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Books in Print

Last Name, First Name. Title in italics. Publisher, Year Published, page range.

E-books and other Books found online

Last Name, First Name. Title in italics. Publisher, Year Published, page range. Title of website or database
in italics, URL (remove http:// or https:/)


Last Name, First Name. “Title of Page in Quotations.” Title of Webpage in italics, Publisher (only if
different than the name of the website), date published, URL (remove http:// or https:/).

Videos Found Online

Uploader’s Last name, Uploader’s First name. “Title of Video in quotations.” Title of Website in italics,
Publisher (only if different than the name of the website), date published, URL (remove http:// or

Journal Articles Found Online

Last name, First name. “Title of Article in quotations.” Title of Journal in italics, Volume Number, Issue
number, date published, page range. Title of Website in italics, URL (remove http:// or https:/).

Digital Image

Creator’s Last Name, Creator’s First Name. “Title of image in quotations.” Title of Webpage in italics,
Publisher (only if different than the name of the website), date published, URL (remove http:// or

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