Third Cycle Quiz 1

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FIRST NAME: ………………………………. SURNAME.................................................... CYCLE: III

1 Make PRESENT CONTINUOUS sentences and questions (positive and negative). Use contractions
where possible.

1 what / you / do / at the moment ?

2 we / run / because it’s late

3 why / Dave and his wife / argue ?


4 they / not wait / for a taxi


5 you / use / this computer ?


6 Paul / get dressed ?


7 I / not wear / a jacket today


2 Complete the email. Use the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in parentheses.
     Hi Gilly
How’s your new job? My college classes are great, but it’s Friday evening and I’m home for the weekend. I ’m sitting (sit)
on my bed and I 1 _______________________ (play) a computer game on my laptop. I usually 2

_______________________ (study) in the evenings or I 3 _______________________ (go) out with my friends. My

family is downstairs. Mom 4 _______________________ (make) dinner and I 5 _______________________ (think) Dad
6 7
_______________________ (help) Julie with her homework. I can’t write any more now – Mom
_______________________ (want) me to help her in the kitchen.

    See you soon

3 Circle the correct word or phrase.

1 Do you can / Can you come to the movies tonight? 4 They can / Can they do the exercises?
2 She no cannot / can’t cook very well. 5 He can’t speak / speaks Italian.
3 “Can you play tennis?” “Yes, I can / can play.” 6 Can you play / to play the piano?

4 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

1 Can you __________ me with this question? wait do meet
help talk tell 6 I usually __________ my children a story before
2 Don’t move! I want to __________ your photo. they go to sleep.
draw take paint tell play remember
3 It’s cold but some people are __________ in the sea. 7 He __________ to the gym on the weekend.
waiting driving swimming rides goes plays
4 Ellen can’t __________ her purse. 8 Can you __________ a noise downstairs?
find watch look listen take hear
5 Let’s __________ for a coffee after the class.

5 Complete the weather words.

1 I can’t see very well because it’s f__________. 4 It’s r__________. Do you have an umbrella?
2 It’s h___ in here. Can you open the window, please? 5 Let’s go to the park. It’s a nice w__________ day.
3 The sun’s s__________. It’s a lovely day. 6 You can’t see the sun when it’s c__________.

6 Complete the phrases with the correct verb.

dance forget have make play see turn on
Example: have a big party
1 __________ loud music 3 __________ the washing machine 5 __________ somebody’s name
2 __________ a noise 4 __________ the tango 6 __________ a movie at the theater
Read the notes and write about Lisa. (75–100 words)
• 23
• Italian
• lives in New York City – where?   Hello my name’s Lisa anf I’m…________________________
• studying – what?
• works evening & weekend – where? ________________________________________________
• can speak three languages – which ones?
• likes New York City – why?
• doesn’t like New ________________________________________________










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