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G.R. No. 205956 February 12, 2014







P/Supt. Hansel M. Marantan is the respondent in G.R. No. 199462, a
Criminal Case, where Marantan and his co-accused are charged with
homicide. Respondent Monique Cu-Unjieng La’O is one of the petitioners in
the said case, while respondent Atty. Jose Manuel Diokno is her counsel. The
case involves an incident where the son of La’O and his company were shot
and killed by police officers at Ortigas Center allegedly for carnapping. La’O,
together with other petitioners filed that the resolution for homicide be
withdrawn; and that charges for murder be filed.

On January 2013, a shooting incident occurred in Atimonan, Quezon, where

Marantan was the ground commander in a police-military team, which
resulted in the death of thirteen men (Atimonan incident). The said
encounter, according to Marantan, elicited much negative publicity, that
respondents took advantage of the incident. After a few consecutive days,
La’O, her counsel, Atty. Diokno, and one Ernesto Manzano, organized and
conducted a media press conference where they allegedly made malicious,
intemperate and unreasonable comments on the conduct of the Court in
handling G.R. No. 199462, branding Marantan and his co-accused guilty of
murder in the Ortigas incident.

Marantan submits that the respondents violated the sub judice rule, making
them liable for indirect contempt. The respondents answered that there was
no violation of the sub judice rule as their statements were legitimate
expressions and did not actually impede, obstruct or degrade the
administration of justice in a concrete way; that no criminal intent was
shown as the utterances being a fair comment of a matter of public interest
and concern; and that the petition is intended to stifle legitimate speech

Whether or not Respondents are guilty for Indirect contempt?


The sub judice rule restricts comments and disclosures pertaining to the
judicial proceedings in order to avoid prejudging the issue, influencing the
court, or obstructing the administration of justice. A violation of this rule
may render one liable for indirect contempt under Sec. 3(d), Rule 71 of the
Rules of Court.

The proceedings for punishment of indirect contempt are criminal in nature.

This form of contempt is conduct that is directed against the dignity and
authority of the court or a judge acting judicially; it is an act obstructing the
administration of justice which tends to bring the court into disrepute or
disrespect. Intent is a necessary element in criminal contempt, and no one
can be punished for a criminal contempt unless the evidence makes it clear
that he intended to commit it.

For a comment to be considered as contempt of court "it must really appear"

that such does impede, interfere with and embarrass the administration of
justice. What is, thus, sought to be protected is the all-important duty of the
court to administer justice in the decision of a pending case. he specific
rationale for the sub judice rule is that courts, in the decision of issues of
fact and law should be immune from every extraneous influence; that facts
should be decided upon evidence produced in court; and that the
determination of such facts should be uninfluenced by bias, prejudice or

The power of contempt is inherent in all courts in order to allow them to

conduct their business unhampered by publications and comments which
tend to impair the impartiality of their decisions or otherwise obstruct the
administration of justice. As important as the maintenance of freedom of
speech, is the maintenance of the independence of the Judiciary. The "clear
and present danger" rule may serve as an aid in determining the proper
constitutional boundary between these two rights.

The "clear and present danger" rule means that the evil consequence of the
comment must be "extremely serious and the degree of imminence
extremely high" before an utterance can be punished. There must exist a
clear and present danger that the utterance will harm the administration of
justice. Freedom of speech should not be impaired through the exercise of
the power of contempt of court unless there is no doubt that the utterances
in question make a serious and imminent threat to the administration of
justice. It must constitute an imminent, not merely a likely, threat.

The contemptuous statements made by the respondents allegedly relate to

the merits of the case, particularly the guilt of petitioner, and the conduct of
the Court as to its failure to decide G.R. No. 199462.

As to the merits, the comments seem to be what the respondents claim to

be an expression of their opinion that their loved ones were murdered by
Marantan. This is merely a reiteration of their position in G.R. No. 199462,
which precisely calls the Court to upgrade the charges from homicide to
murder. The Court detects no malice on the face of the said statements. The
mere restatement of their argument in their petition cannot actually, or does
not even tend to, influence the Court.

As to the conduct of the Court, a review of the respondents' comments

reveals that they were simply stating that it had not yet resolved their
petition. There was no complaint, express or implied, that an inordinate
amount of time had passed since the petition was filed without any action
from the Court. There appears no attack or insult on the dignity of the Court

"A public utterance or publication is not to be denied the

constitutional protection of freedom of speech and press merely
because it concerns a judicial proceeding still pending in the courts,
upon the theory that in such a case, it must necessarily tend to
obstruct the orderly and fair administration of justice." By no stretch
of the imagination could the respondents' comments pose a serious and
imminent threat to the administration of justice. No criminal intent to
impede, obstruct, or degrade the administration of justice can be inferred
from the comments of the respondents.

Freedom of public comment should, in borderline instances, weigh heavily

against a possible tendency to influence pending cases. The power to
punish for contempt, being drastic and extraordinary in its nature,
should not be resorted to unless necessary in the interest of justice.
In the present case, such necessity is wanting.

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