CAA Report 2019 - HRM

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Human Resource Management



Submitted To;

Submitted By
Human Resource Management

Core values

Corporate information

Roles of HR .......................................................................................................................................... 6

Recruitment: ........................................................................................................................................... 20

“The function of recruitment is actually to fulfill the man power requirement of PCCA” .................... 20

EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT ............................................................................................................. 20

INTERNAL RECRUITMENT............................................................................................................... 20

Decruitment: ........................................................................................................................................... 20

Decruitment is the process of reducing surplus of employees forecasted by HRP. ............................... 20

Selection: ................................................................................................................................................ 21

Directorate of Security - Training .............................................................................................................. 28

Courses .............................................................................................................................................. 29

Course Certifications Approved by CAA ....................................................................................... 30

Compensation & Benefits .......................................................................................................................... 30

Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management

HR Directorate is concerned with policies and practices which relates to the workforce of the

Roles of HR
The core activities that HR Directorate carries out are Recruitment & Selection, Training &
Development, Career Planning & Performance Management, Employees Relations, Rewards &
Recognition, Medical Management and Compensation & Benefits of employees. Recently,
Information Technology has also been made part of HR with the aim to automate, digitalize and
develop information systems throughout CAA. Focus towards Organizational Development is
being given by strengthening the functions of Strategic Management and Planning & Change
Management so that the change process can be effectively implemented. Apart from all the stated
core HR activities, HR Directorate also performs the role of CSR and manages activities like
CAA Schools, vocational training institute by the name of Idea-e-Hunar O Danish, etc.

Civil Aviation Authority performs diversified functions; therefore a diversified workforce is

required to manage all activities. Qualified workforce is hired through open advertisement and is
provided basic training at Civil Aviation Training Institute located at Hyderabad. Besides the
basic training, all employees are regularly trained to enhance their technical and other skills
which are required to perform job effectively. The mechanism of performance management is
also being implemented to measure and improve the performance of employees.

HR Directorate is focused to transform the culture of the organization i.e. changing the
administrative mind set of employees to HR and technology oriented. This cultural transition will
be achieved with the passage of time; however to achieve this, HR team comprising of young,
talented HR specialists are inducted in the organization in order to provide the right mix of
knowledge and experience required by the organization. HR directorate is also making efforts to
achieve International Management System Standards for ensuring a continually improving
system which can meet the present and future challenges.
Human Resource Management

Historical Perspective

1982, With the formation of Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority, Administration Directorate was
responsible for the formulation and implementation of all policies and procedures related to
employees. Soon after the creation of CAA, task of transformation of CAA from Department to
Authority and formulation of Civil Aviation Authority Orders related to employees were planned
and successfully achieved under the first Director Administration Air Cadre Sultan Muhammad.
The initial set up of Administration Directorate was as under:-

GM Administration was responsible to look after all the administration & welfare activities like
managing MT Pool, stationary, meal arrangements for meetings, maintenance of HQCAA and
CAA houses, visa and passport arrangement for CAA officials travelling abroad, managing CAA
Schools, Idara-e-Hunar O Danish, Scholarships grants to children of CAA Employees, Sports
activities etc.

GM Personnel was responsible to manage employees’ affairs like management of records,

promotions, posting transfer, recruitment selection, ACR etc.

Later on, post of GM Employment was created who was solely responsible for the Recruitment
& Selection of employees and the first charge was given to Mr. Abdul Hameed.
Human Resource Management

Training function of CAA was performed by GM Training who was under direct Control of
Director General CAA. At the time of establishment of CAA, the charge of GM Training was
given to Wing Commander M.M.H Rana.

1989, The post of Dy. DG CAA was established and GM Training came under his direct control.

2006, With the re-structuring of CAA, the transformation of Administration Directorate to

Human Resource Directorate was carried out. Brig (R) Zafar Mehmood was the last Director
Administration of CAA. The nomenclature of Director Administration was changed to Chief
Human Resource. Mr. Kashif Ali Hashmi was hired from the market and was deployed as the
first Chief HR. Training & Development was then made part of the Human Resource Directorate.
The roles and responsibilities of GM Personnel were divided into GM Officers Record, GM Staff
Record & GM System Development (which managed the promotions & ACR of employees).
Posts of GM Employment & GM Admin were renamed as GM Recruitment & Selection & GM
Business Support, respectively.
bout Organization
Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is a public sector autonomous body working under the
Federal Government of Pakistan through Aviation Division Cabinet Secretariat. CAA was
established on 7th December, 1982 through Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority ordinance 1982.
Prior to creation of CAA, a Civil Aviation Department (CAD) in the Ministry of Defence (MoD)
used to manage the Civil Aviation related activities. Ministry of Defence (MoD) continued to be
the controlling Ministry even after creation of CAA on 7th December, 1982. However, in June,
2013, Government of Pakistan assigned this responsibility to Cabinet Secretariat

The purpose of establishing CAA is to provide for the promotion and regulations of Civil
Aviation activities and to develop an infrastructure for safe, efficient, adequate, economical and
properly coordinated Civil Air Transport Service in Pakistan.

The day of 7th December has significance, as it coincides with the date of creation of
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 1944 as a result of the famous Chicago
Convention. Incidentally, the United Nations have declared 7th December as the International
Civil Aviation day and celebrated as such every year all over the world.
Human Resource Management

CAA not only plays the role of the aviation regulator of the country but at the same time performs
the service provider functions of Air Navigation Services and Airport Services. The core
functions of CAA are therefore, ‘Regulatory’, ‘Air Navigation Services’ and ‘Airport Services’.
These core functions are fully supported by various corporate functions of the organization. The
Headquarters of CAA is located at Karachi.

The restructuring process undertaken in CAA between 2006 and 2010 has enabled the
Organization to meet the requirements of International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
During the Universal Safety Oversight Audit Program (USOAP) ICAO audited Pakistan in June,
2011 and rated Pakistan as about 83% compliant against the world average of 65%.

The general direction and administration of CAA and its affairs vest in CAA Board which
exercises all powers, performs all functions and does all acts and things that need to be exercised,
performed or done by the Authority. The Chairman CAA Board is the Secretary of the Division
to which the affairs of the Authority are allocated. Presently, it is the Secretary Aviation. CAA
Executive Eommittee is the highest decision making body of the Organization. It exercises such
administrative, executive, financial and technical powers as delegated to it by the Authority.
DGCAA is the Chairman of CAA Executive Committee. The Federal Government appoints the
Director General who is the Executive head of CAA and exercises such powers and performs
such functions as may be specified in CAA ordinance or delegated to him by the CAA Board
from time to time. The CAA Board is assisted by CAA HR Committee and CAA Audit
Committee. CAA Quality Council headed by DGCAA and comprising of Dy. DGCAA, all
Principal Directors and Directors sets the macro level objectives and tasks/targets of the
organization and oversees the organizational drive in pursuit of its vision and mission, adherence
to the core values and CAA’s Endeavour to achieve the International Management System

Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority would continue to ensure distinct separation of regulatory
functions from the service provider functions, strengthen all the three core functions and achieve,
comply and exceed the requirements/standards set by ICAO and International Management
System Standards through continued focus on the change process to enable achievement of the
transformation as envisaged.
Human Resource Management


Human Resource Management


• Maintain operational efficiency, e.g. adequate staffing, streamline job roles

• Staff development, e.g. task-specific training, general training, up-skilling, continuing
professional development (CPD)
• Fulfill company objectives, e.g. ethnic mix, gender mix, skilled workforce
• comply with employment legislation, e.g. discrimination (age, gender, race, and religion),
Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) checks, data protection Role and responsibility of HR:
• Recruitment, e.g. advertising, interview, appoint, induction
• Training, e.g. coordinates, allocate, record, evaluate
• Manage employment procedure (appraisal, promotion, grievance, maternity, sickness and
absence, disciplinary, redundancy, termination, retirement)


• Job description, e.g. job role, prerequisites (skills, experience, and license), hours, location
Human Resource Management

advertise, e.g. budget, design advert, newspaper, trade journal, TV/radio, social media, in-house
• Shortlist applicants, e.g. criteria for initial rejection/interest
• Prepare interview, e.g. location, documents, interview panel, group interview, telephone
selection, interview activities Selection process:
• Assess candidate, e.g. personal statement, group task, aptitude test, individual interview,
telephone screening
• Confirm qualifications, e.g. academic, training, licenses, experience, employment history,
• Make a decision, e.g. offer employment, and notify unsuccessful candidates
• Administration, e.g. notify department head, payroll, security

Employment legislation: • pre-employment checks, e.g. employment history, CRB checks,

references • training, e.g. general security awareness (GSAT), manual handling • general, e.g.
minimum wage, discrimination, data protection, employment contract, working hours, minimum
age, medical checks (vision, hearing) Impacts of compliance: • negative impacts, e.g. recruitment
delays (CRB checks, references, employment history), expense (to applicant, to employer,
training requirements), restricts recruitment pool (security, health, age) • positive impacts, e.g.
avoid prosecution, filters out inappropriate candidates

Company policy and standards relating to personnel: • behavior, e.g. to staff, to customers,
absence, sickness, misconduct • health and safety, e.g. legal standards, company standards •
security, e.g. legal standards, company standards (property, data, revenue) Maintain company
policy and standards relating to personnel: • safety management system (SMS), e.g. risk
assessment, intervention, appraisal, disciplinary procedures • training, e.g. new skills, recurrence,
behavior • feedback, e.g. from staff, from supervisors, from managers, from trade unions Sources
of information and advice: • regulatory bodies, e.g. Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Health and
Safety Executive (HSE), Department for Transport (DfT), European Aviation Safety Agency
(EASA) • trade bodies, e.g. Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) • trade
unions, e.g. General and Municipal Workers (GMB), UNISON, British Airline Pilots
Association (BALPA), Guild of Air Traffic Controllers (GATCO)
Human Resource Management


Employees of the Authority are classified as under:-

(a) Permanent Employees
(b) Temporary Employees
(c) Contract Employees
(d) Trainees
Permanent Employees
Posts which carry a definite scale of pay and are created without limit of time are
categorized as permanent posts.
Temporary Employees
Posts which carry a definite scale of pay but are sanctioned for a limited period are
categorized as temporary posts.
Contract Employees
The Appointing Authority may appoint suitable persons on contract for three years,
extendable by another period and or may be assigned for project.

Appointments to various posts may be made by the following methods: -
(i) By director appointment.
(ii) By promotion.
(iii) Deputation/Transfer
Human Resource Management

(iv) Contract Employment

Initial appointments shall be made on the minimum of the scale of pay except for trainees who
will be paid fixed number of emoluments during the training period. However, in case of a
person possessing special or higher qualifications than those prescribed for the post, the
competent authority may allow higher initial pay in the time scale.
For this purpose, the competent authority to sanction advance increments shall
Be as under: -


1 1&2

2 3&4
3 5&6

4 7, 8 & 9
5 10, 11, 12 & 13
6 14 & 15
7 16

8 17
9 or Ex-Cadre ‘C’ 18

10 or Ex-Cadre ‘B’ 19

11 or Ex-Cadre ‘A’ 20

The appointing Authority may appoint suitable persons on contract for three years, extendable by
another period not exceeding two years.
(b) The appointing authority may relax the upper age limit as permissible, For direct appointment
to a particular post in respect of a contract Employee in view of his special
Human Resource Management

The minimum qualification, experience and qualifying service necessary for consideration of
promotion to the next higher Pay Groups are given in Appendix ‘A’ to these Regulations.
The appointing authority shall constitute a Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) to
recommend suitable candidates for promotion to higher Pay Groups.

Promotion will be subject to availability of a vacancy.

An employee will only be promoted within his own Branch/Trade unless otherwise prescribed.
An employee once superseded will be eligible for consideration for promotion later, but not
earlier than one year after the super session and if found satisfactory otherwise.

Promotions up to PG-8 shall be made on the basis of fitness-cumseniority.
Fitness, inter-alia, shall be determined of a person conforming to prescribed requirements for
each higher post. Promotion to PG-09 and above being selection posts, shall be made on the
basis of merit and suitability.
No employee shall have any claim to a particular post by virtue of his seniority alone.
Promotion to PG-09 & above will be subject to successful completion of Course as may be
Engineering Posts of PG-09 and above would be filed only by Graduate Engineers registered by
Pakistan Engineering Council except as provided in schedule at Appendix “A”.

Employees who have reached the ceiling of pay group and have satisfactory record of service
may be allowed move-over to the next higher Pay Group (without award of designation)
provided they have stayed at the maximum of their existing scale of pay for one year subject to
approval of such move over by the competent authority to make appointment to the higher pay
Employees shall not be allowed two successive Move-OVERS. However if an employee who
has moved over to a particular scale is subsequently promoted to a post carrying the same scale,
he would again become eligible for a further Move-over.
Human Resource Management


The Federal Government Rules relating to retirement from service and admissibility of terminal
benefits including pension, gratuity, invalidation etc. as applicable to Federal Governments
employees shall mutatis mutandis apply to CAA employees.


An employee shall be entitled to leave preparatory to retirement, as prescribed in the Leave


On re-employment, the employee shall be regarded as a temporary employee on special
conditions, who will have no claim for inter-seniority or any other claim due to his previous
The re-employment shall not be made in contravention of the policy and procedures issued by
the Federal Government from time to time.


An employee may, during leave preparatory to retirement. seek any other employment outside
the authority. However, he shall join said employment after the date of retirement.


The provision of Ex-Government Servants (Employment with Foreign Government) Act 1966
(XII of 1966) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the employees of the authority.

Persons regularly appointed by direct appointment or by promotion shall be placed on
probation or a period of one year. This period may be extended as provided in Regulations on
successful completion of probation period, the Appointing Authority shall, by special order,
terminate the probation. If no order is issued terminating the probation after one year of initial
appointment, the period of probation shall be deemed to have been extended for another year. On
the expiry of the extended period, probation shall be deemed to have been completed
satisfactorily subject to provisions of Regulations When in respect of any post the satisfactory
completion of probation includes the passing of a prescribed examination, test, course or
Human Resource Management

training, the following actions shall be taken if the probationer fails to pass such examination,
test, course or training even after the extended period of probation. If he appointed to such post
by initial recruitment, his service shall be terminated.

An employee reverted to a post for non-compliance of probation period satisfactorily, shall not
be considered again for promotion for at least one year from the date of reversion. However, if
he fails to satisfy the said condition on second promotion also, he will be debarred permanently.
In the case of initial appointment to a post an employee shall not be deemed to have completed
probation satisfactorily until his character and antecedents have been verified as satisfactory in
the prescribed manner. In case a person who is required to undergo training prior to his regular
appointment, the probationary period shall be reckoned from the date he
successfully complete such training.
Persons appointed on contract or on deputation shall not be placed on probation.
Once the probationary period is completed satisfactorily, the employee shall be eligible for
confirmation. Until an employee is confirmed, he may be treated as a temporary employee.
The service of an employee appointed directly may be terminated at any time during
probationary period due to unsatisfactory service, which may be ascertained on the basis of his
actual performance.

Service of a temporary employee having less than three-year service may be terminated by the
Appointing Authority by giving a notice of thirty (30) days or pay in lieu thereof.
Service of an employee may be terminated on his submitting letter of resignation as provided in

Leave is a privilege and cannot be claimed as a matter of right. If the exigencies of service so
require, the authority competent to sanction leave may refuse to grant leave or to an extension in
leave, or cancel leave already granted, or change the nature of leave or recall an employee before
expiry of his leave. Leave shall be applied for and sanctioned in terms of expressed days.
The leave Rules as applicable to the Federal Government employees shall mutatis mutandis
apply to CAA employees.
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management
Human Resource Management


“The function of recruitment is actually to fulfill the man power requirement of PCCA”

Vacancies are first prioritized to be filled up by internal promotions. If position can’t be filled
internally then external sources are used.

External Recruitment

To attract capable candidates externally PCAA takes help from the leading newspapers (Dawn
and Jang) and the official website of PCAA. the HR records section has all the data base of the
existing employees it can easily forecast the number of employees who will be retiring in the
near future. The MTO`s and technicians in PCAA are always in demand because their retirement
rate is very high. Other than that the turnover rate of airhostess is also very high as most of them
leave the job because of their personal lives issues. The technicians and engineers who are
inducted and efficiently trained by PCAA also have high turnover rates,

Internal Recruitment

Internal Recruitment is done by Promoting or upgrading the rank of any current employee by
checking its capabilities & performance, for this the hr managers take help from the performance
appraisals of the employees which has a record of their performances and then the succession
planning is done accordingly.


Decruitment is the process of reducing surplus of employees forecasted by HRP.

The decruitment strategy is followed to cut down surplus of employees but at PCAA according
to sir Mohammad “in relation with HRB there is always a shortage of employees at PCAA and
there is never a need to decruit but always a need to recruit, the categories including ground
engineers, technicians, pilots, cabin crew and MTO`s are recruited per year”
Human Resource Management

Job Opportunities
Civil Aviation Authority Offers exciting and challenging opportunities for talented and
innovative people looking to exploit their full potential and grow with us. We offer excellent
working conditions and competent salary.

Application Procedure:
(a) Interested candidates are required to fill & submit Online Job Application Form available at
(b) Candidates will be required to upload Detail CV with recent Photograph, Scanned Copies of
CNIC, Domicile, all Educational Documents i.e. Degrees / Certificates, Transcript / Detailed
Marks Certificate (DMC) / Experience Certificates and other Certificate(s) (if any) while
applying for the job.
(c) In case a candidate does not upload the above documents with the online application form,
his/her application will be rejected.
(d) All the interested candidates must read the Terms of Reference (TOR) mentioned in this
advertisement before applying for the post.
Terms of Reference

i) Candidates not fulfilling the above requirements or submitting incomplete application

shall not be considered.
ii) Interviews will be conducted at Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad, Peshawar and Quetta for
which separate notices will be issued (depending on the number of candidates).
iii) The candidates to be called for the interview have to produce original documents for
necessary verification while appearing for the interview.
iv) No TA / DA is admissible for interviews.
v) Appointment will be subject to CAA’s medical fitness standards.
vi) Selected candidates will be required to serve anywhere in Pakistan as per requirement of
vii) Government servants / employees of autonomous bodies / corporations will be required
to submit NOC from current employer before interview.
Human Resource Management

viii) Misinformation and any attempt to influence the selection process will be considered as a
definite disqualification for current as well as future recruitment in CAA, even if the
candidate is otherwise qualified.
ix) In case, any educational documents or any other document provided by the applicants is
found incorrect / fake / bogus at any stage, the services of selected candidate will be
terminated immediately and he / she will be blacklisted in future.


To hire the competent employees for the job at PCAA, the selection process varies from one
category to another. Like for each department there are different selection procedures and
methods. For the selection of air hostess the selection procedure includes grooming test, height
test, and the medical test (including the check up of their skin). For the selection of cockpit crew,
PCAA takes the simulation tests as well. All of these tests are taken before interviews. Generally
2 methods are used by PCAA for all categories including written tests and interviews

“These written tests are deliberately made tough and the content in it is also very difficult. So
this way the incompetent employees get eliminated ultimately and the selection process becomes
easier for PCAA”.

Following are the standardized steps of the selection process but some organizations may alter
some of these steps in their selection process.

01- Initial Screening

02- Application blank

03- Pre-employment Testing

04- Interview

05- Background Checks

06- Conditional Job Offer

Human Resource Management

07- Drug Test/Medical Exam

08- Final Selection Decision

Now each step is discussed one by one.

1. Initial Screening:

Generally the Selection and the Recruitment Process starts with the initial screening of applicants
so that the unqualified ones are drop out at the initial stage. Initial screening is helpful to save the
time, cost & effort of the selection committee in the following steps of the selection process. In
this step certain general questions are asked from the applicants. There are chances that the some
applicants would be unqualified for the job but some of them would be qualified. So the main
purpose of screening of applicants is to reduce the number of applicants available in the selection

Sources used in the Screening Effort

The main source of initial screening is the curriculum vitae of the applicant along with the job
application. Following information is included in the above mentioned documents.

 Education & employment History

 Evaluation of character
 Evaluation of job performance

Screening Interviews

Screening interviews are employed to

 To verify the accuracy & validity of the information given in the curriculum vitae of the
 The duration of these interviews is quite short.
Human Resource Management

Advantages of Successful Screening

When the initial screening step become successful, the removing applicants don not proceed to
the next step of the selection process because they do not meet the minimum requirements.
Secondly the selection costs of the organization are much reduced through proper screening of
the applicants.

2. Application Blank

The person’s application for employment is formally recorded in the shape of application blank.
In the next step of the selection process, an application form for the employment is completed by
the prospective applicant. The information contained in the application blank differ from one
organization to another organization and in job posts, it may vary even within the same
organization. But generally the informational needs and the requirements of EEO are covered in
the application blank. The historical data from the candidate can be quickly collected through the
application blanks so that further verification about the accuracy of the data is carried out.

3. Pre-employment Test

The physical & mental abilities, knowledge, skills, personal characteristics & other aspects of
behavior can be effectively measured through the pre-employment tests. For this purpose there
are hundreds of test that can measure the different aspects of human behavior. With the passage
of time, the application of pre-employment test is growing at a fast rate in the selection process
because they can explain the qualities & skills of applicant clearly. These tests are more used in
the large & public sector organizations.

The advantage of application of tests in the selection process is that it can ensure the potential &
qualified candidate selection from a pool of applicants for a job.

Characteristics of Well Designed Test

A well designed selection test has the following characteristics.

 Standardization
 Objectivity
Human Resource Management

 Norms
 Reliability
 Validity

Kinds of Pre-employment Tests:

As individuals varies on the basis of cognitive abilities, job knowledge, vocational interests,
psycho-motor abilities & personality etc. So, all these factors are measured through a set of
different pre-employment tests which are as follow.

Cognitive Aptitude tests

In this test the ability to learn & perform a job by an individual is judged. The abilities related to
job are as follow.

 Verbal
 Reasoning
 Numerical
 Perceptual Speed
 Spatial

Psycho – motor Abilities Test

In this test, the coordination, strength & dexterity of an individual is judged. Other abilities
related to routine office jobs & production jobs can also be measured through these tests.

Job knowledge Tests

This test is used to measure the knowledge of the person about the duties of a particular job.

Work Sample Tests

A set of tasks that represent a job are identified in this test through which the productivity level,
ability to face adverse conditions by the applicants are judged.
Human Resource Management

Vocational Interest test

This test identifies the occupations that are preferred by the candidate & that can provide him
maximum satisfaction.

Personality Tests

These tests are not considered to be so reliable & valid as compared to other pre-employment
tests because these tests require external psychologist who interprets the results of the tests

Drug & Alcohol Tests

For the security, productivity & safety of the workplace drug testing programs are used as pre-
employment tests.

4. Job Interviews

In the interview, the interviewer & applicant exchange information in order to achieve a goal
through conversation. The employment interviews are conducted during the selection process
through proper planning. The pleasant location of the interviewing place is selected and the
interviewer has the good personality with empathy & ability to communicate & listen effectively.
A job profile must be prepared on the basis of job description before conducting interview.

Contents of the Interview

Although the contents of the employment interview varies from one organization to another &
also according to the nature of job but still following are the essential contents of the interview.

 Occupational Experience
 Academic Achievement
 Interpersonal Skills
 Personal Qualities
 Organizational Fit
Human Resource Management

5. Back Ground Checks

The accuracy of the application form of the candidate is verified through references & former
employer. The educational, criminal record & legal status to work are verified. Personal
references of applicant are contacted to confirm the validity & accuracy of the provided
information. Effort is made to know the past behavior of the employees to that the future
behavior can be predicted from it. Background checks assist the selection committee in dropping
the applicants that have past insubordination issues, attendance problem, theft or special
behavioral problems. The level of responsibility of the new job directs the intensity of the
background investigation.

6. Conditional Job Offer

After going through all the previous steps of selection process, there comes the most important
step of the selection process in which the decision of hiring is made. The applicant that best
meets the requirements of the job is selected. At start conditional job letter is issued which must
be followed by medical exam.

7. Medical Exam

When the conditional job letter is issued the next step of the selection process starts in which the
physical/medical examination of the selected candidate is conducted. The medical exam of the
candidate is essential to check either he takes the drugs or not. If he passes the exam, he would
be finally selected for the job.

8. Final Selection Decision

After passing the medical exam by the candidate, the final offer for the job is made to the
candidate by the relative department.

Training & Development

Training and Development plays its role in building the capacity and developing the skills of
employees in order to prepare them to meet future challenges. Employees are sent on soft skill
and technical skill trainings conducted by different inland & foreign training institutes as well as
Human Resource Management

programs conducted by CATI. Concept of In-house training has also been introduced in recent

Civil Aviation Training Institute (CATI), Hyderabad works under Civil Aviation Authority.
CATI is accredited by International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) and is member
of ICAOTRAINAIR programmed. The institute was established in 1982 to fulfill training
requirement of Pakistan Civil Aviation Authority and that of the fellow countries of the

Civil Aviation Training Institute (CATI) provides training in the disciplines of :

 Air Traffic Services

 Electronics Engineering
 Communication Operations
 Aviation Management & Administration
 Rescue and Fire Fighting Services
 Electromechanical Engineering


1. Pakistan International Airlines

For Further Detail, please visit:
2. Shaheen Airport Services
For Further Detail, please visit:
3. Gerry's Dnata
For Further Detail, please visit:
4. Royal Airport Services
For Further Detail, please visit:
5. Askari Aviation Services
For Further Detail, please visit:
6. Air Blue Ltd
For Further Detail, please visit:
Human Resource Management

Directorate of Security - Training

Employees are the backbone of every organization and PCAA takes keen interest in the training
and capacity building of the human resource. Aviation Security is a technically specialized field
and requires highly trained security personnel for carrying out the aviation security measures
which have to be complied as per international standards. Employees are sent on soft skill and
technical skill training conducted by different inland and foreign training institutes as well as
programs conducted by Civil Aviation Training Institute (CATI). Some of the common trainings
regarding aviation security that are being conducted are :


 Aviation Security Basic Course

 Aviation Security Auditor and Inspector Course
 Aviation Security Instructor Course
 Crisis Management
 Threat and Risk Management Course
 Aviation Security Cargo and Mail Course
 Aviation Security Quality Control

Foreign aviation security teams like Department for Transport (DfT) UK, Japan International Co-
operation Agency (JICA), Japan International Co-operation System (JICS) and Air Transport
Canada are in close collaboration with PCAA Aviation Security Team and provide foreign
funding for procurement of latest aviation security equipment along with the requisite trainings.
Some of the trainings conducted internationally are :

 Civil Aviation Management Course

 Green Sustainable Airports Project
 Aviation Cyber Security Course
 Aviation Security Management Course
 Air Cargo Security Course
 AVSEC Background vetting and Insider Threat Mitigation
 Security Audit and Quality Control8
Human Resource Management

Course Certifications Approved by CAA

 Screener Certification
 Instructor Certification
 Approved Training Organization Certification


To evaluate and analyses the performance, performance appraisals are established; by which
most of the succession planning is done. Muhammad Fakhur told that the supervisor of each
worker and the department is responsible for evaluation he, then submits the evaluation report of
the respective subordinates to the HR. department. The evaluation of employees till grade 6 is
done by their immediate supervisor and is considered authentic and final. At the assistant level
the immediate boss done the performance evaluation. There is grading system in which
employee’s skills are graded 1 till 5 for the total of almost 40 skills and the employees getting
35+ points have more chances to be promoted. At the end performance appraisal form is attached
with the instruction form that provides the guidelines for conducting performance appraisals.

Compensation & Benefits

Earlier the function of compensation and benefits was performed by different sections of HR,
however in 2013; a new branch of Compensation & Benefits was added in HR with the aim to
carry out all activities of compensation and benefits less than one roof. Presently, the branch is in
its development stage and will take up the complete pay roll management later this year.
Compensation & Benefits is divided into following sub branches or sections:-

i. Compensation
it deals with all types of allowances which are being given to CAA employees.

ii. Benefits
it deals with the different types of benefits which are extended to employees on joining
the organization as well as on their promotion.
Human Resource Management

iii. Welfare
it deals with the welfare of employees with the aim to provide maximum facilities to the
employees in order to improve their working condition provide social security and raise
their standards of living.

iv. Pension
It deals with all type of pension cases of all employees of CAA

Civil Aviation Club - CA

The basic function of CA club is to provide recreational facilities to CAA Officers and their
families. Besides, it also offers private membership to aviation oriented organization personnel
and corporate executives. CA Club offers temporary membership to intellectuals and students of
reputable institutions. With the objective of serving with excellence, CA Club has most of the
recreational facilities i.e. Swimming, Lawn, Tennis, Table Tennis, Snooker/Billiard. Above all,
an excellent Gymnasium equipped with hi-tech tread mills and other gym accessories is also


All employees and their family members are entitled to indoor and outdoor medical
treatment as prescribed in these Regulations.


Indoor treatment for employees and their families will be provided at such hospitals as
may be approved by the Competent Authority

Focusing On Career Development:

Human Resource Management

PCAA needs to be focused towards the career development of its employees as the staff
development department is not performing its duties and responsibilities and for a good
organization every function is considered to be important and crucial. Implement employee
retaining strategies:

PCAA should implement some strategies to retain its efficient employees as the airhostess
turnover rate as well as other employees’ turnover rate is very high. PCAA has to groom the
strategies like increasing allowances and providing healthy working environment to its
Human Resource Management

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