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Chapter 3

Research Methods and Procedures

This chapter includes the research design, chosen participants, data gathering
procedure and instrument that was used in the research entitled “A study about the
Satisfaction of Junior High School Students of GSCS to the Service Quality of Canteen”

Research Design

The researchers formulated this study in a quantitative manner, causal-

descriptive study which means that a study looks into the cause and effects between
the satisfactory of the student of JHS and the service quality of the campus canteen.
Quantitative research is a research design that aims to provide a complete, detailed
description of the study using statistical data, model or figures to show the outcome

This study’s goal is to know how satisfied are the JHS students to the service of
canteen through questionnaire that the researchers gave to them.

Respondents of the Study

The canteen located on the JHS campus so the respondents of the study are the
JHS students from all sections of Grade 7 up to Grade 10. The researchers’ hypothesis
was all JHS students buy products of the canteen and they are the only people who can
tell if they are satisfied in the service and product quality of the canteen.
Sampling procedure

The researchers’ used cluster sampling technique which is the researchers will
divide the population in different groups. Then, a simple random sample of clusters are
selected from the population in order to conduct a survey to the chosen clusters. The
researchers did a survey or a questionnaire and collected the names of the respondents
how they are satisfied in the service quality of the JHS canteen.

Data Collection instrument

The researchers created a questionnaire which contains how satisfied are they in
the service quality of the canteen in different aspects like product, pricing, ambiance,
neatness and service. They were only allowed to answer the scale 1 to 4. The least
scale is extremely dissatisfied and the highest scale is extremely satisfied. In that way it
helped the researchers to gather data and compute statistical data to show the outcome
of the study. The questionnaire were critique and validated by the SHS faculty and by
Mr. Jeramel Balleras, the adviser and Mr. Nathaniel P. Nagales.

The questionnaires were distributed to the respective rooms of the respondents

in JHS bulding with the consent of their respective advisers and subject teachers.

The research questions are the following and answer it with scale 1 up to 4:

1- Greatly Unsatisfied 2- Unsatisfied 3- Satisfied 4- Greatly Satisfied

1. How satisfied are the Junior High School students in the service of canteen in
terms of the following?
a. Serving time
b. Behavior of staff
c. Consistent availability of service
d. Provision of their needs and wants
e. Grooming of staffs
2. How satisfied are the Junior High School Students in the ambiance and neatness
of the canteen in terms of:
a. Comfortable feeling when eating inside the canteen area
b. Safety when eating the food
c. Cleanliness of kitchen area
d. Ventilation of the canteen area
3. How satisfied are the Junior High School students in the food’s price, taste, and
presentation in terms of:
a. Product’s service
b. Offering healthy foods
c. Taste of food that attracts the students

Data gathering procedure

The researchers came to the respective rooms of each section and grade level
that was convenient for them. The advisers and the subject teachers have consent to
conduct questionnaire to the students with allotted time. The data was collected by
gathering the answers all of the respondents and tally the scores with statistics.

Statistical Treatment of Data

After gathering the answers of the students, the researchers started computing
the scores to get the mode. The mode is the value that occured the most repeated
answers in the questionnaire. To get the mode, list all the answers in order and count
what number is being repeated often than any other, then that is the mode.

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