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Blue =some thing wrong (may be rise information or reword
or etc)

Chapter 1 Introduction
 Background of Study
 Statement of the Problem
 Objectives of the Study
 Research Questions
 Definition of Terms
 Organization of the remaining chapters

Chapter 2 Review of Literature

 Review of Literature on Keyword (1 i.e. toothpaste industry or purchasing decision)
 Review of Literature on Keyword (2 i.e. promotion)
 Review of Literature on Keyword (3)
 Review of Literature on Keyword (4)
 Reviews of Related Research Findings
 Research Questions/Hypotheses
 Conceptual Framework

Chapter 3 Research Methodology

 General Procedures
 Design of the Study
 Draft of the Instrument Development
 Step 1
 Step 2
 Step 3
 Content Validity
 Reliability (if any)
 Population and Sampling
 Collection of the Data
 Proposed Data Processing and Analysis

Chapter 4 Data Analysis and Results

 Population and Samples
 Descriptive data analysis
 Testing of the Hypotheses (if any)
 Hypothesis 1
 Hypothesis 2
 Hypothesis 3
 Answers to research questions (if any)
 Research Question 1
 Research Question 2
 Research Question 3

Chapter 5 Summary, Major Findings, Discussions, and Recommendations

 Summary of the Study
 Major Findings
 Discussion
 Recommendations



This section may include the documentation that provides an in depth understanding of the
research study but not easily fit into the main body. Examples of the documentation
include questionnaires, letters, field notes, statistical data, etc. The appendices A, B, C, ...
may be presented in the format as shown below:

Appendix A:
Research Tool
 The deadline for written proposal and proposal presentation will be ………………
 The deadline for term project will be ………………….

Mark Allocation

Important Note (READ CAREFULLY)

a. Don’t cut and paste from the sources of information. You have to write in your own
sentence. If some parts of your project, are similar to other groups, will be resulted to 25
percent mark deduction regardless of any reasons.

b. Late submission will be accepted with 0.5% mark deduction per day regardless of
any reasons.

c. Use the following format for project: Time New Roman, 12 font and 1.5 spacing.

d. Include the list of references at the end of the assignment and the copies of reading
materials must be included in the appendix. The footnote may be used if website is used as
a reference. If you fail to include either the list of references or copies of reading materials
(articles) in the appendix, 1% will be deducted.

e. Avoid plagiarism (appropriating the literary composition of another author, or excerpts,

ideas, or passages, and passing the material off as one's own creation), students/group
who plagiarize others’ work will get ZERO mark for their individual assignments and group
projects. Therefore, always quote others’ work and write the sources in bibliography.

f. Write the following statement on the cover sheet of project and you must sign your name,
ID and section number on the cover. Project will not be accepted without this signed cover

“We certified that the attached assignment/report is our own work and that all
materials drawn from other sources have been fully acknowledged.”

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