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Interactive SS-T-CONDUCT Software

The SS-T-CONDUCT (Steady State and Transient Heat Conduction) soft-
ware was developed by Ghajar and his co-workers and is available from the
online learning center ( to the instructors and stu-
dents. The software is user-friendly and can be used to solve many of the one-
and two-dimensional heat conduction problems with uniform energy genera-
tion in rectangular geometries discussed in this chapter. For transient prob-
lems the explicit or the implicit solution method could be used. The software
has the following capabilities:
(a) Full and easy control of key numerical parameters (nodes and grids),
material properties, and boundary conditions and parameters.
(b) The effect of parameter changes on the temperature distribution can
be instantly viewed.
(c) The effect of stability criterion (Fourier number) for the explicit
method can be explored.
(d) Several different ways of viewing the results on the screen or in print
(output file):
• Temperature results in a tabular form.
• Temperature plots with time and distance for one-dimensional steady
state and transient problems.
• Shaded temperature plots for two-dimensional steady state problems.
• Animation of shaded temperature plots for two-dimensional transient
(e) A library of material properties (thermal conductivity and thermal
diffusivity) built in the software. With this feature the effect of
material property on the nodal temperatures can be explored.
The current version of the software has the following limitations:
(a) Rectangular geometries, expressed in Cartesian coordinates may be
(b) Uniform grid spacing.
(c) Boundary conditions for constant temperature, constant heat flux, and
constant convection heat transfer coefficient.
The use of the software in solving heat conduction problems is illustrated in
Examples 5–8 and 5–9.
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EXAMPLE 5–8 Application of SS-T-CONDUCT Software to a

Transient One-Dimensional Heat Conduction
Solve Example 5–5 with the use of the SS-T-CONDUCT software.

SOLUTION On the SS-T-CONDUCT Input window, select the 1-Dimensional Tran-

sient Problem tab (item (a) in Fig. 5–56). Enter the problem parameters in the ap-
propriate text boxes listed in the Problem Parameters box (item (b) in Fig. 5–56).
To compute the nodal temperatures using the explicit method, the explicit
scheme radio button is selected (item (c) in Fig. 5–56). The boundary condi-
tions for this problem are specified in the Boundary Conditions box (item (d) in
Fig. 5–56). The left boundary condition is entered in the Left BC box and the
right boundary condition is entered in the Right BC box (items (e) and (f) in
Fig. 5–56). Once all the necessary inputs are entered, the results are com-
puted by clicking on the Calculate Temperature button (item (g) in Fig. 5–56).
The computed results are presented in the SS-T-CONDUCT Tabular Output
window (Fig. 5–57). The nodal temperatures are tabulated as indicated by item
(a) in Fig. 5–57a. As expected, the nodal temperatures match well with the
values listed in Table 5–3.
To compute the nodal temperatures using the implicit method, the implicit
scheme radio button should be selected in Fig. 5–56. Once again the temper-
ature versus time results at different locations are comparable to the values
listed in Table 5–4. This can be seen by viewing the temperature versus time
for location x ⫽ 0.04 m shown in Fig. 5–57b. The graphical output was ob-
tained by selecting the Graphical Output tab and the desired x location from
the drop-down list (item (a) in Fig. 5–57b).

(b) (d)

(e) (f)



The SS-T-CONDUCT Input window
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(a) Tabular Output window for explicit method


(b) Graphical Output window for implicit method

The SS-T-CONDUCT Tabular and Graphical Output windows
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Discussion The limitation on the time step of the explicit method can be
explored by simply changing the time step in item a of Fig. 5–56. The stabil-
ity criterion for this problem requires a maximum time step of 15.5 s. By
using time steps much larger than 15.5 s, the solution for the nodal temper-
atures will oscillate and at times become negative (violating the second law of
thermodynamics). One can also see that no matter what time step is used for
the implicit method, the solution remains stable.

h, T⬁
1 2 3

EXAMPLE 5–9 Application of SS-T-CONDUCT Software to a Transient e·

Two-Dimensional Heat Conduction Problem
4 5 6
h, T⬁ h, T⬁
Consider a long solid bar (k  28 W/m·K and a  12  106 m2/s) of square
cross section that is initially at a uniform temperature of 20°C (Fig. 5–58). The 10 cm
cross section of the bar is 20 cm  20 cm in size, and heat is generated in it 10 cm
8 9
uniformly at a rate of e·  8  105 W/m3. All four sides of the bar are subjected 7
to convection to the ambient air at T  30°C with a heat transfer coefficient h, T⬁
of h  45 W/m2·K. Using the explicit finite difference method with a mesh
size of x  y  10 cm, determine the temperature at the center of the bar
(a) after 20 min and (b) after steady conditions are established. Schematic and nodal network for
Example 5–9.
SOLUTION A long solid bar is subjected to transient heat transfer. The center
temperature of the bar after 20 min and after steady conditions are established
are to be determined.
Assumptions 1 Heat transfer through the body is given to be transient and
two-dimensional. 2 Thermal properties are constant. 3 Heat is generated uni-
formly in the body.
Properties The conductivity and diffusivity are given to be k  28 W/m·K and
a  12  10-6 m2/s.
Analysis The nodal spacing is given to be x  y  l  0.1 m. The explicit
finite difference equations are determined on the basis of the energy balance
for the transient case expressed as
Tm i1

Q i  e·Velement  rVelement cp
All sides
There is symmetry about the vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines passing
through the center. Therefore, T1  T3  T7  T9 and T2  T4  T6  T8, and
T1, T2, and T5 are the only three unknown nodal temperatures. Thus, the finite
difference equations for nodes 1, 2, and 5 are the only equations needed to
determine all the nodal temperatures. Using similar methodology discussed in
Example 5–7, the finite difference equations are
e 1l 2
T1i1  1  4t  4t b T1i  2t 2T2i  2
冢 冢 b
hl hl
Node 1: T 
k k 2k
e 2l 2
T2i1  1  4t  2t b T2i  t 2T1i  2T5i  2 T 
冢 冢 b
hl hl
Node 2:
k k k
# 2
冢 b
e 5l
Node 5: T5i1  (1  4t)T5i  t 4T2i 
Next we need to determine the upper limit of the time step t from the sta-
bility criterion, which requires the coefficient of Tmi in the Tmi1 expression
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(the primary coefficient) to be greater than or equal to zero for all nodes. The
smallest primary coefficient in the nine equations here is the coefficient of
T1i in the T1i 1 expression, and thus the stability criterion for this problem can
be expressed as

hl 1 l2
1  4t  4t 0 → t → t 
k 4(1 hl/k) 4(1 hl/k)

since t  at / l 2. Substituting the given quantities, the maximum allowable

value of the time step is determined to be

(0.1 m)2
t   179 s
4(12  10 6 m2/s)[1 (45 W/m2. K)(0.1 m)/(28 W/m.K)]

Therefore, any time step less than 179 s can be used to solve this problem. For
convenience, let us choose the time step to be t  60 s. Then the mesh
Fourier number becomes

t (12  10 m /s)(60 s)
t 2
  0.072 (for t  60s)
l (0.1 m)2

Using the specified initial condition as the solution at time t  0 (for i  0),
sweeping through the 3 finite difference equations will give the solution at a
time step of 60 s.
The solution at the center node (node 5) can also be determined using the
SS-T-CONDUCT software. On the SS-T-CONDUCT Input window, select the
2-Dimensional Transient Problem tab (item (a) Fig. 5–59). Enter the problem

(b) (d) (a)


The SS-T-CONDUCT Input window for 2-Dimensional Transient Problem
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(a) The SS-T-CONDUCT Tabular Output window

(b) The SS-T-CONDUCT Graphical Output window

The SS-T-CONDUCT Tabular and Graphical Output windows
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The SS-T-CONDUCT material properties list

parameters in the appropriate text boxes listed in the Problem Parameters box
(item (b) in Fig. 5–59).
To compute the nodal temperatures using the explicit method, the explicit
scheme radio button is selected (item (c) in Fig. 5–59). The boundary conditions
for this problem are specified in the Boundary Conditions box (item (d) in
Fig. 5–59). Once all the necessary inputs are entered, the results are computed
by clicking on the Calculate Temperature button (item (e) in Fig. 5–59).
The computed results are presented in the SS-T-CONDUCT Tabular Output
window (Fig. 5–60a.) The nodal temperatures are tabulated as indicated by
item (a) in Fig. 5–60a. The temperature at the center of the bar after 20 min
(or 1200 s) is 379.31°C. The solution at different times can be viewed by se-
lecting from the drop-down list (item (b) in Fig. 5–60a). In doing so, the tem-
perature at the center of the bar, after steady conditions are established, is
determined to be 1023°C, after about 6 hours.
To view the graphical output, select the Graphical Output tab and the tem-
perature contour for this problem is presented (Fig. 5–60b). User may view the
temperature contour at different time by controlling the slider bar.
Discussion The SS-T-CONDUCT software also has a built-in feature for user to
choose the properties (thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity) of various
materials or explore the influence of properties of different materials on the
nodal temperatures. To select a material, click on the Properties menu on the
menu bar on the SS-T-CONDUCT Input window (Fig. 5–59) to see the available
list of materials (Fig. 5–61).

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