380 Por Custom PKG Iprocurement Part1

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Custom Defaulting and Validation in iProcurement

Written by Kishore Ryali

Tuesday, 17 March 2009 20:37

                                Part I – POR_CUSTOM_PKG

One of the common requirements in iProcurement implementation is to perform

custom defaulting or validating fields in requisition header/line/distribution during
Requisition creation. For example, you may want to default project value based on
requestor or validate deliver-to location to check if it is valid for a project etc. The
objective of the article is to share different approaches I learnt from my
experience, to achieve it.

I will take a simple requirement to explain each of the approaches and analyze
their pros and cons. My requirement in is as follows as. Please note I'm using iProcurement.


I’ve defined attributes (Attribute15) on requisition header and line with the name
“Fund”. Fund attribute on the line drives charge account generation. User is
required to enter fund on header in ‘Checkout: Requisition Information’ page, this
value is defaulted or copied to fund attribute on the line. This means user doesn’t
have to enter fund attribute for all the lines in the requisition, in fact fund on line is

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Custom Defaulting and Validation in iProcurement

Written by Kishore Ryali

Tuesday, 17 March 2009 20:37

not displayed unless it is shown using OAF Personalization (DFFs are by default
not shown in OAF page). Only Fund attribute on header is displayed by setting
‘Rendered’ property to “true” for item ‘ReqHeaderDFF’ using OAF Personalization.
Fund on requisition header in Checkout page is shown in the below screenshot.

Solution Approach:

Different solution approaches for addressing the above requirement




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Custom Defaulting and Validation in iProcurement

Written by Kishore Ryali

Tuesday, 17 March 2009 20:37

This is Oracle seeded package provided as a hook to include custom

defaulting and validation logic in iProcurement requisition creation.


Extending Application Module and Controller of Checkout page

using OAF extension.

Create a method to copy fund from header to line in extended

application module. Extend controller to make a call to that AM method
during page events like Edit Lines, Submit etc.


Extend existing Helper / Server Command classes using OAF.

iProcurement OAF architecture is designed to use Server Command

and Helper classes to encapsulate the business logic. These additional

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Custom Defaulting and Validation in iProcurement

Written by Kishore Ryali

Tuesday, 17 March 2009 20:37

classes contain code that would normally be placed in Application

Module. The code is separated to prevent AM from growing too big and
promote reusability. We can extend these classes to place custom logic
to meet our requirement. This approach requires good understanding of
OAF and its integration with underlying BC4J components.

I will use above approaches to implement my requirement, and point

out some limitations of each approach. This first article in the series has
implementation using POR_CUSTOM_PKG.

Approach 1: POR_CUSTOM_PKG

POR_CUSTOM_PKG provides customization hooks to perform the

defaulting logic and validation of the requisition header, line, and
distribution data. The procedures in this package are called during
requisition creation in iProcurement. Requisitions created in Purchasing
module doesn’t use this package.

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Custom Defaulting and Validation in iProcurement

Written by Kishore Ryali

Tuesday, 17 March 2009 20:37

The procedures are invoked from CustomReqHeaderHelper,

CustomReqLineHelper, and CustomReqDistHelper classes which
implements interface classes PoRequisitionHeaderEOHelper,
PoRequisitionLineEOHelper, and PoReqDistributionEOHelper
respectively. Without going too much into details of their
implementation, let us look at different pl/sql procedures available in

This package contains 7 procedures (3 for defaulting logic, 3 for

validations and 1 for updating charge account). Function of each
procedure is self explanatory by looking at their names; I will give a gist
of each of them:

Procedure Name



Customize it to include header defaulting logic. It is called when new requisitio

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Custom Defaulting and Validation in iProcurement

Written by Kishore Ryali

Tuesday, 17 March 2009 20:37


Customize it to include header validation logic. This validation would in additio


Customize it to include Line defaulting logic. It is called when new requisition l


Customize it to include Line validation logic. It is called when new requisition l


Customize it to include distribution defaulting logic. It is called when new distri

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Custom Defaulting and Validation in iProcurement

Written by Kishore Ryali

Tuesday, 17 March 2009 20:37


Customize it to include distribution validation logic. It is called when new distri


Overrides default charge account. Use PO Account Generator workflow instea

The above defaulting and validation procedures has common OUT

parameters x_return_code and x_error_msg. These parameters can be
used to return the results
of the validation. R
eturn code (
) can be used to indicate on which tab error
message to be displayed to Edit Lines

If result code is 1, error is displayed on the Delivery tab

If result code is 2, error is displayed on the Billing tab

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Custom Defaulting and Validation in iProcurement

Written by Kishore Ryali

Tuesday, 17 March 2009 20:37

If result code is 2, error is displayed on the Accounts tab

These procedures are by default do not have any implementation. Once

custom code is placed, three profile options control whether
customization takes effect on existing requisition process.

The profiles are:

• POR: Enable Req Header Customization

• POR: Enable Requisition Line Customization

• POR: Enable Req Distribution Customization

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Custom Defaulting and Validation in iProcurement

Written by Kishore Ryali

Tuesday, 17 March 2009 20:37

These profiles have to be set to ‘Yes’ at site level, to tell iProcurement

to execute customization in corresponding procedures.


Going back to my requirement of copying fund value from header to

line, implementation requires:

Coding defaulting procedure for requisition line i.e.


Profile “POR: Enable Requisition Line Customization” need to be set to

“Yes” at site level.

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Custom Defaulting and Validation in iProcurement

Written by Kishore Ryali

Tuesday, 17 March 2009 20:37

header fund value is available in header attribute15 i.e. IN parameter he
, copy its value to line fund value i.e. IN OUT parameter
. Return 0 at the end to signal success. Below screenshot shows
implementation of the procedure.

Advantages of this approach are it is simple and doesn’t require

developer to have understanding of OAF or Java. If customization
needs to turned off, clear the profile “POR: Enable Requisition Line
Customization” value or set it to “No” at site level.

Limitations of this approach is defaulting procedures are only executed

when requisition is first created. If the user changes fund value in

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Custom Defaulting and Validation in iProcurement

Written by Kishore Ryali

Tuesday, 17 March 2009 20:37

header, new value is not copied to line because default procedure is not
executed. So this implementation doesn’t fully solve the purpose.

A similar example where defaulting fails is, suppose you want to default
a value say ‘0000000’ to header fund when requisition is created. We
to copy ‘0000000’ to x_attribute15 if it is null. This works when
requisition is created from scratch in Non-catalog request page or by
selecting inventory item. iProcurement create new records in requisition
header (po_requisition_headers_all) and line (po_requisition_lines_all)
tables when checkout is done. Suppose you change fund value to
‘1234567’, save it, delete lines in requisition and start over from
Non-catalog request page, default value ‘0000000’ is not shown for fund
instead  ‘1234567’ is shown. iProcurement doesn’t delete requisition
header when lines are deleted. It uses existing header record i.e. same
req_header_id which means default header procedure is not executed.
These are few scenarios where I felt default procedures doesn’t work
the way I wanted it to be. So I have to opt for alternative solution.

The next article in the series uses OAF extension of controller and
application module to implement my requirement.

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Custom Defaulting and Validation in iProcurement

Written by Kishore Ryali

Tuesday, 17 March 2009 20:37

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