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DN Process Plan: Detailed Design

Phase Update 15/2/19 By Andy WE Sat 16/02/19

Week 4
Resources Initials Systems Allocation
Andy APP Checking 24
Mr Hai NCH Checking & Admin 24
Mr Nam PVN Process, All P&IDs, TQs, 24
Mr Khoa PNDK MeOH Inj + N2 + Bullhead Pumps 24
Mr The Anh NTA Chem Inj, Fresh Water 24
Mr Thinh NTT P&IDs with PVN 24
Mr Nguyen BKN Diesel 24
Mr Hoang TMH Vent, incl Flarenet 24
total 168
uncommitted 104
Tasks weekly commit 64
Project meetings APP + NCH 96 4
Process meetings - client APP, NCH, NTT, PVN 146 8
Process meetings - internal All 8 169 8
Interdiscipline discussions APP, NCH, PVN, NTT 192 8
Planning/progressing APP + NCH 40 8
Lessons learned meeting 26 8
HazID APP + NCH 16


Colours below show deliverables

for deadlines in this column Project Plan Targets
Deliverables budget remaini committed
Overall Deliverables Logic
Basis of Design NCH/APP 96 56 40
Hierarchy Dgm NTT Input to Hazop 60 60 0
C&E NTT Input to Hazop 60 60 0
Alarm & Trip schedule NTA Input to Hazop 56 56 0
Control S/U S/D Philos NTT Input to Hazop 96 16 80
Control Valve report,calc,d/s PNDK 98 98 0
P&ID index & legends PVN/NTT 272 52 220
PSVs Calcs, Report (all areas) NTA 98 18 80

Process System
Sim report TMH/NCH no hours in plan 120 40 80 20
Sim/calc/H&MB NCH/TMH 56 16 40 need pipesim
PFD TMH Input to HazID 32 12 20
Line sizing - report input PNDK 16 16 0
Line list PNDK 12 12 0
Flow choke - calc & report NTA 56 56 0
Chokes datasheet TMH 42 42 0
Well S/U study SoW APP? no hours in plan 48 48 0
PST check calc PVN hrs from P&IDs 24 24 0
P&IDs PVN/NTT Input to Hazop 240 20 220
Pig Launcher d/s PVN hrs from P&IDs 24 24 0
SAFE Charts/Safety Dgm/Memo PNDK/BKN Input to Hazop 119 119 0
SP - barred tee PVN hrs from P&IDs 12 12 0
Misc Instrs d/s (P,T, RO, FE PVN 54 54 0
VIFF (FIV, AIV, VIV) calc - report PVN 120 120 0
Process Description NTT 22 22 0
Std Operating Guide PVN 72 72 0

Annulus Vent & Drains Systems

Sim/calc/H&MB & UFD TMH/PNDK 32 32 0
Radiation calc TMH 40 40 0
KO Drum calc and d/s TMH 42 10 32
KO Drum pumps calc and d/s TMH hours fm P&ID 42 42 0
Line sizing & line list input PNDK 36 4 32
P&ID PVN/NTT Input to Hazop 138 38 100
SAFE Chart/Dgm/Memo input PNDK/BKN Input to Hazop 56 56 0
Study report TMH 80 80 0
Misc instr d/s TMH 52 52 0
Process Description NTT 22 22 0
Std Operating Guide TMH 72 72 0

Diesel Injection
Sim/calc/H&MB & UFD PNDK/BKN 32 4 28
Tank calc & d/s BKN 42 10 32
Pump calc & d/s transfer BKN 42 10 32
Pump calc & d/s bullhead PNDK 42 10 32
Coalescer calc & d/s BKN 42 10 32
Filter calc & d/s BKN 42 10 32

Line sizing report input & line list PNDK 28 8 20

P&ID PVN/NTT Input to Hazop 108 48 60
SP Items - strainers etc BKN hrs from P&ID 12 12 0
SAFE Chart/Dgm/Memo input PNDK/BKN Input to Hazop 46 46 0
Study report PNDK 16 -4 20
Misc instr d/s BKN 26 26 0
Process Description NTT 15 15 0
Std Operating Guide incl Diesel, N2,
PW BKN 72 72 0

Methanol Injection
Package datasheet NTA 42 10 32
Sim/calc/H&MB & UFD PNDK 24 24 0
Tank calc & d/s - by pkg vendor PNDK 0 0 0
Pump calc & d/s NTA 42 10 32

Line sizing report input & line list PNDK 28 28 0

P&ID PVN/NTT Input to Hazop 48 8 40
SP Items - strainers etc PNDK hr from P&ID 12 12 0
SAFE Chart/Dgm/Memo input - incl
CI PNDK/BKN Input to Hazop 46 46 0
Study report PNDK 16 16 0
Misc instr d/s PNDK 26 26 0
Process Description NTT 15 15 0
Std Operating Guide incl Methanol,
Chem Inj, PNDK 72 72 0

UFD - include on other PNDK 0 0 0
Quad calc & d/s PNDK 0 0 0

Line sizing report input & line list PNDK 18 18 0

P&ID - include on other PVN/NTT 0 0 0
SAFE Chart/Dgm/Memo input PNDK/BKN Input to Hazop 10 10 0
Study report PNDK 8 8 0
Misc instr d/s PNDK 26 26 0
Process Description NTT 15 15 0

Fresh Water (Potable?)

Sim/calc/H&MB & UFD PNDK/NTA 32 32 0
Tank calc & d/s NTA hrs from P&ID 16 16 0

Line sizing report input & line list PNDK 14 14 0

P&ID PVN/NTT Input to Hazop 44 14 30
SAFE Chart/Dgm/Memo input PNDK/BKN 10 10 0
Study report PNDK 8 8 0
Misc instr d/s NTA 26 26 0
Process Description NTT 10 10 0

Chem Injection - Spare

Package datasheet NTA 42 10 32
Sim/calc/H&MB & UFD PNDK 8 8 0
Tank calc & d/s NTA hrs from P&ID 24 8 16

Line sizing report input & line list PNDK 4 4 0

P&ID PVN/NTT Input to Hazop 96 96 0 Include with Methanol P&ID
SAFE Chart/Dgm - included in
Methanol inj PNDK/BKN 0 0 0
Study report PNDK 8 8 0
Misc instr d/s - assume none
required NTA 0 0 0
Process Description NTT 2 2 0
Op Guide NTA If required 0 0 0

allocated avail %
Loading pre-Hazop
assuming 80% hours spend PVN + NTT 755 420 180%
and 80% for doer (20% checker) PNDK 469 420 112%
need to burn 80% of 3874= NTA 257 420 61%
3100 NTT - own 65 420 15%
BKN 184 420 44%
TMH 229 420 55%
Checker NCH 490 420 117%
Checker APP 490 324 151%

totals 2940 3264 90%

23/02/19 2/03/19 9/03/19 16/03/19 23/03/19 30/03/19 6/04/19 13/04/19 20/04/19 27/04/19
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

24 24 24 24 24 24 A/L A/L 24 24
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
168 168 168 168 168 168 144 144 168 168
-35 -9 23 15 11 27 35 21 23 23
203 177 145 153 157 141 109 123 145 145

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8

IFR 8/4

valves & PT, LT, FT, P&IDs
Datashee Flow RO, FE - +PFD/UF
BoD ts P1_Pkg PSVs IDC chokes IDC 15/4 D IDC
IDC18/3 IDC 27/3 3 Apr IDC 15/4 to 2/5 22/4

20 20 IDC

20 20 20

40 40
20 20 20 20 IDC

20 prelim 20 20 IFR
need pipesim 20 20 IDC
20 IDC

40 40 40 40 IDC 40 IFR

20 12 IDC

20 12
40 40 IDC 20

8 20 IDC
20 12 IDC
8 20 4 IDC
20 12 IDC
16 16 IDC
4 16 12 IDC

20 IDC
40 IDC 20

PSVs:> 20
20 12 IDC with spare CI pkg if reqd

8 20 4 IDC

20 IDC 20

30 IDC

16 16 IDC
16 IDC

Include with Methanol P&IDs - mostly vendor

4/05/19 11/05/19 18/05/19 25/05/19 1/06/19 8/06/19 15/06/19 22/06/19 29/06/19 6/07/19
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24
168 168 168 168 168
83 95 143 143 103
85 73 25 25 65 49 25 25 45 45

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
8 8


Line list
IDC 29/4


RO, FE - +PFD/UF Hazid this P&IDs +
IDC 15/4 D IFR Line list Regulator Choke week, PFD/UFD
to 2/5 22/4 IFR 29/4 s d/s valve d/s PSV d/s IFH

20 IDC

40 40 IDC 40 IFR 20 IFH



13/07/19 20/07/19 27/07/19
25 26 27

24 24 24
24 24 24
24 24 24
24 24 24
24 24 24
24 24 24
24 24 24
24 24 24

89 25 25

4 4 4
6 6 6
7 7 7
8 8 8


this week

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