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TASK 1: Complete the following sentences using much, many, some, any or a lot of.

1. She hasn’tgot ………………. friends. (some / any)

2. I didn’t do …………………. worktoday. (much / many)
3. She didn’teat ……………… food. (much / many)
4. There aren’t ………………… treesin the garden. (much / many)
5. I haven’t read ………………… books. (many / much)
6. How ………………… time do you need to finish this assignment? (much / many)
7. We have planted ………………… roses in the garden. (some / any)
8. Don’t waste ………………… time watching TV. (much / many)
9. She can speak ………………… languages. (much / many)
10. She hasn’tgot ……………….. cars. (some / any)
11. If you find ……………….. strawberries, keep some for me. (any / some)
12. You can borrow …………………. Book you like. (many / any)
13. Are there …………….. parks in your town? (much / any)
14.Prague has got …………… interesting buildings (a lotof / any)
15. There isn't ……………….. pollution in the countryside. ( a few / much)
16. There weren't ……………. places to stay in the city. (much / many)
17. How ………….. do we have to read this week? (much / many)
18.I've had …………… headaches already because of the stress. (many / any)
19.I do have ……………. friends but not that many. (a few / many)
20. There is not ………….. dancing going on at the party. (many / much)

TASK 2: Choose the right quantifier.

1. This bag is very heavy because it has got __________ books in it.
A) a little B) a lotof C) a few
2. Melany and Ahmet have got _________ friends from America.
A) any B) much C) a few
3. Have we got _________milk in the fridge, mother?
A) many B) a few C) any
4. How ______money have you got in your purse?
A) many B) any C) much
5. My mother has got _________ friends.
A) a little B) a lotof C) much

6. We have got ________ apples and ________ oranges in the fridge.
A) a little / some B) many / a little C) a few / some
7. Are there ________ children in the schoolgarden?
A) a little B) any C) much
8. My teacher hasn’tgot _________ 6th grade student this year.
A) some B) any C) a few
9. Sam, ____ there _____ milk in the fridge?
A) are / any B) is / any C) is / a few
10. How _______ cheesehas she got in the basket?
A) many B) much C) any
11. There are _______ English teachers at this school this year.
A) many B) much C) a little
12. We haven’t got ______ toothpaste but we have got _______ toothbrushes.
A) some / some B) some / any C) any / some

TASK 3: Complete the following exercise with correct quantifiers.


A) How do you feel about your new job? Do you have as _________ (much / many)
responsibilities as you used to?
B) The job is great. I have about the same ________ (amount / number) of work to do as
before, but I have _________ (less / fewer) stress and __________ (less / fewer) problems..

A) How do you think you did on the test? I think I did _________ (little / a little) better than
the last time, maybe even ______________ (a lot / many) better. What about you?

B) Well, I think I probably made _________ (few / a few/ mistakes, but I have the feeling I did
well overall.


A) Mr. President, do you think ___________ (much / many) of your proposed legislation will
be passed by Congress during this session?

B) Yes, I think __________ (a great deal / a great many) of our proposals will be approved.
We're not taking ________ (nothing / anything) for granted, thogh. We still have
____________ (a great deal of / a great many) work to do.


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