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Fee Structure for MBA 2015 - 16

DETAILS First year Second year
A) Academic Fee Structure I Trimester II Trimester III Trimester Total IV Trimester V Trimester VI Trimester Total
Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Tuition Fee (Per trimester) 60,000 60,000 60,000 180,000 60,000 60,000 60,000 180,000
Establishment Fee (Per annum) 30,000 30,000 30,000 30,000
Total (A) 90000 60,000 60,000 210,000 90000 60,000 60,000 210,000
B) Hostel Fee Structure
Hostel Fee (Per annum for 4 seater) 22500 - - 22,500 22500 - - 22,500
Amenities fee (Per annum) 5000 - - 5,000 5000 - - 5,000
Total (B) 27500 - - 27,500 27500 - - 27,500
C) Academic & Hostel (One time payments)
Admission Fee 25000 - - 25,000 - - - Nil
Counselling Fee 5000 - - 5,000 - - - Nil
Hostel Admission Fee 5000 - - 5,000 - - - Nil
Extension Activities and Sports fee 2000 - - 2,000 - - - Nil
Unifor and Blazer fee 15000 - - 15,000 - - - Nil
Caution Deposit Hostel & Mess 5000 - - 5,000 - - - Nil
Total (C) 57000 - - 57,000 - - - Nil
D) Mess Advance ( Per Trimester) 10000 10000 10000 30,000 10000 10000 10000 30,000
TOTAL (A+B+C+D) 184500 70,000 70,000 324500 127500 70,000 70,000 267500
GRAND TOTAL (Two years) (324500 + 2,67500) 592000.00
Notes :
1. Mess advance of Rs.10000 per trimester is added in the fees structure. Mess is on dividing system basis and actual mess charges will be adjusted in the mess advance on a monthly basis.
2. Exam fee of approximately # Rs. 3000 per Trimester is payable before each trimester examinations (Not included above)
The fees can be paid in installments:
1. Rs. 50000 should be paid at the time of interview if selected.
2. Rs. 65000 should be paid on or before 10th May 2015.
3. Academic and Hostel Fee of Rs.59500 and mess advance for I trimester Rs.10000 should be paid at the time of enrolling in the Hostel..
4. Second trimester fee of Rs. 60000 and mess advance of Rs.10000 should be paid at the beginning of the second trimester.
5. Third trimester fee of Rs. 60000 and mess advance of Rs.10000 should be paid at the beginning of the third trimester.

# Subject to change depending upon the no. of subjects

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