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One of the most amazing things about
gases is that, despite wide differences  A real gas is most like an ideal gas when
in chemical properties, all the gases
the real gas is at a low pressure and a high
more or less obey the gas laws. The
gas laws deal with how gases behave
with respect to pressure, volume,  The gases that act most like ideal gases are
temperature, and amount. the small mass ones – hydrogen and heli-



Volume, V liters (L)

Pressure, P
(1 atm = 1.015x10 5 N/m2)

Temperature, T Kelvin (K)

Number of atoms or molecules, mole (1 mol = 6.022x1023

n atoms or molecules)
How many moles of gas are contained in 890.0mL at
21 °C and 750mm Hg?
Answer:  Pressure and volume are
The Volume is V = 890.0mL and the Temperature is T = 21° inversely related at constant
C and the Pressure is P = 750mmHg. temperature.

To use the Ideal Gas Law Equation, you must covert Volume  PV = K
to Liters, Temperature to Kelvin and Pressure to Atmosphere.
 As one goes up, the other goes
V = 890mL/1000 = 0.89L down.
T = 21°C + 273 = 294K  P1V1 = P2V2
P = 750mmHg/760 = 0.987atm
Plug into the Idea Gas Law Equation
PV = nRT
0.987atm(0.890L) = n(0.08206L-atm/mol-K)(294K)
“Father of Modern Chemistry”
n = 0.037moles
There are 0.037moles of gas contained.
Chemist & Natural Philosopher
Listmore, Ireland
January 25, 1627 – December 30,

The Ideal Gas Law cannot be PROBLEM:

applied to liquids. Th at im - 352 mL of chlorine under a pressure of 680. mm Hg
plies that V is a variable. But we are placed in a container under a pressure of 1210 mm Hg. The
know that a liquid has a con- temperature remains constant at 296 K. What is the volume of
the container in liters?
stant volume, so the Ideal Gas
Law cannot apply to a liquid.
The Ideal Gas Law doesn't
even apply to "real" gases like GIVEN: P1 = 680. mmHg REQUIRED: V2 = ?
hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen P2 = 1210 mmHg
V1 = 352 mL
The Ideal Gas Law was created to show the relationship between pressure,
volume, number of moles of gas and temperature. It is a combination of
Boyle's Law and Charles' Law. It shows the equation of a hypothetical ideal
gas. Pressure and volume have an inverse relationship with each other (when
1 goes up the other goes down) but have a direct relationship with Tempera-
ture (when they go up, temperature goes up)
ROBERT BOYLE WAS NOT THE The equation for the Ideal Gas Law is:
Robert Boyle is most famous for Boyle’s P = Pressure (atm)
Law, which states that in a closed system the pres-
V = Volume (Liters – L)
sure exerted by a gas is inversely proportional to its
volume provided the temperature is constant. This n = Number of moles (mol)
relationship between pressure and volume was first R = The Ideal Gas Constant (0.08206 L-atm/mol-K)
noted by Richard Towneley and Henry Power. But it T = Temperature (Kelvin)
was Robert Boyle who confirmed their discovery
through experiments and published the results in
1662. French physicist Edme Mariotte discovered the  Gases whose behavior can be predicted by the kinetic molecu-
same law independent of Boyle in 1679 due to which lar theory are called ideal, or perfect, gases. No gases are truly
it is also known as Mariotte’s law.
ideal because no gas totally obeys all of the gas laws.
 An ideal gas is an imaginary gas that is perfect and does fol-
low everything perfectly.
If you squeeze a
gas sample, you
 An ideal gas does not condense to a liquid at low tempera-
make its volume tures
 An ideal gas does not have forces of attraction or repulsion
Now . . . a container
where the volume
can change (syringe)

The combined gas law can

Same temperature
be used to explain the

mechanics where pressure,

temperature, and volume

Volume is 100 mL Volume is 50 mL
are affected. For example: at 25°C at 25°C

air conditioners,
In which system is the pressure higher? (Which has the

refrigerators and the greater number of collisions with the walls and each

formation of clouds and also use in fluid

mechanics and thermodynamics.

 The combined gas law combines the three gas laws: Boyle's
Law, Charles' Law, and Gay-Lussac's Law. It states that the ratio of
the product of pressure and volume and the absolute tempera-
ture of a gas is equal to a constant. When Avogadro's law is added
to the combined gas law, the ideal gas law results. Unlike the
named gas laws, the combined gas law doesn't have an official dis-
coverer. It is simply a combination of the other gas laws that works
when everything except temperature, pressure,
and volume are held constant.
 Volume of a gas varies The combined gas law allows you to do calcu-
directly with the abso- lations for situations in which only the amount
of gas is constant.
lute temperature at con-
 PV/T = K
stant pressure.
 V = KT  P1 V1/ T1 = P2V2 / T2
 V1 / T1 = V2 / T2
Mathematician, Physicist, Inventor
Beaugency, France
November 12, 1746 – April 7, 1823 PROBLEM:
A sample of gas at an initial volume of 8.33 L, an
initial pressure of 1.82 atm, and an initial temperature of
PROBLEM: 286 K simultaneously changes its temperature to 355 K
A gas occupies a volume of and its volume to 5.72 L. What is the final pressure of the
400cm3 at 0°C and 780 mm Hg. gas?
What volume (in liters) will it occu-
py at 80°C and 780 mm Hg?

GIVEN: V1 = 8.33 L Required: P2 = ? atm

GIVEN: V1= 400 cm³ REQUIRED: V2 = ?
P1 = 1.82 atm, and T1 = 286 K
T1= 0°C = 0+273 = 273 K
T2= 80°C = 80+273 = 353 K V2 = 5.72 L and T2 = 355 K
*Here the pressure is constant and o3 nly the temperature is changed.
Avogadro’s constant is one of the most im-
portant numbers in chemistry. Its value is
Charles' Law from
6.02214129 x 1023.
Amedeo Avogadro is best known for his hy-
1787. Jacques
pothesis that equal volumes of different gases con- Charles (1746-
tain an equal number of molecules, provided they 1823) was a French-born balloonist who flew
are at the same temperature and pressure. His hy-
the first hydrogen balloon in 1783. Charles did
pothesis was rejected by other scientists. It only
an experiment filling 5 different balloons with
gained acceptance after his death. It is now called
Avogadro’s law.
the same volume of 5 different gases and
Avogadro was also the first scientist to real- heating them each uniformly. He noted the
ize that elements could exist in the form of mole- balloons each grew uniformly. This observation
cules rather than as individual atoms.
wasn't published until 1802, by Gay-Lussac,
but was named for the original observer,

1 mole of ANY gas takes up a vol-

ume of 22.4 L at STP.
 At constant tempera-
ture and pressure,
the volume of a gas is
directly related to
the number of

 V = Kn
Steel cylinder (2L) Steel cylinder (2L) con-
contains 500 molecules tains 500 molecules of  V1 / n1 = V2 / n2
of O2 at 400 K O2 at 800 K AMEDEO AVOGADRO
1.In which system do the O2 molecules have the highest average Turin, Italy
kinetic energy? August 9, 1776 – July 9, 1856
2.In which system will the particles collide with the container
walls with the greatest force? PROBLEM:
How many grams of N2 will
3.In which system is the pressure higher? be contained in a 2.0 L flask
at STP?

GIVEN: V1 = 2.0 L REQUIRED: n1 = ? g N2

V2 = 22.4 L ; n2 = 1 mol N2
*Remember, at STP: 22.4 L/mol
n 1 n2
First , solve for the number of moles of N2:
2 L N2 | 1 mol N2 = .089 mol N2
| 22.4 L N2
Then, use dimensional analysis to convert from moles of N2 to grams of N2:
.089 mol N2 | 28.014 g N2
| 1 mol N2
 Due to Dalton's rare form of colorblind-
ness, he was only able to see one color,


 John Dalton Was The First To Publish A  At constant volume, pres-

Scientific Paper On Colour Blindness sure and absolute tem-
 John Dalton Was A Quaker perature ar e directly re-
 He Started Teaching At A Local School

When He Was Twelve

 P = k T
 P1 / T1 = P2 / T2
Limoges, France
December 6, 1778 – May 9, 1850

In a closed container, ideal gases initially have a
temperature of 27oC. If the final pressure becomes 2
times the initial pressure, what is the final temperature?

GIVEN: Initial pressure (P1) = P REQUIRED: Final temperature (T2)

Final pressure (P2) = 2P
Initial temperature (T1) = 27oC + 273 = 300 K

 The total pressure in a con-
tainer is the sum of the pressure
each gas w ou ld exer t if it
were alone in the container.
The total pressure is the sum
of the partial pressures.

As a young man, Gay-Lussac participated

in dangerous exploits for scientific purposes. In 1804  PTotal = P1 + P2 + P3
he ascended in a hydrogen balloon with Jean-Baptiste + P4 + P5 …
Biot in order to investigate the Earth’s magnetic (For each gas P = nRT/V)
field at high altitudes and to study the composition of JOHN DALTON
the atmosphere. They reached an altitude of 4,000
Chemist & Physicist
Eaglesfield, Cumberland, England
metres (about 13,000 feet). In a following solo flight, September 6, 1766 – July 27, 1844
Gay-Lussac reached 7,016 metres (more than
23,000 feet), thereby setting a record for the high- PROBLEM:
In the chem lab, a student filled a bal-
est balloon flight that remained unbroken for a half- loon with 2 different gases, CO2 and N2.
century. In 1805–06, amid the Napoleonic wars, Gay The atmospheric pressure in the chem
lab was 770.0 mmHg and the partial
-Lussac embarked upon a European tour with another pressure of CO2 added to the balloon
was 0.3255 atm. What was the partial
Arcueil colleague, the Prussian explorer Alexander von pressure of N2 in the balloon?



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