Esoteric Order Gamers: Another Game Aid by

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Another game aid by Universal Head

The Esoteric Order of Gamers
Tabletop game rules summaries, foamcore box plans, articles,
interviews, reviews and lots more at

@EOGamers EsotericOrderGamers

These sheets are intended only for the personal use of existing owners of the game for additional reference.
Universal Head makes no claim whatsoever to the rights of the publisher and copyright holder, and does not
benefit financially from these player aids. Artwork from the original game is copyrighted by the publisher and
used without permission. This PDF may not be re-posted online, sold or used in any way except for personal use.


Publisher: Games Workshop (2011)

Page 1: Rules summary front Aug 2014

Page 2: Rules summary back
Page 3: Play reference x2 front
Page 4: Play reference x2 back

Print on card (ensure you are printing at 100% scale) laminate and trim to size.

Universal Head. Design That Works.

SETUP 2: Status Hard-a-Port A warship at anchor is not affected by wind strength.
Attend to any ongoing effects and resolve the effects of At any point during its Movement sub-phase, even before A sail class warship with the wind gauge in its aft arc at the
Unfold the seascape and decide which player is the Grand it has moved, the warship may make an immediate free
Alliance player and which is the Dreadfleet player. Choose a certain Status cards (red background). The first player beginning of its Movement sub-phase has wind astern and
resolves all those that apply to his warships first, then the change of heading of up to 45º to port (using the ship’s may add the wind strength to its Speed for that turn.
scenario and set up terrain as instructed. wheel as normal).
second player resolves those that apply to his warships;
Shuffle the Fate deck and Damage decks separately. Each A sail class warship with the wind gauge in its front arc
then the first player resolves any Status cards left over. This extra turn is an exception to the Handling rules and
player takes their set of Warship cards and their hand of 5 at the beginning of its Movement sub-phase is in irons
can be combined with a normal change of heading. and does not have to move a distance equal to the wind
Order cards. 3: Fate
Hard-a-Starboard strength. The warship must also pass a Command check: if
Roll a red die (for the first number) and a white die (for The first player draws and resolves a Fate card, then the
passed, it moves as normal; if failed, the wind strength acts
the second number) and place the wind gauge on the second player does so. Some cards are resolved immediately At any point during its Movement sub-phase, even before
as negative modifer to its Speed that turn.
corresponding position on the seascape’s border. and then discarded; others stay in play as Status cards. In it has moved, the warship may make an immediate free
any case, they affect the wind gauge when drawn. change of heading of up to 45º to starboard (using the A sail class warship in irons may not use the Full Speed
Deploy warships according to the scenario instructions. ship’s wheel as normal). Ahead order.
After following the card’s text, the player that drew the
card refers to the symbol in the card’s bottom right and This extra turn is an exception to the Handling rules and Dropping Anchor
BASICS must move the wind gauge. Move the gauge the number of can be combined with a normal change of heading.
A warship within 2" of an island or shipwreck at the end of
Any fractions are always rounded up. ‘markers’ shown in the direction shown by the arrows, or, on its Movement sub-phase may drop anchor by placing an At
a 2D6 symbol, to a new location determined by a 2D6 roll Fire As She Bears
A D6 score can never be modified to less than 1. No single This order may be resolved in response to another model Anchor card in the Status area of its Warship card. It may
(in the same way as during setup). not now move for any reason.
dice may be re-rolled more than once. declaring an attack against it (unless the attack is itself a
If a fate card is drawn that has (BR) written after its text, Fire As She Bears order). The attack may be, for example, a A warship at anchor may re-roll its Command check when
If players must roll-off, each player rolls a die, and the
and the card effects cannot be applied, that player may broadside, a boarding action, an enemy spell, an attacking issuing a Repair order.
highest score wins the roll-off.
take a brief respite: immediately issue a free Repair order to sea monster.
Make a Command check by rolling a D6; if the result is one of his warships instead of resolving the Fate card text. A warship may weigh anchor at the end of any subsequent
equal to or greater than the captain’s current Command, the While in play, the order cannot be returned to your hand Movement sub-phase by removing the At Anchor card. It
check succeeds. Regardless of modifiers, a roll of 1 always 4: Action until resolved, the warship with it has been sunk, or a new then reverts to the normal rules for movement.
fails and a roll of 6 always succeeds. The first player activates a warship by choosing one of his order has been issued to that warship.
You cannot drop and weigh anchor in the same turn.
warships that he has not chosen this turn, then resolving When resolved, the warship immediately fires a bonus
Distances may be measured at any time. When measuring If a warship at anchor is set ablaze, it is no longer at
the actions available to that warship. broadside at the enemy model declaring the attack.
from islands and shipwrecks, use the closest point. When anchor; flip the card over to its Set Ablaze side.
measuring from ships, use the base. Each activated warship’s Action phase is as follows:
Repair A warship set ablaze may not drop anchor.
Once a warship has moved, it may not ‘take back’ its move. a. Orders At the beginning of its Movement sub-phase, the warship
b. Movement may discard one Hull, Speed, Special, Crew or Set Ablaze Running Aground and Colliding
For a model to have line of sight (LOS) to another, trace a
card from its Warship card. A warship runs aground if any part of it, or its base,
straight, unblocked line from its hull/body to the target’s c. Broadsides
hull/body. Sails, masts wings, tentacles and tails do not Damage cards listed as Irreparable cannot be repaired or contacts an island or wreck.
d. Boarding Actions
count. removed by any means. It may not move any further or change heading and must
Then his opponent may activate one of his warships and draw Damage cards until it draws a Hull result (applying
Determine a model’s arcs of sight (fore arc, aft arc and two
resolve its actions. Play continues to alternate until all that result and discarding the rest).
side arcs) by using the navigation rod to draw 45º diagonal
warships in play have been activated. If one player runs
lines extended from each corner of its base. If a warship comes in base contact with another warship,
out of warships, the other may activate his warships in any A warship’s Speed is the number of inches it may move up to
If a ship takes a hit, this is the same as taking damage order one by one until they have all acted. a turn if not in contact with an enemy model, island or wreck. this only inflicts damage if the ship runs aground.
from a broadside: the target may make armour saves. If a A boarding action has been initiated; the warship’s
ship must draw a Damage card, you may not save against 5: End A warship may change heading several times during its Movement sub-phase is ended and the warships are locked
the damage. The game ends in this End phase if either player has movement. A warship must move straight forwards a in place until one or the other escapes jeopardy or is
fulfilled his victory conditions, or if you have run out of the number of inches equal to or greater than its Handling; removed from play.
Rules on cards override rules in the rulebook. Each deck once it has done so, it may make a single change of
number of turns specified by the scenario.
has its own discard pile; when the deck is exhausted, heading up to 45º. Escaping Jeopardy
shuffle the discards to form a new deck. A warship in base contact with another model (and/or
ORDER CARDS Place a straight edge of the ship’s wheel against the port
within 1" of the seascape border) may attempt to escape
Characteristics or starboard edge of the warship’s base, with the its inside
During the Orders sub-phase you may attempt to issue jeopardy instead of taking its normal Movement sub-phase,
If a ship’s Speed is reduced to 0, it may not voluntarily corner touching the front corner of the base.
your warship a single Order card by selecting the card and and replacing it (and therefore certain orders cannot take
move, but may otherwise act as normal. To move 45º, move the warship so the front edge of its base effect).
placing it faceup on the seascape.
If a ship’s Hull or Crew is reduced to 0, it is destroyed; is flush with the other edge of the ship’s wheel.
Make a Command check based on the Command of the A warship at anchor may not escape jeopardy.
remove the model and its accompanying card from play and Auxiliaries do not have a Handling characteristic and may
captain of the warship. If passed, the order is issued Make a Command check, with a -1 for each enemy model
place all cards that applied to it on their discard piles. move in any direction.
successfully. Once an Order card is resolved, return it to in base contact: if passed, move the escaping warship
your hand. anywhere up to D3+1" from its position, facing the same
THE GAME TURN Wind Strength
Full Speed Ahead direction and not in base contact with another model; it
The number in the bottom left corner of the topmost Fate
Each turn consists of 5 phases as follows: may then make a free change of heading. If the check is
After finishing all other moves in its Movement sub-phase, card on the discard pile is the wind strength (if there is no
failed, it may not move at all that turn.
1: Initiative the warship must move forwards 2D6” in a straight line card in this pile, the strength is 1).
(even if it runs aground or contacts another ship). Leaving the Seascape
The players roll-off: the winner has initiative for the turn Sail class warships must move at least a number of inches
and chooses whether to move first (as first player) or second This order cannot be issued to a warship with a current equal to or exceeding the wind strength during their move, If a warship’s base comes into contact with the seascape
(as second player). Speed of 0, or a sail class warship caught in irons. even if they run aground, etc (unless unable to do so). border, it is immediately removed from play.
BROADSIDES To resolve a boarding action, each player rolls his boarding DUELLING AND WOUND CARDS – they do not have captains and cannot issue orders or duel.
action dice: a number of D6 equal to his current Crew.
At the beginning of each Boarding Action sub-phase, – they cannot escape jeopardy.
1. Choose a Target Results of 1-4 have no effect. Results of 5-6 score a
Announce a single target you think is within LOS. You may immediately before the main boarding action is fought, the – they do not run aground if they contact islands or wrecks.
single victory each. The player with the least total victories captains of each warship automatically fight a duel.
choose another target if you find the first is not in LOS. subtracts them from his opponent’s total victories to – they do not have facings or arcs of sight, and can fire
You may fire a broadside even if engaged in a boarding determine the boarding action result. Each player rolls D6 equal to their captain’s current broadsides in any direction. Warships cannot claim the
action, and even at the warship you are engaged with. Swashbuckling characteristic. Results of 1-4 have no effect. raking bonus against them.
The warship with the least number of victories must draw Results of 5-6 score a single victory each.
You may fire at a warship engaged with another model. Damage cards equal to the boarding action result. If the – any Special Damage card they draw is discarded (draw
players score the same number of victories, each warship If one captain’s total is higher, he wins the duel and his another to replace it).
2. Check Arc of Sight to Target opponent takes a wound. If the total victories are the same,
must draw a single Damage card. – when determining LOS to or from an auxiliary, trace
A warship may only fire a broadside at a target if the each captain takes a wound.
majority of the target’s base is within one of its side arcs Multiple Boarding Actions the model’s-eye view from its highest part. This part
(ignore intervening models). The first time a captain takes a wound, draw a Wound card also counts as the model’s ‘corners’ for the purposes of
All the boarding actions of multiple warships are combined
and tuck it under the top of the corresponding Warship card determining if the partial shot modifier applies.
into one battle called a multiple boarding action. Every time
3. Determine Number of Broadside Dice so the Flesh Wound result is showing (he is now subject to
an involved warship reaches it Boarding Actions sub-phase, – they do not have the Handling characteristic and can
A warship’s Broadside characteristic determines the number that penalty).
that multiple boarding action is enacted. turn freely at any point in their Movement sub-phase.
of broadside dice rolled.
Every time a wounded captain takes another wound, adjust
Roll separate boarding action dice for each warship in Docking Auxiliaries
A partial shot occurs if the target is even partially obscured: his Wound card to show the next most severe wound result.
contact with one or more enemy warships, and tally up its An auxiliary may immediately dock with any warship from
the firing warship’s Broadside characteristic is halved for Penalties inflicted by the wound results are cumulative.
total victories. Each player then combines the number of the same fleet with which it comes into base contact.
that shot before other modifiers are applied.
victories that all of his warships have scored. This total is A captain who suffers 4 wounds has suffered a mortal Remove the model, but leave the Auxiliary card facedown
To check, trace lines from the side corners of the firing compared to the enemy’s sum total. wound and may not participate in any further duels. The next to the Warship card of the vessel with which it docked.
warship’s base to the nearest corners of the target warship; warship’s first mate may issue orders in his place; he has a The auxiliary is immediately repaired of damage and may
Each warship from the side with the least victories draws
if anything occupies the space between them, the target is Command characteristic of 6+. later be deployed by that warship.
Damage cards equal to the boarding action result.
If the players score the same number of victories, each Duelling During a Multiple Boarding Action There is no limit to the number of auxiliaries that can be
4. Determine D6 Result Needed to Hit warship involved must draw a single Damage card. If several warships are engaged in the same boarding action, docked with a warship.
Measure the range between the closest points between all the captains from each fleet roll their Swashbuckling
Dwarf Dirigibles and Dragons may only dock with their
the firing warship’s base and the target’s base. The range DAMAGE AND STATUS CARDS dice and add their victories together. Compare this result to
parent warships.
values include the maximum range in that range band. The the total of the enemy’s victories.
maximum range is 18". Damage Cards Flying Auxiliaries
All the captains on the losing side suffer a wound as normal.
First Broadside: The first broadside a warship fires in each Damage cards are divided into Crew, Speed, Hull and If the duel is a draw, all the captains involved suffer a wound. Dwarf Dirigibles and Dragons are flying auxiliaries. They
scenario has a +1 to hit. Special cards. Crew, Speed, or Hull cards reduce the do not take capsize tests, and may move freely over other
corresponding characteristic by one or more. A ‘double’ or models, though they may never voluntarily end their move
Raking Fire: If a firing warship has the majority of its base AUXILIARIES
‘triple’ card still counts as a card of the same type. over another model.
within the fore or aft arc of its target, it has a +1 to hit. Warships that deploy auxiliaries are parent warships. Each
If you must draw a card of a specific type and no cards Treasure Tokens
Range D6 Result To Hit auxiliary has an Auxiliary card. Unless specified, auxiliaries
of that type have been drawn when you reach the end of
Short (0 to 6”) 4+ start the game inside their parent warship. Unlike warships, auxiliaries may collect treasure tokens by
the deck, instead apply the last card drawn instead of
moving into base contact with them; the token then moves
Medium (6 to 12”) 5+ discarding it. Warship Auxiliary with the auxiliary. An auxiliary may only collect one treasure
Long (12 to 18”) 6+
Place a drawn Damage card adjacent to the target’s Warship Heldenhammer Grand Alliance Cog token per turn, though they may carry any number of them.
5. Roll to Hit card in the appropriate area.
Flaming Scimitar Grand Alliance Cog An auxiliary that docks with a warship ‘hands over’ any
Roll broadside dice: for every D6 result equal to or exceeding If the total Hull or Crew damage is equal to or greater than Swordfysh Grand Alliance Cog treasure tokens it has to that warship. The token(s) then
the number required, score a hit. A roll of 6 always hits and the corresponding characteristic, remove the warship from Seadrake 2 x Dragons move with that warship (and cannot be handed from one
a roll of 1 always misses, regardless of modifiers. play, placing all its Damage cards on the discard pile. Grimnir’s Thunder 2 x Dwarf Dirigibles warship to another).
6. Target Takes Armour Saves If a warship takes a Damage card that cannot affect it, Bloody Reaver Dreadfleet Cog Tokens can be handed between auxiliaries in base contact,
For every hit you score your opponent must make an armour discard that card with no effect. Shadewraith None or handed from a warship to an auxiliary it is deploying.
save by rolling a D6: if the result equals or exceeds the Curse of Zandri Dreadfleet Cog If a warship carrying treasure tokens is removed from play,
Status Cards leave any tokens at the spot where the warship sank.
target’s Armour characteristic, the hit is cancelled. Skabrus Dreadfleet Cog
A warship can have more than one Status card in play
at once; even multiple Set Ablaze cards (but only one At Blake Kraken Dreadfleet Cog Sea Monsters
7. Target Draws Damage Cards
For every hit not saved, the target must draw a Damage card Anchor card). The Bone Hydra, the Leech Wyrm, and the Sea Giant are sea
A warship may deploy its auxiliary before it moves in the
and immediately apply the effects. Each card must be fully monsters, auxiliaries that only enter play through Fate cards.
A Fate card with the word Spell is placed in the Status area Movement sub-phase, by placing the auxiliary model
resolved before another card can be drawn. of the warship listed; even if it is your opponent’s warship. anywhere within 1" of its parent warship and not in contact Unless a sea monster is controlled by Count Noctilus, it has
with another model or token, and placing the relevant card its own Action phase after all other Action phases have been
BOARDING ACTIONS A Fate card with the word Upgrade is placed in the Status
next to your Warship cards. taken (randomly determine which goes first).
area of one of your Warship or Cog Auxiliary cards. That cog
Enemies whose bases are touching are in base contact; auxiliary (or, if placed on a warship, a cog auxiliary that the If a warship attempts to deploy a cog auxiliary while not at At the beginning of its Action phase, determine which
neither may move until they escape jeopardy. warship successfully deploys) is upgraded. anchor or run aground, make a capsize test by rolling a D6: player has the nearest warship—his opponent controls the
on a 1-3, the cog and its card are removed from play. sea monster.
A model that comes into base contact with another warship A Fate card with the word Shot is placed in the Status area
for any reason is considered to have launched a boarding of any warship, except the Skabrus, Curse of Zandri, or Once in play, auxiliaries follow all normal rules for warships, Sea monsters cannot dock or be deployed. They may claim
action. Seadrake. A warship may only have one Shot card at a time. with the following exceptions: treasure tokens (though they may not hand them over).
THE GAME TURN not use the Full Speed Ahead order, and must make a THE GAME TURN not use the Full Speed Ahead order, and must make a
Command check: if failed, the wind strength is subtracted Command check: if failed, the wind strength is subtracted
1: Initiative from its Speed that turn. 1: Initiative from its Speed that turn.
Roll-off to determine who has initiative for the turn and Dropping Anchor A warship within 2" of an island or wreck Roll-off to determine who has initiative for the turn and Dropping Anchor A warship within 2" of an island or wreck
chooses to be first player or second player. at the end of its Movement sub-phase may drop anchor. chooses to be first player or second player. at the end of its Movement sub-phase may drop anchor.
When at anchor it may re-roll its Command check for a When at anchor it may re-roll its Command check for a
2: Status Repair order. Weigh anchor at the end of any subsequent
2: Status Repair order. Weigh anchor at the end of any subsequent
Resolve ongoing effects and red background Status cards. Movement sub-phase. You cannot drop and weigh anchor Resolve ongoing effects and red background Status cards. Movement sub-phase. You cannot drop and weigh anchor
in the same turn. A warship set ablaze is no longer at in the same turn. A warship set ablaze is no longer at
3: Fate anchor and may not drop anchor. 3: Fate anchor and may not drop anchor.
The first player draws and resolves a Fate card and moves The first player draws and resolves a Fate card and moves
the wind gauge, then the second player does the same. Running Aground A warship runs aground and stops the wind gauge, then the second player does the same. Running Aground A warship runs aground and stops
moving if it contacts an island or wreck. Draw Damage moving if it contacts an island or wreck. Draw Damage
If a card has (BR), and its effects cannot be applied, that cards until a Hull result (discard the rest). If a card has (BR), and its effects cannot be applied, that cards until a Hull result (discard the rest).
player may immediately issue a free Repair order to a player may immediately issue a free Repair order to a
warship instead of resolving the text. Escaping Jeopardy A warship in base contact with another warship instead of resolving the text. Escaping Jeopardy A warship in base contact with another
model (and/or within 1" of the seascape border), and not model (and/or within 1" of the seascape border), and not
4: Action at anchor, may replace its normal Movement sub-phase 4: Action at anchor, may replace its normal Movement sub-phase
The first player activates a warship and resolves its actions: to escape jeopardy. Make a Command check (-1 for each The first player activates a warship and resolves its actions: to escape jeopardy. Make a Command check (-1 for each
a. Orders enemy model in base contact): if passed, move up to a. Orders enemy model in base contact): if passed, move up to
D3+1", facing the same way and not in base contact with D3+1", facing the same way and not in base contact with
b. Movement another model; it may then make a free change of heading. b. Movement another model; it may then make a free change of heading.
c. Broadsides c. Broadsides
d. Boarding Actions BROADSIDES d. Boarding Actions BROADSIDES
Play alternates until all warships have been activated. 1. Choose a target within 18" and LOS. Play alternates until all warships have been activated. 1. Choose a target within 18" and LOS.
5: End 2. Check that the majority of the target’s base is within 5: End 2. Check that the majority of the target’s base is within
The game ends if either player has fulfilled his victory your ship’s side arc (ignore intervening models). The game ends if either player has fulfilled his victory your ship’s side arc (ignore intervening models).
conditions, or if a specified number of turns have run out. 3. Roll broadside dice equal to your warship’s Broadside. conditions, or if a specified number of turns have run out. 3. Roll broadside dice equal to your warship’s Broadside.
If the target is even partially obscured the firing If the target is even partially obscured the firing
ORDERS warship’s Broadside characteristic is halved. ORDERS warship’s Broadside characteristic is halved.
Select and attempt to issue an Order card: make a 4. Measure the range between the ships and find the Select and attempt to issue an Order card: make a 4. Measure the range between the ships and find the
Command check based on the Command of the warship number needed to hit. Apply any modifiers. Command check based on the Command of the warship number needed to hit. Apply any modifiers.
captain. If passed, the order is issued successfully. Range D6 Result To Hit captain. If passed, the order is issued successfully. Range D6 Result To Hit
Short (0 to 6") 4+ Short (0 to 6") 4+
MOVEMENT Medium (6 to 12") 5+ MOVEMENT Medium (6 to 12") 5+
A warship may move up to its Speed in inches in a turn if Long (12 to 18") 6+ A warship may move up to its Speed in inches in a turn if Long (12 to 18") 6+
not in contact with an enemy model, island or wreck. First Broadside: +1 to hit. not in contact with an enemy model, island or wreck. First Broadside: +1 to hit.
A warship may change heading up to 45º once it has Raking Fire: +1 to hit if your warship has the majority of A warship may change heading up to 45º once it has Raking Fire: +1 to hit if your warship has the majority of
moved straight forwards inches equal to or greater than its its base within the fore or aft arc of its target. moved straight forwards inches equal to or greater than its its base within the fore or aft arc of its target.
Handling. Auxiliaries may move in any direction. Handling. Auxiliaries may move in any direction.
5. Roll to hit. Each D6 result equal to or exceeding the 5. Roll to hit. Each D6 result equal to or exceeding the
Sail class warships not at anchor must move at least equal number required scores a hit. A roll of 6 always hits; a Sail class warships not at anchor must move at least equal number required scores a hit. A roll of 6 always hits; a
to or exceeding the wind strength during their movement. roll of 1 always misses. to or exceeding the wind strength during their movement. roll of 1 always misses.
Wind Astern: A Sail class warship with the wind gauge in 6. Armour saves. For every hit, your opponent makes an Wind Astern: A Sail class warship with the wind gauge in 6. Armour saves. For every hit, your opponent makes an
its aft arc at the beginning of its Movement sub-phase may armour save by rolling a D6: if the result equals or its aft arc at the beginning of its Movement sub-phase may armour save by rolling a D6: if the result equals or
add the wind strength to its Speed for that turn. exceeds the target’s Armour, the hit is cancelled. add the wind strength to its Speed for that turn. exceeds the target’s Armour, the hit is cancelled.
In Irons: A Sail class warship with the wind gauge in its 7. Target Draws Damage Cards For every hit not saved, the In Irons: A Sail class warship with the wind gauge in its 7. Target Draws Damage Cards For every hit not saved, the
front arc at the beginning of its Movement sub-phase does target draws a Damage card and immediately applies front arc at the beginning of its Movement sub-phase does target draws a Damage card and immediately applies
not have to move at least as far as the wind strength, may the effects. not have to move at least as far as the wind strength, may the effects.
BOARDING ACTIONS – they do not run aground if they contact islands/wrecks. BOARDING ACTIONS – they do not run aground if they contact islands/wrecks.

Enemies in base contact must resolve a boarding action. – they do not have facings or arcs of sight, and can fire Enemies in base contact must resolve a boarding action. – they do not have facings or arcs of sight, and can fire
Each player rolls D6 equal to his current Crew. broadsides in any direction. Warships cannot claim the Each player rolls D6 equal to his current Crew. broadsides in any direction. Warships cannot claim the
raking bonus against them. raking bonus against them.
1-4: no effect. 5-6: single victory each. 1-4: no effect. 5-6: single victory each.
– any Special Damage card they draw is discarded (draw – any Special Damage card they draw is discarded (draw
Subtract the least total victories from the most total another to replace it). Subtract the least total victories from the most total another to replace it).
victories. The warship with the least number of victories victories. The warship with the least number of victories
must draw Damage cards equal to the result. On a tie, each – trace model’s-eye view LOS from its highest part (this must draw Damage cards equal to the result. On a tie, each – trace model’s-eye view LOS from its highest part (this
warship must draw a single Damage card. also counts as the model’s ‘corners’ for the purposes of warship must draw a single Damage card. also counts as the model’s ‘corners’ for the purposes of
determining if the partial shot modifier applies). determining if the partial shot modifier applies).
Duelling Duelling
– they do not have the Handling characteristic and can – they do not have the Handling characteristic and can
At the beginning of each Boarding Action sub-phase, the turn freely. At the beginning of each Boarding Action sub-phase, the turn freely.
captains of each warship automatically fight a duel. captains of each warship automatically fight a duel.
Each player rolls D6 equal to their captain’s current Docking Auxiliaries Each player rolls D6 equal to their captain’s current Docking Auxiliaries
Swashbuckling. An auxiliary may dock with any warship from the same fleet Swashbuckling. An auxiliary may dock with any warship from the same fleet
in base contact, immediately repairing damage. in base contact, immediately repairing damage.
1-4: no effect. 5-6: single victory each. 1-4: no effect. 5-6: single victory each.
Any number of auxiliaries can be docked with a warship. Any number of auxiliaries can be docked with a warship.
The captain with the higher total victories wins and the Dwarf Dirigibles and Dragons may only dock with their The captain with the higher total victories wins and the Dwarf Dirigibles and Dragons may only dock with their
loser takes a wound. On a tie, each captain takes a wound. parent warships. loser takes a wound. On a tie, each captain takes a wound. parent warships.
A captain who suffers 4 wounds has suffered a mortal A captain who suffers 4 wounds has suffered a mortal
Flying Auxiliaries Flying Auxiliaries
wound and may no longer duel. The first mate may issue wound and may no longer duel. The first mate may issue
Dwarf Dirigibles and Dragons are flying auxiliaries. Dwarf Dirigibles and Dragons are flying auxiliaries.
orders in his place (Command of 6+). orders in his place (Command of 6+).
They do not take capsize tests, and may move freely over They do not take capsize tests, and may move freely over
AUXILIARIES other models, though they may never voluntarily end their AUXILIARIES other models, though they may never voluntarily end their
move over another model. move over another model.
Parent Warship Auxiliary Parent Warship Auxiliary
Heldenhammer Grand Alliance Cog Treasure Tokens Heldenhammer Grand Alliance Cog Treasure Tokens
Flaming Scimitar Grand Alliance Cog An auxiliary may collect one treasure token per turn by Flaming Scimitar Grand Alliance Cog An auxiliary may collect one treasure token per turn by
moving into base contact; the token then moves with the moving into base contact; the token then moves with the
Swordfysh Grand Alliance Cog auxiliary (they may carry multiple tokens). Swordfysh Grand Alliance Cog auxiliary (they may carry multiple tokens).
Seadrake 2 x Dragons Seadrake 2 x Dragons
An docked auxiliary ‘hands over’ any treasure tokens it has An docked auxiliary ‘hands over’ any treasure tokens it has
Grimnir’s Thunder 2 x Dwarf Dirigibles to that warship. The token(s) then move with that warship. Grimnir’s Thunder 2 x Dwarf Dirigibles to that warship. The token(s) then move with that warship.
Bloody Reaver Dreadfleet Cog Tokens can be handed between auxiliaries in base contact, Bloody Reaver Dreadfleet Cog Tokens can be handed between auxiliaries in base contact,
Shadewraith None or handed from a warship to an auxiliary it is deploying. Shadewraith None or handed from a warship to an auxiliary it is deploying.
Curse of Zandri Dreadfleet Cog If a warship carrying treasure tokens is removed from play, Curse of Zandri Dreadfleet Cog If a warship carrying treasure tokens is removed from play,
leave any tokens at the spot where the warship sank. leave any tokens at the spot where the warship sank.
Skabrus Dreadfleet Cog Skabrus Dreadfleet Cog
Blake Kraken Dreadfleet Cog Sea Monsters Blake Kraken Dreadfleet Cog Sea Monsters
Sea monsters are auxiliaries that enter play through Fate Sea monsters are auxiliaries that enter play through Fate
A warship may deploy its auxiliary before it moves in the A warship may deploy its auxiliary before it moves in the
cards. cards.
Movement sub-phase. Place the auxiliary within 1" of its Movement sub-phase. Place the auxiliary within 1" of its
parent warship, not in contact with another model or token. Unless a sea monster is controlled by Count Noctilus, it parent warship, not in contact with another model or token. Unless a sea monster is controlled by Count Noctilus, it
has its own Action phase after all other Action phases have has its own Action phase after all other Action phases have
If the warship is not at anchor or run aground, roll a D6 If the warship is not at anchor or run aground, roll a D6
been taken (randomly determine which goes first). been taken (randomly determine which goes first).
capsize test: 1-3, the cog is removed from play. capsize test: 1-3, the cog is removed from play.
At the beginning of its Action phase, determine which At the beginning of its Action phase, determine which
Auxiliaries follow all normal warship rules, with the Auxiliaries follow all normal warship rules, with the
player has the nearest warship—his opponent controls the player has the nearest warship—his opponent controls the
following exceptions: following exceptions:
sea monster. sea monster.
– they have no captains and cannot issue orders or duel. – they have no captains and cannot issue orders or duel.
Sea monsters cannot dock or be deployed. They may claim Sea monsters cannot dock or be deployed. They may claim
– they cannot escape jeopardy. treasure tokens (though they may not hand them over). – they cannot escape jeopardy. treasure tokens (though they may not hand them over).

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