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Ramayam script: 10th and 12th November (confrontational music) (last dance)

Narrator: Ritu
Laxman and Baap: Veebha
Dashrath and Prince 1: Garima
Shravan and Deer and Sumitra: Veena
Kaikeyi: Tejal
Janak: Shelley
Ravan: Trupti
Ram: Kanika
Sita: Mridula
Hanuman and Shurpankha: Amita

Swati: Kaushalya and Stage management

Bow and arrow ( dashrath, swayamvar, ram and laxman)
minimum 2
Khoon opitional
White towels with simple cloth for Ravan zholi and Ram
and laxman vanvas dress
Tiaras and crowns for sita at the wedding scene, kaikayi ,
ram and laxman for swayamvar, janak and dashrath,

For dhotis mostly use flairy salvars and duppatas

Dolls 4 ( at the time of birth of ram laxman, bharat and

Black and white beard and moustaches

Swords for ram and ravan fighting
Ravan dashavatar face.
Clips and sound effects: Ritu

Introduction: Today we present before you the story of

Ram called Ramayana. This story was written more than
5000 years ago by Valmiki.
Ram is considered to be the perfect example of all that is
good and hence is worshipped in several parts of the

(to say in school only)Today we celebrate the festival of

Diwali. So we thought it would be lovely to present this
story the form of a play to explain why we celebrate

(to say in our program): Special thanks to Abhishek for

writing this script, all the characters for their time and

Start with Jungle sounds

VoiceOver (VO): “Deep in a Jungle, next to river

Sarayu, King Dashrath of Ayodhya was hunting.
Suddenly a sound caught his attention and he shot
an arrow. Unfortunately the arrow injured a young
boy, Shravan, who died as a result. Hearing this,
his parents cursed king Dashrath to suffer from the
pain of losing his son in the same way as them.

VoiceOver (VO)
“Time went by. Dashrath had 3 lovely queens -
Kausalya, Kaikeyi, and Sumitra”

Dashrath sits on the chair at the centre. The 3 wives

come in strolling and chatting.
“But he was childless. He performed a Yagna – fire

The family gathers around and offers stuff to fire.

“Soon, he was blessed with 4 sons – Ram from


Sounds of babies crying in the background + happy


Dashrath walks towards Kausalya cradling Ram.

“Bharat from Kaikeyi…”

Dashrath walks towards Kaikeyi cradling Bharat.

“…And twins – Lakshman and Shatraghna from


Dashrath walks towards Sumitra.

“Everyone was very happy. The princes (Kanika,

Shelley, Amita and Vibha) loved each other very
much. They excelled in their education, warfare
and character with Ram being the pride of his
parents, teachers and people.

Years passed, Dashrath became old and the princes

turned into handsome men

“Meanwhile, King Janak of Janakpurdham

organised a competition to find the most suitable
husband for his beautiful daughter Sita. This
competition was attended by several princes
including Ram.
King Janak – “This is Lord Shiva’s bow, whoever is able
to lift it, and tie the string to it will win the hand of my
daughter, Sita”

VO (with Prince 1 trying to lift and falling flat on

the ground for humorous effect) – “Many princes
gave it a try and failed. Amongst them was Ravan,
the powerful and proud king of Lanka.

Ravan: I, the bravest of the brave, blessed by lord Shiva

Himself. I, who could lift the Kailash mountain would
have no difficulty lifting this old bow!

After Ravan fails, ridiculed by Sita, Ram comes


Ram: I am Ram the prince of Ayodhya. With your

permission I would like to lift the bow.

Ram walks towards the bow, lifts it, ties the string to it,
and then breaks it with a crack ( thunder sound effect).
Sita walks towards Ram and puts a garland around his
neck (music).

VO: “Sita and Ram are married” (they return to

Ayodhya) “King Dashrath decided to crown Ram as
the king. Everyone was very happy. But the
happiness didn’t last long..”

Dashrath: What bothers you my dear.

Kaikeyi: “My dear husband, remember I saved your life

once in a battlefield. And you granted me two wishes.
Now is the time to fulfill your promise”.

Dashrath: What do you wish for my queen?

Kaikeyi (with fake sincerity): “My dear lord. I want you to
appoint Bharat as the next King

Dashrath: “But Ram is the eldest. He should be the King.

(pause) But, I have to keep my word. Bharat can be the
next King. What is your second wish?”.

Kaikeyi: My second wish is.

Kaikeyi: “And my second wish is that Ram should be

exiled from the kingdom for 14 years”

Dashrath: “Kaikeyi!!!!” (he collapes)

(Dashrath sits on his throne with his head in his hands,

Ram walks over to him.

Dashrath: “ Ram ....... Ram”

Ram: Dear father, do not distress yourself. I respect your

wishes and shall obey them. (Ram starts to walk to the
front of the stage, Sita comes.

Sita: (On knees) My dear Ram, where you go I shall

follow. (Ram holds Sita hand gently.)

Lakshman: “So will I my dear brother”

He puts his crown and kings’s clothes down. Lakshman

also follows him.

Ram, Sita, Lakshman go into the forest. (Sounds of

howling winds, thunder rains, animals)

VO: When Bharat heard that his mother’s wishes

were the cause of his beloved brother Ram’s
departure into the forest and his father’s death due
to a broken heart, he vowed never to wear the
crown himself. Instead he ruled Ayodhya in the
name of Ram.

VO: One morning, in the forest, Surpankha, the

sister of Lanka’s king Ravan, saw the two
handsome princes. She wanted to impress then and
hence changed herself into a beautiful lady.

Acting with Ram, Lakshman, Sita and Surpankha.

Just before attacking Sita.

Surpankha: It’s all because of you!!!!!

(Lakshman attacks and chops off her nose. Surpankha

run screaming “Brother Ravan” ....... during music with
actions explains what has happened. Ravan stands up
angry and makes a plan for revenge)

VO: “A few days later Sita sees a magnificient

golden deer.”

Sita: “Dear Ram, can I have that lovely deer?”

VO: “Ram chases after the deer. Soon she hears

Ram calling out is distress and asks Lakshman to
help him. Before Lakshman leaves he draws a
magic line around Sita to protect her.
Ravana the ten headed demon sees an opportunity
to abduct Sita. He dresses as a holy man asking for

Ravana: “Oh, generous lady, show some charity”

Sita steps out, Ravana throws away his brahman clothes
to reveal his true self, drags her (“Hee hee haa haa”) and
puts her in his chariot, and rides fast (rapid movement
and gestures to show he is whipping his horse).

VO: “Ravana takes Sita to Lanka over the Sea. He

keeps her imprisoned, and asks her to marry him.
She refuses.

“Ram needed an army to attack Lanka. But the

biggest worry is how to cross from India to Lanka.
There is the mighty sea between them”
“Luckily, his monkey friends come to his help. They
throw boulders and rocks and build a sea bridge
across . Wonder of wonders, it doesn’t cost the tax-
payer any money”

Actors with tails throwing stones in the sea (sounds of

waves breaking, boulders crashing into sea)

“The army crosses the bridge, attack Lanka. War

begins. Finally, Ram confronts Ravana.”

Ram and Ravana pretend fight.

“Ravana is vanquished and Ram emerges


All the army erupts, “Siyapati Ram Chandra ki Jai,

“Siyapati Ram Chandra ki Jai””

“14 Long Years are up and Ram, Sita and

Lakshman head back to Ayodhya, their beloved
kingdom. The people of the Kingdom are delighted
to see their King back. It being a new-moon night
the people of Ayodhya lit lamps and lanterns. They
rejoice the return of their great king. ”
Ram’s return back to his beloved Kingdom is
celebrated as Diwali.

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