2. When the neck of the bottle gets blocked it has to To test that whether these are Fumes of Mercury,
be frequently cleared carefully inserting the hot copper foil should be kept on the mouth of
iron rod ( taptashalaka) selected for the purose. bottle. After removing if white coloured spot will be
3. Both fumes and flames subside at one point. there on that copper Foil, it confirms that now the
4. If the base of the bottle is visualized at this stage mercury is evaporating. It is a right time to apply
in torch light by keeping the surrouding dark, it mudranaa (Sealing of the mouth of bottle) by the cork
appears deep red. and clay

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Mukhamudrana (corking of kupi) of the same is heared cloth; the two broken parts
The closure of bottle opening with a cork is called as of the bottle are cautiously collected held inverted
kupimukhamudrana or mudra. The cork is usually and gently stroked to collect the medicine
prepared by rolling the wet mud smeared cloth tightly adherent inside in the same shape.
into a small
ll cork shape. It should be thicker at the top
and comparatively narrower below. The narrower end Collection of product- Kupipakwarasayana product
is inserted into the Bottle mouth and fixed. The mudra which may be kantastha or Talastha type, should
shoul be
preparation is also called other names like hata mudra collected carefully from the particular portion Then
and madana mudra. the product is analyzed to classical and modern
Importance of cork-
 To avoid loss of finished product. Sindurabhasmapariksha- When the sindurabhasma
 To obtain kanthastharasayanas is subjected to flame test, there should not be any
 To avoid entrance of foreign material emission of fumes, discolouration or odour.The
genuine bhasma is guru so that it sinks into water
Swangasheetikarana (self cooling) when spread as a thin layer over it.
After corking bhrastri is left for self cooling to assist
condensation of the formed sindura compound in the Discussion
neck portion of the
he kupi. It enhances the quality of The introduction of the Kupipakwarasayana was
sindura by its complete pachanpaka process
process. proven revolutionary in field of Rasashasra for
clinical practice. Rasa sindura, Makaradhwaj, Rasa
PaschatKarms - karpura,, Swarnavanga as well as base of many
It is considered as Paschat karma or it can also be rasaushadhies. Later on after 8th century in the rasa
called as final step. The bottle in which medicine is grant has like Rasaratnasamucchaya,
prepared has to be broken with all care and gentleness Rasendrachintamani, Rasatarangani a through
so that the drug inside is completely collected without description of the Valukayantra & kachkupi to be
any loss. It includes the following. used and agni to be given was mentioned which
proves the refining of this process with time.Granthas
hould be removed from
Removal of Kupi- First sand should like Kupipawarasayana by Harisharnananda Vaidya
balukayantra after that Kupi is taken out with care were full of the minor details of the whole kupipakwa
(sometimes it may be possible that Kupi is broken process.
inside but remain intact due to layers of cloth).
Scraping of outer coverings- layers of cloth smeared A kind of metallic preparations which is commonly
with mud is removed and kupii should be cleaned with prescribed by ayurvedic physician known as
wet cloth, then mark the level of Rasayana inside the KupipakwaRasayana. It has disease curing properties
neck / bottom. due to paradamurchana. Sometimes many chemical
reactions are involved to give synergistic effect in the
Breaking of Kupi16– body. By this different minerals and metals are
1. A jute thread soaked in kerosene is tied around the transformed into effective medicines. The actions of
bottle where it needs to be broken. The thread Kupipakwarasayana remain for longer period of time
is ignited allowed to burn fully. which indicates its greater potency and efficacy. It is
2. After the thread is burnt its remaining part if any very effective even at minimum dose with ease of
on the bottle is removed and soon the bottle is administration. When kupipakwa medicines are mixed
horizontally rolled in a wet cloth spread on an with other medicines, it minimizes the dose of other
even surface. medicines.17 When it is compared with other
3. Here the part of the bottle hot because of the Rasaushadhi like Kajjali, Parpati, Pottali its chemical
thread bulge.As a result of sudden change in bonding are stronger among these three. It is more
temperaturere the glass breaks precisely at the areas potent than any of other herbal preparations.
it is intended to and while breaking a clear sound

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