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Ms. ____________________

Dear Ms. ________________,

We are pleased to confirm your employment with JIINZU INC. This serves to confirm the terms
and conditions of your employment agreed upon:

1. Date of Employment: ___________________________

2. Duration of Employment: This agreement will continue until it terminates on the

earliest of any of the following dates or events-
2.1 On _____________________; or
2.2 Upon completion of the project:
“Re-consolidation of all non-moving items for
Bobson Ladies Tops”
2.3 Upon completion of the purpose or task(s) for
which you are appointed.

3. Position Title: Inventory Management Specialist - Project

4. Brief Job Description: Analyze new item for allocation based on the initial size
breakdown made.
Weekly evaluation of sales performance for both new and
repeat items (R1 report)
Evaluates items for re-consolidation / pullout and
reallocate to salable store.

5. Salary / Wage: Php_____________ per day.

6. Time of Payment: Bi-monthly; Every other Friday; not later than 6:00PM

7. Method of Payment: Cash basis

8. Working Hours: Your working hours shall follow the existing work schedule
of the company, but subject to change whenever necessary
for the best interest of the company.
Compressed: The Employees’ hours of work shall be:
8.1 Monday to Friday, 8:00AM to 6:00PM

9. Meals & Other Intervals: The employee is entitled to a lunch meal interval of forty
five (45) minutes and afternoon break interval of fifteen (15)
9.1 Lunch: 12:00NN to 12:45PM
9.2 Afternoon Break: 4:00PM to 4:15PM

10. Overtime: When necessary, the employee agrees to work overtime.

Payment time in such instances shall be paid as provided by
the Labor Code.

11. Deductions from Salary: Employees’ tardiness, undertime, and absences will be
deducted to the salary.

12. Employer Procedure: During your employment, you shall abide by the rules,
regulations, and policies of the company, and are subject for
disciplinary measure in case of violation of such.

13. Termination: The company reserves the right to terminate your services
at anytime during you employment period for any of the
following reasons:
13.1 Serious violation of the Company’s rules,
Regulations, policies and/or guidelines;
13.2 Just cause, as provided by the Labor Code

If you find the foregoing acceptable, please signify your conformity by affixing your signature on
the space provided for below.

We welcome you to JIINZU INC. and we hoped that your association with us will be mutually

Sincerely yours,


AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY ___________________________________

Position Printed Name & Signature / Date

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