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Name: __________________________ Date: ___________

Be Social-Network Smart

Watch the video and do the tasks.

1. Answer the questions.
A) Do you use social networks?
B) What social networks do you use?
C) What are you usually up to in social networks?
D) Can a social network be dangerous? Why?

2. Give the English equivalents to the words. Make up sentences

with them.
Word list: log in, watch out, hang around, post, to be up to, share.
1) connect to a computer system – _____________________;
2) associate with – __________________;
3) give your photos, posts and other info to other people online – _____________;
4) be careful with – _________________;
5) to set some info online – __________________;
6) to be going to do __________________.

3. Match the information below to the proper column.

What you CAN do in a social What you MUSTN’T do in a social What you SHOULD do in a social
network network network
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 connect to people,
 tell people when you are going on vacation,
 share your photos,
 share information with people you don’t know online,
 listen to favourite songs,
 tell jokes,
 post info that may compromise your reputation,
 set some limits on using social networks,
 see what your friends are up to,
 post personal information,
 post information you wouldn’t like to see in news or in
 be picky in choosing your online friends,
 let your online life get the better of your real life.

4. Are you social-network smart?

5. Have you ever done anything online that was not safe?
6. Say what rules of Internet safety are violated in the pictures.
Word list: posting compromising info, telling jokes, Internet bullying, telling online you aren’t at home, sharing your
photos, Internet blackmailing.

1) 2) 3) 4)
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