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Putu Ardifta Sena Bramarta

Keputih Tegal Timur II 99

Sukolilo, Surabaya
[email protected]

The Scholarship Committee

Laboratory of Concrete and Building Materials
ITS surabaya

Dear Sir, Madam

My name is Putu Ardifta Sena Bramarta and I am a third year student at Sepuluh Nopember
Institute of Technology. I am a very dedicated, disciplined and intellectual person, which allowed
me to achieve a 3.6 /4 GPA, and never having to repeat any of my courses, or retake the exams. I
am currently pursuing a four-year Bachelor of Civil Engineering Degree, and I plan to follow up
with a master’s degree after I graduate, coincidentally there is a program Research Asisstant to
continue study to master degree with fresh graduated scholarship , it seems my dream is getting
closer to become reality.

I want to join research assistant position especialy in concrete structural behavior . I am interest
in structure has started since a young age, and has only increased since then. Large and complex
structures, such as buildings, bridges, and stadiums has always caught my attention when I
traveling around. I had a dream that I want to build these things in the future. Today, it seems my
dream is getting closer to become reality.
I wanted to become professional experts in structural because in Indonesia, is vulnerable to
earthquake and hence it is a must that the structures are designed to withstand the earthquake force.
The conventional approach in analyzing and designing structure under earthquake that I acquired
during study, to certain extent, does not appropriate to be used in irregular/complex structure. This
may lead to ineffective design or overly conservative design. Considering this reason, I believe
that it is a necessity for me to enhance my structural analysis and design skill, which I can get by
conducting master study.

research assistant with master programme presents itself as a great option for advancing my
knowledge in structural engineering. The syllabus of the programme that teaches advanced and
innovative approach in structural design with practice oriented fits my needs. I learned more about
concrete structure.

Considering my academic performance so far and my longing to enrich my knowledge in civil

engineering, personal and professional experiences. As a determined and self-motivated person, I
am confident that I will be an excellent addition to join the team research assistant laboratory of
concrete and building material ITS Surabaya

Putu Ardifta Sena Bramarta

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