Designing Compensator Problems

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NPTEL Online Course (July-Nov 2017)

Control Engineering

Assignment 7 Solutions

1. A Derivative Control

(a) Improves steady state error

(b) Helps reduces the overshoot [Correct]
(c) Increases the overshoot
(d) Increases the stability of the system [Correct]


A Derivative Control helps reduces the overshoot and this is explained in Lecture-1 of Module 7. It
also increases the stability of the system by preventing sudden changes through increased damping in
the system.
2. Consider a plant with a transfer function G(s) = (s+0.5)(s+1.5) , in a unity feedback configuration. If
we use a proportional controller what would be the value of the gain K such that the steady state error
ess = 0.273.


Since it is type-0 system, it can track only a step input. The steady state error for step input is given
ess =
1 + Kp

where K p = lim sKG(s) because a proportional controller is added to G(s).

∴ 0.273 =
1 + Kp
K p = 2.663
lim sKG(s) = 2.663
lim sK = 2.663
s→0 (s + 0.5)(s + 1.5)
= 2.663
K = 1.997 ≈ 2

3. Consider a plant with transfer function G(s) = s(s+2) again with a unity feedback. Suppose we add an
integral control of the form s. The closed loop system
(a) Has zero steady state error
(b) Has a finite steady state error
(c) Is marginally stable
(d) Unstable [Correct]


The system becomes unstable. The reason is discussed in the Module-7 lectures. It can also be verified
through the characteristic equation or root locus plot.
4. Consider a system with transfer function G(s) = s(s+6)(s+2) , in a unity feedback setting. With K = 1,
the velocity error constant of the systems is


The velocity error constant is given by:

Kv = s G(s)
Kv = s
s→0 s(s + 6)(s + 2)

Kv = 60/12
Kv = 5

5. For the system in problem No.4 with K = 1, suppose we add a zero (on the real axis) to the open loop
transfer function at a location s = −z. What should be the value of 0 z0 (positive value) such that the
closed loop system, with the zero, has a peak overshoot of 44.7%.
With the zero added and K = 1 , the transfer function becomes: G(s) = s(s+6)(s+2)
We can plot the step response of the system for different integer values of z in MATLAB using the
following commands:
t1 = tf([60 60*z],[1 8 72 60*z]);
It can be found that for z = 4, the peak overshoot is close to 44.7%.

6. What is the velocity error constant of the system in problem No.5 after the zero is added at s = −z
with a gain of K = 0.5


The velocity error constant is given by:

Kv = s G(s)
60 ∗ 0.5(s + 4)
Kv = s
s→0 s(s + 6)(s + 2)

Kv = 120/12
Kv = 10

7. In problem No.5, if we add the zero at s = z, with z as obtained above, then the closed-loop system is
(a) Stable
(b) Unstable [Correct]
(c) Marginally stable

With the zero added at s = 4 , the transfer function becomes: G(s) = s(s+6)(s+2)
The system is unstable. This can be verified either using the characteristic equation or root locus plot.
8. Consider the simplified model of a DC motor in unity feedback as in the figure below, where W (s) is
the disturbance torque. With B = 10, A = 2 and With a proportional controller of the form D(s) = K p ,
what would be the value of K p such that the steady state error is ess = −0.1, with the disturbance being
a unit step [Ans K p = 50 ]

Setting R(s) = 0 & D(s) = K p , the transfer function with respect to the disturbance signal W (s) is given
C(s) B s(sτ+1)
= A
W (s) A 1 + D(s) s(sτ+1)
C(s) B A
W (s) A s(sτ + 1) + AK p
C(s) B
W (s) s(sτ + 1) + AK p

Given W (s) = s ; C(s) due to disturbance signal is given by:
C(s) = W (s)
s(sτ + 1) + AK p
1 B
C(s) =
s s(sτ + 1) + AK p

The steady state error is given by:

ess = lim s(R(s) −C(s))
1 B
ess = lim s(0 − )
s→0 s s(sτ + 1) + AK p
ess = lim (− )
s→0 s(sτ + 1) + AK p
ess =
AK p
It is to be noted that the output due to disturbance itself becomes the error because we do not want the
disturbance signal to affect the output. So the steady state output due to disturbance will become the
steady state error (with a negative sign) in this case as there is no reference input.
Substituting B = 10, A = 2, ess = −0.1, we get:
−0.1 =
2K p
∴ K p = 50

9. In problem No. 8, with the same values of A and B, If the controller is PI, D(s) = k p + ksI , what will
be the steady state error, to a unit ramp disturbance, with KI = 50. [Ans = 0.1]

Given D(s) = K p + KI /s and W (s) = s2
, we get

C(s) = W (s)
s2 (sτ + 1) + A(K p s + KI )
1 B
C(s) = 2
s s (sτ + 1) + A(K p s + KI )

The steady state error is given by:

ess = lim s(R(s) −C(s))

1 B
ess = lim s(0 − 2
s→0 s s (sτ + 1) + A(K p s + KI )
ess =

Substituting B = 10, A = 2, KI = 50, we get:

ess =
2 ∗ 50
∴ ess = −0.1

10. A process with open loop transfer function G(s) = T s+1 is controlled by a PID controller. For this
(a) the derivative mode improves transient performance [Correct]
(b) the derivative mode improves steady state performance
(c) the integral mode improves transient performance
(d) the integral mode improves steady state performance [Correct]

The derivative mode improves transient performance and the integral mode improves the steady state
11. A PD controller is used to compensate a system. Compared to the uncompensated system, the com-
pensated system has
(a) a higher type number
(b) reduced damping
(c) higher noise amplification [Correct]
(d) larger transient overshoot


The compensated system has higher noise amplification because noise signals change rapidly resulting
in large derivative errors.
12. A control system with PD controller is shown in the figure. If the velocity error constant is Kv = 1000
and the damping ratio is 0.5, then the values of KP and KD should be ?

If the velocity error constant is Kv = 1000 and the damping ration ζ = 0.5, then the value of KP and
KD are
(a) KP = 100, KD = 0.09
(b) KP = 100, KD = 0.9 [Correct]
(c) KP = 10, KD = 0.09
(d) KP = 10, KD = 0.9


Given, velocity error constant is Kv = 1000. Now,

Kv = lim sG(s)H(s)
(KP + KD s)100
⇒ 1000 = lim s = 10KP
s→0 s(s + 10)
⇒ KP = 100
The characteristic equation is given by

1 + G(s)H(s) = 0
(100 + KD s)100
⇒ 1+ =0
s(s + 10)
⇒ s2 + (10 + 100KD )s + 104 = 0

Comparing with s2 + 2ζ ωn + ωn 2 = 0, we get

2ζ ωn = 100KD + 10
KD = 0.9

13. What is the real part (rounded to the nearest integer) of the dominant poles of the system with charac-
teristic equation s3 + 7s2 + 12s + 10?


The poles are at −5, −1 ± 1 j. As dominant poles are the poles closest to the origin, −1 ± 1 j are
dominant poles and −1 is the real part of those poles.
14. Statement: Addition of a zero to a closed loop system, close to the origin on the LHP increases the
rise time of the system
(a) True
(b) False [Correct]


False because it is discussed in Lecture-1 that the addition of a zero to a closed loop system will give
faster response resulting in decrease of rise time.
15. Which of the following statements are true for a lead compensator?

(a) zero of the compensator should dominate the pole of the compensator [Correct]
(b) pole of the compensator should dominate the zero of the compensator
(c) Approximates a PI controller
(d) Approximates a PD controller [Correct]


It approximates a PD controller as discussed in Module-7. It is mentioned in the lectures that for a

lead compensator, the pole should be present to the left of the zero in the RHP. Therefore zero of the
compensator should dominate the pole of the compensator

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