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Astrological analysis of the Assassination of the Great Leader

of America Mr. JOHN.F.KENNEDY – 35th President of U.S.A

John F. Kennedy

Birth details :

D.O.B – 29-05-1917 ; T.O.B- 15.00.00 Hrs ; P.O.B- Brookline , Massachusetts , U.S.A ; Time
Zone - ( - 4 G.M.T ) ; Latitude : 40 Deg 39 Min North ; Long : 73 Deg 57 Min West

Date of death : 22 – 11- 1963 ; Cause of death : Murder by Gunshot assassination

( at that time Jupiter Dasa , Jupiter Buthi and Moon andram was running )

I have taken up for study and analyzed only the assassination part and I have
tried to solve this by the Sub lord theory pertaining to 2nd House. No other
method I have used for dealing with murder case. In Bhagath Singh Chart and
Mrs. Indra Gandhi chart the method adopted below is working .
The Great Astrologer and founder of K.P.SYSTEM of Astrology has give
when the sub lord of 8th cusp is the planet connected strolngly Bhatakesh and
Marakesh and connected with Mars then the person will commit suicide. I have
taken 2nd for Murder and apply the same principle and test whether it is
working . That is when the sub lord of 2nd cusp is the significator of Bhatakesh &
Marakesh and Mars or strongly connected with them then that person will have
his death through Murder.

Important Rule : Rahu & Ketu will act as agent for the sign lord , star
lord occupied by them and acts as agent for planets aspected and conjunct with

When the planets are conjunct with in 3 degrees only I will consider they are
conjunct in the same way Vedic aspect also ( + or - ) 3 degrees only I will
consider .

I have to consider a theory if a Planet A is in conjunct with Planet B with in 3

degrees then they will give combined result. If a planet C is with in 3 degree of
Planet B and more than 3degree with Planet A then I feel the energy of Planet
A will also have impact with Planet C through Planet B.

1. Jupiter is the Cuspal sub lord of 2nd House

2. Jupiter is a Bhadakesh for Virgo Ascendant
3. Jupiter is in the Star of Sun which is the lord of 12 house
4. Jupiter is the Significator of 4,7, 8,9,12 houses
5. Rahu is in the sign of Jupiter and in the star of Venus hence he will act as
an agent to Jupiter and Venus .
6. Here Mars is Combined with Mercury with in 3 degree range in Aries and
Jupiter even though in Taurus but is with in 3 degree of Mercury in Aries .
Hence Jupiter will have the Energy impact of Mars through Mercury.
7. By the above theory Jupiter has the influence of Mars and he is
Bhadakesh .
8. Hence he was murdered on 22-11-1963 by a murderer through a Gun
shot . At that time he was running Jupiter Dasa & Jupiter buthi.

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