Drama Homework: Francesco Mariani

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Francesco Mariani

Drama Homework
When we entered the room last lesson we find a representation of an incident scene. In
the background there was a sound very loud and intense red light were pointed at the
Firstly we had to describe what there were in the scene and how that objects could help us
to deduce some facts about the incident. We did that in order to relate to the public that
see the props: how can we dispose the props in order to communicate the story? What
props should we use? How can we use the light? How can we use the sound?
Then we read the Duncan’s momologue, to see if our toughts about the incident were
right. It was a sort of collection of short phrases, of two-three lines, so it could be said by
different people, one phrase each, but I think that it would be more suggestive if someone
would have read the monologue in the middle of the scene, without sound in the
At last, we had to represent a scene, which involved Judy, Duncan and two policemen. The
velocity and the anxiety in the speech between Judy and Duncan helped the public to be
involved, as the fastness forces the audience to look carefully. To think about the
policemen speech, it would have been better if it was more faster too, and it would have
been better also if we have used more props, like sheets and flashlights. We represented
the two scenes separately, but I think it would have been better if we have represented
them simultaneously, in order to figure the commotion of the moment.
The uses of the spaces were totally different from the other plays I’ve seen, because the
audience was all around the “stage”, so it was more involved in the situation. Being the
stage round from different points of view you could have seen different things and details.

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