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Business Suite version 9.0

The ultimate asset management solution


Codification ShipServ Mimic Condition Shipdex Suite Mail F-MIS
e-procurement Monitoring Communications


Maintenance & Purchase Quality & Safety Personnel Tanker Management
Self Assessment

AMOS Business Suite version 9.0

Giampiero Soncini
Chief Executive Officer
The SpecTec Group
A Message from the CEO
T­ he history of SpecTec and AMOS is For the Navies, we represent a perfect to motivate, build, and bring innovation
the history of software at sea. For over Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) choice to AMOS products and services.
20 years, dedicated to Information for a complete Integrated Logistics SpecTec’s commitment to a dynamic
Technology solutions for maritime System (ILS) solution. Moreover, we product development plan is the
businesses, be it on merchant ships, cover, through strong partnerships, the cornerstone of our customer partnerships
oil rigs or war ships, SpecTec has set a land-based market, providing an ideal and the very strategy of our challenge to
course and is leading the way. software solution to all types of industries remain the leader.
such as power plants, paper mills, food
Our software and competent consultancy production and building maintenance. On land, in port, or at sea, SpecTec and
services cover all aspects related to AMOS carry on a tradition of IT excellence
Maintenance, Stock Control, Procurement, Born in 1985, SpecTec’s growth has been in Fleet Management Solutions, Offshore
Personnel Management, and the full marked by turning points, which have Asset Management, ILS applications, and
portfolio of Maritime issues linked with seen the company growing stronger a number of specialised services which
quality management, such as Tanker and establishing true leadership in the are difficult to find elsewhere.
Management and Self Assessment (TMSA), market.
the International Ship and Port Facility The contents of this brochure will
Security Code (ISPS), International Safety 2005, in particular, marked a new introduce you to AMOS products and
Management Code (ISM), Emergency beginning; SpecTec became independent services, and to a worldwide organisation
Response System (ERS), Shipboard again, and our legacy re-emerged, of steadfast professionals who are …
Marine Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP) renewed, proud and strong, and now “wherever you need us.”
and so on. For the Oil and Gas sector, we advances with a pioneering vision under
have created specialised modules to deal new leadership and ownership.
with all of the industry specific issues Giampiero Soncini
related to Maintenance, Stock Control Today, SpecTec professionals worldwide, Chief Executive Officer
and safety procedures. many from our founding days, continue The SpecTec Group

SpecTec History
SpecTec and AMOS: two recognisable names in the Maritime and 2000 The Dutch company, Station 12, owned by KPN (Dutch
Offshore Industries, bringing software to sea for over 20 years! Telecom), purchases SpecTec, Visma Marine Division.
Through an alliance with Telstra (Australian Telecom), Station
1985 SpecTec, the company, was formed as an Oslo branch 12 and SpecTec are merged with KPN Broadband, and Telstra
office of the leading Norwegian consultancy firm, ACCO, Satellite System, and renamed Xantic. Xantic becomes the
specialising in planned maintenance systems since 1916. largest Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
AMOS, the software, was designed to computerise planned company in the maritime sector.
maintenance on board ships. 2001 KPN makes a corporate decision to focus on the land-based
1986 SpecTec begins its early expansion with the first agencies telephone market, and Xantic, consequently, is considered
and the first branch office being established in Sweden. non-core business.
1987 SpecTec continues an expansion plan with further branch 2005 Early in the year, Xantic restructures to split the business
offices being established as AMOS software distributors in into two independent units: satellite communications and
the United States and The Netherlands. maritime software, the latter being the SpecTec network.
1988-89 The SpecTec distribution network expands to include Italy, This network is renamed The AMOS Group.
the United Kingdom, Singapore and Cyprus. In April 2005, a consortium of investors, led by Giampiero
1995 Following 7 years of continuous growth, SpecTec is listed Soncini, former Vice President of Xantic, present a bid for the
on the Oslo Stock Exchange Market. By this year, all the purchase of The AMOS Group.
distributing agencies are acquired and form the new SpecTec The AMOS Group was purchased
Group of companies. within 21 days from the bid,
1996 SpecTec merges with three other companies to form a almost a world record.
new corporate entity named Visma, Visual Management By July 2005, under the new
Application. leadership, the AMOS Group
1997 Visma splits its organisation, establishing two divisions: is renamed to the well-known
one of them is named SpecTec, Visma Marine Division. The “old” name of SpecTec, and The
company prospers and expands, reaching over 20 offices SpecTec Group reunites under a
worldwide. new banner and motto:

Maintenance and Purchase

• Stock Optimiser
• Accounting
• Project Manager
• E-Business
• Graphics
• Replication
• Document System
• Budget
• Stock Control
AMOS Business Suite is an extensive • Purchase
and powerful Windows based program • Maintenance
capable of handling most of the daily ERP
functions encountered in organisations that
may consist of multiple locations. It is a Quality and Safety
client/server application, where the client
program is run on a Windows PC, and the • Forms Generator
server program may use one of several different • ERS
database systems.
• Non-Conformity
A stand-alone configuration on a single PC is
also possible. • Distribution Document Control


• Port Reports
• Masters Cash
• Crew Administration


• Internet Mail Server

• Extra Modem Lines
• AMOS Connect Suite
• AMOS Connect Fleet

Voyage Management

• Voyage Management
Consultancy and Customer Support

Enhancement Add-On Product

Maintenance Risk Analysis Maintenance Plan

Optimisation Setup

Spare Parts Criticality Spare Parts

Optimisation Analysis Setup

Legislative Availability Training

Compliance Analysis

Classification Standard AMOS

Monitoring Training

Flag State
Application Bespoked
Exploration Training

Implementation Onboard



Licensed Crew
Training Centres

AMOS Maintenance and Purchase

A Steady Hand in Rough Seas

AMOS Maintenance and Purchase
A Steady Hand in Rough Seas
AMOS Maintenance and Purchase
A Steady Hand in Rough Seas



AMOS M&P is Plan Maintenance

a Windows application for the integrated management of
Define jobs to be performed regularly.
maintenance work and costs, stock control and purchasing.
Define maintenance schedules.
It works in conjunction with AMOS Business Suite.
Print lists of jobs to be done in the immediate
future, as check-lists or with full descriptions
SpecTec has developed AMOS M&P
of work.
specifically for companies and organisations with
Plan extraordinary maintenance with Work
geographically distributed plants or installations.
In other words, where maintenance, stock control and Orders.
requisitioning take place at one or more local installations,
and purchasing and transport planning take place at a central Report Maintenance
headquarters. Report performance of planned maintenance,
manually or semi-automatically with simple
The various functions in AMOS M&P work together reporting.
If you perform a maintenance job requiring certain spare Keep records required by inspecting
parts, and then report performing that job, the associated authorities.
spare parts which were automatically estimated for usage, Print or display maintenance records.
are updated in the stock control records as removed. Report unexpected work and routine
Moreover, the purchasing function holds a purchase order as checks.
‘Active’ until the goods are registered as ‘Received’, at which
Create work orders and report work based
point they are added into the stock control records.
on work orders.

AMOS M&P allows you to see

Control Stock
what has been spent on various maintenance activities or
purchases, and what is planned or budgeted for spending Display and print inventory list for each
in the future. storage area.

8 For full contact details visit: | [email protected]

AMOS Maintenance and Purchase
A Steady Hand in Rough Seas

Update quantities directly, after taking inventory. Receive Goods

Display automatic transactions in and out of stock from
maintenance or purchasing activities. Mark goods received based on purchase orders, automatically
updating stock.
Review current stock quantities in relation to pre-set
minimum, maximum and reorder levels. Track Costs and Budgets
Automatically calculate the amount needed to fill stock to
any of those three levels. Answer questions like:
Store preferred vendor, price and vendor supplied units What have I spent so far this month? This fiscal year?
How much of the budgeted amount remains for this
for all stock.

Request Stock And,

Save and analyse costs due to unexpected maintenance
Enter desired quantities of items as they are used or expire. over time to evaluate and improve preventive maintenance
Requisition Stock and Consumables

Create requisition forms for stock items automatically,

based on desired quantities and preferred vendors, or
create forms manually.
Create requisition forms for consumables.

Track Purchasing

Answer questions like:

Has the purchaser started to work with my last
Was the order approved? Was it confirmed?
When is it expected to arrive?
What purchase orders are still active?

For full contact details visit: | [email protected] 9

AMOS Maintenance and Purchase
A Steady Hand in Rough Seas


YOU CAN: The registered delivery line items must be assigned to actual
deliveries. This will ensure you that all ordered items are
Receive Requisitions eventually delivered and transported to the installation.
Import data from various local installations to the main
office. Plan Transport
AMOS helps you create transport documents, which also
Make Queries to Potential Vendors helps get an overview of unassigned deliveries. A transport
When you don’t have a preferred vendor, or you are going to form can be used to print a list of deliveries to be loaded on
purchase items for the first time. a transport.

Compare Quotations Apply Company Specific Workflows

Receive quotations in response to queries you send out. AMOS allows you to apply your company’s own Workflow
Record them, and have AMOS calculate the total price of to the Maintenance and Purchase processes. Specified
each quotation. individuals are notified when necessary according to a
Compare quotations, and have AMOS recommend a predefined process (status> status action > resulting status).

Create / Approve Purchase Orders

When you have decided to create a purchase order, you can
create a new one, or convert a requisition or a query into a
purchase order.

Order Goods
When you order goods, you may want to split a requisition
into purchase orders sent to different vendors. You may also
be able to send the orders directly from AMOS.

Confirm Orders
When vendors confirm orders, you must record the reference
number of the vendor’s confirmation on the AMOS Purchase
Order. You must also record deliveries on the Purchase Order.

10 For full contact details visit: | [email protected]

AMOS Maintenance and Purchase
A Steady Hand in Rough Seas


The AMOS Dashboard is a brand new feature of AMOS

Business Suite

The system now opens up to a customisable home page, or

“Dashboard”. This Dashboard is a visual tool presenting the user
with an upfront overview of the most important information.
Different users can have different dashboards, depending
on their role and needs.
For instance, a Chief Engineer would want to keep the number
of unexpected maintenance Work Orders, created over time
and that still need to be processed, under control.
Whereas, a chief buyer would need to know at a glance
that a number of new purchase order requests have been
submitted and need his immediate attention.

By logging into AMOS, each user will be able to see his own
customised dashboard.
Items in the dashboard are presented in the form of alerts,
both numerically and graphically, to ensure the best
possible visibility.
The dashboard clearly lists all notifications generated by the
active workflows. A double click on the notification section
takes the user directly to the notification window.

For full contact details visit: | [email protected] 11

AMOS Quality and Safety

A Steady Hand in Rough Seas

AMOS Quality and Safety
A Steady Hand in Rough Seas
AMOS Quality and Safety
A Steady Hand in Rough Seas


AMOS Q&S is a module for the integrated management of Quality
and Safety, including procedures, circulars, non-conformities
and incidents. It works in conjunction with AMOS Business Suite
(license required). AMOS Q&S makes it easier to ensure that
all the sites in your organisation follow the correct procedure.

AMOS Q&S allows you to design the system to suit your
needs, both in regards to textual information and data type, and thereby avoid having to allocate procedures
acquisition. This flexibility means that you are responsible individually to each installation.
for ensuring that the system is accurate and complete. When configuring a new installation in your system, add it
When you install AMOS Q&S, the demo database contains to the appropriate installation group, and the site will inherit
a list of pre-defined procedures with the status Active or the standard distribution set-up for that group.
Obsolete. These procedures can be used as the starting point
for establishing the quality system of your organisation. NC By Categories
Procedures describe which measures to take at your various sites
Number of non conformities

to maintain the established quality goals of your organisation.

AMOS Q&S makes it easier to ensure that all the sites in
your organisation follow the correct procedure.
You can adjust the document template connected to a
procedure to have it reflect the typographical standards of
your organisation, and update the contents of each procedure
to reflect the policy of your organisation.

In AMOS Q&S you specify procedures to be distributed to

installations and/or installation groups. Procedures that relate NRC generated NRC generated in
to specific installations are assigned directly for distribution. in response to response to
physical failures procedural failures
The concept of an installation group is to allow standard
procedures to be grouped together according to class NC Main Categories

14 For full contact details visit: | [email protected]

AMOS Quality and Safety
A Steady Hand in Rough Seas

Incidents, Claims, Manuals

You can:
Use the Incidents window to report accidents, cargo
incidents, hazardous occurrences, improvement suggestions,
personal injury, damage to property and pollution.

Use the Manuals window to add manuals to your database,

for viewing by everybody or by selected groups. The
Manuals window contains all the manuals you have added
to your database, for viewing by your entire organisation,
or by selected groups. Procedures are associated with each
manual – that is, manuals are added to the procedures,
and then approved and published using WorkFlow.
Employees can be assigned access to Read, Edit and
Delete manuals.

Use the Conventions window to add conventions (i.e. IMO)

to the system. Conventions are divided into categories
such as SOLAS, SAR or COLREG (root folders), according
to a hierarchy structure. Conventions within each topic or
group are contained in sub-folders.
Use the Claims window to enter and view the details
about claims against an insurance policy.

You can:
Use the Work Orders window to view and update individual
work orders. When a Work Order is created, necessary
information automatically appears in the General tab.
Edit the information in the Planning section.
Select whether the work is unexpected or not in the Work
Classification Section.

The History section displays the dates related to the work

order. This window also keeps track of any work permits

For full contact details visit: | [email protected] 15

AMOS Quality and Safety
A Steady Hand in Rough Seas

The ERS (Emergency Response System) is the list of
contacts to notify in an emergency. This list contains
contact information for the relevant authorities in
countries all over the world. You receive updates to this
information in the case of any changes. Specific information
about contacting customers, insurance companies, flag
state authorities and other vital parties can be added.
The ERS module complies with such international standards
as SOPEP and OPA.

Triggers determine when to carry out jobs. You can use
triggers to schedule jobs performed at recurring intervals, or
jobs which are handled when a specific event occurs.

Work Flow
Every task progresses to completion through a series of steps
called a work flow. Configuring this work flow allows AMOS
Q&S to perform each of these steps in accordance with your
company’s existing procedures.

It is possible to configure work flow for the following

Q&S Modules:
Non Conformities
Quality Work Orders

16 For full contact details visit: | [email protected]

AMOS Quality and Safety
A Steady Hand in Rough Seas

AMOS DASHBOARD Whereas, a chief buyer would need to know at a glance

that a number of new purchase order requests have been
The AMOS Dashboard is a brand new feature of AMOS submitted and need his immediate attention.
Business Suite
By logging into AMOS, each user will be able to see his own
The system now opens up to a customisable home page, or customised dashboard.
“Dashboard”. This Dashboard is a visual tool presenting the user
with an upfront overview of the most important information. Items in the dashboard are presented in the form of alerts,
Different users can have different dashboards, depending both numerically and graphically, to ensure the best
on their role and needs. possible visibility.

For instance, a Chief Engineer would want to keep the number The dashboard clearly lists all notifications generated by the
of unexpected maintenance Work Orders, created over time active workflows. A double click on the notification section
and that still need to be processed, under control. takes the user directly to the notification window.

For full contact details visit: | [email protected] 17


S t a y i n g o n To p
S t a y i n g o n To p
S t a y i n g o n To p

AMOS-TMSA Record performance and compare progress

Provide documented evidence in case of audits
The Self Assessment module allows your company to
The Self Assessment Window
Perform a self assessment of compliance with TMSA
Is where you perform self assessments for your organisation.
(Tanker Management and Self Assessment) requirements
It contains the configuration revisions which the self
and standards.
assessment will be performed against.
This window accurately reproduces the Elements, Sub-
Measure and evaluate your company. Performing regular Elements and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as indicated
Self Assessments ensures continuous improvement within by the TMSA document.
your organisation.
Each Element is like a category relating to a particular aspect of
You should perform self assessments to: company operation, such as crew management or emergency
Review existing systems and practices within your procedures. For example, two such elements in the TMSA
organisation and evaluate these against industry class include “Management, Leadership and Accountability”
standards and “Emergency Preparedness and Contingency Planning”.

20 For full contact details visit: | [email protected]

S t a y i n g o n To p

The configuration revisions of the Self Assessment Window

support revisions which are work flow controlled and only
one Draft and one Issued revision can exist at a time.
User(s) must periodically evaluate each KPI according to the
present stage, and then compare the new assessment against
previous results in order to evaluate progress.

You should perform a new self-assessment revision when

It is the first time you have incorporated the Self
Assessment module at an installation
The standards you are comparing your company
to have been changed and you must evaluate yourself
against newer or more strict criteria
You perform assessments at intervals and the
appointed time has arrived
You have changed the Work Flow
Status of a previous Assessment revision
(ie. cancelled it, issued it, assessed it, etc) and so
a new one is now required
Meeting the KPIs in each
Every Self Assessment is a new and separate Revision.
element with a 100% score indicates that your
If you have a revision in progress that has not yet been scored
and issued, you can continue to open the same revision and company is performing at the top standards demanded by
add to it at its initial status, until it is finished and ready to the industry.
be assessed and issued through a dedicated workflow.
Self Assessment Statistics
Every new assessment revision is evaluated against the most This window contains the assessment data entered in the
recently issued set of configurations. Self Assessment window.

For full contact details visit: | [email protected] 21

AMOS Personnel

Managing Crew Your Way With Ease

AMOS Personnel
Managing Crew Your Way With Ease
AMOS Personnel
Managing Crew Your Way With Ease

AMOS PERSONNEL records. You can generate new service periods and plan the
activity an employee shall perform (ie. the dates, the vessel and
AMOS Personnel, one of the AMOS Business Suite modules, is department, leave days, etc.)
THE tool for crew management. Basic crew details are entered
and administered from a shore-based facility. Furthermore, Using the Payroll and Accounting functions, you can manage
crew data can also be corrected or modified by either ship Fixed and Variable Transactions:
or shore-based personnel (based on access rights). All the
Fixed transactions apply to each employee and are
alterations and updates are constantly kept aligned by the
automatically repeated every month. For example, standard
AMOS Replication tool.
wage is a fixed transaction and can be managed here.
Variable transactions are items that are debited and credited
EMPLOYEE OVERVIEW to employees’ accounts every month and are valid for the
current month only.
Crew details are entered and maintained in Variable transactions include things like slopchest purchases
the Employee window. and cash advances.
This window manages employee If a crewmember purchases something from the slopchest
information such as contracts, ranks, or takes a cash advance, this information must be entered
addresses, airports, photos, service periods,
education, certificates, medical records,
passports/visas and licenses etc.
You can also list and track all contact details
and family details for employees (ie next
of kin, etc).

You can make evaluations for each crew

member and store the information for future

The Service tab

is for maintaining all information regarding
current, planned and historical service

24 For full contact details visit: | [email protected]

AMOS Personnel
Managing Crew Your Way With Ease

in the variable transactions tab to debit the employee the CREW CHANGE
corresponding amount from his/her pay.
If he/she does overtime, these hours must be entered in the This window lists the crew changes that are planned, and
variable transactions tab and then credited to his/her pay. can be used to plan travel arrangements.

In the Payslip tab

It contains two tables:
the quantity, rate and amount for each wage type included
The Signing Off table lists the employees who are due
on the payslip are displayed.
to sign off the selected vessel(s) during the specified
The Accumulators tab
The Signing On table lists the employees who are
shows the period amount and totals for the year for the wage
due to sign on to the selected vessel(s) during the
types linked to an accumulator. Accumulators are wage types
specified period.
that are carried forward month by month.


There are three Schedule planning windows: Work Sets

The Employee Schedule - provides planning information A work set can be, for example, a vessel, your company, a
listed by employee bargain agreement, etc.
The Rank Schedule - provides planning information listed You must add work sets in this window before you can run
by rank payroll for them.
The Vessel Schedule - provides planning information
listed by vessel (this information can be edited) After you have determined all fixed transactions, updated
personal information and entered variable transactions:
You can calculate the wages for the current period.
The Expired window lists any documents or certificates that You may choose to run the payroll for a particular vessel,
have expired or which have no valid expiry dates. or group of employees.
All documents registered in the database are checked continuously,
and any that expire are included in the appropriate list. The Period is closed
when the payroll is completed, all bank transfers are made,
This menu has four sub-menus: Licenses, Medical Certificates,
ID Books and Services. and all control reports run.
All Licenses, Medical Certificates and ID Books that have
expired are listed. You can close the period for one or several employees or
Moreover, if an employee’s current service is completed but vessels, or for the entire company.
has not yet been transferred to the History page, it will be After closing, all transactions are marked as historical and all
listed as Expired under the ‘Services’ menu. accumulators are updated with the current period figures.

For full contact details visit: | [email protected] 25

AMOS Personnel
Managing Crew Your Way With Ease


The Onboard functions in AMOS Personnel are for Crew and
Slopchest Management. The Slopchest submenu gives access to the functions
controlling stock purchase, sale and transfer.
The administration menu items access the functions used for STOCK ITEMS
administrating your vessels’ crew.
The Stock Items window lists all items onboard the vessel for
Crew Effects
sale from the Slopchest.
You can use this window to enter crewmembers’ and
supernumerarys’ valuables into the system for customs
The items are listed here in three classes:
purposes and to identify ownership.

Slopchest (SC) - main storage containing any kind of

Ships Stores
goods except bonded stores.
The Ship Store window enables you to enter special items of Bonded Stores (BS) - goods normally declared - alcohol,
the ship’s stores for customs purposes.
cigarettes, etc.
These items could include, for example, radios, televisions,
Welfare (WF) - subset of goods from both slopchest and
stereo systems, cameras, tobacco etc.
bonded stores.
The Supernumerary window is for adding and removing
details of people other than crewmembers who are travelling
onboard for a short period. A supernumerary could be for Transactions are the main way of viewing changes in Stock
example a passenger or a temporary staff member. Item levels on board your vessel.

This window displays the details of the transaction. Here you

can see
The date the selected transaction occurred.
The quantity of items involved in the transaction.
The price currency and amount.
A user-defined reference number.
The transaction type and who the transaction is being
reported by.

The price set here will be the price paid by the company
when the item was initially purchased. The actual sale price
paid by the crew member will be this purchase price + any
commissions and profit margins set by the company.

26 For full contact details visit: | [email protected]

AMOS Personnel
Managing Crew Your Way With Ease

The purpose of the account sheet templates is to set up each

account sheet layout, which affects the information displayed
when you view the account sheets.
You can set up the template for each of the following types
of account sheets:
Slopchest Account
Bonded Stores Account
Crew Welfare Account
Master’s Cash Account

You can use the Account Sheets to keep track of the cash
flow on board each vessel.

The account sheets enable you to view the status value of

each account at any time during a payroll period on board.
The reports will normally be sent into the main office on a
regular basis.

Master Cash transactions are for accommodating the handling

of cash amounts on board.

The following types of cash transactions can be registered:

Cash advance

A single Order Form may consist of one or several Line
Items, each one of which normally represents an item being
You can register and process purchase forms for slopchest
Stock Items.

The Slopchest - Forms window provides a list of all the

purchase forms (Requisition, Query, and Purchase Order)
available in the system.

AMOS Personnel enables you to prepare various account
sheets such as Slopchest, Bonded Stores, Crew Welfare and
Master Cash, to be submitted to your head office at the end
of each payroll period.

The onboard accounting functions are:

Account Sheets
Master’s Cash

For full contact details visit: | [email protected] 27


Optimised, Cost Effective Communication

Optimised, Cost Effective Communication
Optimised, Cost Effective Communication

AMOS Mail can save up to 80% of your satellite AMOS Mail:

communication costs even if you have a Fleet
Broadband high speed connection. enables crew members to transmit messages to other
crew members located at different locations at sea.
AMOS Mail highly transforms the world of maritime
communications, bringing cost effective, easy- facilitates communication functions such as email, fax and
to-use, reliable, and stress-free connectivity telex transmission.
onboard maritime vessels – A challenge for a
demanding market Because of AMOS Mail’s seamless integration with all
SpecTec family software modules such as AMOS Business
For years, communication options to and from vessels have Suite and AMOS2 Enterprise Management Suite, it is the
been pay-by-the-minute, pay-by-the-byte service and have perfect solution to completely automate your AMOS database
been shared by crew members. Today, even though this replication onboard.
option is still available, AMOS Mail is the key to non-stop
communication. AMOS Mail can save up to 80% of your satellite communication
costs even if you have a Fleet Broadband high speed
AMOS Mail, the maritime industry’s new generation of connection.
messaging, has transformed marine vessels into floating
offices to maintain normal business operations even while
onboard, satisfying increased customer demand.
Remote maritime satellite communication services are of
utmost importance when it comes to cargo vessels or ships
carrying people across seas.

SpecTec has significant experience in software for satellite

communication systems for vessel fleets and is capable of
fulfilling all your maritime satellite communication needs
from engineering and installation to maintenance.

Our product is designed to improve your communication

needs and keep you in touch with the world.

30 For full contact details visit: | [email protected]

Optimised, Cost Effective Communication

AMOS Mail onboard

AMOS Mail is designed for ship-to-shore communication and
provides an ultra-efficient satellite communications protocol,
which means that it can be used with GSM, Iridium, HF-
radio, Inmarsat -B, -B HSD, -C, -M, mini-M and Fleet (33, 55
and 77).

AMOS Mail is specifically designed for:

Full duplex transmission with simultaneous send and

Message compression, yielding an average 50% reduction

across all file types, with even higher compression on text
and database files

No need to compress attachment; they are compressed

the moment they are included into the messages

Minimised modem synchronisation and handshake

procedures, reducing connection time and costs

Automatic mid-message recovery after break, for minimum


Retransmission of enclosures from cached copy on server at Email

minimum cost
AMOS Mail features full email ‘send and receive’ facilities.
AMOS Mail is designed for ship-to-shore communication and The additional tunneling option uses the internet to transport
provides an ultra-efficient satellite communications protocol, AMOS Mail data packages. This allows AMOS Mail office
which means that it can be used with GSM, Iridium, HF-radio, installations to communicate with each other via internet at
Inmarsat -B, - B HSD, -C, -M, mini-M and Fleet (33, 55 and 77). local call rates, regardless of their location.

AMOS Mail in Office Full Integration with all the SpecTec

Applications and even more than this ...
AMOS Mail ensures that an unlimited number of people can
share the mail system on the office network. Its high level The Application Programming Interface (API) not
of scalability allows for quick distribution of all messages only makes it possible to transfer data between all
via several devices such as modems, telexes and faxes. This the SpecTec designed applications but also between
guarantees that messages are delivered to destination as other non-SpecTec software applications. For example,
soon as the ship communicates with the office. reporting and administration systems can be linked
by AMOS Mail without the need for crew intervention.
AMOS Mail for Personal Use
Integration with other messaging systems like Lotus Domino,
Travelling personnel can keep in touch with just a notebook Microsoft Exchange Server and many others is also possible
computer, connected by modem either via cellular phone or through AMOS Mail’s SMTP gateway. Faxes and Telexes can
normal land-line. Mail sent to the office can be forwarded and be sent from the office but also rerouted to other providers
email and faxes can be sent directly from any location. This to be distributed worldwide.
allows employees to keep in touch with the organisation,
contacts and suppliers anywhere in the world, at any time, AMOS Mail is a 32 bit application compatible with: Microsoft
without having to set foot in the office. Windows NT, 98, 2000, 2003, XP and Vista.

For full contact details visit: | [email protected] 31


Data where it matters

Data where it matters
Data where it matters

The Shipdex™ dataset production

DESCRIPT Full S1000DTM compliance Full ShipdexTM compliance


IPD Infoset
Manufacturer “A”
DESCRIPT (S1000DTM CSDB) ShipdexTM datasets
PROCED • DM Selection
• DM Extraction
IPD Infoset
• Enhancement

PROCED Dataset
IPD Infoset

Shipdex™ is the International Business Rules

(The Shipdex™ Protocol) developed to standardise the
production and the exchange of technical and logistic data
within the shipping community.
The Shipdex™ Protocol applies to S1000D™ at issue 2.3

The Shipdex™ Protocol handles technical data exchange for
all sea projects to ensure that data is exchanged in a neutral
and standardised format; ie. It can be easily implemented on
different Information Technology systems.
The Shipdex™ Protocol provides the end user with essential,
complete and non-redundant technical information which is
strictly linked to logistic studies or equivalent analysis and
related maintenance strategies.

Information produced in accordance with the Shipdex™

Protocol is achieved in a modular form, called a “Data
Module”, which is defined as “the smallest self contained
information unit within a Shipdex™ data set”.
The Shipdex™ Protocol defines data modules as containers
for data exchange.

The data module types that the Shipdex™ Protocol makes All data modules that are applicable to the Product may be
use of are: gathered and managed in a database, which is referred to as
the Common Source Data Base (CSDB). Although information
Descriptive, for descriptive and operational information is not duplicated in the CSDB, individual data modules can
be reused many times in the output. Savings are therefore
Procedural, for maintenance information made in the maintenance of the data in that it only needs
to be changed once, while the modified information appears
Illustrated Parts Data (IPD), for catalogues throughout the output.

34 For full contact details visit: | [email protected]

Data where it matters

The AMOS Shipdex Suite Scenario


Val TO AMOS BS Business
Suite 9.X
CSDB Publication Import
TA S E T Rules

Feedback and IETP
Comments PDF IETP

Overview Publication or from the Author CSDB and to create a PDF

Technical Publication for printing.
SpecTec has been involved in the development of
the Shipdex™ Protocol and is a Founder member AMOS Shipdex IETP browser *, to allow for search,
of the “Shipdex™ Protocol Working Group” and navigation and viewing features through IETP and printing
the “Shipdex™ Protocol Steering Committee (SPSC)”. capabilities.

SpecTec acts as Technical Manager within the “Shipdex™ AMOS Shipdex Interface, to import validated Shipdex™
Protocol Maintenance Group (SPMG)”. datasets into the AMOS Business Suite database.

The new AMOS Shipdex Suite, developed by SpecTec, is Benefits

the most effective tool on the market for the production,
An integrated suite of software tools:
management, use and valorisation of technical information
developed in accordance with the Shipdex™ Protocol. To produce and manage your technical information in
accordance with S1000D™ and the Shipdex™ Protocol
AMOS Shipdex Suite is composed of the following (mostly addressed to manufacturers).
modules that can be installed and activated To validate and exchange complete Shipdex™ datasets
separately and at different times: (addressed to all shipping actors).
AMOS Shipdex Author *, to produce Shipdex™ datasets To publish and print Shipdex™ Publications (addressed
and store them inside a Common Source Data Base (CSDB). to all shipping actors).
AMOS Shipdex Data Manager *, to validate a Shipdex™ To automatically create and update the AMOS Business
dataset against S1000D™ and Shipdex™ rules, Shipdex™ Suite database (addressed to AMOS BS users).
standard tables, etc.
All AMOS Shipdex Suite software tools with the exception of
AMOS Shipdex IETP Builder *, to create an Interactive AMOS Shipdex Interface are completely independent of the
Electronic Technical Publication (IETP)from a Virtual CMMS or ERP in operation by the end users.

* Powered by Corena
CORENA is one of the world’s foremost suppliers of Commercial-Off-The-Shelf products managing the production, publishing, distribution, and use
of technical documentation for complex equipment. CORENA’s products are widely used, primarily by customers within the Aerospace and Defence
industry utilising recognised international standards like ATA iSpec 2200 and ASD/AIA S1000D.

For full contact details visit: | [email protected] 35

Data where it matters

AMOS Shipdex Author It is also possible to enhance the Shipdex™ dataset with
the Ship/Port configuration data and apply the First/Second
AMOS Shipdex Author is a ready to use,
verification for QA purposes.
Commercial-Off-The-Shelf (COTS) product providing you
with what you need to manage your technical publication It has a feature to build a Virtual Publication that allows basic
projects inside a CSDB in accordance with the Shipdex™ browsing, viewing and printing features through a Shipdex™
specification. dataset.

It includes user management and access control, work-flow, AMOS Shipdex Data Manager is independent of the Author
authoring of data modules, generation of publishing modules, tools used to build a Shipdex™ dataset and the CMMS
and publishing and delivery management. used for the management of maintenance and spare parts
It has a built-in PDF publishing engine with ready made style processes.
sheets that handles preview of single data modules, as well
as book publishing.

It also allows for storage and management of Shipdex™

comments (ie. feedback from the end users) created and
sent by the AMOS Shipdex IETP Browser into the CSDB.

The product consists of a Shipdex Author server installation,

and one or more Shipdex Author clients.

AMOS Shipdex Data Manager

AMOS Shipdex data manager is a ready to use, Commercial-
Off-The-Shelf (COTS) product enabling you to validate a
Shipdex™ dataset against:
Data Module List
S1000D™ and Shipdex™ rules
Shipdex™ Standard tables

36 For full contact details visit: | [email protected]

Data where it matters

AMOS Shipdex IETP Builder

and AMOS Shipdex IETP Browser
AMOS Shipdex IETP Builder is a ready to use, Commercial-Off-
The-Shelf (COTS) product module that can be used together
with the AMOS Shipdex Author and with the AMOS Shipdex
Data Manager. It allows you to build an Interactive Electronic
Technical Publication (IETP) that can be accessed and viewed,
using AMOS Shipdex IETP Browser, either over the Intranet or
by deploying it locally on individual machines.
AMOS Shipdex IETP Browser also allows for the creation of
Shipdex™ comments (feedback from the end users) to be
sent to the Manufacturer CSDB.

It is delivered with ready made style sheets for Shipdex.

AMOS Shipdex Interface

AMOS Shipdex Interface is a ready to use, Commercial-Off-
The-Shelf (COTS) product module that can be used to import
a validated Shipdex™ dataset into the AMOS Business Suite

Consequently AMOS Data Manager uses the data supplied by

manufacturers in accordance with the Shipdex™ Protocol to
automatically populate the AMOS database necessary for the
management of maintenance processes and spare parts.
This approach will save the time consuming and error prone
process of manual database production.
Furthermore, it will be possible to update the AMOS Business
Suite database on the basis of the Shipdex™ Service Bulletin
and Service letters.

For full contact details visit: | [email protected] 37

AMOS ShipServ

Tough Times call for SpecTec ShipServ Solutions


AMOS ShipServ
Tough Times call for SpecTec ShipServ Solutions
AMOS ShipServ
Tough Times call for SpecTec ShipServ Solutions


»... All requisitions and orders created in AMOS
Maintenance & Procurement (M&P) are automatically Together SpecTec and ShipServ represent an unparalleled
channeled through TradeNet. partnership, firmly rooted in the maritime industry.
The resulting quotes, confirmations and
acknowledgements are seamlessly returned back from SpecTec’s beginnings were in the Maritime Industry over 20
the supplier into AMOS M&P, eliminating manual data years ago, with personnel that have first-hand experience
entry and improving analysis ...« working on board ships and in the offices. The result is the
dynamic AMOS (Asset Management Operating System) that
covers all aspects related to Maintenance, Stock Control,
Procurement, Personnel Management, and the full portfolio
Introduction of Maritime issues linked with quality management.
No matter how buoyant the shipping market, shipping As of today, over 12,000 AMOS licences are deployed at more
companies are always looking for ways to reduce costs, than 1,200 companies in the Maritime Industry, with 7,000
increase operational efficiencies and maximise charter ships managed on a daily basis.

With market conditions increasingly becoming unpredictable,

now is the time to get costs under control and better manage
spending. But until recently, the purchasing department
has played a relatively peripheral role in these important

Today, there’s a new way to do business that brings purchasing

to its rightful place at the strategist’s table, while dramatically
improving purchasing speed, efficiency and visibility.

From sourcing new suppliers, to reducing the cost of managing

quotes and orders, to reducing maverick spend, SpecTec and
ShipServ can help you drive out costs and increase your
business agility.

40 For full contact details visit: | [email protected]

AMOS ShipServ
Tough Times call for SpecTec ShipServ Solutions

ShipServ is the leading maritime e-marketplace, helping

the buyers and sellers of ship supplies to reduce the costs
associated with doing business together.
In 2008, ShipServ members traded in excess of $1 billion of
goods and transformed the way they did business. Today the
ShipServ community numbers over 130 buying organisations,
4,500 vessels and 23,000 suppliers.

With SpecTec’s asset management expertise and ShipServ’s

e-commerce know-how, ship managers now have the
opportunity to fully automate their purchasing operations as
well as connect cost effectively to their supplier community.
From sourcing new suppliers, to reducing the cost of managing
quotes & orders, to reducing maverick spend, ShipServ and
SpecTec can help you drive out costs and increase your
business agility.

A track record of success

SpecTec and ShipServ have a long history of working together

to deliver benefits to the maritime community. Today 21
shipping companies managing nearly 500 vessels have
selected AMOS and the ShipServ TradeNet trading platform
to automate their purchasing operations.
These include Princess Cruises, Holland America Line, Vroon,
Hoegh, Grimaldi, Westfal Larsen, MSC and Masterbulk.

Ship owners and managers who use both AMOS and

ShipServ together have replaced manual, labour-
intensive processes for good reason:

Faster purchasing processes – cut order cycle times by
More accurate orders – waste less time unwinding errors
More on-time deliveries – and more productive ships
Lower risk of off-hire days – caused by supply issues
New business insight – to benchmark and improve
suppliers, processes and KPI performance
Easier compliance – with best-practice processes and total
Simple integration do it quickly and easily using open

For full contact details visit: | [email protected] 41

AMOS ShipServ
Tough Times call for SpecTec ShipServ Solutions

AMOS & TradeNet

Introducing the AMOS ShipServ Activation

SpecTec and ShipServ not only have a strong working
partnership, but have also developed tight technical
integration between both companies’ products.

A connection to ShipServ is included “out-of-the-box” with

AMOS, significantly reducing the set-up time required to a
matter of days.

And with the AMOS ShipServ Activation Wizard, your AMOS

Administrator can activate this connection without the need
for on-site assistance.

The AMOS ShipServ Activation Wizard is part of an on-going

development plan between both companies.
Future plans include even closer integration between AMOS
and ShipServ TradeNet as well as integration between AMOS
and ShipServ Pages, the online supplier sourcing directory.

AMOS Business Suite delivers an Asset Management System

optimised for the Maritime and Energy industries and is the
result of three years of development effort.

AMOS Maintenance and Procurement (AMOS M&P) is part

of AMOS Business Suite and is the module designed for
management of maintenance work and costs, stock control
and purchasing.

42 For full contact details visit: | [email protected]

AMOS ShipServ
Tough Times call for SpecTec ShipServ Solutions

With regards to purchasing, Buyers, The lingua franca for all of these transactions is the Marine
Superintendents and Purchasers can use Trading Mark-up Language (MTML), the industry standard
communications protocol.
AMOS M&P to:
Receive Requisitions from branch officers or ships
Thanks to the MTML standard, the average AMOS
customer can be fully integrated to ShipServ in days,
Make Queries to Potential Vendors
not weeks or months.
Compare Quotations
Create / Approve Purchase Orders And what’s more you can be trading with your entire supplier
Order Goods community from day one. With StartSupplier, ShipServ’s entry
Confirm Orders level supplier offering, your suppliers can begin trading with
Plan Deliveries you at no cost to them and with no need for additional
The traditional problem has been that communication between
buyers and suppliers is typically done by email, fax or at best Star t Supplier allows suppliers to:
by online ordering systems unique to each supplier.
The result may be cumbersome - faxes go missing, emails Receive RFQs and orders by email.
can go unread and the overheads in remembering which Use a simple online tool to send back
suppliers require orders in which format become significant. quotes and confirmations
This is where ShipServ steps in. Eliminate fax, email or spreadsheet-based transmission of
For the first time, buyers and suppliers can go through a
transaction data, which are prone to errors,
single online hub, ShipServ TradeNet, instead of trying to
lack security, and can be inadvertently sent to the wrong
create custom, hard-wired integrations between every
supplier and buyer.

All requisitions and orders created in AMOS M&P are With so many ship owners, operators and managers
automatically channeled through ShipServ. looking to cut costs, the SpecTec and ShipServ
combined solution provides a powerful way to help companies
The resulting quotes, confirmations and acknowledgements are to reduce their costs, minimize their risk and position
seamlessly returned back from the supplier into AMOS M&P. themselves well for growth when the economy improves.

For full contact details visit: | [email protected] 43

AMOS Mimic Condition Monitoring

Integrated Maintenance Management


AMOS Mimic Condition Monitoring

Integrated Maintenance Management
AMOS Mimic Condition Monitoring
Integrated Maintenance Management


Mimic integrates with AMOS to provide a fully
enhanced CBM (condition-based monitoring)

Mimic is a condition monitoring software suite which

enables you to eliminate unscheduled breakdowns, reduce
maintenance costs and increase your operational capability.
It’s used for the collection, storage, display, analysis and
management of all asset condition, performance and
maintenance information.
Mimic is a state of the art software application containing the
unique Mimic dashboard which instantly displays the health of
each asset.

The AMOS – Mimic interface allows AMOS to control all
aspects of your maintenance regime. Mimic operates within
the AMOS environment as an extension of the maintenance
and purchase module, not as a separate system, reducing
learning and training timescales.

Mimic integrates with AMOS to provide a fully enhanced

CBM capability providing a single point of entry for all your
maintenance information.

*Mimic has been awarded a Software Conformity

Assessment certificate by Lloyds Register

46 For full contact details visit: | [email protected]

AMOS Mimic Condition Monitoring
Integrated Maintenance Management



Data Collection Tools Condition Monitoring Suite CMMS

Control System Asset Prioritisation Asset Management
Visual Inspections Manage CBM Work Orders
Reliability Info Diagnostics Planning & Scheduling
CBM Monitoring Job Triggers Spares & Stock Forecast
Vibration Procurement
Oil Analysis Sub Contracts/Trades

AMOS MIMIC OFFERS: Oil Performance

Automated AMOS work order life cycle, giving you com-
plete control of all CBM jobs within AMOS.
Access to asset health and trending information within
your AMOS environment.
Full AMOS condition monitoring alert capability;
If any piece of equipment exceeds a defined threshold, Held
Mimic immediately alerts AMOS to a corrective action.
Easy database creation via data imports from AMOS into
Mimic; Hand

So there is no need to rewrite all data!

Transparency of information about the whole system and
its status; hed
Alarm &
The powerful combination of AMOS & Mimic allows for a Monitoring
perfect maintenance set-up.
Alarm &

On Line

On line
Motor On Line Oil
Condition Monitoring

For full contact details visit: | [email protected] 47

SpecTec Australia Pty Ltd. SpecTec GmbH SpecTec Philippines, Inc. SpecTec Middle East
Brisbane Pickhuben 6 Unit 606 Taipan Place P.O. Box 47025
Tel: +61 7 5523 9908 Hamburg F. Ortigas Jr. Ave Al Khaleej Centre,
Fax: +61 5523 3101 D-20457 Ortigas Center Office # 311
Germany Pasig Dubai
CHINA Tel: +49 40 369 054 780 1605 United Arab Emirates
SpecTec AMOS Shanghai Fax: +49 40 369 054 788 Philippines Tel: +971 4 355 7650
30A, Cross Region Plaza Tel: +63 2 636 00 44
No. 899 Lingling Road SpecTec GmbH UNITED KINGDOM
Shanghai Huettenstrasse 36 RUSSIA SpecTec Ltd.
200030 Duesseldorf SpecTec Ltd. The Dock Office
P.R. China D-40215 BC Preobrazhenskiy Trafford Road
TEL: +86 21 51506046 Germany V.O. 14th Line, 7A Salford Quays
Fax: +86 21 51506045 Tel: +49 211 303 66 28 St Petersburg Manchester
Fax: +49 211 303 66 19 RU-199034 M50 3XB
CROATIA Russian Federation United Kingdom
SpecTec Croatia HONG KONG Tel: +7 812 324 5110 Tel: +44 161 888 2288
Don Petra Perosa 137 SpecTec Asia Pacific
Mravince 13/F, Jie Yang Building SINGAPORE THE NETHERLANDS
Split 271 Lockhart Road SpecTec Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. SpecTec
21209 Wanchai 11 Collyer Quay 08-03 Tramsingel 18b
Croatia Hong Kong The Arcade 4814AB, Breda
Tel: +385 21 329090 Tel: +852 2802 7882 049317 Tel: +31 6 108 93 059
SpecTec Ltd. SpecTec S.p.A. SpecTec Inc.
1st Floor, 16 Anaxagarou St Viale San Bartolomeo 595/A SWEDEN 22500 SE 64th Place
Agia Zoni La Spezia SpecTec AB Suite 230
3031 Limassol 19126 Tillgängligheten 1 Issaquah
Cyprus Italy Göteborg Washington
Tel: +357 25 812181 Tel: +39 0187 5081 SE-417 01 98027
Sweden United States
Additional offices: Tel: +46 31 65 53 00 Tel: +1 425 313 0154
Tel: +39 010 595 9891 Additional offices:
Sabaudia Connecticut
Tel: +39 0773 510 205 Tel: +1 203 523 0479
NORWAY Tel: +1 954 640 0400
SpecTec AS Houston
P.O Box 15 Tel: +1 713 871 0131
Strandveien 15
Tel: +47 67 52 55 50 [email protected]

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