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1. Electrostatics: The branch of Physics which deals with charges at rest, the force
between the charges, field and potential due to the charges.
2. Charge: It is something possessed by material objects that makes it possible for them
to exert electrical force and to respond to electrical force.
3. Properties of charges:
(a) Quantisation of charge: It is property by virtue of which all free charges are
integral multiple of a basic unit of charge of an electron.
q = ±ne where e=1.6x10-19C
(b) Additive nature of charge: It is property by virtue of which total charge of a
system is obtained by simply adding algebraically all charges present any where on
the system.
q = q1 + q 2 + q 3−−−−−− + q n
(c) Conservation of charge: It is property by virtue of which total charge of an
isolated system always remains constant.
4. Coulombs law: The force of interaction between two point charges is directly
proportional to the product of charges and inversely proportional to square of
distance between them.
F ∝ q1 q 2 and F ∝ 2
q1 q 2
F=K 2
Where K is a constant which depends on system of measurement and nature of
K = 4π∈ = 9 × 109 Nm2C-2
5. Unit of charge: SI unit of charge is Coulomb .one coulomb defined as charge which
when placed at a distance of 1m from an equal and similar charge in vacuum would
repel it by a force of 9x109newtons.
6. Force between multiple charges: According to principle of superposition, total force
on any charge due to a number of charges at rest is vector sum of all the forces on that
charge due to other charges, taken one at a time.

𝐅𝟏 = 𝐅𝟏𝟐 + 𝐅𝟏𝟑 + 𝐅𝟏𝟒 … … … . . +𝐅𝟏𝐧

𝐪𝟏 𝐪𝐢
𝐅𝟏 = 𝐊 ∑ 𝟐

7. Electric field: space around a given charge in which force of attraction or repulsion
due to the charge can be experienced by any other charge.
8. Electric field intensity: It is defined as the force experienced by unit positive charge
placed at that point.
⃗ =

⃗E = lim
q0 →0 q 0
9. Electric field intensity due to a point charge:
⃗⃗⃗E = K
10. Unit of electric field intensity: The SI unit of electric field is newton per coulomb.( NC-

11. Electric field intensity due to multiple charges:

Electric field intensity at a point due to a group of charges is equal to the vector
sum of the electric field intensity due to individual charges at the same point.

⃗⃗⃗ = E
E ⃗1+E ⃗ 2………+ E ⃗N
⃗E = K ∑ 2i r̂i
12. Electric field lines: It is the path straight or curved in electric field, such that tangent
at any point of it gives direction of electric field at that point.
Properties of electric field lines:
1. Electric field lines are discontinuous curves. They start from positive charge and end
at negative charge.
2. Tangent to electric field line at any point gives direction of electric field at that point.
3. No two lines of force can intersect each other because at the point of intersection ,
there will be two possible direction of electric field which is not possible. Hence the
lines do not cross each other.
4. The electric field lines are always normal to the surface of conductor.
5. The electric field lines contract longitudinally, on account of attraction between
unlike charges.
6. The electric field lines exert a lateral pressure on account of repulsion between like
13. Electric dipole: It is a system of equal and opposite charges separated by a small
14. Dipole moment: It is given by product of magnitude of either charge and distance
between the two charges.
⃗ = q(2a⃗)
The direction of dipole moment is from is from positive to negative charge

15. Field intensity on axial line of dipole;

(r 2 − a2 )
When a << r, E= r3

16. Field intensity at a point on the equatorial line of dipole:
E=K 2
(r + a2 )3/2
When a ≪ r, E = K 3

17. Torque on a dipole in uniform electric field:

Torque on dipole in uniform electric field
τ = pE sin θ
⃗⃗⃗τ = p ⃗
⃗ ×E
Torque is perpendicular to both dipole moment
vector and electric field vector
18. Electric flux: It is represented by electric field
passing normally through a given surface. SI unit of
flux is newton m2/coulomb. It is a scalar quantity.
∆∅ = ⃗E. ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
∆S = E∆S cos θ
19. Gauss’s Law: ‘Electric flux over a closed surface is 1/ε 0 times the charge enclosed by
it. ∅=∈
20. Electric field due to a an infinite long uniformly charged wire: For a line charge with
uniform charge density λ, electric field at a distance r is

21. Electric field due to a uniformly charged spherical shell: Let R be the radius of
uniformly charged shell with charge density′σ′. Electric field at a distance r when
r › R E = K r2
q σ
r=R E = K R2 = ∈0
r‹ R E=0
22. Electric field due to a thin infinite plane sheet of charge: Let σ be the surface charge
density on the sheet. E.F is independent of the distance from the plane sheet.
2 ∈0
23. Electric field due to two thin parallel sheet of charge: Electric field between the plates
is E = ∈ and in the region on either side of the plates E = 0

24. Electrostatic potential difference: P.D between two points in electric field is defined as
the amount of work done to move a test charge without acceleration from one point
to another. SI unit of PD is volt. ∆V = qAB
25. Electrostatic potential: Electrostatic potential at any point in electric field is the
amount of work done in moving a unit positive charge from infinity to that point.
W∞B q
V= =K
q r
Potential is a scalar quantity measured in volts.
26. Electrostatic potential at any point due to a dipole: Potential at a distance r from the
centre of dipole at an angle θ with the axis of dipole is
p cos θ
V=K 2
r − a2
At a point on the axis of dipole θ=0
V=K 2
r − a2
At a point on the equatorial line of dipole θ=90
V = 0 as cos90 = 0
27. Equipotential surface: It is the surface at every point of which the potential is same.
Properties of equipotential surface:
1. No work is done in moving a charge from one point of equipotential surface to the
2. For any charge configuration, equipotential surface through a point is normal to the
electric field at that point.
3. Where electric field is large the distance between electric field is small and vice versa.
28. Potential energy of system of charges: It is defined as the amount of work done in
bringing the various charges to their respective positions from infinitely large mutual
29. Expression for potential energy for a system of charges:
n n
1 qiqj
U = K∑∑
2 rij
i=1 j=1
30. Electrostatics of a conductors:
1. Electric field inside a conductor is zero
2. The interior of a conductor can have no excess charge in static situations.
3. Electric field just outside the conductor is normal to the surface of the conductor.

4. Electrostatic potential is constant throughout the volume of the conductor and has
the same value as on its surface.
5. Electric field at the surface of conductor is E = ∈
31. Relation between electric potential and electric intensity:
32. Electrical capacitance: It is ability to store charge. It is numerically the charge
required to raise the potential by unity.
SI unit of capacity is Farad
1Farad =
1 Volt
C = [M −1 L−2 T 4 A2 ]
33. Capacity of isolated spherical conductor: Let R be the radius of spherical conductor.
C = 4π ∈0 R
34. Capacity of a parallel plate capacitor: Let the area of plates be A, distance between the
plates be d, surface charge density be σ and air is medium between the plates
∈0 A
C0 =
35. Capacity of a parallel plate capacitor with dielectric: If k is dielectric constant of the
medium between the plates
k ∈0 A
Cm =
The dielectric constant of the medium is given by
k = Cm
36. Grouping of capacitors:
Parallel combination:
C = C1 + C2 ± − − − − − − +Cn

Series combination:
1 1 1 1
= C + C + ⋯……..+C
C 1 2 n
37. Energy stored in capacitor:
Energy is stored in the dielectric medium between the plates of capacitor
1 1 Q2 1
U = CV 2 = = QV
2 2 C 2
When a dielectric is inserted between the plates of capacitor and the battery
remains connected
1 1
U = (kC)V 2 = U = k CV 2 = kU0
2 2
Total energy is additive in series and parallel combination.
U = U1 + U2 + U3

Important Questions for board exam

1. Define the term ‘dielectric constant’ of a medium. Write its SI unit.

2. What is the angle between the directions of electric field at any (i) axial point and (ii)
equatorial point due to an electric dipole?
3. Draw lines of force to represent (a) uniform electric field. (b) electric dipole
4. Two plane sheets of charge densities +  and -  are kept in vacuum as shown. Find
electric field intensity at points A and B.

5. The given graph shows the variation of charge 'Q' versus potential difference 'V' for
capacitors C1 and C2 . The two capacitors have the same plate separation, but the plate
area of C2 is double that of C1, which of the lines in the graph correspond to C1 and C2
and why?

6. State Gauss’s theorem in electrostatics. Using this theorem find electric field intensity
due to (a) charged spherical shell (b) uniformly charged infinitely long conductor (c)
uniformly charged infinite plane sheet.
7. Define the term electric dipole moment. Give its unit. Derive an expression for the
maximum torque acting on the electric dipole when held in uniform electric field. In
which orientation, a dipole placed in a uniform electric field is in (i) stable, (ii)
unstable equilibrium?
8. How much work is required in turning an electric dipole of dipole moment p from its
position of stable equilibrium to its position of unstable equilibrium in a uniform
electrostatic field?
9. Find the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor. Derive an expression for the energy
stored in a parallel plate capacitor. Also write the energy density stored in it.
10. Two point changes q1 and q2 are placed close to each other in air. What is the nature
of the force between them when (i) q1q2 > 0 (ii) q1q2 < 0
11. A parallel plate capacitor is charged to a potential difference ‘V’ by a battery. The
battery is then disconnected and the distance between the plates is doubled. State
with reason, how the following will change:
(i) electric field between the plates, (ii) capacitance and (iii) energy stored in the
12. (a) Define equipotential surface. Write its two properties. Depict the equipotential
surfaces for a system of two identical positive point charges placed a distance ‘d’
(b) Deduce the expression for the potential energy of a system of two point charges
q1 and q2 separated by a distance r.

13. Figure shows three charges  2q,  q and  3q . Two charges +2q and –q are enclosed
within a surface ‘S’. What is the electric flux due to this configuration through the
surface ‘S’?

14. Two point charges 10 C and 40 C are placed 10 cm apart in vacuum. What will be
the net field at a point midway between the two point charges?



Current electricity - The study of electric charges in motion is called current electricity.
Electric current - Electric current across an area held perpendicular to the direction of flow
of charge is defined as the amount of charge flowing across that area per unit time.
For a steady flow of charge, I =
If the rate of flow of charge varies with time, then I  dq
Electric current is a scalar quantity. Electric currents do not obey the laws of vector
Ohm’s law - The potential difference across two ends of a conductor is directly proportional
to the current flowing through it, provided the temperature and other physical conditions
remain unchanged. V α I or V = RI
Resistance – It is the opposition offered by a conductor to flow of charges through it It
depends on the length l, area of cross-section A, nature of material of the conductor and
l m l
R   2
A ne  A
SI unit of resistance is ohm (Ω). The resistance of a conductor is 1 ohm if a current of 1
ampere flows through it on applying a potential difference of 1 volt across its ends.
Resistivity or specific resistance - It is the resistance offered by a unit cube of the material
of a conductor. It depends on the nature of the material of the conductor and the
m 1
 = 2 and  
ne  en e
Current density - It is the amount of charge flowing per second per unit area normal to the
flow of charge. It is a vector quantity having the same direction as that of the motion of the
 
positive charge. SI unit - Am . I j . A and j  nevd  neE   E
Conductance -It is the reciprocal of resistance. SI unit - mho or siemen.
ne 2
Conductivity - It is the reciprocal of resistivity. SI unit – mho/ m.   ne  
Colour code for carbon resistors –
Colour: Black Brown Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet Grey White
Number: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Multiplier: 10° 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
Tolerance: Gold : ±5% , Silver : ±10% , No colour : ±20%

(1) The first two bands indicate the first two significant figures.
(2). The third band indicates multiplier.
(3). The last band indicates the tolerance in per cent of the indicated value.
Carriers of current – Metal - free electrons, Ionised gases - electrons and positive ions
Electrolyte - both positive and negative ions, Semiconductor - electrons and holes.
Drift velocity - The average velocity acquired by the free electrons of a conductor in the
eE eV
opposite direction of the applied electric field is called drift velocity. v d   
m ml
Relaxation time - The average time interval between the two successive collisions of an
electron is called relaxation time (τ).
Temperature coefficient of resistivity - It is defined as the change in resistivity per unit
t  0
original resistivity per degree rise in temperature.  
 0 (T  T0 )
  
  T   0 1   T  T0

Effect of temperature on resistivity - For metals α is positive i.e., resistivity of metals

increases with the increase in temperature.
For semiconductors and insulators, α is negative i.e., their resistivity decreases with the
increase in temperature.
For alloys like constantan and manganin, α is very small. So they are used for making
standard resistors.
Mobility of a charge carrier - The mobility of a charge carrier is the drift velocity acquired
v e
by it per unit electric field. μ = d = τ
E m
Ohmic conductors - The conductors which obey Ohm’s law are called
Ohmic conductors. For these conductors, V-I graph is a straight line
passing through the origin. For example, a metallic conductor for small
currents is an Ohmic conductor.

Non-ohmic conductors - The conductors which do not obey Ohm’s law are called non-
ohmic conductors. The Non-ohmic situations –
(i) The straight line V-I graph does not pass through the
(ii) V-I relationship is non-linear.
(iii) V-I relationship depends on the sign of V.
(iv) V-I relationship is non-unique.
Examples - water voltameter, thyristor, a p-n junction, etc.

Electromotive force (emf) - It is the energy supplied by the source in taking a unit positive
charge once round the complete circuit. It is equal to the terminal p.d. measured in open
Terminal potential difference (V) - The potential drop across the terminals of a cell when a
current is drawn from it is called its terminal potential difference. It is less than the emf of
the cell in a closed circuit. V=E-Ir
Terminal p.d. of a cell when it is being charged is V=E + Ir
Internal resistance - The resistance offered by the electrolyte of a cell to the flow of current
between its electrodes is called internal resistance of the cell. It depends on (i) nature of
the electrolyte, (ii) concentration of the electrolyte, (iii) distance between the electrodes,
(iv) common area of the electrodes dipped in the electrolyte and (v) temperature of the
E V E V E 
r  R    1 R
I V V 
Cells in series - The equivalent EMF and internal resistance for the series combination
of two cells with EMF E1 and E2 and internal resistances r1 and r2 respectively,
Eeq  E1  E 2 and req  r1  r2
If n cells of emf E and internal resistance r each are connected in series, then current
flowing through external resistance R is I =
R  nr
Cells in parallel - The equivalent EMF and internal resistance for the parallel combination
of two cells with EMF E1 and E2 and internal resistances r1 and r2 respectively,
E r  E 2 r1 rr
Eeq  1 2 and req  1 2
r1  r2 r1  r2
If m cells are connected in parallel, then current drawn through external resistance R is
mR  r
Kirchhoff’s laws – (1) Junction rule: In an electric circuit, the algebraic sum of currents
at any junction is zero. Or, at any junction of electrical circuit the sum of currents
entering the junction must be equal to the sum of currents leaving it i.e. Σ I = 0.
This law is based on the conservation of charge.
(2) Loop Rule: Algebraic sum of changes in the potential around any closed loop must
be zero i.e. Σ V = IR . This law is based on the conservation of charge.
Potentiometer - It is an instrument used to measure p.d.and e.m.f.. Its working is based
on the principle that when a constant current flows through a wire of uniform
cross-sectional area, the potential drop across any portion of the wire is directly
proportional to the length of that portion. V = ф l, where φ is the potential drop
per unit length.
Uses -
(i) To compare the e.m.f.s of two cells: If l1 and 12 are the balancing lengths of the
potentiometer wire for
E l
the cells of e.m.f.s E1 and E2 respectively, then 1  1
E2 l2

10 | P a g e
(ii) To find the internal resistance r of a cell: If l1 is the balancing length of the
potentiometer wire for cell in open circuit(without shunt) and 1 2 the balancing length for
l 
cell in closed circuit (with shunt R), then internal resistance of the cell, r   1  1 R .
 l2 

Sensitivity of a potentiometer - A potentiometer is sensitive if it is capable of measuring

very small potential differences, and it shows a significant change in balancing length for a
small change in the potential being measured.
The sensitivity of a potentiometer depends on the potential gradient along its wire. The
sensitivity of a potentiometer can be increased by reducing the potential gradient. This can
be done in two ways:
(i) by increasing the length of the potentiometer wire. (ii) by reducing the current
in the circuit with the help of a rheostat.
Wheatstone bridge – It is an arrangement of four resistances P. Q, R and S joined to form a
quadrilateral ABCD with a battery between A and C and a sensitive galvanometer between
B and D. The resistances are so adjusted that no current flows through the galvanometer.
The bridge is then said to be balanced. In the balanced condition, 

A Wheatstone bridge is most sensitive when the resistances in its four arms are of the same

11 | P a g e
Slide wire bridge or metre bridge –

It is an application of Wheatstone bridge in which R is fixed and a balance point is obtained

by varying P and Q i.e., by adjusting the position of a jockey on a 100 cm long resistance
wire. If the balance point is obtained at length 1, then
R l  100  l 
 S  R
S 100  l  l 
Important Questions for board exam

1. Sketch graphs to show variation of resistivity of metal, semiconductor and alloy with
2. Draw circuit diagram of Meter Bridge to measure unknown resistance and write the
principle on which it based.
3. If p.d. V applied across a conductor is increased to 2 V, how will the drift velocity of
the electrons change?
4. The carbon resistor has colour bands blue, yellow, brown and gold respectively on it.
Find its resistance value. Define resistivity of a material & gives its unit?
5. State the principle of potentiometer. Draw a circuit diagram to show the use of
potentiometer to compare the emf of two primary cells. Write the formula used. How
can the sensitivity of a potentiometer be increased.
6. Establish the relation between current & drift velocity?
7. Why a potentiometer is preferred over a volt meter to measure the emf of a cell?
Derive the formula to find out the internal resistance of a primary cell using
8. The V-I graphs of two resistors, and their series combination, are shown in the
adjoining figure. Which one of these graphs represents the series combination of the
other two? Give reasons for your answer.

9. Why standard resistance coils are made of alloys?

10. State Kirchhoff laws for electric circuit. Using it find balance condition of Wheatstone
11. Name the two factors on which the resistivity of a given material depends. Derive the
expression for the resistivity of a conductor in terms relaxation time.

12 | P a g e
12. When two identical cells E and internal resistance r each are connected in series with
a resistor R = 10 , a current of 0.75 A flows in the circuit. Just one cell across the
same R, however, sends a current of 0.50 A. Find the emf and internal resistance of
the cell.
13. You are given three identical resistors of resistance 6 each. What is the minimum
and the maximum value of current that can be obtained when connected to a 24V
14. Find out the magnitude of resistance X in circuit, when no current flows through the
5Ω resistor.

15. Figure shows the circuit diagram of a potentiometer for determining the emf ‘e’ of a
cell of negligible internal resistance. (i) What is the purpose of using high resistance
R2 ? (ii) How does the position of balance point (J) change when the resistance R 1 is
decreased? (iii) Why cannot the balance point be obtained (1) when the emf e is
greater than 2 V, and (2) when the key (K)i s closed?


Concept of Magnetic Field:

Magnetic field is the space around a magnet (or a current carrying conductor i.e. flow of
electric charge) where its effect can be observed or is felt by a magnetic substance.
I d l sin  0
dB  K In S.I. K=
r2 4
o I dl sin 
dB  
4 r2
o  4  107 Wb A 1 m1 is absolute permeability of free space.
or T A 1 m
Magnetic field due to current flowing in a straight conductor

13 | P a g e
o I
B  sin 1  sin 2 
4 a
It gives the magnetic field due to a current carrying straight conductor of finite length.

Special Case. If the conductor is infinitely long, then 1   2  o 2 I
2 B 
4 a
for a coil of n turns
o 2 I a 2 n
B 
4 a 2  x 2 3 / 2
Field at an Axial Point of a Solenoid: B   0 nI
Current loop and magnetic dipole, M=n I A
Force on a Moving Charge in a Magnetic-Field (Magnetic Lorentz Force)
F  k B q  sin 
The value of the constant k is found to be in SI unit
Therefore, F  B q  sin 
Force on a current carrying conductor placed in a magnetic field (Force on a current)

 
F  I    B
 
Magnitude of Force, F = B I  sin 
Where  is the angle between the direction of magnetic field and the direction of flow of
(i) If  = 0o or 180o i.e. Sin  = 0, then
F= B I l (0) = 0
Thus, if the current carrying conductor is placed parallel to the direction of magnetic field,
it does not experience any force.
(ii) if  = 90o, then ,F=B I l sin 90o = B I l (maximum
In other words a current carrying conductor experiences maximum force in a magnetic
field, when placed perpendicular to the direction of magnetic field.
 
Lorentz Force :It a charge q moves with velocity  inside magnetic field of strength B , the
charge experience force given by F  q  B
  

 
It is called magnetic Lorentz force on the charge moving inside the magnetic field .If the
  
charge q moves the velocity  inside electric field of strength E and B then total force on the
charge q is given
 
 
F  q E  q   B 
 

   

F  q E    B 
 
The force F given by (2) is called the Total Lorentz Force on the charge q.

Force between two infinitely long straight parallel current carrying conductors

14 | P a g e
F12 o 2I1 I 2
Force per unit length is 
 4 r
the two conductors exert equal and opposite force on each other and therefore they attract
one another.
if the conductors carry currents in opposite directions the conductors repel each other.
Special Case: - If I1 = I2 = 1 r= 1 meter and  2  10  7 N

F  0 2 I1 I 2

 4 r
Definition of Ampere
One ampere is that current when flowing through each of the two parallel conductors of
infinite length and placed in free space at a distance of one metre each other, produces
between them a force of 2 x 10-7 Newton per metre of their lengths.
 
Torque on a current carrying coil placed in a magnetic field
 =n B I A cos 
Special Case: - The torque is maximum if cos = +1 i.e. when the loop is placed along the

direction of magnetic field.   0 if   90 o i.e. loop is  to B
Galvanometer: - It is instrument which is used to detect current inn circuit.
Principle: - When current carrying coil is in magnetic field it experiences torque.
Sensitivity of Galvanometer. A galvanometer is said to be sensitive, if it gives a large
deflection, even when a small current is passed through it or a small voltage is applied
across its coil.
 n BA
Current Sensitivity = 
I k
  n BA
Voltage Sensitivity,  
Conversion of galvanometer to ammeter :
By connecting low resistance in parallel
S = Ig G/ (I-Ig)
Conversion of galvanometer to voltmeter:
By connecting a high resistance in series, R = − G
Principle: - It is based on the principle that a positive ion can acquire sufficiently large
energy with a comparatively smaller alternating potential difference by making them to
cross the same electric field time and again by making use of a strong magnetic field.
Cyclotron Frequency
v qB 2 B q
Cyclotron angular frequency,    , therefore,   
r m T m
1 Bq
The cyclotron frequency,    .
T 2 m
Frequency of applied voltage is adjusted to be equal to cyclotron frequency.
i.e. fa = fc
This condition is called Resonance Condition.

15 | P a g e
Maximum energy of the positive ions
The energy gained by +ve ions, E  m v 2
qBr 1  q Br  2
1q B r 2 2
As   Therefore, K  m  
m 2  m  2 m
If V is potential difference applied between the dees and N is the number of times the
positive ion crosses gap between the dees, then E max = N (V q)
Magnetic dipole moment of a circular current loop
 Magnetic dipole moment M with the circular current loop carrying a current I and of
area A. The magnitude of m is |M| = I A or M= IA .
 In case the current carrying circular coil has ‘n’ turns , then,.M= n I A
SI unit – (i) N-m/T (ii) A-m2 (iii) J/T Dimension – [M0L2T0A-1]
Magnetic dipole moment of Bar Magnet –
The magnitude of dipole moment is the product of the pole strength m and the
separation 2l between the poles.
Magnetic Dipole Moment is M = m.2l
Key concept in solving questions on declination, dip and earth’s Magnetic field elements
The angle between the magnetic meridian and the geographic meridian is called the
magnetic declination of the place

(i) Magnetic Declination (θ) The smaller angle subtended between the magnetic meridian
and geographic meridian is called magnetic declination.
(ii) Magnetic Inclination or Magnetic Dip (δ): The smaller angle sub tended between the
magnetic axis and horizontal is called magnetic inclination on magnetic dip.
(iii) Horizontal Component of Earth’s Magnetic Field (H):If B is the intensity of earth’s
magnetic field then horizontal component of earth’s magnetic field H = B cos δ
It acts from south to north direction.
Vertical component of earth’s magnetic field ,V = B sin δ ∴ B = √H2+ V2 and tan δ = V / H
Angle of dip is zero at magnetic equator and 90° at poles.

Important Questions for board exam

1. What is the basic difference between the atom or molecule of a diamagnetic and a
paramagnetic material? Why are elements with even atomic number more likely to be
2. Explain how a moving coil galvanometer can be converted into (a) voltmeter (b)

16 | P a g e
3. A particle of mass m and charge q moves at right angle to a uniform magnetic field.
Plot a graph showing the variation of the radius of the circular path described by it
with increase in its kinetic energy.
4. With the help of a neat and labelled diagram, explain the underlying principle and
working of a moving coil galvanometer. What is the function of: (i) uniform radial
field (ii) soft iron core in such a device? Write two factors on which current sensitivity
of a moving coil galvanometer depend? Also explain the conversion of moving coil
galvanometer in to a voltmeter.
5. Distinguish the magnetic properties of dia, Para and ferromagnetic substances in
terms of (i) Susceptibility (ii) magnetic permeability (iii) Coercivity.
Give an example of each of these materials Draw the field lines due to an external
magnetic field near a (a) diamagnetic (ii) paramagnetic substance.
6. State the principle of a cyclotron. Draw labelled diagram. Explain briefly how it works
and how it is used to accelerate the charged particles.
i. Show that the time period of ions in a cyclotron is independent of both the speed
and radius of circular path.
ii. What is resonance condition? How is it used to accelerate the charged particles?
iii. Explain the use of electric field & magnetic field.
iv. Electron cannot be accelerated, why ?
7. Derive a mathematical expression for the force per unit length experienced by each of
the two long current carrying conductors placed parallel to each other in air. Hence
define one ampere of current.
Explain why two parallel straight conductors carrying current in the opposite
direction kept near each other in air repel?
8. State Biot -Savart law. Using it derive the expression for the magnetic field at the axial
point of a current carrying circular loop.
9. (i) Write two characteristics of a material used for making permanent magnets.
(ii) Why is core of an electromagnet made of ferromagnetic materials?
10. Draw magnetic field lines when a (i) diamagnetic (ii) paramagnetic substance is
placed in an external magnetic field. Which magnetic property distinguishes this
behavior of the field line due to the two substances?
11. A long straight wire of a circular cross-section of radius ‘a’ carries a steady current ‘I’.
The current is uniformly distributed across the cross-section. Apply Ampere’s
circuital law to calculate the magnetic field at a point ‘r’ in the region for (i) r < a and
(ii) r > a.
12. Two current carrying loops carrying current I each and radii r each are place coaxially
such that their centers are separated by a distance r. If the current flowing in the coils
are in same sense as observed by an observer from one side then find the magnitude
of magnetic field at the midpoint of the line joining their centers.
13. An arrow stream of protons and deuterons, having the same momentum values, enter
a region of a uniform magnetic field directed perpendicular to their common
direction of motion. What would be the ratio of the radii of the circular paths
described by the protons and deuterons?
14. Define the elements of the earth’s magnetic field. The vertical component of Earth’s
magnetic field at a place is 3 times the horizontal component. What is the value of
angle of dip at this place?

17 | P a g e
Gist of the lesson Magnetic Flux:- The no. of magnetic field lines passing through an
area inside a magnetic field region is known as magnetic flux passing through that
The magnetic flux through a plane surface placed inside a uniform magnetic field
 
is given by   B  A  BA cos
The SI unit of magnetic flux is Tm2 or Wb. It is a Scalar quantity.
The dimension of magnetic flux is [ML2T-2A-1].
1. Electromagnetic Induction:- “Whenever there is change in magnetic flux linked with
a conductor or conducting coil, an emf is induced in the conductor or coil. The emf
induced lasts so long as the magnetic flux linked with conductor or coil changes.
This phenomenon is called EMI.”
2. Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic Induction:- “The magnitude of the induced emf in
a circuit is proportional to the time rate of change of magnetic flux through the
3. Lenz’s Law:-“ The polarity of induced emf is such that it tends to tends to produce a
current which opposes the change in magnetic flux that produces it.” It is based of
law of conservation of energy.
Mathematically, Faraday’s & Lenz’s laws are combined in the following
expression   
4. Induced current and induced charge:- If a coil is closed and has resistance R, then
current induced in the coil,
 N d
i  ampere, and the induced charge,
R R dt
N Total flux linkange
q = i∆t =   =
R Resistance
5. Motional emf:-
(a) The emf induced in a straight conductor moving inside a uniform magnetic field
with a velocity perpendicular to its length as well as the magnetic field induction
ε = vBl
(b) The emf induced in a disc rotating inside a uniform magnetic field directed
parallel to the axis of rotation of disc/ the emf induced in a straight conductor
rotating about its one end inside a uniform magnetic field directed parallel to the
Bvl Bwl 2

axis of rotation, ε =
2 2
6. Eddy Currents:- “When bulk pieces of conductors are subjected to changing
magnetic flux, induced currents are produced in them due to electromagnetic

18 | P a g e
induction. The flow pattern of these currents resemble swirling water, so these are
known as eddy currents or whirlpool currents.”
These currents are also known as Foucault’s currents after the name of the
discoverer of eddy currents. Eddy currents are undesirable in many devices such
as transformers, electric motors etc. since they heat up the core and dissipate
electrical energy in the form of heat.
Eddy currents are minimised by using laminations of metal to make a metal core.
The laminations are separated by an insulating material like lacquer. The plane
of the laminations must be arranged parallel to the magnetic field, so that they
cut across the eddy current paths. This arrangement reduces the strength of the
eddy currents.
7. Applications of eddy currents:-
(i) Magnetic braking in trains: (ii) Electromagnetic damping:
(iii) Induction furnace: (iv) Electric power meters:
8. Self-Induction:- “When the current in a coil is changed, a back emf is induced in the
coil that opposes the change in the current. This phenomenon is known as self
induction or electrical inertia.”
9. Self-Inductance L :- This quantity is the measure of self-induction of a coil. It is a
scalar quantity. SI unit of this quantity is Henry and the dimension is [ML 2T-2A-2].
This quantity is also known as ‘coefficient of self-induction’.
Self-inductance of a coil is defined numerically equal to, “the back emf induced in
the coil when the current flowing through its turns changes at the rate of 1 A/s.”
OR “the magnetic flux linked with the coil when the current flowing through its
turns is unity.”

The formula for the self-inductance of any coil is L   I or L 
10. Self-inductance of a long solenoid is, L= μr μ0 n2 A
11. Mutual-Induction:- “When two coils are placed nearby and the current in one coil is
changed, an emf is induced in the neighbouring coil due to the change in magnetic
flux linked with it. This phenomenon is known as mutual induction.”
12. Mutual-Inductance M12:- the mutual induction between two coils is given
mathematically by quantity ‘Mutual-Inductance’ or ‘coefficient of mutual induction’.
Mutual inductance of two coils is defined as the “Magnetic flux linked with one
coil due to the unit amonut of current flowing in the neighbouring coil”. OR “the
back emf induced in one coil due the unit rate of change of current in the
 2
neighbouring coil”. M 12  2 or M 12 
I1 dI1
Mutual-Inductance of two coils depends on the linkage of magnetic field lines
between them apart from other factors. If the magnetic fields lines of one coil are
completely linked with the neighbouring coil then they are called perfectly
For two perfectly coupled co-axial solenoids, mutual-inductance is given by
M12 = μ0 n1 n2 πr2 l where r is the radius of inner coil.

19 | P a g e
M12 = √³L1L2´ where L1 and L2 are the self-inductances of the two coils.

13. The magnetic energy stored in a current carrying solenoid:- U = ½ LI2

14. Principle of AC Generator:- Electromagnetic induction i.e. when a coil is rotated
about its axis perpendicular the direction of a uniform magnetic field across it then
an induced emf is produced in it.

15. Alternating emf and alternating current:- The emf/ current whose polarity/
direction reverses after a regular interval of time periods is called an alternating
emf/ alternating current. The alternating emf / alternating current produced by an
a.c. generator is a sinusoidally varying alternating emf/ current.
The instantaneous magnetic flux associated with coil is   NBA cos(t   ) or
  NBA sin(t   )
The instantaneous emf and instantaneous current is e = E0 sin (ɷt+ϕ) or e = E0
cos (ɷt+ϕ)
I = I0 sin (ɷt+ϕ) or i = I0 cos (ɷt+ϕ)
The peak value or amplitude of the emf/ current is, E0 = NBA and I 0 =
NBA / R
16. The average value of alternating emf / alternating current is ‘zero’ for full cycle.
17. The average value of alternating emf / alternating current for the ‘half’ cycle is
2V0 2I
or 0
 
18. RMS value / Effective value / Virtual value of the alternating current:- It is the value
of alternating emf/ current that is measured by a.c. metres which are based on
heating effect of current.
RMS value of the current is numerically equal to that value of constant (D.C.)
current which when flows through a resistor for a certain time period produces
the same amount of heat as is produced by the alternating current in the same
time period for same resistor. Irms = Io/√2 = 0.707 I0 and Erms = Eo/√2 = 0.707 E0

19. Phase difference between the alternating current and alternating voltage:-
The potential difference across resistor remains in phase with the alternating
The potential difference across inductor leads the alternating current with a
phase angle π/2.
20 | P a g e
The potential difference across capacitor lags behind the alternating current by a
phase angle π/2.

(a) Phasor diagram and a wave diagram for a resistor v =Vm sin ɷt1 and i = Im sin ɷt1

(b) Phasor diagram and a wave diagram for a inductor v =Vm sin ɷt1 and i = Im sin

(c) Phasor diagram and a wave diagram for a capacitor v =Vm sin ɷt1 and i = Im sin

20. L-C-R series circuit:-

21. Impedance and reactance:- “The obstruction offered by the pure inductance or pure
capacitance to the flow of a.c. which is frequency dependent and has the dimension
of resistance but is not a source of power dissipation is called reactance.”

21 | P a g e
“The obstruction offered by a circuit to the flow of a.c. that comprises of a
frequency dependent component as well as frequency independent component
is called impedance of the circuit. It has a dimension of resistance.”
The SI unit of reactance and impedance is Ω.
Reactance of an Inductor (or Inductive Reactance) X L = ɷL
Reactance of a Capacitor (or Capacitive Reactance) XC =1/ɷC
Impedance of a series L-C-R circuit Z = √{(XL – XC)2 + R2} and voltage V =√{(VL –
VC)2 + VR2}
22. Phasor diagram for a series L-C-R circuit with an a.c. source:-

23. Phase difference between voltage and current for a series L-C-R circuit:-
 X  XC  1  V  VC 
When the source frequency f > fr   tan 1  L  or   tan  L 
 R   VR 
 X  XL  1  V  V L

When the source frequency f<fr   tan 1  C  or   tan  C 
 R   VR 
24. Graphs of Reactance Vs frequency and Impedance Vs frequency for a.c. circuits:-

25. Graph of current Vs frequency for a series L-C-R circuit:-

22 | P a g e
26. Resonance in a series L-C-R circuit:-
“The a.c. current flowing in the series L-C-R circuit is maximum for a certain
frequency of the a.c. source when the impedance of the circuit is minimum. This
phenomenon is called resonance. And the corresponding frequency when the
impedance is minimum is called the resonance frequency.”

27. The resonance frequency is:- At resonance XL = XC

1 1
Angular resonance frequency  r  and resonance frequency f r 
LC 2 LC
28. Quality factor of series L-C-R circuit:- The mathematical factor that is measure the
sharpness of resonance of L-C-R circuit is called the quality factor of the series L-C-R
circuit. The Q-factor of L-C-R circuit is defined as “the ratio of voltage drop across
inductor (or capacitor) to the voltage drop resistor at resonance.” OR “the ratio of
resonance frequency to the frequency band width of the resonant curve.”
1 L   L
Q= = r = r
R C 2  R
29. Power dissipation in a.c. circuit:-
The average power dissipation in a.c. circuit depends upon the phase difference
between current and voltage.
For pure inductive or capacitive circuit, where the phase difference between
current and voltage is π/2, the average power dissipation is zero as for one half
of the cycle the electrical energy is transformed into magnetic/ electrostatic
energy and in the next half cycle the magnetic energy/ electrostatic energy is
retransformed into electrical energy.
The power dissipation in an a.c. circuit is <P> = E rmsIrms cosϕ
The factor ‘cosϕ’ is called power factor. cos 
The power factor is maximum at resonance and is zero for pure capacitive or
pure inductive circuit.
30. Watt-less current:- the component of current phasor that is at π/2 phase difference
with the voltage is called watt-less current as it is not source of any power
The watt-less current is given by expression Irmscos ϕ
31. LC oscillations:-
A circuit consisting of an inductance L and a capacitor C in parallel is called an LC
resonant or tank circuit. In this circuit if the capacitance is charged initially and
the source is then removed, then electrostatic energy of capacitor q 02/2C is
converted into magnetic energy of inductor LI 2 and vice versa periodically.
Such oscillations of energy are called LC oscillations and form the basis of the
1 1
oscillators. The frequency of oscillations is given by   , f 
LC 2 LC

23 | P a g e
32. Transformer:- It is a device used for converting low alternating voltage at high
current into high voltage at low current and vice-versa.
Principle: It works on the principle of mutual induction i.e. if two coils are
inductively coupled and when current or magnetic flux is changed through one
of the two coils, then induced emf is produced in the other coil.

Transformers are of two types:-

1. Step – up transformer The transformer having more number of turns
in the secondary coil than primary coil (i.e. NS > NP) and used to convert low
voltage at high current to high voltage at low current.
2. Step – down transformer The transformer having more number of turns in the
primary coil than secondary coil (i.e. NS < NP) and used to convert high voltage at
low current to low voltage at high current.
Transformation Ratio:-
“The output to input voltage ratio of transformer is equal to the ratio of no. of
turns in the secondary to the primary of transformer. This ratio is called the
transformation ratio of the of the transformer.”
vS N S
vP N P
vI P
Efficiency of Transformer:- η = s s  0
v p I p Pi
100% efficient transformer is called an ideal transformer as there is no energy
loss in this transformer
For an ideal transformer;-
a) The windings of transformer should have no resistance.
b) The output of transformer should be in open circuit.
c) There should be no flux leakage.
d) There should be no hysteresis loss or any other loss.
The various sources of energy loss in transformer are:- Flux losses, Copper
losses, Iron losses, Hysteresis losses

Important Questions for board exam

1. What is the phase difference between the voltage across the inductor and a capacitor
in an a.c. circuit?
2. Name the phenomenon associated with the production of back emf in a coil due to
change of electric current through the coil itself. Name and define SI unit used for
measuring the characteristic of the coil.

24 | P a g e
3. The frequency of AC is being in a circuit containing a bulb & a capacitor in series is
increased . How will the brightness of the bulb is affected ?
4. Why does a metallic piece become very hot when it is surrounded by a coil carrying
high frequency alternating current?
5. A choke and a bulb are in series to a ac source. The bulb shines brightly. How does its
brightness change when an iron core is inserted inside the choke coil?
6. What are eddy current? How they are minimized? Explain two application of eddy
7. Explain why a capacitor blocks dc whereas an inductor bypasses it.
8. A wire rotating in a magnetic field. Write the expression for the instantaneous value
of the emf induced in the rotating loop.

9. A plot of magnetic flux ( φ ) versus current (I) is shown in the figure for two inductors
A and B. Which of the two has larger value of self inductance?

10. A coil Q is connected to low voltage bulb B and placed near another coil P as shown in
the figure.
Give reasons to explain the following observations:

(a) The bulb ‘B’ lights.

(b) Bulb gets dimmer if the coil Q is moved towards left
11. Prove that an ideal capacitor in an A.C circuit does not dissipate power.
12. What is power factor? Show the variation of inductive reactance with frequency, also
give the condition of resonance in LCR-series circuit.
13. Two concentric circular coils, one of small radius r1 and the other of large radius r2,
such that r1 << r2, are placed co-axial with centers coinciding. Obtain the mutual
inductance of the arrangement.
14. Explain Quality factor. Draw the graph between current and frequency for different
resistances. Also compare their Quality factor.
16. (a) Determine the source frequency which drives the circuit in resonance.(b) Obtain
the impedance of the circuit and the amplitude of current at the resonating frequency.
(c) Determine the rms potential drops across the three elements of the circuit. (d)
How do you explain the observation that the algebraic sum of the voltages across the
three elements obtained in (c) is greater than the supplied voltage?
15. Three students X, Y, and Z performed an
experiment for studying the variation of alternating
currents with angular frequency in a series LCR

25 | P a g e
circuit and obtained the graphs shown below. They all used a.c. sources of the same r.
m. s. value and inductances of the same value. What can we (qualitatively) conclude
about the (i) Capacitance Value?
(ii) Resistance values used by them? In which case will the quality factor be maximum?
What can we conclude about nature of the impedance of the set up at frequency wo?
16. A series LCR circuit is connected to an ac source having voltage V=V m sin ωt. Derive
the expression for the instantaneous current I and its phase relationship to the
applied voltage.
Obtain the condition for resonance to occur. Define ‘power factor’. State the
conditions under which it is (i) maximum and (ii) minimum.
17. Describe briefly, with the help of a labelled diagram, the basic elements of an A.C.
generator. State its underlying principle. Show diagrammatically how an alternating
emf is induced ?
18. A pure inductor is connected across AC source. Show mathematically that current in it
lags behind the applied emf by phase angle of π/2. What is the inductive reactance?
Draw the graph showing the variation of inductive reactance with frequency of AC
source? Show that no power is dissipated in an inductor when alternating current
passes through it.
19. Current in a circuit falls from 5.0 A to 0.0 A in 0.1 s. if an average emf of 200 V is
induced. Calculate the self induction of the circuit.
20. When a circuit element ‘X’ is connected across an a.c. source 200 2 volt, a current of
2 A flows through it and this current is in phase with the applied voltage. When
another element ‘Y’ is connected across the same a.c. source, the same current flows

in the circuit but it leads the voltage by radians.
(i) Name the circuit elements X and Y.
(ii) Find the current that flows in the circuit when the series combination of X and Y
is connected across the same a.c. voltage.
(iii) Plot a graph showing variation of the net impedance of this series combination of
X and Y as a function of the angular frequency  of the applied voltage.
21. How is the mutual inductance of a pair of coils affected when (i) separation between
the coils is increased? (ii) the number of turns of each coil is increased ? (iii) a thin
iron sheet is placed between the two coils, other factors remaining the same? Explain
your answer in each case.
1. Concept of displacement current
Displacement current is that current which appears in a region in which the electric
field (and hence electric flux) is changing with time.
dϕ d d q dq
Note- We have ID = ε0 dtE = ε0 dt (EA) = = ε0 dt (ε A) = = dt = I
2. Modified Ampere’s circuital Law

∮ B. dl = μ0 ( I + ε0 dtE
3. Electromagnetic Waves
We know, Maxwell’s equations in vacuum
dϕ dϕ
∮ E. dl = − dtB & ∮ B. dl = μ0 ε0 dtE

26 | P a g e
These equations leads to the conclusion that, either of the electric or magnetic fields
change with time, the other field is induced in space. The net result of these
interacting changing fields is the generation of electromagnetic disturbance, called
electromagnetic waves which travel with the speed of light.
4. Mathematical Expression of EM waves
𝑥 𝑡
E𝑦 = E0 sin 2𝜋( – )
𝜆 𝑇
𝑥 𝑡
𝐵𝑧 = 𝐵0 sin 2𝜋( – )
𝜆 𝑇

5. Properties of em waves
(i) E. M. waves are produced by accelerated charged particles.
(ii) E.M. waves do not require any medium for their propagation. These waves can
propagate in vacuum as well as in a medium. The velocity of em waves in a free space
is given by
v = c = μ ε = 3 X 108 m/s
√ 0 0
Velocity of em waves in a medium is given by
v= K
(iii) E.M. waves are transverse in nature i,e, E & B are perpendicular to each other as
well as perpendicular to the direction of
propagation of the wave. E & B are related as follows -
E0 E
= c or =c
B0 B
(iv) E.M. waves carry energy, which is shared equally by electric and magnetic fields.
The average energy density of an em wave is given by
u = uE + uB = 2 uE = 2 uB
1 1 E
Where uE = 2 ε 0 E 2 = ε
2 0
(Bc)2 [∵B= c]
1 1 1
= ε B2( )2 [∵c = ]
2 0 √μ 0 ε 0 √μ0 ε0

⇨ uE = 2μ = uB

F 1 dp
(v) E.M. waves carry momentum & exert a radiation pressure P= = &
A A dt
momentum p = c

(vi) E.M. waves transport energy. The rate of energy of em wave transported per unit
area is represented by a quantity called Pointing vector (S) and is given by
S = μ (E X B)
(Vii) Electric vector of an em wave is responsible for optical effects, as E0 >> B0.
(viii) Intensity of an em wave is given by
1 Bc
I = 2 c ε0 E = 2μ0

27 | P a g e
N Type of Properties Uses
. radiation
0 γ − rays (i) have highest penetrating power, but very small (i) used in treatment of cancer & tumor
1 ionizing power (ii) used in study of atomic nuclei
(ii) affect photographic plate (iii) used in manufacturing of polyethylene
(iii) not deflected by electric & magnetic fields from ethylene
(iv) produce heating effect (iv) used in detecting flaws in metal castings
(v) used in nuclear reactions
0 X − rays (i) ionize the gas through which they pass (i) used in detecting fractures in bones
2 (ii) affect photographic plate very intensely (ii) used in detecting faults,cracks,haws &
(iii) not deflected by electric & magnetic fields holes in metal sheets
(iv) produce injurious effect on human body (iii) used in studying crystal structure
(iv) used in radiotherapy
(v) used in detecting pearls,oysters etc
(vi) used in detecting explosives etc

Ultraviolet (i) can cause ionisation & pramote chemical (i) used in checking mineral samples
3 Reaction (ii) used in destroying bacteria & sterilizing
Rays (ii) affect photographic plate surgical instruments
(iii) cause fluorescence in certain materials (iii) used in preserving food stuff
(iv) when allowed to fall on metals can cause (iv) used to check forged documents in the
emission of electrons forensic labs
(v) cause skin cancer when exposed to them (v) used in studying arrangement of
electrons in outermost cell
(vi) in study of molecular structure
0 Visible (i) shows the phenomenon of (i) it produce the sense of vision
4 reflection, refraction (ii) it provides the information about the
Light (ii) (ii)shows the phenomenon of world
interference, diffraction,
polarization etc.
0 Infrared (i) affect photographic plate (i) used in treating muscular strain
5 (ii) absorbed by most of the materials (ii) used in producing dehydrated fruits
Rays (iii) raise the temperature of the object on (iii) used in photography during fog, rain or
which they fall Smoke
(iv) produce intensive heating effect (iv) used in cooking, heating & drying
(v) used in green house effect
(vi) used in solar cell, solar water heater &
solar cooker
(vii) used in checking of purity of chemicals
(viii) used in revealing of secret writings on
ancient walls
(ix) used in remote control of T.V.& V.C.D.
0 Microwaves (i) produce heat when absorbed by matter (i) used in radar system for aircraft
6 (ii) obeys laws of reflection & refraction navigation
(ii) used in detecting the speed of cricket
ball,tennis ball,speed of vehicles
(iii) used in cooking (microwave oven)
(iv) used in long distance communication
system via geostationary satellite
(v) used in study of atomic & molecular
0 Radiowaves Obeys laws of refraction & reflection (i) used in wireless communication
7 (ii) used in radio,T.V.& cellular phones

Properties of em waves
(i) E. M. waves are produced by accelerated charged particles.
(ii) E.M. waves do not require any medium for their propagation. These waves can
propagate in vacuum as well as in a medium.The velocity of em waves in a free space is
given by
v = c = μ ε = 3 X 108 m/s
√ 0 0
Velocity of em waves in a medium is given by

28 | P a g e
(iii) E.M. waves are transverse in nature i,e, E & B are perpendicular to each other as well
as perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the wave. E & B are related as follows -
E0 E
= c or B = c

Important Questions for board exam

1. Which part of electromagnetic spectrum has largest penetrating power? What is its
frequency range?
2. Write the following radiations in an ascending order in respect of their frequencies:
X-rays, microwaves, ultraviolet rays and radio waves.
3. When can a charge act as source of electromagnetic wave? How are the directions of
electric and magnetic fields vectors, in an electromagnetic wave, related to each other
and to the direction of propagation of the wave? Which physical quantity has the
same value for the waves belonging to the different parts of the electromagnetic
4. What is the ratio of speed of gamma rays and radio waves in air?
5. The velocity of propagation (in vacuum) and the frequency of (i) X-rays and (ii) Radio
waves are denoted by (vx , nx) and (vr , nr) respectively. How do the values of (i) vx
and vr (ii) nx and nr . Compare with each other?
6. Why are infrared radiations referred to as heat waves also? Name the radiations
which are next to these radiations in electromagnetic spectrum having (i) Shorter
wavelength. (ii) Longer wavelength.
7. Identify the radiation and give their one application (i) is used for studying crystal
structure. (ii) Produces intense heating effect.
8. Name the part of the electromagnetic spectrum of frequency 1010 Hz and mention its
on application. The oscillating electric field of electromagnetic wave is given by
Ey = 2 x 10-7 sin (1.5 x 1011t + 0.5 x 103x) N/C
(a) Obtain the value of wave length of electromagnetic wave.
(b) Write down the expression for the oscillating magnetic field.
9. The oscillating magnetic field in a plane EM wave is given by
By = 8 10 6 sin2 1010 t  300x  Tesla. (i) Calculate the amplitude of Electric field.
(ii) Write down the expression for the oscillating electric field.
10. Write the electromagnetic wave whose wavelength is 1nm to 10 -3 nm & write its one

 Reflection of light: - The bouncing of light back into the same medium from a surface is
called reflection of light.
 Laws of reflection: - i) Angle of incidence is equal to the angle of incidence.
ii) The incidence ray, the reflected ray and normal to the surface at
the point of incidence all lie in the same plane.
 Types of spherical mirrors: Concave and Convex.

29 | P a g e
 The relation between object distance, image distance and the focal length of a mirror is
called mirror formula.
 The ratio of size of image to the size of object is called the magnification produced by
the mirror.

 Refraction of light: - The change in speed and direction of the ray of light in when it
travels from one transparent medium into another is called refraction of light.
 Laws of refraction:- i) The incident ray, the refracted ray and normal to the surface,
separating the two media, all lie in the same plane.
ii) Snell’s law: For two media, the ratio of sine of angle of incidence
to the sine of the angle of refraction is constant for a beam of light of particular
 The absolute Refractive index (n) of a medium is defined as the ratio of speed of light in
vacuum to the speed of light in medium.
 The refractive index of a medium (2) with respect to any other medium (1) is defined
as the ratio of speed of light in medium (1) to the speed of light in medium (2).
real depth
 Refractive index (n) = apparent depth
 Phenomenon associated with the refraction of light through atmosphere:-
 The sun is visible a little before the actual sunrise and until a little after the actual
sunset due to refraction of light through the atmosphere.
 The apparent flattening of the sun at sunset and sunrise is also due to refraction of light
through the atmosphere.
 Principle of reversibility of light: - If a ray of light, undergoing reflection and refraction,
is reflected at 180°, it travels back along the same path in the opposite direction.
 Critical angle (C): - The angle of incidence in denser medium for which the angle of
refraction in rarer medium is 90° is called the critical angle.
 Total internal reflection: - When angle of incidence of the ray incident on rarer medium
from denser medium is greater than the critical angle, the incident ray does not refract
into rarer medium but is reflected back into denser medium. This phenomenon is
called total internal reflection.

30 | P a g e
. At a particular angle of incident the angle of refraction become 90 & the light is refracted
along the boundary between the materials this angle of incident is called critical angle

sin i c 1 1
 Hence sin i c 
sin 90  ag 

 Applications of Total internal reflection:

 Totally reflecting prisms: An isosceles right angled prism can be used to reflect the
light at 90° and 180°. These prisms are also called porro prisms.
 Formation of mirage.
 Optical fibers: The optical fibers consist of thousands of strands of fine quality glass or
quartz of refractive index about 1.7. Thickness of a strand is 10−6 cm. The strands are
coated with a layer of same material of lower refractive index (1.5). It works on the
principle of total internal reflection.
 Brilliance in diamonds: - The refractive index of diamond is 2.47 and the critical angle
for diamond-air interface is 24.4° only. When diamond is cut so as to have large
number of faces, such that when a ray of light enters it, the light suffers multiple
internal reflections, producing brilliance in diamond.
 Thin lens formula: - The relation between object distance, image distance and the focal
length of a lens is called thin lens formula.
1 1 1
 
f v u
 The ratio of size of image to the size of object is called the magnification produced by
I v f f v
the lens. m     
O u f u f
 The power (P) of a lens is its ability to deviate the rays towards its principal axis. It is
defined as the reciprocal of focal length in metres. Its S.I. unit is diopter (D).
 The relation between the focal length of a lens, refractive index of the material of lens
and radii of curvature of first & second refracting surfaces is called lens maker’s
1  1 1 
 (   1)   
f  R1 R 2 
 If two or more lenses are placed in contact, then the reciprocal of their equivalent focal
length is equal to the sum of reciprocals of focal lengths of the individual lenses.
 The resultant power of the combination of lenses is equal to the algebraic sum of
individual power of lenses.
 Refraction through a prism:-

31 | P a g e
 The angle between the directions of incident ray and the emergent ray is called angle of
deviation (δ).
 If the angle of incidence is changed, the angle of deviation also changes. For a
particular angle of incidence, the deviation is minimum and is called angle of minimum
deviation (𝛿𝑚 ).
sin (δm + Ð 𝐴)/2
sin Ð 𝐴/2
 Dispersion of light:-
 The splitting of white light into its constituent colours while passing through a
dispersive medium is called dispersion.
 Cause of dispersion: - Different colours of light suffer different refraction due to their
different wavelength. According to Cauchy’s formula, smaller the wavelength, greater
will be the refractive index. The refractive index of violet colour is greater than that of
red light.
 Prism causes deviation as well as dispersion.
 The violet colour gets deviated more and the red least in visible region.
 For small angled prisms, the difference between the angles of deviations of violet and
red colours is known as angular dispersion.
 The ratio of angular dispersion to the mean deviation is called dispersive power of the
 Scattering of light:-
 The light is scattered by air molecules. According to Lord Rayleigh, the intensity of light
for a given wavelength in the scattered light varies inversely as the fourth power of a
 Applications of scattering:
 The blue colour of sky: - As the wavelength of blue colour is less than that of red, blue
colour is scattered most and red least. So sky appears blue.
 Sun looks reddish at sunrise and sunset: - At the time of sunrise and sunset, light
travels maximum distance. So, blue colour is scattered most and red colour enters our
eyes. Hence, at sunrise & sunset, sun looks reddish.
 The clouds are generally white: - Large particles like dust and water droplets do not
scatter light according to Rayleigh criteria and all colours are scattered equally. Hence,
cloud appears white.

32 | P a g e
 Simple Microscope:- It is a converging lens of small focal length. The lens is held near
the object, one focal length less, and the eye is positioned close to the lens on the other
side to get an erect, magnified and virtual image of the object at least distance of
distinct vision ( 25cm ). It has a limited maximum magnification.
 Compound microscope:- It consists of objective lens and eye lens. The objective lens is
of small aperture and small focal length whereas the eye lens is of large aperture and
large focal length. The object is kept close to the objective lens. The image formed due
to the objective lens acts as the object for the eye lens. The object is kept in such a way
that the final image is formed at the least distance of distinct vision (D).
 The magnifying power (M) or angular magnification produced by a compound
microscope is defined as the ratio of the angle subtended by the final image at the eye
to the angle subtended by the object seen directly, when both are placed at the least
distance of distinct vision.
 The resolving power of microscope is the reciprocal of limit of resolution or separation
between two points such that the two points are distinct. The resolving power is
inversely proportional to the wavelength of light used.

𝑣𝑜 𝐷
 𝑀 = −𝑢 (1 + )
𝑜 𝑓𝑒
 𝑀𝑒 = − 𝑓 (1 + 𝑓𝑒
 Astronomical telescope:- In this, the objective lens has large aperture and focal length
and eye lens has small one.
 In normal adjustment (or far point adjustment), the final image is formed at infinity.
 The magnifying power of a telescope in normal adjustment is defined as the ratio of the
angle subtended by the image formed to that subtended by the object when both the
object and image lie at infinity. Its value is negative as the final image is inverted and
 In near point adjustment, the final image is formed at least distance of distinct vision
 The magnifying power of a telescope, when final image is formed at D, is defined as the
ratio of the angle subtended at the eye by the image formed at D to the angle subtended
by the object lying at infinity when seen directly.

33 | P a g e
 The resolving power of a telescope is defined as the reciprocal of angular limit of
resolution or angle subtended between two points such that they are distinct.
 The resolving power is inversely proportional to the wavelength of light used.

 Newtonian (reflecting type) telescope:- In this type of telescope, a concave mirror of
large aperture is used as objective instead of a convex lens.
 Wavefront: - It is defined as a surface of constant phase. These are three types:
 Spherical wavefront (obtained from point source).
 Cylindrical wavefront (obtained from linear source).
 Plane wavefront (obtained from very large source of light).
 Huygen’s Principle:-
1) Every point on a primary wavefront acts as a source of secondary wavelets. The
secondary wavelets send out disturbances in all directions just as the primary source
of light.
2) The new position of the secondary wavefronts is the envelope of the primary
 Coherent and incoherent sources of light: -
 Two sources giving light waves of same frequency and constant initial phase difference
are called coherent sources. For example, when two sources are produced from a
single source, the amplitude, wavelength of the sources is same and they are in
constant phase difference. By division of wavefront (example: Young’s double slit) or
amplitude (example: by successive reflections), coherent sources can be produced.
 The sources of light emitting waves with random phase difference are called
incoherent sources. For example, two independent bulbs emit light waves having
random phase difference.
 The phenomenon of redistribution of light energy in the medium due to superposition
of two light waves (from coherent sources) is called interference of light. It is based on
conservation of energy.

34 | P a g e
 Young’s double slit experiment: - In this experiment, light from a single source is split
into two components using two slits. At a distance D, a screen is placed on which the
interference pattern is obtained.
 Conditions for sustained interference:-
 The two sources of light should emit light continuously.
 The light waves should be of same wavelength (monochromatic).
 The light waves should be of same or comparable amplitude.
 The two waves must be in same phase or bear a constant phase difference.
 The two sources of light must lie close to each other.
 The two sources must be very narrow.
 In sustained interference, the positions of maximum and minimum brightness remain
 Condition for constructive interference: The phase difference between the two
interfering waves must be even multiple of π or path difference between them is
integral multiple of λ.
 Condition for destructive interference: The phase difference between the two
interfering waves must be odd multiple of π or path difference between them is odd
multiple of λ/2.
 Fringe width (β):- The distance between any two consecutive bright fringes or any two
consecutive dark fringes is called the fringe width.
 In an interference pattern, all the maxima have same intensity.
 When white light is used to illuminate the slit, we obtain an interference pattern
consisting of a central white fringe having on both sides symmetrically a few coloured
fringes and then uniform illumination.
 The phenomenon of bending of light around the sharp corners of the obstacle and
spreading into the regions of geometrical shadow is called diffraction.
 For diffraction of light to take place, the size of obstacle must be of the same order as
that of incident light.
 Young’s single slit experiment: - When a monochromatic light is made incident on a
single slit, we get diffraction pattern on a screen placed behind the slit. The diffraction
pattern contains bright and dark bands. The intensity of central band is maximum and
goes on decreasing on both sides.
 The condition for the central maximum is that the path difference between the waves
starting from edges of the slit and arriving at a central point on the screen must be
equal to zero.
 The general condition for the secondary minima is that the path difference between the
waves arriving at a point on the screen from the edges of the slit should be equal to λ.
 The general condition for the secondary maxima is that the path difference between
the waves arriving at a point on the screen from the edges of the slit should be equal to
35 | P a g e
 The width of central maximum is the separation between the first minimum on either
 The phenomenon of restricting the oscillations of a light wave (electric vector) in a
particular direction is called polarization of light.
 Only transverse waves can be polarized.
 Unpolarised light: - The light having vibrations of electric field vector in all possible
directions perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation is called the ordinary or
unpolarised light.
 Plane or linearly polarized light: - The light having vibrations of electric field vector in
only one direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation of light is called plane
or linearly polarized light.
 The plane containing the direction of vibration and the direction of wave propagation
is called the plane of vibration. The plane passing through the direction of wave
propagation and perpendicular to the plane of vibration is called the plane of
polarization. No vibrations occur in the plane of polarization.
 Polarization by reflection: - If unpolarised light falls on a transparent surface of
refractive index (n) at a certain angle θ p , called polarizing angle, then reflected light is
plane polarized.
 Brewster’s law: - The tangent of the polarizing angle of incidence of a transparent
medium is equal to its refractive index. i.e., n = tan θp
Under this condition, the reflected and refracted rays are mutually perpendicular.
 Polarisation by scattering: - If we look at the blue portion of the sky through a Polaroid
and rotate the Polaroid, the transmitted light shows rise and fall of intensity. This
shows that the light from the blue portion of the sky is plane polarized. This is because
sunlight gets scatted when encounters the molecules of the atmosphere. The scattered
light seen in a direction perpendicular to the direction of incidence is found to be plane
 Malus law: - It states that, if polarized light is passed through an analyser, the intensity
of light transmitted is directly proportional to cos 2θ, where θ is the angle between
planes of transmission of polarizer and analyser.
 Polaroid is a device to produce and detect plane polarized light.

Important Questions for board exam

1. Light waves can be polarized while sound waves cannot be, why?
2. Write the two differences between interference and diffraction.
3. In which direction relative to the normal, does a ray bend, when it enters obliquely a
medium in which its speed is increased?
4. Explain refraction of wave front using Huygens's Principle.
5. Draw a labelled ray diagram of a reflecting type telescope. Write its any two
advantage over refracting type telescope.
6. Sate Mauls law and draw a graph showing the variation of intensity of polarized light
transmitted by an analyzer. A polarizer and an analyzer are so oriented that intensity
36 | P a g e
of transmitted light is maximum. If the analyzer is rotated through 60 0, what fraction
of the maximum light is transmitted?
7. In Young’s double slit experiment if the distance between two slits is halved and
distance between the slits and the screen is doubled , then what will be the effect on
fringe width
8. Draw a labeled ray diagram showing the formation of image by a compound
microscope. State the expression for its magnifying power.
9. (i)Derive the mirror formula which gives the relation between f, v and u.
(ii) A convex lens of refractive index n1 is held in a medium of refractive index n2.
Trace the path of refracted rays of a parallel beam of light incident on the lens when
(i) n2>n1 (ii) n2<n1 and (iii) ) n2=n1
10. State two conditions for two light sources to be coherent. Derive a mathematical
expression for fringe width in Young’s Double Slit Experiment?
11. What is diffraction of light? Derive an expression for the width of the central maxima
due diffraction of light at a single slit. How would the diffraction pattern of a single slit
be affected when: (i) the width of the slit is decreased? (ii) on increasing the
wavelength of light used.
12. What is interference of light? Write two essential conditions for sustained
interference pattern to be produced on the screen. What is the effect on interference
pattern in Young’s double slit experiment, (i) when the whole apparatus is immersed
in water, (ii) screen is moved closer to the plane of slits, (iii) Separation between two
slits is increased?
Draw a graph showing the variation of intensity versus the position on the screen in
Young’s double slit experiment, when (a) Both the slits are opened and (b) One of the
slits is closed.
13. State reasons to explain these observations- (a) The bluish colour predominates in
clear sky. (b) Violet color is seen at the bottom of the spectrum when white light is
dispersed by a prism.
14. What is an unpolarized light and polarized light ? Under what condition does a beam
of light reflected by a transparent medium become plane polarized? Use this
condition to establish a relation between the angle of incidence and the refractive
index of the transparent medium.
15. What is meant by ‘normal adjustment’ of an astronomical telescope? Trace the path of
rays from a distant object through a refracting astronomical telescope in normal
adjustment. Derive an expression for its magnifying power and length of tube in this
16. With the help of Huygens principle explain laws of refraction. Draw refracted
wavefront when a plane wavefront incident on a concave mirror.
17. Draw the graph showing the variation of angle of deviation with angle of incidence for
a monochromatic ray of light passing through a prism of angle A. Deduce an
expression for its refractive index in terms angle of minimum deviation and angle of
(a) A right angled isosceles glass prism is made from glass of refractive index 1.5.
Show that a ray of light incident normally on: (i) One of the equal sides of this prism is
deviated through 900 (ii) The hypotenuse of this prism is deviated through 180 0.
18. Draw the ray diagram of compound microscope in normal adjustment and hence find
the magnifying power of it in normal adjustment. How does its magnifying power and

37 | P a g e
resolving power change on (i) increasing the focal lengths of the two lenses (ii) using
the light of higher wavelength
19. Explain total internal reflection. Obtain the expression for the critical angle.
20. A spherical surface, of radius of curvature R, and of refractive index µ 2, is placed in a
medium of refractive index µ1 where µ1 < µ2. The surface produces a real image of an
object kept in front of it. Using appropriate assumptions and sign conventions, derive
a relationship between the object distance, image distance, R, µ 1 and µ2. Under what
conditions this surface diverges a ray incident on it?
21. For the same angle of incidence the angle of refraction in three different media A, B
and C are 15º, 25º and 35º respectively. In which medium the velocity of light is
22. A convex lens has power 10D. It is immersed in a liquid, then it behaves as concave
lens having focal length 50 cm. Find refractive index of the liquid (given  ga  1.5 )
23. Two lenses of power 10 D and -5D are placed in contact.
(a) Calculate the power of lens combination.
(b) Where should an object is held from the lenses, so as to obtain a virtual image of
magnification 2.
24. Two polaroids are used to study polarisation. One of them (the polariser) is kept fixed
and the other (the analyser) is initially kept with its axis parallel to the polariser. The
o o o
analyser is then rotated through angles of 45 , 90 and 180 in turn. How would the
intensity of light coming out of analyser be affected for these angles of rotation, as
compared to the initial intensity and why?
25. Light of wavelength 500nm falls, from a distant source, on a slit 0.5mm wide. Find
the distance between the two dark bands, on either side of the central bright band of
the diffraction pattern observed, on a screen placed 2m from the slits.


Work function-The minimum amount of energy required by an electron to just escape
from the metal surface is known as work function of the metal.
One Electron Volt (1eV)-It is the kinetic energy gained by an electron when it is
accelerated through a potential difference of 1 volt. 1𝑒𝑉 = 1.6 × 10−19 𝐽

Photon-According to Planck's quantum theory of radiation, an electromagnetic wave

travels in the form of discrete packets of energy called quanta. One quantum of
light radiation is called a photon.
The main features of photons are as follows:-
(i) A photon travels with the speed of light.
(ii) The rest mass of a photon is zero i.e., a photon cannot exist at rest.
(iii) Energy of a photon, E = hv
(iv) Momentum of a photon, p =mc
Photoelectric Effect: -The phenomenon of emission of electrons from a metallic surface
when light of appropriate frequency (above threshold frequency) is incident on it,
known as photoelectric effect.
 It,s experiment was performed by Heinrich Hertz.
 It was explained by Einstein and he also got Nobel Prize for this .
38 | P a g e
Factors which Effect Photoelectric current:-
(i) Effect of potential on photoelectric current: It is can be shown in fig. potential v/s
photoelectric current.

(ii) Effect of intensity of incident radiations on photoelectric current: Keeping frequency

of radiations as constant.

(iii) Effect of frequency of the incident radiations on stopping potential: For constant
intensity.[CBSE F 2011]

 The stopping potential Vo depends on(i) The frequency of incident light and (ii) the
nature of emitter material. For a given frequency of incident light, the stopping
potential is independent of its intensity. eVo =(1/2)m vmax
 Kmax

 From this graph between frequency ν, stopping potential Plank's constant (h) can be

39 | P a g e
 Law of Photoelectric effect-

De-Broglie Hypothesis-
According to de Broglie, every moving particle is associated with a wave which controls
the particle in every respect. The wave associated with a particle is called matter wave
h h
or de Broglie wave. λ = p = mv
This is known as de-Broglie equation.
h h
de-Broglie wavelength of an electron of kinetic energy K- λ= ⇒λ=
√2mqV √2mE
Davisson and Germer experiment-
This experiment proves the existence of de-Broglie waves. It establishes the wave
nature of electron particle.
Important Questions for board exam

1. With that purpose was famous Davisson-Germer experiment with electrons

2. Write Einstein photoelectric equation and use it to explain:
(i) Independence of maximum energy of emitted photoelectrons from intensity of
incident light,
(ii) Existence of threshold frequency for emission of photoelectrons
3. Show graphically how the stopping potential for a given photosensitive surface varies
with the frequency of incident light.
4. What is the effect on the velocity of the emitted photoelectrons if the wavelength of
the incident light is decreased?
5. Define the terms threshold frequency and stopping potential in relation to the
phenomenon of photoelectric effect. How is the photoelectric current affected on
increasing the (i) frequency (ii) intensity of the incident radiations and why?
6. Plot a graph showing the variation of stopping potential with the frequency of
incident radiation for two different photosensitive materials having work functions

40 | P a g e
W1 and W2 (W1  W2 ) .On what factors does the (i) slope and (ii) intercept of the lines
7. Use Einstein’s photo electric equation to show that there must exist a threshold
frequency for each photo sensitive surface. Radiations of frequencies ν 1 and ν2 are
made to fall, in turn, on a photo sensitive surface. The stopping potentials required for
stopping the most energetic emitted photoelectrons in the two cases are V1 and V2
respectively. Obtain a formula for calculating Planck’s constant and the threshold
frequency in terms of these parameters.
8. X-rays of wavelength 0.82Å fall on a metallic surface. Calculate the de-Broglie
wavelength of the emitted photoelectrons. Neglect the work function of the surface.
9. The following table gives the values of work function for a few photo sensitive metals
S.No. Metal Work Function (eV)
1. Na 1.92
2. K 2.15
3. Mo 4.17
If each of these metals is exposed to radiations of wavelength 300 nm, which of them
will not emit photo electrons and why?
10. By how much would the stopping potential for a given photosensitive surface go up if
the frequency of the incident radiations were to be increased from 4 x 10 15 Hz to 8 x
1015 Hz? Given h = 6.4 x 10-34 J-s, e = 1.6 x 10-19 C and c = 3 x 108 ms-1
11. An electron is accelerated through a potential difference of 144 volts. What is the de-
Broglie wavelength associated with it? To which part of the electromagnetic spectrum
does this wavelength correspond?
12. The work function of a metal is 2.50eV. When light of frequency 7*1014 Hz is incident
on the metal surface, photoemission of electrons occurs. Find the (a) maximum
kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectrons. (b) Stopping potential and (c) maximum
speed of the emitted photoelectrons?
13. Two metals A and B have work function 4 eV and 10 eV respectively, which metal has
the higher threshold wavelength?
14. Draw the graph showing the variation of photo current with anode potential for
(a) Same frequency but different intensities I3 > I2 > I1 of the incident radiation.
(b) Same intensity but different frequencies ν3 > ν 2 > ν 1 of the incident radiation.


1. Rutherford’s α-Particle scattering experiment (Geiger – Marsden experiment)
Scattering of α-particles by heavy nuclei is in accordance with coulomb’s law.
Rutherford observed that number of α-particles scattered is given by
N ∝ sin4 θ
2. Distance of closest approach : Estimation of size of nucleus
1 Ze X 2e
r0 = 4πε 1 2
0 2mv

3. Impact Parameter (b)

Ze2 cotθ⁄2
b= 1
4πε0 ( m u2)
4. Bohr’s atomic model

41 | P a g e
(4π ε0)n2h2 2π Ze2
Radius of orbit r = Frequency v=
4π2 m Ze2 (4π ε0)n h
2π Ze2 c c 2π Ze2 1
v = (4π ε0 )c h
Xn= αn Where α = (4π ε0)c h
= 137 is called fine structure

5. Energy of electron
m Z2 e4 1 Z2 Rch m e4
En = − (n2) En = − R = 8ε2 ch3 = 1.097 X 107
8ε20 h2 n2 0
m-1 and is called Rydberg constant.
13.6 1 1
En = − n2 eV ν̅ = R [n 2 − ] where ν̅ is called
1 n2 2
wave number.
Short Cut Formula –

K.E. = - ( Total Energy )

P.E. = - 2 K.E.
6. Spectral Series of Hydrogen Atom

7. Energy level diagram for hydrogen atom

We know that for hydrogen atom, energy of an electron in nth orbit is given by
En = − n2 eV

8. Bohr’s quantisation condition of angular momentum

Let us consider the motion of an electron in a circular orbit of radius r around the
nucleus of the atom. According to de-Broglie hypothesis, this electron is also

42 | P a g e
associated with wave character. Hence a circular orbit can be taken to be a
stationary energy state only if it contains an integral number of de-Broglie
wavelengths i,e, we must have 2πr = nλ
h h h
But λ = mv 2πr = n mv mvr = n 2π, This is famous Bohr’s quantisation
condition for angular momentum.
9. Atomic Mass Unit (u)
One atomic mass unit is defined as 12th of the actual mass of c-12 atom.
1 1
1 u = 12 X mass of C-12 atom = 12 X 1.992678 X 10-26 kg = 1.66 X 10-27 kg.
10. Electron Volt (eV)
It is the energy acquired by an electron when it is accelerated through a
potential difference of 1 volt.
1 eV = 1.6 X 10-19 J & 1 MeV = 1.6 X 10-13 J
11. Relation Between amu & MeV We know, 1 u = 1.66 X 10-27 kg ≈ 931 MeV
12. Nuclear Density (ρ) = 2.3 X 1017 Kg/m3 obviously, nuclear density is independent of
mass number A.
13. Properties of nuclear Forces
(i) Nuclear forces are very short range attractive forces.
(ii) Nuclear forces are charge independent.
(iii) Nuclear forces are non-central forces.
(iv) Nuclear forces do not obey inverse square law.
14. Nuclear force as a separation between two nucleons

15. Potential energy of a pair of nucleons as a separation between two nucleons

16. Mass Defect (∆m) ∆m = [Z mp + (A – Z) Mn ] − MN

43 | P a g e
17. Binding Energy (B.E.) The binding energy of a nucleus may be defined as the energy
required to break up a nucleus in to its constituent protons and neutrons and to
separate them to such a large distance that they may not interact with each other. It
is equivalent energy of mass defect. i,e, B.E. = ∆m X c2
⇨ B.E. = [{Z mp + (A – Z) Mn} − MN ] x c2
18. Binding Energy per nucleon B.E. per nucleon = A
19. Binding Energy Curve

20. Imortance of binding energy curve

This curve can be used to explain the phenomenon of nuclear fission & fusion.
(i) Nuclear Fission- There is overall gain in the binding energy per nucleon,
when we move from heavy to medium range nuclei, hence release of energy.
This indicates that energy can be released when a heavy nucleus is broken in to
small fragments. This is called nuclear fission.
(ii) Nuclear Fusion - Similarly there is overall gain in the binding energy per
nucleon, when we move from lighter to medium range nuclei, hence release of
energy. This indicates that energy can be released when two or lighter nuclei
fuse together to form a heavy nucleus. This is called nuclear fusion.
21. Radioactivity -The phenomenon of spontaneous and continuous disintegration of
the nucleus of an atom of a heavy element on its own with the emission of certain
type of radiations is called radioactivity.
22. Radioactive decay - The spontaneous emission of radiation from a radioactive
element is called radioactive decay.
23. Decay Law - The number of nuclei disintegrating per second of a radioactive
sample at any instant is directly proportional to the number of undecayed nuclei
present in the sample at that instant. i,e,
∝ N
N = N0 e−λt
24. Half Life Period (T) - The time interval in which one –half of the radioactive nuclei
originally present in a radioactive sample disintegrate, is called half-life of that
radioactive substance. S.I. unit of half life is second.
25. Relation between decay constant (λ)& Half Life Period (T)
λ = T

44 | P a g e
26. Mean Life(τ) τ = 0.6931
27. Activity or Decay rate (R) R = − dt R = λ N R = R0 e−λt
28. Units of activity
(1) Becquerel (Bq)- One Becquerel is defined as the decay rate of one
disintegration per second. i,e, 1 Bq = 1 decay/sec
S.I. unit of activity is Becquerel.
(2) Curie (Ci) One curie is the decay rate of 3.7 X 1010 disintegration per second.
i,e, 1 Curie = 3.7 X 1010 decays/sec
(3) Rutherford (Rd) - One Rutherford is the decay rate of 106 disintegration per
second. i,e, 1 Rutherford = 106 decays/sec
Important Questions for board exam

1. Write characteristics of nuclear forces

2. (i) Define ‘activity’ of a radioactive material and write its S.I. unit.
(ii) Plot a graph showing variation of activity of a given radioactive sample with time.
(iii) The sequence of stepwise decay of a radioactive nucleus is
 
D  D1  D2
If the atomic number and mass number of D2 are 71 and 176 respectively, what are
their corresponding values for D?
3. What is the ratio of nuclear densities of two nuclei having mass numbers in the ratio
1: 4 .
4. Draw the graph showing the variation of binding energy per nucleon with mass
number for different nuclei. Explain it. State with reason why light nuclei usually
undergo nuclear fusion?
5. State postulates of Bohr’s atomic model.
6. Explain, with the help of a nuclear reaction in each of the following cases, how the
neutron to proton ratio changes during (i) alpha-decay (ii) beta-decay?
7. Why is the mass of a nucleus always less than the sum of the masses of its
constituents, neutrons and protons? If the total number of neutrons and protons in a
nuclear reaction is conserved, how is then the energy absorbed or evolved in the
reaction? Explain.
8. Define the terms decay constant and half-life of a radioactive sample. Write the
relation between them.
9. Find energy (E) value in given equations also find that reactions are exothermic or
endothermic. 1 H  1 H 1 H  1 H  E
1 3 2 2

Given M H  1.00782u, M 12 H   2.01410u M 13 H   3.01604u

10. Obtain the binding energy (in MeV) of a nitrogen nucleus given m(7N14) = 14.00307
u, mp = 1.007825 u, mn = 1.008665 u.
11. (i) State Bohr’s postulate for the ‘permitted orbits’ for the electron in a hydrogen
atom. (ii) The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV. If an electron makes
a transition from an energy level -0.85 eV to -3.4 eV calculate the wavelength of
spectral line emitted. To which series of hydrogen spectrum does this wavelength
12. A heavy nucleus X of mass number 240 and binding energy per nucleon 7.6 MeV is
split into fragments Y and Z of mass numbers 110 and 130. The binding energy of
45 | P a g e
nucleons in Y and Z is 8.5MeV per nucleon. Calculate the energy Q released per fission
in MeV.
13. What is the ratio of the radii of two nuclei of mass number 27 & 8 ?
14. Define disintegration constant and mean life of a radioactive substance and how they
are related to each other.
15. State decay law and Derive expression for it.
16. By using Bohr's postulates of atomic model derive mathematical expressions for
(i) Kinetic energy and (ii) potential energy (iii) total energy of an electron revolving in
an orbit of radius r.


Distinguish among conductors ,semiconductors and insulators

P N junction:- Process at the time of junction formation, the free electrons from n-
type semiconductor and holes from p-type semiconductor diffuse into each other
and their recombination creates a depletion region (of few μm thickness). It results
in development of a potential barrier VB. Potential barrier depends on the material
of semiconductor. The barrier potential sets up a field across the junction directed
from n-type to p-type semiconductor. Under the influence of this field, minority
charge carriers drift across the junction in a direction opposite to the direction of
diffusion current till the two currents equalize and equilibrium is reached. This
whole process is complete as soon as the junction is formed.
I-V characteristics of a p-n junction diode:- The graphs plotted to show the variation of
current flowing through the junction Vs the Potential difference applied are
known as I-V characteristics of junction diode.
(a) Forward characteristics of p-n junction diode:-

46 | P a g e
(a) Circuit diagram to draw the forward characteristics (b) Forward I-V
characteristics of Junction diode
(a) Reverse characteristics of p-n junction diode:-

(a) Circuit diagram to draw the reverse characteristics (b) Reverse I-V
characteristics of Junction diode
Junction diode as a rectifier:- Rectifier is the electronic circuit which convert AC voltage
into DC voltage.
The working of a rectifier is based on the principle that a junction diode allows
current to pass only when it is forward biased.
The rectifier circuit is basically of two different types-
(a) Half wave rectifier (b) Full wave rectifier
(a) Half wave rectifier:-

(b) Full wave rectifier:-

47 | P a g e
Zener diode:- Zener diode is a special purpose junction diode designed to operated
under reverse bias in reverse breakdown voltage. It is used as a voltage regulator for.

Junction Transistor:-
Common emitter transistor characteristics:- When a transistor is used in CE
configuration, the input is between the base and the emitter and the output is
between the collector and the emitter.
Input Characteristics:- The variation of the base current IB with the base-emitter
voltage VBE at constant output voltage VCE is called the input characteristic.
Output Characteristics:- The variation of the collector current IC with the collector-
emitter voltage VCE at constant input current IB is called the output characteristic.

Circuit diagram to draw the n-p-n transistor characteristics in CE configuration

48 | P a g e
Input Characteristic Output characteristics
Transistor as an amplifier in common emitter configuration:- An amplifier is an
electronic circuit that increases the amplitude of the ac voltage using dc energy.
For using the transistor as an amplifier we will use the active region of the Vo
versus Vi curve.
Phase reversal:- The slope of the linear part of the curve represents the rate of change of
the output with the input. It is negative because the output is VCC – ICRC.
That is why as input voltage of the CE amplifier increases its output voltage
decreases and the output is said to be out of phase with the input.
Voltage amplification by the amplifier is defined as AV = ΔVo/ΔVi
Where ΔVo and ΔVi are small changes in the output and input voltages.
If the VBB voltage has a fixed value corresponding to the mid-point of the active region,
the circuit will behave as a CE amplifier.

Logic Gates:- It is a digital circuit that follows certain logical relationship between one
or more than one input and the output are voltages which are always in two states
Basic Logic gates are
OR gate:- The output of OR gate is 1 if at least one of the inputs are at 1 state.

AND gate: - The output of AND gate is 1 only when all the inputs are at 1 state.

Important Questions for board exam

49 | P a g e
1. Draw circuit diagram of common emitter transistor to draw input and output
characteristic curve.
2. What is the principle of a rectifier? Explain the use of a p-n junction as a half wave
3. Draw the energy band diagram for p-type and n-type semiconductors.
4. Name the two processes take place during the formation of p –n junction. Explain
how the width of depletion layer in a p-n junction diode changes when the junction is
(i) forward biased (ii) reverse biased.
5. Explain how Zener diode is used as voltage regulator? Draw I -V characteristics. . How
does the doping concentration affect the (i) Width of the depletion layer? (ii) Junction
field in Zener diode?
6. How is a sample of an n-type semiconductor electrically neutral though it has an
excess of negative charge carriers?.
7. (a) Explain the formation of depletion layer and potential barrier in a p-n junction.
(b) In the figure given below, the input waveform is converted into the output
waveform by a device ‘X’. Name the device and draw its circuit diagram.

(c) Identify the logic gate represented by the circuit as shown and writes its truth

8. For the digital circuit given below, write the truth table showing the outputs Y1, Y2
and Y3 for all possible inputs at A and B.

9. With the help of a labeled circuit diagram, explain how a pnp/npn transistor can be
used as an amplifier in the common emitter configuration? Show the input and output
wave forms. Hence define current-gain/voltage gain and power gain. Explain how the
input and output voltages are out of phase of 180º for this transistor amplifier?
10. Explain the use of p-n junction diode as a rectifier. Draw the circuit diagram for a full
wave rectifier and explain its working. Draw the input and output wave forms?

50 | P a g e
1. Basic terminology used in Communication:
• Signal: - Electrical form of message suitable for transmission and reception.
• Transducer: - A device which converts one form of energy into another form.
, Microphone, Loud speaker, Photo detector etc.
• Noise: - Unwanted signals that tend to disturb the transmission and
processing of message signals in a communication system.
• Attenuation: - The loss of strength of a signal while propagation
through a medium.
• Amplification: - It is the process of increasing the amplitude of a signal
using an electronic circuit.
• Bandwidth: - It refers to the range of frequencies over which equipment
operates or portion of the spectrum occupied by the signal.
• Transmitter: - The function of the transmitter is to transmit the
modulated signal.
• Receiver: - The function of the receiver is to receive the transmitted signal.
• Demodulator: - It separates the base band signal from the modulated wave.
• Repeater: - It receives the modulated wave and amplify it ,then retransmit
so as to increase the range of communication.
2. Block diagram of a generalized communication system.

3. Propagation of electromagnetic waves

• Ground wave:- The waves are of frequency range of 500 kHz-1510 kHz.
And propagate along the surface of the earth. As the wave glides along the
surface of the earth it induces charges on the surface and is attenuated as a
result of absorption of energy by the earth.
Drawbacks: -
1. Cannot be transmitted over long distances due to attenuation.
2. High frequencies cannot be transmitted due to increased attenuation.
• Sky wave: - This mode of communication is used for frequency range 30 to
40 MHz.
Long distance communication can be achieved by ionospheric reflection of radio
waves back towards the earth. The sky wave communication cannot be used for the

51 | P a g e
frequency more than 30 MHz because frequencies higher than 30 MHz penetrate the
ionosphere and escape.
• Space wave communication: - Communication along a straight line from
transmitting antenna to the receiving antenna. This is also called LOS
communication. Microwaves are used in this mode due to their directional
property. Total coverage distance, d = √(2RhH)+ √(2RhR)
For given value of transmitting and receiving antenna height, To have maximum
range the height of both antenna should be equal.

4. Necessity of modulation - Size of the antenna = λ or at least = λ/4

Before transmission λ should be small or high frequency i. e. there is need for
Effective power radiated by an antenna P α (l/λ)2
For effective radiation of power,λ should be small.
Mixing up of signals: - Due to overlapping / intermixing of signals will not be
able to distinguish between them.
5. Amplitude modulation: - If amplitude of carrier wave is changed in accordance with
the amplitude of base band signal (modulating signal) keeping the
frequency constant, the type of modulation is called amplitude modulation.

Block diagrams of the communication

52 | P a g e
Important Questions for board exam

1. Distinguish between analog signal and digital signal. Give one example of each.
2. What does the term LOS communication mean? Name the types of waves that are
used for this communication. Which of the two-height of transmitting antenna and
height of receiving antenna can affect the range over which this mode of
communication remains effective?
3. What is the amplitude modulation? With a diagram show the amplitude modulation.
and also draw a plot of the variation of amplitude versus ω for an amplitude
modulated wave.
4. Derive an expression for covering range of TV Transmission tower. The height of T.V
tower at a place is 400m. calculate the maximum range up to which signal can be
received and area of coverage? R = 6400km.
5. What is the necessity of modulation or audio signals cannot be transmitted directly.
Give reason.
6. Distinguish between ‘point to point’ and ‘broadcast’ communication modes. Give one
example of each.
7. (a) Draw the block diagram of a communication system.
(b) What is meant by ‘detection’ of a modulated carrier wave? Describe briefly the
essential steps for detection.
8. Explain the function of a repeater in a communication system.
9. What does the process of detection of an amplitude modulated wave mean? With the
help of a block diagram, discuss a simple method used for detecting the modulating
signal from an amplitude modulated wave.
10. Define the term ‘modulation index’ for an AM wave. What would be the modulation
index for an AM wave for which the maximum amplitude is ‘a’ while the minimum
amplitude is ‘b’?
11. Explain the following terms (a) Ground wave propagation (b) Space wave
propagation (c) Sky wave propagation
12. A message signal of frequency 10 kHz and peak voltage of 10 volts is used to
modulate a carrier frequency 1 MHz and peak voltage of 20 volts .
Determine (a) Modulation index. (b) the side bands produced .
13. A transmitting antenna at the top of a tower has a height32 m and the height of the
receiving antenna is 50 m. What is the maximum distance between them for
satisfactory communication in LOS mode? Given radius of earth 6.4 × 106 m.

53 | P a g e
UNIT VSA SA-I SA-II (3 Value LA (5 Total
(1 (2 Marks) Based (4 Marks)
Mark) Marks) Marks)
Physical world & 3(1)

Kinematics 2(1) 3(1) 5(1) 23

Laws of Motion 1(1) 2(1) 3(1) 4(1)

Work, Energy & Power 3(2)

Motion of system of 3(2)

particles & Rigid Body
Gravitation 2(1) 3(1) 17

Properties of Bulk Matter 1(2) 3(1) 5(1)

Thermodynamics 2(1) 3(1) 20

Behaviour of perfect gas 2(1) 3(1)

& Kinetic theory of Gases
Oscillations & Waves 1(2) 3(1) 5(1) 10

Total 5(5) 10(5) 36(12) 4(1) 15(3) 70(26)

Subject: PHYSICS
Class: - XI
Time allowed: 3 hours Marks: 70
General instructions:-
1. All questions are compulsory.
2. There are 26 questions in total. Questions 1 to 5 carry one marks each, question no. 6 to
10 carry two marks each, and question no. 11 to 22 carry three marks each, question no. 23
carry four marks & question no. 24 to 26 carry five marks each.
4. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one
question of two marks. One question of three marks and all three questions of five marks
each. You have to attempt only one of the given choices in such questions.
5. Use of calculators is not permitted. However, you may use log tables if necessary.
6. You may use the following values of physical constants whenever necessary.
Boltzmann’s constant K = 1.381 𝑋 10−23 J/K
Avogadro’s number NA = 6.022 𝑋 1023
Radius of Earth = 6400 𝑘𝑚
1 atmospheric pressure = 1.013𝑋 105
g = 9.8 𝑚/𝑠 2
R = 8.3 J/mol K
1. A tennis ball of mass m strikes the massive wall with velocity v and trace the same
path. Calculate the change in momentum.
2. How does young’s modulus of elasticity change with rise of temperature?
3. What is the value of surface tension of water at critical temperature?
4. A simple pendulum moves from one end to other end in ¼ sec. What is its frequency?
5. What are harmonics ?
6. A ball is thrown vertically upwards. Draw its - i) Velocity – time curve. ii)
Acceleration – time curve.
7. A 10 gram bullet is shot from a 5 kg gun with a velocity of 400 ms -1. What is the speed
of recoil of the gun?
Explain why:-
(a) A cricketer moves his hand backward while holding a catch. ?
(b) Passengers are thrown forward from their seats , when an speeding bus stops
8. State Kepler’s laws of planetary motion?
9. What are the limitations of the first law of thermodynamics ?
10. What will be the ratio of the root mean square speeds of the molecules of an ideal gas
at 270K and 30K?
11. (a) Write the number of significant figure in the following
(i) 0.00275Kg (ii) 20700 sec.
1 T
(b) Check by the method of dimensional analysis whether the relation V 
2l 2m
(Where V - Velocity, l -length, T – tension and m-mass per unit length ) is correct or
12. Draw velocity- time graph of uniformly accelerated motion in one dimension. From
the velocity – time graph of uniform accelerated motion, deduce the equation of
motion in distance and time?
13. Two masses m1 and m2 ( m1> m2) are connected by an inextensible and light string.
The string passes over a frictionless pulley. Calculate the acceleration of the masses
and tension in the string?
14. (a) What is the relation between kinetic energy & momentum?
(b) If momentum of a body is increased by 50%, then what will be the percentage
increase in kinetic energy of the body?
15. A body of mass M at rest is struck by a moving body of mass m . prove that the
fraction of the initial kinetic energy of mass transferred to the struck body is

Define elastic collision in one dimension & prove that the coefficient of restitution for
one dimensional elastic collision is equal to one?
16. Write the principle of conservation of angular momentum? A fly wheel is revolving
with a constant angular speed .A chip of its rim breaks and flies away. What will be
the effect on its angular speed? Justify your answer?
17. (i) Name the physical quantity corresponding to inertia in rotational motion. How is it
calculated? Give its units.
(ii)Find expression for kinetic energy of a rolling body.
18. Show that the gravitational potential at a point of distance r from the mass M is given
by , V= -GM/r
19. State & prove Newton’s laws of cooling. ?
20. Define adiabatic process. Derive an expression for work done by one mole of an ideal
gas during adiabatic process ?
21. Define the following terms :- (a) Degrees of freedom (b) Law of equipartition of
energy. (c) Mean free path.
22. The equation of a plane progressive wave is, 𝑦 = 10𝑆𝑖𝑛2𝜋 (𝑡 − 0.005𝑥 ) where y & x
are in cm & t in second. Calculate the amplitude, frequency, wavelength & velocity of
the wave?
23. Raju saw her grandmother trying to clean a carpet. She was feeling difficulty in lifting
the carpet . Raju helped his grandmother in cleaning the capet by beating it with a
(a) What are the values dispayed by Raju?
(b) Name the scientific principle involved in Raju’s action ?
(c) Give one such more example?
24. (a) State the triangle law of vector addition. Derive an expression for magnitude
and direction of resultant of the two vectors?
(b) Find the value of λ so that the vector 𝐴⃗ = 2𝑖̂ + λ 𝑗̂ + 𝑘̂ and 𝐵⃗⃗ = 4𝑖̂ – 2𝑗̂– 2𝑘̂ are
perpendicular to each other?
(a). If ‘R’ is the horizontal range for Ɵ inclination and H is the height reached by the
projectile, show that R(max.) is given by Rmax =4H
(b) Show that for two complementary angles of projection of a projectile thrown
with the same velocity, the horizontal ranges are equal.?
(c) For what angles of projection of a projectile is the horizontal range maximum?
25. (a) What are beats? Prove that the number of beats per second is equal to the
difference between the frequencies of the two superimposing wave?
(b) Draw fundamental nodes of vibration of stationary wave in closed pipe?
(a)Find the total energy of the particle executing S.H.M. & show graphically the
variation of P.E. and K. E. with time in S.H.M.?
(b) At what distance from the mean position is the kinetic energy in simple harmonic
oscillator equal potential energy ?

26. What is Capillarity? Derive an expression for the height to which the liquid rises in a
capillary tube of radius r.
(a) Define terminal velocity. Derive the terminal velocity v of a sphere of radiu r,
density ς falling vertically through a viscous fluid of density 𝛔 and coefficient of
viscosity η .?
(b) Identical drops of water are falling down vertically in air each with a terminal
velocity of 0.15m/s. If they combine to form a single bigger drop, what will be its
terminal velocity ?
Marking Scheme
1. Impulse 1 Mark
2. Young’s modulus remains the same. 1 Mark
3. Zero 1 Mark
4. . 1800 1 Mark

5. Harmonics are the notes of frequencies. 1 Mark

v a
t a = -g t

7. formula
V2 =-0.8 ms-1 1+1=2Mark
(a) To reduce the force experienced , by increasing the
time of contact
(b) Because of Inertia of Motion.

8. Statements of Kepler’s laws 1+1=2 Mark

9. Any two limitations are --- (i) It does not tells us the 1+1=2 Mark
directions of heat transfer. (ii) it does not tell us how much of
the heat is converted into work. (iii) it does not tell us under
what conditions heat is converted into work.

10. T 270 1+1=2 Mark

Vrms/ V’rms = = =3:1
T' 30

11. Significant figures (i) 3 (ii) 3 ½+ ½Mark

1+1=2 Mark
Correct dimensional formula of V,T,l and m Total 3
(1 mark)
Correct checking of relation ,incorrect formula

12. Graph 1+2 Mark

S = ut + 1/2 at2
13. Correct diagram ½
Correct two equations ½
Correct solution for T 1
Correct solution for a 1
14. K.E.=P2/2M 1 Mark
% chang in K.E=125%. 2 Mark
15. Proofment 3 Mark
Definition & derivation 1+2 mark
16. Correct statement 1 Mark
Angular speed increases , 1 Mark
Since Iw=constant, as I decreases and so ω increases 1 Mark

17. Moment of Inertia 1/2 Mark

Calculation I=MR2 1/2 Mark
Unit :Kg-Meter2 1/2 Mark

1½ Mark

18. Proofment 3 Mark

19. Statement 1 Mark

proofment 2 Mark
20. Definition 1 Mark
derivation 2 Mark

21. Definition of each quantity. 1Mark each

22. Given, y = 10𝑆𝑖𝑛2𝜋(𝑡 − 0.005𝑥 )………….. (1) ½+1/2+1+1 Mark

Standard equation for harmonic wave is, 𝑦=
𝑡 𝑥
𝐴 𝑆𝑖𝑛2𝜋(𝑇 − 𝜆)…………… (2)
1 1
Comparing eqn (1) & (2), 𝐴 = 10, = 1, = 0.005
𝑡 𝜆
(i) Amplitude A = 10cm
(ii) Frequency 𝜈 = 𝑇 = 1𝐻𝑧
(iii) Wavelength 𝜆 = 0.005 = 200𝑐𝑚
(iv) Velocity v = 𝜈 𝜆 = 1 x 200 = 200cm/s

23. (a) Empathy, helping & caring. 2 Mark

(b) Inertia of rest. 1 Mark
(c) When we shake the branch of a tree , its fruits & and 1 Mark
dry leaves fall down due to inertia of rest.

24. (a) Statement 1 Mark

(b) Magnitude & Direction 2 mark
(c) ⃗A⃗ . ⃗B⃗=0, 1 mark
𝜆=3 1 mark
(a) Proof 2 mark
(b) 90 – Θ, Θ 2 mark
(c) Θ=450 1 Mark
25. Definition. 1 Mark
Proofment 2 mark
Drawing of fundamental nodes 2 mark
Derivation of Total energy. 2 mark
Graphical representation 1 Mark
mω2y2=2mω2(A2–y2) 1 Mark
1 1
Numerical 2

1 Mark

26. (a)Statement 1 Marks

(b) Proofment 2½ Marks
(c) Explanation 1½ Mark
Definition 1 Mark

Derivation 2 mark

Numerical Let r = radius of each drop, v = 0.15 m/s ½ Mark

Now 𝑣 = -----------------------------(1)
Let R be the radius of the big drop.
Volume of big drop = Volume of 27 small drops
4 4
π𝑅 3
= 27 X π𝑟 3
3 3
R = 3r ½ mark
Let v1 be the terminal velocity of bigger drop
2𝑅2 (𝜍−𝜎)𝑔
v1 = ------------2)
𝑣1 𝑅2
= 𝑟2 = 9 1 Mark
v1 = 9v = 9 X 0.15 = 1.35 m/s
Unit Name of unit One Two Three Four Five Total
No. mark marks marks marks marks
1 Physical world and 3(1) 3(1)
2 kinematics 2(1) 3(1) 5(1) 10(3)
3 Laws of motion 1(1) 2(1) 3(1) 4(1) 10(4)
4 Work energy and power 6(2) 6(2)
5 Motion of system of particle and 6(2) 6(2)
rigid body

6 Gravitation 2(1) 3(1) 5(2)

7 Properties of bulk matter 2(1) 3(1) 5(1) 10(3)
8 Thermodynamics 2(2) 3(1) 5(3)
9 Kinetic theory of gases 2(2) 3(1) 5(3)

10 Oscillation and waves 2(1) 3(1) 5(1) 10(3)

Total 5(5) 10(5) 36(12) 4(1) 15(3) 70(26)
Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 70
General Instructions
1. All questions are compulsory. There are 26 questions in all.
2. This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and
Section E.
3. Section A contains five questions of one mark each, Section B contains five questions of
two marks each, Section C contains twelve questions of three marks each, Section D
contains one value based question of four marks and Section E contains three questions of
five marks each.
4. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one
question of two marks, one question of three marks and all the three questions of five
marks weight age. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
5. Use of calculator is not permitted. However, you may use log table, if necessary.
6. You may use the following physical constants wherever necessary.
Radius of earth=6400 km. mass of the earth = 6X1024kg
Mass of the electron = 9.1X10-31kg,
Mass of the proton = 1.67X10-27kg
G= 6.67 X10-11 Nm2kg-2 ,R=8.31J/mole/kelvin
1. What is the translational K.E. per unit volume of a gas whose pressure is P ?
2. Name two factors on which the degree of freedom of gas depend.
3. State the first law of thermodynamics.
4. An ideal gas compressed isothermally. Does its internal energy increase? Justify
5. Why person get more injured when fall over cemented floor than over sand.
6. What is Doppler Effect?
7. Prove that Cp – Cv = R where symbols have their usual meaning.
8. Find acceleration and Tension in the string when bodies of mass 5kg and 7kg are
connected by massless string passing over frictionless pulley.
9. Why fruits fall down from a tree, when its branches are shaken. Explain?
Why mudguards are provided over the wheels of vehicle. Explain?
10. Discuss the variation of g with depth.
11. What do you mean by gravitational potential energy of body? Derive an expression
for it.
12. Discuss Newton’s formula for velocity of sound in air. What correction was
applied by Laplace and why?
13. If the kinetic energy of body increase by 300% by what percentage will the linear
momentum of the body increase?
14. Power of a system is given as P = aT2 + b x1/2 , where T is time and x is distance. Find
the ratio of dimension of ‘a’ and ‘b’.
15. Derive an expression for the position vector of the centre of mass of a system
consisting of two particles.
16. Define the terms absorptive power, emissive power and emissivity. Write their S.I.
unit if any?
17. A mass of 200kg is resting on a rough inclined plane of 300 . If the coefficient of
friction is (1/3)1/2. Find the least and the greatest force acting parallel to the plane to
keep the mass in equilibrium.
A truck starts from rest and accelerates uniformly with 2ms -2 . At t=10s a stone is
dropped by a person standing on the top of the truck (6m high from the ground).
What are the (1) velocity and (2) acceleration of the stone at t=11s? Neglect air
18. What is isothermal process? Derive expression for work done in an isothermal
19. Define centre of mass. Derive an expression for centre of mass of two particle
20. (i) On the basis of kinetic theory derive an expression for the pressure exerted by an
ideal gas. (ii) Calculate the molecular kinetic energy of 1g of helium (molecular weight
4) at 1270C.
21. Discuss head on head elastic collision between two bodies in two dimensions.
22. Displacement of a body is given as function of time x(t) = (5t3+7t2+3) cm. Find its
velocity and acceleration at t = 2sec.
23. Arun went to play cricket with his friends, his team was about to win then the player
hit a very high hit and got caught by the fielder. Arun thought even the hit was
powerful but it could not make the six, he discussed the matter with his teacher.
(a) Tell any three values shown by Arun.
(b) What should be the possible explanation given by the teacher.
(c) Find the ratio of ranges when two bodies thrown at angle of projection 30° and
24. (i) State Parallelogram law of vector addition and explain how flying of birds can be
explained on its basis. (ii) Two equal forces have their resultant equal to either of
them. Find the angle between two vectors.
What is projectile? A projectile is fired at an angle of Ө. Show that its trajectory is
parabola. Derive expression for its time of light, maximum height and horizontal
25. State and prove Bernoulli’s theorem. Why are the roofs of some houses blown off
during a wind storm?
Define Capillarity. Derive an expression for rise of liquid in a capillary tube of radius
R. What happens if the length of capillary tube is smaller than height to which liquid
rises. Explain.
26. (i) Describe the various modes of vibration in case of closed organ pipe.
(ii) A tuning fork of frequency 480Hz resonates with a tube closed at one end of
length 16cm and diameter 5cm in fundamental mode. Calculate the velocity of sound
in air.
(i)What is Doppler Effect in sound? Derive an expression for apparent frequency
when a source moves towards a stationary observer.
(ii) An observer moves towards a stationary source of sound with a velocity 1/5 th of
the velocity of sound. What is the percentage increase in the apparent frequency?

Q1.K.E. = 3/2P (1)

Q2. Temperature and atomicity. (1)
Q3. Correct statement. (1)
Q4.Same (1)
Q5. Change in momentum during short time. (1)
Q6. Apparent change in frequency. (1)
Q7.Correct proof - 2
Q8.T= (2m1 m2)g/(m1+m2) = (2*5*7)10/(5+7) = (175/3) N
A = (m-m)g/(m +m)= 2*10/12 = 10/6 ms-2
Q9. Correct explanation 2
Q.10 Correct derivation 2
Q.11 Defination + Derivation
Q.12 Newton’s formula + Correction + Reason 1+1+1
Q.13 P = (2m) 1/2 K.E. New K.E. = 4 K.E.
Therefore P’= 2P
% increase = (2P-P)100/P = 100%
Q.14 Dimension of a= ML2T-5
b= ML3/2T-3
a/b = (ML2T-5)/(ML3/2T-3)
= L1/2T-2
Q 15: Correct derivation 3
Q 16: Correct definition + S.I. Unit 1+1+1
Q 17: Correct solutions. 3
Q 18: Definition + Derivation 1+2
Q 19. Definition + Derivation 1+2
Q 20. (i)Correct Derivation 2
(ii)Correct Calculation 1
Q 21.Correct Derivation 3
Q22.Velocityv=dx/dt - ½, Correct calculation, correct answer (76 cm/s) - (1/2+1/2)
Acceleration=dv/dt - ½, Correct calculation, correct answer (60 cm/s2) - (1/2+1/2)
Q.23 Any three values- 11/2, Explanation- 11/2 , ratio of ranges -1:1 - 1
Q 24. Correct statement, explanation (1+2)
Formula, calculation and correct answer, angle =120o, (1/2, 1,1/2)
Correct statement - (1), Definition and illustration -1/2, 1/2, Explanation-1
Q25. Correct statement -1, proof and diagram (2+1), Correct Explanation- (1)
Correct definition (1) , diagram -1, derivation-2, correct explanation (1)
Q 26. Diagram and derivation -(1+2).
In the fundamental mode of vibration,
(l+0.3 D) = wavelength /4 = v/4v
V = 4v(l+0.3 D) = 4x480 (0.16 + 0.3 x 0.05) ms-1 = 336 ms-1 (2)
Correct definition , correct derivation- (1+2), Correct formula, calculation & correct result -
BLUE PRINT Unit Vsa(1)mark Sa Sa VBQ(4) LA(5) TOTAL

1(2) 2(3)
1 Physical world 1(1) 1(2) 2(3)
2 kinematics 1(1) 1(2) 1(3) 1(4) 4(10)
3 Laws of motion 2(4) 2(6) 4(10)
4 Work energy 2(6) 2(6)
5 Motion of 2(6) 2(6)
system of
particles and
rigid body
6 gravitation 1(2) 1(3) 2(5)
7 Properties of 2(6) 1(5) 3(11)
bulk matter
8 thermodynamics 1(5) 1(5)
9 Behavior of 1(1) 1(3) 2(4)
perfect gas KTG
10 OSCILLATIONS 2(2) 1(3) 1(5) 4(10)


Time: Three Hours Max. Marks: 70

General instructions: 1) All questions are compulsory.

2) Internal choices are provided in some questions. Attempt only one of the choices in such
3) Questions 1 to 5 are very short answer questions, carrying 1 mark each.
4) Questions 6 to 10 are short answer questions, carrying 2 mark each.
5) Questions 11 to 22 are short answer questions, carrying 3 mark each.
6) Questions 23 is value based question, carrying 4 mark.
7) Questions 24 to 26 are long answer questions, carrying 5 mark each.
1. The initial and final temperature of a water bath is (11±0.1) 0C and (40±0.3) 0C. What
is the rise in the temperature of the water bath?
2. Can a body have a uniform speed but still have acceleration? Support your answer
with example.
3. What is the specific heat of a gas in an adiabatic process?
4. What is the essential condition for frequency difference of the two sources to observe
beats of sound?
5. Define resonance.
6. In the gas equation (P+a/V2)(V-b)=RT, calculate the dimensions of the constants a
and b where T is absolute temp, P is pressure and V is volume of the gas.
If P=a b /dc
2 3 1/2 and the percentage errors in measurement of a, b, c and d are
1%,2%,4% and 2% respectively. What is the percentage error in the measurement of
quantity P?
7. If the velocity of a particle is given by V=(180-16x)1/2 what will be its acceleration?
8. Define angle of repose and derive an expression for it.
9. Can we place geostationary satellite vertically above Jaipur? Justify?
10. What do you mean by concurrent forces and find condition for it.
11. Using graphical method , derive the relation s=ut+½ at2 where the symbols have their
usual meaning.
12. What law is real law of motion? Explain how?
State the law of conservation of linear momentum and derive it from Newton’s third
law motion.
13. Find an expression for the maximum speed by which a vehicle can safely negotiate a
road banked at an angle θ. (take the friction between the tyres and the road into
14. Obtain an expression for the elastic potential energy for a stretched spring.
15. The escape speed of a projectile on the earth’s surface is 11.2 km/s a body is
projected out with thrice this speed. What is the speed of the body far away from the
earth? (ignore the presence of the Sun and other planets)
16. Moment of inertia of a disc about an axis perpendicular to its plane is ½ MR 2. Using
the theorems of moment of inertia, calculate the moment of inertia of the disc about a
diameter, about a tangent parallel to diameter?
17. State Newton’s law of cooling. A body cools from 80 0C to 50 0C in 5 minutes. Calculate
the time it takes to cool from 60 0C to 30 0C the temperature of the surroundings is 20
18. Using kinetic theory of gases, show that the average kinetic energy per molecule of a
gas is equal to 3/2 kT where T is absolute temperature and K is Boltzmann constant.
19. What is simple harmonic motion? Derive an expression for the time period of a simple
20. Define conservative forces. Prove that in 2-D perfectly elastic collision of a ball with
another identical ball initially at rest, the two balls shall move perpendicular to each
other after collision.
21. State theorem of parallel axis of moment of inertia. Using it derive an expression for
moment of inertia of a thin road about an axis perpendicular to it passing through one
of its edge.(Give M.I. about center of mass and perpendicular to rod is ½ ML 2.
22. (a) Write one similarity and two major differences between solid friction and viscous
force. b) Define angle of contact what change (if any) shall occur in its value on (i)
increasing temperature of liquid (ii) mixing sparingly soluble impurity in liquid.
23. Raja, joseph, ila and shanu playing in open on a cloudy day. Whether was very
pleasant and wind was blowing very fast suddenly ran started. They open their
umbrella to protect themselves from rain. Ila said “I had read that rain comes
vertically downward why are we keeping umbrella inclined ?“ Raja and shanu were
unable to explain but joseph explained the reason and satisfied ila.
(i) Write values shown by joseph (any two)
(ii) Wind blows at 54km/h and a person keeps his umbrella at 30 degree from
vertical. Calculate speed of rain.
24. Write two essential conditions for any process to be adiabatic. Derive an expression
for work done during adiabatic process. Hence using first law of thermodynamics
explain that when tube of bicycle burst then air coming out of it is relatively colder.
State first law of thermodynamics. Using it derive Mayer’s relation also determine. A
refrigerator is to maintain eatables kept inside at 9 0C. If room temperature is 36 0C,
calculate the coefficient of performance.
25. (a) State and prove Bernoulli theorem. (b) Water flows through a horizontal pipeline
of varying cross-section at the rate of 0.2 m3/s calculate the velocity of water at a
point where the area of cross section of the pipe is 0.02 m2.
(a) Derive an expression for pressure exerted by a liquid column on the base of
liquid container.
(b) What is the pressure on a swimmer 10 m below the surface of a lake.
(Density of water 103 kg/m3 and g=10m/s2)
26. (i) What is Doppler’s effect in sound? A source is moving towards stationary observer.
Obtain the expression for apparent frequency. (ii) A tuning fork A of frequency 480Hz
produces 8 beats per second, when sounded with another tuning fork B. When prongs
of B are loaded with 1 gm wax, the no. of beats becomes 3 per second. What is the
frequency of tuning fork B?
(i) Explain the effect of the following factors on the speed of sound in a gas. (a)
Pressure (b) temperature (c) Density
(ii) Find the ratio of the length of a closed pipe to that of an open pipe in order that
the second overtone of the former is in unison with the fourth overtone of the later.
Marking scheme
1. Rise in temperature =(40±0.3)-(15±0.1)=(25±0.4)0 1
2. Yes uniform circular motion 1
3. ∆Q=0 so c=0 1
4. V1-v2 or ∆v≤10 Hz 1
5. Correct definition 1
6. a=(ML5T-2) b=L3 1+1
12% for correct result 2
7 -8m/s2 for correct calculation 2
8 correct definition (½) correct derivation (1½)
9 jaipur is not in equator (1) justification (1)
Or correct definition (1/2) correct derivation (1½)
10 correct statement(1) correct condition derivation (1)
11 graphical representation (1) obtaining the equation (2)
12 (i) correct answer (1/2) proof of first law from second law (1) third law (1½)
Or statement+proof 1+2
13 correct diagram (1½) obtaining equations for horizontal and vertical components
Obtaining equation for safe limit (1)
14 diagram (1) correct derivation (2)
15 31.7 km/s for correct calculation (3)
16 M.I. about diameter Id=1/4 MR2 for correct derivation (1½)
M.I. about tangent I=5/4 MR2 for correct derivation (1½)
17 correct statement (1) calculation of required time (2)
18 for correct derivation (3)
19 definition of SHM (1) correct diagram (1/2) obtaining equation for time period (1½)
20 correct definition(1/2) correct diagram (1/2) correct derivation (2)
21 correct statement (1) correct derivation (2)
22 a) similarity (1/2), differences (1), b) correct definition (1/2) i) decrease(1/2) ii)
decrease (1/2)
23 (i) awareness, scientific temper,or any two correct values (1+1)
(ii) correct calculation (2)
24 (i) perfectly insulating walls (1/2) (ii) quick process (1/2) correct derivation (2)
∆U=-∆W (1) correct explanation (1)
Correct statement (1) correct derivation (2) correct calculation (2)
25 correct statement+diagram (1+1) derivation (2) correct calculation (2)
figure (1/2) derivation (2½) correct calculation (2)
26 Doppler’s effect statement (1) derivation (2) correct calculation (2)
(I) (a) no effect (1) (b) directly proportional to the square root of the absolute
temperature (1) (c) inversely proportional to the square root of its density (1)
(II) For correct calculation (2)


S.NO. UNITS (1 (2 (3 Based (5 TOTAL
Mark) Mark) Mark) Question Mark)
1. 2 (1) 4(1) --- 6(2)
Current Electricity
2. 1(1) 2(1) 6 (2) --- --- 9 (4)
Magnetic effect of
3. Current and 1 (1) 3(1) --- 5 (1)
4. 1(1) --- 6(2) --- --- 7(3)
& Alternating
5. Waves 3 (1) --- --- 3 (1)

6. 1 (1) 2 (1) 6 (2) --- 5 (1) 14 (5)
Dual nature of
7. Matter --- 4 (2) --- --- --- 4 (2)

Atoms and Nuclei

8. - -- 6(2) --- --- 6 (2)
Electronic Devices
9. 1 (1) --- --- --- 5 (1) 6 (2)
10. systems --- 6 (2) --- --- 6 (2)

5 (5) 10(5) 36 (12) 4 (1) 15 (3) 70 (26)
Class-XII Subject: Physics (Theory)

Time: 3 Hours Max Marks: 70

General Instructions
(a) All questions are compulsory.
(b) There are 30 questions in total. Questions 1 to 5 carry one mark each, questions 6 to 10
carry two marks each, questions 11 to 22 , three marks each question no 23 carry 4 marks
and questions 24 to 26 carry five marks each.
(c) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one
question of two marks, one question of three marks and all three questions of five marks
each. You have to attempt only one of the given choices in such questions.
(d) Question 23 is a value based question.
(e) Use of calculators is not permitted
(f) You may use the following physical constants wherever necessary:
c = 3 x 108ms-1
h = 6.6 x 10-34Js
e = 1.6 x 10-19 C
μo = 4 π x 10−7T m A−1
Boltzmann constant k = 1.38 x 1023 JK-1
Avogadro’s number NA = 6.023 x 1023/mole
Mass of neutron mn = 1.6 x 10-27 kg

1. If the horizontal and vertical components of earth’s magnetic field are equal at a
place, find the angle of dip.
2. If the number of turns of a solenoid is doubled, keeping the other factors constant,
how does the self-inductance of the solenoid change?
3. What is the value of refractive index of a medium of polarising angle 600 .
4. How does the conductivity of a semiconductor change with the rise in its
5. Indicate the biasing of the diodes (Forward biased or reverse biased).
6. State two conditions for sustained interference of light. Also write the expression for
the fringe width.
7. The following table gives the values of work function for a few photo sensitive metals

If each of these metals is exposed to radiations of wavelength 300 nm, which of them
will not emit photo electrons and why?
Draw a graph showing the variation of stopping potential with the frequency of
incident radiation. Deduce an expression for the Planck’s constant using this graph.
8. State Gauss’s theorem in Electrostatics, Apply Gauss theorem to find the electric field
intensity near an infinite plane sheet of charge
9. Deduce an expression for the de Broglie wavelength of an electron accelerated
through a potential difference of V volts.
𝜆= 𝑛𝑚
10. What is Wheatstone bridge? Deduce the condition for which Wheatstone bridge is
balanced using Kirchhoff’s law.


11. Two Polaroid are crossed to each other. If one of them is rotated through 300, then
what percentage of the incident unpolarised light will be transmitted by the
12. Two primary cells of e.m.f ε1 and ε2 (ε1 > ε2) are connected to the potentiometer wire
AB as shown in the figure in combination (1) and (2)
If the balancing points are obtained respectively at 400 cm and 240 cm from the point
A. Find the ratio of ε1 and ε2.
13. A uniform magnetic field gets magnified as shown below, when two specimens X and
Y are placed in it

(i) Identify the two specimens X and Y.

(ii) State the reason for the behavior of the field lines in X and Y.
14. The oscillating magnetic field in a plane electromagnetic wave is given by
By = (8 x 10-6) sin (2 x 1011 t+ 300πx) T
(i) Calculate the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave.
(ii) Write down the expression for the oscillating electric field.
15. Draw the block diagram of a communication system. Why is ground wave
transmission of signals restricted to a frequency of 1500 kHz.
16. (a) The total energy of an electron in the first excited state of hydrogen atom is
- 3.4 eV. What is the kinetic energy of the electron in this state?
(b) Which state of double ionized lithium (Li2+) has the same energy as the ground
state energy of the hydrogen atom?
17. In the following circuit, a metre bridge is shown in its balanced state. The metre bridge
wire has a resistance of 1 Ω cm-1.calculate the value of the unknown resistance X and
the current drawn from the battery of negligible internal resistance.


18. There are two long coaxial solenoids, each of length ‘L’. The outer solenoid has an
area of cross-section A1and number of turns/ length n1 . The corresponding values for
the inner solenoid are A2 and n2. Write the expression for self-inductance L1, L2 of the
two coils and their mutual inductance M. Hence show that 𝑀 < √𝐿1 𝐿2
Define Mutual inductance and give its SI unit. Derive an expression for the mutual
inductance of two long co-axial solenoids in terms of number of turns per unit length.
19. An alternating e.m.f. is applied across a capacitor. Show mathematically that current
in it leads the applied voltage by a phase angle π/2.What is capacitive reactance?
Draw a graph showing the variation of capacitive reactance with the frequency of a.c
20. Derive Snell’s law of refraction using Huygen’s wave theory by drawing the suitable
21. State Radioactive decay law. Prove the relation N = Noe-λt ,Where the symbols have
their usual meanings.
22. A ground receiver station is receiving a signal at (a) 5 MHz and (b) 100 MHz,
transmitted from a ground transmitter at a height of 300 m located at a distance of
100 km. Identify whether it is coming via space or sky wave propagation or satellite
transponder. [Given the radius of the earth is 6400 km and maximum electron density
Nmax = 1012 m-3].

23. During the monsoons, especially in hilly areas there is a lot of thunder and lightning.
During a trip to one of the hilly station, Rakesh is caught in one such thunder storm
while driving to the hill station. His parents at once tell every occupant to leave the
car and take shelter under the tree. Rakesh advises them against doing so. He explains
to his parents the risk involved in doing so and advantage they have while sitting in
the car. He was able to convince his parents for the same. Soon the thunder storm
subsided and they continued their journey to the hill station.
(a) What according to you are the values displayed by the Rakesh.
(b) Why did Rakesh advise his parents to stay inside the car?
24. With the help of a labelled diagram, explain the principle and working of a cyclotron.
Derive an expression for the period of revolution and cyclotron frequency and show
that it is independent of the speed of the charged particles.
A rectangular loop of sides 25 cm and 10 cm carrying a current of 15 A is placed with
its longer side parallel to a long straight conductor 2 cm apart carrying a current of 25
A. What is the net force on the loop?

25. Draw a graph to show the variation of angle of deviation (δ) with the angle of
incidence (i) for a monochromatic light passing through a prism of refracting angle A
and deduce the relation for refracting index of the material of the prism.
sin ( 2 𝑚 )
sin ( 2 )
(a) With the help of a labelled ray diagram, show the image formation by a compound
microscope. Derive an expression for its magnifying power.
(b) How does the resolving power of a compound microscope get affected on
(i) Decreasing the diameter of its objective? (ii) Increasing the focal length of its
26. Explain the use of pnp transistor as a common emitter amplifier. Discuss phase
relationship between input and output voltages. Write expression for the current gain
and voltage gain.
(a) Show that NAND gate is a universal gate.
(b) Identify the logic gates marked P and Q in the given logic circuit. Write down the
output at X for the inputs (i) A = 0, B = 0 and (ii) A = 1, B = 1


Q.No. Value Points Marks

1. BH = BV ½
tan δ = =1 ½
δ = 450
2. L= ½
Four times ½

3. n = tan ip ½
n = tan 600 = 1.732 ½
4. Increases . 1

5. Forward bias, Reverse bias ½+½=1

6. Two conditions for sustained interference 1
Correct formula with meanings of symbol used 1
.7. Energy of incident Photon, E = = 4.125 eV 1
E < work function of Mo ½
Mo will not emit photoelectrons. ½
Showing the variation of stopping potential with the frequency 1
Obtaining the expression for the Planck’s constant using graph. 1

Statement ½
Finding required expression 1½

9. . K= = eV ½
Deduction of the required expression 1

10 Wheatstone Bridge 1
Balancingcondition 1
11. Intensity of light emerging from the first Polaroid, I1 = ½
I2 = I1 cos2θ (θ = 900 -300 = 600) 1
= cos2600 ½
= 12.5% 1

12. ε1 + ε2 = k 400 1
ε1 - ε2 = k240 1
ε1 4
= 1
ε2 1

13. (i) identification ½+½=1

(ii) correct reason 1+ 1 = 2

14. calculating λ = m 1½
(ii) Obtaining equation for electric field 1½

15. Block diagram 1

Correct reason 2

16. (a) K.E. = - (Total Energy) = - ( - 3.4 ) = 3.4 eV 1

(b) . E α Z2 / n2 1
En (Li2+) = E1 (H) 1

17. P = RAJ = 40Ω ½

Q = RBJ = 60Ω ½
Obtaining value of X = 4Ω 1
Total R = Ω ½
I = 0.66 A ½

18. L1 = µon12A1 L ½
L2 = µon22A2 L ½
Obtaining M 1
Finding the required result 1
Define correct definition and unit 1

Correct derivation 2

19. Diagram ½
Obtaining equation for current 1½
Capacitive reactance ½
Graph between Xc & ν ½

20. Correct diagram 1

Obtaining Snell’s law 2

21. Decay law 1

Finding required expression 1½
Showing exponential decay graph ½

22. Range of transmitter = 62 km 1

fc = 9 MHz 1
5 MHz – via ionospheric propagation ½
100 MHz – via satellite communication ½

23. . Concern for the safety of his family, high degree of general awareness 2
Correct explanation using concept of electrostatic shielding 2
24. Diagram 1
Principle 1
Working 2
Showing the required result 1
FAB = 9.375 x 10 N (attractive)
FCD = 1.5625 x 10-7 N (repulsive) 2

Net Force = 7.8125 x 10-7 N (attractive) 1

25. Variation of δ with i 1

Calculation of i 2
Calculation of r 1
Deduction of the required expression 1
(a) Diagram 1
Magnifying Power 2
(b) Correct answer 1x2 = 2
26. Circuit Diagram 1
Positive half cycle 1½
Negative half cycle 1½
Current gain ½
Voltage gain ½

(a) Obtaining AND,OR & NOT gate from NAND gate 1x3= 3
(b) Identification ½+½
Output at X 1




Topic VSA(1MARKS) SA-1(2 SA-2(3) VALUE

Electrostatics 3(1) 5(1) 8

Current 4(2) 3(1) 7


Magnetic effect 1(1) 2(1) 5(1) 8

& Magnetism

Electromagnetic 2(2) 6(2) 8


Electromagnetic 3(1) 3

Optics 9(3) 5(1) 14

Dual Nature of 1(1) 3(1) 4

Atoms & Nuclei 6(2) 6

Electronic 1(1) 4(2) 3(1) 8


Communication 4(1) 4

TOTAL 5 10 36 4 15 70
Time : Three Hours Max. Marks : 70
General Instructions :
(a) All questions are compulsory.
(b) There are 26 questions in total. Questions 1 to 5carry one mark each, questions 6 to 10
carry two marks each, questions 11 to 22 carry three marks each and question 23 carry
04 mark and questions 24 to 26 carry 05 marks each.
(c) There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one
question of two marks, one question of three marks and all three questions of five
marks each. You have to attempt only one of the given choices in such questions.
(d) Use of calculators is not permitted.
e) You may use the following physical constants wherever necessary:
c = 3 x 108ms-1, h = 6.6 x 10-34Js, e = 1.6 x 10-19 C
Mass of neutron mn = 1.6 x 10-27 kg, Mass of electron me = 9 x 10- 31 kg
1. The permeability of a magnetic material is 0.9983. Name the type of magnetic
materials it represents.
2. If power factor of LCR circuit is 0.5, find phase difference between voltage and current
in the circuit.
3. An α-particle and a proton are accelerated from rest by the same potential. Find the
ratio of their De-Broglie wavelengths.
4. A plot of magnetic flux (ø) versus current (I) is shown in the figure for two inductors
A and B. Which of the two has larger value of self-inductance?

5. For an amplitude modulated wave, the maximum amplitude is found to be 10 V while

the Minimum amplitude is 2.V. Calculate the modulation index. Why modulation index
is generally kept less than one?
6. Deduce the expression for the magnetic dipole moment of an electron orbiting around
the central nucleus.
7. Define relaxation time of the free electrons drifting in a conductor. How drift velocity
changes on increasing temperature.
8. In the figure given below, the input waveform is converted into the output wave from
a device ‘X’. Name the device and draw its circuit diagram.
9. (i) Identify the logic gates marked P and Q in the given logic circuit

(ii) Write down the output at X for the inputs A = 0, B = 0 and A = 1, B = 1.

Draw the output wave form at X, using the given inputs A, B for the logic circuit shown

10. In a meter bridge, the null point is found at a distance of 40 cm from A. If a resistance
of 12 Ω is connected in parallel with S, the null point occurs at 50 cm from A.
Determine the values of R and S.


11. How are microwaves produced? Write their two important uses.
12. Double-convex lenses are to be manufactured from a glass of refractive index 1.55,
with both faces of the same radius of curvature. What is the radius of curvature
required if the focal lengths to be 20cm?
13. Calculate the amount of work done in rotating a dipole, of dipole moment 3 x 10-8 Cm,
from its position of stable equilibrium to the position of unstable equilibrium, in a
uniform electric field of intensity 104 N/C.
14. Draw a circuit diagram of using a n-p-n transistor as a common emitter amplifier.
What is the phase difference between the input and output voltage? State one reason
why base region of transistor is made thin?
15. A series LCR circuit with L = 4.0 H, C = 100 µF and R = 60 Ω is connected to a variable
frequency 240 V source. Calculate:
(i) the angular frequency of the source which derives the circuit at resonance;
(ii) the current at the resonating frequency; (iii) the rms potential drop across the
inductor at resonance.
16. How is a wave front defined? Using Huygens’s construction draw a figure showing the
propagation of a plane wave refracting at a plane surface separating two media.
Hence verify Snell’s law of refraction.
17. Draw a ray diagram of an astronomical telescope in the normal adjustment position.
State two draw backs of this type of telescope.
18. Draw a plot showing the variation of binding energy per nucleon versus the mass
number A. Explain with the help of this plot the release of energy in the processes of
nuclear fission and fusion.

Draw a plot of potential energy of a pair of nucleons as a function of their separations.

Mark the regions where the nuclear force is (i) attractive and (ii) repulsive. Write any
two characteristic features of nuclear forces.
19. An AC voltage V = V0 Sin ωt is applied across a pure capacitor of capacitance C
.Show mathematically that the current flowing through it leads the voltage by a
phase of π/2.
20. The graph below shows variation of photo-electric current with collector plate
potential for different frequencies of incident radiations.

(i) Which physical parameter is kept constant for the three curves?
(ii) Which frequency (ν1 , ν2 or ν3 ) is the highest? (iii)For which frequency kinetic
energy is greater?
21. The energy levels of an atom are as shown below. Which of them will result in the
transition of a photon of wavelength 275 nm?
Which transition corresponds to emission of radiation of maximum wavelength?

22. (a) State the Principle of working of a potentiometer.

(b) Figure shows the circuit diagram of a potentiometer for determining the emf ‘ε’ of
a cell of negligible internal resistance.
(i) What is the purpose of using high resistance R2 ?(ii) How does the position of
balance point (l) change when the resistance R1 is decreased?(iii) Why cannot the
balance point be obtained (1) when the emf ε is greater than 2 V, and (2) when the
key is closed.


23. A group of villagers wanted to hear the planning of some anti-soil elements who were
supposed to be gathering in a certain room in the village, but they were finding no
way out. Nitin a student of XII class student offered his help he quietly planted
transmitter in the said room and the receiver in the other nearby room where the
villagers were to assemble. By doing so he made an arrangement to hear all the talks,
what were to be transpired there.

(a) What the values shown by Nitin? (any two)

(b) Give the block diagram of a complete communication system?


24. Define electric flux. Write its S.I. units. Using Gauss’s theorem, deduce an expression
for the electric field at a point due to uniformly charged infinite plane sheet. Draw the
field lines when the charge density of the plane sheet is (i) positive, (ii) negative.
Explain the principle of parallel plate capacitor. A parallel plate capacitor, each with
plate area A and separation d, is charged to a potential difference V. The battery used
to charge it remains connected. A dielectric slab of thickness d and dielectric constant
k is now placed between the plates. What change, if any, will take place in:
(i) charge on plates? (ii) electric field intensity between the plates?
(iii) capacitance of the capacitor?

25. State the underlying principle of working of a moving coil galvanometer. Write two
reasons why a galvanometer cannot be used as such to measure current in a given
circuit. Name any two factors on which the current sensitivity of a galvanometer
(a) Explain the principle and working of a cyclotron with the help of a schematic
diagram. ( b) Two long and parallel straight wires carrying currents of 2 A and 5 A in
the opposite directions are separated by a distance of 1 cm. Find the nature and
magnitude of the magnetic force between them.
26. Trace the rays of light showing the formation of an image due to a point object placed
on the axis of a spherical surface separating the two media of refractive indices n1 and
n2 . Establish the relation between the distances of the object, the image and the
radius of curvature from the central point of the spherical surface. Hence, derive the
expression of the lens maker’s formula.
(a) In Young’s double slit experiment, derive the condition for (i) constructive
interference and (ii) destructive interference at a point on the screen.(b) Explain with
the help of suitable ray diagram how an unpolarized light can be polarized by
reflection from a transparent medium. Write the expression for Brewster angle in
terms of the refractive index of denser medium

Q.1 Correct answer—1mark

Q.2 Correct answer—1mark

Q.3 Correct ratio - 1 Mark.

Q.4 Correct answer—1mark.

Q.5 correct value -1/2, Reason-1/2mark.

Q.6 Correct formula-1/2, derivation-1 1/2.

Q.7 1+1.

Q8. X- Full wave rectifier- 1

Correct diagram-1.

Q.9 Correct identification- 1mark

Correct output diagram -1

Q.10 Formula—1/2mark

Correct value R- 1 mark Value S -1/2 mark.

Q11. Source-1 mark


Q.12 Formula and putting values -1 mark,

Correct value of radius- 2mark

Q.13 Formula work done -1/2

Stable and unstable equilibrium—1/2,

Correct value- 2 mark.


Phase difference- 1mark,

Correct reason- 1mark.

Q.15 1+1+1.

Q.16 Definition-1 mark

Verification—2 marks

Q.17 Diagram—1, Drawbacks-1+1.

Q.18 Graph- 1mark

Explanation—2 mark.

Q.19 Diagram- ½ mark, correct proof -1 ½.

Q.20 1+1+1.

Q.21 (a) 2 mark (b) 1 mark.

Q.22 (a) 1 mark (b)1/2+1/2+1.

Q.23 (a) 2 mark (b) 2 mark.

Q.24 Definition &SI Unit-1/2+1/2,

Derivation-3 mark ,field lines 1/2+1/2 .


Principle of capacitor-2 mark


Q.25 Principle -1 mark.

Reasons-1+1,factors -1+1.


Principle,diagram,working 1+1+1.

Correct solution—2 mark.

Q.26 Diagram -1, relation- 2mark , lens makers formula—2 mark.


Diagram—2 mark,

Relation—1 mark


SR UNIT VSA(1 SA-I(2 Marks) SA-II(3 Value LA(5 Total

NO Marks) Marks) Based( Marks)
1 Electrostatic 1(1) 2(1) 6(2) - - 9(4)
2 Current 1(1) 2(1) 3(1) - - 6(3)
3 Magnetic 1(1) ---------- 3(1) -------- 5(1) 9(3)
effects of
current and
4 Electromagn 1(1) ---------- 6(2) -------- -------- 7(3)
and Ac
5 Electromagn --- 2(1) ---- --- ----- 2(1)
etic Waves
6 Optics 6(2) 4(1) 5(1) 15(4)
7 Dual nature 2(1) 3(1) 5(2)
of matter
8 Atoms and 2(1) 3(1) 5(2)
9 Electronics 1(1) ----------- ----- -------- 5(1) 6(2)
10 Communicat ----- ------------ 6(2) ------- -------- 6(2)
ion Systems
Total 5(5) 10(5) 36(12) 4(1) 15(3) 70(26)


Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks:
General Instructions
1. All questions are compulsory. There are 26 questions in all.
2. This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and
Section E.
3. Section A contains five questions of 1 marks each, Section B contains five questions of 2
marks each, and section C contains 12 questions of 3 marks each, Section D contain one
value based question of 4 marks and Section E contains three question of 5 marks each .
4. There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one
question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the questions of 5 marks. You have to
attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
5. You may use the following values of physical constants wherever necessary
c = 3 × 10-8m/s2
h = 6.63×10-34Js
e = 1.6× 10-19C
µ = 4π× 10-7Tm/A
Boltzmann constant k = 1.38 x 1023 JK-1Avogadro’s number NA = 6.023 x 1023/mole
Mass of neutron mn = 1.6 x 10-27 kg

Section A
1. What is the angle between the directions of electric field at any (i) axial point and (ii)
equatorial point due to an electric dipole?
2. What is the terminal potential difference during charging of cell?
3. An electron moving with a velocity of 10-7m/s enters a uniform magnetic field of 1T,
along a direction parallel to the field. What would be its trajectory in this field?
4. If the number of turns of a solenoid is doubled, keeping the other factors constant
how does the self Inductance of the solenoid change?
5. A p-type semiconductor has a large number of holes but still it is electrically neutral.
6. A point charge +10 μC is a distance 5 cm directly above the centre of a square of side
10 cm, as shown in Fig. What is the magnitude of the electric flux through the square?
7. What is the drift velocity? Derive an expression for the drift current of a conductor of
area of cross section A and number density n.
Calculate the drift speed of the electrons when 1A of current exists in a copper wire of
cross section 2mm2. The number of free electrons in 1cm3 of copper is 8.5×1022.
8. Why are infrared radiations referred to as heat waves also? Name the radiation which
are next to these radiation in electromagnetic spectrum having (i) Shorter
wavelength (ii) Longer wavelength.
9. What will happen to (i) kinetic energy of photoelectrons, and (ii) photocurrent, if the
light is changed from ultraviolet to X-rays in a photo cell experiment? Intensity of the
beam is the same in both the cases.
10. The ground state energy of hydrogen atom is -13.6 eV. What are the kinetic and
potential energies of the electron in this state?
11. An electric dipole of dipole moment p is placed in a uniform electric field E. Write the
expression for the torque experienced by the dipole. Show diagrammatically the
orientation of the dipole in the field for which torque is (i) maximum , (ii) zero
12. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C is charged to a potential V. It is then
connected to another uncharged capacitor having the same capacitance. Find out the
ratio of the energy stored in the combined system to that stored initially in the single
13. The length of potentiometer wire is 600 cm and it carries a current of 40 mA. For a
cell of emf 2 V and internal resistance 10 Ω, the null point is found to be at 500 cm. If a
voltmeter is connected across the cell, the balancing length is decreased by 10 cm.
Find (i) the resistance of the whole wire (ii) resistance of the voltmeter and (iii)
reading of the voltmeter?
14. A straight thick long wire of uniform cross section of radius a is carrying a steaty
current I. The current I is uniformly distributed across the cross section. Calculate the
magnetic field in the region r <a and r >a.
Name the three types of magnetic materials which behave differently when placed in
a non uniform magnetic field. Give two properties for each of them.
15. A rectangular coil of N turns and area of cross section A, is held in a time varying
magnetic field given by B = B0 sin ωt , with the plane of the coil normal to the
magnetic field. Deduce an expression for the e.m.f induced in the coil.
16. Does the current in ac circuit lag, lead or remain in phase with the voltage of
frequency applied to the circuit when (i) f = fr (ii) f < fr (iii) f > fr , where fr is the
resonant frequency.
17. A luminous object is placed at a distance of 30cm from the convex lens of focal length
20cm. On the other side of the lens, at what distance from the lens a convex mirror of
radius of curvature 10cm placed in order to have an upright image of the object
coincident with it?

18. Draw the ray diagram of compound microscope. Write an expression for its
magnifying power when the final image is formed at the least distance of distinct
19. Draw a plot of potential energy of a pair of nucleons as a function of their
separations. Mark the regions where the nuclear force is (i) attractive and (ii)
repulsive. Write any two characteristic features of nuclear forces.
20. Define the term work function of a metal. The threshold frequency of a metal is f0 .
When the light of frequency 2 f0 is incident on the metal plate, the maximum velocity
of electrons emitted is v1 .When the frequency of the incident radiation is increased to
5 f0 , the maximum velocity of electrons emitted is v2. Find the ratio of v1 to v2 .
21. What does the term LOS communication mean? Name the types of waves that are
used for this communication. Which of the two height of transmitting antenna and
height of receiving antenna can affect the range over which this mode of
communication remains effective?
22. Define the term modulation index for an AM wave. A carrier wave of peak voltage
12V is used to transmit a message signal. What should be the peak voltage of the
modulating signal in order to have a modulation index of 75%.
23. Suman and Arti are friends, both studying in class 12th. Suman is a science student and
Arti is a arts student .both of them go to market to purchase sun glasses. Arti feels that
any colored glasses with fancy look are good enough. Suman tells her to look for UV
protection glasses, Polaroid glasses and photo-sensitive glasses.
Read the following passage and answer the following questions:
(a) What are UV protection glasses, Polaroid glasses and photo sensitive glasses?
(b) What values are displayed by Suman?
24. Find the expression for the force between two infinitely long parallel current
carrying conductors and hence define one ampere.
(i) With the help of labelled diagram, state the underlying principle of a cyclotron.
Explain clearly how it works to accelerate the charged particle.
(ii) Show that cyclotron frequency is independent of energy of the particle. Is there an
upper limit on the energy acquired by the particle? Give reason.
25. (i)Derive an expression for the intensity at any point on the observation screen in
young’s double slit experiment . Hence write the conditions for the constructive and
destructive interference. (ii) Two sources of intensity I and 4I are used in an
intereference experiment. Find the intensity at the points where the waves from two
sources superimpose with a phase difference (i) zero (ii) π/2 and (iii) π
(a) What is plane polarised light? Two polaroids are placed at 90 0 to each other and
transmitted intensity is zero. What happens when one more polaroids is placed
between these two , bisecting the angle between them ? How will the intensity of
transmitted light vary on further rotating the third Polaroid?
(b) If a light beam shows no intensity variation when transmitted through a Polaroid
which is rotated, does it mean that light is unpolarised? Explain in briefly.
26. i) With the help of a circuit diagram, explain full wave rectifaction using junction
diodes. Draw the wave forms of input and output voltages.
(ii) In half wave rectification , what is the output frequency if the input frequency is
50 hz. What is the output frequency of a full wave rectifier for the same input
(i) The following truth table gives the output of two input logic gate.
A B Output (i) Identify the logic gate used and draw
0 0 1 the logic symbol
0 1 0 (ii) If the output of this gate is fed to a ‘NOT’
1 0 0 gate, name the new logic gate so formed.
1 1 1 (ii)What is a Zener diode? How it is
symbolically represented? With the help of a relevant circuit diagram, explain the use
of Zener diode as a voltage stabilizer?


Q.No Value points Marks

1 (i) At any axial point E acts in the direction of p. ½
(ii) At any equatorial point E acts in the opposite of p
Hence the angle is 180. ½
2 During charging V = I+ Er 1
3 It will follow straight path because parallel magnetic field ½+½
does not exert any force on the electron
4 4 times because L∝N2 ½+½
5 A p-type semiconductor is formed by doping of pure 1
germanium with suitable impurity of three valence electrons.
By sharing three electrons with the neighboring atoms the
fourth remains free creates a hole. Since the atom whole is
electrical neutral
6 1
q = 10 μC = 10 × 10−6 C

= 1.88 × 105 N m2 C−1
7 Definition,I=nAev 1+1
J = ne vd ½
vd = j/ne = i/Ane ½
= 1A/(2×10-6m2)(8.5 ×1022×106m-3)(1.6×10-19C) ½
= 0.036mm/s
8 Water molecules absorb infrared radiation 1
(i) Visible light (ii) Microwaves ½+½
9 (i) KE is proportional to the freq of incident radiation so KE 1
increases 1
(ii) Photoelectric current remains same as the intensity in both
the cases is same.
10 Total energy E = -13.6 Ev ½
K.E = -E = 13.6 eV 1
P.E = -2K.E = -27.2 eV
11 Torque = p×E 1
(i) θ= 90 torque is max and diagram 1
(ii) θ = 0 torque is min and diagram 1

12 Initial energy stored in single capacitor = 1

CV2 /2 =Q2 /2C
Capacitance of combined capacitor = C+C = 2C 1
As total energy remains same, so
Final energy/initial energy = 1/2
13 E1/E2 = l1/l2 & correct substitution to calculate E1 = 2.4 V ½+½
(i)Resistance of the wire R = V/I = 60Ω ½
(ii)r = (l1 – l2)/l2 x R where l2 = 500 – 10 = 490cm ; calculation ½
of R = 490Ω ½ +½
(iii)r = ( E- V )/V x R and calculation of V = 1.96 Volts
14 r >a ½
L = 2πr
B(2πr) = µI ½
B = µI/2πr ½
Bα 1/r (r >a)
For r <a ½
I0 ½
= I(π r2/πa2) ½
B(2πr) = µI r2/a2
1 Diamagneic(i) They are feebly repelled by magnets 1
(ii) susceptibility is negative and very small 1
2. Paramagnetic i) They are feebly attracted by magnets 1
(ii) susceptibility is positive and small

3. Ferromagnetic materials(i) They are strongly attracted by

(ii) susceptibility is positive and large
15 B = B0 sinωt 1
Φ = NBA = N AB0 sinωt
Induced e.m.f = d(N AB0 sinωt)/dt 1
= ξcosωt
Where ξ = N ωAB0 = max value of induced emf 1

16 (i) f = fr , XL= XC 1
Pure resitive , current and voltage in the same phase
(ii) f < fr , XL< XC
The circuit is capacitive, current leads the voltage 1
(iii) f > fr, XL> XC
The circuit is inductive, current lags behind the voltage
17 Diagram 1
u = - 30cm, f = 20 cm
1/v = 1/f +1/u
v = 60 cm 1
v = x + 10
x = 60 – 10 = 50 cm 1
18 Diagram 2
m = - L/f0 (1+ D/fe)
19 Diagram 1
Marking the region 2
20 The min amount of energy required to eject the electron from 1
a metal surface.
W = h f0 , 1
mv21/2 = h×2 f0 – W = h f0
mv22/2 = h ×5 f0 – W = 4 h f0
mv21/2/ mv22/2 = 1: 2 1

21 Line of sight communication 1

Dm = √2RhT + √2RhR 1
LOS depends on both 1
22 It is defined as the ratio of change in amplitude of carrier wave 1
to the amplitude of the original carrier wave
µ = Am/Ac 1
Am= µ Ac = 75×12/100 = 9V 1
23 Ans. (a) UV protection glasses are those which filter ultra 2
violet rays they are harmful to our eyes. Polaroid glasses help
in reducing the glure. Photo sensitive glasses get darker in
strong day light. They protect our eyes from strong sunlight
especially at noon.
(b) Suman has displayed concern for her friends. She has put
to use the knowledge she acquired in her science. Mugging up
things for examination is of no use. What we are taught in the
class room must be used in practice. 2
24 Diagram 1
I2 I1 B2

B1 r

Expression B2 = µ0×2I2/4πr 1
F = B2 × ( I1 ×1)= µ0×2I2 I1 /4πr 1
Defintion of 1 Ampere
F1 = µ0×2I2 I1 /4πr × lenth of the arm AB ½
= 10-7×2×2×5×0.1/0.01 = 2×10-5 (attractive)
F2 = 10 ×2×2×5/0.05 = 0.4×10
-7 -5 (repulsive) ½
(i) As the two forces on the loop are in the plane of the loop, ½
torque on the loop is zero ½
(ii) Therefore , net force on the loop,
F = F1- F2 = 1.6 × 10-5 N (towards the wire) 1
OR 1
Principle 1


Frequency is independent of kinetic energy of particle

According to Einstein special theory of relativity, the mass of a 1
particle increases with its velocity. At high velocities the
cyclotron frequency will decrease due to increase in mass.
This will throw the particle out of resonance with the
oscillatory field. Hence the particles are not accelerated

25 I = I1+I2+ 2√ I1I2 cosφ 1

Condition for contructive interefernce ½
Path difference = 0, λ, 2λ, 3λ,............. = nλ ½
condition for destructive interference
Path difference = (2n+1)λ/2 1
(i) When φ = 0, IR = 5I + 4I cos0 = 9I 1
(ii) When φ = π/2, IR = 5I +4Icosπ/2 = 5I
(iii) When φ = π, 1
IR = 5I +4Icosπ = I
if the electric field vector of a light wave vibrates just in one 1
direction perpendicular to the direction of wave
propagation, then the light wave is said to be plane polarised. ½
The axis of Polaroid third is inclined at 450 to the axis of 1st
and 2nd ½
let the max intensity transmitted is I0 ½
The intensity transmitted by third = I0cos2θ450 = I0/2 ½
The intensity transmitted by 2nd = I0/2 cos2θ450 = I0/4
(b) Yes, the light beam is unpolarised. The polaroids cuts down
the intensity to half due to polarisation of light 2
26 (i)Diagram 1
Working 1
Input and output diagram 1
(ii) output freq for have wave rectifier is 50 hz 1
And for full wave rectifier = 2×50 = 100 hz 1
(i)NOR gate identification and logic symbol for NOR gate 1+1
(ii)NOR + NOT = OR 1
Meaning of Zener diode + correct symbol ½+½
Correct circuit diagram and correct explanation 1+1 Name of PGT (PHYSICS) Phone no Email id KENDRIYA VIDYALAYA

1 SHRI SUNIL DATT PAREEK 9414403490 [email protected] BSF ANUPGARH

2 SHRI RAVINDRA TAK 9530458563 [email protected] MOUNT ABU

3 SHRI RATAN PAL 9413940365 [email protected] CHURU

4 SH AJEET SINGH MANGA 9414476867 [email protected] KV-1 ARMY JODHPUR

5 SH VIR MOHAMMAD 9414828124 [email protected] JALIPPA CANTT, BARMER

6 SH AJAY KUMAR 9928542912 [email protected] AFS UTTARLAI, BARMER

7 SHRI RAVI ARORA 9414090372 [email protected] AFS UTTARLAI, BARMER

8 SHRI SOHAN LAL 9414493861 [email protected] KV-2 AFS JODHPUR

9 SHRI S.K. SINGH 9460011255 [email protected] KV-1 BIKANER

10 SHRI AMAR DEEP 9462974642 [email protected] KV-1 BIKANER

11 SHRI HEMRAJ SHARMA 9413827968 [email protected] STPS, SURATGARH

12 SHRI OMPARKASH 9414603982 [email protected] SRIGANTANAGAR CANTT

13 SHRI PRADEEP KUMAR 9413109435 [email protected] JHUNJHUNU


14 SHRI S.L. VERMA 7062134124 [email protected] KV-1 JAIPUR

15 SHRI B.S. RATHORE 9414787494 [email protected] AVIKANAGAR

16 SHRI RAJESH PALIWAL 9460872382 [email protected] NO-3 JAIPUR

17 SHRI MOHIT KUMAR PARIK 7877961167 [email protected] NO-1 ALWAR

18 SHRI CHITRESH PANDEYA 9039713772 [email protected] NO-1 UDAIPUR

19 SHRI TEERTH RAJ JHARIYA 8717976055 [email protected] NO-1 UDAIPUR

20 SHRI LAKSHMAN SINGH 9413860349 [email protected] NO-1 ARMY JODHPUR

21 SHRI BRAJESH KUMAR 9649360082 [email protected] BHILWARA

22 SHRI ANIL KUMAR 9001921157 [email protected] DEOGARH

23 SHRI BHUPESH NAGODA 9610549055 [email protected] KV-5 JAIPUR

24 SHRI YUDHISHTER 7023857986 [email protected] KV-5 JAIPUR

25 SHRI BANSHI LAL 9630971590 [email protected] KV-5 JAIPUR

26 SHRI AMIT KUMAR PALIWAL 7726877969 [email protected] SIKAR

27 SHRI B.L. KOLI 9782061875 [email protected] PHULERA

28 SHRI SANDEEP KUMAR 8058790234 [email protected] NO-2 AJMER

29 SHRI ASHOK KUMAR 9462330332 [email protected] NO-2 ARMY BIKANER

30 SHRI SUNDAR LAL KOLI 8504092885 [email protected] BSF DABLA

31 SMT DURGESH BAIRWA 9887350455 [email protected] KV-1 AJMER

32 SHRI RAJENDRA CHAWLA 9001353835 [email protected] NASIRABAD

33 SMT VIDHI MATHUR 9414447481 [email protected] NO-4 JAIPUR
34 SMT SAROJ MEENA 9636606231 [email protected] NO-1 JAIPUR

35 SHRI HARI CHARAN LAL 7896409998 [email protected] NO-1 AFS JODHPUR

36 SHRI VIJAY MEENA 8385859587 [email protected] NO-1 AFS JODHPUR

37 SHRI PAWAN KUMAR 9166608551 [email protected] NO-6 JAIPUR

38 SHRI NARENDRA SING 7690047725 [email protected] ITARANA ALWAR

39 SHRI KARTAR SINGH 9928781410 [email protected] NO-1 ALWAR

40 SHRI SAMBHU PRAKASH 9460420237 [email protected] DUNGARPUR

41 SHRI NEERAJ JONWAL 7793821016 [email protected] BANAR JODHPUR

42 SHRI RAJESH GUPTA 9414727260 [email protected] NO-2 JAIPUR

43 SHRI ACHLESHWAR SANKHLA 9460592782 [email protected] BEAWAR

44 kapil sharma 9660480180 [email protected] DEOLI

45 SHRI DEEPAK JANGID 9460514232 [email protected] BSF POKRAN

46 SHRI KESHAV KHANDELWAL 9414451783 [email protected] AFS JAISALMER

47 SHRI AJAY KUMAR JANGID 9166798607 [email protected] NO-2 JAIPUR

48 G k joshi 9351911777 [email protected] K V Eklinggarh Udaipur

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