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Rule 113- Arrest Persons authorized to make warrantless arrest:

1. A police officer or peace officer; or

2. Any private person
Section 1
Arrest is the taking of a person in to custody in order that he may be bound to answer
for the commission of an offense After arrest is made under in flagrante delicto and hot pursuit
1. Person arrested without a warrant shall be delivered to the nearest police station
or jail, and
*Once arrested, the court has now jurisdiction over the person. Hence, before filing a 2. He shall be proceeded against in accordance with Sec.6 of Rule 112
motion for any relief, a person should first submit himself to the jurisdiction of the
When warrant of arrest may issue. — (a) By the Regional Trial Court. — Within ten
(10) days from the filing of the complaint or information, the judge shall
personally evaluate the resolution of the prosecutor and its supporting evidence.
Can the Commission on Immigration issue an arrest warrant for the investigation of an
alien sought to be deported? He may immediately dismiss the case if the evidence on record clearly fails to
establish probable cause. If he finds probable cause, he shall issue a warrant of
- No, under sec.37 of the Immigration Act insofar as deportation of aliens are concerned arrest, or a commitment order if the accused has already been arrested pursuant
the CIR may issue warrants of arrest only after a determination by the Board of the
to a warrant issued by the judge who conducted the preliminary investigation or
existence of the existence of the ground for deportation as charged against the alien. In
other words, a warrant for arrest issued by the CIR, to be valid, must be for the sole when the complaint or information was filed pursuant to section 7 of this Rule. In
purpose of executing a final order of deportation. A warrant of arrest issued by the CoIR case of doubt on the existence of probable cause, the judge may order the
for purpose of investigation only is null and void. prosecutor to present additional evidence within five (5) days from notice and the
issue must be resolved by the court within thirty (30) days from the filing of the
complaint of information.
Section 2
An arrest is made by (b) By the Municipal Trial Court. — When required pursuant to the second
paragraph of section 1 of this Rule, the preliminary investigation of cases falling
1. An actual restraint of a person to be arrested under the original jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial
2. By his submission to the custody of the person making the arrest
Court in Cities, Municipal Trial Court, or Municipal Circuit Trial Court may be
conducted by either the judge or the prosecutor. When conducted by the
Rules: prosecutor, the procedure for the issuance of a warrant or arrest by the judge
shall be governed by paragraph (a) of this section. When the investigation is
1. Violence or unnecessary force shall NOT be used in making an arrest conducted by the judge himself, he shall follow the procedure provided in section
2. The person arrested shall NOT be subjected to a greater restraint than is necessary
3 of this Rule. If the findings and recommendations are affirmed by the provincial
for his detention
 It is enough that there be an intent on the part of one of the parties or city prosecutor, or by the Ombudsman or his deputy, and the corresponding
to arrest the other and an intent on the part of the other to submit, information is filed, he shall issue a warrant of arrest. However, without waiting
under the belief and impression that submission is necessary for the conclusion of the investigation, the judge may issue a warrant of arrest if
he finds after an examination in writing and under oath of the complainant and
his witnesses in the form of searching question and answers, that a probable
Section 3 cause exists and that there is a necessity of placing the respondent under
Duties of the Arresting officer: immediate custody in order not to frustrate the ends of justice.

1. Arrest the Accused; and

(c) When warrant of arrest not necessary. — A warrant of arrest shall not issue if
2. Deliver him to the nearest Police Station or Jail without unnecessary delay
the accused is already under detention pursuant to a warrant issued by the
*Additionally, at the time of arrest, Miranda Rights municipal trial court in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section, or if the
complaint or information was filed pursuant to section 7 of this Rule or is for an
offense penalized by fine only. The court shall then proceed in the exercise of its
Section 4
original jurisdiction.
 Who shall cause the execution of the warrant: HEAD OF THE OFFICE to whom the
warrant of arrest was delivered *FAILURE to raise the illegality of arrest before the trial court, effect:
 When should a warrant be executed: within 10 days from its receipt
-“service of the warrant” - accused waived any irregularities relating to their warrantless arrest when they failed
1. Duty of the Officer assigned: to file a motion to quash the information on that ground, or object to any irregularity in
1. Return of Service their arrest before they were arraigned. The accused are now estopped from
-within 10 days after the expiration of the period, officer shall make a questioning the legality of their arrest.
report to judge
2. In case of his failure to execute the warrant, he shall, in his report,
state the reasons therefore Section 6

*Arrest warrant remains enforceable until it is executed, recalled or quashed. The 10- An arrest may be made on any day and at any time of the day or night.
day period provided in the Rule is only a directive to the officer executing the warrant to
make a return to the court.
Section 7
Method of Arrest by OFFICER WITH WARRANT
Section 5
General Rule: the officer must inform the person to be arrested of the cause of the
Arrest without a warrant when lawful:
arrest and the fact that a warrant has been issued for his arrest
1. When, in his presence, the person to be arrested has committed, is actually
Expn: failure of the arresting officer to inform him of the above is excusable when:
committing or is attempting to commit an offense (in flagrante delicto)
-”reliable information” alone, absent any overt act indicative of a felonious 1. Person to be arrested flees
enterprise in the presence and within the view of the arresting officers, is not 2. Person to be arrested forcibly resists before the officer has opportunity to inform
sufficient to constitute probable cause that would justify an in flagrante delicto him
arrest. 3. Giving of such information will imperil the arrest
2. When an offense has just been committed and he has probable cause to believe
based on personal knowledge of facts or circumstances that the person to be Possession by arresting officer of warrant at the time of the arrest:
arrested has committed it (hot pursuit) 1. The officer need not have the warrant in his possession at the time of the arrest,
-“probable cause” means an actual belief or reasonable ground of suspicion. The but
grounds of suspicion are reasonable when, in the absence of actual belief of the 2. After the arrest, if the person arrested so requires, the warrant shall be shown to
arresting officers, the suspicion that the person to be arrested is probably guilty him as soon as practicable.
of committing the offense, is based on actual facts.
-it has been previously held that a warrantless arrest may be made by police
officers based on the personal knowledge culled from the victim who pinpointed
Section 8
to the suspect as the assailant at the time of the arrest; which is immediately
after the incident Method of Arrest by OFFICER WITHOUT A WARRANT

3. When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a penal General Rule: the officer must inform the person to be arrest of his arresting authority
and the cause of his arrest
establishment or place where he is serving final judgment or is temporarily confined
while his case is pending, or has escaped while being transferred from one Expn:
confinement to another
1. Person to be arrested flees
Additionally: 2. Person to be arrested forcibly resists before the officer has the opportunity to so
4. Section 13- when person lawfully arrested escapes or is rescued inform him
5. Section 23, rule 114- for the purpose of surrendering the accused who is out on bail 3. Giving of such information will imperil the arrest
6. Section 23, rule 114- when an accused released on bail attempts to depart from the 4. Person to be arrested is then engaged in the commission of the offense
country without permission of the court where the case is pending 5. Person to be arrested is pursued immediately after the commission of an offense
6. Person to be arrest is pursued immediately after escape
Section 9 “extradition”- is the act of sending, by authority of law, a person accused of a crime to a
foreign jurisdiction where it is committed, in order for him to be tried there.
Method of Arrest by Private Persons (citizen’s arrest)
-extradition proceedings are not criminal in nature. By using the term “before
General Rule: the private person must inform the person to be arrested of the intention
conviction”, it is apparent that the right to bail in Sec. 13 Art. III of the Constitution does
to arrest him and cause of his arrest
not apply to extradition since extradition courts do not render judgment of conviction or
Expn: acquittal.

1. Person to be arrested flees

2. Person to be arrested forcibly resists before the officer has the opportunity to so Section 2
inform him
3. Giving of such information will imperil the arrest Condition of the Bail:
4. Person to be arrested is then engaged in the commission of the offense
All kinds of bail are subject to the following conditions:
5. Person to be arrested is pursued immediately after the commission of an offense
6. Person to be arrest is pursued immediately after escape (a) The undertaking shall be effective upon approval, and unless cancelled, shall
remain in force at all stages of the case until promulgation of the judgment of the
Regional Trial Court, irrespective of whether the case was originally filed in or appealed
Section 10 to it;
Officer may summon Assistance (b) The accused shall appear before the proper court whenever required by the court
of these Rules;
-Every person so summoned by an officer shall assist him in effecting the arrest when he
can render such assistance without detriment to himself  A bail bond may be forfeited only in instances where the presence of
the accused is specifically required by the court or the Rules of Court
and, despite due notice to the bondsmen to produce him before the
Section 11 court on a given date, the accused fails to appear in person as so
Right of Officer to Break into Building or Enclosure:
(c) The failure of the accused to appear at the trial without justification and despite due
Requisites: notice shall be deemed a waiver of his right to be present thereat. In such case, the
1. That the person to be arrested is believed to be inside the building or enclosure trial may proceed in absentia; and
2. That the arresting officer has announced authority and purpose; and (d) The bondsman shall surrender the accused to the court for execution of the final
3. The arresting officer was refused admittance judgment.

Section 12 Effect of Conviction

Right of Officer to break out from building or enclosure: - Under Sec.5, Rule 114 of the Revised Rules of Court, the court has the discretion
Requisites: whether or not to allow accused to continue on provisional liberty under the same bail
posted during trial
1. An officer has entered the building or enclosure in accordance with Section 11
2. It is necessary to liberate himself -The bail bond that accused previously posted can only be used during the 15-day
period appeal and not during the entire period of appeal. (As amended in Circular 12-94(

Section 14
In certain stages of the proceedings, an accused on bail or tried in absentia may be
Right of Attorney or Relative to Visit Person Arrested required to appear, to wit:
The following has the right to visit the person to be arrested: 1. At arraignment and plea, whether of innocence or guilt
2. During trial whenever necessary for identification purposes
1. Any member of the Philippine Bar
3. At the promulgation of the sentence, unless it is for a light offense, in which case
a. At the request of the person to be arrested or of another acting in his
the accused may be represented by counsel or representative.
b. May confer privately with such person at any hour of the day or night *To condition the grant of bail to an accused on his arraignment would be to place him
2. A relative of the person arrested, subject to reasonable regulations in apposition where he has to choose between:
*those with dating relationship considered as relative
1. Filing a motion to quash and thus delay his release on bail because until his
motion to quash can be resolved, his arraignment cannot be held
*Jurisprudence provides that the rule that Lawyers could visit their clients during 2. Foregoing the filing of a motion to quash so that he can be arraigned at once and
business hours clearly pass the standard of reasonableness. The last paragraph of Sec.4 thereafter be released on bail.
(b) of RA 7438 provides the standard to make regulations in detention centers
allowable: “such reasonable measures as may be necessary to secure the detainee’s
safety and prevent his escape” Section 3
A person under detention by legal process shall NOT be released or transferred EXCEPT
upon order of the court or when he is admitted to bail

Rule 114- Bail

Section 4

Section 1 Bail as a Matter of Right

Bail is the security given for the release of a person in custody of the law furnished by All persons in custody shall be admitted to bail as a matter of right, with sufficient
him or a bondsman, to guarantee his appearance before any court as required under sureties, or released on recognize as prescribed by law or this Rule
the conditions hereinafter specified. a. before or after conviction by the Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court,
Bail may be given in the form of: Municipal Trial Court in Cities, or Municipal Circuit Trial Court, and
b. before conviction by the Regional Trial Court of an offense not punishable by
1. corporate surety; death, reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment
2. property bond;
3. cash deposit; or
4. recognizance *Remedy if punished by D, RP, or LI- petition to bail, in such a case the prosecution and
defendant shall present evidence to prove that evidence of guilt is strong or not,
 Right to bail can only be availed of by a person who is in custody of the law or
otherwise deprived of his liberty and it would be premature, not to say incongruous,
to file a petition for bail for someone whose freedom has yet to be curtailed Section 5
 “constructive Custody”- Jurisprudence provides that accused is deemed to have
voluntarily submitted herself to the jurisdiction of the court upon the filing of her Bail, when discretionary
motion wherein she expressly sought leave “that she be considered as having Upon conviction by the Regional Trial Court of an offense NOT punishable by
pleaded herself under the jurisdiction of the proper court for purposed of the death, reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment, admission to bail is discretionary.
required trial and other proceedings.”
 The right to bail has traditionally not been recognized and is not available in the The application for bail may be filed and acted upon by the trial court despite the filing
military. The justification for this exception is that the unique structure of the of a notice of appeal, provided it has not transmitted the original record to the appellate
military should be enough reason to exempt military men from the constitutional court.
coverage on the right to bail.
However, if the decision of the trial court convicting the accused changed the nature of
the offense from non-bailable to bailable, the application for bail can only be filed with
and resolved by the appellate court.
Waiver of Right to Bail
Should the court grant the application, the accused may be allowed to continue on
1. Express provisional liberty during the pendency of the appeal under the same bail subject to the
2. Implied consent of the bondsman.
-failure to raise the issue at the earliest opportune time, accused is deemed to
have waived the right to bail. The appellate court may, motu proprio or on motion of any party, review the resolution
of the Regional Trial Court after notice to the adverse party in either case.
Section 6 *In bail fixing, the amount of bail should be “reasonable” at all times. That which is a
reasonable bail to a man of wealth may be unreasonable to a poor man charged with a
A Capital Offense is an offense which under the law existing at the time of its like offense.
commission and of the application for admission to bail, may be punished with death
- The amount of bail should be high enough to assure the presence of the accused when
*The criterion to determine whether the offense charged is capital is the penalty required, but no higher than is reasonable calculated to serve this purpose.
provided by law regardless of the attendant circumstances.
*However, where it has been established that accused is a minor, it follows that, if
convicted, he would be given the penalty next lower than that prescribed by law, which Section 10
effectively rules out the death penalty. The Constitution withholds the guaranty of bail
Any domestic or foreign corporation, licensed as a surety in accordance with law and
from one who is accused of capital offense where the evidence of guilt is strong. Hence,
for the minor, Bail is a matter of right even when evidence of guilt is strong. currently authorized to act as such, may provide bail by a bond subscribed jointly by the
accused and the officer of the corporation duly authorized by its board of directors
Requisites before a surety bond may be accepted:
Section 7
1. Photograph of the accused
The following shall be denied bail: 2. Affidavait of justification
3. Clearance from the SC
1. Before conviction by the RTC of an offense punishable by D, RP, or LI, and the
4. Certificate of compliance with circular no. 66
evidence of guilt is strong
5. Authority of the agent
2. After conviction by the RTC, pending appeal, of an offense punishable by D, RP or
6. Current certificate of authority issued by the Insurance Commissioner with a
financial statement showing the maximum underwriting capacity of the surety
-conviction clearly imports that evidence of guilt is strong
3. ( Section 5) After conviction by the RTC of an offense with an imposable penalty
of imprisonment exceeding 6 years but not more than 20 years, and it is shown
Section 11
a. That he is a recidivist, quasi-recidivist, or habitual delinquent, or has
committed the crime aggravated by the circumstance of reiteration; A property bond is an undertaking constituted as lien on the real property given as
b. That he has previously escaped from legal confinement, evaded security for the amount of the bail. Within ten (10) days after the approval of the bond,
sentence, or violated the conditions of his bail without valid justification; the accused shall cause the annotation of the lien on the certificate of title on file with
c. That he committed the offense while under probation, parole, or the Register of Deeds if the land is registered, or if unregistered, in the Registration
conditional pardon; Book on the space provided therefor, in the Registry of Deeds for the province or city
d. That the circumstances of his case indicate the probability of flight if where the land lies, and on the corresponding tax declaration in the office of the
released on bail; or provincial, city and municipal assessor concerned.
e. That there is undue risk that he may commit another crime during the
pendency of the appeal. Within the same period, the accused shall submit to the court his compliance and his
failure to do so shall be sufficient cause for the cancellation of the property bond and his
re-arrest and detention. (11a)
Section 8 Section 12
Prosecution has the burden of proof that evidence of guilt is strong. The qualification of sureties in a property bond shall be as follows:
The evidence presented during the bail hearing shall be considered automatically a. Each must be a resident owner of real estate within the Philippines;
reproduced at the trial, but upon motion of either party, the court may recall any b. Where there is only one surety, his real estate must be worth at least the amount
witness for additional examination unless the latter is dead, outside the Philippines, or of the undertaking;
otherwise unable to testify. c. If there are two or more sureties, each may justify in an amount less than that
expressed in the undertaking but the aggregate of the justified sums must be
equivalent to the whole amount of bail demanded.
*Zuno V. Cabebe
In all cases, every surety must be worth the amount specified in his own undertaking
The duties of a judge when an application for bail is filed: over and above all just debts, obligations and properties exempt from execution. (12a)
1. In all cases whether bail is a matter of right or discretion, notify the prosecutor of
the hearing of the application for bail or require him to submit his
Section 13
2. Where bail is a matter of discretion, conduct a hearing of the application for bail Every surety shall justify by affidavit taken before the judge that he possesses the
regardless of whether or not the prosecution refuses to present evidence to show qualifications prescribed in the preceding section. He shall describe the property given
that the guilt of the accused is strong for the purpose of enabling the court to as security, stating the nature of his title, its encumbrances, the number and amount
exercise it sound discretion of other bails entered into by him and still undischarged, and his other liabilities.
3. Decide whether guilt is strong or not based on the summary of evidence of the The court may examine the sureties upon oath concerning their sufficiency in such
prosecution manner as it may deem proper. No bail shall be approved unless the surety is qualified.
4. If the guilt of the accused is not strong, discharge the accused upon the approval (13a)
of the bail bond; otherwise the petition should be denied

Section 14.
*Summary Hearing- such brief and speedy method of receiving and considering the
evidence of guilt as is practicable and consistent with the purpose of hearing which is Deposit of cash as bail.
merely to determine the weight of evidence for the purpose of bail.
The accused or any person acting in his behalf may deposit in cash with the nearest
*In case prosecution was unable to present evidence to prove that guilt of the accused collector or internal revenue or provincial, city, or municipal treasurer the amount of
was strong, the proper remedy is to file a petition for certiorari under Rule 65. Same bail fixed by the court, or recommended by the prosecutor who investigated or filed the
applies to defense. case. Upon submission of a proper certificate of deposit and a written undertaking
showing compliance with the requirements of section 2 of this Rule, the accused shall
*An offended party in a criminal case has sufficient personality and a valid grievance be discharged from custody.
against an order granting bail to the accused, hence, the rule, that only the Solicitor
General may bring defendant actions on behalf of the public, may be applied liberal The money deposited shall be considered as bail and applied to the payment of fine
construction. and costs while the excess, if any, shall be returned to the accused or to whoever
made the deposit.

Section 9
Section 15
Amount of Bail Guidelines
Whenever allowed by law or these rules, the court may release a person in custody on
The judge who issued the warrant or granted the application shall fix a reasonable his own recognizance or that of a responsible person.
amount of bail considering primarily, but not limited to, the following factors:
“Recognizance”- An obligation of record, entered into before some court or magistrate
(a) Financial ability of the accused to give bail; duly authorized to take it, with the condition to do some particular act, the most usual
(b) Nature and circumstances of the offense; condition in criminal cases being the appearance of the accused for trial.

(c) Penalty for the offense charged;

(d) Character and reputation of the accused; When a person in custody shall be released:

(e) Age and health of the accused; 1. When he has been in custody for a period equal to or more than the possible
maximum imprisonment prescribed for the offense charged
(f) Weight of the evidence against the accused; 2. If the maximum penalty to which he may be sentenced is destierro, he shall be
released after 30 days of preventive imprisonment
(g) Probability of the accused appearing at the trial;
3. If he has been in custody for a period equal to or more than the minimum of the
(h) Forfeiture of other bail; principal penalty prescribed for the offense charged, without application of ISL, he
shall be released on a reduced bail or on his own recognizance, at the discretion
(i) The fact that accused was a fugitive from justice when arrested; and
of the court.
(j) Pendency of other cases where the accused is on bail.
Excessive bail shall not be required.
When accused is exempted from putting up bail: Section 23
1. RA 6036- when the offense has an imposable penalty of less than 6 months For the purpose of surrendering the accused, the bondsmen may arrest him or, upon
under the conditions (violation of municipal or city ordinances) written authority endorsed on a certified copy of the undertaking, cause him to be
2. Rule 114, Sec.16- when a case is filed under the Summary Rules, a mere notice is arrested by a police officer or any other person of suitable age and discretion.
sufficient, a warrant of arrest is not required
An accused released on bail may be re-arrested without the necessity of a warrant if he
3. Rule 112, Sec.9- if the judge is satisfied that there is no necessity for placing the
attempts to depart from the Philippines without permission of the court where the
accused under custody, he may issue summons instead of a warrant of arrest.
case is pending.

Section 17
*hold departure orders shall be issued only in criminal cases within the exclusive
Bail, where filed jurisdiction of the regional trial courts
General Rule: Court where the case is pending
Expn: Section 24
1. With any RTC or MTC judge in the province, city or municipality, when the judge After Final Judgment of Conviction
where the case is pending is absent or unavailable
General Rule: Bail is NOT allowed
2. With the RTC of the place where the accused is arrested, if arrested in a place
other than where the case is pending EXPN: if before finality, the accused applies for probation:
3. With the MTC of the place where the accused is arrested, if RTC judge of the place
where accused is arrested is not available. 1. May be allowed temporary liberty under his bail (15-day appeal period)
2. Court may allow his release on recognizance to the custody of a responsible
*A judge who approves applications for bail of accused whose cases were not only member of the community
pending in other courts but who were, likewise, arrested and detained outside his a. When no bail was filed
territorial jurisdiction is guilty of gross ignorance of the law b. When the accused is incapable of filing one
After the accused has commenced to serve sentence, bail is NOT allowed.
Section 19
Procedure for Release on Bail Section 26
1. The accused can only be discharged upon approval of the bail by the judge with Bail not a bar to objections on illegal arrest, lack of or irregular preliminary
whom the petition was filed investigation.
2. When the motion for bail is filed with a court other than where the case is
pending: An application for or admission to bail shall not bar the accused from:
a. The judge who accepted the bail shall forward it, to the court where the 1. challenging the validity of his arrest or
case is pending 2. the legality of the warrant issued therefor, or
b. He must include the order of release and other supporting papers, and 3. from assailing the regularity or questioning the absence of a preliminary
c. The court where the case is pending may, for good reason, require a investigation of the charge against him,
different bail to be filed
Provided that he raises them before entering his plea. The court shall resolve the
matter as early as practicable but not later than the start of the trial of the case.
Section 20
After the accused is admitted to bail, the court may, upon good cause, either increase or
reduce its amount. When increased, the accused may be committed to custody if he Rule 115- Rights of Accused
does not give bail in the increased amount within a reasonable period. An accused held
to answer a criminal charge, who is released without bail upon filing of the complaint or
information, may, at any subsequent stage of the proceedings and whenever a strong Section 1
showing of guilt appears to the court, be required to give bail in the amount fixed, or in
lieu thereof, committed to custody. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall be entitled to the following rights:
a. To be presumed innocent until the contrary is proved beyond reasonable doubt.
b. To be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him.
Section 21 c. To be present and defend in person and by counsel at every stage of the
proceedings, from arraignment to promulgation of the judgment.
Forfeiture of Bail
-The accused may, however, waive his presence at the trial pursuant to the
 When the presence of the accused is required by the court or the Rules, the stipulations set forth in his bail, unless his presence is specifically ordered by
accused’s bondsmen shall be notified to produce him before the court on a given the court for purposes of identification. The absence of the accused without
date and time justifiable cause at the trial of which he had notice shall be considered a
 If accused fails to appear in person as required: waiver of his right to be present thereat. When an accused under custody
a. His bail shall be declared forfeited, and escapes, he shall be deemed to have waived his right to be present on all
b. The bondsmen are given 30 days within which to produce their principal subsequent trial dates until custody over him is regained. Upon motion, the
and to show cause why no judgment should be rendered against them accused may be allowed to defend himself in person when it sufficiently
for the amount of their bail appears to the court that he can properly protect his right without the
 Within the 30 day period, the bondsmen must produce the body of their principal assistance of counsel.
or give the reason for his non-production and explain why the accused did not d. To testify as a witness in his own behalf but subject to cross-examination on
appear before the court when first required to do so matters covered by direct examination. His silence shall not in any manner
 Effect of failure of bondsman to comply with the above requisites: prejudice him.
a. A judgment shall be rendered against the judgment, jointly and severally, e. To be exempt from being compelled to be a witness against himself.
for the amount of bail f. To confront and cross-examine the witnesses against him at the trial. Either
b. The court shall nor reduce or otherwise mitigate the liability, unless the party may utilize as part of its evidence the testimony of a witness who is
accused has been surrendered or acquitted deceased, out of or can not with due diligence be found in the Philippines,
unavailable or otherwise unable to testify, given in another case or proceeding,
*A judgment against the bondsmen on the bond may be construed as a final order, judicial or administrative, involving the same parties and subject matter, the
hence subject to appeal. adverse party having the opportunity to cross-examine him.
g. To have compulsory process issued to secure the attendance of witnesses and
“Final Order- one which disposes of the whole subject matter or terminates a particular
production of other evidence in his behalf.
proceeding of action, leaving nothing to be done but to enforce by execution what has
h. To have speedy, impartial and public trial.
been determine. Indeed, from a judgment on the bond, a writ of execution may
i. To appeal in all cases allowed and in the manner prescribed by law.
immediately issue, and need not be affected through a separate action.

Section 22
Cancellation of Bail Requisites:
1. An application for cancellation must be filed by the bondsmen
2. Due notice must be given to the prosecutor
3. The bail may be cancelled upon surrender of the accused or proof of his death

Bail shall be deemed automatically cancelled:

1. Upon acquittal of the accused
2. Upon dismissal of the case
3. Upon execution of the judgment of conviction
In addition, jurisprudence provides that the surety, upon application may also be
relieved from the non-appearance of the bond where its performance is rendered
impossible by the act of God, the act of the Government or the act of Law.
Rule 116- Arraignment and Plea The following are the guidelines in the conduct of a “searching inquiry”:
1. Ascertain from the accused himself
a. How he was brought into custody of the law
Section 1
b. Whether he had the assistance of a competent counsel during custodial
a. The accused must be arraigned before the court where the complaint or and preliminary investigations;
information was filed or assigned for trial. The arraignment shall be made in c. Under what conditions he was detained and interrogated during the
open court by the judge or clerk by furnishing the accused with a copy of the investigations
complaint or information, reading the same in the language or dialect known to 2. Ask the defense counsel a series of questions as to whether he had conferred
him, and asking him whether he pleads guilty or not guilty. with, and completely explained to the accused the meaning and consequences of
a plea of guilty
The prosecution may call at the trial witnesses other than those named in the 3. Elicit information about the personality profile of the accused as well as his
complaint or information. mental capabilities, which may serve as a trustworthy index of his capacity to give
a free and informed plea of guilty
4. Inform the accused of the exact length of imprisonment or nature of the penalty
b. The accused must be present at the arraignment and must personally enter his under the law and the certainty that eh will serve each sentence
plea. Both arraignment and plea shall be made of record, but failure to do so shall 5. Inquire if the accused knows the crime with which he is charged and to fully
not affect the validity of the proceedings. explain to him the elements of the crime which is the basis of his indictment
6. All questions posed to the accused should be in a language known and
c. When the accused refuses to plead or makes a conditional plea, a plea of not understood by the latter
guilty shall be entered for him. 7. The trial judge must satisfy himself that the accused, in pleading guilty, is truly
guilty. The accused must be required to narrate the tragedy or reenact the crime
d. When the accused pleads guilty but presents exculpatory evidence, his plea shall or furnish its missing details
be deemed withdrawn and a plea of not guilty shall be entered for him. *Qualifying and aggravating circumstances which are taken into consideration for the
-“exculpatory”- prove that someone is not guilty of doing something wrong purpose of increasing the degree of penalty to be imposed must be proven with equal
certainty as the commission of the act charged as criminal offense.
e. When the accused is under preventive detention, his case shall be raffled and its
records transmitted to the judge to whom the case was raffled within three (3)
days from the filing of the information or complaint. The accused shall be Section 4
arraigned within ten (10) days from the date of the raffle. The pre-trial
conference of his case shall be held within ten (10) days after arraignment. In a plea of guilty to Non-Capital Offense, the court may receive evidence from the
parties to determine the penalty to be imposed
f. The private offended party shall be required to appear at the arraignment for
*However, there is no rule which provides that simply because the accused pleaded
purposes of plea bargaining, determination of civil liability, and other matters
guilty to the charge that his conviction automatically follows. Additional evidence
requiring his presence.
independent of the plea may be considered to convince the judge that it was
In case of failure of the offended party to appear despite due notice, the court
intelligently made.
may allow the accused to enter a plea of guilty to a lesser offense which is
necessarily included in the offense charged with the conformity of the trial
prosecutor alone. (cir. 1-89)
Section 5
g. Unless a shorter period is provided by special law or Supreme Court circular, the At any time before the judgment of conviction becomes final, the court may permit an
arraignment shall be held within thirty (30) days from the date the court improvident plea of guilty to be withdrawn and be substituted by a plea of not guilty.
acquires jurisdiction over the person of the accused. The time of the pendency of
a motion to quash or for a bill of particulars or other causes justifying suspension *there should be a categorical declaration from the accused that he is withdrawing his
of the arraignment shall be excluded in computing the period. (sec. 2, cir. 38-98) plea of guilty and substituting it with a plea of not guilty. In this case, there is nothing in
the records to show that accused filed a motion to withdraw his plea of guilty.
*Section 7. Rule 120 of the Rules on Criminal Procedure is explicit that a judgment in a
What are deemed admitted when accused pleads guilty? criminal case becomes final when the accused applied for probation.
1. Admission of all material facts alleged in the information including aggravating
Section 6
What are deemed not admitted:
When a defendant appears at the arraignment without an attorney, the court has 4
1. Facts not provided in the information important duties to comply with:
2. Conclusion facts
3. Jurisdiction of the court 1. It must inform the defendant that it is his right to have an attorney before being
4. Sufficiency of the complaint or info arraigned
2. After giving him such information the court must ask him if he desires the aid of
an attorney
Section 2 3. If he desires and is unable to employ one, the court must assign an attorney de
officio to defend him
Plea of Guilty to a Lesser Offense Requisite: 4. If the accused desires to procure an attorney of his own, the court must grant him
reasonable time therefor
1. Such plea may be made by the accused
a. During arraignment Such Duties are MANDATORY.
b. After arraignment but before trial
2. The lesser offense must necessarily be included in the offense charged The only instance when the court can arraign an accused without the benefit of counsel
3. It must be made with the consent of the offended party and the public is if the accused waives such right and the court, finding the accused capable, allows him
prosecutor to represent in person.

*”Plea Bargaining”- In criminal cases, it is a process whereby the accused and the In determining whether accused can make a valid waiver, the court must take into
prosecution work out a mutually satisfactory disposition of the case subject to court account all the relevant circumstance, including the educational attainment of the
approval. accused.

*In victimless crimes, the prosecutor who represents the government is duty-bound to
defend the public interests, threatened by crime, to the point that it is as though he Section 7
were the person directly injured by the offense.
Appointment of counsel de oficio.
*Reduction of the penalty is only a consequence of the plea of guilty to a lesser penalty.
It must be emphasized that accused did not plea to a lesser offense but pleaded guilty to The court, considering the gravity of the offense and the difficulty of the questions that
rape charges and only bargained for a lesser penalty. may arise, shall appoint as counsel de oficio only such members of the bar in good
standing who, by reason of their experience and ability, can competently defend the
*Plea bargaining may be allowed, even after prosecution rests, only when the accused. But in localities where such members of the bar are not available, the court
prosecution does not have sufficient evidence to establish the guilt of the crime may appoint any person, resident of the province and of good repute for probity and
charged. ability, to defend the accused.
*the duty of the court to appoint a counsel de officio when the accused had no counsel
Section 3 of choice and desires to employ the services of one I s mandatory only at the time of
When accused plead guilty to a Capital Offense, the court shall:
1. Conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness and full comprehension of the
consequences of his plea Section 8
2. Require the prosecution to prove his guilt and the precise degree of culpability Whenever a counsel de oficio is appointed by the court to defend the accused at the
3. Ask the accused if he so desires to present evidence in his behalf and allow him to arraignment, he shall be given a reasonable time to consult with the accused as to his
do so plea before proceeding with the arraignment.
The reason for the rule is that the courts must proceed with extreme care where the
imposable penalty is death, considering that the execution of the sentence is
irrevocable. Experience has shown that even innocent persons have at times pleaded Section 9
The accused may, before arraignment, move for a bill of particulars to enable him
properly to plead and to prepare for trial. The motion shall specify the alleged defects of
the complaint or information and the details desired.
Section 10
Production or inspection of material evidence in possession of prosecution. — Upon
motion of the accused showing good cause and with notice to the parties, the court, in
order to prevent surprise, suppression, or alteration, may order the prosecution to
produce and permit the inspection and copying or photographing of any written
statement given by the complainant and other witnesses in any investigation of the
offense conducted by the prosecution or other investigating officers, as well as any
designated documents, papers, books, accounts, letters, photographs, objects or
tangible things not otherwise privileged, which constitute or contain evidence material
to any matter involved in the case and which are in the possession or under the
control of the prosecution, police, or other law investigating agencies.

Section 11
Suspension of arraignment
Upon motion by the proper party, the arraignment shall be suspended in the following
a. The accused appears to be suffering from an unsound mental condition which
effectively renders him unable to fully understand the charge against him and to
plead intelligently thereto. In such case, the court shall order his mental
examination and, if necessary, his confinement for such purpose;
b. There exists a prejudicial question; and
c. A petition for review of the resolution of the prosecutor is pending at either:
a. the Department of Justice, or
b. the Office of the President
*provided, that the period of suspension shall not exceed sixty (60) days
counted from the filing of the petition with the reviewing office. (12a)

Rule 117- Motion to Quash

Section 1
At any time before entering his plea, the accused may move to quash the complaint or

*It is clear from the Rules of Court that the right to file a motion to quash belongs only
to the accused. There is nothing in the rules which authorizes the court or judge to motu
proprio initiate a motion to quash if no such motion was filed by the accused,.
-A motion contemplates an initial action originating from the accused.
Under Rule 117, Section 9 of the Rules of Court, a motion to quash is not improper even
after arraignment accused had been arraigned if the same is grounded on failure to
charge an offense and lack of jurisdiction of the offense charged, extinction of the
offense or penalty and double jeopardy.

Section 2
The motion to quash shall be in writing and signed by the accused or his counsel
General Rule- the motion shall distinctly specify its factual and legal grounds and the
court will not consider any ground not stated in the motion.
Expn: the only ground that the court may consider motu proprio, even if not raised in the
motion, is lack of jurisdiction.

Factual Issues as grounds for the motion

-factual allegations can only be raised as defense at the trial as they traverse what is
alleged in the information. In resolving a motion to quash, courts cannot consider facts
contrary to those alleged in the information or which do not appear on the face of the
Exception: a motion to quash may be based on factual and legal grounds, and since
extinction of criminal liability and double jeopardy are retained as among the grounds
for a motion to quash in Sec.3, it necessarily follows that facts outside the information
itself may be introduced to prove such grounds.

Section 3
The accused may move to quash the complaint or information on any of the following
(a) That the facts charged do not constitute an offense;
(b) That the court trying the case has no jurisdiction over the offense charged;
(c) That the court trying the case has no jurisdiction over the person of the accused;
(d) That the officer who filed the information had no authority to do so;
(e) That it does not conform substantially to the prescribed form;
(f) That more than one offense is charged except when a single punishment for various
offenses is prescribed by law;
(g) That the criminal action or liability has been extinguished;
(h) That it contains averments which, if true, would constitute a legal excuse or
justification; and
(i) That the accused has been previously convicted or acquitted of the offense charged,
or the case against him was dismissed or otherwise terminated without his express

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