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5P Model Company Concept Details Description

provide exciting jobs, promotion

Leadership in People
opportunities, and retraining as needed.
Leadership in Our Brands sell the best quality products
HR - having a deli section
PCI - expanded fresh fruit section
Philosophy Leadership in Marketing
- having ethnic food booths
- having a pastry shop
Build excellence from input to output
Leadership in Operations
employees helped to analyze and define
the new roles they would play vis-a-vis the
HR Policies PCI "Instant feedback" strategic business needs. HR management
then developed practices to cue and
reinforce role behaviors
Questions to identify the
fundamental issues for set
the programs:
• What is the nature of the
corporate culture? Is it
supportive of the business?
• Will the organization be
able to cope with future - Change the culture of the firm to
challenges in its current emphasize listening to and serving
form? customers.
• What kind of people and - Establishing a senior HR council and
HR how many will be required? executive operating committee
Program • Are performance levels - Mounting major activities to rally all
high enough to meet employees to the change
demands for increased - Developing a leadership program to
profitability, innovation, ensure that the change clearly includes
higher productivity, better top management
quality, and improved
customer service? • What is
the level of commitment to
the company? • Are there
any potential constraints
such as skill shortages or HR

- Show a high degree of personal

FPC Leadership Roles integrity in dealing with others
- Demonstrate confidence as a leader
- Assist senior managers in formulating
- Become a model of change
- Develop and guide divisional HR
Managerial Roles - Change organizational structure
- Serve as clearing house
- Serve as trainer for other HR personnel
- Do benchmark analysis
- Audit competencies

• Human Resource Planning Longer term

focus Tie to the needs of the business
• Staffing More socialization More
• Training and Development More skill
Operational Roles
training Customer service training
• Performance Appraisal Customer service
measures Feedback
• Compensation Relate to performance
appraisal Awards and celebration
the roles are shared between corporate
and divisional HR staffs, in the extreme
HR case, many of these roles could be
Process performed by the line
managers with or without the assistance of

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