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435, JULY 30, 2004 565

New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

G.R. No. 148753. July 30, 2004.



Actions; Appeals; As a rule, questions of fact cannot be the

subject of a petition for review on certiorari, but as an exception,
factual findings of the Court of Appeals may be reviewed on appeal
when, inter alia, the factual inferences are manifestly mistaken, the
judgment is based on a misapprehension of facts, or the Court of
Appeals manifestly overlooked certain relevant and undisputed facts
that, if properly considered, would justify a different legal
conclusion.·It must be stressed that only questions of law may be
raised in a petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the
Rules of Court. As a rule, questions of fact cannot be the subject of
this mode of appeal, for „[t]he Supreme Court is not a trier of facts.‰
As exceptions to this rule, however, factual findings of the CA may
be reviewed on appealwhen, inter alia, the factual inferences are
manifestly mistaken;the judgment is based on a misapprehension of
facts; or the CA manifestly overlooked certain relevant and
undisputed facts that, if properly considered, would justify a
different legal conclusion. In the present case, these exceptions exist
in various instances, thus prompting us to take cognizance of
factual issues and to decide upon them in the interest of justice and
in the exercise of our sound discretion. Indeed, Petitioner NSBCIÊs
loan accounts with respondent appear to be bloated with some
iniquitous imposition of interests, penalties, other charges and
attorneyÊs fees. To demonstrate this point, the Court shall take up
one by one the promissory notes, the credit agreements and the
disclosure statements.
Obligations and Contracts; Loans; Promissory Notes; Interest
Rates; Escalation Clauses; Principle of Mutuality of Contracts; A
borrowerÊs accessory duty to pay interest does not give the lender
unrestrained freedom to charge any rate other than that which was
agreed upon·it would be the zenith of farcicality to specify and
agree upon rates that could be subsequently upgraded at whim by
only one party to the agreement; The „unilateral determination and
imposition‰ of increased rate is violative of the principle of mutuality
of contracts ordained in Article 1308 of the Civil Code.·In each
drawdown, the Promissory Notes specified the interest rate to be
charged: 19.5 percent in the first, and 21.5 percent in the second
and again in the third. However, a uniform clause therein permitted
respondent to increase the rate „within the limits allowed by law at
any time depending on whatever policy it may adopt in the future x
x x,‰ without even giving prior notice to petitioners. The Court holds
that petitionersÊ





New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.

Philippine National Bank

accessory duty to pay interest did not give respondent unrestrained

freedom to charge any rate other than that which was agreed upon.
No interest shall be due, unless expressly stipulated in writing. It
would be the zenith of farcicality to specify and agree upon rates
that could be subsequently upgraded at whim by only one party to
the agreement. The „unilateral determination and imposition‰of
increased rates is „violative of the principle of mutuality of
contracts ordained in Article 1308 of the Civil Code.‰ One-sided
impositions do not have the force of law between the parties,
because such impositions are not based on the partiesÊ essential
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Although escalation
clauses are valid in maintaining fiscal stability and retaining the
value of money on long-term contracts, giving the lender an
unbridled right to adjust the interest independently and upwardly
would completely take away from the borrower the „right to assent to
an important modification in their agreement‰ and would also
negate the element of mutuality in their contracts.·Although
escalation clauses are valid in maintaining fiscal stability and
retaining the value of money on long-term contracts, giving
respondent an unbridled right to adjust the interest independently
and upwardly would completely take away from petitioners the
„right to assent to an important modification in their agreement‰
and would also negate the element of mutuality in their contracts.
The clause cited earlier made the fulfillment of the contracts
„dependent exclusively upon the uncontrolled will‰ of respondent
and was therefore void. Besides, the pro forma promissory notes
have the character of a contract dÊadhésion, „where the parties do
not bargain on equal footing, the weaker partyÊs [the debtorÊs]
participation being reduced to the alternative Âto take it or leave it.Ê

Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Usury Law; While the Usury
Law ceiling on interest rates was lifted by Central Bank Circular
No. 905, nothing in the said Circular grants lenders carte blanche
authority to raise interest rates to levels which will either enslave
their borrowers or lead to a hemorrhaging of their assets.·„While
the Usury Law ceiling on interest rates was lifted by [Central Bank]
Circular No. 905, nothing in the said Circular grants lenders carte
blanche authority to raise interest rates to levels which will either
enslave their borrowers or lead to a hemorrhaging of their assets.‰
In fact, we have declared nearly ten years ago that neither this
Circular nor PD 1684, which further amended the Usury Law,
„authorized either party to unilaterally raise the interest rate
without the otherÊs consent.‰
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Rates found to be
iniquitous or unconscionable are void, as if there were no express
contract thereon.·A similar case eight years ago pointed out to the
same respondent (PNB) that borrowing signified a capital
transfusion from lending institutions to


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New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.

Philippine National Bank

businesses and industries and was done for the purpose of

stimulating their growth; yet respondentÊs continued „unilateral
and lopsided policy‰ of increasing interest rates „without the prior
assent‰ of the borrower not only defeats this purpose, but also
deviates from this pronouncement. Although such increases are not
usurious, since the „Usury Law is now legally inexistent‰·the
interest ranging from 26 percent to 35 percent in the statements of
account·„must be equitably reduced for being iniquitous,
unconscionable and exorbitant.‰ Rates found to be iniquitous or
unconscionable are void, as if it there were no express contract
thereon. Above all, it is undoubtedly against public policy to charge
excessively for the use of money.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; A borrowerÊs request for
restructuring does not indicate any agreement to an interest increase
·there can be no implied waiver of a right when there is no clear,
unequivocal and decisive act showing such purpose; No one receiving
a proposal to modify a loan contract, especially interest·a vital
component·is obliged to answer the proposal.·It cannot be argued
that assent to the increases can be implied either from the June 18,
1991 request of petitioners for loan restructuring or from their lack
of response to the statements of account sent by respondent. Such
request does not indicate any agreement to an interest increase;
there can be no implied waiver of a right when there is no clear,
unequivocal and decisive act showing such purpose. Besides, the
statements were not letters of information sent to secure their
conformity; and even if we were to presume these as an offer, there
was no acceptance. No one receiving a proposal to modify a loan
contract, especially interest·a vital component·is „obliged to
answer the proposal.‰
Same; Same; Same; Banks and Banking; Words and Phrases;
Credit Lines; „Revolving Credit Line,‰ Explained.·Banks give
credit lines to businessmen in order to assist them in the operation
of their business. A fixed limit or ceiling may be placed on the
account, provided its balance does not exceed such stipulated limit
or ceiling. The balance may perhaps never be cleared, since the
credit revolves round and round; hence, the title „revolving credit.‰
Miranda, Essentials of Money, Credit and Banking (5th rev. ed.,
1981), pp. 96-99. Moreover, a „revolving credit line‰ is a formal
commitment by a bank to lend a borrower up to a specified amount
of money over a given period of time. The actual notes evidencing
the debt are short-term; but the borrower may renew them up to a
specified maximum throughout the duration of such commitment.
The bank, in turn, is legally bound under the loan agreement to
have funds available whenever money is borrowed. At the maturity
of the commitment, borrowings then owing can be converted into a
„term loan.‰ Van Horne, Financial Management and Policy (5th ed.,
1980), pp. 520-521. Thus, when a borrower needs money, it makes a
drawdown or availment on the credit line in the form of a note or
„promise to pay‰ a certain principal amount. The balance



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.

Philippine National Bank

of all unpaid principals, otherwise known as outstanding

drawdowns or availments, at any given time, should not exceed the
ceiling or limit. After due payment of any drawdown or availment,
the borrower can make succeeding drawdowns or availments within
the maximum amount committed, provided the line has not yet
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; „Gross or Intermediation
Spread,‰ Explained.·The difference between the interest and other
service fees charged by a bank to its borrowers and clients and the
interest it pays to its depositors and other suppliers of funds is the
„gross or intermediation spread.‰ IBON Databank Phils., Inc., The
Philippine Financial System·A Primer (1983), p. 36.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Where the disclosure statements, as
well as the credit agreements, do not provide for any increase in the
specified interest rates, none would be permitted.·In sum, the three
disclosure statements, as well as the two credit agreements
considered by this Court, did not provide for any increase in the
specified interest rates. Thus, none would now be permitted. When
cross-examined, Julia Ang-Lopez, Finance Account Analyst II of
PNB, Dagupan Branch, even testified that the bases for computing
such rates were those sent by the head office from time to time, and
not those indicated in the notes or disclosure statements.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Contract Clause; The sole purpose of
the impairment clause of the Constitution is to safeguard the
integrity of valid contractual agreements against unwarranted
interference by the State in the form of laws·private individualsÊ
intrusions on interest rates is governed by statutory enactments like
the Civil Code.·In addition to the preceding discussion, it is then
useless to belabor the point that the increase in rates violates the
impairment clause of the Constitution, because the sole purpose of
this provision is to safeguard the integrity of valid contractual
agreements against unwarranted interference by the State in the
form of laws. Private individualsÊ intrusions on interest rates is
governed by statutory enactments like the Civil Code.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Disclosure Statements; Truth in
Lending Act; The effect, when the borrower is not clearly informed of
the Disclosure Statements·prior to the consummation of the
availment or drawdown·is that the lender will have no right to
collect upon such charge or increases thereof, even if stipulated in the
Notes; The time is now ripe to give teeth to the often ignored forty-
one-year old „Truth in Lending Act‰ and thus transform it from a
snivelling paper tiger to a growling financial watchdog of hapless
borrowers.·No penalty charges or increases thereof appear either
in the Disclosure Statements or in any of the clauses in the second
and the third Credit Agreements earlier discussed. While a
standard penalty charge of 6 percent per annum has been imposed
on the amounts


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New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.

Philippine National Bank

stated in all three Promissory Notes still remaining unpaid or

unrenewed when they fell due, there is no stipulation therein that
would justify any increase in that charges. The effect, therefore,
when the borrower is not clearly informed of the Disclosure
Statements·prior to the consummation of the availment or
drawdown·is that the lender will have no right to collect upon
such charge or increases thereof, even if stipulated in the Notes.
The time is now ripe to give teeth to the often ignored forty-one-
year old „Truth in Lending Act‰ and thus transform it from a
snivelling paper tiger to a growling financial watchdog of hapless
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Damages; Liquidated
damages intended as penalty shall be equitably reduced to zilch
where iniquitous or unconscionable.·We have earlier said that the
Notes are contracts of adhesion; although not invalid per se, any
apparent ambiguity in the loan contracts·taken as a whole·shall
be strictly construed against respondent who caused it. Worse, in
the statements of account, the penalty rate has again been
unilaterally increased by respondent to 36 percent without
petitionersÊ consent. As a result of its move, such liquidated
damages intended as a penalty shall be equitably reduced by the
Court to zilch for being iniquitous or unconscionable.
Same; Same; Same; Same; Same; Novation; Novation can never
be presumed, and the animus novandi must appear by express
agreement of the parties, or by their acts that are too clear and
unequivocal to be mistaken.·Although the first Disclosure
Statement was furnished Petitioner NSBCI prior to the execution of
the transaction, it is not a contract that can be modified by the
related Promissory Note, but a mere statement in writing that
reflects the true and effective cost of loans from respondent.
Novation can never be presumed, and the animus novandi „must
appear by express agreement of the parties, or by their acts that are
too clear and unequivocal to be mistaken.‰ To allow novation will
surely flout the „policy of the State to protect its citizens from a lack
of awareness of the true cost of credit.‰
Same; Same; Same; AttorneyÊs Fees; AttorneyÊs fees are not an
integral part of the cost of borrowing, but arise only when collecting
upon the Notes becomes necessary.·We affirm the equitable
reduction in attorneyÊs fees. These are not an integral part of the
cost of borrowing, but arise only when collecting upon the Notes
becomes necessary. The purpose of these fees is not to give
respondent a larger compensation for the loan than the law already
allows, but to protect it against any future loss or damage by being
compelled to retain counsel·in-house or not·to institute judicial
proceedings for the collection of its credit. Courts have has the
power to determine their reasonableness based on quantum meruit
and to reduce the amount thereof if excessive.



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.

Philippine National Bank

Same; Same; Same; Same; Notarial Law; Legal Ethics; Act 496
has repealed the Spanish Notarial Law; A partyÊs engagement of his
counsel in another capacity concurrent with the practice of law is not
prohibited, so long as the roles being assumed by such counsel is
made clear to the client.·The disqualification argument in the
Affidavit of Publication raised by petitioners no longer holds water,
inasmuch as Act 496 has repealed the Spanish Notarial Law.In the
same vein, their engagement of their counsel in another capacity
concurrent with the practice of law is not prohibited, so long as the
roles being assumed by such counsel is made clear to the client. The
only reason for this clarification requirement is that certain ethical
considerations operative in one profession may not be so in the
Same; Same; Evidence; Entries in Ledgers; Presumptions;
Without a doubt, the subsidiary ledgers in a manual accounting
system are mere private documents that support and are controlled
by the general ledger; We go by the presumption that the recording of
private transactions has been fair and regular, and that the ordinary
course of business has been followed.·Contrary to petitionersÊ
assertions, the subsidiary ledgers of respondent properly reflected
all entries pertaining to Petitioner NSBCIÊs loan accounts. In
accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
(GAAP) for the Banking Industry, all interests accrued or earned on
such loans, except those that were restructured and non-accruing,
have been periodically taken into income. Without a doubt, the
subsidiary ledgers in a manual accounting system are mere private
documents that support and are controlled by the general ledger.
Such ledgers are neither foolproof nor standard in format, but are
periodically subject to audit. Besides, we go by the presumption
that the recording of private transactions has been fair and regular,
and that the ordinary course of business has been followed.
Same; Same; Same; Words and Phrases; „General Ledgers,‰ and
„Subsidiary Ledgers,‰ Explained.·A „general ledger,‰ on the one
hand, is a summary or repository of accounts to which debits and
credits resulting from financial transactions are posted from
journals or books of original entry; a „subsidiary ledger,‰ on the
other, is a special type of ledger confined chiefly to a particular
Mortgages; Foreclosure of Mortgage; No personal notice is
required in an extrajudicial foreclosure since such action is in rem,
requiring only notice by publication and posting, in order to bind
parties interested in the foreclosed property.·In the accessory
contract of real mortgage, in which immovable property or real
rights thereto are used as security for the fulfillment of the
principal loan obligation,the bid price may be lower than the
propertyÊs fair market value. In fact, the loan value itself is only 70
percent of the appraised value. As correctly emphasized by the
appellate court, a low bid price will make it easier for the owner to
effect redemption

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New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.

Philippine National Bank

by subsequently reacquiring the property or by selling the right to

redeem and thus recover alleged losses. Besides, the public auction
sale has been regularly and fairly conducted, there has been ample
authority to effect the sale,and the Certificates of Title can be relied
upon. No personal notice is even required, because an extrajudicial
foreclosure is an action in rem, requiring only notice by publication
and posting, in order to bind parties interested in the foreclosed

PETITION for review on certiorari of a decision of the

Court of Appeals.

The facts are stated in the opinion of the Court.

Cesar M. Cariño for petitioner.
Dinah B. Tabada for private respondent.


Courts have the authority to strike down or to modify

provisions in promissory notes that grant the lenders
unrestrained power to increase interest rates, penalties
and other charges at the latterÊs sole discretion and
without giving prior notice to and securing the consent of
the borrowers. This unilateral authority is anathema to the
mutuality of contracts and enable lenders to take undue
advantage of borrowers. Although the Usury Law has been
effectively repealed, courts may still reduce iniquitous or
unconscionable rates charged for the use of money.
Furthermore, excessive interests, penalties and other
charges not revealed in disclosure statements issued by
banks, even if stipulated in the promissory notes, cannot be
given effect under the Truth in Lending Act.

The Case
Before us is a Petition for Review under Rule 45 of the
Rules of2 Court, seeking to nullify
the June 20, 2001
Decision of the Court of Appeals (CA) in CA-G.R. CV No.
55231. The decretal portion of the assailed Decision reads
as follows:

1 Rollo, pp. 118-158.

2 Id., pp. 159-183.
3 Special Eleventh Division. Penned by Justice Presbitero J. Velasco,
Jr., with the concurrence of Justices Bienvenido L. Reyes and Juan Q.
Enriquez, Jr.



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

„WHEREFORE, the decision of the Regional Trial Court of

Dagupan City, Branch 40 dated December 28, 1995 is REVERSED
and SET ASIDE. The foreclosure proceedings of the mortgaged
properties of defendants-appellees and the February 26, 1992
auction sale are declared legal and valid and said defendants-
appellees are ordered to pay plaintiff-appellant PNB, jointly and
severally[,] the amount of deficiency that will be computed by the
trial court based on the original penalty of 6% per annum as
explicitly stated in the loan documents and to pay attorneyÊs fees in
an amount equivalent to x x x 1% of the total amount due and the
costs of suit and expenses of litigation.‰

The Facts

The facts are narrated by the CA as follows:

„On February 11, 1989, Board Resolution No. 05, Series of 1989 was
approved by [Petitioner] NSBCI [1)] authorizing the company to x x
x apply for or secure a commercial loan with the PNB in an
aggregate amount of P8.0M, under such terms agreed by the Bank
and the NSBCI, using or mortgaging the real estate properties
registered in the name of its President and Chairman of the Board
[Petitioner] Eduardo R. Dee as collateral; [and] 2) authorizing
[petitioner-spouses] to secure the loan and to sign any [and all]
documents which may be required by [Respondent] PNB[,] and that
[petitioner-spouses] shall act as sureties or co-obligors who shall be
jointly and severally liable with [Petitioner] NSBCI for the payment
of any [and all] obligations.
„On August 15, 1989, Resolution No. 77 was approved by
granting the request of [Respondent] PNB thru its Board NSBCI for
an P8 Million loan broken down into a revolving credit line of
P7.7M and an unadvised line of P0.3M for additional operating and
working capital to mobilize its various construction projects,

Â1) MWSS Watermain;

2) NEA-Liberty farm;
3) Olongapo City Pag-Asa Public Market;
4) Renovation of COA-NCR Buildings 1, 2 and 9;
5) Dupels, Inc., Extensive prawn farm development project;
6) Banawe Hotel Phase II;
7) Clark Air Base--Barracks and Buildings; and
8) Others: EDSA Lighting, Roxas Blvd. Painting NEA Sapang
Palay and Angeles City.Ê


4 Petitioners herein.
5 Respondent herein.
6 CA Decision, pp. 24-25; Rollo, pp. 182-183.
7 „Working capital‰ refers to current assets minus current liabilities.


VOL. 435, JULY 30, 2004 573

New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

„The loan of [Petitioner] NSBCI was secured by a first mortgage on

the following: a) three (3) parcels of residential land located at
Mangaldan, Pangasinan with total land area of 1,214 square
meters[,] including improvements thereon and registered under
TCT Nos. 128449, 126071, and 126072 of the Registry of Deeds of
Pangasinan; b) six (6) parcels of residential land situated at San
Fabian, Pangasinan with total area of 1,767 square meters[,]
including improvements thereon and covered by TCT Nos. 144006,
144005, 120458, 120890, 144161[,] and 121127 of the Registry of
Deeds of Pangasinan; and c) a residential lot and improvements
thereon located at Mangaldan, Pangasinan with an area of 4,437
square meters and covered by TCT No. 140378 of the Registry of
Deeds of Pangasinan.
„The loan was further secured by the joint and several
signatures of [Petitioners] Eduardo Dee and Arcelita Marquez Dee,
who signed as accommodation-mortgagors since all the collaterals
were owned by them and registered in their names.
„Moreover [Petitioner] NSBCI executed the following documents,
viz.: a) promissory note dated June 29, 1989 in the amount of
P5,000,000.00 with due date on October 27, 1989; [b)] promissory
note dated September 1, 1989 in the amount of P2,700,000.00 with
due date on December 30, 1989; and c) promissory note dated
September 6, 1989 in the amount of P300,000.00 with maturity date
on January 4, 1990.
„In addition, [petitioner] corporation also signed the Credit
Agreement dated August 31, 1989 relating to the Ârevolving credit
lineÊ of P7.7 Million x x x and the Credit Agreement dated
September 5, 1989 to support the Âunadvised lineÊ of P300,000.00.
„On August 31, 1989, [petitioner-spouses] executed a ÂJoint and
Solidary AgreementÊ (JSA) in favor of [Respondent] PNB
Âunconditionally and irrevocably binding themselves to be jointly
and severally liable with the borrower for the payment of all sums
due and payable to the Bank under the Credit Document.Ê
„Later on, [Petitioner] NSBCI failed to comply with its
obligations under the promissory notes.
„On June 18, 1991, [Petitioner] Eduardo R. Dee on behalf of
[Petitioner] NSBCI sent a letter to the Branch Manager of the PNB
Dagupan Branch requesting for a 90-day extension for the payment
of interests and restructuring of its loan for another term.
„Subsequently, NSBCI tendered payment to [Respondent] PNB
[of] three (3) checks aggregating P1,000,000.00, namely 1) check no.
316004 dated August 8, 1991 in the amount of P200,000.00; 2)
check no. 03499997 dated August 8, 1991 in the amount of
P650,000.00; and 3) check no. 03499998 dated August 15, 1991 in
the amount of P150,000.00.


8 Prior to 1991, the following payments were also made by NSBCI to




New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

„In a meeting held on August 12, 1991, [Respondent] PNBÊs

representative[,] Mr. Rolly Cruzabra, was informed by [Petitioner]
Eduardo Dee of his intention to remit to [Respondent] PNB post-
dated checks covering interests, penalties and part of the loan
principals of his due account.
„On August 22, 1991, [Respondent] bankÊs Crispin Carcamo
wrote [Petitioner] Eduardo Dee[,] informing him that [Petitioner]
NSBCIÊs proposal [was] acceptable[,] provided the total payment
should be P4,128,968.29 that [would] cover the amount of
P1,019,231.33 as principal, P3,056,058.03 as interests and
penalties[,] and P53,678.93 for insurance[,] with the issuance of
post-dated checks to be dated not later than November 29, 1991.
„On September 6, 1991, [Petitioner] Eduardo Dee wrote the PNB
Branch Manager reiterating his proposals for the settlement of
[Petitioner] NSBCIÊs past due loan account amounting to
„[Petitioner] Eduardo Dee later tendered four (4) post-dated
Interbank checks aggregating P1,111,306.67 in favor of
[Respondent] PNB, viz.:

ÂCheck No. Date Amount

03500087 Sept. 29, 1991 P277,826.70
03500088 Oct. 29, 1991 P277,826.70
03500089 Nov. 29, 1991 P277,826.70
03500090 Dec. 20, 1991 P277,826.57Ê

„Upon presentment[,] however, x x x check nos. 03500087 and

03500088 dated September 29 and October 29, 1991 were
dishonored by the drawee bank and returned due [to] a Âstop
paymentÊ order from [petitioners].
„On November 12, 1991, PNBÊs Mr. Carcamo wrote [Petitioner]
Eduardo Dee informing him that unless the dishonored checks
[were] made good, said PNB branch Âshall recall its recommendation
to the Head Office for the restructuring of the loan account and
refer the matter to its legal counsel for legal action.[Ê] [Petitioners]
did not heed [respondentÊs] warning and as a result[,] the PNB
Dagupan Branch sent demand letters


January 5, 1990 P 572,073.65

March 30, 1990 278,711.83
May 31, 1990 341,263.89
June 29, 1990 1,432,999.84

These were indicated in the „Summary of Payments,‰ (Exhibit „20‰, folder of

exhibits, Vol. I, p. 27) prepared and testified to by PNBÊs Loan Analyst II, Julia
Ang-Lopez; and offered in evidence by petitioners on December 1, 1994, per
records, p. 141. No objection thereto was raised in respondentÊs
Comments/Objections (to defendantsÊ formal offer of evidence) filed on
December 28, 1994 (per records, p. 146) and admitted by the RTC in its
December 28, 1994 Order (per records, p. 151).


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New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

to [Petitioner] NSBCI at its office address at 1611 ERDC Building,

E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Quezon City[,] asking it to settle its past
due loan account.
„[Petitioners] nevertheless failed to pay their loan obligations
within the [timeframe] given them and as a result, [Respondent]
PNB filed with the Provincial Sheriff of Pangasinan at Lingayen a
Petition for Sale under Act 3135, as amended[,] and Presidential
Decree No. 385 dated January 30, 1992.
„The notice of extra-judicial sale of the mortgaged properties
relating to said PNBÊs [P]etition for [S]ale was published in the
February 8, 15 and 22, 1992 issues of the Weekly Guardian,
allegedly a newspaper of general circulation in the Province of
Pangasinan, including the cities of Dagupan and San Carlos. In
addition[,] copies of the notice were posted in three (3) public
places[,] and copies thereof furnished [Petitioner] NSBCI at 1611
[ERDC Building,] E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Quezon City, [and at]
555 Shaw Blvd., Mandaluyong[, Metro Manila;] and [Petitioner]
Sps. Eduardo and Arcelita Dee at 213 Wilson St., San Juan, Metro
„On February 26, 1992, the Provincial Deputy Sheriff Cresencio
F. Ferrer of Lingayen, Pangasinan foreclosed the real estate
mortgage and sold at public auction the mortgaged properties of
[petitioner-spouses,] with [Respondent] PNB being declared the
highest bidder for the amount of P10,334,000.00.
„On March 2, 1992, copies of the Sheriff Ês Certificate of Sale were
sent by registered mail to [petitioner] corporationÊs address at 1611
[ERDC Building,] E. Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Quezon City and
[petitioner-spousesÊ] address at 213 Wilson St., San Juan, Metro
„On April 6, 1992, the PNB Dagupan Branch Manager sent a
letter to [petitioners] at their address at 1611 [ERDC Building,] E.
Rodriguez Sr. Avenue, Quezon City[,] informing them that the
properties securing their loan account [had] been sold at public
auction, that the Sheriff Ês Certificate of Sale had been registered
with the Registry of Deeds of Pangasinan on March 13, 1992[,] and
that a period of one (1) year therefrom [was] granted to them within
which to redeem their properties.
„[Petitioners] failed to redeem their properties within the one-
year redemption period[,] and so [Respondent] PNB executed a
[D]eed of [A]bsolute [S]ale consolidating title to the properties in its
name. TCT Nos. 189935 to 189944 were later issued to [Petitioner]
PNB by the Registry of Deeds of Pangasinan.
„On August 4, 1992, [Respondent] PNB informed [Petitioner]
NSBCI that the proceeds of the sale conducted on February 26,
1992 were not sufficient to cover its total claim amounting to
P12,506,476.43[,] and thus demanded from the latter the deficiency
of P2,172,476.43 plus interest and other charges[,] until the amount
[was] fully paid.



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

„[Petitioners] refused to pay the above deficiency claim which

compelled [Respondent] PNB to institute the instant [C]omplaint
for the collection of its deficiency claim.
„Finding that the PNB debt relief package automatically
[granted] to [Petitioner] NSBCI the benefits under the program, the
court a quo ruled in favor of [petitioners] in its Decision dated
December 28, 1995, the fallo of which reads:

ÂIn view of the foregoing, the Court believes and so holds that the
[respondent] has no cause of action against the [petitioners].Ê
WHEREFORE, the case is hereby DISMISSED, without costs.Ê ‰

On appeal, respondent assailed the trial courtÊs Decision

dismissing its deficiency claim on the mortgage debt. It also
challenged the ruling of the lower court that Petitioner
NSBCIÊs loan account was bloated, and that the inadequacy
of the bid price was sufficient to set aside the auction sale.

Ruling of the Court of Appeals

Reversing the trial court, the CA held that Petitioner

NSBCI did not avail itself of respondentÊs debt relief
package (DRP) or take steps to comply with the conditions
for qualifying under the program. The appellate court also
ruled that entitlement to the program was not a matter of
right, because such entitlement was still subject to the
approval of higher bank authorities, based on their
assessment of the borrowerÊs repayment capability and
satisfaction of other requirements.
As to the misapplication of loan payments, the CA held
that the subsidiary ledgers of NSBCIÊs loan accounts with
respondent reflected all the loan proceeds as well as the
partial payments that had been applied either to the
principal or to the interests, penalties and other charges.
Having been made in the ordinary and usual course of the
banking business of respondent, its entries were presumed
accurate, regular and fair under Section 5(q) of Rule 131 of
the Rules of Court. Petitioners failed to rebut this
The increases in the interest rates on NSBCIÊs loan were
also held to be authorized by law and the Monetary Board


9 CA Decision, pp. 2-8; Rollo, pp. 160-166. Citations omitted.


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Philippine National Bank

the increases in penalty rates·voluntarily and freely

agreed upon by the parties in the Credit Agreements they
executed. Thus, these increases were binding upon
However, after considering that two to three of
Petitioner NSBCIÊs projects covered by the loan were
affected by the economic slowdown in the areas near the
military bases in the cities of Angeles and Olongapo, the
appellate court annulled and deleted the adjustment in
penalty from 6 percent to 36 percent per annum. Not only
did respondent fail to demonstrate the existence of market
forces and economic conditions that would justify such
increases; it could also have treated petitionersÊ request for
restructuring as a request for availment of the DRP.
Consequently, the original penalty rate of 6 percent per
annum was used to compute the deficiency claim.
The auction sale could not be set aside on the basis of
the inadequacy of the auction price, because in sales made
at public auction, the owner is given the right to redeem
the mortgaged properties; the lower the bid price, the
easier it is to effect redemption or to sell such right. The
bid price of P10,334,000.00 vis-à-vis respondentÊs claim of
P12,506,476.43 was found to be neither shocking nor
The attorneyÊs fees were also reduced by the appellate
court from 10 percent to 1 percent of the total
indebtedness. First, there was no extreme difficulty in an
extrajudicial foreclosure of a real estate mortgage, as this
proceeding was merely administrative in nature and did
not involve a court litigation contesting the proceedings
prior to the auction sale. Second, the attorneyÊs fees were
exclusive of all stipulated costs and fees. Third, such fees
were in the nature of liquidated damages that did not inure
to respondentÊs salaried counsel.
Respondent was also declared to have the unquestioned
right to foreclose the Real Estate Mortgage. It was allowed
to recover any deficiency in the mortgage account not
realized in the foreclosure sale, since petitioner-spouses
had agreed to be solidarily liable for all sums due and
payable to respondent.
Finally, the appellate court concluded that the
extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings and auction sale were
valid for the following reasons: (1) personal notice to the
mortgagors, although unnecessary, was actually made; (2)
the notice of extrajudicial sale was duly published and
posted; (3) the extrajudicial sale was conducted



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

through the deputy sheriff, under the direction of the clerk

of court who was concurrently the ex-officio provincial
sheriff and acting as agent of respondent; (4) the sale was
conducted within the province where the mortgaged
properties were located; and (5) such sale was not shown to
have been attended by 10fraud.
Hence this Petition.

Petitioners submit the following issues for our


Whether or not the Honorable Court of Appeals correctly ruled that

petitioners did not avail of PNBÊs debt relief package and were not
entitled thereto as a matter of right.


Whether or not petitioners have adduced sufficient and

convincing evidence to overthrow the presumption of regularity and
correctness of the PNB entries in the subsidiary ledgers of the loan
accounts of petitioners.


Whether or not the Honorable Court of Appeals seriously erred

in not holding that the Respondent PNB bloated the loan account of
petitioner corporation by imposing interests, penalties and
attorneyÊs fees without legal, valid and equitable justification.


Whether or not the auction price at which the mortgaged

properties was sold was disproportionate to their actual fair
mortgage value.


Whether or not Respondent PNB is not entitled to recover the

deficiency in the mortgage account not realized in the foreclosure
sale, considering that:

A. Petitioners are merely guarantors of the mortgage debt of

petitioner corporation which has a separate personality
from the [petitioner-spouses].


10 The Petition was deemed submitted for decision on August 19, 2002,
upon receipt by the Court of petitionersÊ Memorandum signed by Atty.
Cesar M. Cariño. RespondentÊs Memorandum, signed by Attys. Flerida P.
Zaballa-Banzuela and Dinah B. Tabada, was filed on June 28, 2002.

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Philippine National Bank

B. The joint and solidary agreement executed by [petitioner-

spouses] are contracts of adhesion not binding on them;
C. The NSBCI Board Resolution is not valid and binding on
[petitioner-spouses] because they were compelled to execute
the said Resolution[;] otherwise[,] Respondent PNB would
not grant petitioner corporation the loan;
D. The Respondent PNB had already in its possession the
properties of the [petitioner-spouses] which served as a
collateral to the loan obligation of petitioner corporation[,]
and to still allow Respondent PNB to recover the deficiency
claim amounting to a very substantial amount of P2.1
million would constitute unjust enrichment on the part of
Respondent PNB.


Whether or not the extrajudicial foreclosure proceedings and

auction sale, including all subsequent proceedings[,] are null and
void for noncompliance with jurisdictional and other mandatory
requirements; whether or not the petition for extrajudicial
foreclosure of mortgage was filed prematurely; and whether or not
the finding of fraud by the trial court is amply supported by the
evidence on record.‰

The foregoing may be summed up into two main issues:

first, whether the loan accounts are bloated; and second,
whether the extrajudicial foreclosure and subsequent claim
for deficiency are valid and proper.

The CourtÊs Ruling

The Petition is partly meritorious.

First Main Issue:

Bloated Loan Accounts

At the
outset, it must be stressed that only questions of
law may be raised in a petition for review on certiorari
under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. As a rule, questions of
fact cannot be the

11 PetitionersÊ Memorandum, pp. 14-16; Rollo, pp. 385-387. Original in

upper case.
12 Metropolitan Bank and Trust Co. v. Wong, 412 Phil. 207, 216; 359
SCRA 608, June 26, 2001.



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank
subject of this mode 14of appeal, for „[t]he Supreme Court is
not a trier of facts.‰ As exceptions to this rule, however, 15
factual findings of the CA may be reviewed on appeal
when, inter16
alia, the factual inferences are manifestly
the judgment is based on a misapprehension of
facts; or the CA manifestly overlooked certain relevant
and undisputed facts that, if properly 18
considered, would
justify a different legal conclusion. In the present case,
these exceptions exist in various instances, thus prompting
us to take cognizance of factual issues and to decide upon
them in the interest19
of justice and in the exercise of our
sound discretion.
Indeed, Petitioner NSBCIÊs loan accounts with
respondent appear to be bloated with some iniquitous
imposition of interests, penalties, other charges and
attorneyÊs fees. To demonstrate this point, the Court shall
take up one by one the promissory notes, the credit
agreements and the disclosure statements.

Increases in Interest Baseless

Promissory Notes. In each drawdown, the Promissory
Notes specified the interest rate to be charged: 19.5 percent
in the first, and 21.5 percent in the second and again in the
third. However, a uniform clause therein permitted
respondent to increase the rate „within the limits allowed
by law at any time depending
on whatever policy it may
adopt in the future x x x,‰ without even giving prior notice
to petitioners. The Court
holds that petitionersÊ accessory
duty to pay interest did not give respondent unrestrained
freedom to charge any rate other than that which was
agreed upon.

13 Perez v. Court of Appeals, 374 Phil. 388, 409-410; 316 SCRA 43,
October 1, 1999.
14 Far East Bank & Trust Co. v. Court of Appeals, 326 Phil. 15, 18; 256
SCRA 15, 18, April 1, 1996, per Hermosisima Jr., J.
15 Alsua-Betts v. Court of Appeals, 92 SCRA 332, 366, July 30, 1979.
16 Luna v. Linatoc, 74 Phil. 15, October 28, 1942.
17 De La Cruz v. Sosing, 94 Phil. 26, 28, November 27, 1953.
18 Larena v. Mapili, 408 SCRA 484, 489, August 7, 2003, per
Panganiban, J.; and The Heirs of Felicidad Canque v. Court of Appeals,
341 Phil. 738, 750; 27 SCRA 741, July 21, 1997.
19 Feria and Noche, Civil Procedure Annotated, Vol. 2 (2001), p. 203.
20 Exhibits „C‰, „C-1‰, and „C-2‰; Exhibits „13‰, „13-B‰, and „13-C‰;
folder of exhibits, Vol. I, pp. 5-7.
21 De Leon, Comments and Cases on Credit Transactions (1995), p. 32.


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Philippine National Bank

No interest
shall be due, unless expressly stipulated in
writing. It would be the zenith of farcicality to specify and
agree upon rates that could be subsequently upgraded at
whim by only one party to the agreement. 23
The „unilateral determination and imposition‰ of
increased rates is „violative of the principle
of mutuality of
contracts ordained in Article 1308 of the Civil Code.‰
One-sided impositions do not have the force of law between
the parties, because such impositions are not based on the
partiesÊ essential equality. 26
Although escalation clauses are valid in maintaining
fiscal stability and
retaining the value of money on long-
term contracts, giving respondent an unbridled right to
adjust the interest independently and upwardly would
completely take away from petitioners the „right to assent
to an important modification in their agreement‰ and
would also negate the element of mutuality in their
contracts. The clause cited earlier made the fulfillment of
the contracts
„dependent exclusively upon the uncontrolled
will‰ of respondent and was therefore void. Besides, the
pro forma promis-

22 Article 1956 of the Civil Code.

23 Spouses Florendo v. Court of Appeals, 333 Phil. 535, 546; 265 SCRA
678, 687, December 17, 1996, per Panganiban, J.
24 Article 1308. The contract must bind both contracting parties; its
validity or compliance cannot be left to the will of one of them.
25 Spouses Florendo v. Court of Appeals, supra (citing Philippine
National Bank v. Court of Appeals, 196 SCRA 536, 544-545, April 30,
1991. See Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals, 328 Phil. 54, 61-
62; 258 SCRA 549, July 9, 1996).
26 Agbayani, Commentaries and Jurisprudence on the Commercial
Laws of the Philippines, Vol. I (1989), p. 131. See Banco Filipino Savings
and Mortgage Bank v. Hon. Navarro, 152 SCRA 346, 353, July 28, 1987.

„Escalation clauses are not basically wrong or legally objectionable as long as

they are not solely potestative but based on reasonable and valid grounds.‰
Polotan Sr. v. Court of Appeals, 357 Phil. 250, 260; 296 SCRA 247, 258,
September 25, 1998, per Romero, J.

27 De Leon, supra, p. 87.

28 Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals, supra at note 25, pp.
62-63, per Mendoza, J. (citing Philippine National Bank v. Court of
Appeals, 238 SCRA 20, 26, November 8, 1994, per Puno, J.).
29 Garcia v. Rita Legarda, Inc., 128 Phil. 590, 594-595; 21 SCRA 555,
559, October 30, 1967, per Dizon, J.



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank
sory notes have the character of a contract dÊadhésion,
„where the parties do not bargain on equal footing, the
weaker partyÊs [the debtorÊs] participation 31
being reduced to
the alternative Âto take it or32 leave it.Ê ‰
„While the Usury Law ceiling on interest 33
rates was
lifted by [Central Bank] Circular No. 905, nothing in the
said Circular grants lenders carte blanche authority to
raise interest rates to levels which will either enslave their
borrowers or lead to a hemorrhaging of their assets.‰ In
fact, we have declared nearly ten years ago that neither
this Circular nor PD 1684, which further amended the
Usury Law, „authorized either party to unilaterally 35
the interest rate without the otherÊs consent.‰
Moreover, a similar case eight years ago pointed out to
the same respondent (PNB) that borrowing signified a
capital transfusion from lending institutions to businesses
and industries and was done for the purpose of stimulating
their growth; yet36
respondentÊs continued „unilateral and
lopsided policy‰
of increasing interest rates „without the
prior assent‰ of the borrower not only defeats this
purpose, but also deviates from this pronouncement.
Although such increases are not usurious, since the „Usury
Law is now le-


30 „Labeled since Raymond BaloillesÊ Âcontracts by adherence.Ê ‰ Qua

Chee Gan v. Law Union & Rock Insurance Co. Ltd., 98 Phil. 85, 95,
December 17, 1955, per Reyes, J.B.L., J.
31 Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals, supra at note 25, per
Griño-Aquino, J. See Qua Chee Gan v. Law Union & Rock Insurance Co.
Ltd., supra.
32 Act No. 2655.
33 Approved by the Monetary Board in its Resolution No. 2224 on
December 3, 1982, it took effect on January 1, 1983.
34 Imperial v. Jaucian, G.R. No. 149004, April 14, 2004, 427 SCRA
517, 525, per Panganiban, J.; citing Spouses Solangon v. Salazar, 412
Phil. 816, 822; 360 SCRA 379, 384, June 29, 2001, per Sandoval-
Gutierrez, J.; and Spouses Almeda v. Court of Appeals, 326 Phil. 309,
319; 256 SCRA 292, 302, April 17, 1996.
35 Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals, supra at note 28, p.
36 Spouses Almeda v. Court of Appeals, supra, p. 319; p. 303; per
Kapunan, J.
37 Id., p. 316.


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Philippine National Bank

gally inexistent‰ ·the interest ranging from 39
26 percent to
35 percent in the statements of account ·„must be
equitably reduced
for being iniquitous, unconscionable and
exorbitant.‰ Rates found to be iniquitous or
unconscionable are41
void, as if it there were no express
contract thereon. Above all, it is undoubtedly against
public policy to charge excessively for the use of money.
It cannot be argued that assent to the increases can be
implied either from the June 18, 1991 request of petitioners
for loan restructuring or from their lack of response to the
statements of account sent by respondent. Such request
does not indicate any agreement to an interest increase;
there can be no implied waiver of a right when there is no 43
clear, unequivocal and decisive act showing such purpose.
Besides, the statements were not letters of information
sent to secure their conformity; and even if we were to
presume these as an offer, there was no acceptance. No one
receiving a proposal to modify a loan contract, especially
interest·a 44
vital component·is „obliged to answer the
Furthermore, respondent did not follow the stipulation
in the Promissory Notes providing for the automatic
conversion of the portion that remained unpaid after 730
days·or two years from date of original release·into a
medium-term loan, subject to the applicable 45 interest rate to
be applied from the dates of original release.


38 Medel v. Court of Appeals, 359 Phil. 820, 829; 299 SCRA 481, 489,
November 27, 1998, per Pardo, J. See also People v. Dizon, 329 Phil. 685,
696; 260 SCRA 851, 859, August 22, 1996; Liam Law v. Olympic Sawmill
Co., 214 Phil. 385, 388; 129 SCRA 439, 442, May 28, 1984; PeopleÊs
Financing Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 192 SCRA 34, 40, December 4, 1990;
and Javier v. De Guzman Jr., 192 SCRA 434, 439, December 19, 1990.
39 These are billings sent by respondent to petitioner showing the
details of its outstanding claim against the latter as of a given date.
40 Spouses Solangon v. Salazar, supra, p. 822; p. 384.
41 Imperial v. Jaucian, supra, p. 525.
42 De Leon, supra, p. 50.
43 Tolentino, Commentaries and Jurisprudence on the Civil Code of the
Philippines, Vol. I (1990), p. 29.
44 Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals, supra at note 25, p.
63, per Mendoza, J. (citing Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals,
supra at note 28, pp. 26-27).
45 Exhibits „C‰, „C-1‰, and „C-2‰; Exhibits „13‰, „13-B‰, and „13-C‰;
folder of exhibits, Vol. I, pp. 5-7.



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

46 47 48
In the first, second and third Promissory Notes, the
amount that remained unpaid as of October 27, 1989,
December 1989 and January 4, 1990·their respective due
dates·should have been automatically converted by
respondent into medium-term loans on June 30, 1991,
September 2, 1991, and September 7, 1991, respectively.
And on this unpaid amount should have been imposed the
same interest rate charged by respondent on other
medium-term loans; and the rate applied from June 29,
1989, September 1, 1989 and September 6, 1989·their
respective original release·until paid. But these steps
were not taken. Aside from sending demand letters,
respondent did not at all exercise its option to enforce
collection as of these NotesÊ due dates. Neither did it renew
or extend the account.
In these three Promissory Notes, evidently, no complaint
for collection was filed with the courts. It was not until
January 30, 1992 that a Petition for Sale of the mortgaged 49
properties was filed·with the provincial sheriff, instead.
Moreover, respondent did not supply the interest rate to be
charged on medium-term loans granted by automatic
conversion. Because of this deficiency, we shall use the
legal rate of 12 percent per annum on loans and 50
forbearance of money, as provided for by CB Circular 416.
Credit Agreements. Aside from the promissory notes,
another main document involved in the principal obligation
is the set of credit agreements executed
and their annexes.
The first Credit Agreement dated June 19, 1989·
although offered and admitted in evidence, and even
referred to in the first Promissory Note·cannot be given
First, it was not52
signed by respondent through its
branch manager. Apparently it was surreptitiously
acknowledged before respondentÊs counsel, who
unflinchingly declared that it had been


46 Exhibit „C‰; Exhibit „13‰; folder of exhibits, Vol. I, p. 5.

47 Exhibit „C-1‰; Exhibit „13-B‰; folder of exhibits, Vol. I, p. 6.
48 Exhibit „C-2‰; Exhibit „13-C‰; folder of exhibits, Vol. I, p. 7.
49 Exhibit „N‰; folder of exhibits, Vol. I, pp. 54-57.
50 De Leon, supra, p. 40. See Tropical Homes, Inc. v. Court of Appeals,
338 Phil. 930, 943-944; 272 SCRA 428, May 14, 1997 (citing Eastern
Shipping Lines, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 234 SCRA 78, 95-96, July 12,
51 Exhibit „F-2‰, pp. 1-4; folder of exhibits, Vol. I, pp. 24-27.
52 Exhibit „F-2‰, p. 3; Id., p. 26.


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Philippine National Bank

signed by the parties on every page,

although respondentÊs
signature does not appear thereon. 54
Second, it was objected to55
by petitioners, contrary to
the trial courtÊs findings. However, it 56
was not the
Agreement, but the revolving credit line of P5,000,000,
that expired one 57
year from the AgreementÊs date of
Third, there was 58no attached annex that contained the
General Conditions. 59Even the Acknowledgment did not
allude to its existence. Thus, no terms or conditions could
be added to the Agreement other than those already stated


53 Id., pp. 4 and 27.

54 Comments/Objections to RespondentÊs Formal Offer of Evidence,
dated September 5, 1994, p. 2; Records, p. 111.
55 Order dated September 15, 1994; Records, p. 118.
56 Banks give credit lines to businessmen in order to assist them in the
operation of their business. A fixed limit or ceiling may be placed on the
account, provided its balance does not exceed such stipulated limit or
ceiling. The balance may perhaps never be cleared, since the credit
revolves round and round; hence, the title „revolving credit.‰ Miranda,
Essentials of Money, Credit and Banking (5th rev. ed., 1981), pp. 96-99.
Moreover, a „revolving credit line‰ is a formal commitment by a bank
to lend a borrower up to a specified amount of money over a given period
of time. The actual notes evidencing the debt are short-term; but the
borrower may renew them up to a specified maximum throughout the
duration of such commitment. The bank, in turn, is legally bound under
the loan agreement to have funds available whenever money is borrowed.
At the maturity of the commitment, borrowings then owing can be
converted into a „term loan.‰ Van Horne, Financial Management and
Policy (5th ed., 1980), pp. 520-521.
Thus, when a borrower needs money, it makes a drawdown or
availment on the credit line in the form of a note or „promise to pay‰ a
certain principal amount. The balance of all unpaid principals, otherwise
known as outstanding drawdowns or availments, at any given time,
should not exceed the ceiling or limit. After due payment of any
drawdown or availment, the borrower can make succeeding drawdowns
or availments within the maximum amount committed, provided the line
has not yet expired.
57 §1.01 of Exhibit „F-2‰, p. 1; folder of exhibits, Vol. I, p. 24.
58 §4.01 of Exhibit „F-2‰, p. 3; Id., p. 26.
59 Acknowledgment dated June 19, 1989 of Exhibit „F-2‰, pp. 3-4; Id.,
pp. 26-27.



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

Since the first Credit Agreement cannot be given weight,

the interest rate on the first availment pegged
at 3 percent
over and above61 respondentÊs prime rate on the date of
such availment has no bearing at all on the loan. After
the first NoteÊs due date, the rate of 19 percent agreed upon
should continue to be applied on the availment, until its
automatic conversion to a medium-term
The second Credit Agreement dated August 31, 1989,
provided for interest·respondentÊs
prime rate, plus the
applicable 64spread in effect as of the date of65 each
availment, on a revolving credit line of P7,700,000 ·but 66
did not state any provision on its increase or decrease.
Consequently, petitioners could not be made to bear
interest more than such prime rate plus spread. The Court
gives weight to this second Credit Agreement for the
following reasons.
First, this document submitted
by respondent was
admitted by petitioners. Again, contrary to their
assertion, it was not the Agreement·but the credit line·
that expired one 68
year from the AgreementÊs date of
implementation. Thus, the terms and conditions
continued to apply, even if drawdowns could no longer be

60 In 1983, the interest rate structuring was completely deregulated.

To complement the lifting of short-term interest ceilings, the Central
Bank (now Bangko Sentral) implemented a prime rate system. Under
this system, the „prime rate‰ referred to the rate charged on loans to
borrowers with the highest credit ratings on 90-day loans of P500,000
and above, that were not rediscountable at preferred rates with the
Central Bank. Saldaña, Financial Management in the Philippine Setting:
Text and Cases (1985), p. 82.
61 §1.04(a) of Exhibit „F-2‰, p. 1; folder of exhibits, Vol. I, p. 24.
62 Exhibit „F‰, pp. 1-5; Id., pp. 15-19.
63 The difference between the interest and other service fees charged
by a bank to its borrowers and clients and the interest it pays to its
depositors and other suppliers of funds is the „gross or intermediation
spread.‰ IBON Databank Phils., Inc., The Philippine Financial System·
A Primer (1983), p. 36.
64 §1.04(a) of Exhibit „F‰, p. 2; folder of exhibits, Vol. I, p. 16.
65 Exhibit „F‰, p. 1; Id., p. 15.
66 §1 of Exhibit „F‰, pp. 1-2; Id., pp. 15-16.
67 Comments/Objections (to [RespondentÊs] Formal Offer of Evidence)
dated September 5, 1994, p. 2; Records, p. 111.
68 Ibid.


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New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank
Second, there was no 7-page annex offered
in evidence
that contained the General Conditions, notwithstanding
the Acknowledgment of its existence by respondentÊs
counsel. Thus, no terms or conditions could be appended to
the Agreement other than those specified therein.
Third, the 12-page General Conditions offered and
admitted in evidence had no probative value. There was no
reference to it in the Acknowledgment of the Agreement;
neither was respondentÊs signature on any of the pages
thereof. Thus, the 72General ConditionsÊ stipulations on
interest adjustment, whether on a fixed or a floating
scheme, had no effect whatsoever on the 73
Contrary to the trial courtÊs findings, the General
Condition were correctly objected to by petitioners. The
rate of 21.5 percent agreed upon in the second Note thus
continued to apply to the second availment, until its
automatic conversion into a medium-term
The third Credit Agreement dated September 5, 1989,
provided for the same rate of interest as that in the second
Agreement. This rate was to be applied to availments of an
unadvised line of P300,000. Since there was no mention in
the third Agreement,
either, of any stipulation on increases
or decreases in interest, there would be no basis for
imposing amounts higher than the prime rate plus spread.
Again, the 21.5 percent rate agreed upon would continue to
apply to the third availment indicated in the third Note,
until such amount was automatically converted into a
medium-term loan.
The Court also finds that, 77first, although this document
was admitted by petitioners, it was the credit line that
expired one


69 Acknowledgment dated August 31, 1989 of Exhibit „F‰, p. 5; folder

of exhibits, Vol. I, p. 19.
70 §4 of Exhibit „F‰, p. 4; Id., p. 18.
71 Exhibit „F-2-A‰, pp. 1-12; Id., pp. 28-39.
72 §7.02 of Exhibit „F-2-C‰, p. 9; Id., p. 36.
73 Order dated September 15, 1994; Records, p. 118.
74 Comments/Objections to RespondentÊs Formal Offer of Evidence
dated September 5, 1994, p. 3; Records, p. 112.
75 Exhibit „F-1‰, pp. 1-4; folder of exhibits, Vol. I, pp. 20-23.
76 §1 of Exhibit „F‰, pp. 1-2; Id., pp. 15-16.
77 Comments/Objections to RespondentÊs Formal Offer of Evidence
dated September 5, 1994, p. 2; Records, p. 111.



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank
year from the implementation of the Agreement. The
terms and conditions therein continued to apply, even if
availments could no longer be drawn after expiry.
Second, there was again no 7-page80 annex offered that
contained the General Conditions, regardless of the
Acknowledgment by the same respondentÊs counsel
affirming its existence. Thus, the terms and conditions in
this Agreement relating to interest cannot be expanded
beyond that which was already laid down by the parties.
Disclosure Statements.
In the present case, the
Disclosure Statements furnished by respondent set forth
the same interest rates as those respectively indicated in
the Promissory Notes. Although no method of computation
was provided showing how such rates were arrived at, we
will nevertheless take up the Statements seriatim in order
to determine the applicable rates clearly.
As to the 82
first Disclosure Statement on Loan/Credit
Transaction dated June 13, 1989, we hold 83
that the 19.5
percent effective interest rate per annum would indeed
apply to the first availment or drawdown evidenced by the
first Promissory Note. Not only was this Statement issued
prior to the consummation of such availment or drawdown,
but the rate shown therein can also be considered
equivalent to 3 percent over and above respondentÊs prime
rate in effect. Besides, respondent mentioned no other rate
that it considered to be the prime rate chargeable to
petitioners. Even if we disregarded the related Credit
Agreement, we assume that this private 84
between the parties was fair and regular, 85
and that the
ordinary course of business was followed.
As to the86 second Disclosure Statement on Loan/Credit
Transaction dated September 2, 1989, we hold that the
21.5 percent effec-


78 §1.01 of Exhibit „F-1‰, p. 1; folder of exhibits, Vol. I, p. 20.

79 Acknowledgment (dated September 5, 1989) of Exhibit „F-1‰, p. 4;
Id., p. 23.
80 §4 of Exhibit „F-1‰, p. 3; Id., p. 22.
81 Exhibits „12‰, „12-A‰, and „12-B‰; folder of exhibits, Vol. II, pp. 19-
82 Exhibit „12‰; id., p. 19.
83 Item 7, Ibid.
84 §3(p) of Rule 131 of the Rules of Court.
85 §3(q) of Rule 131 of the Rules of Court.
86 Exhibit 12-A; folder of exhibits, Vol. II, p. 20.


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Philippine National Bank

tive interest rate per annum would definitely apply to the
second availment or drawdown evidenced by the second
Promissory Note. Incidentally, this Statement was issued
only after the consummation of its related availment or
drawdown, yet such rate can be deemed equivalent to the
prime rate plus spread, as stipulated in the corresponding
Credit Agreement. Again, we presume that this private
transaction was fair and regular, and that the ordinary
course of business was followed. That the related
Promissory Note was pre-signed would also bolster
petitionersÊ claim although, under cross-examination
Pozon·Assistant Department Manager I of PNB,
Dagupan Branch·testified that the Disclosure
were the basis for preparing the Notes.
As to the 90
third Disclosure Statement on Loan/Credit
Transaction dated September 6, 1989, we hold that 91
same 21.5 percent effective interest rate per annum would
apply to the third availment or drawdown evidenced by the
third Promissory Note. This Statement was made available
to petitioner-spouses, only after the related Credit
Agreement had been executed, but simultaneously with the
consummation of the StatementÊs related availment or
drawdown. Nonetheless, the rate herein should still be
regarded as equivalent to the prime rate plus spread,
under the similar presumption that this private
transaction was fair and regular and that the ordinary
course of business was followed.
In sum, the three disclosure statements, as well as the
two credit agreements considered by this Court, did not
provide for any increase in the specified interest rates.
Thus, none would now be permitted. When cross-examined,
Julia Ang-Lopez, Finance Account Analyst II of PNB,
Dagupan Branch, even testified that the bases for
computing such rates were those sent by the head office
from time to time, and92 not those indicated in the notes or
disclosure statements.


87 Item 7, Ibid.; Ibid.

88 On direct examination, he said that he was also a member of the
branch committee in charge of loan approval and sale of foreclosed
properties. TSN, May 11, 1994, pp. 3-4.
89 TSN, May 26, 1994, p. 7.
90 Exhibit „12-B‰; folder of exhibits, Vol. II, p. 21.
91 Item 7 of Exhibit „12-B‰; Id., p. 21.
92 TSN, July 6, 1994, pp. 13 & 17.



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

In addition to the preceding discussion, it is then useless to

belabor the 93point that the increase in 94rates violates the
impairment clause of the Constitution, because the sole
purpose of this provision is to safeguard the integrity of
valid contractual agreements
against unwarranted
interference by the State in the form of laws. Private
individualsÊ intrusions on interest rates is governed by
statutory enactments like the Civil Code.

Penalty, or Increases
Thereof, Unjustified
No penalty charges or increases
thereof appear either in
the Disclosure Statements or in any of97the clauses in the
second and the third Credit Agreements earlier discussed.
While a standard penalty charge of 6 percent per annum
has been imposed on the amounts stated in all three
Promissory Notes still
remaining unpaid or unrenewed
when they fell due, there is no stipulation therein that
would justify any increase in that charges. The effect,
therefore, when the borrower is not clearly informed of the
Disclosure Statements·prior to the consummation of the
availment or drawdown·is that the 99
lender will have no
right to collect upon such charge or increases thereof,
even if stipulated in the Notes. The time is now ripe to give
teeth to the 100
often ignored forty-one-year old „Truth in
Lending Act‰ and thus transform it from a snivelling
paper tiger to a growling financial watchdog of hapless


93 This is anything substantial that diminishes the efficacy of a

contract. Clemons v. Nolting, 42 Phil. 702, 717, January 24, 1922 (cited
in Bernas, The Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines: A
Commentary, Vol. I [1st ed., 1987], p. 321).
94 §10 of Article III of the 1987 Constitution.
95 Cruz, Constitutional Law (1989), p. 232.
96 Exhibits „12‰, „12-A‰, and „12-B‰; folder of exhibits, Vol. II, pp. 19-
97 Exhibit „F‰, pp. 1-5; and Exhibit „F-1‰, pp. 1-4; folder of exhibits,
Vol. I, pp. 15-23.
98 Exhibits „C‰, „C-1‰, and „C-2‰; exhibits „13‰, „13-B‰, and „13-C‰;
folder of exhibits, Vol. I, pp. 22-24.
99 Consolidated Bank and Trust Corp. (Solidbank) v. Court of Appeals,
316 Phil. 247, 258; 246 SCRA 193, July 14, 1995.
100 RA 3765, effective upon approval on June 22, 1963.


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Philippine National Bank

Besides, we have earlier said that the Notes are contracts

of adhesion; although not invalid per se, any apparent
ambiguity in the loan contracts·taken as a whole·shall 101
be strictly construed against respondent who caused it.
Worse, in the statements of account, the penalty rate has
again been unilaterally increased by respondent to 36
percent without petitionersÊ consent. As a result of its
move, such liquidated damages intended as a penalty 102
be equitably reduced by the 103
Court to zilch for being
iniquitous or unconscionable.
Although the first Disclosure Statement was furnished
Petitioner NSBCI prior to the execution of the transaction,
it is not a contract that can be modified by the related
Promissory Note, but a mere statement in writing that
reflects the true and effective cost of loans
from respondent.
Novation can never be presumed, and the animus
novandi „must appear by express agreement of the parties,
or by their105acts that are too clear and unequivocal to be
mistaken.‰ To allow novation will surely flout the „policy
of the State to protect its106citizens from a lack of awareness
of the true cost of credit.‰


101 Article 1377. The interpretation of obscure words or stipulations in

a contract shall not favor the party who caused the obscurity.
See Palmares v. Court of Appeals, 351 Phil. 664, 677; 288 SCRA 422, 432,
March 31, 1998; and Garcia v. Court of Appeals, 327 Phil. 1097, 1111; 258
SCRA 446, 456, July 5, 1996.

102 A penalty that causes the economic ruin of the borrower, or is

grossly disproportionate to the damage suffered by the lender, may be
entirely voided. Tolentino, Commentaries and Jurisprudence on the Civil
Code of the Philippines, Vol. IV (1991), p. 268.
103 Article 2227 of the Civil Code provides:

„Article 2227. Liquidated damages, whether intended as an indemnity or a

penalty, shall be equitably reduced if they are iniquitous or unconscionable.‰
See also Palmares v. Court of Appeals, supra, pp. 690-691; Social Security
Commission v. Almeda, 168 SCRA 474, 480, December 14, 1988; Garcia v.
Court of Appeals, 167 SCRA 815, 831, November 24, 1988; and JoeÊs Radio and
Electrical Supply v. Alto Electronics Corp., 104 Phil. 333, 344, August 22, 1958.

104 Tolentino, supra at note 102, p. 383.

105 Ocampo-Paule v. Court of Appeals, 426 Phil. 463, 470; 376 SCRA
83, 88, February 4, 2002, per Kapunan, J. (citing Quinto v. People, 365
Phil. 259, 267; 305 SCRA 708, 714, April 14, 1999, per Vitug, J).
106 §2 of RA 3765.



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

With greater reason should such penalty charges be

indicated in the second and third Disclosure Statements,
yet none can be found therein. While the charges are issued
after the respective availment or drawdown, the disclosure
statements are given simultaneously therewith. Obviously,
novation still does not apply.

Other Charges Unwarranted

In like manner, the other charges imposed by respondent
are not warranted. No particular values or rates of service
charge are indicated in the Promissory Notes or Credit
Agreements, and no total value or even the breakdown
figures of such non-finance charge are specified in the
Disclosure Statements. Moreover, the provision in the
Mortgage that requires the payment of insurance and other
charges is neither made part107of nor reflected in such Notes,
Agreements, or Statements.
AttorneyÊs Fees Equitably Reduced
We affirm the equitable reduction in attorneyÊs fees.
These are not an integral part of the cost of borrowing, but
arise only when collecting upon the Notes becomes
necessary. The purpose of these fees is not to give
respondent a larger compensation for the loan than the law
already allows, but to protect it against any future loss or
damage by being compelled to retain counsel·in-house or
not·to109institute judicial proceedings for
the collection of its
credit. Courts have has the power to determine their


107 Agbayani, supra, p. 142.

108 The legality of stipulations on attorneyÊs fees is recognized in the
Negotiable Instruments Law and in the Civil Code. Agbayani, supra, p.
109 De Leon, supra, p. 64. See Andreas v. Green, 48 Phil. 463, 465,
December 16, 1925.
110 The Bachrach Garage and Taxicab Co., Inc. v. Golingco, 39 Phil.
912, 920-921, July 12, 1919; and Bachrach v. Golingco, 39 Phil. 138, 143-
144, November 13, 1918.


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Philippine National Bank
111 112 113
ableness based on quantum 114
meruit and to reduce the
amount thereof if excessive.
In addition, the disqualification argument in the
Affidavit of Publication raised by petitioners
no longer
holds water, inasmuch as 116
Act 496 has repealed the
Spanish Notarial Law. In the same vein, their
engagement of their counsel in another capacity concurrent
with the practice of law is not prohibited, so long as the
roles being
assumed by such counsel is made clear to the
client. The only reason for this clarification requirement
is that certain ethical considerations 118
operative in one
profession may not be so in the other.

Debt Relief Package

Not Availed Of
We also affirm the CAÊs disquisition on the debt relief
package (DRP).
RespondentÊs Circular is not an119 outright grant of
assistance or extension of payment, but a mere offer
subject to specific terms and conditions.
Petitioner NSBCI failed to establish satisfactorily that it
had been seriously and directly affected by the economic
slowdown in the peripheral areas of the then US military
bases. Its allegations, devoid of any verification, cannot
lead to a supportable conclusion.


111Article 2208 of the Civil Code.

112 Agpalo, Legal Ethics (4th ed., 1989), p. 323.
113 Sangrador v. Spouses Valderrama, 168 SCRA 215, 229, November
29, 1988.
114 Manila Trading & Supply Co. v. Tamaraw Plantation Co., 47 Phil.
513, 524, February 28, 1925.
115 Aznar Brothers Realty Co. v. Court of Appeals, 384 Phil. 95, 112-
113; 327 SCRA 359, March 7, 2000.
116 Kapunan v. Casilan, 109 Phil. 889, 892-893, October 31, 1960 (cited
in Peña, Legal Forms for Conveyancing and Other Deeds [4th ed., 1994],
pp. 9-10).
117 Rule 15.08 of the Code of Professional Responsibility (cited in
Agpalo, supra, p. 85).
118 Agpalo, The Code of Professional Responsibility for Lawyers (1st
ed., 1991), p. 186.
119 Exhibit „2‰, pp. 1-6; folder of exhibits, Vol. I, pp. 4-9.



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

In fact, for short-term loans, there is still a need to conduct

a thorough120 review of the borrowerÊs repayment
has Petitioner NSBCI shown enough margin of
equity, based
on the latest loan value of hard
collaterals, to be eligible for the package. Additional
accommodations on an unsecured basis may be granted
only when regular payment amortizations have been
established, or 123
when the merits of the credit application
would so justify.
The branch managerÊs recommendation to restructure or
extend a total outstanding loan not exceeding P8,000,000 is
not final, but subject to the approval of respondentÊs
Branches Department Credit 124
Committee, chaired by its
executive vice-president. Aside from being further 125
conditioned on other pertinent policies of respondent,
such approval nevertheless needs to 126
be reported to its
Board of Directors for confirmation.
In fact, under the
General Banking Law of 2000, banks shall grant loans
and other credit accommodations only in amounts and for
periods of time essential to the effective completion of
operations to be financed,
„consistent with safe and sound
banking practices.‰ The Monetary Board·then and now
·still prescribes, by regulation, the conditions and


120 Exhibit „2-B‰, p. 2; Id., p. 5.

121 Either party has not defined the term „margin of equity;‰ hence,
there is no basis for its being shown by petitioners or approved by
122 Exhibit „2‰, p. 4; Id., p. 7.
123 Ibid.
124 Exhibit „2‰, p. 5, Id., p. 8.
125 Ibid.
126 Exhibit „2‰, p. 6, Id., p. 9.
127 Rep. Act (RA) No. 8791.
128 1st par. of §39 of RA 8791 (then §75 of RA 337 or The General
Banking Act, as amended).

The amount, tenor or maturity of the loan must comport with the actual
requirements of the borrower. The purpose of the loan or credit accommodation
must be stated in the application and documentation. Any deviation may cause
acceleration, immediate repayment, foreign currency blacklisting, or
conversion from a term loan to a demand loan. Morales, The Philippine General
Banking Law Annotated (2002), pp. 105-106.


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New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank
limitations under which banks may grant extensions 129 or
renewals of their loans and other credit accommodations.

Entries in Subsidiary Ledgers

Regular and Correct
Contrary to petitionersÊ assertions, the subsidiary ledgers
of respondent properly reflected all entries pertaining to
Petitioner NSBCIÊs loan accounts. In accordance with the
Generally Accepted130
Accounting Principles (GAAP) for the
Banking Industry, all interests accrued or earned on such
loans, except
those that were restructured and non- 132
accruing, have been periodically taken into income.
Without a doubt, the subsidiary ledgers in a 133 manual
accounting system are mere private documents134 that
support and are controlled by the general ledger. Such
ledgers are neither


129 §48 of RA 8791 (then §81 of RA 337, as amended).

130 This is the first of a series of Statements of Financial Accounting
Standards (SFAS) for specialized industries·issued by the Accounting
Standards Council·effective for the fiscal years ending on or after
December 31, 1988, although its earlier application has been encouraged.
The Board of Accountancy, in its Board Resolution No. 509, series of
1987, has also approved this Statement.
131 These two types of accounts are valued and reported differently in
the books and financial statements of a bank, as part of the heading
„Resources,‰ in accordance with the GAAP for the Banking Industry.
In fact, there is every reason to use also the account title „Real and
Other Properties Owned or Acquired‰ or ROPOA for „real and other
properties acquired‰ by the bank in the settlement of loans. Item 1 of
ROPOA, GAAP for the Banking Industry, pp. 23-25.
In addition to §48 of RA 8791, there are existing rules on restructured
loans in §X322 of the Manual of Regulations for Banks. Matters of
extension or renewal, short of restructuring, are addressed to the sound
discretion of the lending bank, subject to the guidelines of the Monetary
Board and the Basle Core Principle 7 for effective banking supervision.
Morales, supra, p. 118.
132 Item 7 of Loans, GAAP for the Banking Industry, p. 16.
133 §19 of Rule 132 of the Rules of Court.
134 Meigs and Meigs, Accounting: The Basis for Business Decisions,
Part 1 (5th ed., 1982), pp. 251-255.
A „general ledger,‰ on the one hand, is a summary or repository of
accounts to which debits and credits resulting from financial transactions
are posted from journals or books of original entry; a „subsidiary ledger,‰



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

foolproof nor standard in format, but are periodically

subject to audit. Besides, we go by the presumption that
the recording of private transactions has been fair and
regular, and that the ordinary course of business has been

Second Main Issue:

Extrajudicial Foreclosure Valid, But Deficiency
Claims Excessive

Respondent135 aptly exercised its option to „foreclose the

mortgage,‰ after petitioners had
failed to pay all the
Notes in full when they fell due. The extrajudicial sale
and subsequent proceedings are therefore valid, but the
alleged deficiency claim cannot be recovered.

Auction Price Adequate

137 138
In the accessory contract of real mortgage, in which
property or real rights thereto are used as
security 140for the fulfillment of the principal loan
obligation, the bid price may be


on the other, is a special type of ledger confined chiefly to a particular

135 China Banking Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 333 Phil. 158, 174; 265
SCRA 327, December 5, 1996, per Francisco, J.
136 Bicol Savings and Loan Association v. Court of Appeals, 171 SCRA
630, 634-635, March 31, 1989; and Commodity Financing Co., Inc. v.
Jimenez, 91 SCRA 57, 69, June 29, 1979.
137 Rodriguez, Credit Transactions (2nd ed., 1992), pp. 143-144.
138 Also known as a mortuum vadium. Noblejas and Noblejas,
Registration of Land Titles and Deeds (1992 rev. ed.), p. 510.
139 It is a mere lien on and does not create title to the property. Peña,
Peña, Jr., and Peña, Registration of Land Titles and Deeds (1994 rev. ed.),
p. 253.
140 Contracts of loan, being consensual, are deemed perfected at the
time the Mortgage is executed. Bonnevie v. Court of Appeals, 210 Phil.
100, 108; 125 SCRA 122, 131, October 24, 1983.
It appears that the Mortgage was executed even before the first
Promissory Note was made, both covering the same amount of availment.
Exhibit „D‰; folder of exhibits, Vol. I, p. 26.
The Amendment to this Mortgage was also executed prior to the
second Note, which was for an increased amount. Exhibit „E‰; Id., pp. 14-
Only the third Note was not secured by the Mortgage, but the fair
market value of the mortgaged properties was even higher than the


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New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

lower than the propertyÊs fair market value. In fact, the 142
loan value itself is only 70 percent of the appraised value.
As correctly emphasized by 143 the appellate court, a low bid
price will 144
make it easier for the owner to effect
redemption by subsequently reacquiring the property or
by selling the right to redeem and thus recover alleged
losses. Besides, the public
auction sale has been regularly
and fairly conducted,
there has been ample authority to
effect the sale, and the 147 Certificates of Title148can be relied
upon. No personal notice is even required, because an
extrajudicial foreclosure is an action in rem, requiring only
notice by publication and posting, in149order to bind parties
interested in the foreclosed
As no redemption was exercised within one year after
the date of registration of the Certificate of Sale with the
Registry of


of the Note itself. Furthermore, the mortgagors were the absolute

owners of said properties; no additional security was necessary.
141 De Leon, supra, pp. 398-399.
142 Pozon also testified that the appraised value was only 90% of the
fair market value. TSN, May 26, 1994, p. 13.
Under §37 of RA 8791, except as otherwise prescribed by the Monetary
Board, such rate has been increased to 75%, plus 60% of the appraised
value of the insured improvements. This is a less strict benchmark set
out in BSP Circular-Letter dated May 6, 1997. Morales, supra, p. 103.
143 The Abaca Corp. of the Philippines, represented by the Board of
Liquidators v. Garcia, 338 Phil. 988, 993; 272 SCRA 475, 480, May 14,
1997; citing Tiongco v. Philippine Veterans Bank, 212 SCRA 176, August
5, 1992.
144Aquino, Land Registration and Related Proceedings (2002 rev. ed.),
p. 201.
145 See AM No. 99-10-05-0, „Procedure in Extrajudicial Foreclosure of
Mortgage,‰ August 7, 2001.
146 This is in conformity with the procedure laid out in Act No. 3135,
as amended by Act No. 4118. See Fiestan v. Court of Appeals, 185 SCRA
751, 755-757, May 28, 1990; citing Valenzuela v. Aguilar, 118 Phil. 213,
217; 8 SCRA 212, May 31, 1963.
147 Philippine National Bank v. Spouses Rabat, 344 SCRA 706, 716,
November 15, 2000.
148 Peña, Peña, Jr., and Peña, supra, p. 295.
149 Langkaan Realty Development, Inc. v. United Coconut Planters
Bank, 347 SCRA 542, 559, December 8, 2000.
150 It is an absolute and personal privilege, the exercise of which is
entirely dependent upon the will and discretion of the redemptioner. De
Leon, supra, p. 408.



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank
Deeds, respondent·being the highest bidder·has the
right to a writ of possession, the final process that will
consummate the extrajudicial foreclosure. On the other
hand, petitioner-spouses, who are mortgagors
herein, shall
lose all their rights to the property.

No Deficiency Claim Receivable

After the foreclosure and sale of the mortgaged property,
the Real Estate Mortgage is extinguished. Although the
mortgagors, being third persons, are not liable for 153
deficiency in the absence of a contrary stipulation, the
action for recovery of such amount·being clearly sureties
to the154principal obligation·may still be directed against
them. However, respondent may impose only the
stipulated interest rates of 19.5 percent and 21.5 percent
on the respective availments·subject to the 12 percent
legal rate revision upon automatic conversion into medium-
term loans·plus 1 percent attorneyÊs fees, without
additional charges on penalty, insurance or any increases
Accordingly, the excessive interest rates in the
Statements of Account sent to petitioners are reduced to
19.5 percent and 21.5 percent, as stipulated in the
Promissory Notes; upon loan conversion, these rates are
further reduced to the legal rate of 12 percent. Payments
made by petitioners are pro-rated, the charges on penalty
and insurance eliminated, and the resulting total unpaid
principal and interest of P6,582,077.70 as of the date of
public auction is then subjected to 1 percent attorneyÊs fees.
The total outstanding obligation is compared to the bid
price. On the basis of these rates and the comparison made,
the deficiency claim receivable amounting to P2,172,476.43
in fact vanishes. Instead, there is an overpayment by more
than P3 million, as shown in the following Schedules:


151 §6 of Art No. 3135 and §47 of RA 8791.

The right becomes functus officio on the date of its expiry. Noblejas
and Noblejas, supra, p. 572.
152 State Investment House, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 215 SCRA 734,
744-747, November 13, 1992.
153 De Leon, supra, p. 391.
154 „x x x [T]he mortgagee is entitled to claim the deficiency from the
debtor.‰ Philippine National Bank v. Court of Appeals, 367 Phil. 508, 515;
308 SCRA 229, 235, June 14, 1999, per Mendoza, J.


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Philippine National Bank

SCHEDULE 1: PN (1) drawdown amount P5,000,000.00

on 6/29/89
Less: Interest deducted in advance (per 305,165.00
6/13/89 Disclosure Statement)
Net proceeds 4,694,835.00
Principal 5,000,000.00
Interest at 19.5% p.a.
10/28/89-12/31/89 173,630.14
(5,000,000 x
19.5% x [65/365])
1/1/90-1/5/90 13,356.16 186,986.30 186,986.30
(5,000,000 x
19.5%x [5/365])
Amount due as of 1/5/90 5,186,986.30
Less: Payment on 1/5/90 (pro- 543,807.61 543,807.61
rated up on interest)
Balance (356,821.30) 4,643,178.70
Interest at 19.5% p.a.
1/6/90-3/30/90 208,370.59 208,370.59
356,821.30] x
19.5%x [84/365])
Amount due as of 3/30/90 4,851,549.29
Less: Payment on 163,182.85 163,182.85
3/30/90 (pro-rated
up on interest)
Balance 45,187.75 4,688,366.44
Interest at 19.5% p.a.
3/31/90-5/31/90 ([5,000,000- 153,797.34 153,797.34
356,821.30] x 19.5%x
Amount due as of 5/31/90 198,985.09 4,842,163.79
Less: Payment on 5/31/90 199,806.42 199,806.42
(pro-rated up on interest)
Balance (821.33) 4,642,357.36
Interest at 19.5% p.a.
6/1/90-6/29/90 ([5,000,000- 71,924.74 71,924.74
(356,821.30+821.33)] x 19.5%
x [29/365)]
Amount due as of 6/29/90 4,714,282.11
Less: Payment on 6/29/90 839,012.66 839,012.66
(pro-rated up on interest)
Balance (767,087.92) 3,875,269.44



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

Interest at 19.5% p.a.
6/30/90-12/31/90 ([5,000,000- 383,014.64
19.5% x [185/365])
1/1/91-6/29/91 ([5,000,000- 372,662.90
x 19.5% x [180/365])
Interest at 12% p.a. upon automatic conversion
6/30/91-8/8/91 ([5,000,000- 50,962.45 806,639.99 806,639.99
(36,821.30+821.33+767,087.92)] x
12% x [40/365])
Amount due as of 8/8/91 4,681,909.43
Less: Payment on 8/8/91 (pro-rated upon 493,906.31 493,906.31
Balance 312,733.68 4,188,003.13
Interest at 12% p.a.
8/9/91-8/15/91 ([5,000,000- 8,918.43 8,918.43
(356,821.30+821.33+767,087.92)] x 12% x
Amount due as of 8/15/91 321,652.11 4,196,921.55
Less: Payment on 8/15/91 (pro-rated upon 86,593.37 86,593.37
Balance 235,058.74 4,110,328.18
Interest at 12% p.a.
8/16/91-11/29/91 ([5,000,000- 135,050.49 135,050.49
(356,821.30+821.33+767,087.92)]x 12% x
Amount due as of 11/29/91 370,109.22 4,245,378.67
Less: Payment on 11/29/91 (pro-rated upon 161,096.81 161,096.81
Balance 209,012.41 4,084,281.86
Interest at 12% p.a.
11/30/91-12/20/91 ([5,000,000- 26,755.28 26,755.28
(356,821.30+821.33+767,087.92)] x12% x
Amount due as of 12/20/91 235,767.70 4,111,037.14
Less: Payment on 12/20/91 (pro-rated upon 162,115.78 162,115.78
Balance 73,651.92 3,948,921.3
Interest at 12% p.a.
12/21/91-12/31/91 ([5,000,000- 14,281.03
x12% x [11/365])
1/1/92-2/26/92 ([5,000,000- 74,001.70 88,282.74 88,282.74
x 12% x [57/365])
Amount due on PN (1) asof 2/26/92 161,934.66 P4,037,204.10


VOL. 435, JULY 30, 2004 601

New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBI)vs.
Philippine National Bank

SCHEDULE 2: PN (2)drawdown amount P

on 9/1/89 2,700,000.00
Less: Interest deducted in advance (per 180,559.88
9/1/89 Disclosure Statement)
Net proceeds 2,519,440.12
Principal 2,700,000.00
Interest at 21.5% p.a.
12/31/89 (2,700,000 x 1,590.41
21.5% x [1/365])
1/1/90-1/5/90 7,952.05 9,542.47 9,542.47
(2,700,000 x 21.5%x
Amount due as of 1/5/90 2,709,542.47
Less: Payment on 1/5/90 (pro- 27,752.12 27,752.12
rated upon interest)
Balance (18,209.65) 2,681,790.35
Interest at 21.5% p.a.
1/6/90-3/30/90 ([2,700,000- 132,693.52 132,693.52
18,209.65] x 21.5%x [84/365])
Amount due as of 3/30/90 2,814,483.87
Less: Payment on 3/30/90 (pro- 103,917.28 103,917.28
rated upon interest)
Balance 28,776.23 2,710,566.58
Interest at 21.5% p.a.
3/31/90-5/31/90 ([2,700,000- 97,940.45 97,940.45
18,209.65] x 21.5%x [62/365])
Amount due as of 5/31/90 126,716.69 2,808,507.04
Less: Payment on 5/31/90 (pro- 127,239.72 127,239.72
rated upon interest)
Balance (523.04) 2,681,267.31
Interest at 21.5% p.a.
6/1/90-6/29/90 ([2,700,000- 45,801.92 45,801.92
(18,209.65+523.04)] x 21.5% x
Amount due as of 6/29/90 2,727,069.24
Less: Paymenton 6/29/90 (pro- 534,286.14 534,286.14
rated upon interest)
Balance (488,484.22) 2,192,783.10



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI)vs.
Philippine National Bank

Interest at 21.5% p.a.
6/30/90-12/31/90 ([2,700,000- 238,953.28
x 21.5%x [185/365])
1/1/91-8/8/91 ([2,700,000- 284,160.66 523,113.94 523,113.94
x 21.5%x [220/365])
Amount due as of 8/8/91 2,715,897.04
Less: Paymenton 8/8/91 (pro-rated upon 320,303.08 320,303.08
Balance 202,810.86 2,395,593.95
Interest at 21.5% p.a.
8/9/91-8/15/91 ([2,700,000- 9,041.48 9,041.48
(18,209.65+523.04+488,484.22)] x 21.5% x
Amount due as of 8/15/91 211,852.33 2,404,635.43
Less: Payment on 8/15/91 (pro-rated upon 57,033.69 57,033.69
Balance 154,818.64 2,347,601.74
Interest at 21.5% p.a.
8/16/91-9/1/91 ([2,700,000- 21,957.87
x 21.5% x [17/365])
Interest at 12% p.a. upon automatic conversion
9/2/91-11/29/91 ([2,700,000- 64,161.43 86,119.30 86,119.30
x 12% x [89/365])
Amount due as of 11/29/91 240,937.94 2,433,721.04
Less: Payment on 11/29/91 (pro-rated upon 104,872.65 104,872.65
Balance 136,065.30 2,328,848.39
Interest at 12% p.a.
11/30/91-12/20/91 ([2,700,000- 15,139.21 15,139.21
(18,209.65+523.04+488,484.22)]x 12% x
Amount due as of 12/20/91 151,204.51 2,343,987.61
Less: Payment on 12/20/91 (pro-rated upon 103,969.45 103,969.45
Balance 47,235.07 2,240,018.16
Interest at 12% p.a.
12/21/91-12/31/91 ([2,700,000- 7,930.06
12% x [11/365])
1/1/92-2/26/92 ([2,700,000- 41,092.15 49,022.22 49,022.22
x 12%x [57/365])
Amount dueon PN (2) asof 2/26/92 96,257.28 P2,289,040.38


VOL. 435, JULY 30, 2004 603

New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI)vs.
Philippine National Bank

SCHEDULE 3: PN (3)drawdown amount on P

9/6/89 300,000.00
Less: Interest deducted in advance (per 9/6/89 20,062.21
Disclosure Statement)
Net proceeds 279,937.79
Principal 300,000.00
Interest at 21.5% p.a.
1/5/90 (300,000x 21.5% x [1/365]) 176.7 176.71
Amount due as of 1/5/90 300,176.71
Less: Payment on 1/5/90 (pro- 513.93 513.93
rated upon interest)
Balance (337.22) 299,662.78
Interest at 21.5% p.a.
1/6/90-3/30/90 ([300,000-337.22] x 14,827.15 14,827.15
21.5% x [84/365])
Amount due as of 3/30/90 314,489.93
Less: Payment on 3/30/90 (pro- 11,611.70 11,611.70
rated upon interest)
Balance 3,215.45 302,878.24
Interest at 21.5% p.a.
3/31/90-5/31/90 ([300,000-337.22] 10,943.85 10,943.85
x 21.5%x [62/365])
Amount due as of 5/31/90 14,159.30 313,822.08
Less: Payment on 5/31/90 (pro- 14,217.74 14,217.74
rated upon interest)
Balance (58.44) 299,604.34
Interest at 21.5% p.a.
6/1/90-6/29/90 ([300,000- 5,117.90 5,117.90
(337.22+58.44)] x 21.5% x
Amount due as of 6/29/90 304,722.24
Less: Payment on 6/29/90 (pro- 59,701.04 59,701.04
rated upon interest)
Balance (54,583.14) 245,021.20



New Sampaguit Builders Constrution, Inc. (NSBCI)vs.
Philippine National Bank

Interest at 21.5% p.a.
6/30/90-12/31/90 ([300,000- 26,700.60
x 21.5% x [185/365])
1/1/91-8/8/91 ([300,000- 31,752.06 58,452.66 58,452.66
x 21.5% x [220/365])
Amount due as of 8/8/91 303,473.86
Less:Payment on 8/8/91 (pro-rated 35,790.61 35,790.61
upon interest)
Balance 22,662.05 267,683.25
Interest at 21.5% p.a.
8/9/91-8/15/91 ([300,000- 1,010.29 1,010.29
(337.22+58.44+54,583.14)]] x 21.5% x
Amount due as of 8/15/91 23,672.34 268,693.54
Less: Payment on 8/15/91 (pro-rated 6,372.93 6,372.93
upon interest)
Balance 17,299.41 262,320.61
Interest at 21.5% p.a.
8/16/91-9/6/91 ([300,000- 3,175.21
x 21.5% x [22/365])
Interest at 12% p.a. upon automatic conversion
9/7/91-11/29/91 ([300,000- 6,766.61 9,941.82 9,941.82
x 12% x [84/365])
Amount due as of 11/29/91 27,241.23 272,262.43
Less: Payment on 11/29/91 (pro-rated 11,857.24 11,857.24
upon interest)
Balance 15,383.98 260,405.18
Interest at 12% p.a.
11/30/91-12/20/91 ([300,000- 1,691.65 1,691.65
(337.22+58.44+54,583.14)]] x 12% x
Amount due as of 12/20/91 17,075.64 262,096.84
Less: Payment on 12/20/91 (pro-rated 11,741.35 11,741.35
upon interest)
Balance 5,334.29 250,355.49
Interest at 12% p.a.
12/21/91-12/31/91 886.10
x 12% x [11/365])
1/1/92-2/26/92 ([300,000- 4,591.63 5,477.73 5,477.73
x 12% x [57/365])
Amount due on PN (3) as of 2/26/92 10,812.03 P255,833.22


VOL. 435, JULY 30, 2004 605

New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

SCHEDULE 4: Application of Payments Upon Interest

Date Interest
Payable Pro-rated
1/5/90 PN (1) P186,986.30 P543,807.61
PN (2) 9,542.47 27,752.12
PN (3) 176.71 513.93
196,705.48 572,073.65
3/30/90 PN (1) 208,370.59 163,182.85
PN (2) 132,693.52 103,917.28
PN (3) 14,827.15 11,611.70
355,891.26 278,711.83
5/31/90 PN (1) 198,985.09 199,806.42
PN (2) 126,716.69 127,239.72
PN (3) 14,159.30 14,217.74
339,861.08 341,263.89
6/29/90 PN (1) 71,924.74 839,012.66
PN (2) 45,801.92 534,286.14
PN (3) 5,117.90 59,701.04
122,844.56 1,432,999.84
8/8/91 PN (1) 806,639.99 493,906.31
PN (2) 523,113.94 320,303.08
PN (3) 58,452.66 35,790.61
1,388,206.59 850,000.00
8/15/91 PN (1) 321,652.11 86,593.37
PN (2) 211,852.33 57,033.69
PN (3) 23,672.34 6,372.93
557,176.79 150,000.00
11/29/91 PN (1) 370,109.22 161,096.81
PN (2) 240,937.94 104,872.65
PN (3) 27,241.23 11,857.24
638,288.39 277,826.70
12/20/91 PN (1) 235,767.70 162,115.78
PN (2) 151,204.51 103,969.45
PN (3) 17,075.64 11,741.35
P404,047.85 P277,826.57



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

In the preparation of the above-mentioned schedules, these

basic legal principles were followed:
First, the155payments were applied to debts that were
already due. Thus, when the first payment was made and
applied on January 5, 1990, all Promissory Notes were
already due.
Second, payments of the principal
were not made until
the interests had been covered. For instance, the first
payment on January 15, 1990 had initially been applied to
all interests due on the notes, before deductions were made
from their respective principal amounts. The resulting
decrease in interest balances served as the bases for
subsequent pro-ratings.
Third, payments were proportionately applied to all
that were due and of the same nature and
burden. This legal principle was the rationale for the pro-
rated computations shown on Schedule 4.
Fourth, since there was no stipulation on capitalization,
no interests due and unpaid were added to the principal;
hence, 158such interests did not earn any additional
interest. The simple·not
compounded·method of
interest calculation was used on all Notes until the date
of public auction. 160
In fine,
under solutio indebiti or payment by
mistake, there is no deficiency receivable in 162
favor of PNB,
but rather an excess claim or surplus payable by
respondent; this excess should immediately be returned to
petitioner-spouses or their 163assign·not to mention the
buildings and improvements on and the fruits of the


155 1st par. of Article 1252 of the Civil Code.

156 Article 1253 of the Civil Code.
157 2nd par. of Article 1254 of the Civil Code.
158 Article 1959 of the Civil Code.
159 Mambulao Lumber Co. v. Philippine National Bank, 130 Phil. 366,
377; 22 SCRA 359, January 30, 1968.
160 Article 1960 of the Civil Code.
161 Tolentino, supra at note 102, p. 650.
162 To recover the surplus, the mortgagee „cannot raise the defense
that no actual cash was received.‰ Sulit v. Court of Appeals, 335 Phil.
914, 928-929; 268 SCRA 441, 455, February 17, 1997, per Regalado, J.
163 Felipe Cuison, Jr., security inspector of PNB on mortgaged
properties, testified on cross-examination that no value had been given to
such improvements, because it was the bankÊs policy to consider them
fully depreciated. TSN, July 13, 1994, pp. 28-30.


VOL. 435, JULY 30, 2004 607

New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

property·to the end that no one may 164be unjustly enriched

or benefited at the expense of another. Such surplus is in
the amount of P3,686,101.52, computed as follows:

Total unpaid principal and interest on the

promissory notes as of February 26, 1992:
Drawdown on June 29, 1989 P 4,037,204.10
(Schedule 1)
Drawdown on September 1, 1989 2,289,040.38
(Schedule 2)
Drawdown on September 6, 1989 255,833.22
Add: 1% attorneyÊs fees 65,820.78
Total outstanding obligation 6,647,898.48
Less: Bid price 10,334,000.00
Excess P3,686,101.52

Joint and Solidary Agreement. Contrary to the

contention of the petitioner-spouses,
their Joint and
Solidary Agreement
(JSA) was indubitably a surety, not a
guaranty. They consented to be jointly and severally
liable with Petitioner NSBCI·the borrower--not only for
the payment of all sums due and payable in favor of
respondent, but also for the faithful and prompt 167
performance of all the terms and conditions thereof.
Additionally, the corporate secretary of Petitioner NSBCI
certified as early as February 23,


164 Tolentino, supra at note p. 102, p. 68.

165 Exhibit „G‰, pp. 1-6; folder of exhibits, Vol. I, pp. 40-45.
166 Applying Article 2047 of the Civil Code, the surety is charged not
as a collateral undertaking, but as an original promissor to the loan. See
Rodriguez, supra, p. 71; Goldenrod, Inc. v. Court of Appeals, 418 Phil.
492, 502; 366 SCRA 217, September 28, 2001; and Philippine National
Bank v. Luzon Surety Co., Inc., 68 SCRA 207, 214, November 29, 1975.
167 Exhibit „G‰, pp. 1-2; folder of Exhibits, Vol. I, pp. 40-41.

It is „common business and banking practice to require ÂsuretiesÊ to guarantee

corporate obligations.‰ Tañedo v. Allied Banking Corp., 424 Phil. 844, 850; 374
SCRA 100, 105, January 18, 2002, per Pardo, J.



New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

1989, that the spouses should act as such surety. But,
their solidary liability should be carefully studied, not
sweepingly assumed to cover all availments instantly.
First, the JSA was executed on 169 August 31, 1989. As
correctly adverted to by petitioners, it covered only the
Promissory Notes of P2,700,000 and P300,000 made after
that date. The terms of a contract
of suretyship undeniably
determine the suretyÊs liability171 and cannot extend beyond
what is stipulated therein. Yet, the total amount
petitioner-spouses agreed to be held liable for was
P7,700,000; by the time the JSA was executed, the first
Promissory Note was still
unpaid and was thus brought
within the JSAÊs ambit.
Second, while the JSA included all costs, charges and
expenses that respondent might incur 173
or sustain in
connection with the credit documents, only the interest
was imposed under the pertinent Credit Agreements.
Moreover, the relevant Promissory Notes had to be resorted
to for proper valuation of the interests charged.
Third, although the JSA, as a contract of adhesion,
should be taken contra proferentum against the party who
may have caused any ambiguity therein, no such ambiguity
was found. Petitioner-spouses,
who agreed to be
accommodation mortgagors, can no


168 SecretaryÊs Certificate issued by Macario G. Ydia, referring to the

P8 million commercial loan application of Petitioner NSBCI, Exhibit „A‰;
folder of exhibits, Vol. I, p. 1.
169 Comments/Objections to RespondentÊs Formal Offer of Evidence
dated September 5, 1994, p. 3; Records, p. 112.
170 Government v. Herrero, 38 Phil. 410, 413, August 5, 1918.
171 Visayan Surety & Insurance Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 417 Phil.
110, 116-117; 364 SCRA 631, 637, September 7, 2001; and Solon v. Solon,
64 Phil. 729, 734, September 9, 1937.
172 „A bank or financing company which anticipates entering into a
series of credit transactions with a particular company, commonly
requires the projected principal debtor to execute a continuing surety
agreement along with its sureties.‰ South City Homes, Inc. v. BA Finance
Corp., 423 Phil. 84, 95; 371 SCRA 603, 612, December 7, 2001, per Pardo,
J. (citing Fortune Motors [Phils.] Corp. v. Court of Appeals, 335 Phil. 315,
326; 267 SCRA 653, 665, February 7, 1997).
173 Item 4 of Exhibit „G‰, pp. 2-3, folder of exhibits, Vol. I, pp. 41-42.
174 An accommodation mortgagor is a third person who is not a debtor
to a principal obligation, but secures it by mortgaging his or her own


VOL. 435, JULY 30, 2004 609

New Sampaguita Builders Construction, Inc. (NSBCI) vs.
Philippine National Bank

longer be 175held individually liable for the entire onerous

obligation because, as it turned out, it was respondent
that still owed them.
To summarize, to give full force to the Truth in Lending
Act, only the interest rates of 19.5 percent and 21.5 percent
stipulated in the Promissory Notes may be imposed by
respondent on the respective availments. After 730 days,
the portions remaining unpaid are automatically converted
into medium-term loans at the legal rate of 12 percent. In
all instances, the simple method of interest computation is
followed. Payments made by petitioners are applied and
pro-rated according to basic legal principles. Charges on
penalty and insurance are eliminated, and 1 percent
attorneyÊs fees imposed upon the total unpaid balance of
the principal and interest as of the date of public auction.
The P2 million deficiency claim therefore vanishes, and a
refund of P3,686,101.52 arises.
WHEREFORE, this Petition is hereby PARTLY
GRANTED. The Decision of the Court of Appeals is
ORDERED to refund the sum of P3,686,101.52
representing the overcollection computed above, plus
interest thereon at the legal rate of six percent (6%) per
annum from the filing of the Complaint until the finality of
this Decision. After this Decision becomes final and
executory, the applicable rate shall be twelve percent (12%)
per annum until its satisfaction. No costs.

Sandoval-Gutierrez and Carpio-Morales, JJ.,

Corona, J., On Leave.


erty. Peña, Peña Jr., and Peña, supra, p. 255. See Spouses Belo v.
Philippine National Bank, 353 SCRA 359, 371, March 1, 2001.
Like an accommodation party to a negotiable instrument under §29 of Act No.
2031, otherwise known as the „Negotiable Instruments Law,‰ the
accommodation mortgagor uses his or her own property, in effect becoming a
surety, to enable the accommodated debtor to obtain credit. See Spouses
Gardose v. Tarroza, 352 Phil. 797, 807; 290 SCRA 186, May 19, 1998.

175 Tolentino, supra at note 102, p. 217.



People vs. Medina

Petition partly granted, assailed decision affirmed with


Notes.·Novation is never presumed·it must be proven

as a fact either by express stipulation of the parties or by
implication derived from an irreconcilable incompatibility
between old and new obligations or contracts. (Uraca vs.
Court of Appeals, 278 SCRA 702 [1997])
Escalation clauses are not basically wrong or legally
objectionable as long as they are not solely potestative but
based on reasonable and valid grounds. (Polotan, Sr. vs.
Court of Appeals, 296 SCRA 247 [1998])


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