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Variable Life Insurance Proposal

In the Philippines, insurance products are being offered through Sun Life of Canada (Philippines), Inc., a member of the Sun Life
Financial group of companies. In this proposal, you and your refer to the policy owner while we, us, our and the Company refer to
Sun Life of Canada (Philippines), Inc.
Proposal Information
On the life of : Lyndon Bascos Soriano Age Last Birthday : 38 (Male)
Currency : Philippine Peso
Basic Plan Benefit Amount Regular Premium
Sun MaxiLink Prime - Non-Smoker Ps 750,000.00 Ps 49,687.50
Additional Benefits
Total Disability Benefit (Waiver of Premium) - TDB Ps 892.50
Accidental Death Benefit - ADB Ps 500,000.00 Ps 790.00
Critical Illness Benefit - CIB Ps 500,000.00 Ps 3,045.00
Class: Standard Total Initial Annual Regular Premium Ps 54,415.00
Annual Excess Premium (to be Billed Regularly) Ps 0.00
Total Initial Annual Premium (to be Billed Ps 54,415.00
Excess Premium (One-time) Ps 0.00
Sun MaxiLink Prime is a variable life insurance product until age 88 payable for 10 years*. The living benefit is equal to the fund
value, which is partially or fully withdrawable from the policy's share in the separate account(s). The death benefit is the higher of
the sum of 200% of the face amount and the fund value or the minimum death benefit. The minimum death benefit is equal to
500% of the regular premium plus 125% of each paid excess premium, if any, less 125% of each partial withdrawal, if any. No other
benefits are payable under this product.
The policy is a variable contract. Only the face amount is guaranteed. The rest of the benefits, namely the fund value and the actual
death benefit payable depend on the investment experience of separate account(s) linked to the policy.
The investment risks associated with this product are borne solely by the policy owner.
If you decide the policy is not suitable for your needs, then you may return said documents for cancellation by
giving us written notice. We must receive such notice within 15 days from the date you receive the policy. We will
refund the fund value of the units allocated to your policy inclusive of the initial charges.
(i) All payments and benefits shown are in Philippine pesos.
(ii) The illustrations assume that all premiums are paid in full when due and as planned with no premium holiday, you will have no withdrawals
on the policy beyond those illustrated, mode of payment is annual and the current scale of charges remains unchanged.
(iii) The Company reserves the right to adjust the basic and rider premium, and any charges in this plan.
(iv) The above values are illustrations only of the key features of the recommended insurance plans. This illustration may differ from any earlier
proposal illustration.
(v) The values in the succeeding pages are illustration of possible performance of your fund. Since the fund performance may vary, the values of
your units are not guaranteed and will depend on the actual investment performance at that given period. The value of the policy could be
less than the premiums paid.
(vi) Any excess premium you have paid is considered such only if the Annual Regular Premium has been fully paid. The Company may require
evidence of insurability of the Life Insured with respect to payment of any excess premium.
(vii) *Premium payment period of 10 years is not guaranteed. You may still be required to pay additional premium after 10 years if the fund
value is insufficient to pay the charges.

This proposal shall form part of the insurance contract once the policy is issued. A copy of this proposal and the policy contract will be delivered to

While we have made every effort to ensure accuracy, errors and omissions may have occurred in the preparation of this proposal.
Should there be any discrepancy between the statement(s) contained in this material and the insurance policy contract, the provisions of the
insurance policy contract will prevail.

Prepared By : BOMBITA, KARLEEN R. Date : 12 April 2019

Branch : BAYWOOD

This is only an illustration.

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Lyndon Bascos Soriano 38 (Male)
Sun MaxiLink Prime - Non-Smoker
Face Amount: Ps 750,000.00 Total Initial Premium to be Billed: Ps 54,415.00

Fund Allocation
100% Index Fund

Investment Fund Description

Balanced Fund
The fund is designed to provide optimum returns through investment in a mix of government and domestic corporate debt and locally-listed equity
Bond Fund
The fund is designed to stay invested only in high-quality fixed income instruments that are classified as below average risk.
Equity Fund
The fund is designed to produce long term capital appreciation through investment in high quality stocks that are diversified across sectors.
Money Market Fund (available only for fund switching/transfers)
The fund is designed to ensure capital protection and provide adequate liquidity while maximizing yields on short-term placements.
MyFuture Fund
The fund is a target date fund that will invest primarily in high-quality stocks and a mix of government and domestic corporate debt in accordance
with an asset allocation strategy that will become increasingly conservative as the maturity of the fund approaches.
Growth PLUS Fund
The fund is designed mainly to generate long-term capital appreciation through investment in high-quality equity and equity-linked securities,
diversified across sectors, which distribute periodic dividends and provide sustainable dividend yields.
Index Fund
The Fund is designed mainly to generate long-term capital appreciation through investment in high-quality equities comprised of constituents of the
Philippine Stock Exchange Index (PSEi).
Captains Fund
The Fund is designed mainly to generate long-term capital appreciation primarily through investment in equity and equity-linked securities diversified
across sectors.
Opportunity Tracker Fund
The Fund is designed to provide optimum returns consisting of current income and capital growth through investment in a mix of fixed-income and
equity instruments.

This is only an illustration.

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Lyndon Bascos Soriano 38 (Male)
Sun MaxiLink Prime - Non-Smoker
Face Amount: Ps 750,000.00 Total Initial Premium to be Billed: Ps 54,415.00

Historical Investment Performance of Investment Funds of Sun Life's Variable Life Insurance Products
Year-on-Year Return
3-Year 5-Year 10-Year
Fund Name Compounded Return Return Return
31-Dec- 31-Dec- 31-Dec- 31-Dec- 31-Dec- 31-Dec- 31-Dec- 31-Dec- 31-Dec- 31-Dec- Annual Growth Rate
(Fund Launch Date) 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 (for completed (2018 vs (2018 vs (2018 vs
calendar years) 2015) 2013) 2008)
Peso Balanced
(Dec. 6, 2004) 27.03% 26.92% 1.95% 23.20% 1.14% 11.81% -3.75% -2.74% 12.70% -9.89% 8.23% -1.22% 6.31% 117.73%
Peso Bond
(Sep. 13, 2004) 6.11% 10.69% 6.90% 6.56% 8.25% 0.16% -0.96% -0.90% 0.71% -5.32% 4.49% -5.50% -6.27% 35.75%
Peso Equity
(Sep. 13, 2004) 47.10% 36.98% 1.34% 30.97% 1.31% 19.73% -5.02% -1.78% 20.94% -9.46% 10.86% 7.54% 22.30% 231.39%
Peso Money Market
(Jun. 25, 2007) 1.49% 1.03% 0.50% 0.66% -0.34% -0.37% 0.10% -0.06% 0.60% 1.56% 0.67% 2.11% 1.83% 5.26%
MyFuture 2020
(Jun. 7, 2008) 34.12% 33.77% 1.84% 31.37% 2.88% 16.74% -4.10% -2.64% 9.01% -3.94% 10.92% 1.94% 14.13% 181.87%
MyFuture 2025
(Jun. 7, 2008) 32.88% 33.56% 2.25% 31.15% 2.97% 18.15% -5.51% -2.42% 14.71% -8.07% 10.91% 2.90% 14.87% 181.53%
MyFuture 2030
(Jun. 7, 2008) 36.04% 34.36% 1.61% 30.93% 2.10% 20.58% -5.05% -2.68% 16.78% -11.79% 11.04% 0.25% 14.76% 184.93%
MyFuture 2035
(Jun. 7, 2008) 36.48% 34.98% 1.71% 30.93% 3.31% 20.55% -4.86% -2.08% 17.67% -12.95% 11.30% 0.31% 15.04% 191.59%
MyFuture 2040
(Jun. 7, 2008) 37.44% 34.21% 1.94% 30.96% 3.14% 20.36% -4.79% -2.04% 20.54% -13.12% 11.56% 2.60% 17.58% 198.61%
Growth PLUS
(Apr. 8, 2015) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A -12.09%* -2.81% 21.42% -15.18% 0.03% 0.09% N/A N/A
(Jan. 25, 2016) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1.71%* 23.64% -13.52% 3.40% N/A N/A N/A
(Apr. 18, 2016) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A -6.56%* 14.24% -14.60% -1.23% N/A N/A N/A
Opportunity Tracker
(Oct. 9, 2017) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A -0.46%* -12.14% -12.14% N/A N/A N/A

* Returns are from Fund inception date and not full year returns.

The values above are actual investment returns of Investment Funds of variable life insurance products, net of fund management charges. Past
investment performance is not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the funds.
The Unit Price of an Investment Fund on a Valuation Date is determined by dividing the net asset value of the Investment Fund on the Valuation Date
by the aggregate number of outstanding Units of the Investment Fund on the Valuation Date. Currently, Valuation is done on a daily basis.
The Unit Prices of the Investment Funds are published weekly on major newspapers. You may also visit our website at for the
daily Unit Prices.

Certified true and correct:

Michael Gerard D. Enriquez

Chief Investment Officer

This is only an illustration.

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Lyndon Bascos Soriano 38 (Male)
Sun MaxiLink Prime - Non-Smoker
Face Amount: Ps 750,000.00 Total Initial Premium to be Billed: Ps 54,415.00

Critical Illness Benefit

If the life insured has been diagnosed, while living, to have contracted any one or more of the following Critical Illnesses listed below
or has undergone any of the specified surgeries, then you will receive Ps 500,000.00*. The Critical Illness must occur more than 90
days after the date the benefit comes into force and the diagnosis must occur before the earlier of the life insured’s 70th birthday and
the maturity date of the policy.
The list of Critical Illnesses and those requiring surgery include:
Critical Illnesses 20. Major Burns
1. Acute Heart Attack 21. Major Head Trauma
2. Alzheimer's Disease 22. Medullary Cystic Disease
3. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis(ALS) 23. Meningeal Tuberculosis
4. Aplastic Anaemia 24. Motor Neuron Disease
5. Bacterial Meningitis 25. Multiple Sclerosis
6. Benign Brain Tumour 26. Paralysis
7. Cerebral Metastasis 27. Parkinson’s Disease
8. Coma 28. Progressive Bulbar Palsy (PBP)
9. Deafness 29. Progressive Muscular Atrophy (PMA)
10. Dissecting Aortic Aneurysm 30. Stroke
11. Encephalitis 31. Terminal Illness
12. End Stage Liver Failure 32. Total Blindness
13. End Stage Lung Disease
14. End Stage Renal Disease Critical Illnesses Requiring Surgery
15. Fulminant Hepatitis 33. Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
16. Guillain- Barre Syndrome 34. Major Organ Transplant
17. Invasive Cancer 35. Replacement of Heart Valve
18. Loss of Limbs 36. Surgery for Disease of the Aorta (Aorta Surgery)
19. Loss of Speech

We will not pay for claims arising from any of the following: (a) critical illnesses diagnosed within 90 days from the issue date of this
benefit or its last reinstatement, whichever is later; (b) any pre-existing or recurring critical illnesses which are diagnosed or which the
life insured contracted prior to the issue date of this benefit or date of last reinstatement; (c) congenital abnormalities; (d) any
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and/or any HIV-related illness including Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
and/or any mutations, derivation or variations thereof; (e) attempted suicide or self-inflicted injury while sane or insane; (f) taking or
absorbing, accidentally or otherwise, any intoxicating liquor, sedative or poison drug, narcotic or medicine, except as prescribed by a
Doctor; and (g) inhaling any gas or fumes except if inhalation is accidental AND in the course of duty.
Note : This benefit automatically renews every five years with a premium adjustment every 5th anniversary of the policy. We
may change the premium rate of this benefit from time to time but not more often than once a year, subject to the
approval of the Insurance Commission. We will advise you by written notice as to the new premium rate prior to the
renewal date.

Premium Schedule
Duration Critical Illness Benefit Duration Critical Illness Benefit
Premium Premium

1-5 3,045.00 31-32 27,635.00

6-10 4,915.00
11-15 7,315.00
16-20 11,190.00
21-25 15,970.00
26-30 21,270.00

*The CIB Face Amount will be subject to Financial Underwriting.

This is only an illustration.

VL r8.28.00.0000 0894220504221237 Page 4 of 7
Lyndon Bascos Soriano 38 (Male)
Sun MaxiLink Prime - Non-Smoker
Face Amount: Ps 750,000.00 Total Initial Premium to be Billed: Ps 54,415.00

Illustration of Rider Premiums

Rider Premiums

End of Attained Premiums Total Rider

Year Age Paid Premiums TDB* ADB^ CIB#

1 39 54,415 4,728 893 790 3,045

2 40 54,415 4,728 893 790 3,045
3 41 54,415 4,728 893 790 3,045
4 42 54,415 4,728 893 790 3,045
5 43 54,415 4,728 893 790 3,045
6 44 56,285 6,598 893 790 4,915
7 45 56,285 6,598 893 790 4,915
8 46 56,285 6,598 893 790 4,915
9 47 56,285 6,598 893 790 4,915
10 48 56,285 6,598 893 790 4,915
11 49 7,315 7,315 7,315
12 50 7,315 7,315 7,315
13 51 7,315 7,315 7,315
14 52 7,315 7,315 7,315
15 53 7,315 7,315 7,315
16 54 11,190 11,190 11,190
17 55 11,190 11,190 11,190
18 56 11,190 11,190 11,190
19 57 11,190 11,190 11,190
20 58 11,190 11,190 11,190

17 55 11,190 11,190 11,190

22 60 15,970 15,970 15,970
27 65 21,270 21,270 21,270

*TDB premium payment terminates at the earlier of attained age 60 and premium paying period.
^ADB premium payment terminates at the earlier of attained age 70 and premium paying period.
#CIB premium payment terminates at attained age 70.

This is only an illustration.

VL r8.28.00.0000 0894220504221237 Page 5 of 7
Lyndon Bascos Soriano 38 (Male)
Sun MaxiLink Prime - Non-Smoker
Face Amount: Ps 750,000.00 Total Initial Premium to be Billed: Ps 54,415.00

Illustration of Benefits – Index Fund (100%)

The values illustrated below are not guaranteed. The investment returns used are for illustrative purposes and are not based on past
performance with respect to the fund where your policy is linked. The returns are likely to change during the investment period.
Also, the assumed returns do not represent the upper and lower limits of the actual return that may be realized. Values are calculated
assuming the fund is earning 4%*, 8%* and 10%*. It is assumed that the mode of payment is annual. If mode of payment is other
than annual, values shown may change.
End Attained Premiums Fund Value Death Benefit
of Age Paid Charges** 4% 8% 10% 4% 8% 10%
1 39 54,415 39,842 15,276 15,986 16,341 1,515,276 1,515,986 1,516,341
2 40 54,415 29,910 41,825 44,651 46,089 1,541,825 1,544,651 1,546,089
3 41 54,415 19,977 79,549 85,906 89,195 1,579,549 1,585,906 1,589,195
4 42 54,415 12,735 126,136 137,929 144,135 1,626,136 1,637,929 1,644,135
5 43 54,415 13,011 174,257 193,731 204,155 1,674,257 1,693,731 1,704,155
6 44 56,285 10,244 229,066 258,883 275,120 1,729,066 1,758,883 1,775,120
7 45 56,285 10,621 285,625 328,734 352,625 1,785,625 1,828,734 1,852,625
8 46 56,285 11,011 343,990 403,638 437,295 1,843,990 1,903,638 1,937,295
9 47 56,285 11,400 404,231 483,991 529,833 1,904,231 1,983,991 2,029,833
10 48 56,285 11,808 473,203 578,078 639,477 1,973,203 2,078,078 2,139,477
11 49 7,315 12,939 486,030 617,664 696,402 1,986,030 2,117,664 2,196,402
12 50 7,315 13,355 498,932 659,909 758,454 1,998,932 2,159,909 2,258,454
13 51 7,315 13,770 511,912 705,024 826,134 2,011,912 2,205,024 2,326,134
14 52 7,315 14,178 524,982 753,240 900,002 2,024,982 2,253,240 2,400,002
15 53 7,315 14,585 548,311 818,533 996,626 2,048,311 2,318,533 2,496,626
16 54 11,190 18,864 562,041 874,916 1,086,482 2,062,041 2,374,916 2,586,482
17 55 11,190 19,272 575,889 935,280 1,184,692 2,075,889 2,435,280 2,684,692
18 56 11,190 19,602 589,940 1,000,018 1,292,155 2,089,940 2,500,018 2,792,155
19 57 11,190 19,769 604,367 1,069,642 1,409,947 2,104,367 2,569,642 2,909,947
20 58 11,190 19,928 630,950 1,164,029 1,564,048 2,130,950 2,664,029 3,064,048
17 55 11,190 19,272 575,889 935,280 1,184,692 2,075,889 2,435,280 2,684,692
22 60 15,970 25,871 661,869 1,333,722 1,865,332 2,161,869 2,833,722 3,365,332
27 65 21,270 41,837 731,491 1,885,128 2,927,716 2,231,491 3,385,128 4,427,716
*The investment returns used are net of the fund management charge of 2.00% (plus VAT) of the fund value.

** Charges are based on a 4% investment return.

The projected values are net of: (a) premium charges of 65% of annual regular premium on the first policy year and 5% of annual regular premium
from the second to the fifth year, all excess premiums shall be subject to a premium charge of 5%; (b) monthly periodic charge of 40% of the annual
regular premium on the second year, 20% on the third year and 5% on the fourth and fifth; (c) monthly insurance charge of 200% of the Face
Amount multiplied by the insurance rate determined by the Company, plus additional benefit premiums, if any; and (d) a fund management charge
of 2.00% (plus VAT) of the fund value. The figures shown above are net of all charges. The monthly charges are deducted from the fund. No
premium charge and monthly periodic charge are imposed on any extra premium and additional benefit premium.
A loyalty bonus on the 10th policy anniversary year and every 5 years thereafter is included in the above illustration. The loyalty bonus is currently
equal to 2% of the average monthly fund balance of the preceding 5 years. It is non-guaranteed and it will depend on the actual performance of the

You should only invest in this product if you intend to pay the regular premium for the whole of your chosen payment term. Should you terminate
the policy early, you may suffer a loss as illustrated above.

The figures shown herein are based on assumptions in the accompanying first page of this proposal.
This is only an illustration.
VL r8.28.00.0000 0894220504221237 Page 6 of 7
Lyndon Bascos Soriano 38 (Male)
Sun MaxiLink Prime - Non-Smoker
Face Amount: Ps 750,000.00 Total Initial Premium to be Billed: Ps 54,415.00

Declaration and Acknowledgement of Variability

I have read and understood the disclosures in this proposal illustration. I likewise signify that my advisor has explained to me the
features and the charges on the policy, the manner in which the variable benefits will reflect the investment experience of the separate
account(s), and the guarantees on minimum death benefit.

Further, I acknowledge that:

I have applied with Sun Life of Canada (Philippines), Inc. for a Variable Life Insurance Policy, and have reviewed the illustration(s)
that shows how a variable life insurance policy performs using company's assumptions and based on the Insurance Commission's
guidelines on interest rates.

I understand that since the fund performance may vary, the values of my units are not guaranteed and will depend on the actual
performance of that given period and that the value of my policy could be less than the premiums paid. The unit values of my
Variable Life Insurance are periodically published.

I understand that all investment risks under the policy are to be borne solely by me, as the policy owner.

By requesting a proposal on Sun Life of Canada (Philippines), Inc.'s products and services and by sharing and disclosing my personal
data, I authorize and consent to the use, processing and exchange of information needed to prepare the proposal. In the event I do
not proceed with my insurance application with Sun Life of Canada (Philippines), Inc., my personal data is kept for one year in Sun
Life of Canada (Philippines), Inc.'s data processing systems after which, it will be irreversibly anonymized for the sole purpose of
data analytics and proposal counts report.

Applicant's Signature over Printed Name Date

End of Proposal

This is only an illustration.

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